Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1915, Image 1

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    everybody Heads
ffc aj happening evavy Amy.
U folks amr 4 yon, Btor
7 y. Ifs ror fault.
se Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XLIV NO. 190.
a Trains aa at
Total Haw Stead. Be
New York Senator Fears Measure
Probe Will Cost United State.
Its Neutrality. .
Tense Feeling of Uncle Sam's Citi-
teni of British and German
Extraction Peril.
WXSHINQTON, 3n. R.-Senator Hoot
led tba republican attack on the admin
istration ship In the senate today with
m denunciation of the democratic caucus
which made the bill a party measure; of
the parliamentary 'tactics by which the
democrats have so far' forced the rcpul
'llcan to do all the debating, and finally
with a denunciation of the bill Itself.
The attitude of the democrats he char
acterised as a "conspiracy of silence,"
to put through the bill by pressure of
"physical weakness." For ten days, ha
said, the minority has been compelled to
. faoa the prospect of eight- hours' con
tinuous talking without a word of dis
cussion from the majority side and with,
out more than half a dosen democratic
members In the chamber.
Measnre New Departar. '
It does not seem to me that this bill,
which would put the government Into
the business of foreign shipping, Is re
oelving the kind of llscusslon It should
have," ha said. "It la Important hot
merely because It Involves expenditure
at s time -yhen we have been forced to
maka up a deficit, but also because It
embarks the government on a new de
partura based on a reversal of principle
of government long maintained. No such
change In -policy was ' contemplated by
the people when they put the present ad
ministration In power.- . . , !
'"The fact that this measure cannot
have. that ..kind of discussion which It
demands at this short session of con
gress, "j Continued Senator Root, "shows
that It ought not to pass at this session.
Kraaght with Danarr. ,
"X have been present in legislative bod
ies," he said, "when no voice was .clear
enough, no courage high enough to break
away from the custom which accepted
and registered the , direction of a. chief
executive. Let us "not be too confident
that we are proof against that process. .
"We . abandon today the performance
of our (unction of discussing this meas
ure among ourselves as to enlighten the
people concerning It, and we have taken
one step further than ever before In the
process that makes us a registering body
--rather than a legislative body. , We have
taken, a step fraught with dangers-and
lawu resuns w a representative govern-
ment. We can Justify our existence as
. - ...... T
a body only by thTerformano f.rUr
. "The liberties r a tree people depend
on tho courage and persistency of a mi
nority. They depend also' on the Inde
pendence of thought and' action of all
members of a legislative body. If we
are but to register and amothor our oWn ;
j .u,i.ivu no i n luiiij iuuvms our pare
to a process more fatal' to our'country
than any legislation that we can devise."
Usdos Declaration Interpreted.
Senator Root discussed the declaration
of London and read from, instructions
to German naval commanders at the out
break of the war, the statement that
ships of the enemy transferred to neutral
flag were to be regarded as enemy's
ships unless the commander of the Ger
man vessel stopping them was convinced
that , the transfer would have occurred
even If the war had - not broken out
The interpretation of the rule was very i
pialn. Senator Root said.
"The ordinary trade. In ships wsa not
to be prevented, he said, "but none of
these great powers will , permit " the
citlsena of the enemy to rob them of
their trade by the transfer of ships they
are entitled to Capture on the high seas
to a neutral flag." ,
Senator Root pointed out that' although
American delegates had contended ' to
have their view on . transfers of -ships
incorporated in the London conference
declaration; that was no( done and the
United States agreed to the final report
"There is the law of Kurope," said the
senator, "and against that we. wllj have
(Continued on Page Three,' Column Four.)
The Weather
Tsrrmtmrea la Ossahs. Yesterday.
Hours. Deg,
... a. m.. j
6 a
. 1
7 a.
t a.
10 a.
11 a
12 m.
1 p., m
2 p. m
T p.
. ' I p.
vosaparatlT Loeal Record.
Ifighest yesterday 7 81 bx 40
Ioweat yesterday. ....... 4 J7 33 2
Mean temoomture t 14 m
lYeclpltallon t ..07 .00 '.00
Temperature and precipitation depar
turea from the normal:
ixormca temperature
letu lcocy tor the day
Total excess since March 1.
