'.) A AMI XniKTS, A M fi:Mi:M'. Attractions at the Omaha Theaters for the Week A TT A "XTTM7TC CRAWFORD. PHILLEY JlvVJNJUJl0 If ZEHRUNG, Mgr.. JL,J Offtrs a list f StUa Attractions During th IText Two ffesks. Trfb r A f MATINEE AND EVENING I UUM I Also MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Matin Today and Wdndy Th World' Moat Thrilling Indoor Entrtlnmnt 9 f rr v- Till) OMAHA SUNDAY MKlv. .IANTAKY 4. V I . v s. X 'wAivftI i i i .f J.. ; .vr iWwl 4m,' rii, i 1 1- , 2 T KjScene From. Tha Tjru.tyZajxe feocrajna. - The. Whip - Coming lo kciTrtncLsda I Warn!! s WEET are the urn of ad- veralty." From New York comes the word that the war is over; the lion and the tumb and the ret of the itienagerle and . field unimali have lain them down in peace at last; but their dreamt are disturbed by the gaunt specter of huncer, and dangvr exists of the lion devouring the lamb because he can find no other thin to eat Which la a way of say ing that Klaw & Erlanger and the Hhu brrtt have formally declared off tho war that has raged between them for eo many '."ears, and which has been so disastrous to the theater, In every conceivable way. that none will undertake to say Jut what the extent of the damage It wrought really is. In the futuro these Interests will operate as one, and ruinous compe tition will again be cut off. This may iran good for what is left of the Amer ican stage. It Is altogether likely tho magnates have learned wisdom from their experience, and lftbey have, It Is sure to be helpful. In "The Round-L'p" is a situation which lias been made the subject of endless con vernatlrtn the fall of the Indian over the cliff In the third act. This fellow has crept to the ledge of a winding pathway up the lava rocks and, taking position there, has fired at one-of the two white men,' who are battling for life in the canyon below him. Quick as a flash ono of the white men has shot and killed the Apache, who falls over the slile of the rocks, his body hanging suspended there throughout the rest of the third act. Soldiers rush by him on the narrow path in pursuit of hia companions, but he stirs not. The limp and lifeless body is poised on the rooks, a fearsome thing to watch. Usually a "dummy" is used, for such hazardous bits of business, but in the caae of the Apache there ta no opportun ity to substitute a lay figure for a man, and be liaa tq take the chance of balanc ing himself safely through the ten min utes he haa to hang over the cliff. Be sides this feat of the Indian in "The rtouad-Vp," there are a number of men who peril their lives at each performance of the play. The Indian riders who make the defile of the mountain pathway are running risk all the time. The pathway is narrow and the ponies frtoky, and the path circuitous. The backing broncho act In the last act is dangerous exhibition for the men engaged therein, for the space in which the curveting and bucking is done is J z i zr Julia ffewvoxoh JUr the 33cyd siW I c, At and dnnco, tntltled "A Wee lilt o' Scotch. " The KrloJlunder trio will close the vaudeville offering with a rapid fire Instrumental inimical novelty. The matt- I aftement has mado arrannements for the latest and bent remedy photo-play on the market, entitled. "Tillies Punctured Itomance," In six uproarious reels, fea turing Marie Dressier and Ohnrlio Chap lin. This pair Is asnlated by Mahle Nor mand and all of the Keystone funsters. Column One.) . s H'ontlnueJ mt l'aR Ten, j AMI SKSIKNTS. j WITH 8HEI CAMP, AS 75 PEOPLE 75 XI TBS SUIT BATTXB mil . niOIll SfatUees Today and WedOrohestr 1, TCc; BaU 60c; OaL 3Se Svenlags Oroheatra fl.80, gl.OOl Baloony 7S, 60o OaUery 830. SLIM" HOOVER 15 HORSES 15 ALMA EFREM (VIOLINIST) 1 usr n ... "Right Off the Bat." The composer and conductor, Theodore Uendlx, ith his symphony players. Is to offer a concert feature. His organisation Includes Ar thur Lfchateln. violin soloist; Lee Sachs, 'cellist, and Frederick Ilandte, second violinist. With their impersonations of southern negroes. Sword and Mack, will contribute one of the laughablo features of the bill. The Australian card expert. Claude Golden, will display a number of the