4-0 TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: JANUARY 24, 1915. HELP WANTED MAI.K 4 areata, Mlnnra a a Soltcltarra. AOKNT.h 8pare or nil time: big profits; complete line dtamonda, watchee, Jew elry; no capital: sell cash or InMallmenta. A. D. Engelbrerht Co., Three Oaks, Mich At.kN'iS Ku-imra; new check for hog tht really work; every farmer needs II: send quirk for prices and t(Wli' terms. Wm. H. Jones. Cisco. Tex. A UK NTS Mcseet line: l.lret profit; rxtrsct. porfurawi, medicines, eplcea. Jelly powd.rs; premiums for your cus tomers. Western I -aooratorles, 1941 Van llnren Ft, ChlcagiV AGKNT3. make blir money and become. sales roar, for our goods; fast office seller; fine profit; particulars snd esm fle free. One Ilp Ten Co., 7f, I'slly li.T0"1 Baltimore. Md. AOKNTS wanted for the world's lieat vacuum sweeper; also general axent and crew managers. Men are making $100 per week. William Mrg. Company, 2X7 Tay lor SI., Chicago. HELP WAXTFD MALE Mlseellaneeae. Wanted at Once M1CN to learn the automobile bualiwa; the demand la greet for onr graduates; we have trained hundred! of men; let ut train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training As.,n, 14 N 20th Ht.. Omaha. Nab. AUK NTS wanted. 1x convened por trait; Z rent guaranteed : framee at fnclorv prices from M rente tip. Sample free. William Portrait and Frame Com pany. r..7 Taylor St., Chicago.' tVERY household oa farm. In smalt town or suburbs, where till lamps are lined, peed and will buy the wonderful Alad tiin Mantie Uinp; hums common coal fil Ikeroacne); give a light five times a bilght aa electric; one farmer cleared over , In six week; hundreds with rigs earns aen rel name in. n: write a prices, territory and nam pie lamp for free trial. Mantle Lump Co., 703 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago. 111. 50 Mtrt. to 36 yearn. Apply "Round-Lp" Co.. stage entrance. Iirandeis theater. Funday, li noon. WANTED Names of men wanting to be railway mall rlerka. I7& month; om.h. rmimiwni coming. Address T mX Iee. live WIUK BUSINESS MEX OP OMAHA rrhtterts. Wverett C Doddt, 1? PsTton Blk. P, 91, Amtn anal Magaetn Remelrlaaj, Magneto repair work m specialty. P. HU, Aaettexteere. powd Auction CO., 118 W. O W. Tud )gJS Attractions. OMAHA Film T.x., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET After Establishing Eecord Price Cash Wheat it Lower on the Omaha Exchange. CORN PRICES FAIL TO HOLD May. It 40 .July lfa Lard Mar. 14 N M KH July U t!Vi Ribs May. 10 t?H 19 ft July. 10 82 Mj i 12 S H N It 16 1 47 H l WH l Mu, M 17! It 22' 1 TH 1 90 11 U 11) 10 Sttti 10 2H! M OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET NEW YORK STOCK MARKET IN VK.STIUATOHM Kuril In .u.rw In the United rUates; be one; earn IIS to l?.WS"M? frt. WrlU. Fidelity Se cret Hcrvlce, Wheellrfg. W. Va. o WK HAVh, several openings for estah llahment of Independent mall order buslneas. Energy, good habits and sound judgment more Importsnt than capital. i.1'!" J,r,"-."t flr"t- Particulars free. Dept. G- Opportunities Exchange, Buf falo, N. Y. i Rlee Printing?. HonNBY BLT'K PRINT CO., Ml Omaha. I at I Pang Pldg. Barbers. Chairs, loo shave, necg shave. 117 Tar. Rraan Pen n dries. ruton-Mltchell Co , rth and Marthn ts. Chlcaa-o Caaw ir iv l. u . v- a . i t4;H1.44i; No. I hard. $i.tt9i.4.' lorn: No. 4 rellow. ?or7i u c jn I hi. .0h71Vo. Oats: No. I white, H&.-; , No white. 3HWio. Rve: No. 8, ti ll. 'IS V TQtl- timothy, JrtOO I "'vr. i.mruw.v), t -ro visions: fork J Moit Kinds of Cattle Sharply Lower for the Week Lambt Are Much EisheT. k6gs 5 TO 10 OFP FOR WEEK OMAHA. Jan. H. ltlo. Cah wheat was mm lower today. H WHjl.J2S, lard, HO.?; ribs.' 19 The purchseea of foreigners were noti!0 12i UrV tV ,w,'J,e,Jh ,f'rln erLj!i'TTER-H!fher; orearoery. Me to Jftfll Cjf'lc'al Tuesday arger. One lot rf 10r.iin buahe No. I SD'tc. .Off clal ... ' POUTH OMAHA, Jan. 23. 191B . . . nweipia weret J;'ificiai Monday "WANTED. MEN-Prepare as firemen", brakemen, electric motormen. colored train porters; hundreds put to work; f to 1100 month. No experience necesaary. i wanted. Iarge western road; steady W.rk-., ,ntr Rl'wy lept. 23. In- dlapolla, Ind. -o I NEKD branch managers for my world- Wlfle mall nrrier hmln,, Innll.i C Uter and Well DIsTKlnS. NEED well or cistern cleaned or ougt HCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. Mil. J. K. RICKKRTT Well Construction Co"; nothing too big or Impossible: estimates furnished. S1 N. 21st At.. Omaha. 4'arwentera and Contmetera. PTKYENBON, KH . t?d. Pouglaa M3f. allforale. Lanta. W. T. Pmtth Cq. 1111 City Nafl Bk. I in eix wren nunnreos wun mu fii,.i.i, .,-m.. ii ne, I10O to H0 ner month; no 1 t . ' i .i"i'nbl r"f"-fcea, ulred. We furnish capital to re- , ubHshlnaM hi T PT"" n nn: write quick f.-r wholesale I,, h 2 hJm'M"'t worker and msn AOENTS Fverywhere, to aell our folding handbag; best tl.M article on market; every woman nneda one; big profits, exclusive territory; send now for free catalogue of money maker. 8. Dia mond A Pro. sole manufacturers. 16 Veat 2Ut Bt., New York. o AGENTS Bell our new acclilent and sick ness policy for 110 yearly; pavs th.vM death, 15 weekly benefit; half the above benefits, t& yearly; no dues or asseas ments; easy seller; liberal eororalaslona lender-writers, Newark, N. J. KXi'KKJKN'CKD salesmen to aell our lint of popular priced laoes and embroideries on liberal commission basis to merchants tn Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma. New Mexico and Arlxona. Addreas with full information, Br in Bros., direct Importers of European laoea, Dallas Tex. BRIOHT energotlo salesman of ability'. Watts ReTOo., MM Brandels Theater. 