THE BEE; OMAHA, MONDAY, J A NTAUY 23, 1915. WANT ADS Meet ede received at any time, but to niir rrniier rlaalflcetlon must he pr. aanteA b( 1! o'clock noon for evening e.lition nd 71S p. n. for nwfln and f-.iin.1ey editions. Wsnt a" received f'or i'h hours wl'.l he binder ths heading, Too' I.t to Classify." , CAJMI RATKH Feven consecutive tm?t, I cent A wortl srri Inerrtlnn. " ' Three time within ena week, P. eent a. word esch Insertion. Ons time, I ctntl - word. ' CHARGE RATRS. ' . peven consecutive times, cents ns arh Insertion. - ' ' ' Three times within one wsek. W cents tin eseh Insertion. ' . - One time, II rents. a line. ' Count six versge word to ame. Minimum charge. 20 wnlt, . An ovcrttement Inserted to be ru nn f II discontinued must be stopped by wnt to order. . -''.' All cielms for errors must within fifteen day sfter th Ust Inser tion of , the airvertlsement. Ton en pises your wsnt'sd M Th Be ty telephone - ... TELEPHONE fTIXR 100k Unclaimed Answers to the' "Swappers' Column" Hundreds ' of other inwen hove been fr snd delivered during tnO Isst week. It Is reeaooah) to suppose that all of thd people below have msd tho Ktrx1 swap, therefore 'do not call Tor the balance of their anawcra.. Be want so sure ret results. . . K C. H,d . SC. PC. H.C. i.e. 141 lfO loll SU isiT InW jr.3 1 IMfl 1S45 iv4 1"T 1170 1S7! ' K.74 1 1 ."7 ; li 17 4KW 141 1411 .1 14U 14M 1414 1'4 14 'A -14.71 iva 54H 14W1 .1441 14 -4 1 14W li HO, 1471" ;ki "8... mo s . s:i . i I S ri if) t rt i ;s l 4M it Si M J'l J IT l4 Jl H7 J SO rt r"4 ' tA 41. .41(1 VJ ' 41 4VO . 4:1 4 It : 4.1 a ij VI . , JJT14 .. Jim .; -, )it I H'S. j 1407 7- PK4TH4.4M) tlXKUtl. XOTICEi. JlOCHEF ORD-I-Va.1 gl " 9 Tar. bo lovd wife of l!llm M. Rnchaford, lr. ltt--d ImvM a.lnther and mother, thro tiitr, Mr. John .A. McCrry, Mra. 4 ary F.. Whlta anl Mloo Nll!e (VtnmtMi. nf fihla rltv. and a brother. V. K. (.'onmlii of'8ajl Franclaoo,' Cal., to moum her io. . - Funral rem , rnldfnf a. JJ0 South S'wentv -fourth street, at t:M a. m. Monday to Ht. Pntrli-k'a church, at a. m. Jntei- iment at Holy epulrher, jmetery. MOVIU PUOCJUAiSS t (elusive)? la Tit Hunt Dvvrs) Tgm -CAiMRWIONhTHEA,' ' Ufa Doug!. 'I in wioicn t un ui, Kaiern trrna. 'l iia Mmu (rum vhe Kt, UtiOlii. drama. 1 1. Hlval t latn dura, twiltf y. tl'imiedy. yU Fk M " i. " 1 WtJFA UN AM. J aiay a Irat I.ova. Luhln tortet.( i lar old Girl 4 H.mlimmil, 8-u Ls. 1ra. j ne Man, tho Miilnr and Ihe'Msid. Vtra, KARNA M" Ti4ll"KAliNAM Bt", Ituns ab.tolutnly 'four liiitrun Mutual films, with IM famous ' Ktratooo' com rtlp Phnrd daily. 1 1 i i j Horn of Taramouni i'leturaa. ! :4S ! L ta N. MTU. ati!i J rirnjit dally. Keys'ona -4 Tonira?a, f I Vith! ftD Inch of Hla Life, i-r. Belalr. l (.Ul a humuiK. Cryalal comedy. IHINi KKj, . J3irT DUi:uLAH. tirat-a'Cunant and Francis 'Ford In ''Old i'tg lyen a 111." f-reel Western drama, "Thi t'luo of titer I'ortrall.'M lrma. 1 Awrsau ' ... i til AM BRA. 1S1 N, S4T11 BT. 'll Juins. tlta . Wi W, W.'s., Kontlo coin. ,'i lia Maser.. 2-r. K-U.-. drum. i 1 bt t'lii f)mid for ' Nothjf, M!4ie dra. M ( 7 r I it II f"A N Ui7HTT J ivli'iiiriienta. , Majentlo rtrsrra.,' 'ins ii.isivr, re-l K-K.'dram.' A a Mmo ThlnWetli. I uiy comedy, !Ji ;'.. iiinnrv Avo. and ilurdeitt. 'J lie W liliiw'a I hililrrn. Hriiatire diait). h-iorman Wat Kig'st. -floysl comady., y.m'M.ra, No. .' ' I.IA.Sik.Mi, i,)0 l.Akt'.. Mysiery or the Throno -Room, I-r, U. hral. iimrt of the irn(l Hig C , A Mti1 hv I'rony, Nesinr comedy. J- AN e. LiS. S4TH AND r KA. nJAii fen tii lillnij J-eo, ' I-r. Lubm tliaraa. Jartisme oubi X. Kenarsy comtdy. V rtn l-rent I'nyt P.IDf iliama. T' 1 1 t- uiv eue'i. -rtlti A N it 01721537 ?"erbcc4. rsnty f4rma. , , - . iti lnunilior, Key;oha ennxdy. . y-iri, No T, enmtte n io parts.. if, - JiOiil Arti I.Cl'or. Ji-fl-?cllt Ko. W. ytl cf Hnshand Who liowtd l'p aud Lid Hla Jjuty. av,l froii a T.!f of C;i"'. J.?, Vltg. I.iihKor, 4 1H AN U lAJlMHVt. Ksplolta of E'.sloo, "In" ftJcllUon to our v.a,ir piot4n. e J.fjYAL, Svl CAl.iJWtLU t-rnU Kj:,.Ul. , ' -. . . .-tcr, Ky No. I. irtuiiiso. Victor. ninieg tea Mnvlea. Nestor eomeo v. TALACE, DAVi.M'OHr. I Vaster Key N'o, . l-re Bieolal. t mm v.s Vllan. ( ryst comedy, f- , iili .fAN, iI ltANI. AUkZ -! " on 'tha Liitiiled. Kslrui dr. rwn " ro'a VvrOL g-r. dr. tk. AISHOH. ... tel-A.M. AP.ROR HTS. In ii. C'an.1!!lht. 2-r Amerirao draiua. 1 f,e lion hmlnfisrl. h r-ltaftt-e. -Vhen 4,.ieiiie cume r-a. Hcinitycom. Al uLI) 'J ijf A I l.a. . .4T Ji.VnaoTin" l l i' l y ti -"K. S-r. KkUix firama. '1 he ii rt h of tittT j,vi-;i)r. f.tii.ift munia. i- mm il;R 1 Pa-i's t't-T-w-1, Vlte. ioineiy. r i i ,'i ' .'ii ' I A Tii'i.ATF It, nuTKriv,' llVf? i-t. 1 .K,,n of the I miiif i. li,al,in dra. vin Mtantr at Tretntiiing HIM. J r. Kee. dr. 'I ne I'n-r-'ir s tioii'Mi, c,- Vila. i(,mtiilr. 4 .V I "ii 1' '1 UMl r.rt J-MhVnTVlt'ruml 'i tie l--i.'!!g i f TMiiim 'Hi k, Jr. bien. 1 liner Ibim ''!, ire. Tlii iiliaum-r. - -t,i.i.'-ic the .,i!r,r, K-yp!iint ( "1.1 1 ii 1 i i i'.U r !Cr.!" lNl'oNTiTT :.c. ; Ii; '".(. 1 elinms. 1 riy I -h a Kma, 't-r.H Kii-ti,tv dr. A "f f-:e-1 Matr. MsrtaTn -'com. I ; I- 11. e In Rr ( rok. Kcilr. . Cure. (tk.-r t-,;n,roy. ),l I Ulne. N. , 1.1 '!'. ' l.tU.1 -ir. A , ii'lr-mnn of Art.' -r-rl Iu-p. m-ut-r t. -t-sy. Victor. i cn the my ('iifil for H-lp. Nes. !AilM- r; A l I.K A V r WOKT'jT '". S " -nfM'e Miy. 3-f-eJ Juip. l!--t '.!'. Joker comely. ' Ai:'!Kf.n.n I t cnts. . ' VENKZIA. VZl fcO. UTU T. '..T.r y.i. i,f Hnm.l fW'jrw - -. . Via FARNAM. Red H.mjj-, S-r., Willi A MnMnr of CVUI1. Bio. i f" ' t'-e rwst.- wel. ora. t o" i,4 of ll. I ,uc s i-i. Ire.' Svvcawak ITN'ON. 