most astonishing card tricks known to the stage. The street singers, Parlllo and Frablte, are a pair of Italian mu sicians unfailingly popular. For a con cluding featuie the Orpheum Travel weekly will once again project Interesting views of strange countries and pic turesque places. ffitsffirie Dressier AttJL Charley Chaplin- At LWEmprtn Auctioneer" thirteen year ago, (Will again appear in her familiar role, while others in the big cast aro Lola Clifton, Harry Lewellyn. Guy Mlllium, Lout Hendricks, Eva Randolph, ' Frank Kelson. Harry Rogers, Esther Bacherorf, Richard Lam beek, Alice Avery, Leonard Tioyle, Olles Low and Tony Bevan. Old-fashioned melodrama has been given a new lease of life and made the greatest of the past decade. Great melodramas originated In tho Drury Lane theater, London, and IJ. U therefore fit- scarcely mora than forty feet square, on ! ting that "The Whip." which ran there any stage. When this feat i done In j 'or two solid years, should bo the means the. Great Wild West shows of Buffalo j of Putting this kind of entertainment mi Bill and others of like character, there i 'et again. Following in the wake rf 'If the husband of the woman you loved, who had stolen ber away from you, were accused of a murder of which you your self were guilty, would you undertake his defense at the risk of all you held dear, your prospects in life and the probability of losing that life as wellt That Is tho question that will be answered at the Boyd this week, when Edward Lynch will play the role of Henry Desmond in "Counsel for Defense." The play Is a new one to Omaha, and Is a thrilling mix ture of love and politics, and its ending, natural and logical. Is something of a surprise, to all. Miss McHenry will have a strong part' in the character of the wife, and Mr. LIndholm gets a big chance as th political boss. The play Is In four acta, and the Interest Is sustained rtirht up to the very last minute, as the answer Is not given till Just as the curtain goes down. The first performance will be at the matinee this afternoon. For the spe clpl society night feature,' Mr. Burgess will present Miss Julia Newcomb, mono loglat. In a program of her own. Hilly' Arlington the tramp comedian, heads the company that will appear at tho popular Cayety this week, beginning" .with today's matinee. "The Golden Creek" Is an old title which Is atlll re tained by tho organization which Messrs. Jacobs and Jermon are putting forth tills season, but it is promised that every thing In the production In as new aa it has been poss'ble for' stage creation tu maUe it. "From Riches to Rags" 's the title of the two-act musical revue which will Introduce "The Golden Creek" com pany, and a large variety of acts are promised. Chief In support of Mr. Ar. Ungton will be Miss Babe La Tour, that well known and vivacious singing, and Eva Tungueyejifiue, soubretto, one of the real Joys of burlesque; Frank Dobson, character comedian; Eleanor Cochran, dramatic soprano;, the Beau Brummcl trio, ringers of high clans melody, and the dancing Palys. When Mr. Arlington was In London a year ago he engaged a strikingly beautiful European ballet then showing at tho I'ullhdlum. In the world metropolis, and thlfi samo ballet, entirely Intact, will constitute one of the riotous features of the performance. This being Mr. Arlington's first visit to the Gayety In two seasons, a warm welcome awaits him. Starting tomorrow, there will be a ladles' dime matineo daily. Heading the vauduvllie bill at the pop ular Empress this week Is Joe Roberts and company in a humorous comedy sketch entitled "The Cowboy, the Swell and the Lady," . A secondary feature for the bill Is the Lyric quartet. .These boys have been hitting the high spot In the vaudeville firmament and also the high notes In the minor cleff. Bensee and Bawd offer a novelty In the line of song 0pp THEATER 1111. 