THE OMAHA SUNDAY RKK: JAXUAUY 24. VJK, i ( IlKAL F.STATF. FARM A RAM II LAND FOR SAI.R. (allforala. ' The Dream Of EIGHT people came true Inst week. Why not make yours !o the same? These people read our advertisement and Instead of dreaming, woko up and acted, took advantage or our liberal of fer and bought land In CALIFORNIA. It us show you that your dream of a Call lornla home can be realized. AH) reserves you 10 acres cr more of ' our rich Colony land. Inspection can bo made any time within six month. I rices. $i. per acre and up. TKRMS 10 PER CENT CAST, HALANCK IN 9 K.RS. Your land will meet your pay m nts. Only 3no acres for sale. It will not last long, so act today, our land Is situated near SACHAMKNTO and a few hours ride from SAN FRANCISCO. Ideal sur roundings, best of railroad servb-e. rich soil, well improved neighborhood, schools, churches, tdephonea, electric lights, mall delivery, etc. Excursion reb. . ROUND TRIP. $50. goon to al California points. Purchaser's railroad fare credited on their purchase. Cut this out and mall today. Name Address . Number of acres W. T. SMITH CO., Ul City Nat. Rank Bids;. . Omaha, Neb. o $17.25 PER acre for California Irrigated land; 1M0 to 3.-0 acres; nothing smaller; A. years' time to make payments. Address M (W. care Pee. o HAVE an attractive California pronosl tlon for Omaha Income. Address J 617, caie Bee o Colorado. FOUND ANOTHER HOMESTKAD 3Jf) acres In settled country; rich farm land, not sand; only $200, films: fees and all. J. A. Tracy. Fort Morgan. Colo. (iOOD WHEAT 1-uVND $K AN ACRE DOWN $2.00 AN ACRE A YEAll We aro offering for sale several pieces f frond, level wheat land In northeastern Colorado, dose to the Nebraska line, on the very easy terms of $2 sn acre cash and $2 an acre a year payments, In 1M), V.20 or 640-acre tracts at $30 an acre, cloae to towns. About half la under cultiva tion, ready to go on and put in spring wheat and oats. Many good Iowa farm ers In this locality. HASTINGS A HEYPEN, lf!14 Harney St FOR SALE. $.120 acres, Prowers county, Colorado, nearly level, no waste all good black soil. Shallow water In abundance, 7 to 22 feet soft water, best agricultural and stock raising county In Colorado. Roasts the Urgent milk condensery In the world. Alfalfa mills and sugar beet factories. Direct from the owner. Price $7.60 per acre, terms. Address J. O. Lowe, 614 S. lrtth street, Lincoln Neb. Florida. FREE book of Florida facts; If Interested In Florida before vlslJng or settling In this wonderful state of fragrant flowers and sunshine, write Lake County Land Owners' association. No. 1 Lloyd St., Frultland Park, Florida, for free book of actual photographs and real conserva tive facts concerning this state. There Is poor. good, better and best land in Florida. This book will teach you what Is best and why. The members of the as sociation are not land agents; they simply wish to tell actual facta to those really Interested in tho state. They have no time to waste on curiosity seekers, children or people who expect to grow rich without effort but to those of chsracter, energy soma capital, with a desire to learn mora of the opportunities in this most pros perous state we would be glad to glvs fullest Information. o GRAPEFRUIT AND TRUCK FARMS. Uo to Peace River District, Florida. Own a grove that will yieid $-00 to $uO0 per acre yearly. We sell small tracts in the midst of .developed groves and truck farms on easy - payment. Reasonable prices. Good schools and churches. Con genial neighbors. Close to railroad. Rich soil. Plenty of rainfall. Excellent cli mate We deed the land to the heirs without additional payment. If purchaser dies before completing payment. - Buy now while you can. Two excursions monthly. Write today for circulars and Information. Agents wanted. PEACE RIVER GROVES COMPANY. Fifth Floor State Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. ARE. YOU GOING TO FLORIDA T Our excursion leaves on February for the Florida cant coast and Lake Worth. By joining our special car you can make the trip at a very low cost. Toil will not be .under any obligation to buy from us, but we can assure you we can make your trip easy for you and give you the advantage of special low rates, so cheap that you can't afford to let this oppor tunity go by. We had five special cars on January 1. Our space will be lim ited from your point on February 2, so write us at once. Bryant tt Greenwood, jam Westminster Bldg., Chicago. III. Iowa. IMPROVED 80, BOTTOM LAND, S acres of alfalfa, 3 miles from Paclfio Junction, Price $100 per acre; $4,000 cash, balance terms. J. E. Downing, owner, Jaelflo Junction, la. 44-ACRE PLACE. Two miles of Council Bluffs; most of It fins, smooth garden land, slopes fins for early garden, hot-beds or greenhouses; (rood 8-room house, good barn; small or chard and vineyard. This la an unusually rood place and well located. Priced at L&0 per acre. Let us show you. M'GEH REAL ESTATE) CO., 105 Pearl St, Council Bluffs. Is. Kaasaa. FOR SALK-1.240 acres fine wheat lal near Richfield, Morton. Co.. Kansas. Price, $7 per acre. Will sell part or all to suit purchaser. Terms cash. Address owner, E. J. McAnarney. Farmersvll-a, 111., R. V. D. No. 3 Ml a aeaof aw 180 ACRES, between Minneapolis and Du luth, on the Boo Una, 4 miles from rail road town; 70 acres under cultivation, balance wooded pasture and soma good meadow; no waste land; fair set build ings; near school; land borders on beauti ful lake; complete set machinery; 12 chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy and everything on the plaos goes at $2Q per acre; one-half cash, bchwab Bros., 10a Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. 240-ACRE Improved farm near town In corn belt of Minnesota, Has a good g-room house and other buildings. 200 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture with running water. $60 per acre, easy terms. Farmers Land Co., Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn o. Nebraska. FOR SALE SWELL IMPROVED FARM 210 acres, adjoining good town in south central Neb., M per acre, half cash. JIM WRAY. PIOUX CITY. Small Ranch Fdr Sale or Trade f.M acres In Hooker county, four miles from railroad town. Has a 4-room house, bain, cattle ahed, well and windmill. One-half of this rancn good farm lanl. balance good pasture. Will take one-half or more in good city property. Price, O'isfeif's'R. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Farnara St. 1 KI.KPHOKB TYI.KR 1024 FarmsFarmsFarms All within one hour's automobile ride of Omaha; bargains. Let us show you the goods; all sizes, all prloes, all terms. Call in forenoons if convenient. No trades considered. OR1N 8. MERRILL COMPANY. N, K. Cor. Z3d and M t.. South Omaha. 7'6 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Bargain for Cash Will accept best cash offer received within next two weeks for equity in Si) sires 2S miles from Long line. Neb. Write owner, G. L. Laraon, 1HU Norton Ai , Kannas City, Mo. o TmTaT HE S. 10lTf E.S OF OMAHA. ' A smooth farm; fair buildings, large alfnlfa mvadow, cuts 5 tun er acre; rented tliis yar $l.tuu cash reuL Friie. $112..' per acre. Inquire of owner at lit Omaha NaU Bank kid. T. E. ciTEVKX8. KEAIi KSTATH FARM A RANCH LAND FOR "A I.E. NrkruM. FOR HALE-S.?cO-a. alfalfa and cattle ranch in wewtern Nrb. Write Melrose Ranch, Harrtshorg, Neb. It ACRES smooth farm land near Atkinson In Holt county, no improve ments, also IHf) near Gordon In Sheridan (ounty; running- water and timber. Price IIS per acre all clear, will consider trails for clear Omaha or suburban property. John J. Mueller, owner, 1707 8. $3d. Tel. Harney 0 JAN. 26, litis, at court house, Paplllton. Neb.; Improved 40-acre farm, adjoin Ins; village of Gretna, In Sarpy county; rich, black, Inexhaustible soil. Wm. B, Patrick. referee. South Omaha, Neb o IHK llOSKHli) LAND CO., 414 Darker Rlk., Omaha, Sells, exchanges N"eh. farm and ranches. Mew York.. $1,509 buys 70-acre farm; $3,500 buva 96 acres; $3,000 buys T acres. Inscriptions and photographs sent E. 8. Jillaon, Erie vllle, N. Y. Oklahoma. 8,w ACRES, lanre and small tracts. Pittsburg County, farming, pasture, oil and gas land. $5 to $2S per acre. Writs J. K. Cavanaugh. McAlester, Okl. Homeseekers' Excursion . Northwestern Oklahoma Do you want some of the beat land on earth? Where the winters are warm. Where the climate Is unexcelled. Where rainfall Is abundant. Where soil is extremelv fertile. Where you can grow anything that will grow In Nebraska. Where you can buy land from $15 to $70 per acre. If so, go with us on our next excursion, February 2. 1915. Railroad fare from Omaha, Neb., to Nowata. Okl., and .re turn, $13.70. Remember the date. For further details and Hat ot lands Jtrlte THE VOOKL REALTY AGENCY, 1016-lti W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Boath Dakota. FOR SALW SO acres of rich, level farm land. Frloe $t-10, or will trade for good touring car. Fori preferred, E. J. Hunt, Florence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1!2. WIUj sell W acres of level, rich farm Y land for $550 cash, or will trade for young mares witn roal. J. L. Klcli. ior enoe. Neb. Tel. Florence 112. FOR SALE W0 acrwi, cultivated, ad joining Yankton city; sublrrlgatnd; fin est alfalfa land in went. Bargain from owner. J. R. Hanson, Yankton. S. P. o (Hfl-ACRTJ hog- and stock farm, In famous jjimmn county Artesian uen; line climate, no stock shelter necessary. Rich soil, all tillable, flowing wen, good water for stock and Irrigation, also six-ar-re lake. Near ruilroad and markets. Good hullillni?s, inft-acre hog pasture, l'JT acres In corn and feedstuffs. $50 per acre. Great Southern Land & Cattle Co., San Antonio. Tex. I tab. FOR Sale or Rent 40 acres with water S miles of Delta, Utah. A. B. Cuininga, Tabor, Iowa, Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best ortiry and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted. Lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested in fruit lands ask lor book let on Apple Orchards. Address Iand and Industrial Department, Boo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Alinn. MlaoeUaso. FARM for sale; must sell my Fellsmers farm, SO acres, mucX prairie land, Uphoff. 4u9 Times Bldr , St. Louis, Mo. I TRADE farms and ranches for city and town income business properties, ranging In price from $5,000 to $300,000. Send for list showing Incomes. I get many pieces of fine land in trading which enables me to r,ell or trade you an Iowa or Nebraska farm or ranch at the right price. Tell m what you have and what you want and I will make you an offer. Latham, Duvla, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. o FARMS WANTED WANTED To hear from owner of good far.n or unimproved land for sale, C C. Buckingham, Houston, Texas. WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. Send description and CfJih price. C. C. fehepard, Minneapolis, V.lnn. o FOR RENT ApartmeJits and Flats. Il-T., modern flat, 2.H S. 24th, $22. H. 4711. FINE 6-ROOM APARTMENT ONLY $45.00. Oak finish In living rooms, swell press trick mantel, gas log, tile hearth; beauti ful lighting fixtures; bedrooms in whits enamel, roomy kitchen with built-in cup boards, gas range, refrigerator entry with refrigerator. Janitor service, steam heat, laundry, and locker space; up-to-date practically new appartment building on Sherman Ave. car line; only 10 minutes' ride downtown. Phone us for appointment to look this apartment over. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Douglas 1X. For Rent New Five Room Houses at 29th and Dewey Ave. "Very Complete Ready to Occupy v CALL FOR MORE COMPLETE DESCRITION AND APPOINTMENT TO SEH3 THEM. American Security Co. Walnut 3037, Douglas 601J or Harney 245. ;U N. 17 HT., 6-r., heat and water, $38. KBf BKUfl., ltttt McLague Bldg. THE most attractive 4-room apartment In the Hamilton, liione lied FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3, 4 and 6-room apartments In city. Building just fin Ished. Flora Apartments, a'nil Jones St. GordonVanCo. Sturaue. fit N. 11th St Phone D $94 or V.b. 138$. CODEN ANNEX. Council bluffs, -co mi with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone S44. S BEAUTIFUL HIX-ROOM FLAT. Now completed, GUI 8. ilh Ave., nicely decorated; choice location; built-in book cases, sleeping porch; walking distance. See this today, Si.M. HASTINGS ft HEYUEN. 