8ALE8MAN, grocery State Bk. Bldg., 17th special Ilea aV Harney. HALE8MAN Must have experience Ing to farmers. Kt Htate Bk. Bldg AOENTS-A new one Just out big prof Its; quick sales; every home a proepent. "Flte-Ur-Pot" aluminum percolator makes better coffee; aavea half; con verts any coffee pot Into a peraolator; going with g rush. Write quick for agency rroaltioa The standard Spinning L gtamptng Co., Toledo, Q. M1LL.1UN dollar winner;" tremendous, rspld sales atagger conntry; agents happy, hanking enormous profits dally. Mew invention, yet million aalea already recorded Waiters sold M first 1 hours; Arnold SO first dsy. F.verybody wants Orabe Piienlilln Hlioo Cleaner on door step. Saves drudgery, carpets, shoes, money. Automatically removes mud, snow. Mechanical wonder. Investigate iulck. Territory free; worth fortune, tie curlty Mfg. Co.. Deiit 60. Toledo, Q. I NEEiD branch managers for my world wide mall order bunineas; operate from your own home In spare time. No cut vaaaing or peddjtng. Kzperlenoe unneo rasnry. You should make i0 weekly, But ier r, Factories, Toledo, O "Wontod Several men of Rood eliaracter to travel and solicit, for particulars call at 833 Brandeia Theater at 10:00 .. M. Monday morning. KOKO-WHKAT-CR1SH-II0 dally profit; neer confecil'n; bo packsve coats IVfcc; tan uf sampies, HKj. Particular free. Machine $7..' prepaid. Qonioau Co., SU N. I'arkeide, Chicago. MAHA.lNK WMJCITOKH, KX PEHI KNCKD CHEW OKOAN1ZEJR8 In mag axlno work, get buy, write quick for new i ana no ciui orrars of maga sines which sell . like hot cakes. ltlg f ommlaoions, unlimited territory. Only experienced magasine men need apply. i omei punacripuon company, jdlnne- GF.NKRAL. AtJKNTH ( an you handle territory and are you a producer? If so, we can show you a I10.HJO per year propoeltlon. We sell land near Palm Beach, Florida, and are .1uul putting on our new tract and ocean fiutituue. liberal commlHslon, free ad vertlnlng, transportation to the property, railroad fare allowed purchasers, nio tlon picture films and good co-operation. There's money In this. If you mesn bus. lnes. write at om-e. BRYANT OKEfcN WOOD. 1M1 Weatinlnster Bldg., Chicago. AtiKJSTrt WANTtI You can rnVkeiTo $;k weekly selling our new "incandes cent" Table Iinp. Kvery suburban and ruial home a possible customer, Kqual to 11 ordinary kerosene lamps. Every .imtomir will help you to make more sai.a. Write quick for terms and terri tory. Incandescent IJght Co., m Band M. Nally Bldg . Chicago. 't AUUNTS-New business, new field, big protils. sedlng water power inaeaaite machine. Parker sells H first dsy; Marg warth says, making lit dully. lwla sells 4 first hour. Investigate now, today, l'os'.al will do. Big surprise svalts you. lilacastune Co., 41 sletvdith Bldg., To ledo .). UMa) run man per county; strange in vention startles world; agenta amaxed. Ten Inexperienced men divide tto.iui; Korstad, a farmer, old I2, In 14 days, l-cl.leiclier, a minister. 1& first 11 hours, ll.il e cold cast) made, paid, banked by Monemaa In thirty daya; ll-.Ouu to date. A hut or cold running water bath equip tnent for any home at only HK ttctf lieailng. No plumbing or water works tequired. Investlsate. ITxiluslve sale. Credit given. Bend no money. Write let ter or postal todny. Allen ilfg. Co., 401 Allen Bldg.. Toledo. O CMC WINi gum Mil to doners, Ug gest line tnanufactured; meet any cont txiition: send for price list and samples. The Helmet Cum Co., Cincinnati. lrug store snaps; jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. 111UI1 grade ssleamen, t2t dally guaran teed. Imperial Mfg. Co., Nurto Mala hi.. Council Biuffa. Ia tXPKKIKNCKl) crew manager and apo dal! y salesmen for fsstest selling article on the market; expenses daily, pay weekly. R. 12 Crounse blk., ll No. lhlh. IVANTKD-A salesman having experience in selling knit goods or acquainted with the dry goods trade In Nebraska or Iowa to carry our Una of sweaters and fancy knit gtdi); only men havlug experience with tills Una or acquainted with the dry KiHid trade need apply. Address dtar Knitting Co., 1 Croese. Wla i-KAND new imlriit. rapid illr; .u a day eauy; write oulck. Maniifacturera' 1 mine Supplv Co., l)tlrolt, Mich. Factory nsJ Trades. IKARV TO BH A MOV1K OPERATOR. MiVINU P1CTCKK (iHtHATOR wk'want mkn anu boys in tTTb t !ty and ol't. to i. earn thk bar- HKK TltADlO ('in guailfy you lor good v ases In few weeks. Mart now end com I u te for spring rush. More cslls for liclp than can be supplied. Home money tarned while learning. Touls given. Best trsd in existence (er men of limited iiifjn Ofwn to ail. Call or write. MoLKR BAHBKK Cul.KrXil!. 110 g. u HI. VANTKI 1.0 men to eat ham and egg JijC'f fee John. lih and Capitol. ACTOMOBILE WlCE OR OTHER WIS 8 lie wise a I Independent In business tor youiaeli or earn big money. Our lurce aad well equltied a hool and shop eiii pnjuoe this rauuit fur you. Uvt our ui.u.nl Interemlng offer with Calslogue '." lay aid nistil claan-s. photie U 3vl. lli-l&-17 Dodge bt., Omaha. Neb. ?xKPRAKA AUTOMOHILE HOHOOf. M leee llaBi.a. TOU ARB NI.'KDED T'lg l-ar if an auto firt We give Jul cill AH leading nHrlii and erlf Mri. fil of pvMUulis orilng nuw. t" nt.i t Into tne autoiii'jpiie buai ,i.m here. Uino about positions hsict nn l.s. Fre catalog ie. Anivrl 4.au Au'.u Ci'lue, 1 Vjuaut sl, Ouiaua- or orains whom we can rely on. Mall u i "i"rl!"r" not easentlal. C A. "-cy-. mi racrnries, Toledo. O. Wanted registered physVclana for high class advertising medical offices In Iowa. Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri and Colo- r.,o. Limn ouHiness and a food propo sition to the right men. Address with t'sterers, M'RAK Hets tables, serret parties, wed- dlng; furnish waiters, cooks. Wnl. gilt. Coal Dealers. $3.50 "ir' w''. lso Victor nut, l flf, phone Douglss 17U. Chiropractors. I Oeddl. D. C 22(1 Bee Bldg. rmia;. 421. China Palatlnar. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4!M1 Clvl Engineers. full personal particulars Dr. E. W. Smith, i M. J. tiACY. B1 BEB Bt.nA. DOT'O 4T15. The Sharpies Separator Co., 12th Fmrn. Ilaaelag Academies. Turpln'g najclngjtdejrjrnj.. Farn. tlenevleve Haufislre. phone Webster KOA. Mankle's Aeademy, lHie'ltamey. t). Mil CHAMBKR g'"A ra demy, classic. D. 1871. , jn wniir collecting sll Is names and addressea No cn- WANTET-Heveral men. IMS, to take up uv won, in yoiir local ity; experience unnecessary; write Rall aay Checking, BP Liberty St., New York M EN. kinds vs1ng. Bend stamp. Superba Co.. X-17H. 'niiiinure, Aia. GOVERNMENT positions: thou.andsTf aprolntmenU to be made; booklet 231. tehlng where they are, what they pay. etc., with specimen examination ques tions, sent free. Wrlta today NatL Cor. I Bstltute, Washington, I. C. MONT1IL.V snd ainn... A n..l distribute samples and take orders, or neatlata ---i;-- -7 - r'' ."-.'"ii. ai Ameri can Co., Chicago. EARN 110 to fl5 weekly addressing, mall Ing circulars. Psrticulara, circulars, 10c. Nau Research Bureau, Dept. to, Chatta nooga, Tenn. GOVERNMENT position In pnstofflce rallwsv mall and otbae hrancha arm food; prepare for "exams" under former u. f . v ivu nervice Meoreury Examiner, booklet OW free. Write today. Patterson .jvii .oervice ecnooi, iiocnenter, n. x.m ... wlrter wheat was sold to go abroai I EOOS Higher; receipts, 1 3SS cases- at st Mar price for late March shipment, mark, ca-e Included. Jfiflvac: ordinary No. 2 hard wheat at the highest price of J POTATOKS Receipts, in ears; Mlchl the crop. As viewed from an Impartial ' fan and Wisconsin red, MT)c; white. W standpoint and taking Into consideration 44e. the cash trade ar.d other circumstances I POULTRT Alive hleher; springs, 12H; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep .l: 1D.11 . Buiinesi Curing: Short Session Bela tirelj Dull and Movement More Narrow. TREND OF PRICES LOWNWARE t.4 . 4.974 .7M .K7 10.-1 2u0 surrounding the market, the situation ap pears legitimate. Hales nt cash wheat at the seaboard totalled w.onn bushels and Chicago, rlt Ioula and Kansas City re ported good sales of rsh wheat. exports or Dtrecmtiirrs from the Cnlte-l mat whei com CoVnwa. h ..7 K..V k-.. , ' Pr! f'4 h op-nlnglevet on fowls, Ho; turkeys. l&Vfro. w Tork General Market. NtAV TORK. Jan. a-SUOAR The maraet tor sugsr futures was steady with Wxtu,.. lOffp lal Thuredsy w.... iu r niay I LsOmata Saturday, I Big daya this week..l7.4M I Jama rlays last week!a.5i5 ame dsys 2 weeks ago 21.4 Same dava I weeks ago 1S.4W) onio uajs f weeks ago 1O.UHS Same dag last rear.. 3D 424 The following tabl shows the receipts 01 came, nogs and sheep at the South ss.snrt 5.7'.3 17.719 62.310 uiclZ TOK? wUh Hour and VTn ' ,.1 p5,nt lmr ,0 t J"- 'iva stock rnaJket for th year to eat Inc Coed XTrV T 7oMifj huehibJ hlhr " "rd covering prompted by ot. ma compared with st yesr: inired with gSia h.Th-V. VrtL- the firmness of the spot market. TheL .. 1915 1914. Dec. le ieriod i.a .J2' bu"hel" tor tne rnarkct was steady all the first hour and 'faille n m t,W1 leeetlves. INVFXTIOATIONS csrrled out In anv part of United States. Canada or Mexico. g Faxton Blk. Doug. r,t. Walnut iktn. JAMES A1J.AN, JiaNevllle Blk. EvP denoe secured In alt rases. Tyler 1IM. Dr. Bradbury. No ralln. IBM Famsm. Dr. Todd s alveolar dentistry. 4d Brandels Bailey, the Dentist TfW Cltv Nat I Bank. Taft Dental Uuoma, lf.17 Douglaa. D. Igrti. IfELP WANTED UAVm AMD rKMALS. AT once, ladles or gentlemen who can devote at least two hours dally to write and copy letter (Ink or typewriter)' and earn $10 to SJ5 woekly; apply with stamped addressed envelope, for quick answer. Advance Copy Co., Box sT.J, Chicago. . A FBliiB TRIP. Tour chance TO SEE CALIFORNIA, the PANAMA-PACIFIC. SAN FRAN CISCO and HAN DIEXIO EX POSITIONS. For particulars addreas Smithsonian Co.. Oakland. Cel. WANT ISO Diatrtbutera, men and women, to gl.e away pkga., perfumed borax Soap 1'owder; no money or experience needed; good pay. O. U. Ward Co., m institute, Chlosgo. ind 1 women wanted, government He to UMi a month. Write for M EN jobs; Hat 61 positions now nhtnln.hl. irm.i. lin InaUtuta. Dept. n W. ftoohastar, N. T Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, T24 City Nat. Bank. tlressnsaklas. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th Fern am. SKIRTS lo order, fl.W up. 11 S. Wth. WATSON aV I.CND, 1IW7 Caas 8t. MISS STURDY. S41 Cass. Red Xm. Ornae. DRI'OS at cut prices: freight paid on $10 orders; cataloguea free. Sherman aV Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. the day failed to hold. Cash sales were JHOOO bushels com and tCo.OOO bushels osts. The seaboard reported 2fi,000 bush els com and f),flO bushels oats for for eign shipment. Wheat was mdtCe lower. Corn was tyirlo higher. Oats were Wo lower. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to Kr7,nm bushels: corn, lu4,00 bushels: oats, 472,0no bushel. Liverpool closed: Wheat, not quoted; com Vd lower. Primary wheat receipts were TRX.000 bushels and shipments C3.0U0 bushels, ngalnst receipts of 7,0n0 bushels and shipments of SiJ.OOO bushela last year. 1 rimary com receipts were 1,794.0m bushels and shipments 1.4J4,1 bushels, against receipts of WO.OOt) himhels and slilpmenls ef lll.MO bushels lent year. Prlmarv oats recelota ware sianna k.-k els and shipments (44.000 bushels, against "lc'U'l J T',0". ""! nd snlpmenta of tn.m bushela last year. CARLOT RkX'EIPTS , Wheat. .an 2 Mlnneapt.ila 773 I'uluth 40 OnriHlia j(- Ksnaes City Kt. I.ouls 47 Winnipeg 134 ...Ln"" wre reported today neat: c.o. 2 hard winter: 4 oare. iLs7: lM- 1 brd nr: I cars J?So: ic,? 91 No- 1 mixed: 1 car li atH. No I mixed durum: 1 car. fl.4. !'o:.,,.oa,r No- white: 1 car. Tic; (special) 7tVr?: 4 cars, 7So. No. yellow: . io. a yenow: it cars, TOWic. "o. yeuow: 1 car. 7W4e: 3 cars. 70c. No. a yellow 1 cart TOHa No. i mixed: I cars '. ;o; s care, tohc; 1Z ears, ittc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (near white), Tc, 1 car (near white). 73e; 4 cars. aSc. No' i!n,Sd: 1 cr n",r white), 73c; 1 csr. 70o; 1 cars, '4c OaU: Standard 1 ar, ftje. o 1 white; 1 car, KVic; S cars. 14S 175 71 Oats. 248 ar. 52c. Tfvjk- Jw f f mm n .r- J: I cara. ll.is " " ''"" n'Sif Hh Prices-Wheat: No. t hard. ..