Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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lleamre FroTidLng; for Voting in
1916 on Calling Conrention to
Amend Organio Law.
(Frof a SUff Correspondent)
UNCOLN. Jan. M.-Spectal.) The
coming week of the Nebraska legislature
will ee .hills Introduced and considered
of Importance to the state at lane,
probably the most Important being- the
consideration i nth house of a bill' to
call a constitutional convention.
This bill will provide that at the elec
tion m 1918 the matter of calling a con
stitutional convention will be submitted.
The. purpose of the convention I not fo
snake an entire revision of the constitu
tion, but to submit to the voters certain
sections, which will be revised and af
terwards submitted to the voters.
Wk Art Baeklac Bill,
The bill Is the work of Norton of Folk
and Btebbina ef Dawson,, democrat and
republican, respectively, and proposes,
among other things, to make a majority
of alt votes cast for and against a con
stitutional amendment carry tbe propo
sition Instead , of a majority of votes
east at the election. The promoters I
Here that the man who goes to the polls
and votes neither way on a proposition
should not be counted against it any
more than the man who doe not go to
the polls at all. -
The short- ballot Idea la on of the
(hlnga which will be reached, If the bill
. becomes a law, the objective point be
ing .to cut out the election of most of
- the state officer. .The recall la made
a part of the measure.
Lam Title Measaro.
' The Torrens system of land titles will
' 1e a bill Introduced In the house this
. week probably by : several members
jointly. This, or a similar bill, has a!
ready be nintroduced. In the senate by
Ehumway ot Dixon, so It appears that
the economy program of the house,' which
. was Intended to do away with the dupll
cation of bills I none branch Introduced
In the other, will not be put In effect.
The, bill Is a very long one, covering
"many pages, and the cost of duplication
'. will be considerable. ,
Another matter Which will b decided
will be the Kelley-Fultt contest from Ne
maha county. Much will depend upon
' the result of the recount of the vote by
the committee, which will start Monday
night Fults, republican, ha a major-
- ity over Kelley, democrat, of five vote
to start with.
Bone af Contention, ""1
The bone of contention was the bull
- moose votes cast for Fults, which the
committee, at Its meeting last week, de
cided by a vote of 4 to J he had a right
to. Therefore, thre decision of the elec
tions committee to recount the votes Is
In Kellcy's favor, for, as be 1 sthe 'de
feated candidate, he ha nothing to lose
and something to gain by the counting.
' An error In the count of only three votes
would put, Fults out of It and Kelley
Jri. , But there Is 'an even chance, how
ever, that an error the other way night
give Fults a stronger bold. .
Over in the senate It Is expected that
the. appointment of a successor to Judge
"Holcomb as a member of the board of
control, will come up. It Is expected
that the governor will send in the name
- of Judge Holcomb and It will be up to
the "senate to. reject or confirm, as they
may see fit, the law requiring that ap
pointments to the board of control shall
be made by the governor and confirmed
by the senate.
Matter' of Conflraaattoa.
At the last session Governor Morehead
pent In the names of three men for con
firmation, nd in executive session hy
were all turned down. Later be sent In
the names of the present members and
. they were' confirmed. 'There is a rumor
that a similar condition may exlat when
the . name of Holcomb is proposed. but
. no one at this time cares to take the
lead in any movement against the con
firmation of the judge to succeed him
self . .
.Another matteer which. will have to be
adjusted is the one of appropriations to
pay the members and employes. So far
the senatel has failed to conform to the
Idea o fthe house and; when the changed
appropriation bill goe back to the house
It may meet with .some opposition.
Try '.This (or Nearalgla.
-' 'Neuralgia is a pain" In the nervu.
Sloan's Liniment penetrates and soothe
' the aching pervea. Get a bottle now.. All
druggists. Advertisement " '
' Kote ot Clay Center. ' '.
CLAY CENTER, Nb Jan. 2. (Spe
cial.) Clay . county was vlaitad by an
eight-Inch snpw Wednesday night and
Thursday. It fell evenly and will af
ford all the moisture needed for the
wheat until the' spring rains.
District court adjourned Tuesdax ot
last week after a, nine-day session, in
whlcjh five divorces were granted as
follows: va Sonnenfield from John
, Bonnenfield. Mary Nlckelaus .from
"41iiam Nickelaus, Emm Ringer from
John Ringer, Thrasla McDonnald from
Thomas McDonnald and ' Homer taina
from Lunn. - In a ease growing out of
the failure of the- First- National' bank
of Sutton,' Frank R. MoCormlck,-'. re
ceiver, obtained a judgment against' F.