1S14 Harney St. MODERN apartments of 2, S, 4 and 6 rooms, easy wuiklng uia.anoe. located at til S 2uth St.. and 8.I2-034 S. 14th St Will furnish If desired. Apply to owner. 2o Bslrd Bidg Douglas 1422. 5-ROOM modern apartment, beautiful lo cation. $.'i0. 3a30 Cass. Walnut .1417. 1-KuoM, all modern, with janitor mi -ice; first floor, Lorraine Apts., 17th and Lle Sts Mengedoht. Web. 2713. o SIX room, steam heated flat, 921 S. 13th St. $25 in winter, 116 in summer. Fell A linkerton Co., 213 Board of Trade Bldg MODERN APARTMENTS. Virginia, Park Ave., 4 rms. and bath, ground floor $30 Urbana, 1317 Park Ave-, 6 rms. and batb, clove to park, most desirable... 40 ARMSTRONO-WALSH CO., Tyler 153. State Bank Bldg HEATED APARTMENTS. $47.90 Ter mouth, 7 room apartment In Her Bldg., loth and .lack son Sta.. heat, hot and cold water, Janitor service. GtXilttih; & COMPANY. Phone D. 756. M2 City Nat. Bank Bldg 6-ROOM Aut.. 3)7 S. 2Mb Ave., iinullculiu I new. very choice, oak finish, heat, water ana janitor service; close In. no car fare. Snd tor our weklv primed list HASTINGS & HE V DEN, ltU4 Harney St. VOXl RENT A part meats aa Flats. APARTMENTS. Four rooms. 2d floor. Athlone, 2Rth and Dousiaa. ta winter, $40 summer. Five rooms, 1st floor, Uorgia, 1040 Bo. 29th Kt., $40 year round. Five rooms. 2d floor, Sherman, 1506 No. St.; pri-e. $45. 6 rooms, S.1 floor, Sherman, J503 N. ISth St., price .. FETKR8 TRUPT COMPANY. 1C2 Karnam Ht. Phone Doug. V. MODERN steam-heated four-room apart ment near poetofflce, O. P. Ptebblns. 7-R. 2119 N. Mth; heat, water and janitor service, all for $32.60 winter, $25 sum mer. Send for our weekly printed list HASTINlk tt HBYDEN. 114 Harney 8t. (-ROOM Apt, 213 South 26th Ave.; has sun parlor, or sleeping porch, nicely decorated: walking distance; heat, water and janitor service. Bend for our weekly printed list. HABTINCW HEYPF.N, 1M4 Harney Pt. STEAM HEAT. Apt. No. 7, THE CARLYLE, CS a lth St., a very choice strictly modern, up-to-date heated apartment with first class equipment, very close In. Janitor will show you throunh at any time. PAYNE 81.ATER. COMPANY. CIS Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg. YOUR COMFORT IN THESE DESIRAHL.K STEAM-HEATED HOMES STANDARD FLATS SI good rooms, fine finish, decorations, prlv te hall, bath, pantry, rang. FREE HOT WATER. Janitor. Good location, close In AT SPECIAL PRICES. IFar less than equal quality elsewhere. i. J. ihwi, inn. im. inin St.' NICE 6-r. steam heated apartment at lxth and Karnam Sta., only $. 7-r. Pat, 1W Cuming, fine repair... .$ JOHNJiV. RtVBBlNS. 1802 FARNAM BT. VERY choice 6-room steam heated a part -ment on West Farnam Street. JOHN W. ROBRINS. I1"! FARNAM ST. Board and Rooms, NEWLY furnished room wtlh or without board; modern apmt Phone Red (. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms, close in, for rent. Also board If desired. Call and see them. 2711 Capitol Ave Famished Apartmeats. FURNISHED APARTMENT?. THE TRAVERTON. F1R10PROOF. 24th snd UNW1N COURT; completely equipped for housekeeping; up to date and comfortable. TRAVFR BROS.. 705 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 1114 mutism FURNISHED ROOM, heated. 4614 North list Ave. THE OHASSMKHK, one or two beautiful t't.ivnjiiiB, mmj in i mi&Mvsf&iijr i ill ished room with private bath; good board. Phone H. 70x0. 20 W ST. MARY'S AVE., large pleasant furn. room for two gentlemen, lift mo. NICE, warm room, suitable for two; $L6t week each. MADISON 21st and Chicago; ateam heat; $10 mo. and up; cafe In connection. D.WU, OOOi-N HOTEL, Council Bluffs, stea-n heated rooms. $2 per week. Phone 648. SUITE OF ROOMS AND BOARD IN WKvST FARNAM DISTRICT. CON GENIAL FAMILY. I. A ROE HOUSE AND YARD, CONVENIENT. VERY DESIRABLE. ADDRESS L-W. BEE. FARNAM, 2S22, nice steam heated room. NICE- Mr front room, 101 So, 26 Ave. Red 6iiU. TWO south front rooms. West Farnam district, strictly modern. Har. 6328. Uaf nratshed Rowans. Ill S. 16TH, for men, steam heat. HosHkccplsg Roosns. TWO beautiful sunny south and east rooms In new house, front rooms, furn ished complete for light housekeeping; price reasonable. 1620 B. 24th St Doug las 76ES. f la tela aa Aartajteat. CALIFORNIA Hotel, ltth and CalTornta, " r-svi j m rm wi vbiiu ui mtm sue DODOS HOTEL- Modern Reasonable, Iloases aad CuttaaTes. ALL slses. $3 per month up. 807 raTtem. HOUSES. 2106.Blnney St., rms., mod.. $35. 214 Chicago St, 8 rms., mod., $26. 211 So. 2oth Ave., 6 rms., mod., close In, $26. 1U19 Cass St, 8 rms., all mod., $40. FLATS. 421 So. Uth St., (2d floor), partly mod., rms., $20. 267t( Cuming St (Sd floor, front), S rooms, mod. except heat. $8. 1756 Leavenworth St (2d floor), rms., mod. except heat, $20. 1752 Leavenworth St. (2d floor), rms, mod. except heat, $22.60. 612 So. 19th St (1st floor), S rms. and re ception hall, strictly modern, $32.60. 419 So. 19th St., 4 rms., partly modern, (2d north), $12. 419 So. 19th St., 4 rms., partly modern, (3d north), $11. APARTMENTS. "The Sterling," 19th and St. Mary's Ave., three apartments. 3, 4 and 6 rooms, all modern. See Janitor on first floor at rear of building. First Trust Co. 303-6 So. 13th St., First Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1151 $008 r., 5116 California St., modern, hot water heat $47.bO-7-r. apm't., 618 So! 16th St. Janitor service, ateam neat $45 7-r. Apm't., 621 So. 16th St., steam heat, janitor service. $42.504 r., 6106 Underwood Ave., modern. $42.508 r., 29o Farnam St, modern. $42.60 4-r. Apm't In the Harold, 27th and Jackson Sis. $408 r., 2957 Farnam St, modern. $407 r.. 2M1 California St. modern flat. $ 6 r.. 2818 Cuming St., ateam heat, new. r., zwi nun c, modern. $21.50- r.. 2506 St Mary's Ave., modern except heat. $20-6 r., 812 No. 42d St.. mod. except heat $20-6 r., 4201 Cuming St., mod. ex. heat $124 r., 410 So. 27th Ave. QFJORCiE tt COMPANY. Wt City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 76. 6 rooms, 4038 Charles St, modern, ex cel. t heat, $18. 7 rooms, 3519 Hawthorne Ave., mod., $35. 10 rooms, 1407 No. 17th St , modern, $26. 6 rooms, 315 So. ith St., $i2.60. ( rooms, 1320 No. 40th St., modern, $26. 6 rooms, 2916 Fowler Ave , modern, $26. 