-u..o7s. no. nsrn. LixWJ-.3ii ; re jected hard, il.aiirl sfiu- k 1 r.inv 11 v. V'-Jt0. duru'". 1.49Vfcl.SO; no grade. Corn: No. i white, 75'4i jjint T w""e."wtrc; io. 4 White, 74r75c; No. S white, Hwmo; No. white, 74H4ic; .ample white? 74W4Wic; ACCORDION, side, knife. sunbur.L bo i' lOT l'?? 0 covered button.. .11 .1. .h ".V.'' T t. 'yyvivitc-.no. 10 lee trie gappllee. L.KBRON Klec. Wks.. lis 8. 11th D. 217. KverytalasT far Wemre. Woman's Exchange. 4 Pax. Blk. R. 4911 etvl T h.m.Ti.Vk.-- r"'ir'T" ?""w.. Wft"HCi No. yellow, WWfiWHo; .. ........ .,..., ruHinB. kwhi nsmpie yellow. OS H 'awe: No 2 mlxd tou. Pleating Co., iu lougl Block. D. 11M8. I U,0c; No. 1 mlxr7vW7tC; lifo! niiu'.i. maae from oomblnga, by exp. V, . .-vco. e mixed, WSv: ini woraer; mail oraers. 414 N. lftth. : iLi, , u'i'iw; sanpie mixea, bH-tfcQ: HATlUiRKsglXti. all branchea: comhln.. I ww- "S'f J .to order. Ant si wn.h mi. b ..7.7." IT'. "",!.w,",i. q M I'FFB made from old fura. H. irmi. lejectea, 6i(aZc. Bar ev: No. I f.rf n a.. . k , ... . ... . . I ; 1 i m . J irtl, vmiwc. lty Karlera. BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. 24th Bt W. T777. WANTED SITUATIONS Ypu.NO man wan's place to work for board while attet ding Ucyles college. Telephone Douglas IMA. BU81NEMS MEN YoungT lady resirea po- i.m,jiijnir, Dooaaeeper, or flca clerk or combination Job. Experience years covering 4 lines, fcarnad 1 promo tions last Job. No flirt Will consider anything from tft up. ahort time or long Ema,.H'Pllw confidential. Address B fcli. A Mutt, who Is a competent coog wants position at general housework, without laundry. A M4, Bee. A LADY who can cook well desires a position ut general housework without WshingL P M3, Bob. YOUNU man. Its dealree position as grocery clerk, or work, of any kind; have lived In Omaha for the last eight years. Call for Deo at Webster 4471. POSITION as stenographer: wllllns to . begin at sroalJslaryPhone Wen. o?19. CtIX)RF.D lady wants position as cham barmaid; short hours. Wsb. sHji. WANTED Kmploymeat by middle-aged wan, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer poxltloa as traveling salesman or office work; ran use typewriter! not a ateno. K gU. Bee. WANTED By girl attending sewing school, a place to work for room and hoard. Address Y-341, Bee. yANTr;l) bundle wahh.g.VVfbiiter f DADY desires poallion of two days' woTC C MatnBee"':h W''i r'er,no"- Address. Bundle, rough washing wanted. W. Km, Reilable colored girl wants "posHlotTas". 000k or chambermaid. Douglas 1MB: ask for Mildred. " ' WJiTKDD"Jr .wor 'r Monday and Fridays; any kind. Web. Ti47. KXPERIENCED colored girt for work. D. Kfmi'Aek for Mary. day Vol NU man dealrea plaoe as 'anlior. or r?,'?.rk.'."-r:.. n rmh refer ences. Call Tyler 144, or addreas, B 647. 8 r EN OU RAPHE 11 with several years7 experience In commercial Urws wanta ftosltlon Beat references. Address jC, COU)Rhai man wanta job aa porter or Janitor, care furnaoe; beat of referenoea. Phone W two between and T la av. nlnga No. ;an North 27th St BAiND dirMtor; play cornet; also cigar maker; inuat be food town and good band SITUATION wanted by colored woman to work In small family. Moderate wages. Tyler 1. Mrs. Belly. WANTED by an eVpertenoed ' welt known young man In Omalia a posi tion aa cashier, bill or office clerk, or any kind of a clerical position. A good penman: quirk In flgvres. Can furnish the best of references; willing to work at a moderate salary. Addresg 13 k Bee, LTVX WIKS BtrUAixCivg MKN Of OMAHA A B C of Omaha li rMiAhKU lor better bualnees by .il l 1 now, in me Bee building; "the building that la always new." B N S.W and ad-hand motors, dyaainoa. magnetos, etc, and nch. repairs. 1-e Broa Fleet. Worka is-l a. inh. OMAHA P1LJXJW CO., ItOl CMmlng. Douglas 44.7. Renovate feathers and mattresses of ail kinds, makes feather mattressee and down covers. VACIM.'M cleaners for sala Vacuum cleaning done tn the home. Sanitary- Service Co.. ) Bee Bldg. WK rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machlnea NE BRA8KA CYCLE CO.. "Mlctisra." lr.th and Harney. Iouaiaa 14. Florlats. A. DONAOHUE, 122 Harnay. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists, 1WH Farnarn St. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1414 Farnarn St U HENDERSON, 1519 Famatn. D. 12.d Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. ' Hair DreastasT Harper method. R. , Balrd Bldg. D. 811. Ladlea Tailor. LADIBS' aults tailored to measure; popu n l,ll'.,f!r'rs: 'modeling. Irwin Brecher Co., 612 Bo. 18th. Phone Doug. em. Llghtlasr Vlxtaree and Wiring;. THOMAS nun KIN F.lactrki fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work .dons reasonable. 41 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2M9. 1.1 ve atoek Himnll,, OMAHA Remedy Co., n B. 13th. Red 4252. Meeaeaaee iJ 1 .... WHITE LINE, V B. nth. Douglas 8312. Mask, iMtaeaes and Ladaw applies. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrioal costumes In the country. Theo Lichen Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4116. Maeeeneea. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. tnra Wllaon. im Farnarn, R. t. Douglaa 7M. Open evenings and Sundaya. MISS U1HSON. maaaagn: Sd floor, 1711 Dodge. Hra 10 to s. Sunday II to 6 p. m. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., eleo. bath. DT 71a, 0en eve., 9 p. m..;, Sundaya. 10 to t MlrS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. D. 4Mt. Hours to ; Sundsy 11 to . Clara Lee, bath and mains ge. Doug. 751. M assesses, y MISS JACOBS, mssa, manicuring. Phone Doug. 4a7. Hours 9 to ; Sunday 11 to t. MASSAtiU. lue S. 17th St. Mm. Steoie. Violet Ray, inasa., tH Bee Bldg M s Fisher, mass., elec. treat D. 11112. Bed tm. Af BKK hl'ilding; vv feed. SiMitUw v. xin CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feataree the Tradlaa- aad Cloalas Prleea oa Board ef Trade. , CHICAOO. Jan. 2J.