'tio MAIN PT. I (,,.ii ue In "A Night 'if Thr.iia," I-r. 1 . :e I ii' i i lo "The ;w Tiifuie u;rl." I in r.TM.'y For lie L,-itae. Eclslr. 4 Hctl fitlMffe. i'MTE N. 1. .K. li it'll D W AY. I ,,t-v m i:.M,l. Lu:,ln c'-iii.idy, 1 . ! i : nf .v o. & ii.,. i.i.k- of ii. -wicu-eo. I-r. eiUt dr. t..; I 1 1 i. it, y l I ? i I A HI. I . A'-'VV AY. K ctr. itt,iph C.-uiiu'ia. TODAT'H f'OMPLKTE Exclusively In Tho Be (a-l Klaiffa. POP R, 1.37 BROADWAY. The PmiiaKlers Island. I-r. (Jold Peal. Pi Monha Ura. T?ex drama. Fools and Falamas. Joker rowdy. - ktk 4rmalaa. Mnf?E. " MTU AND N 8T8. The Iieeoh. Ireel Kalem drama. Tna' Smoklna; Out of J4e!la Hutts. Vlt. com. Ixive'( Savsae Mate. l.uMn dra. MAOIC. 24TH AND O PTS. The Irte flame, i-reel Krlalr. The Hlrktoan Rivals. Joker romedy. 'adovllt. UTU AND St. ORPHEUM. Th picture rhana;c dally. Atotfit tl Keystona featuro Friday night. ANXOtJNCEM EVT.H . . " - Jan. 1. m$. Mr. Peter I-anger, j MadlMon Hotel, Dear Plr: Knrloaed plessa find certificate of Inspertlort In compllatire wnn permit for the. Inalallatlon of steam hollers In the city of Omaha, leaned by this of fire. You will note that your holler I In p-ooe) condition and aafe to carry much hlchcr pressure than Is requested by vour plant, contrary to the report being circulated. Your beating plant Is In good ' condition, this -office never con demned the boiler or heating plant or any part of tho Madlaon Hotel. Your very truly.' - 1 ' ' ' Wm. A. Chrieman.' ' City tFotler and Hmoko Inepector. DRKHSMAKINil and . tailoring, work guaranteed. 4Q Caaa Hi. Tel. Red, "V. Wedding announcmenta. loug. I'tg. Co, Announce to your frlanda that you are preparing for ' batter and bigger business by locating your offloa la Tha Rea 1 building, "(ha building that Is always new." ' ' . . : t -- . . k , .w .1, ... . ' .. , ' . . BAZh.L,-Laf Pile Cones.' Rest remedy for Itching, bleadlng or protruding piles; S4a, postpaid; samples free. (Sherman tc ilcConnoll Irug Co., Omaha. FA1EK PAVMK. Paoeeaoora to Joseph Patak, plumbing, steam, hot water, vapor and . vacuum haatmg, bcw location, 711 8. 16th Kt TL V. 4. tNWI.t. inf. Y. U. C A. night S'hool. LUCKY wedding rlnsa at lirodegaard's. AUTOMfmiLKH ONK 1B11 Cadlllao touring car; big bar gain. cnnina;v t-Q.. loug. 4a, inli.etrlal Oniasc Co,, 3"Ui 4k Harney B-.s. iloO RK.VVa1rI for any magneto wa can't repair, coll repi. iiaysdorler, zw N. is. For RENT One-ton Whit truck with .driver, by week or month, ii. . 1'elton, 1716 Oall louglaa !.. MOPKLt B-t Oetrolter touriug car with al(-atarter, run )'9 than 600 miles: genulna bargain at 7. Tho T. O, North wall :o., 814 Jonea Ht. L'oug. 1707. Grcenoiifih Omaha Rad. Itcp. Co., ''' Far. AUTO clearing houea, Viol buya and sells cms, t'lmne lumnim 3.nU. C klAbiil.H, oapsrt radiator and Uunp repalra ly.'di, 2ol lavanworth. AUTOMuUU.i-Uver)nd , 4 paxsHtitter touring, ovaritaulnd teo. MIL Rear tires naw, nobby tread. Will buy tlra to tnaka de.l. Katra tubas - and tires cheap for oaah. L Li 'U,, P. U. Uo . 144, bouth Omaha. , CAKS painted, aocordlDg to also (Fold ) work guranl'd. liaiisiuin ('ark UaraMe. Foil HitNT-l high-grade 1-ton trucks by dayj week or month. 4Jall Tyler K'jn. i . . Motoreyclaa. HARLKT-DAViDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Root, "The Motorcycle Man," tiua lwvenworth. fjli' INliiASl MO'fUUOYCl.K now reeuvT , bsritwins - In kued machines. OMAIIA BICVl l.K CO., liith and Chicago. U. tils. KOTORCYC1.K, 8.' H 4-U. k Vale, hell i cheap or trad. Tclcehona loiig, &o0. ?21"i Farnam. i jUndborg Rroa., i ll LaarVFlylng Merkle.) AN XOUXCK.MENTS ' Cigar ctofft and pool bait for aal Jan. 11 at 8 o'clock, by sealed bids. Com and look It over; a rare opportunity and a good on. Hand In your hida and bo preaent at appointed time. Th Mglteat bidder takea tho stor. Bad health and ape comiwls ma to selL .. pool, and I Millard table; good ahie; value ll.ftrt, phow caees and other fixtures, stork, A fnia business and llio brat loca tion In town. M, 'J, M EARS. Kearney. Nep. FOR BA1.K Hoel hotel in central part of stats; giMid farming territory; low rent! nit ti.odrn e,iiiiiuent; gumt rea sons for e-llin. Adilred Y S4,1, Heo. iIK sAl.K -W!l eetahlUheMi feim luiple ment hustneae; practically all new up. to-dat stw k; Inventory alxnu v'l.'X): Dart caeh, halanr reasonable terms; no trade; act juii k If you are Interested; must be soia iir,ir uruary I. Tho etowurt Uimber Co., Iienlsou, la. - OiVid Hull, HALL for il; in good lo- rslity; - hstysln. Address Y H44. Hf. U.T Sot'M RL'BlNii.El3 with ' us lor (j'ltru action and gquar trMlmsnt QmCK 8AL1..- COMPANY. 4".(l Re Fhon Red PSl ON'K of tha t retail bakeries In tha city; no competition. Call Wan. 7t4, or adiireaa K W". lira. ONLY BAKKltY, cor.fectlonery. ice rcim, cigar & tobacco btnunesa In fin tow of i.ouu, ileal location la tuu. A V(p. Addrees Y V(7, Heo C. J. C'anan can fll your furmlng lanJ. KKAL SNAP rllcateen. Inoluding confctlonry,' cUars, aoia fountain, lunch room and ba': ba fc.loaf capacity ovens; .;!.:;.; cnrr.;-!?e and np-to-i'nte tn. ciuoina stock and flxturea. This la some. thliiC cood: lix uted on Farnam street and rloia in- loing a good buainesa. 11.-00 rsh buys It. Adnresa ti-toi. lie. LF T trie wrtte your fir, tornado, autoino I lis and burglary Inaurance. Phone in. Tvier itj 1 haven't time to com and s you. W. . Teinnlctoii, au be BUlg. 1U5STAUHANT . One of th best paying restaurants In Omaha. Cheap rent . nil fine location. W ! . guarantee li") a week net profit or no aala. - This is a REAL restaurant and a BAR. uain AT 4.0ua " QJ'ICK SALES CO. ' ' 4iS BEE BLDil 'i'o ilkT in or wul of bunnies. CUl wu . GANUKH TAD. 4 4 Bee BUI. D. 4477. H'tNi. snow rn5. CIsrH A nun. HOLEciA l.E ninufi tiii-in bumnens wants partner, e1. W ilson, 4) Coi by !.' , iOV'fl bi!ne or real eniate cul -t.y o-.l.i. 