Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: .OMAHA, MONDAY, J AN'UAUY 23. 1915.
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
. 1 1 "' 1 r.-nv : L r-r ---niTrr-rr-T- t -r -r-- irr -i -m - -re-r -r-r , t . ' . ...
Me 0tT 6sfN, ms w-j ' ir:v f weu. mutt You csn'tV WtiWw
.vVU'a5i 4&J ; ' P I' f I l Jt f ,H ? .; J-y'Tr :
H,, Ct . FARM A ntNdl LAND rOBl 9 A LB.
EIEKJANT modarn brick P.rl- WImmmiIi.
Franx nt. Il 8. th Pt. rrmmi. jX)XQV YY lSCOriSlIl
r.PiUin,t,tSr Shrb.0aiVlSr; Bt dV nnil nr.l crop .ft. In th
I? 5?k 'y?' .17!! nrubtx!ry, M par union: wttUra wanted. Land tor nl at
nontn. 7r"';-... , - low rrkf on easy trm. Ak for took-
. J. 0. ISII, EXECUTOE. ? ", Wl.ooT..ln Ontr.1 I-nd
' CJrant. Exrllfnt InndH for stock raisins.
TW B. t1t At Fhorx Rarnay m. If lntcreotrd in fruit lands ask for bork
. . . lmnD . Irt on Appl Orchards. Address I and
AVL ARK MODERN. Industrial LXTrtment. oo Una Hallway,
Csss, 8-r., square, Mlniwspo'ls. Minn. -
ms Clcalt, -r. brlc. ROOMERS. 150. ! '
Hh near Uods;a -r. brick; Mlallaiaaa.
38I!.-.K,!D-J",i.n1 ll"n.!q"ar', J21 FAR3I for sals: must sell my Felhmwra
. O'KKKPB REAL. KSTATK CO.. fsrm. M scrs. muok arairta land.
t-R.. mod.. sw Wo. 2th Av... UPhof7. 4 Time. Bid. . St, Uou. Ma,
$S,000 rms. 3412 N. . I4th. Web. 77.
S-r., modsrn. 71 8. 8?th t. 7-r., modem. ABSTRACTS t tltVt.
mi Lav; Bt. good ooatkn Wb. t'i90. RKKD Abstraet Co.. oldest abstract of
MODERN a-atory housa, ? rooms; oevet flea an Nebraska. P"adals Twar.
ooCTiptgd: uew tunsaca: tM. Doug. fcKHR T'.tls Uuaraatoa and Abstract Cs
FOR TaKNT Mc-dorn o-toodj hous. Mi a aaodarn attract otflca. M B- 1'ia ab
& 85th At. Jnquira T. J. O'Brien. Phono Pouglaa 64J7.
Hen.haw Hotel, har. MM. Douglas ltlft. t- ... . . 1 '
CllOUB VinClbt0rag6 FOR EXCHANGE-IT acre. Texaa farm.
12 a Improvements, asoellent rondl-
Storas, snorea, packs, ships: S-horsa vaa tlon K roito, Galveston and Houston,
and I rnen. L par hr.5 storaga per j from station, I10.0W; want land,
mo. Satisfaction rar. P. 4338 A Ty. UO. m No mh gt f i,tnPf,in, Neb.
X)R OOOD im acres home.trad. t mile from
. . . ... . .n ... Orln Junction. Wyomlef. Larry Mo-
Ws hava a complete list ofall hoomej. j, pt Neb. -
apartments and flats that ara for rant. M . ' '
This list can be seen free of chanra at . FRONTIER O. MARQAIH.
Omaha Van Storage Co, 90s So. Wth St. H!shly Improvad farm of HA acraa.
- ' Land all Urt tlwt and (a exoaiiaai aotl.
Fidelity Storage Co -b"---
or movus. packln. , .hlppln;. " Brd.l.heatsr Ooa. N.K
16th A Jackson Sts. Phona Uouglas
16th ift Jacason rr. . ,. ,.. . FOR SAI-B OR EXCHANQB for Colura-
HnuSPaU' a'Lpru Vtn?,''tyA ni. bus, O., property, two lots Thornbur,
tiOUSegCl.eltn Son. 4 Co.. Baa Bld. addltoll ona lot Burl!nrtoj addition.
a Ay Van and Stor- Cunalia; all free of Incumbrances. Address
MCTCrarn Co., Lax, owner, J. A. Hartley. M K. High 8t,
iJLC1OOt van, S men. 1.6o Columbus, O. '
per nr.; oiay. men, 1.2i par hr. 17U FiNE quarter secUon, black soil, Qra
Wehster. Doug. 14W. orr cn, b d., for Omaha property, cash
J TJ j Exp. movlns. or what hava yout a. P. Wll. 110 Vth-
1 . X PfTl packing 4t storage, ton Rt., Omaha, Neb.