-Bearish attempts to uulie peace talk as to Austria and Hungary failed today to cause more than a temporary turning back In an upward march of the price of wheat Quotations Cloned strong at an advance of So to lo atove last night. Corn finished UWV lo i?i4a up, oats with a gain ot yo to So, and provlxlona unchanged to 60 lower. Although wheat for a brief time seemed headed straight down hill. The market tallied in a vigorous manner as soon as traders became convinced that the peace rumors had no better basis than far fetched Inference. Sentiment was unmis takably in favor of the buying side. The fact seemed clear that farmer In the I nlted States were not letting go any more freely of their reserves, and th.t the Argentine supply was not coming for ward In a way that would meet Euro pean demands. Competition for wheat appeared to be sharrest t-day In the northwest Ex porters were said to have bought 6T. 80 bushela at Mlr.niip lis. aad there were advices that tho Pacific coast was taking round lots from North Dakota and other a'ates east of the Rockies. It was credit-ted there would be a derided falling off In the visible supply total on Mon day Corn was chiefly governed by the action of wheat Exporters took So0,000 bushels. Snow and cola were said lo have led lo extensive feeding In the west, but con gestion of railroad facilities eaat proved something of an offset. Oats shared the firmness of other grain. There was con siderable buying here on orders from Wlnnlreg. Selling by packer overcame an ad vance that provisions made because of hither prices for hogs. . Demand wax only moderate. Leading grain quotation were: Articlel Open. I Hlh.l Low. I Close.lTes'y. OOUA UKLMNGY New eastern netlo treatment. Tnvlgorstlng bath, maa- wf-ranm ana sattstsctory : daily, evening. 17 a 17th St. Notice Entrance down stairs, basement, mrimr huildin. Maytaat, taraae aad Cleaning. W. C. FERRIN, 1Mb and Capitol. Ty. 1200, Nareery aad Seeds. GARDEN seed, small fruit and vegeta ble plants of atrlcilv first cl... ou.n.v, catalogue free. Bowksr Tlant Nursery, Box lu, Kearney, Neb. Oval 1st s. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you ran. Irs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. w. Bldg. Oaleswatkila lkttl,lB. or. Hemcna, yiat McCague R'np P. ym. ir. r-etrreun, u nrsndels HUlg., I). 3144. rriatlaa. WATKTtS.R ARNHART Ptg. Co., quality piiu.Mi.. r. in, iiw. i. r. i.itn et. IHU'CHAS Printing Co. Tel. Iking. 44. CQRKT M'KFN'.IE PTO. CO. D. 2t4. RIES-HAlJj Ptg Co.. KJOCapltuI. D. 1104. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUU. IT.4. Paieat Development. AMERICAN Machine Co. 114 S. 11th St. Pa teats. If. A. Sturges. tS Brandels Theater Bid r . D. O Bamell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TllT Paiatiaar aad rapertaai. HUGH M MANUS, 41T N. 40th H. m. h Kateraxlaatav. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist. Aeeaaalaals. MKI.VHJ.K I. THOMAS A COM PANT 1;J7-W .liyNarlliik Bldg. Tyler 131a K. A. DWOKAK, actxiunts audited, open tug and closing books, Installing modem oftus snd coal accounting sstema Ad dress 4aRaii-.ge Bldg. Fhone Ikiug. Jsl. Adding; Maehlaea, Dal ton Adding Machlnea 411 S. M. D. 144S. Addet Men. Co. (Wales), W. O. W. V. Plaaaea Rsaevateg. PLUMtS flowers made ever, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger. 4J9 Paxton. D. 1394. gate mm Tlaae Lack Ks parts. SAFES SKSA- "FW-tZZZ: Ui twrt. led Dodge. l m. 9bee Repair!;. Electric Shoe Rep Co., 1907 St. Mary At. FHIFI'MAN BHO.S , ahoe repair. Ill S. 14. Ktara aad Otfte Ft xt area, DESKS, safes, acalea, ahowcasea, ahslv Ing, eto. VNe buy. sell. Omaha Fixture snd Bui't'ly Co.. 4I4-Iy.4 S. 12th. IX r.M. slgaa aad bbeweavrAe. E. M flJKK St SON, Ut 8 14TH ST. leel ( elllag;. CARTFR Sheet Metal Company, 114 S 19 Tewe apgllee. OklAUA Towel Supply, T B. Uth. D. U9L Wheatl May. I J uly. 1 Corn May. July. Oats I May.l July.l Pork I 1 1 1 42S 1 :s! 794 T9s' TtS 90 90WI T9Vs I MM 0t lW I MSI 63V I 1 I 1 444' 1 26J T9Hl 90S! ! 64SI I 1 444 1 26t SRles of 4f0 tona Ooenlne bids: Fehi-iiarv. i.jc; may, s.iao: June, aiTo; Julv, 3,ic. Raw sugar market was firm; centrifugal, 19ti4 01c; molasses, l.21a,34o. Refined, steady. , Haw sugar, firm; centrifugal. S.994.01c; rnoisss . 3.21fi3.24c; rail ed, steady. BUTXER Firm; receipts. ,14 tube; Creamery extras, 91 score, i.2fi2Hc; creamery, firsts, 2oJ1'4c; seconds. 27 &c; ladles, current make, firsts, tviftlc; seconds, 22Hc; packing stock, current make No. 1. HSJlc. CHEKSB strong: receipt, 1.7SS boxes; state whole milk, held specials, lVttluc; average fancy. 14S$ic; fresh specials, tHinloSo; average fancy, 14Hl4c skims, i'i14c. EGOS Mrmer; receipts. i.V cases; fresh gathered extra fine, S9c; extra first. fl rtc; firsts. fV;i7c; seconds. 4 :Wc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, fl'-e to fancy, 41ft42c; gathered whites, JTfitlc; hennery browns, IsfP'Oc; gathered brown and mixed col ors 17'!J3tc. POULTRT Alive. quiet; western chickens, 12Hl?13c; fowls, lMrlWfcc; tur keys. l!W5ri4c. Dressed, quiet; western roasting chickens, 11H4T90C; fresh fowls. iruolBc; turkeys, IWilo. Sllnaeaaalla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. H WHEAT May, . bid; July. (195 bid; No. 1 hsrd, $1.42S: No. 1 northern. I1.36S L42H: No. 2 northern. tl.33SOl.40Vi. FLOUR Unchanged. BA RLETT "8f?4o. RYE 11 lfcJT. 19. BRAN-92SW. CORN No. t vellow, gMJr70Uo. OATS No. S white, S2fi2Ac. FLAX-4L89M C1.92. Kaaaaa City Grata and Provlsleas. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 33. WHEAT No, 3 hard. $1 JSI SS; No. 1 red. ll.33tt4Jtl.40; May. fl .J74; July, II. 20. 1XRN No. 3 mixed. 74fr74Vie; No. 1 white. 77He7T!sc; May. 7SXff78o: Juiy TSStiTWxo. OATS-No. I white. 