'Wriie Jim Wray. Sluiiz City. TWO fM.'.l.l, OFFICEM. .0 AND til IN THE WELL Lit i t ITF.D,. 1 WELL K LPT AND ' WFIJ, IJCATFD BEE BUILDING. "THE BUILDING THAT Is AI.WAK N KW." 4 ir EK E. RO. iM 1C4. . TH:.ATl!.n..HBuy, lease or sell your the - tr, ii'schlue and a u'i'iu s throush Thi-aier I hang Co., Ifc l'aruam bt. Imu4) laa inj7. LCUOATIOMAL iiOYLES CXjLLLUE Jer School; Night dh'xil; romplet course; cumplel hoi thmitl or strnutyp couith; complete t-imi.iiy ccurM, civil se vli e bii, is ai,4 Ki, )Mi. btiMiruta auiniuad al any tune. Wilt. iUona or rail tor l'ii4 catalogue. WYI.I'S I'xLI l.ilK. !f 11. JbOlfLEh, PieaiJnt. Pay! iildg ... Oiuaba. Nsb. lal.- Douglag rm r.tTioxAi, r'UH sale the following ei-hiHsrehlps ta a first class Omaha Huslneea Collese: tn unlimited combination business and short lis nd course. On unlimited business course. On unlimited stenographic reurs One tline months' businnss or steno graphic course. YUll b sold at a discount at tb offlc of th Omaha Rc. EXII-inT My slencgrnpher will tak pupils. fliOHTHAN l touch typewrit tng. spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for buslnea ca reer. I'livat Instruction If desired. 461 tiouglas tt. Tc'. 'alnut T.Tl. W1NTKK TEUM MOf HER-T.AMPMAN COLLEGE, . NOW OI'KS. Unsurpaased dassea In bualnesa, short hand and Kngllsh nranchea, Oradusts guaranteed good positions. Pisces pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue add-ea Mosher-Lampman College lth and'Farnsm Street. Omaha. Neh. The Van Sant School Stenography J V Hay ac.hool, :() to 4:0. . . Night school. 15 to :U. -lllh and Farnam Ets. Doug'as 4W47. FOR SAIJB .. Faraltar. New a- 2d-hand furniture, rash or terms; rcimonalHe. Amr. Furn. Co., V N. lath liROP-HEAD New Horn sewing ma chine; complete with attachments; s fine plllowa. cwmforta. dish, etc., -for caHhf trunka or something useful. Burt Winters, 4S14 8. Win Pt. J7 WARD kitchen cabinet; sold cheap If taken at onto. Ml 8. . Harney 1141. Real Bargain Beautiful furniture for a four-room apartment complete, at private sale. ,Tle phnne Tyler 17i. T , . Maslcal laatrwauaata. ' Fllgbdy usd Mgh grajllanoD17. AT - 1 ra' rin.-e-rKin upright KkmbaU plana iiarnoy -. York Cornet and caaa 1 15, Beat condi tion. 101 B. Ave. - TygMwrltr. ' RKNT Remingtons, Monar"Cbs and Smith Fremlere of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone louglaa 12M Rental credited If you purchase and omy teiy new us t and highest giadtt ma chines sent out. Hates, three months for 16 for understroke machinea or ti icr month for latest model visible writers; TYl'LWKiTEjt.S Bold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 7 ti. 17th All makea typewriters rented, sold, terms. Bulla Typewriter, 106 Farnam. D. 4W.1, KENT An Oliver typewriter, t months for 4. The Oliver Typewriter Co., 1. nil) MIoellaeoas. ' $ fin Buys best coal for th money'; try 'KJKJ It. W b. S4H. Harmon Weth. J-hanil in. h Oroea Wreck Co., n Paul. FOR HALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinda; easy payments. - Th. Brunswick- Balke-Colicndcr Co., 4of-4i 8. Hth ft. ' t lAKK'l'H coal, Si. Wagner, mi N. l.,th. 9 NEW safes, difterent slxae, below ooat. Lr. Bradbury, dentist, lirn Farnam. FOR 8ALIC Laundry machinery; one SSx 1S-lnch Wood washer and on ;)24i-lnch W ocd washer, one 24-lnuh extrnctor. one 1Ax4& Incu mangle, tiood condition., lull Hurt tt. Pouglaa 3.S7B. BHA VINGH for packing Ire. Acme Box Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. t BOOKKEEPER with experience In whole sale busuiesn, must he able to take com plete chars of books, A per month. Ad dress A1M4, Bee. . , . . STENO.. . BXPKRfi2NCKD. -WHO CAN TA K hi CHARUU tF OFFICES, . I). BTENO, HUMK EXPERIENCE. 40. TKN't)., EXl'KKIENCEO, p BOOK KEEPER. A LITTLE HTKNiKiRAFU I. 4U. CLERK. OROCERY EXPERIENCE. t lWIFKRATlVK J ft r rJ UtM'K CO. factory Iritis, LEARN ha'rdresalng. Oppanhelra Parlors lionaekeepers Ioaacatloa. TltS rlervant Qlrl problem Solved. Th Pre will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FKKE until you got th desired reaulta. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Hiufla. Bring ad to The Be offlc or telephone Tyler limO. WANTKIV Experienced girl for general housework; new home, near car,, no washing, good wirci. Call Mra. E. li, r-unileilund, Wal. 21119. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small new apartment, V In family good wngca ami 'good home. Phone Harney 4:4 or call at " H. 4'd t. WANTE" A girl for general houae- work. H. 7W. HU B. SMh Ave. W ANTElJ Lxperlenced .white girl f..-r Kcucral house work. Phone Hsrney To:. WANT A maid for light housework and helu with children. Call at 210 S. ftth Ave. A tiKKviAN or Bohemian girl for general housework; Id a week. Phono Web. 7tb7. WANTED A girl for general housework; nocooMng; good wagea. vval. iil, WANTED first clans white girl to do aeneral housework In family of two. Musi be rlcim, specln'ly good cook and understand serving. 4Jne wno will ap preciate good home nnd take Inte.est in work. Weening dono by laundry. Wld pay good salary and exjiect gnl to stay iti -nmiiviitly. Have had 3 airla in twelve er. Hnrncv Q1RL (or general housework. Apply fell Farnam. H. W.'S, WANTED Young girl for gen'l beuee work: email family. H. 6217. I40 Dav- eniKirt St. ' WANTED tloo.1 girl fi? giuerl house work! small family. 7U7 N. Hod ft. U. es4. 