Normal precipitation
l"ericleney tor the day
Total rainfall in'e March 1.
IeiK'lency Mince March 1
. .02 Irion
.. .02 Inc h
.7 00 inches
l.t i llu liti
' I '"it. W Inches
Ieflcleney for cor. period, 1M3. 4.U Inches
ate porta iraaa stationa ai T P. at
Station and Sluts
Temp. High- Rain-
of vveather.
Cheyenne, clear.....
1 v m. eat. Iali.
34 .00
4 .. y 14 . T
a a .o
2 1 .00
23 24 . 01
. .14 ' ' .0l
14 M T
- T
K 34 . .00
V 10- . .00
!" SO , .00
2s .33 .01
13 23 .00
2 4 JM
M 14 .W
IMvenport, clear ,
Lieaver, part cloudy
Tlem Jdolnea, cloudy
Ltodge City, cloudy.
lender, clear
SMorlh Plalte, cloudy
Omaha, cloudy
pueblo, clear.. ............
Papkl City, part tioudv.;
alt Laka City. pt. cldy;
l-anta Fe, snow
Bhfcrldan, cloudy
Houx City, cloudy
'alenttne. clear
mm iadicvti below aero.
1 J A. Wi-UiU. Lacal Forecaster.
fully organized and trained
War office.
(ft . M . , V ;
I " ' .- . h y i ---J. . I
r'- . . I- j , ; - 'v,' .!
a , - - . - J; , ...
. " ;:'. V , t :.:
. TALK 3,400 MILES
Inventor and Builder of First Tele
phone Open New Line Across
the Continent
The flret transcontinental telephone
line . the , western hemisphere has ever
seen Is now complete. The first message
went over that line through Omaha Mon
day afternoon shortly before 4 o'clock.
Alexander Graham Bel!, Inventor of the
llrst telephone, sat In the fifteenth floor
of a New York skyscraper in the after
noon and there over the telephone talked
to Thomas A. Watson, builder of the very
first line of telephone, who was In San
Frantlaeo ... ,
Immediately following President Wil
son talked to President Moore of the
Panama-Pacific exposition In San Fran
cisco and to. Sir. Bell in New York and
to President Vail of the American Tele.
Phone and Telegraph company, at Jekyll
It was the method the American Tele
phoneL.and Toltgraph company- took of
formally opening the first transconti
nental line, a great stretch of which has
Just been completed across the deserts of
! Nevada. Utah and California, to make
direct connection ; ;. ...
j Th firHt telephone message' between
SaB 'Francisco and New York, has' been
"""1- ,
1 I( " that Hell, the inventor of the
Ul. .a a.' ... ... .. .... i ii . . .
first line, did tho talking. They have a
"stand-In" with . the ' company. Most
other . men could not afford to indulge
themselvesi Why? Oh, well it is to cost
something Mike 21 for ! three minutes of
this cross-hemisrhere conversation.
. ; ' Ther Hid iVot Pay. '
, Hell' vd'Waton ldo't pay this price.
h6ever. , . ....
They were simply trying out the line,
testlpg .the. work and the . connections.
They found them good. Seated in offices
8.400 miles apart, these pioneers in the
telephone business had a good visit about
early history of telephones and about the
development the great Invention had at
tained since that day.
Back in .Boston. June 2. 1875, Bell and
Watson stretched a piece of copper wire
sixty feet long. Watson took a receiver
at ona end and- Bell at the other end
afld spoke into a transmitter that meas-
ured In size sopiewliere between a frying
pan and a washtub.
"Come here Watson, 1 want you," was
what Bell said. Watson came running In,
showing that he had heard- the message.
rhe telephone was amured.,
rirat Wire Is I sea.
Yesterday, .the old original copper wire
was used again. It had been cut In two
and thirty feet of it had been spliced opto
each end of the 3400 miles of wire across
the continent.
When Watson and Bell closed their
vlBtt yesterday another new long-distance
connection was msde between Jckyl Isl
and, Florida, and New York City. Theo
dore N. Vail, president of the American
Telephone and Telegraph, company, who
is spending some weeks at the- Island,
held a conversation wtth Bell in New
York... .It was planned! that President
Wilson should also talk to San Francisco,
but .when the hour came the president
was busy with state matters at Washing
ton and could. not meet tUe plan. .