21. Honey for 11.218.61 and cost.
Smallpox ha appeared In Glenvil,
twelve mile west of this place, . and
three homes are under' quarantine.
Simple Way To
End Dandruff
fhere Is on sure way. that ha never
' failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that la to dissolve It, then you destroy It
entirely.' To do this, just get about four
ounces of plain, common liquid arvoa
from any drug store (this Is all you will
need), apply It at night when retiring,
use enough to molstea the scalp and rub
It in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not aJI, of your
dandruff will bo gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve, and entirely destroy, every single
sign and trace ef it no matter bow much
dandruff you may have. ,
Yon will find all lulling and, digging
of the aralj will stop Instantly and your
hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy,' silky
and toft, and look and feel a hundred
m beUer.Advertiueiutnt.
Jackson Eren Surprises Friends as
Presiding- Officer of the
Lower Body.
(From a Btaff Correspondent)
LINCOLAY Jan. t4. -(Special.)-Speaker
Jackson of the lower branch of the Ne
braska legislature ha even surprised his
friends as presiding officer of that body.
He la showing sll the signs of a presiding
officer who baa the punch to deliver the
He has a rood voice, a strong knowl
edge of parliamentary rules and an ability
to hold the member to their places, and
what counts wtrongly in the success of a
presiding offioer. has the esteem and con
fidence of the membership of the body
over which he presides. Irrespective of
party membership.
Deliveries; the Goods.
In a body which Is strongly com
posed of new member the task of a pre
siding officer Is no easy affair, but Mr.
Jackson is delivering th good and mak
ing good. Of course he baa the assistance
of some ef the floor members. Fries of
Howard I one who generally know what
ho I talking about when he get up to
peak. This I the Howard county mem
ber' sixth consecutive session and prob
ably no man knows the 'ropes -of legisla
tion better, than Fries. He, knows when
to talk.
Vanduesen of 'Washington Is another
member ot the majority who doe things.
Vanduesen Is not an orator, but he Is a
worker and when be goes) after a proposi
tion he puts hi whole soul Into It.
Parkinson of Pawnee, Parrlott of Ne
maha, Richmond of Douglas and Broome
of Box Butte are others among th ma
jority In the, house who are a big help In
carrying out legislation ot the kind that
Attltade ( Minority.
Another thing which count much to
ward the success of a speaker Is the atti
tude of th opposition minority. . So far
In the session none of the minority ap
pear to have any inclination to put the
majority In the hole. Perhap it 1 be
cause indications lead to the belief "that
they will get In th hole anyway, but be
that as It may, with a.bunch of able, and
experienced legislators like Nichols or
Madison, Mockett of Lancaster, Druesdow
of Douglas, Jesry of Lancaster, Hostettler
of Buffalo, Reynolds of Red "Willow,
Stebbtna) of Dawson and Beams of Soott's
Bluff, who could raise trouble it they
wished, they seera to be imbued with the
Idea that effective legislation ought to
come at this time and they expect to help
It along all they can Instead of throwing
obstacles in the way of the democratic
machine. .
One of the "sign ot the tiroes" so far
In th leglalatWa game I that If legisla
tion of benefit to the state is to be en
acted In the present session the republican
minority will be entitled to as much credit
and possibly more than the majority, un
less some of the leader In the house get
some of the thing out of their system
which they seem to have now.
Ponder Who Fills
Hollenbeck Place
(From a Staff Correspondent.) ,
LINCOLN. Jan. It (Special.) No prog
nosticator to date ha been able to
discover with any certainty any sign
that would tU what Governor Morehead
baa la hi bead regarding the appoint
ment of a successor to Chief Justice
There I no drouth in material. There
are many who would like to be chief
justice of the supreme court of Nebraska
aand draw th M.MO a year salary.
Persistent rumor have been toying
with the nam of Andrew M. Morrlssey
a the man who will likely land. Mor
rlssey wa the governor' private sec
retary tor two year after an unsuccess
ful attempt to be elected attorney gen
eral. Since the first of the year he has
been appointed deputy attorney general.
It I probable that the thing will come
to a climax tomorrow and the matteer
During th Interim, Associate Justice
Fawcett hal been serving as acting chief
Justice, by th vote of hi associate
on the bench.