1 ' COMPETENT grl . for general houae work; no wasmug; piefur una who can go home nights f!S Plnkney tt. Ct)M PETE NT uiaid for general house work, must be a good cook. Best of references required. Pleasant room, pri vate bath, two In family . Phone H. ' 1. WANTED White erlrl for general housework. Wages tx Phone Wal. M. NO washing atid relerna, hint. W.. H. Uluni-, .4 iHalga Tel. H. n7s CItToD girl for aeneral hou-wota; must have guild rc'cicnccs; family of two. Walnut or call at 41) Isard. COMPETENT 4.11 RL FOR (IKNERAL Hol rEWORK; NO WASHIN'J; GOOD WAGES. Xil5 Bl'UT BT. WiliTbi sirl for genciai houDcwork. Mnall family. . Uarnry.31U4. l.-o H. 34! ! eiceet. ' CAPABLE and exierlenced white girl for general houKework; must be clean and a g,Hd cook. t! liatd. Wal.IU."i!4. WANTEL A voting xlrl U take care of ciillj. J. H. Kl. 7-U W. Itfth ft. WANTED-A girl for general housework; small new houee, lit riliall lamuy. II. 6!t71 ll'l 8. 5-1.1 ht. WANTED White girl with reierences for general housewoik; 3 In family; . no cooking; good wagea. Wal. '.'(. Mlacellaar-oas. l-APIITS ft nils,.ea' cot. suits, dre'ases ft skirt samples at wheipsa prices. Bon off a New York camel More, a N. lilih. WO.ii N wanted; overninrni Jobs; full 11 1 t free Innikllu lastiiui. LyU tbi A. Rochester. N. Y. YOI'NG women c lining to Omaha as atriinserB are invltrd lo visit the Young Women a .'hrt--tiau association biulding at ht alary'a Ave. and into St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assinted. look tor our traveler a guule at 1'nnia statln. It'l'KO lei'y tor lisnt. y work; good pay. . AdJrcra G iO, Bee. HELP WANTED MALB Clerical aad Of flea. TO! "Nil man. It to SO yeaia, good ap peiranv, trlMht. ateady workor, nuiet I shkI I'l'Hiiiiin, for Juiiin4' clerical poei lion. mylisiil limniHi for tvancmnent. Kely in own ban ilw ruing, t,tm g Bg, eapei lonce, tc Adilfjas Ju bii, hr. . IIKLP WAVrO) MALE lerlel sad Office. NO FILIV4I 1TE. AH.'OH'TFLY NO CHARUF; Mnl pceltlon I" s'ired. INVWTIflATI.; OCR MKTllOIi. Joaers Reference Co.. fl.'t Ftste Hk. Hldr HIOH-4iRAlF, salesman for the road. Apply 1J. Hee Rldg fiQl'ARK PKU8 IN 8v)UARK HLE3. -We find a position that fits you. CO-4PKHATlVE REFERENCE 0., V VIS C 1 1 y National Rank Hldg 1 YOl'NO man for stenographic position; must be fairly speedy; good opportuni ties for advancement; salary, $4"i to f.'3 per month to mart. Address E MS, Hee. YOI'NG MAN for stenogrsphlo position. not particular about experience. Urt per month to begin, excellent chance for ad vancement. Address P MS. Ree. HIUH-ORAPK commercial positions. WEST FEF. ROXn ASSN., 711 fhnaha Nat. Rank Hl.lf. Areata. Sslrtmea aasl aollcttara. NO classifies ttonr liberal' eontraot; policies. MUTUAL RKNEFIT HEALTH and Accliient Asaoclstlon. 421 City, Na tions! Rank Rldg.. Omnha. Neb. . LEARN BARRm TRAPf?. - E Independent; wacVand tools lven. Ele trie massase. Strictly. modern. . Big demand for barhers. Call or rvrlte. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLECE, 1124 iKjuglas Kt.. O'fi. m;i N' Lincoln. COl'NTl' msnagera wanted for unoc cupied territory ' In Nebraska; cxperl anew unnecessary. (Jreat Western Acci dent Insurance Company, New Haird Building, 4maha- EXPERIENCED salesmen to aell our lin of popular priced laces and embroideries on liberal commission basis to merchant In Kanaaa, Nebraska, Oklahoma. New Mexico and Ariaona. Address with full Information. Brln Bros, direct Importer of European Isoea, lisllsa Tex. BRIGHT energetic salesmen of ability. Watt Ref. Co., MM2 Rrandels Theater. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. HIGH grade salesmen, Kf dally guaran teed. Imperial Mfg. Co., North Main St., Council Biuffa, la. . EXPERIFINCED crew manager and spe cialty salesmen for fastest selling article on tha .market; expense,, daily, pay weekly. R. U Crourlae hlk., 11 No. lh. factory ana Traaew. LHAHM TO BB A MOViii OfltRATOR. MOVINO PICTCRH OPERATOR iCHOOL. IfAl FARNAM eT.. 2D FLOOR. WB WANT MEN AND BOTH IX THE CITY AND OCT. TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE Can qualify- you lor good wage In few weeks. tHart now and com plete for spring rush. More calls for help than can be supplied. Home money earned wllo learning. Tools given. Best trade In existence for men .of limited means. Open- to ail. Call or write, MOLER RARBEK COLLEGE, liO H. 14 St. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs lBo. Coffee John. 14th arid Capitol. AUTOMOBILE-WICK OB. OTHERWISE! Be wise a 1 Independent In business for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you.. Get our unusual Interesting offer , with Catalogue "C." Day and night classes. Phone D. 30O. ' 1413-15-17 Dodge f t.. Omaha, Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. ' Mtacetlaaeoua. YOU ARE NEEDED Big pav if an auto expert. . We give ex pert work.- At) leading magne'toa and self starters. Lots of positions opening now. You go right Into tho automobile busi ness from her. Write about positions llatad with ua. Free catalogue. . Amerl can Anto Collage, 2111 Farnam St.. Omaha. ' Wanted at Once ' MEN' to learn (he automobile business; tit demand Is great for our graduatoa; w have trained hundreds of men; let ug train you. Write for free booklet. Nat T Auto Training Asi'n, 2S14 N . 20th HL. Omaha. Neb. (0 ME.i'. -I to 36 yeara. Apply "Round-Up" Co., stag entrance, BrandeU theater, Sunday, 12 noon. WANTED Names of men wanting to be railway mall clerks, $7S month; Omaha examinations coming. Address Y 83?. Bee. - ',. PHYSICIANS. Wanted registered physicians for high class advertising medical offices In Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Colo rado. Clean business and a good propo sition to the rieht men. Address with full personal particulars Dr. K, W. Smith, 13 12th Ave., Columbus; O. HK1J WANTED MALB AND FKMALB. MEN and women wanted, government Joba; ttio to S1&0 a month. Write for tint of positions now obtainable. Frank lin Institute, Lept. a IK. Rochester, N. X. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man wants place to work for board while: ettemitnK Boyle cullegc, Telephono Dunging ljj. BL.ilNi.p-H MEN Young lady reslres po sition ag stenographer, bookkeeper, of fice plerk or combination Job. Exierlence I years covering 4 lines. Earned 3 promo tions lost, jon, iso Ilirx. 111 consider anything from tH up, short time or long time. Mepues conti.iential. Address B 63. A UIKL, who is a competent cook wants hob ihjb j at upncrfti nni MVni-u w thnur laundry. 'A fr.t4, Bee. . - - ' .-. A LA DX who ran cook well deelrea a Position at aeneral houaawork ailllinnl washln g. P biS, Bee. ' t YOLN--'itn. 6, iltali-ea position aa grocery clerk or" work of any kind; hav lived In Omaha for the last eight years., can lor Jeo. at .Webster 4471. POSITION aa stenographer; willing to begin at . small salary. Phone Web. o21s. COlXiRr D lady wants position aa cham bermaid; short hours. Web. 4SA WANTED Employment - by middle-aged man,. . evral years, railroad, ju,d eftio experience; . prefer poiiilon as traveling salesman or office work; can us typewnten not a steno. K g.13. Bee. WANTED By gfrl attending, sewing scheol, a plaoe to-work for room and board. Addraas Y-4l, Bee. WANTKll huelle wmhu. WVhuiee fa. DADY UiHilre imaitlon of two days' work during each week; references. Address. C M, Bee. Bundle, rough waahlng wanted. W. Sun. Reliable colored glrl wants posltlon as a cook or chambermaid. Douala iw.'; ask for Mildrd. WANTED Day work for Monday and Fridays; any kind. Web. ?i47. lAi'tiuiM t.u colored girl work. I. LW2 Ask for Mry day YOI 'NG man ticslres lila- e as Janitor, or som work Inside; can furnish, refer ences, can i-yier 14W, or address, B 447. Bee. . 6TENOGHAPHER with several yeara" eInnirt In commercial lines wanla ptition. lieal inferences. A.Hres A. b, l'ee. - CtllAiitED man want Job a porter or lanuor. care lurnace: best or references. Phone W. osmi between and 7 In eve nlnns. ' No. S.13 North I7tli St. . SITUATION wanted by colored woman to work in small lamily. Moderate wagea. Tyler lo. Mrs. Bally. ' WANTED by an experienced woll known young man In tnialia a posi tion aa caxliier. bill or office clerk, or any kind f a clerical povltmn. A good ponman; tilck In flaurex. Can turttleh the best of references; willing lo work at a modbiate salary. Addrraa E Us, Pes. LlVK BTOCIC FOR SALE Her aad Vehicle. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagona ft harness; lara stock ft attractive prices. 3ohr.on-l ai. forth t o,. .,-SJ N. l:ih St. MANY weil-matched trains; young uteres: aoci in foal. Call at Brewing Co oe. 1214 t-o. Utft St. iut T acil tiiimeuiately, th bust 2-iO-lb. team, well mated bay marea. In lioug U i-ounty; quit gentl and well broken; hav bon taken orr a debt. Call real denc. . 8. 'io i. ' LlG-leam of work hoiaea, lj lbs., l.VM; i-year-oM draft colt. 1 ltd ins , liSu; J. year-old draft colt. .s lha., S"A. 4ih and Cu'iiilv l ine. Phone Kiulti un NINE head of horrta end mares, some In foJ. froru LL to l.?; na eacn. Call Cail liaitMu's saloon, tli N. Mm. LPVK STOfJK MARKET OF WEST bit IP live stock to Smith Omaha Psv mileag and shrlnkag. Your consign ments recelv prompt and careful atten tion. M Xark 4 onalann MrrrkiiK MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange? Bldg. LOST AND XUND - FOUM At all New Stands. FREE LANCK JUNIOR. Live youngster. Pesdlt, . OMAHA CO! NCIL BI.VFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would vy " ' "I , it,r ,,i i i. tt ,"i uir '-'low . a. , M. .., I i i . . , l-. . r . u .. t w v. V'lti, 1, -lotia fii.'.-i iiBiinnf fany to ascertain whether they left It in he street cars. Many articles each dar are turned In and the rompnny Is anxious to reetore tl em to the rlsh. -I owner, taii Dong. 4W. LOST a black fox muff. Friday after noon, between Burgess-Nasn and Reandelg store. Reward, at 411 Brandel Theater LldK. MOSBV TO I-OAN Nf. KD MONEY! te ua. y.ilck service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Paxton'Blk. Douglas 1411. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula - Cured Without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. No DETENTION from BU8I NKHKAPAT when CURED. A written GUARANTEE .given In every , case treated: Patients must come to the office. 4n-o Omaha National bank, 17th. and r arnam sireeta. DR. mLLIAM CREIQIITON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight year In Omaha Graduate nf Bellevue Hospital Medical Colleg. New York City, N. Y. NO FAKE BOOKS SENT OTTT. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. W. R: Tarrr cures niles. fistula and tther rectal diMtiases without suralcal op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases wiui testimonials. UK. E, ft. IAHHI, Z40 Bf Bldg. i NURSERY PLANTS AND SEEDS 300 STRAWBERRY plants, IL Cholo of 10 varieties. Parcol post paid l,. ex press paid. 14.00; American Sver Bearing Strawberries. . 1.00, Big bargains in all small fruit. Cata log free. W. H. KOELIi, Bo ITS. . Hampton. Is. PERSONAL THBJ Salvation Army Industrial homo so lloitg your old clothing, furniture, ma glnea. We uollecL W dlstrtbut. Fhona Douglas 419 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home,- U10-U1J-U14 Dodge St, $7,000 to Pension Invalids W must hav ST subscriptions tn Tha Lad!' Home Journal,. ,W . The Saturday Evening Post. W in country uentiemnn 11.80 la January or the 7,O0O cannot b earned, for THH INVALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATIOrt. Your order or renewal eontrlb- ' utea Ho or mora toward th sup ' port of a score of Invalids who have received pension chocks for nearly two ye or a. URGENT PHONE D. 713 OR MAl Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB. YOUNG women, coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlstlsn association building at 17th St.