V'tVvy" 1207 Famam. D. 614. ;
."SlKlCTi.Y modern s-room houss 70S No. ; niTAT. FTATU ACREAGE . '
- iOth street. Phone Red m. HiSAlt feaiAlto-awumua
FIVE-ROOM house, with bam for six TWO AND ON S HALP ' ru
horses; lante wagon shed and yard; In dty. 0Q up. rhon Doug.
located at JWil-S. iaUi .iiU, Phona Rod SMALL. FARMS FOR
TM. - . "We hava 6, 19, and 81-acra tracts, wH
' 1 ' ' .!' hnproved. near Council Bluffs, possession
... . ' ..., . March 1, at low figures and on easy py-
- : WANTEI TO RKNT snents. COMpANT '
EXPERIENCED farmer, married, desires . m arlU oUncUKufta. 'la. I
to rent furra on shares- Address J 641, ' .
Beo.- . ... ,
A ROOM In a first class home In good vst rvriTiP ' til
part of town, by young man. Address F SUiALi ESTATE IA3AJH9
Be0- ' Jj&,(Xlo PRIVATE money to loan an Inslda
' property at T per coot. O'Kaefa Real
. . ' Eetata Co., Uli Oiaaiia Nat Bank Bldg.
WANTED TO PCY uounias a;ls.
OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J, CITY aud farm loana 5 54, per cant.
C. Reed, 127 Famam. Doug. 4S. J. IL Dumont A CQ..100I Famam. Omaha
HAMILTON CO., the only gentile second- WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
hand stole In Omata. 1719 Cuming. D. 6&a Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnara. !
WE RUT ?d-hand clothes. 1421 N. Mlh. i,j0 to llw.tM made promptly. F. D. Weed, !
HUnTESTTrtce. for furniture. Web. bLL. Wead Bldg., Mth and Faxnain him.
TaTTbuy. everything id hand. Tyler 141. icJT
K)l Om.ha Nstl. Douglas ZTLZ.
reAiv estate GAKV1N BEOS oi'E:
. lor.o. . u 1M11 Brandels Theater Bldg.
FOHND ANOTHER 'HOMESTEAD !H CITT property. Larca loaaa a apacifilty.
acres In settled country) rich farm land, W. H. Thomas, ia State Bank bldg.
JAscrForTMergan ' MONET on hand for city and farm loa
A- Trapy- ron Mergan. ioio. H. W. Binder. City NaU. Bank Bldg. .
acres af alfalfa. J nules from Pacifio ;
Junction. Prk 1100 Pfcf acre; 4.009 cash. WANTF7D City loans. Patera Trust Co.
balance terms. J. B. Downing, owner, r. .T" .
Pacific Junction. Ia. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE
FOR BALE 1240 acres fine wheat 1am1 Why Pay Rent?
near Richfield.- Morton Co.. Kanaaa. f lto A ,A ,.
T nr rrl will sell Dart or all "Tien, for iioo cash ana par month
Zpzz; rnriri. ;.tui;oop.rmHo
JlTTR y fiftW!r,-1" N' 6t,0Bett7rPJei th '
! .. . , Creigh, Sons & Co.
ISO ACRES, between iea polls and Dtt- Douglas - M Be BVdg
luth. on tha aoo Una. 4 nuies from rail- : .
road town; 70 acres under cultivation. REAlr' ESTATE SOUTH BIDE
balance wooded pastnre and soma good .
tneadow; mo waata land; fair set build- - -
ings; near school; land borders on beautl- FOR SALE BT OWNER T-room bunga-
ful lake; compute sat macbiaary; 1 w S. liih Ave. Price tXGCO. Mod-
ahickana, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy " a every respect; hardwood flnUh;
and avetytnlng on tha place goa at M fu" basement; paved street; was built
fr sere;, ana-half caah. ttchwab Bros.. than four years a so; must dispose
l Plymouth kids- Minneapolis. Minn. of Business reaaona. Call and
sea or phone Douglas w7.
. hfbrstln.
TOR SALE l2ou-a, alfalfa and cattle .i .. t .
ranch. In wexiern Nub. Write Melrose .
Ranch. Iiarriburg. Neb. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE
THE RO.SEBirO.LAND CO., W T FARNAM home, only tsSou. la
414 Barker Blk., Omaha. N. Wth Ave.
Bell., exchannes Neb. farms and ranches. - ' -r ... r-a
oalaaeaaa . .. ' ' REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOU8
m- - ' ' ' LOTS near car tUX) and up. pay-
Homeseekers .
Excursion 'LwTiif.,.,
; X.tom Oklahoma J!
' earth r" 'D' th ,a0l D " jouncing the Kountsa Memorial, last
- Where ttia- winters are warm. eyeoing at the Toung Men's Christian
Where the limaie Is unencolled. association. to 14. Th Memorials put
Where rtJntnU is abunaant. , ., . . . ... rf , . ., .
A Mi. re soil is axtrrraely fertile. UD hrd ''S111 ourlng tha first period.