Note from West Point.
WEST POINT,. Neb., Jan. M. (Spe
cial.) Miss Emma Poesehl, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wenael Poesehl,. was taken
suddenly ill with 'appendicitis on Fri
day and was rushed to a hospital In
Omaha, where she was operated . upon '
Saturday. The operation was a success
ful one and she will recover.
Anton Stlereu and Miss Mary Rolf
were unlfed In marriage on Wednesday
at ft. Boniface church, Monterey, Rev.
Henry Behoof, rector, ' performing the
marriage ceremony and celebrating the
nuptial mass. They will Immediately
establish their home on a farm In Mon
terey precinct .
The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel B. Parks, former resident of
this vicinity, was celebrated at th horn
ot their daughter, in Rook county, Kan
sas, last week. They were married fifty
year ago at the home of the bride'
parents, Mr. and.Vr. J. B. Robinson,
on Cuming creek," Washington county,
Nebraska -territory;-and were the first
couple to be married in the township
now known as Cuming township.
, Mr. Christian , Guth and Miss Mary
Btrky were married . in the Mennonlte
church near Beemer on Thursday. The
young people are members of the Men
nonlte colony ot central Cuming county
and will occupy a farm la that vicinity,
Newa Note ef Calrnory.
FAIRBURY. Neb., Jan. M. (Special.)
Mr. John C. Lemaa died at her home,
southwest ef Falrbury, ot old age. Mrs.
Lemaa was bora In th state of Ken
tucky May I. J8SS. In Benton County,
Iowa, in 186?, she - wss married to John
C. Lemaa. .In. UTS the family came to
this county, ' locating on a homestead
in ' Buckley precinct
- Hix - students, including ' Mis Vera
8chnot. Marti Wooster, Frank Ky
ker. Perry Evans and Floyd Brwln,
graduated from the Falrbury High
school. No graduation exercises were
'eta "aev ' World's Record.
NEW YORK. Jan. .-John J. Kller of
the Irish-American Athletic club entab
I it lied a new world's reorl of U seconds
flat In the KO-yard buirtln at the HruuK.
ln oollrge am tunUtbt. The former
record a a it- coai, kld by himself.
. ,
Will Submit "Two-Mile; Initiative
Amendment to Slocumb Law in
1916 Election.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Jan. 34. 'Special.) The pro
hibition forces of Nebraska are planning
to submit to the people at the 11 election
a Initiative measure In the form of an
amendment to the Slocumb law to pro
hlblt the licensing of ny saloon within
wo miles of any building of the Univer
sity of Nebraska or any of Its affiliated
schools or any state Institution under the
supervision of the Board of Control, ac
cording to A. O. Wolfenbarger, one of the
leading prohibition workers of the state.
A, state-wide vote on prohibition will also
b taken, be says. He Issued thl state
ment yesterday:
"There Is a welt defined movement un
der way which will have the backing ef
tbe temperano people ot this state with
out regard to party, sect or creed. It wllW
not depend upon legislation, but will come
from the people and go direct to the peo
ple a an Initiative measure In th form
of an amendment to the present Slocumb
law. and it will strictly prohibit the li
censing ot any saloon within two miles
of the University of Nebraska or any of
It related or affiliated building, any
stat normal school or any state Institu
tion under the supervision of th State
Board of Control. - "
Dry for Million Years.
"It will put Lincoln on the 'dry' list for
1.000.000 years to come, and will put a
large white 'dry' spot on the' map of
Omaha, and will terminate all authority
to grant licenses In Nebraska City, Bea
trice, Hastings, Grand Island, Norfolk,
Kearney and other place which need not
be mentioned.
"At the same election,- In Wtt, a vote
will be taken on state-wide prohibition,
and these two votes will give Nebraska
a campaign with whisker on it longer
than ex-tonator Peffer of "Bleeding
Kansas' ever wore In his palmiest And
most whlskerful days. Incidentally It will
paralyse jtho foot ball sprees In tho state
university city, which have heretofore
broken more heart of mother and sis
ters than tho brutality ot th gam ha
ever fractured of. skulls, rib and other
bone of the players.
No Risk Taken.