64o; No. 1 mixed. I263c ' St, Ximmlm Orala Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 23. WHEAT No. 1 red. I1.42S: No. I hard, 11.44; May, 11.41 P1.41S: July, 11.22H. CORN-No. 2, 75c; No. 1 white, T7c; May, 9tW4f)Sc: July, lmc. OATS No. 3. Mi(h65Sfeo: No. 2 white. Sr.4c, HOgS 1?T ,l 1 UO 11-, 11 UVJ '""TP ltl,3i 170.798 4.4H0 The following table rnow the nverag price for hogs at the Scuth Omaha live tock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Data. I 1S15. I114. 191.l.lsia.llll -91t. IW.H. Jan. a. Jan. Jan. Jan Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 7 U 1 tOT4, T MU I.. I 9". 9..I ( 90S 10.1 11.1 TOHl I a .i 7 ftKl 7 96 7 IS T 91 7 11 7 911 7 11 HI! 7 Ml 061 7 241 tH 4 00t 7 74; 47 17 7 8 49 7 sl! 8 50 f 191 ; 8 43 091 7 971 I 4 id 7 X! 8 211 101 7 To 181 74 I 6 17i 7 7"' 8 28' S 91 19 I . ...... - u. . . . u . . ! V KIX I Ml f IU1 tuw I 1 .11 I n ,... Jsn. 14 I a 7 ' 1 ah 1 mi . f 1 a.i o ci r. .7 . Jan. IB" t 67V, 8" T U t ' 8 6 97 I -u. 11. - I 11 I Ziy OS 7 it " UROtX' i'n' t ' 4 7 781 8 4f W Jnirki' rg.ii. iTf.i tt at vii 1 n m 1 ! 771 at iki i 20 21 22 I I 57 23.1 62 e 62 I 8 28 I i 951 7 9 311 08 Wf 8 21) 7 271 I 7 671 9 37 f i 97 8 IS! 7 tXi S 891 8 Ml 02 I S 21 7 23! S 81) 7 RS 00 Jan. Jan.' Jan. Jan. Sunosy. CATTLE Receipts this week have been fairly liberal, although fatlling short of the records of one and two weeks ago, and of a rear ago. Jh market has not been at all to the liking of the selling Interests. Eastern markets have been In very unsatisfactory condition and the slump in prices has de pressed the market at this point. Thus while the supply ha not been excessive, the general run of beef steers is 15f25c lower than a week ago, and in aome f"9 aa much as 30o lower. The decline has been the moat marked on the heavy cattle, lightweight beeves suffering leas. Prices have been so low, not onlv here, but at all other po'nts, thst a large per centage of the cattle arriving In the mar ket show an actual loss to the feeder. ii hellers have been slow seller all the week and prices are everywhere sharply lower. The decline at this point smounts to about 2f, aome kinds show ing more, and some It-sa Quotations on Cattle: nnvt tn clinic oorn-fod beeves, t8.0(Hjt.25: fair to good corn-fed beeves, 7.f-Oji.00: common to fair corn-fel t..v.. . ta uwr m. ,A , . " ...... -jf . . w , , .....I I.h?'Pe. 9. 5.7;8.M; fair to good cows. .nJr" ' cornmn to fair cows. 14.0iy i0!;: good to choice stockers and feeders, 17.2SfeH.3fi: fair to good stockers and feed ers. fi. AXirT Zri ' commnn tn f.l, .,...1... nd 1 feeders. 15.7VJf6 W: stock heifers, 15. SO 21. Ls. i?VK cows, 4.Tiya.a); stock cslve, !H. 0068. 00; veal calves, 17.fjOu9.O0; bulls. Stsgs, eto., 15.00f.7B. HOGS A fair Saturday run allowed up, amounting to about elghty.two cars, or 4.2UO head. Of these fourteen oars, were bought by a killer at another point and shipped here direct. Total for the week Is 49,148 head, being a little over l.ooo smaller than a week ago, and nearly 8.5U0 I ghter than for the corresponding week last year. The general market showa an advance or tv&lOc. With shippers' purchases being made at S6.6fdjd.70. and packers' droves costing largely S.S6i.ti0, the bulk of all tl i aales can be quoted at S6.55fotl.70, whllo tops reached 10.75, a flat dime above yes terday a high price. For the week values are generally M10o lower. Bulk last Saturday aold at titva7i. - ui, . ,n . 86.80. On Monday I rices 'made a allirht advance, but thia was more than wiped out the next dsy. and for the rest of the week prices ruled steady to lower. The unusual activity of shipper and specula tors towards the 1 ml on e h. r Stock and the .xliwm. h..ri.i.n - . l. ' ffK i?-Vefil-"" .iZm? b.re.aIUn IT" the through were the week's sui-HniuviMun "it iui rijuunurB. i iwiureR, NEW YORK. Jsn. S3. Bustnea during today ahort .Im, r ik. ,i.ni. 1.940 change waa relatively dull and the move . nient more narrow than recentlr. Th trend of prices wag downward from the outset on further liquidation combined with bear pressure. In the later dealing the list made partial recovery under le.id or Reading, which scored a net gain of almost a point. tia'.&JS ' for our storks, Baltimore and Ohio being 1H.33 Lh only exception, with a slight gain. i nere were Indications of more Euro pean selling In this market chiefly of the le active railroads and some In dustrials snd metal shares. The latter again failed to make favorable response to the higher price asked for the raw jroduct. Although the week end showa material recessions from tho top level, the week as a whole was memorable for Its greater activity. Sales of stocks In that brief period approximated l.Kto.OOO shares, while bond transactions on the exchange were ' close to 120.000.0no. From all trustworthy accounts, private sales of listed and unlisted bonds were far In excess of I ,niiri "."it. ' Trade reports Issued by the mercantile f il ' agen les denoted Improved conditions, but i confidence In the future. It wss added, i .J I seems to develop more rapidly than real ! activity. The bank statement more than bore out optimistic, forecasts, showing an actual cah gain In combined reserve of si ll 1,00.0.0 with an Increase In net I deposits or S.W,77.V0O0, and a re Increase of slightly more than ). The loan exoanslon of almost 00 was ascribed to the more active 'ts for securities together will. some syndicate onvmenta Number of sales snd leading quotation on stocks were: Liverpool Orala Market, LIVERPOOL. Jan. 21. WHEAT Snot. No. 1 Manitoba. 12a 4d; No. 2. 12alIM.d: No. t hard winter, lis ll"d. Futursa nominal. CORN Soot American mixed. n.w 7a8Hd; old. 7sl0Hd: February, 7s 4d: March, 7 &d. DIN'S REPORT OP TRADE. Conditions Coatlane Improve Slawly, fays rwklleatloa. NEW TORK. Jan. 2S.