W here you can grow anything that will sucoeadiug Jn holding the Christiana to
Crow In Nebraska, a 10 to 11 score. . .
Where you can buy land from $15 to ,, v , -,. ... ' . ,,
To per acre. llobson and Klepser didnnusual'.y good
If ao, go with us on our" next excursion, work .for the Christiana, while Barrow-
&r w.rvr.7 mn " tb,-, ,tellar pcr,OTTn" for
. turn. Ill 70. Remember Ilia data. Memoitals. Lloup:
rur further details and list of lands CHRISTIANS. MEMORIALS.
rite Hobeon R.F I R.F... Barrowman
. THE VOGEI. REALTT AOE.WT, Klenaer LF. UF liaawa
116-1 W. O. W. Bl.lg . Omaha. Neb. Mik! C. C , Anoween
stia Dala. Corliss R.O.) R-Gt tiuhiibetg
udIJVTr t?a1a. 3 .o:'"h
tour.?,' r tre7eVred K? j'W Wiles. Corlies. Parish (i), .
. : , , i , rowwsa M. Fauls committed: Memor-
WILL ell Mi acrrs of level. -rich farm Wis, 6; Christians, 7. Kubsiitutes: Par
land for IV ranh, or will trade for Ihu for Corliss. Krentedt fur Ruot.
youug nmree with foal. J. U R. Flor- joints awardrd: Christians. Referee:
ence. Neb. Tel FlorerK-e 1W. Kiit.
I' ' Bea Want Ads Ara rne beat Business
labor. Ia. vertlsed Opportunities. ,
et Slight d; Orer .Metropolitan
Fir ia First Half d Ia
creus it in Second,
BXBBHBassS '" V 4 a-
LINCOLN. Jan. K (Special Telegram.)
-Omaha. High school lost to Lincoln
Ugh school In basket ball her tonight
n a closely playad game, S to it
With a score of ic to It In favor, of
enond half. Flo thaw starred for Omaha
with four field goal from different
tatarday's Soar ea tha Allays.
Morris .........R.F.
Schmidt ...... .F.
Alhrecht C
Hmith R.O
Bchroeoer L.O.
R.F,. .......... Patty
L.F FVothaw
C Painter
H.L... Larmon tc)
Fuhatltute: Jfairer for Rchmlrtt. - riM
coals: Morris. 4: Alhrecht. 4: Flmh.w
4; Painter, J: Lutes. 1; Schmidt, Smith
Jayhawks Take
Two Games from
The Cornhuskers
LAWRENCE. Kan., Jan. 24.-(8pecUl
Teleerram.) The . Kansas . Jayhawkers
made it two straight In basket ball from
tha. Nebraska .Cornhuskers by winning
here tonight, M to 13, - . .
Tha gama waa much closer than the
ona last night and toward tha end tha
Corn husk era sprinted and almost overtook
their opponents. Tha Kansas team seemed
to tire toward tha and.
By winning these two games from their
ancient rivals tha Jayhawkers-' made a
good start toward a championship team.
Both teams started alow at he beginning
forward, shot free basket for tho first
score.- ' ('
Tha Cornhuskers "covered up" their
oppontnts tonight In much better farm,
Bhlelda, tho Nebraska right forward,
cored two field goals for his team bx th
first half and Myers, at center, got one.
Hugg made two free throws. For an
sa. Folks, at guard, captured three, field
goals. The eooro at tha end of th half
was 18 to in favor of Kansas.
Rutherford, the Nebraska foot ball star,
was the particular star for tho Nebraska
five. His four field goals In th last halt
helped hie team materially. Captain Dun
mire for Kansas played a, nice "floor"
Orleans Man Named
Deputy, Game Warden
. (From e Btaff Correspondent ) '
LINCOLN. Jan. M.JSpeclal John O.
Holmes of Orleans has beep appointed
by Governor Morehaad e one. of the
three special deputies serving' under
Gam and Fish - Commissioner - Ru ten
beck. No other appointments have yet
beta made, although the 4rltrmal two-
year terms of all three deputies have
expired. .
The three deputies earring et present
are Sam Bowers of Columbus, William
Kentopp of Falls City and R. rso
ef Valentine. Nothing, has been given
out as to which. If any. of the present
deputies, Mr. Holmes supplants. '
! i
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. S4Wohnny Kll-
bane, the featherweight, champion of the
world, tonight had the better ef stx-
round fight with Eddie Morgan, feather
weight champion of England.
K 11 ban had the better of the first four
rounds, but In the fifth and sixth Morgan
came back strong and showed to equal
advantage. lie stood up well against th
terrific punches ef the American.
WhUe th fight wms hard and fast
th,ere were no knock downs. Both m
were bleeding from the nose and mouth
when th fight ended.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. M.-A telegram
from Hugh Jones, owner of th Lincoln
Western League base ball club, says he
has signed Pitcher Narveeon, last year
wtth the Cincinnati 'National leago elub
and. later wtth Victoria in the North
western league, a player for whom he
haa long been angling.