"It will not be forgotten that we had
several thousand signatures on this two
mile proposition last year, but the event
was postponed and the names laid away
In great rick In order that the suffrage
campaign might pass by. It ha been
suggested that the old signatures, which
ran up into the thousands over . night
might still be Used, out this will not bo
done; no risks will be taken, but new
petitions will be put forth, and it 1
confidently ' believed that the necessary
number of signatures can be obtained
In six week without the expenditure of
more than 1600 for printing and circula
tion and without tho payment of a dollar
for worker. Alert politician and' short
hand writer of history might as well
get. ready tor thl two-mlt race." 7
Ehrhardt President
Of Veteran Masons
John A. Ehrhardt. Lewiston, Ida., was
elected president of 'he Nebraska Vet
eran Fremaaon' . association at tb en
ual meeting yesterday. Other officers
were elected as follows:
Henry H. Wilson, Lincoln, first vice
president; Frank H. Young, Broken Bow,
second vice president; Lewi M. Keen,
Fremont third vie president; Jamea It
Cain, Stella, fourth vie president; Louis
Berka, Omaha, fifth, vice president; 1
Franols K. White, Omaha, secretary;
Frederick W. Simpson, Omaha, and John
II. Butler, Omaha, stewards.
The meeting was preceded by a dinner
In the banquet hall, at which there were
several speeches) A number cf new
members were received and the annual
meeting of the trustees ot tho Maaonlo
Home was held.'
The Crelghton varsity glee club will
give it fifth annual concert at the Bran
del theater th evening of February .
The club ha been working hard alnce
early in September aad those .In charge
promise a concert of high, standard.'
This year the clup will stage; the entlr
production alone, fof Lk first I'atA. Oa.
all previous occasion. It has been the
custom to featur some well known star,
while the club itself Jook a . secondary
role. Thl year, the club will fill the
entire bill and the program will be more
or lea of a departure from tho classical
rausid which ha predominated former
program. More popular songs will be
Prof. Bock, who also ha charge .of th
university orchestra. Is In charge of the
club this year. Clement Martin is student
manager .
Already th seat sal for th concert
ha progressed In a manner aat la factory
to th management. Seat coupon are
for sal by the students. The coupon
are exchangeable at Beaton.' drug store
after February 1 for reserved seats.
Officers wer elected a follow at the
annual meeting of the Lit Underwriter'
association ot Nebraska, held last night
at th Paxtoa hotel: W. Xj Smith, presi
dent; W. D. Morton, Vic president; W.
O. Llljenstolpe, secretary; Fred Dale,
All are Omaha men, as ar also these
member of the executive committee:
Franklin Mann, chairman ;.C. 7-. Gould,
W. T. Preaton. C. E. Vesy and W. H.
Following Is a list of ths subscriptions
to the Belgian relief fund reported at
Amount of subscription previ
ously reported 17.1". 72
Fremont fctate bank. Fremont.... Son
Ceors G. W'aite, Lincoln , 2.00
Mis. W. II. fleams. C'oales 10 do
Kir View club. Button i so
r.e worth lvKue or redersted
-hurches, Palmyra
Mrs. 8 K. Fruit h. Pasadena. Cal.
M'thoillpt Eiirofal Hunday school.
4 41
Me,ln- Grow S'.'.J
Cuitls MJU. collected at Curtis ... .2C.5S
From Our Near Neighbors
Mra J. Goodwin of Dakota City visited
Mrs. John Crews last week.
James M-Clun Is viewing his former
home at Cedar 1U (.!. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred tlosgiand and fam
ily have moved to Fremont.
The Benson Ubmry board is endeavor
ing to Install a puhllo reading room.
Mine Gall WrlKht hns returned from
vlmtlng t her brother's home In Grand
Mra Robert Iokev of Cedsr Rapids.
Neh.. visited last week at the Jamea Mo
dung home.
Conrad Kwannon. acromnanled by Peter
Peterson, returned Monday from Roch
ester. Minn.
The Wnt Farnam Kennlnston met on
TueadW with one of its Benson members.
Mrs. Frank Young.
Rev. and' Mr. C. J. Ringer entertained
the Vaught-Llttoll wedding party at din
ner Tuesday evening.
Mr. W. 11. Hllbert and daughter, Km,
of Oakdale. Nob., were week-end gueftts
t the S. 1). Jones home.
Donald K(ng left Sunday for a mllltarv
academy at Alton, III., preparatory to
Annapolis Naval academy.
Mr. and Mra Roy Redman left Friday
for their home In Wayne, Neb., after
visiting the B. H. Post home. .