7 rooms, 1304 South 28th St. mod., $26. 8 rooms, 14204 Sherwood Ave., mod., $20. 14 rooms, 2U8 Cass St., modern, $40. 6 rooms, 1110 Farnam St., modern ex cept heat, $16. C rooms, 412 8. 25th St., modern apt., $40. 7 rooms, modern apartment In the Wi nona. Ktith and Dewtiy Ave., $56. 4 rooms, modern apartment, the Ham ilton, $50. BENSON A MYERH CO., 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone l- 746. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. $16424 N. 17th St., -r.. mod. ex. heat. $3ufei S. $2d St., 10-1'., mod. except heat $301406 N. 36th St., 8-r., modern. $102518 Patrick, -r., modern. $30 2204 N. lth St., It., modern. $J5 3018 Webster. 8-r., modern, barn. 1IH HYi Locust. 6-r., modern except heat 122.50-2226 S. 10th, 7-r., mod. ex. heat. , tl 243k Emmet V-r., MOD. KX. HEAT. $18 2120 N. 16th, 6-r., modern. ' $18824 8. 22d St., 6-r.. mod. except heat. 115-8418 N. 80th St., 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. $148126 Miami. 4-r., mod. except heat. $14 Ail Seward, 6-r., MOD. EX. HEAT. $12 HUH S. 121 h St., 4-r., water, gas. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1623 Farnam St Phone Doug. 898. STRICTLY MODERN HOUSES. 2408 St. Mary's, s-r.. close In $.O0 Dodge. 6-r., splendid mod house, au.00 1014 N. 4uth, 7-r., fine condition $5.00 507 N. 41st, 4-r., brand new bunga- A RM STRONGWALS 'i COMPANY?'00 Tyler 1636. Stats Bank Bldg ELEGANT s-room modern brick apart ment. newly decoreleU. 850 per booth; $4C S. 2$tb st Frame flat, 112 8. 29th St.. rooms. plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor, largo yard, trees, shrubbery; $30 par month; a bsraaln. J. C. ISH, EXECUTOR. 701 8. 81st Ava Phone Harney $43, WEST Farnam. 33 N. Hath Ave., most nio.Mrn. s rooms. 2 bath i, $50. 9 WEST KARNAM 8 rooms $batiia very modern, t-i N. 28lb Ave.. Doug. Oil. v. KOIl IlKNT lleaaes aad t'otlatres. HOl'ra FOR RENT Strictly modern and up-to-date, t-room nouses with 1 bathrooms, hot aatcr heat and every convenience. In the best part of the West Farnam district per month. Owner will give long lease If desired. Twelve-room house on SRth, near Har ney, $X5. Five rooms, modern, on the South t4th St. car line $'3. Will tease one year to responsible party ror $J0. Seven rooms, sleeping porch and sun room, new and desiiahle. exceptionally fine view; quiet neighborhood , or $ with garage. Seven rooms and hall, strictly modern, hardwood finish In first story, three bed rooms upstairs, one bedroom or den and bath on first floor $3o. This house fronts on a paved street and boulevard. I blocks from car line. Five-room cottase H block from the Harney St. car line $10. Four-room house on Harney car line $10.50. J. II, DUMONT & CO, 1W1 Farnam St. Phone I Hut. 90 3042 Caxa St. 7 rooms, strictly modern, oak and birch finish, fine location. 110 8. Sith Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $30. 1WR Grace Bt., 10 min, in.i:r:i, IL'.M. 20W-12 No. 18th St., 10 rooms, modern, each $22 60, 10.U S. 22d St.. 3 rooms, modem. $10. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO. 1320 Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 104 6 moms and reception hall; mo.iern. 3420 Hamilton. Harney 1177 or Douglas H7, RENT FREE TO FEB. 1. 811 No. 33d St., 6-r., modem. $30. 1415 Capitol Ave., 7-r., mod. ex. hest, $23. HsQ Spencer, -r., mod. ex. heat. $22. 124 No. mh St.. 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $12. 27U6 Camden Ave., -r., well. $15. 4T.28 No. 40th StK. S-r., city water, $10. sons Lindsay A-e.. 4-r., well, $7. 8723 Ohio. 8-r.. well. $7. 1913 No. 40th St., 4-r., well. $7. , CREiGH. SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 300. 60S Bee J4Wg. AMERICAN SECiRlTY COMPANY. 8 rooms. Dundee bungalow. $15. 6 rooms, modern except heat, $20. 7 rooms, near car, $30. 6 rooms, never been occupied, $22. .'0 Walnut 3037. Douglas 5018 or Harney SMB. 1IMA Omaha National. I'bone DoukIhs 2745. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO FOR RENT. 1935 S. 9th St., 5-room, modern. l'ETERS TRUST COMi'ANV. 162J Farnam St. Phone Doux. 89S. ALL ARE MODERN. 890 Cass, 8-r., square, 40. 1R13 Chicago. 8-r. brick, ROOMERS. $50. SOth near Dodge, 8-r. brick. $32.50. 2816 N. 25th. -r. and hall, square, $27.50. O'KKEFB REAL OTATK CO.. $157-8 FARNAM ST.. -room modern brick houses. In flret-ciass condition, $25 each. 2220 louglas St., 8-room modern brick flat, suitable for rooming hoi se, $45. THE BYRON REED CO., D. 287. 212 S. 17lh. 7-R. house, modern, new, $15. 7- r., strictly modern, $J0. 8- r., strictly modern, $35. 7-r. flat strictly modern. $40. R. a TURN BULL 4 Bee Bldg. k Doug. 6707. HOU8E8 COTTAOK3 FLATS HKATED APARTMENTS All SIZES, ALL PRICES LET VS SEND YOU OUR COMPLETE PRINTED LIST. . PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN 616 OMAHA NAT L BANK BLDG. STRICTLY modern 6-room cottage, hot water heat; close In, walking distance, 403 Lincoln Blvd., $25. Apply W. H. Dorrance. Docg. 526, or Harney HIM. 2711 FRANKLIN, 6-room cottage, mo I. ex. heat; a winter snap. Webster 8726. 261$ CALDWELL, 7 rooms modern except heat; giKd condition; rent reasonable Webster 3726. BEM19 PARK, 8404 Hawthorne; 7 rooms, strictly modern lot and location most desirable. Inducement for desirable tenant Webster 87. 2t08 PIERCE ST. $16.00 Good six-room house, on a big lot, 60x180; south front. Very low rental. SCOTT AND HILL CO. Douglaa 1008. 2206 NICHOLAS ST., 4-r., new, mod. ex. heat; steel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet; water paid; $17.00. Rasp Bros-, 106 McCague Bldg. FREE RENT TO FEB. 1ST. 660 8. 26 Ava. -r., all mod., $30. 21 Capitol Ave., -r., all mod., $2.". 2506 Bristol St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat!. $18. RASP BRQ3-, 106 McCague BldK. 6-R., mod.. 4508 No. 28th Ave.. $l,oq 130 NORTH 25; mod., 8 rooms. $36.00. 208 8. 41; hot water heat $26.00. 3M2 N. 24; hot water heat, $30.00. 1518 Sherman Avenue; 14 rooms, $36.00. Flat, 23U& Leaven worth; 6 rooms, $20.00. 414 South 28 St.; roma, $22.50. V-Mi", Rnnnletrvn Ave.: 6 rooms. $17.00. JOHN N. KHBN7.BR, DOWLAS 654 i'KD XT . oil, ..rC lla n,..Hurn X:l.'R.l .MO 11 VJS f U ' A . v-a., . ' " " v, . i ' 4124 Farnam, 8-r., hot water heat, $37.60. 