Jones, who Is spending the winter In
California, Instruct! that blank . con
tracts be Ml to Manager "Matty" Mc
Intyre at Detroit, who notified him be
had six players whom ha wished to alga.
Their ladenllty Is not disclosed . .. ,
Ml. M. M.Tot.
Ocander 4 is 4-4
Pickett TJ 14 IM "
L. Norgard.lU 17 1M lit
Totals 49 m 471 144
1st. ii. M.Trt.
(fauptman .164 144 It 4h
V ells ....... JM 1M 144 4M
St. One.....ia UJ.1M. 4e
Total. ,.....4?n 4Rj 4s lt't
luL M. 1 Tot
Oomet r.l V;i .w 4a
Pterfer ' .....1.4 1-4 HU 4M)
Purshouse .188' 1(
Totals 4 l IM
1st. hi. M.Trt.l
Peterson ..14 IM l '
Lnnergan .'.IM H1.V4 W
Bryant 1 US 12 410
Totals 1X3
1st id. M.Tot
Kolsnchkk 144 11 1 47
Hulalser is 14)
Lee V in tus fS
.. Totals 4M v liJ
1st. M. M.Tot.
Yorwald .....Ul 124 148 46
Total 4 74 447 nrr
1st. td. Bd.Tot
kKTr l4 v
R. Norgard.m 171 1M I
Oilllgan 14 lt-4 441
Totals .....4lt 47? 44
1st. M. M.Tet
Melnrlck ,..1I 11 11 m
cVhrader ...m 1M 1t 4-
HUite J 10 146
I M Jtt
I t i
'itnadlslc Of Teasas
n 1 . . . . c.
W. L.1V.
Lewis' Buffet SI 14 .'.H
Hssui's Fiurrs IT it .45
FslniKiM Oii i 'i : M
Hnnoer'i CM Tavar..! St .MI
Kste i 3
rtontselnw ....... rs.-M M
ImiM SIM C. .,..,'44 M
AID. r.ipn s
. lidlvtdusl lm:
Nasi. Av. NeM, ,. Av.
Kowntosrt ,.1 THi4lr .,..IT1
Hnue .. 1 Uml.f ...I1
!ccey ia iM .,,.. .its
Kdfar41 ,...1 turn ......ITS
Hh.w ...... 1U lanWtrsm M
Mnisbe ....Ul KiniK ....
Wiley ltl UltaMS
rxtMT ITS Tkatrlw .
sun ,.,,,..17 M. Wll
Terrell 17V Bhte4 ...
Mltclwll ...171 Ksrr ....
Ise Noeaaar
IMli , MTU Hertwell
Kersa ITT ntert,
im 17 Bsatss
Total ...
ladlvldwal Avar ST rs.
.69 ST 4'.T 103
...1M) A4 .
...144 BmrtH ....
...144 IjOsntrsiB
...I4t Heasest...
...14 Jenk ,,,,,
,...IA4 James .,.
,..Ul Alalsa ...
jn ....
VI, ..
rnLraa ..
tlrant . .
' . W. UPrt
ex ' ...... i .m
nrandar ....111 Marti. lit
llaupi4Dsa .1 umigaa ...Hi
Klmy 14 HvlaiMT ...141
t 6nra....ll Kxeiba
Wella ......Ul Vr4 ...lit
Uhmiwm MKua4e
i4 I GrMint in oltver Is
.K4 5 Smtnlif ,...l4tea ...t,.U4
Scontear ...144 '
rrRTCO LKAatrs.
J Hnftn.lJ4 a. Palmer.. 14
Orson lTsDmai-
P. ralaar..lU Maniit
Teal . .174 IU4om
Maanaa ....ITl o. Wl
turs....lfs Mallsy
'I MOSS. ,
O. rmsier .....US
BwlM ..171 Tnuaas ....Ul
lWniiouea ..ITS
Llql4 OoM ..- If .701
I-1Ii l M II .411
Better Batter . M .h4
l'arltas Brallars St f .411
M4nt .... 7 .Ni
Falrsrant Parma U e Jit
ladiTldual STsraeaa:
Naaia. At. Mama. A.
Vm-ey ......17 Byaer 14
Ullwoa IS Kerranek
Kiauid lai Oabrlal ....lit
(S.rl.nma ..11.4 F. oiWay...M
Hertwall ,.1M C. I4eea ....lis
Neisoa UO Klmil ...iJa
KmlU .,1 Caret! .....11
gika 141 Haulmaa ...IBS
J.n.en at HtuLtr .
niddliifs ,..44 Router ....JM
lieet., ,..,.144 Woialaa ..l4
r-"n .....14 N. hms...ii
Helrtt If4 AP1 ,,JV
Sohrinsw ..144 Bertiar ......1JJ
Osaasi' ..... HI O. Uljt.. Jt
8UND0 AULtL ..