H. V. "Smith of Ivng Beach, Cal., re
turned to hi home Mondav after visiting
the Peter C'lirlstensen honie.
Th Baptist young people were enter
tained at the Linn MoUuIre home Friday
evening at a "hard times" party.
Rev. John E. Colvllle of Toronto, Can
ada, will open a eerie of spe"il services
this morning at the Baptist church,
Mrs. Carl Meyers returned to her home
In Wlnterset la., after vlltlng her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Johnson.
MIss'Ksther Harvey and Elmer Olson
were married Friday by Rev. Mr. Uloom
qnlet at the Augustana Lutheran parson
age. A. I Strahle left yesterday for a busi
ness visit in Chicago. Mra. Strahle will
vielt meanwhile with her sister at Tork,
Mrs. Rorers of Kansas City, who visited
her daughter. Mrs. John Walllck, was
guest of honor at several dinner parties
last week.
Mr. and Mr. Frank ' Moore attended
he golden wedding celebration of the
tatter's grandparents at South Omaha
on Tuesday.
F. 8. King and IT. L. Rlvett partlol
pated In the program given by the Re
tail Credit Men's association on Friday
evening at Omaha. - -
The English Lutheran Ladles' Aid so
ciety will meet next Wednesday with
Mrs. Henry Ohye at Omhha, leaving Ben
son in a body at 1 o clock. -Mies
Rma Hubert - and Floyd Busktrk
will be married next "Wednesday at Oak-
dale, Neb. Rev. A. J. McC lung of Hon
son Presbyterian church will officiate.
The Loral Dauahters'i club Vas oraan-'
lsed Tuesday evening by ten" local young
omen, with Mrs. tt. . H. Measley aa
aponser. They will meet once a montn.
Mrs. Elsie Uttell of Wayne. Neb., and
William Vatiaht of Pllger, Neb., were
married Wednesday morning at the home
of the bride s parent. Kev. and Mrs. C
J. Ringer. Immediately after the cere
mony Mr. and Mrs. Vaitght Jen on an
eastern trip. They will live el Pllger.
Florence. .
Miss Jennie Petersen ha been on the
sick list for several days.
Henry Andernon, who has been on the
sick list, is able to be out again.- i
Mis Nellie Shipley of Lyons. Neb., is
the guest of Mrs. W. II. Thomaa
' Harvey Nelson of Pu lley. la.. Is the
guest of his brother, Ed, and family.
Mrs. D. C. Lonergan, who was operated
on for appendicitis, is reported aa doing
nicely. '
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hardy of Omaha
were guest ot Mr. and Mr. Louis. Lynch
Tuesday.. , .
B, B.' Letovsky Is th guet of friends
and relative at Cedar Itapids, la., for
a few days. '
The Ladle 'Aid "society of the Pres
byterian church met at the church par
lor Wednesday afternoon. .
Women of the Presbyterian church will
give the "Spinsters Convention" at the
Eagles' hall Friday evening.
Mr. William Menke will entertain the
Dorcaa society of the Christian church
at her borne Thursday afternoon.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist church met at the home of Mrs.
George Hayden Thursday afternoon.
Cvrll Kelley. John Simpson and W. B.
Parka returned Friday from Nebraska
City, where they attended the State Fire
men s convention . .
Mr. and Mrs. Kindred entertained
Wednesday evening In honor of their
son, Baumel birthday. - Those present
were Misses Hazel Innman, Lola John
son, Dorothy Kindred,. Kuth Kindred,
Messrs. Clarence Crane,: Harlan Nelson,
Raymond Johnson and Samuel Kindred.
at dinner Sunday In honor of Mrs, John
llbke s seventy-eighth birthday. Thoiw
present were Mr, and Mrs. John Tlhke.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tlhke, Mr. and Mrs.
P. H. Kteyer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kngler,
Mr. and Mrs. John Steyer, Mr.- and Mra
Edward Sohoner. Miss Elsie Craig, Miss
Estolle Kline, Miss Mabel FUigler, Miss
Lulu Tlbke, Mr. Charles Williams and
Mr. Howard Back.