8411 Taylor St., 6-r., modern, $2o. 2323 a 18th St, 6-r., partly modem, $16. 8m Decatur St, 6-r., modern, $16. 8221 Military Ave., Benson, 5-r., mod. $16. 933 N. 27th Ave., 5-r., partly modern, $12. 8402 Corby St., 4-r., city water, barn, $10. S P. BOSTW1CK. at SON. 300 Bee Bldg Tyler 1506. GOOD HOUHE43 FOR RENT. MOD. brick dwelling, 2707 Farnam, $45. 7- r. modern house, 30na Mason, $'r7.S0. 8- r. modern brick. 1124 ft. 81st St., $28. 4 rooms, good repair. 2511 lecstur, $13. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT. $ 7.60$ rooms, 1917 Clark St. 110 UO 4 rooms, 3903 1 A-avenwortli St 110.004 rooms, 2209 N. 20th St.. brick. $15.00 6-room cottag.5, 210 N. 26th St. $16006 rooms, 1904 S. loth St. ten no K-ronm new modern St. Louis flat, 1510 N. 20th St. . . $;,00 10-riom, all inoaern nome, wuo California .h . Ware Block. Douglas 8088. 3,(i0i)8 rms. 3412 N. $4th. Welt. t7'. -r.. modern. 718 8. 87th St. T-r.. modern. 3614 Leav. St., good location, wen, fcijw. MODERN 3-story house, 1 rooms; never occupied; new furnace; $20. Doug. 6953. FOR RENT Modern fc-room house, 206 8. $5th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Henehaw Hotel. Har. 1094. Douglss 1216. Globe Van&Storage Stores, ires, moves, packs, ships; 8-horse van $ men. $1.26 per hr.; storage $2 per Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 ft Ty. 230. and mo. FOB IiENl We have a comriat Hat of all houses, apartments and flats that ara for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van ft Storage Co.. 806 bo. loth St Fidelity Storage Co moras, moving, p-ic-ting wd hlpplnc . -l am Uh.tttSB lintlaTlsmam Wtn m JsVCKlun oxm. $r i8a s-ms . UouseaCrelth & eo.. b Bidg. sb 1 ft Van Ti Hinr Maggard s furta per hr.; u.ay. $ men, $1.25 per hr. 1713 Webster, uoug. J. C. Reed bxp. oo., moving, packing ft storage. 1207 Farnam. D. t.146. STRICTLY morlera s-room house, 706 No. SOth street. Phone Red 4908. FIVE-ROOM house, with barn for six horses: large wagon shed and yard; located at $421 8. 19th St.. Phone Red 7704. It area sal Of fleas. $15.002614 Sherman Ave., 20x00 feet. fcS.tO 29)14 Sherman Ave., 16x50 ft, good basement. $32.0?.Mi fuming St., 20x60 ft, full base ment. $30.00 am Cuming St., $0x60 ft, full base ment steam heat, new. $40.00-2400 Cuming St., $0x0 ft., corner, full basement $00.00 7u S. 16th St.. very desirable store room, opposite new hotel, 2ux60, steam heat. $79 00 20th and Karnam Sts., new. modern store room In Harley Hotel Bldg., lull basement, steam heat $55.001918 Farnam St. $0x60 ft., full basement, modern atore front. UKUMK ft COMPANY. Phone D. lyt. KB City Nat. Bk. Sldg. TWO modern stores near poetofflce; low rent. G. P. Stebbms. FOR RKN'T Store aad Offices. BA K FRY Store and bskcroom, good lo cation. Retail or Joblung. Stamlanl brick orn, with evtra hrst-rctainltiK walls that sfcve fuel. T. J. HOOK, llui N. lxth Ht 310 s. l.'th. ltxli $ 2.'. Oik 2.i Oil MUH 8. lfitll. xt 214 S. IMh. lOxia'. with basement Ill ft Farnam, Ixx.A N. E. cor. 27th and Ijravrnworth, 22 X0 29th and Farnam, 4x0. suitable fur Karaite or auto aci-psrls Hi Karnam, 4 :rt aq. ft. floor space on 2d and 3d, dilator ARMSTItoNG-WAI.SII CO.. Tyler I.VSii. State Hank HI ; 6...0) 6.-,. 00 100 0) 125 00 ilg CHANCE FOR A DOCTOR. tENTIST WITH KLXHollATE OF F1CES ON SECOND KMHUt. WARE BI0'K, WINOOW8 tN KARNAM AND ON FIFTEENTH. WILL SHARE OF FICE. RENT LOW. Appiv to II. A. Wol.F. WARE lll.OCK. Iiuru. ;M OFFICE SC1TE OF THREE ROOMS OPItxSITK ELEVATOR, 4 Til l'"li"Ht, WARE K1OCK. $17.M.' II. A. WOLF. WARE HUiCK. IhM'GI.AS WVS STORK room bascm.-nl. I'.'ll h;ir, lik. Store rHini and ba icon nt, 2I4 S. IMh, i5. JOHN W. ROHHINS. isci FARNAM ST. Ill ROITH I5th St.. steam heat. Hall N. W. :4 ft Parker; about 60x60 feet' 8 months lease. 1318 Dodne St., s:'xlt feet. JOHN N. Fit EN Z Ell, 111 South 1.1th. WANTKll TO ItKNT EXPERIENCED farmer, married. d 'Slres to rent farm on shares. Address J 541. Bee. A ROOM In a first class homo in good part of town, by young man. Address F 5r, Bcc. VANTKI TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Heed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6146. HAMILTONCO.. the only sent Tin second hand stnte In l.lH l uin'nu.l). bsM WE BUY fd-hand clothes. I4:a N. i4th. HIGHEST prices for furniture. Web. I1 WANTKI To buy second-hand hUKgy ana single narncss in kou condition; give best cash price. Address B 479, care lt Yale buys everything 3d hand. Tyler 1418. IIKLP WANTKls FEMALE Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER with experience In whole sale bus.nens, must be able to take com plete chart e of books, $05 per month. Ad dress Al 614, ltee. Stenographers Attention YOIT WILL FIND OCT BY INVESTI GATING OUR METHODS THAT YOU CAN GET A POSITION THROlUlt OCR ArOClATlON WITHOUT THE IIMU'UK FILING FEE THAT IS I hlUl.l.f CHARGED APPLICANTS. BUSINESS M EN'S REFERENCE ASa N, l.il9-2u Woodmen of the World. LADY experienced in figuring Insurance Rates. Only those rail.l ami accurate In figures need alply.Add. G 4."2. Bee. Bl'SINICSS woman as secretary to man agers; must thoroughly understand de tail office work. 626 State Bank Bldg. STENO", EXPERIENCED, WHO CA N TAKE CHARGE OF OFFICE, tiii. 8TENO, HOMH EXPERIENCE, $10. STKNO., BXPERIKJNCED. w. IKKlK. KEEPER, A LITTLE STENt MIR A I'll Y. $40. CLERK. GROCERY EXPERIENCE. CO-OPERAT1VK REFERENCE IH). BOOKKEEPER ft STENOGR A PH EltTtiTs TWO tXJMPTOMETIiU OPERATOitS. TEMP ' STENOGRAPHER & CLERK '..V." 50 STENOURA PHER ft MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR 50 WESTERN RE F. ft BOND ASS'N, 52-4 Omaha Nut I Bank lluig." Agenta and Maleswoniea. LADY agents, we have ermanent good 1 aylng positions for a few earnest lmlks to demonstrate several patented articles of genuine merit; all or spare time: our agents are actually earning $U to $35 each week; experience and money not neitsHury; full particulars free if you mean business. A. M. Young, 87 Young's Bldg., Kalamaxoo, Mich. $1H WEEK, expenses advunced; women to travel and appoint agents for con centrated fond flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., 137 Como iUUg., Chicago. DO easy, pleaaunt coloring work ut home; goou pay, no canvassing; no experience required. Write Gleiisoii-Wheetor ' Co., ;J3i Madison, Chicago. WRITE motion picture plays; $.