W. Llnt.
Marble Taes M 4 .V
Bteam Koala ,.. .73
t'encreles ? U I ..
Naeajna v ,...M .Sso
Fleatllaa I t!.wf
Fall Weights 1 It .pit
In4lvMiMi avararaa:
Sam. At. Nam, ' At,
Baok l4nrix
CslTl)) ...... let IV'aUMlMTg Ja
Ceaartl ...
Na. l ...
. Nsaia.
Oausfclaa .
Orlflla ...
vt(m ..
Raler ...
Iearr ....
Boahiwaa .
Cirtmas ,.
Wnsi noela
AT. NaSM. '
,.17 Mltah
.171 Obry
.171 Oaehl ...
.lea neiwtkr
.144 Harklna
.141 Baeoh
,U Oeater
I Mi
T .417
t let
.M K. Joiiastaa.11'4
.UT Carres 134
.IM Heselaiaitar ix4
.114 Graheu ,...1S
.141 He4uillaa ..111
.144 U Jnhnetea.ix
,141 Johnutfi ..18S
J. Brma....m
r liaceeal M Sneca
Marara U4 Meahaai ...1J7
Hey i....HT Oelllna Ul
PalariM A OHa....ti .414
Oews 4aaelliis it JT .444
Mlra Axla Oreaae.... II .4:14
Mtatlaa Oil . . , . II J4 ,40t
Individual aTeraeea?
Nana' At, huH. At.
tVlf 1M Kline 14
Cale .1" Benslasa
lU'im ......let Moore ....U1
Jones ' Ul Vrr l....lJ
rlamoetln ,.IM allvsiaa '.. ..!H
Uarmaii ...1M I.aroihr ....HI
Huileatall .IMrVhank :....11t
JMobatt.. ....) HKcvrmaa .la
frees ...... .144 Jehenxm ...laa
Byrne mOeerholl ....lit
J oh nana ....144 Ollmore ....Ul
. . W. U I'or,
Mlee. Aeets .n
klitlseera 4 S
MoouiaeavMlts ..... I I I .444
Kt.raka Dir.. I 1 t
raaaeuiM- I 1 I
Iadtn4aal eara':
' Ntaa. At. NaaM.
fjea rfttPaaersea ..
Kolmwklok 17 Keiorlck
KQTTlMnaa .lnpirkelt ..
rar4 171 H4IM
171DeeM ...
L rferrar ' ...
Railta Ittkraoak ...
P. W. I Pet.
i is
14 te
,.... 14
...... ..4 It tl
terlln ,,
Ceiealala .
laaivlsuU aeerair-a:
Naata. At. Nam, At,
Welly 174 tiilllea . .vn
m ts ......I"" klfng ...14
Meiaewa ...ll.Lns ....... I'
H.,.nt(k ,lr.l jeeoM PI
Waeaeii ,...m Mbm ,.;...ik
l aanwa ....144 H.mbe IA
Jnnea 144 Ifrrty ,,.14
Xeemsaea ..141 Flmllay ....It
evieauiet .141 Fvitoa
KEiltH V Konny Ill
Metstas ....UIiaU ....
VlMim LCAtUJn.
r. w. u. r.
V. B. fltaltk A U I .M
MMlaarl O. P.. .11 II .7X1
!4oilerany OK. II ."
Bemla Park Ore. ..11 K
Kins-Perk Oe II I 1 .444
Dreaat'e Uttm Ra il 1 .44
Kllpatnek Co.. .11 4 It
Brearshjf-Khig Os.ll 4 14 .!
Old Ycrtrmant Bodf Found on
lUiii in South Dakota. Town
, Wu Knows HcTt.; (;
4nes .' i
Th dead body ot. Oold-tooth" Johnnie,"
known else as "Dututh Johnnie," waa
found last week on railroad tracks in
small ftonth DaJtnt. Till. . This In-
formattem rarcelved last .nlxht a polio
haadquarters caused pon elder bla stir.
Nobody seems . to . know "Oold-tnoth
Johnnie s". real Bam. 'Old dlOonl of
"Th retecV'itl hint MM!trt, Baker,
Mrt hi and Ryan. ' Th "Oninha police
tay kt real nam is Wet?a '
For years k hag been -known' a
llseera I 4 S
t. Traaa I !
TteoOT4 ........ 4 I .444
eteeni ......... I 4 4 .44
. far
' Name.
Doyls ...
lurkea .
Welrfe ...
Kobe, ....
Fa4ey ...
Vetler ...
H. Wing,
uleea .
At. Name.