"Violet camp Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica installed the following officers at it
meeting Thursday evening: - oracle, Mrs;
Nellie Mulligan; vice oracle, . Mrs. -Alice
Plats: chancellor, Mrs. Rose Simpson;
recorder, Mrs.- Agnes Baker; receiver,
Mrs. Watklna; marshal, Mrs. Karen
Taylor; Inner sentinel, Mm. Mary Leach;
outer sentinel, Mrs. ' Case; managers,
Mrs. Pvssn Nichols and Mr. Cora Koren
son. After the installation the drill team
put on some of the floor work which was
followed by an entertainment of music
and recitations by the young folks and
x x x x x x Over at tho Gaycty Brother
Johnson is bowling merrily along, with his burlcsquo
shows drawing like a poor mpn's plaster, ; and making new
friends for that form of 'entertainment every day. John
son's policy Is ohdorscd by tho big men of burlesque and
they aro working closer and closer to his plan every day.
Ho goes each week to Kansas City, to seo the show before
it comps to Omaha, and checks everything he has reason
to think might not sound well in his theater. The result is
ho feels confident when-ho recommends the show to his
clientele as clean, and ho has thus succeeded in building
up a following for tho brand of burlesque he sets forth that
would plcaso any magnate.
. , Excerpt from Omaha "Dee," Jan. 17.
refreshment after which the finer w
cleared and the rvrt of the evening given
over to dancing.
Mr, (itenn Pennett entertained a bridge
club Friday arternoon.
Mrs. Myron Hayward entertained at
bridge lael haturday.
J. H. Jone I making a buetne trip
to all the western cltlr.
Ml Ruth Uerte will leave Monday to
spend to week In Clillll' othe, Mo.
Mr. Kate Overkamp of Lyon. I., Is
vIMting hrr sinter, Iira. Arnold Jaeger.
Mr. J. Roth entertained the members
of the i'hllathea class) Tuesday evening.
Mr. H. O. Rrowne entertained St a
kenninglon at her home lust Haturday.
Mr. . W. Vpdlk will be hosle
Wednesday of the lundee Woman'a club.
Ml Marguerite Archer entertained
elahteen of her classmates Saturday aft
ernoon. , Tue next meeting of the Mothers' rlub
will bo held February 1 with Mrs. F, H.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Pradcn entertained
the Informal Illsh Five club Thursday
evening. !
Mrs. C. P. Moer entertained at a bridge.
lum-heon Thursday and at a kenslngton
r rmay arternoon.
Mr. Fred Furke of Lincoln Is the guet
of her sister, Mrs. George S. Johnston,
and Mr. Johnston.
The Dundee rtrcl of the Franoo-Belgian
Relief society met Wednesday at the
home of Mra. Kara Millard.
Mr. K. 8. Roller entertained nineteen
guerts at a kenelmrton Thursday in honor
of Mls Shady of ljockhaven, Va.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Dundee church held Its monthly bulnes
and social meeting last Friday evening at
the home of Mis Doris llraden.
Mrs. Charles O'Neill Rich Jnd MVs.
Henry' C, Van Glenon were tne Dundee
guest at a luncheon of ten rover given
Monday at the Omaha club by Mrs. A. 1
Mohler In honor of Mr. Robert Lovett
who with her husband spent part of the
day In Omaha en route to California.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Polear entertained
at bridge lust Friday evening' Their
guesus were: Mr, koerner of 8t. TOUln,
Mrs Adams of Chicago, Mr. and Mr. A.
B. Williams. Mr. snd Mr. It, E. "Wilcox.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rlebel, jr.. Dr. and
Mrs. H. B. Lemere and Mrs. Henry C.
Van Gleson.
Wnl Ambler.
Mrs. John Long 1 still confined to her
bed with a serious case of neuralKta.
Miss Marie Ca risen left Sunday for Lin
coln, after a month' visit with home
folks. .
I .ester Parker ha recovered from his
severe Illness of tonsllltl and Is able to
bo out .
Mrs. Eugene Plttman left Wednesday
evening for At Loufa, to spend a month
with her mother.
Theodore Ryan, who has been home
from the hospital for three weeks, Is
now able to walk without his crutch.
Mrs. M. Cochayne entertained the
Ladiea' Aid society at an all-day meeting
at her home on West Mason street on
Thursday, January 21.
The West Side Woman's Christian
Temperance union will meet at the home
of Mr. John Blake In Eckemian on
Thursday afternoon, January 2S.
Social Center will meet at Heal' school
Friday nlht. January 2, with a very
Irterestlng program of dlaloirui and
music. Tho old fashioned spelling school
at the last meetng oroved a great hit
Mrs. Johnson was a visitor to Partition
Tuesday afternoon. , , '
Mlaa Olffin ot New Tork City has been
visiting friends In this vicinity for a few
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Howard entertained
t o'clock dinner Monday evening. Mill
Jessie Olffin was tho guest ot honor,
who recently returned from a trip to
Berlin. Germany.