-0 to $100 Paid; correspondence course unneces sary; details free. New Writers, 1114 Vic toria Bldg., St. Louis LADIES Make $lu weekly addressing en velopes and mailing circulars at home; spare time; particulars lor stamped en velote. Success Supply Co., 490 Belmont Ave., Chicago, HI Kactary ana Traae. LEARN hs'rdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlors Hoasekeepers aad Doiaratlca. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREIS until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bea office or telephone Tyler limO. "WANTEU Experienced girl for general housework; new home, near car, no washing, good wages. Call Mrs. E. M. Sunderland. Wal. 2619. COMPETENT girl for general housework small new apartment, 8 In family, good wages and good home. Phono Harney 4590 or call at lot) S. 42d Si. WANTEI-A girl fur general work. H. 702X. Mil 8. 35th Ave. house- WANTEl Experienced white girl for general house work. Phone Harney 7022. WANT A maid for light housework and help with children. Call at U0 8. 2tiih Ave. A GERMAN or Bohemian girl for general housework; $5 a week. Phone Web. 7057. WANTED A girl for general housework; no cooking; good wages.- Wal. 3u27. MALE CLERICAL.. WANTED first class while girl to do general housework In family of two. Must be clean, specially good cook and understand serving. One who will ap preciate good home and take Inte est In work. Washing dona by laundry. WM pay good salary and expect grll to etuy per manently. Have had $ girls in twelve yesrs. Harney 8922; GIRL for general housework. Apply 319 Farnam. II. 697K. WANTED-Young girl for gen'l house work; small family. H. 6917. 3106 Dav enport St. . WANTED flood girl for general house work; small family. 707 N. 33d St 11. 6344. COMPETENT girl for genersl house work; no washing; prefer one who can go home nights. 231H plnkney St. COMPETENT muld for general house work, must be a good cook. Best of references required. Picasjmt room, pri vate bath, two In fiumiy. Phone II. ltd. WANTED White Klrl for general housework. Wages $5. Phone Wal. IMti. NO washing and references. Mrs. W. JI. Rhode, 3L'.'4 Dodge. Tel. II. Kid. GOOD girl for general housework; must have good references; family of two. Walnut 34ft. or call at 4120lzard. COMPETENT GIRL Foil GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO WASHING; GOOD WAGES. 3316 BURT BT. WHITE girl for general housework. Small family. Hnrury $169. B. $4th street. CAPABLE snd experienced white girTfur general housework; must be clean and a good cook. 4ill2 lxard. Wal. 'S2J. WANTED A young girl to take care of Ohtld. J. B. Kats. 720 S. 37th St. WANTED A girl for general housework; null new house. In small family. 11. 674. 1131 S. $3d St WANTED While girl with references fur general housework; t In family; no cooking; good wages. Wal. $u27. Mlaecllaaeoas. LADIES' & misses' coats, suits, dresses at skirt samples at wholesale prices. Bon- of f s New York Sample Store, 2ii S. ltith. WOMEN wanted; government Jobs; full Hat free Franklin Institute, Dspt t& A, Rochester, N. X. HKM WANT K.I) KKMAI.F, Bllseellaneoaa. YOI'NG women c lining to Omaha as stranwers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian ascot 1st ion building st St. Maiy'a Ave. snd l.tli Kt., where they will be .directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Iook for our traveler's KU'd nt I'nion station. Ii'l U l.!y for liKiit. easy work; gocd Jiay. Address G 540, Bee. YOUNG Isdy for llsht, easy work; grim) pay. Addiess G ;.(D, Bee. o UA I 1 KS - Immediately, filling amPlaheN Ing boxes; home work evenings; steady; no experience; $12 weekly; no canvassing; cxcrtlci 1 opportunity; enclose stamp. Frlna H-lnltv Co., Toronto, Ont. I.VI0CASII nnd other prises fur new Ideas. l'anlrulars fre. Address Movie Muea xlne, Ims Angeles, Cjil. Sample copy lie IIKLP WANTKl) MALE Clerical ! of flee. YoUNtl man. Is to 20 years, goo I np pesrance. brlKhl, sternly worker, must te good penman, for Junior clerical posi tion; excellent chance for advancement. Reply In own handwriting, stating age, experience, etc. Address L M3. Bee. AW. YOU THK "(1KT-A-JIKA!)M KINDT During the last week we have received a numt'cr of openings from sales and offli-e managers for good, live, "get aliead" men. If you are In this class It will ay you In see us at once. Wo have oponitiRs especial, y for specialty sales men (different llnesk, stock salesmen, srocerv salesmen nnd bookkeeper and ste nncrapher. "Get-ahead" men sacking the liest ave nue for their :ttildtv find our offlrefthe satisfactory way. Ask our placed appli cant a. Tho Mid-AWst llomlinix Co. 312 Bee Bldg TYPIST Must understand freight tariffs. Apply at 52 State Hunk Bldg. WE ARE RECEIVING CALLS TO BE FILLED BEFORE FEBRUARY 1. IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LINES OR VOCA TIONS, SICE IS MONDAY MORN ING. NO REGULAR FILING FEES CHARGED OUR APPLICANT-: SALESMAN. GROCERY LINES $12.1 bookkeeper, wholesale w ledger clerk 60 Young man who hah had ex perience SOLICITING IN SOME CAPACITY 40 BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, 131!-20Wj1ODM EN OF WORLD. TRAVELING SALESMAN. SPECIAL TIES $100 city salesman. young man. small salary. (hod oppor tunity for advancement bookkeeper 75 STENOGRAPHER ft CLERK TYPIST ft CLERK 56 JUNIOR OFFICE CLERK 30 OFFICE CLERK, GOOD PENMAN. GOOD AT FIGURES 40 FILING CLERK tr, STENOGRAPHER. BEGINNER WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS'N, Originators of the Reference Business, 752-4 OniHha Nat l Bank Bldg. BOOK K KKPF.ll, RET A III." $00 CASHIER AND TYPIST WITH KNOWLEDGE OF BOOKKEEPING. 40 (STENOGRAPHERS IN ALL LINES $35. $46. $50, K BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 131920 WOODMEN OF WORLD.' NO FILING FEE CHAROF nnl ABSOLUTELY NO INVESTIGATE OUR METHODS. Rogers Reference Co., fi.ii. Na.c ns. Bldg. SALESMAN SALESMAN COM. Mt'H. EXP $11.0.00 A-l PROPOSITION, SHIPPING CLERK. IMPL., EXP. 75.00 SALESMAN, CANDY, EXP.. DE PEN DH. OFFICE CLERK 60 00 STKNO. ft DICTAPHONE OPR 60 00 SOLICITOR, RAPID ADV 40.01 Watts Ref. Co., K40-42 Bran, Theater. ST ENG. AND ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER, $HB. STKNO. AND SALESMAN. $.15. CITY SALESMAN, GUARANTEE. ROAD JOB, YOUNG MAN TO LEARN SALESMANSHIP, GUARANTEE AND PERCENTAGE, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Illll-1 CITY NAT. YOUNG MAN for stenographic position. not particular aliout experience. $30 per month to begin, excellent chance for ad vancement. Address P 645. Bee. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST FEIf. ft BOND ASSN., . 752 Omaha Nat. Bunk Itldg. 4aents. Salesmen and solicitors. NO elasslflcstlon; liberal contract; new policies. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH and Accident Association, 421 City Na tional Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb Life Insurance Man Who Is capable of earning from $400 to $'rfi0 per month can secure highly re numerative position working In Nebraska or lowu. Expenses, snlary and commis sion, or straight coinmmsion. This Is not life Insurance, but work very profitable fur one experienced In such work. No application considered unless accom panied with full particulars, giving age, i xoerlence, previous work, ublllty and references. Address J. 4H4, care Bee. o NEW oil field being developed western Washington. High grade oil. All Indi cations point duplication of profits of Texas and California. Monarch Oil com pany has exteiislve holdings. Directors are prominent substantial Heattle business men. Splendid Htmculation. Shares sell ing at 60 cents. Investors all over America Interested. Thousands are willing to spcrulate provided they know they are getting square deal and reasonable chance of success. Agents wsnted, liberal com mission, good selling literature. Send for Clrcnlar No. 17. Agency Department, Na tional Finance Co., 410 White Bldg., Se attle, Waait. SALESMAN For general mercantile trade In Nebraska to sell a new propo sition of merit. Vacancy Feb. 1. At tractive commission contract. $36 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co., Whole sale. Jewelers, 321-4 Carlln Bldg., Cleve land. O. CLEAN CUT aiirtiltluus salesman with a suucesHful record to represent promi nent manufacturer of high grade special ties willing to jobbers, dealers and con , sumers. Salary, expenses and double I bonus plan. Iroquois Ml'g. Co.. Cleve- lauu, o." GRAB this winner, sells on sight, 100 per cent profits, absolutely new, repeals; particulars free. 1'aco Supply Co., Box 40, Ix-pt. 3, Dulutli, Minn BIG textile mills will employ everywhere rel'able people to take orders for dress fabrics, hosiery, underwear and neck wear from samples;, factory prices; many making over $30 weekly; spare or ail (line; no expericne: permanent. Steadfast Mills, Dept E 20. Cohoes, N. Y. AGENTS Write quick for free sample Mexican resurrection plant; lightning seller; over l.uuo per cent profit; nothing like it. Lester Co., Box 50, Meetlla Park. N. M AG ENTS Snappiest household line on 'earth; red-hot sellers, steady repeaters, 100 per cent profit; 250 lightweight, fast selling, popular pi iced necessities; agents' outfit free; get busy, quick; write today; pohtal will do. American Products Co., 1M American Bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio SALESMAN WANTED We want an ex perienced calendar and novelty anloa man for Nebraska. If you ara looking for a complete easy selling line at right prices write at once, giving full particu lars in first letter. Caxton Company, lxiulsvllle, Ky. SALESMEN Whole time or side line. 10 minutes' time pays you $10. Pocket samples, prompt commissions. High class proposition. El wood Manufacturing Co.. line, 1118 Michigan Ave.. Chicago SALESMAN Side line. a.VvertMng steel fence signs; good proposition for travel ing man. Write today. National Color type, Newport, Ky. SALESMEN Direct factory representa tives wanted to Join our sales organisa tion. Line can be handled in conjunction with other lines. Result getters can se cure this valuable side line of high grade enamel ware. Assortments and open stock. Pocket sample. Weekly commission. The Stewart Co.. Sales Office, 1183 Sctunulbach Bldg.. Wheeling. W Va SALESMEN WANTHD Ices. embroil erles; side line; UJU per cent coinuiis s4on. Samples light. Only men with trade new traveling need apply. Merk 4k Co., 41 Broadway, New York. II I. LP AVA N'T KH MALI? Agents, aaleamea and Mollcltora, SIDE LINE salesmen to market repre sentstlxe, medium pi Iced line of show esses, wall cakes, mirrors, clothing racks, gat ment liana"rs ami general store equip ment; strslgnt rommliwiun only, averag ing in per cent snd over; applications strictly confidential: at-ite territory de e.ied. Ainerlisn F.xture and Showcase Mfg. Co.. St. I.OUIB. Mo. . WANT EI v Traveling" nil local salesmen to sell tailored to measure shirts to the Individual wearer; splendid paying prop osition; t.twi samples to select trom, liberal cai advances ngalrst commis sions; a special proimsltlnu will be mad to experienced shirt men having an es tablished trade and who desire to sell In their own name, their own brand or label. Address Dlreil Cloth and Mfg. Co., St Louis, Mo. WANTED To pay $1.5n0 to $3.n00 yearly to men representing us In western cltle and towns: no samples, ho selling or col lecting; call only on all manufacturers, wholesale and retail merchants, banks and doctors: experience helpful, not necessary; we pay every Thursday; Such full Instruction furnished that success Is assured: rare opportunity; write promptly. II. o. Jones. Seoy, 22S Schwlnd Bldg., Dayton. Ohio. SALESMEN to close contracts with re tail merchants for result producing ad vertising service.. highly endorsed; straight commission with renewals; prem'utn salesmen investigate. Keller, Madison JTermlnnl Bldg.. Chicago. SvANTED Salesmen and Agent Side line. Free sample. Electric sign, flashes changeable wording In radiant beams of electric light. Outselling everything. $10. Terms, no days. Flashtrlo Sign Works, Chicago. HAVE a business of your own;' you can make big money selling groceries, meats, provisions, paints, lubricating and auto mobile nils, stock tonics and other goods In every day use; our agenls aro success ful; some have ben selling our goods in the same locality for 12 years. One man writes: "Here are my orders for this week, $1Mi profit." Some do better. You can do as well even If you have no spe cial experience or extraordinary ability. Just working $ hours a day, 6 daya a week, will make $100 for you easily, and you will bo boss of your own time; tell us your sue, exirlencc and send refer ences. Hltfhoock-H III Co., wholesalers direct to farmers, Chicago. 