Karlsruhe Sinks 11 ; .
j Ships in Fortnight
- '
; BERLIN (By Wireless to London), Jan.
ta. It is reported from Lelpslc that 'the
German cruiser Karlsruhe ' has ' sunk
eleven commercial ships' dtiflng the' last
fortnight.. - : , '" ' ' :
i Leipalo Is in central .Germany, several
hundred mllea from any port. It Is not
llkoly. that news concerning the Karls
ruhe, in the ordinary course of events,
would reach Lelpslc In advance of Berlin.
The Karlsruhe is 6he oT the' few Ger
man warships still Oh' the' high' seas. It
has sunk a large number -of 'Brftlsh and
French vessels, successfully eluding bos
tile warships that for weeks have been
pursuing it On January 21, It was re
ported thaj the Karlsruhe had been
sighted off Moro, Porto Rico. '
' - (From a . Staff Correspondent) . .
LINCOLN. Jan. Ji (Special. The bill
to endorse the Hitchcock resolution rela
tive to neutrality was taken up In the
central tte of the whole in the senate to
day and It recommendation for passage
moved by .Howell, of Douglas.. Several
members being absent, however, progress
was reported and the bill was set for spo
ctaj order of business at H e'eiouk Tues
day ttondojj,
RELIEF on their first route march through London. When
tho services of this body of women are to be volunteered to the
Assistant Attorney General Named
for Vacancy on Supreme Bench
by Governor Morehead. :
v (From a' Staff Correspondent.) '
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 2C.-Speclal Tele-gram.l-Andrew
-M.. Morrlaseyr-assistant
attorney general, was appointed chief
justice today by Governor Morehead. Mr.
Morrlssey, who was private secretary to
the governor during his .first term, ' was
born in New York forty-five years' agj
and came to Nebraska In 1S93. He Is a
bachelor and resides at Valentine.
Statement or Uevcraor. '
. Governor' Morehead gave out the, fol
lowing statement announcing the appoint
ment of Mr. Morrlssey.
"In the death of Judge Hollenbeck.'who
for many years bad been my friend; the
state has suffered a great loss. He was
true to every ' trust and loyal to every
friend, performing every duty with cour
age and fidelity. To acceptably fill his
place on the supreme bench is no easy
task, but the great number of cases that
have accumulated before' the court makes
(Continued on Page Two. Column Three.)
Des Moines Saloons
;To Close in February
i (From Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., Jan. .. 26,-(Speclal
i eiegram.) Developments --in district
court relative to the canvass of I tha sa
loon consent petition made it certain
that Des Moines saloons will close Feb
ruary la. -Tne attorneys' admitted on
both sides that the canvass cannot be
completed before that time,, and there is
an agreement in the ' city council that
no licenses shall be granted beyond that
date unless th canvass is completed and
found to. be good.. The court refused
to summon, the army of me., who se
cured the petitions, but many of them
will be summoned by. the.' dry' forces and
the way things, are. going no It' seem
certain, that the petition -w 111 be found in
sufficient. .
U, S. Officers Seize
Adulterated Oats
WASHINGTON. Jan. X.-Beventy-ftve
varlnads of outs intended or export ship
ment have been seised b j the federal au
thorities on the ground that the grain
was adulterated within tho meaning of
the food and drug acts.
This action was announced today by
the Ixipartinent of Agriculture, with
warning to grain shippers and dealers
that adulterations of grain will no longer
be tolerated and that "the prevalence of
the custom in the past will not affect
legal - proceeding against future ship
ments found to be adulterated."
' By the mixing of low, grade barley,
weed seeds, dust and water in shipments
of grain the department says shippers and
dealer have been able to realize large
profits due to the fact that the grains
are sold by weight , .
81 Below at llasi Valla.
SIODX TALLS. g. D.; Jan. 2S.-Wlth
twenty-Mva below sera today this section
Is receiving ae of U.e ooliiaaC spells of
th Winter.
. -
Secretary of State Makes Public
Text of Communication from .