-R. O. Dun s Co.' Review of Trade will say tomorrow: Trade conditions continue n imnmva slowly, conildence In the future develop ing more rapidly than actual commercial activity. The most noteworthy tmnrovanutnt con tinues to be In foreign trade. financial conditions reveal Increasine- trength week by week. in recoroa or me New York Kaiuoau manager, encouraged by the recent rata decision, are disDiavlna mora confidence and several of the Important 1 lines are contracting with some degree of , tj Slow market and very dull Closes were the rnt Keiiresentatlve sales: Ko. freedom for rails and other supplies. Railroad I roes earnings for two weoka of January declined 7.7 per cent Reports irom tne iron ana sieei traae are of In creaalng activity, although the total out put la still below capacity. Better condi tions prevail in coiil and thera is an In creasing output of cop-er. Wheat exports for the week were 8.934 134 bushels, against 4.00,436 in 1914. Bank exchangee aggregated $2.7ii3 f 14.W3, a decreane of 11.1 per cent as compared witn 4J.iw.ivo, 1 1 i in tne aame week last year. Failure In the ITnlted 8tate were 713. against 4U In the same week last year; In Canada, 87, against 48 last year. STOCKS ARU BOXDg. NEW YORK. Jan. 23. The courae of to. day's session of the stock market yes terday s selling of leading stocks, was renewed on a moderate sea la Among spe cialties and industrials there were de clines of 1 to 84 points tn American To bacco, Bethlehem. Mercantile Marine pre ferred California Petroleum preferred and Western Union. The entire list stead ed somewhat in tne nnal dealings, Read m leading the rartial recovery. The cloa- ln" was Irregular. Aiteka 0014 nvt lbi Tansy 1st i. CftMse vr Lmisvills a Nasli..lgiB Am. nest sugar .... w h.x. rwrniwna .. Amsrlras Can 4 Miami Comr .... Am. Htu.l. Rsf.. alteMa., Kaa. m Tea Am. Susar Hr Ma Pactria Aa T.l. Tel....lu. Kational Lea.... An. eon da Mlals.... Naa4a ftepw .. Atchlwa K N. Y. Caniral Haiti. Ohle 7i4 N. T.. N. H. Krnok. Kapld Tress. M1 Harttore (ll. Patroleum.... 14 KertS. Paairi .., Oan4laa raclfla. .IsHt rsaaaylvaata run. raiao Car (... tl... 71... 6... 44... 72... At. ..141 ..240 . .42 ,.!1 ..Z4 Ko. 73.... 14.... 4.'..'.. 7.... 44.... U.... At. . .23U , .. . .H'4 , .1.4 ' ..2:14 , . .Jll . ..Jt . 8h. 0 69 7ii 711 74 79 70 4 74 Sl. Pr. ... 4&7H ... ICtk M 6 40 ... 4 ' i:o to ... 4 40 40 4 ti PII14 47 US ... 4 10 i.tLT1 aadlt:n to 260 head of lambs that showed up on the market this morning were three or four cars carried ?,VeH-lrm Fridy' trade. The closing il?Le8terda,r w Iat nl aui!0c lower Th,,..'" a.,,, Un,b- compared with Thursday'a market. In rasea a 25c decline was oted on ewes. The light supply out ,.rn ne.,W,u, 'c"y enough to try "ut. the trade, though everyihlng was Picked up at about steady prices ,,as light receipts, which foot up no more than 3!,60S head, against 58,793 wfth Trk, "J? 5i3XO .go Along of ec,L"ht.relpU carae "Vance Sloiufl. Iamb8' coml,-ed with the r iK1.""""", -on heeP -nI Lambet t7r 2 JS" lambs. lhi .wm io cnoica. i Alarli OoM Aii.alsaniatpit Copper .... American Heet Buar ... Amerlcaa Can Amerlran g. A R Am. s. It. pftl Am. uar Keflnlrg Anwrkan Tel. A Tel.... Antarlran TVihaooo Ananonila Mining Atrhlpuin Haltlmor Ohle Uronklrn HaeM Tr California Petroleum ... Canadian Parlflo (Viitnal Iatber C'heaapeaka A Oblo Chloago O. W Chlcasa, M. A ft. P.... Chicago A N. W Chlno Copper Colorado Fuel A Iron.... Colorado A Houthern.... Tienrar A Rio Oranda.... Iienvar A H. O. nfit IMnilllara' Bwurttias .... Krte Ctetieral Klectrle (ireat Nartharn pfd 4)rat No. ore rtf Outxentielm Riploration.. lllliMil. central Intarboroufh Met. pfd... lnaplratlon Copper International Harvester. . kannaa Cltjr fiouthern . . . . Letilxh Valley Iulnvllla A N'aahTills.. Mailnan Petroleum Miami Cop par Mlunurl, K. A T Mlaaourl l'aclflo National lllatult Natlcnal Lead NaTada ltw New York Central N. T.. N. H. g H Norfolk A weatara Northern Pacific lailflc Mail l'aclftc Tl A Tal P-nnwlTa.nla Iullnian Palace Car I' ay Omi. Copper Ieadlnx Iteouhllc Iron a Bteel.... Itock Ialaad Co Hock laland Co. ptd Bt. 1. H. V. Id pfd... Rout hern Paclfto Southern Hallway Tannaraee Copper Texas tVimpanr Vnton I'acllic t'nlon I-arltlo pfd I' nlted Hlatea Steel t'. . Htl pfd I'tah ( upper Whah pfd Weetern t alon VVeatinrhouae Eleotrtc . .. Total aalaa (or the day. galas. Hlh. Ixnr. Clone. i.i"hi aja, 21 4.ll l.ime l.sos 100 40ft Jitfl 1. VI0 we i.tne l mo 1.900 re 9W 97 '4 94 991 64 ll lit 2M 27 1, 9M, 7, 97H IHt 146 25 91-4 42 loi" 14 2744 n r n 1ZA 91 1.70S KUj Mtt l.tnft 25 7011 400 "iiii too '."api TOO i.ino 4no l.fn) 1,900 117 33 it" 1 'ia 134 s.iii is i, lit: mo 4.9" mo 1.1H 44 in: i.auo it 93 144 lit 33 41 1 ' Ui la n4 "is 91 44 103 10G KO 107 107 .'ii4 17.900 too X.S0O l.no 9u ft IM'i W-1 97 1H 4.S00 111 too m 42 9,000 MX) 700 400 s 4t 71 100,200 shares. 7 lal 91 M 17 1 41 61 'm 42 71 4 9 loiV 1 l.O i-;i 21 afi T 97 1". 1 M1 4f. 11 93 124 W it Z v 19 14 MS. 144 114 3:t't ft 109 41 18 94 tt l:ff liO 4314 in 11V. tl 129 4S 13 95 14 101 10T 21 2k 1OT 164 17H 1S2V. 91 la .4 as 17 91 110 121 0 l 104 44 a 4214 71 1 Bank Clearlaxr. OMAHA. Jan. 23. Bank clearings for Omaha today were 12,&36,oo7.66 and for the corresponding day last year ;.&B8,aM.62. The aummary of the clearings for the week and the corresponding week last year la: Last 1 ear. This Tear. ... 1 3.010,128.40 $ 3.376.0M.61 .... l.fi.S99.42 2.811.S48.67 .... 3.249,014.9'J 2,92,840.&fl .... 3.174.501.J7 2.968,742.47 .... 3,ot3.Va.ST 2.781.7516G .... 2,6.s!4.d2 2,&36,067.6g Mondsy .". . Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday .. Total. $18,076,1900 $17,53,681.10 fi.WMi.l5 4.!i wethers, chnlc f A ir In vaiuI .- . ' -,w'reseniaiive aaiea: o. Kb fed lambs Ion fed Iambs 10 culls ( LIVE WIKE BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA Traaka aad talteaaea. FRRLTNO A STEINLK. 19og Farnarn St. Tailara. (HAS. C. LANPERTOTT. ltd N. th Pt. O. 4"LS9:N OO. ill B. l4h St.. d loor. U ladaw Ikada leaaere amd Mfgre. CI.D shades made like new. Midwest ibade Factory, 4U10 Hamilton. WL 1191. Veterlaartaaa. PH. a. R. TOlTXfl. mVt Center. Wei. SfJCa. WIsm aad Lie, were. AT.EX JFTTEH, Joi-I 8. 