111. ( o IN TO (he niislness of selling groceries. paints, nils and stock food; we teach you how to sell restaurants, farmers and the large buyers; no capital required; If you are anxious to earn $l'i0 to $500 monthly and become Independent, write us at once. The choice territory ws have open will be vrahlied quickly. John Sex ton ft Co., Wholesale Grocers, 234 West LakeSt.. Chicago. Ill AGENTS F.lllier'"sex; a variety of vpe- laities; something new; sell at Sigbt. Address BoxJt5 1. Sioux CI ty, la . LEA RNBA RRKtt TKADB. Re Independent; wsges and tools given. Electric mnseaga. strictly modern. Big demand for barliers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARRER COLLEGE. 1121 iHiuglns St.. Om, IU32 N St.. Lincoln. SOMETHING ORIGINAL Approved by the Insurance department. $1,000, principal aum, yearly increase 10 per cent. $l0 a month for A months. $100 funeral benefits. $hio emergency fee. This health and accident policy costs you only $10 a year for any accident or sickness. Liberal commission and perpetual re newals to agenls. Exclusive territory to the man that pro ' din es reeults. GREAT EASTERN CASUALTY. CO., 4U0 Omaha Nat. Bank, Omaha. Neb. GARTS1DE S Iron Rust Soap Co., 4054 lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Osrt slus s Iron Rust Soap (U. W. registered ijui.'iii co. mi 1 1, removes iron rusx, inx and all unwaahahle stsins from clothing, marble, etc., with magical effect; good seller, big margins; house-to-house agents anu si ore salesmen wanieu; ine original, 25c a tube. Beware of Infringements and II... ........ i ,. . r. . 1. 1 .. ill...- i i . an Infringed urtlcle. -o WANTED Agents; Mfgs. free catalogue of live ones. J. M. Henderson, 1226 8. Broadway. St. Inila, Mo. o LI V E AGENTS-Hcll our specialty; easily demonstrated; quick seller. Write today for free particulars. Cole Supply Co., 6167 Page Ave., Dept. E, Bt. Ixuils, Mo. o WANTED Salesman experienced in any line to sell general trade In small coun try towns of Nebraska; unexcelled spe cialty proposition; commission contract, $35 weekly for expenses. Crown Cider Company, 207 So, Commercial St, St. Louis. Mo., Dept. J. o EARN $50 weekly selling collection cab inets to merchants. Write for free sain pies. Sayers Co., 6tf Laclede Bldg., SU Louis, Mo o. WE want live uxents to handle our new proposition. Big profits. No experi ence required. Write for free particular. Shlitn Distributing- Co., Box M, Wasta, S. D. SALESMEN To place Shetland pony commercial contest In every llva town In the United States; keeps trad at home: Rets new business and collects accounts for merchants; none but ambitious hus tlers worthy of large compensation need apply; steady employment and exclusive lime demanded; one week spent In a lown; proposition new, but repeats every where tried: we have the goods and seek additional salesmanship ability; refer ences required. Perry Pony Co., Frank fort. Ind o WE 1'AY $36 a week and expenses to insa with rigs to introduce poultry com pound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 78, Parsons, Kan. o PORTRAIT MEN 24-hour service on prints and finished woik. Write for cata logue. Roberts Artists, 1420 McGee, Kan sas City. Mo. o AOENTB make 50 per cent profit sell Ing "Novelty Sign Csrds." Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight MOO vsrleUes. Cata logue, free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Bursa St., Chicago, III. WE want to hear from firm In principal cities of the country who will represent Us on liberal commission basis, for di rectories fur club, loft and office build ings. The Standard Directory Co., Inc., 515 Llsaner Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS New game for cigar stores; easy seller; big repeater. Particulars free. United Sales Co., Hub Walnut, Place, Philadelphia, Pa WANTED Men wishing to earn three to five dollars per day. Write for terms Immediately. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS Don't let this get awsy from, you. A big money maker for live agent A card will bring reply. Neat Bupply Co., Neal. Kan. MEN wsnted with rigs to Introduce our guaranteed stock and poultry tonics, $26 Weekly, expenses and commission, year's contract. Redwood Chemical Co., St Paul, Minn. AGENTS If you are making loss than $d a day throw away what you have; get something that will sell. Catalogue and rample free. Wollett Mfg. Co., 217 Lom bard St., Muscatine, la AGENTS Sell Improved lamp burner, sample 25c; stlls everywhere. A. W. Thoma. Mineral Point. WU.' COUNTY inanagera wanted for unoc cupied territory in Nebraska; experi ence unnecessary. Grt-at Western Acci dent Insurance Company, New, Balrd Building, Omaha. AGENTS 100 per "nl profit, lightning selling, transparent handled knives;, ex clusive territory guaranteed. The Novelty Cutlery Co., I Bar Ht, Canton, Ohio. AGENTS New religious pictures an J luminous crucifix; costs 50c; sells for $3; six to ten easily sold in a day. Wil liams Religious Supply Co., 25oI Taylor St.. Chicago AGENTS New mighty money making marvel; clothes washiug ideas revolution ised, positively abolishes rubbing, wash boards, washing machines; women as tounded, wild over it, absolutely harm less; $1,000 guarantee goes with It; tuaka $50 to $100 weekly easy; exclusive terri tory; no experience necessary; credit granted; own a business, supply cus tomers; pocket big profits; nature's mighty elements do the work. Hurry. Write today; get overwhelming proof; all free. Equitable Corporation, Debt 41 tl- 217 W. Suerior, Chicago. A G E N TS Demonstrate new, fast sailer; demanded In homes, offices, publlo build ings; profit immense; lightning repealer; two agenls sold $150 two dsys. tanrtiary open; be quick. EL K- UuiImsC. Mount Clemens, Mich.