: ' Germany.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. Secretary
Bryan 'mado public, tonight tho text of
the i note . from Germany annulling , the
cxequators of certificates of authority
of neutral consuls In Belgium and Issued
a paraphrase of the American govern
ment's reply. '
While-the .German note considers the
cxequators, of ; neutral .consuls to have
"expired,", .the American government
takes the view that they merely have
been "suspended." In . this way, the
Washington government avoided oommlt
tlng Itself to the question of whether or
nut the sovereignty of Belgium had ex
pired with, the . German military occu
pation. . .At , the same time tha United
State Indicates a willingness to make
arrangement for the continuance , of
consuls personally : not . objectionable ; to
the German authorities. ....
. I . i '.,..
Dlederleh Reeoa;lae;Ttr
.Jl rustic n Consul 'General Diedertch at
Antwerp 'already has" been recognised
by the . German government and tha
American . note . makes inquiry whether
the consuls at Liege and Brussels, the
only two . other .places .where neutral
consuls., are now permitted by the German
military authorities, to do business, are
personally satisfactory' , to tha local
.The 'announcement from. the State de
partment follows:
. "The department received by mail the
following communication dated Novem
ber 30, ,1914, from the; German foreign
"'Now that the German army .has
occupied various portions of enemy coun
tries, the German government considers
the exequatur of the consuls, formerly
permitted to act in such, districts, to
have expired. ,. ..
Wssld rassUrr favorably.'
" 'The imperial government would, how
ever, - be disposed to consider favorably
any wishes of allied and neutral countries
respecting the establishment of consular
offices in the districts' In question ex
cepting, of course, those districts where
military operations are still in course.
" 'In Belgium consular activities In the
provinces of East and West Flanders
would accordingly tint ba iu,rmiftui .
present. With regard to other parts of
j Belgium, consular officers would be per
muted to act for the present la Brussels,
Antwerp and Liege, but not at other
" The Imperial government would not
consider the Issuance of formal exequa
tur advisable to consular officers, whose
names are communicated to the foreign
office, but would simply be granted tern.
porary recognition to enable them to act
in their official capacity under reset
of the usual investigations respecting
meir records. - -
. AVoald Like Neutrals at Least.
" 'In view of the peculiar circumstances
contingent on military occupation, th
Imperial government would be grateful if
only such persons should be nominated as
are assuredly friendly to Germany or
nave at least neutral convictions.
',' 'In bringing the above to the atten
tion of the embassy, the foreign office
has the honor respectfully to request that
the American government may be notified
n uie aoova sens. A the embassy is
aware the German government ha al
ready reoognlsed Consul General Dledrich
at Antwerp, assuming this to be the wish
of the American government.' "
Baprrw Coart ta Heeeas.'
court tort ay announced It would take a
it cess after announcing opinions Febru
ary 1 to February 23.
The National-Capital
, Ml aday, Jaaaary 85, lftlg.
Met at 11 a. m.
Secretaries McAdoo and Redfleld pre
sented a Joint report on the ocoan shin,
ping situation.
Kt nator Ftoot led the ronuhli.. .... ...
on the administration ahip bill
The fhlllppiiie committee considered
changes in tno premMe of the houjte bill
granting a greater measure of self-a-ov
tinmrnl to the islands, , ,
Tha Hens. . '
Met at 11 a. ra.
Uepresentatlve Talcott f J. 1 . uiu w .ityuuio ma numl
iber of
caa-Ls at r-oinc.
fl'k. . U.I.I . 1 I ..... I . . . .
laid aside to make way fur th L-latrlil
of Columbia appropriation bllL
1 I1TTI 1T1T1TT T f xrn
UllAllUnLLUft oAlb
Voa Bethmann nollweg Atserti
Britain Protests Alleged Teuton
Barbtritiei While Winking
it Allies' Crimei.
German Prime Minister Alto Ac
cuse France of Mistreatment
of Ita Enemies.
BERLIN, Jan. (Via lymdonV In
the future no one will be deceived by
England's "magnamlotis appeals," in the
name of civilisation and humanity, said
Dr. Theobald von Bethmann-llollweg,
tho German Imperial chancellor, after
reviewing methods of warfare which he
said had been adopted by Great Britain
and It allies. The chancellor's state
ment was madd to a representative of the
Associated Press at the Oerman army
field headquarters In a town in northern
France. Tho chancellor and the foreign
minister, Gottlieb i voh Jagow, were
seated in a villa which serves ' as the
office and dwelling for themselves and
for the mehers of the diplomatic suite
accompanying Emperor William afield.