..144 Tender
..UA ItaemiHasa
..l4 H. tStrlkllat.lM
..W4 areteer
..141 haUika 1
,.)aa Anaatree .lis
..!! WnMrla , .1;
l& Laeiiy ......131
114 B.oKiortl ...lal
J. 4reit,..l7 raaaell ,...lw
WUIiaata ...l.'l I kunp ...lea
I. Htillwasoa .114
hraimaoad 1'4 r.llowa ....111
Tarua lt4Tntias 144
Ceiaa IM Cm l it
H. wtiu....H Baraarg ,..IM
II. nh't'sea.l.M hales IM
Keraey .1H Tatrue i,ja
alrkhua ..Is4 8nitk izl
4. utrlMtttg.lfc )MMI lit
411 ntmr ..lalTllMa ...... lil
('hrleteeea 14a Today 1
Merrywa ..144 Bryefcs .....117
yiW'her ...147 Dr.ll ,,'....114
P.r.iple 4( It I III 114
ftttltar ......144 Alnaeear ...lis
...144'saar4 111
...144 Hushea Ill
Beeeee ..,,.141 Wllaea Hit
1 Arwn ,,.,.144 Neleaa lm
I bvmaa ,,.,144 lMiliar ...Jva
bands 1U1 ,
Yean ..
Ruppert arid Huston
Have Only an Option
on New York Yanks
. C1IICAOO. Jan. M CsLptalu Ttflinghast
Huston, who with Colonel Jaeob Ruppart
was reported recently to bava purchased
the New Tork American league baa ball
club, admitted . last night that h aad his
associate In th .deal simply hold an op
tion on the stock of th club for which
they paid 0,000. A rumor that th option
was to expire February I ia true, accord
ing to Captain Huston. ', ,
There U no truth In the report thai we
got scared because of the lawsuit begun
by th Federal league, said Captain Hus
ton, "and there Is nothing In our eontreot
with th present owners of th New Tork
club regarding the matter of getting help
from other clubs. I'll admit w art try
Ing to get some Mar players.
-W have paid ever exactly 154,900
earnest money, but 4?r eontract simply
demands that the New Tork stock be
turned over to us on January to,' free of
all Incumbrances. I bavv. no reaaow to
believe w shall not oomplet th deal
Colonel Ruppert la In New Tork now and
I shall be there Monday." , , .
With Wlilard, Charlesworth aad Reel
shooting basket from all angles of the
floor, coupled with the cloe guarding
and; excellent passing of th entire team,
th Hanscom Park Methodists had little
trouble In defeating the Church of the
Covenant last evening at th Young
Men's Christian association by th score
of O to , tjuthrie made the only basket
and trff throw secured by the Covenant
quintet, , , ' ,
The lineup:
(VI Herd RF.IR.F Talmnd
fhsrleeworth ..L.F. 1..F. ...... Outune
....C.C U. Orr
.K( IH.U.I,
Willard tCi.
(). Orr. t
Keel r..
Kamsnakt ....
Field goals:
(1). Kanaanskl
Orr. Referee:
-. .. w-r
a throws . K.
' tlap Ikia crallel' toagh. .
'If riaa. . .
Croup and wheoping cugh ar child
ren's ailment. Vr. King' New Discovery
is what you . need. Jt kills the cold
i;ernis. AH drugllet. AdvtrUaemrot.
Relm will go t the fmirth manual tn-
Tantton of. Cadillao dealer t -lacreit,'
Mr. Relm will be accompanied by A. I
Fc.hanli, N. W. NTTard end wv4rTi Ne
braska and Iowa dealers.
Athletio Council
At Ames Begins -TheYearipDebt
When the safe In the Douglas u.
dttoriom Was dynamited three .years ago
"Gold-tooth -John" was In -the vicinity
and was under suspicion.
".'"' -. ' Cnl ',.Mwrdla'i..''
HI death.' ertMirWty' . accidental, la
tailed 7)urdr by Da tecttv.lQA Fleming.
who has known "Th Gold-tooth'" for
th last few years.
"II had lately- been a .popper for th
Burns Detective avsrenc.y," said Flxuilng. "I
got that from "Th Ten Tolnta Kid," wh
Is now serving fifteen year In toilet, p"
9f Chicago. Friends ef some .yegg, who
fell through "The Gold-tooth's" treach
ery probably did It for revenge, Cer-
taluly Johnnie would never, die accident
ally under th .wheel of M. train. It
they axamln his . body mayb they'll
find a knlf cut under hi arm-pit, or
maybe a bullet hole. .
" The Gold-tooth' was prominent- In
hi line." th detective related'. . "tl,
got hla name from the bis? goiq , Vooth hi
hi lower Jaw a tooth that stood out
like a .tusk. It always identified him.
. "TesT Data-etlr.-
'H vrti about 45 years eld aril had
baa 4i ertmlnal most of hla life.' lie was
M years old before he ever saw the In
side of a jail, however, but when he did,
it r.roke him, body and soul. He, came
out a crushed, whining pier of humanity.
After that a number of crooks were
eaught with the goods on them, im
mediately after "Job.' . Non of ' th
yeggn, ' though, even after they were
safely In prison, t ould figure ,lt out.