- and St- Mary's Ave., where they win ce airecren to suitaoi boarding places or otherwli aasistd. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. ANYONE knowing the whereabout of Blanche White, maiden name Blanche Walrond. last heard of In Colo.; before; lived In K. C, Mo.; pleas communicate at oude with Opal Walrond,' 41 Chestmut Av., Kansas City, Mo. Father dead, state being settled. PET STOCK , BOSTON bull puppies, 6 months old. Call Harney 2Jslet. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES DON'T forget that throe times more chickens have been hatched in Old Trusty incubators than in any other in cubator. Catalogue free on request. Ad dreax, M. AL Johnson Co., Clay Center. Neb. STEREOTYPE matiicea make the beat and cheapent lining for poultry houaea They are 17x23 inchns, stronger and mora durable than tarret1, felt and practically fireproof, .oo a nunc rcn ai -rne wee office. PURE bred White Wyandotte cockerels. -. r r . . , . - - . - Si. pan, xnmi, ij, fi.flr, Aruen, jvad. GUARANTEED fresh country eggsjWo each bv parcel post, prepaid. Pin view Poultry Farm. Springfield, Neb. uvk wnus BUSINESS HEN OF OMAIIA A B C of Omahai B E PREPARED for belter business by locating, now. In The Bee building; the building that la always new." N and 2d-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc., and roech. repairs. . lm uron riect. works; UlS-aO 8. 12th, 0 M AHA PILIjOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Dougla 347. Renovates feathers and mattreaaea of all kinds mku feather mattreear and dVwn covers. V cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Service Co., 308 Bos Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell neodles and parts for all sewing machinea NE BRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's." lfth and Harney. Douglaa l'-2. Areoaataata. MELVILLE D. THOMAS ft COMPANY. m7-38 City Nafl Bank Bldg. Tyler l.W. E. A. DWOHAK, accounts audited, open ing and closing books. Installing modern office and coat accounting systems. Ad dress 4M Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 74HS. Addlagr Macalaea. Daltojn Adding Machines. 411 8. 16. D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (WaTesi, W. o7V. D. fj.18. Arebitrefa. Everett S. rodda, 811 Paxton Blk. D. S941. nlo aad Macaeia Hepatrtasr. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 841$. Aartlaaevrs. Dowd Auction Co., 112S W. O.W". Red 5"1. Atlraetlaaa. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. M0U00 picture machine and film bargaina Bla Priatlaa. . HORNBY BU B PRINT CO.. Gt Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg barkers. 11 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave, jtfll Far. Braaa Kaaadrlea. Paiten-Mttchell Co., rth and Martha 8t. (latera aad Well DlaslwC. ' N:ED well or rlatera cleaned or dug? iiA VY K H duel H. Phone W eb. WUL J. E. R1CKERTT Well Construction XV; nothing too big or impossible: estimates furnished. 10 N. 21st SL, Omaha. Carsesitn aad Coatractora. BTEyFNSQN'', B. ttd. Donglas 5Wf. 4 allfarala Uslw W T SmimCo.. 1111 Cltv Nat'l Bk. D.2819. 4 alrera. M'RAE net a tables, serves Parties, wwd dlng; furnlsli Waiters, cooks. Wal. gill 4'ual ltealera. " $3..rl f.obnson's" spH-!J, also Victor nut. , .. Phone Doualas 17w. Chlraswartara. U Geddls. D. C, rs Be Bid. Doug-. 4S LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA ( hlna ralatlasj. Ruth Letchford, decorating, flrmg. R. 4fH?. f'tl Kaalaeerw. M. J. LAfT. Bl REE PLDO. DOUO. 4TIR. 4 ream Hesaratrs. The Phsrplea Separator Co.. ,12lh Fsm. Dasrlss Aeaaeanles. Tnrpln's Dancing Acsrtemr. ?sth ft farn. Genevieve Hauftalre. rhone Webster 44. ' nS k i'm A r""ym 11 mey. D. M 4. CHAMBER!' Academy, classic. D. 1471. Detectives. INVEST1GATIONB carrVd out . In any pno m i. num rinirf, v nam, m w gn Pxton Blk. Ixwg. 173. Walnut lf.2". JAMES ALLAN. 811 Neville Blk. Evl- dence secured In all cases, i vier ii-v. . rteatlals. - Dr. Bradbury. No pfclln. ISO Famam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 43 Brandeis Rnllev. the Ientlst. 7w 4'ltv Nat 1 Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, lfili Iougias. D. 21). Pyoirhea, Dr. Flckea, 724 :ity Nat. Bank. Dresssaaklsug. Terry Dreasmak'g college. 20th ft Fsmam. SKIKIC to oruer. 41. 00 up. nu . win. WATSON ft LUND, 2007 Csss St. MISS STURDY, 24l t'ass. Red 7320. Drwg-a. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 1 orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omha. Neb. Kleetrle Ispplles. LEBRON Elec. Wks., 81 B. 12th. D. I1741. EverytBilagt for Woraew. Woman's Exchange. 4 Pax. Blk. R. 4MI. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttons,' all sixes snd styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., aoo Douglas Block, p. ih,i. SWITCHES made from combings, by exp. hand worker; mall orders. 414 N, -18th. HAIRDRESSING, all branches; combings ,to order. Apt. 81, Wright Blk. R. 8931. MUFFS made from old fur. H. f4fi. Farlera. , BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. 14th St- W. 7777. Florists. A. DONAGHUE. 1S22 Harnay. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists, 1X04 Farnam St. HESS ft BWORODA, HIS Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Famam D. 12M. Member Florist Telegraph Dell Assn. Hair Dresatasj. Harper method. R. 41, Palrd Bldg. D. 8ffll. Ladies' Trillor. LADIEJS' suits tailored to measure: popu lar prices; remodeling. Irwin BTecher Co., 612 80. 