Wkat Impressed Premier, v
The correspondent sought to obtain
the views of the chancellor and foreign
minister on Anglo-American relations
with particular reference to British In
terference with American shipping. No
official information had been received
concerning the contents of the British
reply to the American note so that they
were unwilling, to discuss the statement
in detail. One section of the note, as
given In newspaper dispatches, made a
particular Impression, however, on the
chancellor. It was tho paragraph In
which . Great Britain Indicated that it
had been noting on; the principle that
foodstuff were conditional contraband
and. that England had not ; Interfered
with shipment of foodstuff not Intended
for th armed force of an enemy or for
a hostile government In this connec
tion tha chancellor pointed out that no
shipments of grain or other provisions
has reached Germany from America dur
ing th war.
tateaaent by Chancellor.
The chancellor then made the following
'"I ahall not comment on tne British
not of January T. a far as facts and
question concerning trade are concerned.
81r Edward Grey, however, considered It
appropriate to add two statement In
tended to carry weight, far beyond the
oop of this particular interchange of
note. I mean the paragraph wherein he
speaks of; leaving open the question of.
pnniiua; iooi supplies noi inienaea lor
th enemy' armies or government or hi
libra uoon us. statin a- - that m baA
abandoned the .rule of civUsatlon and
"It ' ahould not ba foraotten that this
year Ihurland aet out to atarva Aver SR..
009,000 people directly by cutting off.U.elr
food, indirectly, by closing th arteries
and their commerce. In attempting this
it did not refrain from destroying a con
siderable part of the trade of neutral
nation. - Now It I tocainnlnr to dawn
on Great Britain that it cannot force us
to - submission by. these methods.'
Grey Tries to Create Precedent.
"Sir Edward Grey inserted the sen
tences in question in order that the reply
might stand as a document which would
show England' magnanimity, whloh
actually never existed. 8lr Edward Grey
(Continued on Page Three, Col. Three.)
Wheat Prices Once
More Ascend, Due to
European Demand
General Buller made his presence felt
on the Omaha grain market and from tha
opening of the aeaslon of the exchange
to the close everybody was buying on
renorta from Llvernool that nrlcea there
were the highest since the beginning of
th war and on. the further report that
at seaboard cities the foreigner were
taking about everything In th way of
grain that waa offered.
A a result of the pronounced bull mar
ket top 'prices were again paid for wheat
oom and rye. Wheat went up to 11.40
per bushel, with few sales below I1.8S.
There were thirty-seven carloads on tha
market The advance In price was IVic
la ftto over Saturday.
It was regular runaway market on
the SO car of corn. Price ran ire d from
10 to It cents per bushel, a couple of cars
of No. 1 white bringing th last named
Rye. that heretofore has been aelllne
anywhere from 11.10 to 11.12. rose to ll i
per bushel and waa In good demand, it
being bought for export.
Durum wheat established another new
high record, the price reaching ll.SL
CHICAGO. Jan. . War prices for
wheat soared higher than ever. May de
livery touched S1.4Mfe. a rlaa of 1U
compared with Saturday night Th high
est pre vidua quotation since the Kuropean
hostilities began being on January 21,
Offerings of wheat today wera llnht
and th buying demand excellent.
Austrians Claim
More Successes.
. in Carpathians
LONDON, Jan. 8J.-Although Vienna
reports. Via Amsterdam, eniai-ara uoon
Austrian successes in Bukowlna. daimlna-
that th Russian are retreating with
heavy loases of munitions and prisoners,
a wireless dispatch from Vienna earlv
today, giving an official communication
issued there, says this only about , the
fighting in that region:
in Bukowlna quiet relxna after .tur
last successful battles."
Tha communication also tells of fleht-
Ing la the Carpathians as follows:
in th Carpathians the Russians were
driven out of several trenches which
they had pushed, forward south of th
Austrian and German Forces Start
Offensive Move in Hanpary,
Bukowina and Oalicia,
PETROGRAD, Jan. 28. (Via London.)
Ther has been pronounced activity along
the entire Austrlsn front of MO miles
during th last few days. This is re
garded here as marking the initiation of
th plan for an Auatro-German offensive
mnvamMnt wklh la kii...i . t-
- ... ... v i. r. II., a tT-vn
adopted recently, with th object of clear
ing the Russian Invader from Bukowlna,
eastern Gailcla and northern Hungary.