Miss Margie Taylor returned home from
a several weeks' "Vlelt with her parents
at Plainvlew. Neb. She was accompanied
home by her father, who will spend I
week visiting relatives.
Rev. L. Howard, officiated at the wed
ding of Miss Bonnie Jones and Fred
hherwood, of Gary, 8. D., which took
place Wednesday evening at the home of
the Drt'ie s parents in umana.
Th women of th Seymour Lak club
fave a tea Tuesday afternoon from S to
o'clock at the tea rooms of the Hotel
Loyal. The women are planning to pro
vide the club ground with a complete
play ground for the exclusive ua of the
club children.
I '
Th person who start a jitney bus
line from Gibson Into Omaha through
the territory occupied by membor ' of
the Southeast Improvement club will be
lionised Were. .Prayers are going up from
the resident along Scenlo avenue down
the rtver to the little burg of Gibson that
some gasoline wagon will soon begin to
bus their way.
One member of the club called up
The Bee by telephone last night and
asked that the Invitation be extended to
all prospective jitney artist to hurry up
th service from Gibson school house
to Sixteenth and Douglas street. "A
nice ride for a nickel and lot ot people
are anxious to take It," he said.
A "For Sale" ad will turn second hand
furniture Into cash.
Manufacturers Are
Preparing for Big
Home-Product Peed
The Omaha manufacturer are grooming
themselves for the big dinner at the Com
mercial rlub rooms Thursday evening,
January JS. Th!i Is a home-product din
ner. Everything served on tho table will
bo a home product that I, something
manufactured In Omaha. There will be
breakfast foods and hams, biscuits and
wafers, rigara. and maybe a brew, but!
all will bo manufactured In Omaha and
bear an Omaha label and trademark. Why
worry about the -war In Europe when
Omaha can supply Its own tables? Thl
1 what the manufacturers' dinner will
If you have a "Sunshiny Room" let
people know about It In this column of
Pee Want Ada
Lady-va3 won by Margjiret Kiuj?, 1810 Ohio Street,
with 803 pictures. Mio is 5 years oM.
This week we will give away. Ruth. She is over two
feet high, has very dark hair, blue "yes that go to sleep
and rosy cheeks. She wears n white dress with blue trim
mings and a blutx hat with white trimmings, all the latest
spring styles. We
( v
' T
x p-:V .V
I .4 :.,y y
The pair of skates for last week was won by Ivan
Baker, 1423 N. 25th St., South Omaha, Neb., who col
lected 857 pictures.
More Skates
for our Busy Bee Boys
Barney ft perry. American Club, Nickel Plated, Tsmpsrsd
WIdd Steal Blade, ftlse to fit.
Tbta picture ot on of tho Bkntes will be la The Bee
erery day this week;
Cut them all out and ask your friends to save tbe pic
tures In their paper for you, too. Bee how many- pictures
you can get and bring them to The Bee office next Saturday.
The Skates will be given Free to the toy that sends ua
the most pictures before 4 1. M. Saturday, January 30,
of cloth with a
fw drop of
JMn-One on It Wine
drills, saws, chisels, iron
planes, all tools, lo prevent
rust. Oil automatic tools with
3-ln-Ons, Also us on oil stone for
quick edging; It eork
fin. A Dictionary of
DO other use with
very bottle. lOcJc,
30c all store.
S-in-Ono Oil Co,
41 N. Bdwy.
N. Y.
thought it would bo
spring when she came
out, but we saw several,
ladies out with their
ppring suits today, so it
must be time to wear
tliem. ,
Ruth nill be given free to
the little girl under 12 years
of asm that brings or malls
as the ljrg"et nnmber of
doll's rtlctnrea cut oat of the
Daily and Sunday Bee be
fore 4 p. m. Saturday, Jan
uary 80. .
Iluth's ' picture . wilt
be in Tho Bee every
day this week. Cut
them out and ask your
friends to save the pic
tures in their paper for
you, too. Seo how many
pictures of Ruth you
can get, and bo sure to
turn them in to Tho Bco
office before 4 p. m.
Saturday, January 30.
You can see "Ruth"
. at The Bee Office .
' 1