10th. Phone Doug. 99S. , LleThllagr Fiatwres and Wlrisg, . THOMAS DURKIN , El tric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. Live Stoelc Remealee. OMAHA Remedy Co., 4107 S. 1.1th. Red 42T3. Meaaeasjerr anal Tea waster, WHITE LINE, 309 8. 11th. Douglas Ml 2. Mask, Cotttasaea. aad Iodr "applies. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben ft Son, 1M4 Howard. D. 4118. Masse sees, BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Iatira Wilson. 102 Farnam. R. 1 Douglas 875L Open evenings and Sundays MISS GIBSON, massage; 2d floor, 1711 Dodge. Hrs. 10 to 8. Sunday H o 6 p. m. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 718. Open eve., 9 p. m.;, Sundaya, 10 to 8. MISS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. D. 4297. Hours to ; Sunday 11 to o. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 8751. Mn Meases. MI83 JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phone Doug. 4297. Hours ta ; minqay n m a. MASSAGE. 1 S. 17th St.- Mrs. Steele. Violet Ray, mass.. -486 Bee Bldg. D. 6112. Miss Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red f A A (IV & BEKJ BUILDING. MAOOAUI'J DOUGLAS 6372. 0011AI3ELUNGY ew eastern arrival, mag netic treatments. Invigorating baths, mas sageselegant snd satisfactory ; dally, evening. 107 S. 17th St. Notice Entrance down at airs, basement, corner building. Moving;, Btoragra aad ( leaaHnsr. W. C. FERR1N. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200, Naraery aad Seeds. 4JARDEN seeds, small fruit and vegeta- Die plants or eiricuy iirsi oiaas quauiy; catalogue free. Bowker Plant Nursery, Box 10, Kearney, Neb. - - Oculleta. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathia phystctaas. Dr. Remcha. 308-4 McCagti Bldg. P. IffW. Dr. Peterson. 60S Brandeis Bldg., D. 2144. Prlatin. ' , WATER S-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing.' Tel. Doug. 1190. 824 S. 13th St DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Doug. 44. COREY ft M'KENZIK PTQ. CO. D. 2tH4. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 130 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUG. 3754. Patent Development. AMERIC AN'Mschlne Co., 110 8. Hth Bt- jv? H. A. Sturges, 83 Biwndels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, PatattnaT aad Pa peri bc HU'GH M'MANUfl. 417 N. 40th. H. 8728. Hsack Kittrsilssmr. B. B. B. Roach powder st your druggist. Plasaes Henevated, PLUMES ft flowers made over, cleaned ' ft dyed. Bertha Kruger, AM Psxton. D. 8.194. safa ad Tim Laelt Kanerta. SAFEST Opened, repaired, oorrm. changed. F. E. Daven port. 1408 Dodge. D. 1XX1. Ska HepaUrtnsr. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., lff St. Mary's Av. FRIEDMAN BROS , shoe repair. 211 S. 14. Stare) and Offloa 1xtBa. moAtr aafes. scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4i-n-m w. itn. li. tis. tlgai aad Skawaards. R. M CI.ARK ft SON. Ill B. RTTH 8T. teel relltasra. CARTER Bheet Metal Company. 110 S. 10. Twe Baspliea. OMAHA Tow! Supply, 307 8. 11th; D. 8. Traaks aad Balteaaea. FREL1NG AV STEINLE. 108 Famam St, Tailors. CHAS. C. LANDERTOU. 108 N. 15th Bt- O. 01FN CO., I' S. lth St.. Id floor. Hlsdsw Skade Cleaaere aad kigi. CLD shades mad like new. Mldweat i' hade t actory, etilO Hmilton. Wral. ami. VeterlBarlaaa. DR. a. R. YOUNG. 44502 Center. Wal. 8t. Wtaea aad l l were, . ALEX JFTKS. J01-J 8. 13th 8t. Wlnee, Ihiuora, ctKare. Plate dinner. 11 to 3, lUc. Globe ibiuor houM. 4-4 N. ltth; California wine, II tf per gal. Write for price ilsC HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOl.VE. lfth snd Capitol Ava Ten-centj lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House, N. lth. Douglas 13. HWAPPKK'S tXlLUMN AU'TO 6-paaa, 0-h. p. auto, wind siileid, top, cbaina. Preato tank and in ftrst rla running order, trade for Omaha vacant lot worth about ou0- Aad S. C. 11.'. P'ee ' ALTO. ETC. On oaklenii Toatlatr, thoroughly overhauled and naw tires; In slorase. Will pay a toraa e until spring. One hih grade Burton mandolin; one one-horsepower I- - U. gasollna engine, like new; one fireieas cooker. In good ahap. W'lll trade one or ail What have you to offer? Address S. C. 8!t. Bee. iVTOlHniLa. For thw autonvobue ttti seJO saw tt "AutwiuuMla ' uleaalO caliuav SWAPPERS' CTILVMN. AUTO TRUCK Have 00-11. P. car which, with but little work, could be converted Into truck, or imod for roadster ss It stands. Engine, magneto, dlf'erentlal and transmission J"et overhauled and rebuilt; t:4 worth brand new tires on rear; front tires In A-l shspe. Want Ford or similar car that lady can handle. Address 8. C. tl. Be. BICYCLE in perfect order; will sell cbesp or trade; coastef brake; used six months. Address K 4fi2. Bce BELL HtTfTOM JACKS 2x10, I of them. In perfect order; will swap for nails; cost I.1.1H, aell for 12.50 each; they were used once to move one house. Also 11, 11x21 fir housemovlng rollers, painted. In No. 1 order, at It ach; swap for repeating rifle or shotgun; 25-:i preferred. W III swap any or, all the hoove snd some cash to boot for second-hand lumber or brick. Address 8. C. 622. Bee. CHICKKNS Seven yellow Leghorn and other chickens for sale or trsde. Ad dress S. C fill. Bee. DECORATING or painting to trade for typewriter or office rieak snd chair. Tyler 2WT. DIAMOND Wish to trade -carnt dia mond tor c. 11. chetscr, 4 s. 24tn A ve. CAMERA 6x7 Premo complete with 5 Plate holders, stand, carrvins case and . 