In Gailcla. between the Vlstoka and
Jaalolka river, approximately thirty
mile east of the Dunajec, General Broje
vlts, commander of the fourth Austrian
army, has undertaken a forward move
ment In th direction of I'rsemysl.
Whether this Is an attempt to relieve
I'rsemysl, which has been under siege for
several months, or to .withdraw from Bu
kowlna, is not clear, Simultaneous at
tacks are recorded on the Russians post
tlons In Bukowlna. In the vicinity of
Klmpulung, and In the south Polish prov
inces of Hadora and Klcloe. along the
line from Inowloa to Konekle, and thenca
to Sobkow. where heavy artillery en
gagement have occurred.
Northward there appear to have been
little change. Northwest of Warsaw,
from Radaanowo to Dobrtyn, on th Vis
tula, ths German are sUU on. the de
tensive. On the left bank of the Vis
tula, west of Warsaw, and the
Rawka, the Germans are stubbornly at
tempting to advance. Between Borglmow
and Gumln, twenty-five mile wet of
Warsaw, desperate hand to hand fighting
la reported. The village of Borglmow ha
changed hands several times as th ar
mle surged back and forth. At last re
port It was not occupied by either side,
as neither of th opposing force I able
to hold It
nermasa trse New Device.
In this fighting the Germans put Into
use Improvised steel shields, which were
moved forward for the protection of
trench diggers. Behind these shields the
diggers worked until two lines of trenches
had been pushed to within a few hundred
yards of the Russian position. So close
and accurate waa the firing that a hat
hoisted on the point of a bayonet Invaria
bly would be riddled with a shower of
bullets from the opposing trench. Fight
Ing of this character went on for days
with no noticeable advantage tor either
No less stubborn Is the action on th
Un between Granow and Kurdvanov,
outheast of Sochacsew. In this vicinity
the German are said to have moved for
ward in the open, over fields strewn with
dead, many of whom had died by frees
ing. The progress made her, a th
fight went on between the line of
trenches, was slight. Neither th Ger
man nor th Russians were able to get
la mora than a few yards. "V
. t -
Fireman Denies ; ,
Story He Was Hurt
In Surprise Test
CHICAGO. Jan. 26.-A. dramatic situa
tion was presented before tha board f
arbitration In th western railroad wag
caae today when O. P. Modenbach, a fire,
man, who a month ago testified that Wil
liam w. Thompson, his engineer in the
winter of 1908-OB. Jumned
engine and waa Injured, was confronted
by Thompson. Thompson denied th. in.
cident In detail. Modenbach waa recalled
to ths stand and insisted that his pre
vious testimony was correct
Modenbach rolterated that ha and
Thompson were running on the Oklahoma
division or the Rock Island railroad when
suddenly confronted by the red signal of
asngcr. which proved to be a surprise
test. Both Jumped, he said. Witness es
caped with bruises, but Thompson struck
a wmstung post, sustained a broken
collarbone and waa laid up for three
Thompson said he was employed on the
Rock Island for two months In the win
ter of 1MW9, Ha said that he had order
to moot a train at Dover, OkL, and ai
though for a moment a switch iirh
showed danger his train wa under con
trol and the signal was corrected without
Incident, except that hi engine wa out
of fuel. II did not Jump, had never ex
perienced a surprise test and had never
broken his collarbone, he said.
Warren S. Stone, president of tha Pmit,.
erhood of Locomotive Engineers, of which
mompson said he was a member, de
manded that th witness produce a skia
graph to prove that hi collarbone had
never beeen broken.
"That Is a matter of personal privilege
with the witness," put in James ill.
Sheean, attorney for the railroads. "I'm
agreeable," he told Thompson. 'If I
have any broken bones I'd Ilk to know
English Armored
Merchantman Lost
LONDON, Jan. 25.-It waa offlriallr an
nounced at the admiralty today that' the
British armored merchant vessel Vlk
nor had been lost off Ireland with all
hands. The vessel, it waa t...A .i.v.
struck a mine or foundered.
Tha admiralty In It . .