1 isth & Harney -SPECIAL FOR TODAY- 1 I A Vltagrarili Comedy R Wailie Van and Mta Frazlcr 4Th8 Man Behin r the Dcor" Monday NlnilH-rt Presents iT&o Vivian Martin "The Wishing Ring" Wednesday Thursday Jan. 27-28 (i Dtiitl FroisMS trcicod MARIE DORO In Morals of Marcus" Prdaj Quirt Frakaua artMito KS&o Edith Taliaferro In- . "Young Romance BBflsafiS and (SOPRANO) MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 4 P. Tickets 50c, 81.00, $1.50 and $2.00 (All Reserved) JhIuIO?.? hatikee satorday DAVID QELBlCO,'PreBenla. DAVID WAii FIELD In "THE AUCTIONEER" TCXARS TOT Ho reservations aeoepted y telephone. Ticket so fully paid (er will be plaood oa sale as a P. M. Monday and deposit -t nndetf. Ho ref aa oa or exohange of tioaeta wilt be mad later than to morrow evening. miXCliai Srfw Ioim Wl TJpper Boxes B.50 Orchestra ! lx ow Balcony 90. weal tum i.du, aiauwo ii . Three Stows 7 So, Bemalnder BOO. Beginning Mat. Today, Tonight and All Week eoyosEL FOR THE IF EuSE A Story of Love and Politics Mit .-W d., Si'.,15 High s, 25o SOo Tuesd y, Ja . 21, Society Might. MISS JULIA NEWCOMB, Monologisl Batwcen Actt Next Week-"Maggit Pepper" T AHl'IKMENTN, is aa Immense space to work In. But on th stage a false step, or aa extra rub would carry horso and rider over the footlights. The Round-Up'' will be Ihc attrac- tioa at th brandels theater for four j nights and matinees Sunday and AVYdnes djr, beginning this afternoon. At the Brandeis ngxtT'rldajr and Satur day, ' with matineo on. Saturday, ' David Belasco will present David Wurfleld In hi revival if "The Auctioneer." th comedy by le Arthur and Charles Klein, which th'rteea years ago mad Mr. War field conspicuous among actora of the day. Th character or Simon Levi, the quaint and lovable old Hester street auc tioneer, which Mr. WarfleUi has endeared to thousands, is no caricature, but In stead a characterisation as true to life as human effort can make It. It la marked by a love for humanity, and com passion for its frailties, so that in this respect It take rank aa a perfect stage presentment X a lovable human charac ter. . ' Nothing could hav been more charac teristic of Mr. Wx field and Mr. Belasco in arranging for this revival than to bring together ail th members of the or Jinsl cast who are still living. Aside from ar tistic or professional reasons, a pretty sentiment has prompted the reassiembling of the players whoso efforts more than a aead ago war identified with the es tablishing f Mr. Warfteld as a atar on the legitimate stag. Mart Bates, who Intnitabia work as Mr. Eagan will be recnUea by JthaaUrgoers who saw "Th London New York became cracy over "Th Whip,", which Omaha will have a chance to see when It Is brought to the Brando! thratcr for an cnl'r week, beginning January 31. Never before were so many thrills scattered through an evening's pr.t- formance; to mention only a few, 'here I an atUomobilc accident, a rallroid wreck and a hoiae race, all shown in full view of tho audience. Unlike .noct modern plays, everyth'ng that Is spoken about Is seen, and this novelty adds not a little to tho spectacular success of this mammoth production. "A Fair of Sixes" which pleised large audiences at the Iirandeis theater early In th season will again be seen there for three performance on February 7 and 8. Once again two stellar events lor a sin gle bill are scheduled for this eek at the Orpbeum. The musical comedy favorites, John Hyams and Leila Mclntyre, are to share headline honors with Josph Jeffer son. "The Quakeress," by Herbert Hall Winslow Is to be the of feeing of '.'yams and Mclntyre. When last seen la Omaha the stars were presenting "The Girl of My Dreams." Cleverness and daintiness combine to make their vaudeville act es pecially pleasing. A fare by William C. DeMllle. "Poor Old Jim." Is to be pre vented by Mr. Jefferson, supported by Blanche Pender and company, flepr bentattvea of the national sport, Mike Donlln of Ihe New York Giants and Marty McMal of the Yankee will offer a feat ii re of aoeciaJ interest to baa ball (ana. They bar a diverting skit called j Daily Matinee 2:15 Night 8:15 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week fiUrting Sunday Matinee, Jan. 24 Tele phone Doug. 494. John Hyams and Leila Mclntyre TU QUAKERESS" by Herbert XaU Winslow Jj33i)!i J3f(erson with . BXtAKCKS BEBTBEaV k CO. in .' Win. O. PeaUlle's Taro "FOOB OLD JIT' M.k8 Donlin & M?rty McHala Th Oiant and th Yanks in -"Bight Off th Bat" Swor & Mack ' BeaUstio Impressions of Southern Vegroes. Parll3 & Frabllo trset Bingsrs Th ramous Composer and Conductor . ir,eo(3or8 Bendlx And Hi Symphony riayers. GlauJj Golden Australia's Latest Importation. sang OKFHXrM TBAVBZ. W1IILT Th World at Work and nay. Around th World with th Orphean Clronit's Motion rtotnr rhotograpber rszcBBi statin, 'gallery, 10c Best Beats (except Bataxday.aad guaday), 8SO. Bight loo, as. Mo nan 76c. "OMAHA'S rV CIIMTBB." tjC!fl LtTTTl tly Mat., IV85-60 BTgs, lft-aft-0-7 That Gr(eou. H uiilutlof ficuc), ' THE GOLDtN CROOK ViSf- It's wbat tke Bl ck Crook Cntt Bb La lour (who out tiu Kv Tiui lufl sod repla fir kiurcJi sbaw. Tl Uauer park at ewtofiuiua, La ale' umm M tn Week Says. V. W. C. A. TIIIR8IAY, l EWtUAKV i Le Baron-Wheatly Operatic Recital Louis La Baron. Mess Contralto. Walt Wheat ley, Tenor, 'rloes 11.00 and 600. Seat a sal at llayden's Music Dapt Week of 8 tin tiny, Jan. 24. HAniF DPiESSLErt -TILLIES fUXCTUREO ROMANCE" IX BEXLH Chat. C ap in, Mabla Norma nd And AU th Ksyston JF misters RotThlB plctnr will not be shown between Vaudeville performances. jotC itoituurs it . Th Cowboy, Th Bwsll and Th Lady KHKIDhANOKli'TIUO A Bovelty Comedy Mnajcal Aoi h1;.skk' HAiitn "A We Bit o' Bootoh" TH K IAMC iU AUTKTT K And "Their Irish Tango" rTrOTl.IJIIIllt..T.!M F!ITfT lFI-TCFf Beerinnlng: Monday, February .!.' UbA I Vilsikli Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Company and rrodnotloa from Drury Laa Theater, London, XnglanA, rlCTil 100 10BACTW0) 40 TOX TBAI4 rXOrLS HOABXB lODgPI -I'l.- -' ! M 'HI ' '- W.,..!. " ADVANCE MAIL ORDER TICKETS TO "THE WHIP." NOTE THIS IS NOT A MOVING PICTURE.' CUT THIS OUT, MAIL TO , , F. C. Zehrung, Manager Brandeis Theater, Omaha Neij. Inclosed check or money order and self addressed stamped envelope to help insure safe return. These or ders filled and returned at once. .. . 1111 . i Writ Vumber of gl.B0Lowr 1.00 Tirst 78 Tlrst Tlokets wslrd Op- rioor Bom Baloony Baloony posit Date Ton Wish xwKaayT How Many t Mow Many t , to Atteua. . . ' Monday Brening nil i Tnaaday Bvening ram, a ; : ... Wednesday Bvening TBB. . , . Thursday Bvnlnf , HI. 4 ' rrldar BTealng ." ,. , xzn. a , iatnrdaT Bvening WB. Batnrday Matins , Bam, as Bights - . .' ) , , Baloony Wdnsdy Matin gl.OOLow.r T8o rst Mow laaayt j Topular Mom l"loo Baloony d. Balcony ' Mow Manyt Mow Many t W.5M" Second Baloony BOo Bight and Sat. Mat. Curtain BTIOHTS 001. M. Sharp. imr.M. Sharp . KATIBTLLS (L Ujp-ADMISSIOH- IftA jt,Beserred Beats 10c Extra U' CLAN GORDON HO. 63 Will hold its Gth Annuul 0onci!i't & Ball in eommcni oration of Robert Burns Mon day evening, Jan. 25, 1915, at Swedish Auditorium, 8 p.m. Tickets, 50c Each. AUDITORIUM Week of January 24th to 30th Inclusive EVZRY AFTERNOON AND EVENING SIX BIG ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE THREE G2EEKS I MYSTERIOUS K1HSS All Jangha Defying ' All Locka WILHArs"TRCaPE HARRY DISCROW Comedy CycllatB ' Solorst PEPPER TWIRS - B'JLCER'S GOATS Eccentric Dancing and Singing Comedy Unexcelled 20,000 OMAHA SCHOOL CHILDREN IN MOTION' PlCTl'llUS Three Hours of Splendid Entertainment. Children 10 Cents Adults 25 Cents All Back Tlokst Bonored at Box Offio. B at JOICE CULTUnE yositlv FlOPPItPP Coaching, sreath , Diction. Control. LfnSlCr Voio Perteot tlm Hearings STUDIO 1807 FABB1M STBSCT. fhon Sougla B43. '1 he dernier cri in DANCING 1 that faaolsaUas' naao. th ROULI-ROULI Bon ton old and son too young to enjoy this newest ot naao. Assembly very rrlday evening. SPolal classes tor women and children. JTlvat U. sous aad club fey appointment. HA- FLAIRE SCHOOL OF DANCING W tetalr roounadatloa. Weh. B33S Coffee The Wellington Cate 1B1T Varnala Street. X. P. Millar, Prop. BIBBXB, 000.' Oyster Cocktail Mulligatawny bouu Queen Olive Radiahes Celery Cliow CUow ' Roaat Prime Riba of Beef, au Jus Roaat Youug 1'lg Muffed (.'tuuilt-il Sweet potato Poinestlc Oooae. Aople Pauce baked OhlcltKU Blth UruiMlii Mashed l'otatoea Jun Paa Cranberry Haur Ifuj.ir lorn New Cauliflower in Cream . Combination build Hot Holla . . .- Oreen Avpl r Mlnr ri leiuon MrlnKU l'te . Macaroon !' Civani UU CsKk Tea Milk