8 supleinentnry lcnsni, Wsnt lypewrlter. nu'iinv c. v . p.,. ripe, Il,oi10 EQUITY in all modern, 7-room ' Omaha home for stock goods. Address F 550, Bee. 4 HARP, violin, cornet, piano, guitar; want windmill, transit, diamond. Drlsm-ht- noculara. Repairing, and strings for all lnsts. Address K C oZb, Bee. LNCUBATOR I have a 260-egg Triumph Jr., incubator and brooder, Used one season: will trade for Buff Orpington hens or whst am I offered. Address. 8. C, 528, Bee. I. C..8. BOOKtJ set of flvs, on building construction, estimating, supertntend ency and reinforced concrete, bound In red leather snd buckram and like new. cost li-A win swap for .20-. 30 rifle or .22 rifle repeater, or reneattnar shotsnn. or will take a typewriter of good make cr large nH top desk. Address 8. C. 615. LOTS 179. 1K0, Kenwood add., Omaha, cor. 38th and Pratt Sts., to trade for good light roadster or something worth 10. T. H. Pollock, Tel. No. 1, Flattsmouth. ieo. MOTORCYCLE KNGINKS New .4 H. Pi single cylinder enxine from Indian motorcycle. Perfect running condition,, complete with carburetor, muffler, free clutch pulley and Bosch magneto. Plat ing and painting O. K. Price, 137.60, or will consider trades. Address, g. 503, tee. OFFICE DESK Will buy soma good second r-hand desks; must bo cheap for cash. Address 8. C, 164, Bee. PULLETS I hav three Spangled Ham burg pullets snd one cockerel; will trsde for Buff Orpington bens or pullets, or what have you? Address 8. C. 508, Bee. PIANO WILL sell a good oak caaa piano useu out one year, lor sw or may trana for diamond. Address 8. C. 620, Bee. . PAMBERTHY fc-lnch automatic Injector, worth 84.76. Will swap 8. C. 847, Bee. PIANO In good shape; swsp for an out-of-date auto. If engine ana truck are good; I don't care for body, but must have good Urea: will trade the piano even Up for something on wheel. What hav you got? Kambler preferred. Ad dress S. C. 614, Bee. PIANO Swap for old houso to wreck or second-hand or new lumber: pav dif ference In cash. Address 8. C, 621, Bee. PIANO--Wlll exchange nice upright piano ror rnicaens. Aaress b. j. em, nee. REVOLVER Ivers-Johnson .3S, for cam era; revolver is in good oroer; win trade even with some one. Bring your csmera with you. Address S. C. 618, Bee. RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair of rubber boots almost new will sell or trade for something I can uae; in good condition; else 9S4. 8. C. 451. Bee. ROADSTER Good Empire roadster. In good condition; 'lust overhauled.- tM worth of repairs. Will swsp or mil this month. What have youT Address 8. C. 14, care Bee. lO.OOo SHARES coal mine stock, par value 81, and vacant lota in Denver, Colo., for land or merchandise. Address 8. C 617. Bee BALE or Trade Sleigh runners for light delivery wagon. Harney 183S. STOCK Will sell S.COO shares Wyoming) Coal Mine stock, par value 11. at good discount, or trade for land, city "prop erty or aufoe. Address S. C. 627, Bee. SHOTGUN New shot gun, Winchester 18-g.uge take down, and hunting outfit; worth 831, to trade. What have you? Ad dress 8. C 6ot8. Bee. SIGNS, showcards. Clark A Bon. D. 1378. TYPEWRITER Oliver Standard Visible Writer, only slightly used snd as good ss new Crieap for cash or will trade. w nat nave your Aooreos, a, u. vi. Bee. TWENTY a'es rich truck land, near Gulf, 8 miles from Robstown. Tax. Address, 8. C. 1522. Bee. WHAT will you trade for a new steno type machine: this machine has only been used 3 months and is In perfect condition. Will tako anything of equal value. Address & C 624, cars Bae. FOR RENT Apartaeejats aad Flats. 6-r., modem flat, 2308 8. 24th. 822.' H. 4711. FINE 6-ROOM APARTMENT ONLY 84S.0O. Oak finish In living rooms, swell press brick mantel, gas log. tile hearth; beauti ful lighting fixtures; bedrooms In whits enamel, roomy kitchen with built-in oup boarda, gas range, refrigerator entry with refr'gerator. Janitor servloa, steam heat, laundry, and locker space; up-to-date practically new appartment building on Sherman Ave. carilne; only 10 minutes' ride downtown. Phone us for appointment to look this apartment over. , , SCOTT AND. HILL CO., , Douglas 1009. THE most attractive -room apartment In th Hamilton. Phone Red 84W. FOR RrTNT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3, 4 and a-room spartments in city. Building just fln Ished. F4ora Apartments. 2681 Jones St. GordonVanCo. St 18 N. Hth 61 Phone D 884 or Web. Itri OODSN ANNEX, Council Bluff -oomi with kitchenette. tam heat, pnone 84, MODERN apartments of 1 8. 4 and 5 rooms, easy walking dls'ancs, located at 91 8 th St, and kiZ-lu4 B. 84th bt. Wlll furnish If desired. Apply to owner. 4 Balrd Bldg. Douglss 1423. 6-RCOM modern apartment, beautiful lo cation, ISO. 8.10 Cass. Walnut 8417. FURNISHED ROOK, heated, 4Q4 North Tat Ave. THE GKASSM ERE, on or two beautiful btdrooms; also large mahogany fin ished room with private bath; good board. Phone 11. 7iw). SOug ST. M.RT S AVE., large plewaaTit furn. room for two gentlemen 115 mo. NICE, warm room, suitable for two; lT3o week each. MADISON il.t and Chicago; aienra heat; 119 mo. and up; cafe In connection. D.AH&4. 4JjEN HoTLX. CouacU Biuffa, alee-11 heated rooms. 12 per week. Phone tl!1. FARNAM, '2. nice ateam heated roon TWO south front rooms. West F amain district, strictly modern H ar. luk. l-'alarHlaked Uowana, 111 8. 15TH. for mei. steam heat. HoMsekeeplasf Haaaaa. TWO beautiful sunny south snd sast rooms In new house, front rooms, furn Ished complete for light Housekeeping; price reaaunaole. 151v S. 34th bt. Doug Us 7bc8. ' Hatels aad A Mirtairsie. CAIJFOKN1A Hotel, Hth sod Cali'ornlat W kly rates 8.' and bp. Ivu as 7uJ. ImjIG E Hi TKI- Merterw RMUoaabla lloases aad ( vt tagra AIL slses. 83 per month up. ICT Pal to a. STRICTLY mo1ei-B 6-ruoin cotlg, lict water beat: close In. walking cutan . 40S Unco In Blvd., 8-6. Apply w. li. Durrance. Ducg. k, oc ilaruey JiiL ' 4 " ' r' v'''a