. - - i", i ,t m aaya: i
"It has been missing for soma ii... !
and must now be accepted as lost with
all It officers and men. The causa of
Its loss la uncertain, but as soma hnrfi.. 1
and wreckage have been mii.ii
on tha north coast of Ireland, it is pre-'
sumed that during the recent bad weather
It either foundered or, being carried out
of Its course, struck a mine in seas where
tne uermans are known to have
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2i.-Th n.,m.
government. has acceotaJ tha irrn.tiu. !
offered by the United Mate in th cas 1
of the prise collier K. D. S, formerly !
the British collier Karn, and lias con
scnted to It Interment for tha mar -,1,1. I
lis crew, at Saa Juan, Porto Rico,
Victory in Battle Betweeen Dread
noughts and Crnuert Calmi
Fears of Inhabitant of
the East Coast.
It Says English Cruiser Was Sank
and All Kaiser's Ships Save
One Are Safe.
The Day War News
GERMAN official report ml yeater
day'a eaga-aemeat la the North
Sea Bays that areardlng to la
formation, available" a Rrltlabv
bat l era tar r waa sank. This Is
t direct rarlawre with th offi
cial Eaallsh veratoa of tho fight,
which tat! - that At the
British Teasels wa loat.
VIENNA reports the A aetrlaaa' ksrs
aaalalatereal a ale ft a I te cheek
th Kaaalaa army which Invade
Bakewlna. As official statement
Makes bo meatloa of the harried
Raaalaa retreat and heavy loesea
reported prevlonolr. The state
neat show that the RasalajM
eweeeeded la peaetratlsug
paaaee of the Carpathians.
armies hare bee a . at
tacked by Aaatrla la ceajnetlaav
with tha Oersaaa forces la tha
oaat, la seeerisae with tha plaa
believed . Patrosrrad to kavs
hca adnpted by tha Tea tenia al
lies. Anstrlaa forces hare strark
at their opponents all alone; their
800-n.ll fro.t. Hoary fighting la
! proarreaa, bat so far aa l
w Petroa-md aa Important
raanMa ha, been achieved aa yt.
DEIPKR1TB fighting; at cleaa
m,o' e la arecrea la central
Holand, where saaay men karw
died from oold.
KVKRB caeoaatera eoatlaao la,
Alaaoo a th Araaaa. Neither
lira French nar tho German off!,
clal stateueata claim marked sae.
LONDON. Jan. 25 The new. et
the first battle between dread,
noughts, yesterday engagement la
tha North o-. v.. . .
...... , uaa aroused XnUCQ
more enthusiasm among the British
publio than either the fight off HeU
golanu or off the Falkland islands,
although both of these engagement
perhaps loomed larger in actual re
Tn tha English ft,. . AJ
m - --". mo cuiuuat-
" mo iriumpn or
thalw Inn-, lm.
. -"B commence m thelf
big gun fleet and it calms the fear ot
the east coast nf . . ....
of the Hartlepool and Scarborough,
raid. Sir David Beatty, the youngest
admiral in the British navy, has be-
ius moat popular hero of tha
00 The German ntrini.t .
. , . - "P"n on sun-
days fight admits the sinking of th
LwKefl."BleUt'her' but 0ff8et "' !
with the assertion: "According to lr.for
niatlon avallabla n.u,. . t
..... - osiuesnip
cruiser was sunk." Th ,utement h
been directly denied by the British ad
miralty, which asys clearly: "No British
hip have been lost" 4
This engagement keep up the reputa
tion of the present war for Sunday flght
ng which has been so frequent, both on
land and sea, and that Munday ha now
com to b day of increased vigilance
rther than of relaxation.
No Important development. In the land
fighting on either front have been re
ported in London, but some improve,
ment In tha Mih .. ,. . .
- w. wast naa re
sulted In considerable acUvlty, which,.
"a tnu far produced no nol
able result.
Ww Llao Koralsf at BakawUa.
Th contending force In Bukowlna ar
forming for a nw batUe. and th Au.
triana claim K
------ w. u, a in t n n nr..
Umlnary skirmishes Th Austrian
claim also '.that they have driven back
tha Russian aitvanoa thrmi.t,
" w B it .vim. os
th Carpathian passe.
n Turk, according to London re
(Contlnued on fage Two, Column Four.)
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