'Then, suddenly,., police . department
got next to th fact that -Gold -tooth
John, who was' known M harmless ex-
oonvlct, "" th obHT-e th bitter
hatred tVf Ills formed comridei.' Th, time,
through the iin(lw(rround wirelees,' every
yegg in evtry prison,, knew ftir m posi
tive fact that The - Tooth' was a
'snitch.'- - a , ' " ' ' 1
"A ten-year man h Llnr-oln told me
that not two months ara and, I've heard
H since. We've been expenting ewg of
Oold Tooth's ..death daily,'',,,' .
."' -. ' Mebii"s' KxprleaeeJ '
Sheriff Fell M cShma - In" Uhe ds y s
when he ngs biMy wlth. rwlds figured I
one o the ."tooth's" ' escapades, r,Thre4
years. ago.. Chief , pf Detective ,' Steve
Maloney received In farm tlon that three
yesga who had just ''beat a box" In a
town near Chicago, were headed for the
Mlnsouri Pacific hotel, at Fifteenth and
California treat, and would arvlv ther
at 3 o clock, Maleny sent half a down
stectlves t lay In -wait' for th trio, and
th offloer surrounded th htol on ail
AMES, : la., J. 8i.-JtSsclal.)-Th
Amea nthletlo ffrtunctl startad out on 1915
dead brek. Tha fact ta, th lntarvaraliy
Cyelon treasury was nxactly iM.S3 hi th
hoi when th wild ball rang In this
mum. This oeordlp4 to h report of
Director Ctyd Wllliama ot ,th physical
department, which was kvocepted and ap
prored by th rouacll at Ha last oion.
Th defrdt wt 4kuse4l y an abnormal
appropriation of ii,2U.It, which waa prac
tice !ly vecy cent in tho councU' ex
chequer, toward th nW tnncret stands
on nw State field, which are th begin
ning ef a to tSB.Ort ItYirrcroent.
. . Th report for th cniar year of 1H
shews that ffoot ball Vaa'tTi staff of life
for til - !nterm!Vann?A 4U.h)elia, antivltiea
except base rl, wbtoh tia a profit bal
ance U41.n to 1U credit Th five
minor spoil tiack, banket balL tennis,
wreetltng end gyrnttasttc all earn less
tnoney than t1'? t to eustqln.
I The seven sports - ar aocouated for
financially a follow tn th report: Foot
ball paid H.40T net. bfee ball paid tTl
Bet. track lost tl,C4, basket ball lost
I41S.97, tennis lot wrestllnf lost
1T, gym tun tsam lent 04 Tha total (
foot balltnooma wa Sln.186.13.' . , :
Dad Huntington haa reorlved th entry
t Mis. Blrdk Kara af ft. Loula,, th
champion aramasi bowtor ef th world, for
th handicap tournament. -
Bh will bowl Saturday alght. January
80, with a apodal picked te i and Sun
day afternoon to the double and ttenday
night in tba BlngVaa,.
! i . ,-
ooafareno record t by himself for th
150-yard baok atrok event to Th
Northwestern relay team lowered th for
mer Conference mark thro seconds t
Records Shattered J
at Swimming Meet
CHICAGO, Jan. K-Two western confer
ence rwlmmtng records war broken last
night by Vincent Johnson, a sophomore
at North we tarn unlvsrsity, and th same
swimmer helped shatter a third mark In
the relay at the meat at the University of
k7T . " T lda, but kept thnmselve li4d,iA few
VT. ?7 ' Pavllcek of thaj, .aUr ;, . ,taw nMned to
V.K- tr- l """ .' "mr Matony'a Information, an auto tolled up
tn th baok stroke. . Johnsoa set a mark ,K .
of W to tha forty-yard .wlm. 1: l !m rte ZZuZ XtL It
th C-yr4 avaat. Pavltoak lowered th f"' .11'... ! 1!? WT
I vviMitsn w rs w v tvtia B1I4B V" ay I sg .ij
low th fugitives to get Inside th hotel,
bfer making th arrest. r . .
Just as th three war ea the threshold,
up rolled another machine and Sheriff
'McHhane and half , doaen tfeputle
rolled, out
"eat It, Vaa Gays.
"Beat It, you guys," exclaimed on of
th raider, "we're raiding this hotel 1"
Th cracksmen waited not for further
Instructions. Their taxi wa etlll at tha
curb, but Just starting away. , In a bouird
tha three were Inside It, ordering the
driver to be off.
Before th watching detective had
realised what wa happening', the quarry
was a doaen block away, and though
th city was combed thoroughly after
wards, ao trao of th eracksmen could
be found.
. "The Oold Tooth" was on ef th trio,
It wa afterward ascertained.
Cadillac Company
to Handle Cadillacs
Only in the Future
The Cadillac Company of Omaha has
reverted to lis original policy or acting
a representative for tha CadtUao car
exclusively and will henceforth not a
sum th agency at any other make of
machine. ...