13th Bt. Wines, liquors, cigars. I'ists dinners, 11 to X 19c. Glebe liquor house. 4J4 N. loth; California wine. II. lit per gal. Write for price list. HENRY lOLLOCK Uul'OR 15th HOIIL and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BVY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House, N. ltb. Douglaa lut. Caatral Laather. chaaa. A Otila 44 Pas 'Jar. Cepeer. I B.. Mil. 4S BH. r.. W4l.Hii4 Cel. ruel A Iree.. kaa Rack lalaaa Ce.. oaorase A 8euU..J pfd Den. A Rle Onaads South. Pacific trie E Mouth. Railway.,.. Oaeeral Claotrlc....l44 Valoa Pa m .... JU Northers pfd... .119 V. a. 8tat t. Nor. Ore eUa.. sx 4 pi 4. Illlaois reatral lata Ptak Cop par Intar.-MaC pre 41 Wabash ptd. laaplraitoa Coo par ..14 West. Ualsa Inw. UarTMtsr ,.94a Kaa. City seatkera.. at -ll4. II . U 44B . U . 92 . 44 .WW .1S7 144 B A V. 17 UVI . i Ha , 9a , 14 Ul ... 41 ...KMB ... 94 ... 4 ... a n 61 Pr. 7 75 7(3 0 ' 'i, l.t- ?- ' j"' I -If 1 u zc I V ' i. Mi i .i . 'fyJt Clearlaat lleuse Bank Stateaaeat. NPW YORK. Jan. S.-The statement of the actual condition of clearing house banka and trust com nan ice for the week snows that they hold 1 144.03,790 reserve in exoess oi legal requirements. This la an increase of 17,061,74 over last week. The statement follows: Actual cordltloa: Increaaa. I -cans. tc 11,311,111.000 li,lua.0U neaerve in. own vault (b) 6e,f4,ir3 Reserve in federal reaerva bank 111.004,000 Reaerve In other de- . poaltarlee II. 70S. 040 Net demand deposits t.vW.O.W.u) Net time deposits... M.9..o Circulation 41.642.000 Aggregate reserve. .. s06,SA,uio Excess reserve -14il.uU.790 IB) of which lULOOu la arjeela lecreasa. Summary of state banks and trust com pan tea In Greater New Tork not Included in clearing housa statement: Loans, etc 9Uu.loi.lOO a Tta Specie 44,942.700 121. wd lgal tenders l)l4 ..) Total depoaiU ej0.US.9U0 lAl,AU Banks' cash reserve In ault U.rLK t.M.H 4A,00 4, 'no ,?.5.0 9I7,t00 HlH.000 7.451.74 Trust companies. cari cash reaerve In vault 4a.m. VW Caffe Matktt, N'CW TORK. Jan. tt-CTFrF.E-Ther was soma aoattered trad aad Wall street selling la the market for coffee futures here today, attributed te realising for over the week-end. and, after opening 1 to I points lower, tba market closed at a net decline of 4 to points, although firm otters from Bread were unchanged to 19 point higher and there Was an advance In the lo-al apot market Sales of fu tures. ll.ibO bass. January, 6, .'7c; Febru ary. .!.: March. .c; April. Calci May. lalci June, 4Wn July, T.Uc; August, T ime; September, T.sac; October, 7.73c: Novem ber, 7 ike; rtevember, I. Mo. 8pot. ateadr; Hio No. 7, sc; Santos No. 4. 10c. Kio 74 re higher at 44-xak Samoa unchanged. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattla llesdy-Hsg. raaattled iheep Weak. OlICAOO. Jan. 23.-CATTLB-Recelpts Kiij. raVet 'tedri native steer; 5.M.A; western steer. $E.0tk9 7 60- cows "nHrwh.ei2'' calvea,37o.L SHEKP AND LAMBS-necelpts SOOO head: market weak- ahJn - ''-Z'lrr yearlings. lambTV&itd"' 1 t. Joeeeh Live ataxk m. . ST. JOSFPIf, Mo.. Jan a-frri B .'.Mf1 rk-. iTeav:T,Ve'eEr HOGS-Recelpt 1,000 head- msrket 9tr"ng: tup K7D: bulk. KiaiwiTO " L Nt IMBIJ-Itcpi; none- market, nominal; lambaTtttl "j. ' "i "4r 1J4 Stock Market. IOUX CTTT, Jan. . CATTLpr. eel pts, 100 head. A i t UE K- HOOSKeclpts. .00 head; market 10c hbther: heavy, pttl.n-relied Ida iL'7U H94 ,ulk aj. AND LAJJB 8 Receipts, 800 SHEEP head. Kevtr Tork Money Market. NKW YORK. Jan. M.-MERCANTTLH t PKR 3'V'i4 per cent STERLING EXCHANGR Firm; 00-day bills, 4.h-'; for cables, 14.8486; for demand. HM3o. 81LVER Bar, 48lic; Mexican dollar, I7c BONDS Government: ateady; railroad. firm. LONDON, Jan. 23. SILVER-Bar, 23 U-lSd per ounce. DISCOUNT RATES Short bllla, 1V1TA per cent; three months, jjl per cent. tot tea Gtaataar Report. WASHINGTON, Jan. . Cotton ginned prior to January 14 amounted to 14.907,9X1 bains, the census bureau announced to day. Round bales Included were 50 512. sea manu iviion ir.aae oaueaj. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 28. METATJ-Cop. per, firm: electrolytic, 114.87V. 014.50; cast ing. lH.Oofil4.y7Vi. Iron unchanged. ST. IAil'IS. Jan. 23. METALS Lead, strong, at 13.3. Spelter, atrong at 16.(5. m axagaaax 9 saaaaaxas a sajajaasaai 9 a eWJagsggj I Let Your Money j j Make You More j ! 4 Interest Paid On Deposits Our Depoailta are Protectexl by lieptMltor'g GuaraiitM hiuxd. bUUlH U1Y1AHA SAVINGS BANK 24 th and M Streets If. C. UOSTWICK, Prosl.leut TKl'MAN BUCK, V. PrM. F. It. GETTV, Caahler. I a I - j Cmttmm Market. I NEW TORK, Jjn. -COTTON-Spot ' iiutet: mbidllng upland, 1 Mc No alea Futures closed easy; March. 144c; ly. .ite; July. 1.90c; August, s.9tic; October. 9.11c; December, 1.26c, The cotton market closed easy at a net decline of 11 to li point. ! 1 j tut-mju jail, ia. 4.XJTTON Spot, ateady; good middling. t-40d; middling, t'.otd; sniuling. 4.4:1 Sal as 1,000 balee. Waal Market. liONDON, Jan. a-WOOT-At the wool auutlon sales today 11.009 bales were of fered, principally Sydney merinos. Fine shafty grease frequently sold 6 per cent above the opening rates, owing to Amert. can and home trade competition. Scoureda were irregular, witn oeet nydneys real s ing td and Vk'torlana Id; croasbreds acre strong. Klgla Batter Market. KLGIN, Lll. Jaa. :i-BUTTi;Rltl tuba aold at Joo, and 2 tubs at 30c. WORLD FILM CORP'H The above Iaustr1al ts rapidly attaining eaarket promlaanca, etllek Is aHaalteatlj Jua tinad by the eauaordiaary aaBaaaloai la lis searatlone aad earntasa. Wa ara la cloaa tovch eitb all shaaaa ef tae situatloa ra 9pattln( thla hrnia. WH INVITg COBRESrONDgNCg. L. L. WINKELM AN & CO. toek Brokers 4e Broad St law Tork PHIf-AlKU-Hi. WlUUlNUTOV. 1 lie. Broa4 M, KurS BI4 DIRSCT I KlVATa WIRK8 TO VAIUOL4 alAKKKT. f!EW Y0I1K CAPITAL For municipal, county, etc., bond Issues, or public utilities with good earning! record. Bonds for investment als. recommended. EDWIN O. HATCH, M. E. 410 aiag-er Building. Bsw Tork.