George Relm, president of. the Cadillao
company, leaves tonight for the Chicago
Automobile show and to spend two weeks
ta consultation with Cadillac officials. At
present the Omaha agency is behind la
thirty-three deliveries and Relm will en
deavor to obtain a few more cars.
After th visit to the Chicago fhow XI r.
e (lleaaraei W'las.
GL1CNWOOO. .t Jt. P4M4el.T
Silver City felling to be on hend lor the
advertised game of bsaket ball her lest
evening, (ha (Vuncll imnfs AntWra were
suhetltu'ex). The fO-- we t.Ki t-ne-alded
to be feiterUig, tho Antlers b-ln out
clased. to 54. The ftneiier was leWen
two TWke4. team from Compeay I and
wa vary goa-k Lineup
AN TLk.rU.
RYir.ard . . T F
Fltark ....... ...L.F.
iHMnpaey .C
Moriis R-U-
B. hlott ,.IG,
Refereaj; Kld 'oo.
R.Jf.... Lwl
LF Alley
('...Turabufl, Alley
R.F Muccucc!
L.F., Binlon
Girls of Central High hav err sal led
class basket ball teams. Tha freshmen
are the enly class without a team and
they xpct ta bv on aoon.
Th following member of teams were
CBOea by Mis Dumont after a hard
work out: - Senior tnx, forwards, Lola
Hoel and Ruth .Watleri guard. Ruth
Gross nd Margarat Salisbury; center,
Ruth liuttoa. Ruth Waller wa ejected
captain by her teamtnta. Th Junior
team la Muriel Rusbland and Evelyn
Warner, forwards; Adeline Stoa and
Vera Belch, guards; Madeline Thompson,
cntr; lively Waraw, .captain. roph
mor team. Ruby Bsrenaon and Ruth
Swenson, forwards; Rev, A. Krats and
Mary JVgg. ' (uarda; Isabell Pearsan,
captain and canter.
, Oietraw la tb Blassaesw
, Thar ar snaay people who hav a
distress in the stomach aftar meala It
I du to Indlgestiea. and easily remedied
by taking oaa-of Cbamberktia' Tablet
after axaala. Mr. Hory iVadghaa, Vk
tor, N. Ti writ: "For aom tuna I
wa trouUcd with headache aad 41s trass
In my stomach after eating, also with
constipation. About aix month ago I
begaa taking Chamberlain's Tablet.
They ragulatad th actioa of my bowels
aad tha aaedaoh aad etber annoyauoas
ceased tn a ahort time." Obtaiaabl
vevy wber. Advertisement.
4. Bdwarat Wli Tkur Aasaaav,
BT; EDWARD, Neb., Jan. 4.-Ppe-elal.k
The ! ht. & choil bvhat tH
team won three anmea Jir-r "rtduy ave
nlng from Genoa team Tin c4re In th
first tram, which waa fwlwaoa th eo
ond teams, waa 44 tn 4. Iha .cor in the
gum between the Rlris' tvr was to s.
Th score of the (sun between the first
teem wa SO to IA Th fetativltla con
cluded with a box social given by th girls
of th St Kdward Hl.h school. '
. i "i . i . . v
Scares mt Iowa Tonrafcy.. i,
FORT DODOF Is,, Jaa. 14. teipaolstl.)
Th tournament of the Iowa Rowling
association closed here Friday with Jo
Sweeney of Bloux City f irst in elngiee
with Ki. The Rankin Colt let ia th
tournament attained tit teajl tn th tlve
man event with 1.M0. as did l'uire and
Ford of Fort Dodg In the double with
i.lta. . -' . ' :
Dundee Antis Will
Invade LegislatuiG
Dunde antl-annaxatlonhrbi held an en
thusiastic meeting lat night at tha fir
hall, to arrange for a large eiai3on
from that villag ts go to Lineola Thar
day and protest against th aaaaxatlofi
bill now before the senate.
Between fifty and ana hnhdred, and
parhan more, wnt ge from ranAea an
th special train, that wilt ale earry
"antla"vfrom South Omaha, Benson and
Florence. Messra. Stoltenberg,. Rofcr- ,
bough, H. W. Pierpont Cbarle Nelson
and Clyde Drew war appointed last alght
as a committee, .to canvas th wV.ele
villa go for - daiegetae far tb XUauuia
trip, and te got out the crowd, aad sell
railroad ticket, ta advance..
Th Mathers' club of Miller Park avhool
had donation day Friday for four msai
bers. who 're temporarily In need of
aawlataace. Tha contrtbutloa consisted
of a wag an load of food, sufficient to
last for sfral days, and Several boxes of
olothmg. The affialra of the club ar so
niangd only member ef the relief
committee know the identity ef the bene
ficiaries of relief extended, .
Robert .A. fr'tiseftcr. aubsgnnt cf the
Prudential Life Insurance cump&ny, waa
arrested yesterday at Norihwood. I., on
a charge of 'appropriating M't his
own. , preferred by the company. Delec
tive Frank Murphy went last nUM to
bring aim her.