THE DEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 2. 1013. SEES REPUBLICAN REUNION COMING Late ProgmsiTe Nominee for Got ernor of New York Sayi De pends on Conditioni. HUGHES AN IDEAL CANDIDATE "The complete reunion of the progres sive, and republicans depends entirely upon the course pursued by the repub licans and the character of their candi dates. I admit that the progressive party cannot be a positive factor, but It will be a negative factor if conditions reshape themselves as they were before." This is the expression of Frederick M. Davenport, the progressive nominee for governor in New Tork last fall, stopping over in Omaha a few hours with Mrs. Tavenport while making a tour of the west. Mr. Davenport is professor of economics in Hamilton college and served In the state senate under Governor Hughes, with whom he has been Inti mately acquainted. "Hughes would be an ideal candidate for president," he said, "but I am not In position to tell whether he would con sent to run. He certainly would . have to be drafted, because he would not make a canvass for the nomination." Prof. Davenport is utilizing his vaca tion year to look Into economic condi tions In different parts of the cuntry. Incidentally he is also scouting for the short ballot reform movement, represent ing the national organisation, .and to that end carries a letter from President Wll on to Governor Morehead, the president being the honorary head of the national short ballot organisation. Keeping la ftnnH Caadltloa. Many people suffei from indigestion and constipation and do not know it A feeling of dullness and languldness, bitter taste in the mouth, headache, bilious fever most of these conditions when you "are not sick, but don't feel right" can be traced to sluggish bowels and torpid liver. Fotey Cathartic Tablets cleanse the system, arouse the liver, banish In digestion and make you "feet good all ever" light, energetic and ambitious. For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement. three sons Da Id P. Abbott, Oeorse F. Ahbot and June Abbott, all residents of this city. Resides bis three sons the de ceased ls survived by three daughters, Mrs. Charles Humphrey of Verdon. Mrs. Charles D. Stanton of Falls City and Mrs. Charles Robblns of Lagrange. 111. The body will be brought to Omaha today. Funeral sen-Ices conducted by Rev. T. J. Mackay will be held from the residence of David Abbott. S31 Center street. Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will take place in West Lawn cemetery. The father's death Is the fourth this family has experienced in the lust four years. UNZICKER IS BASKING IN THE SUNNY SOUTH Collector of Cuntoms Cadet Taylor has received an amuetng letter from his for mer deputy. VV. L. I'nzlcker, who is nurHing a fruit ranch at Satsuma, Ala., whither he went last May. The letter is in response to a Christinas letter sent by his former associates. It is copiously illustrated with kodak pic tures showing himself plowing with a span of mules, his wife and little girl ieeaing mo cnicnens, eic. There are also many amusing pictures cut from advertisements. One shows a man driving through a blizzard, and on the next page is a picture of ladies with I parasols and men In white flannels, this being labeled "the sunny south." Mr. TJnzlcker reports that all Is. going well and that he likes it down In Dixie. Dor'I Have a Winter Conga. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and you won't catch cold. It kills the cold germs, keeps you well. 50c. All druggists. -Advertisement. - GEORGE ABBOTT DIES AT FALLS CITY; FUNERAL HERE George Abbott, aged 77 years, of Fails City passed away at his home Thursday of heart failure, word having been re ceived here late Thursday night by his A Genuine Orambach Grand Piano, Price $455 Our Inventory Discount Sale Embraces Following Bargains: Shoninger, walnut case, good tone and 01 OC action 011.0 Kremlin & Son, mahogany case, large size, 'QIQr big bargain . . ..ylUU Mueller, walnut case, full size, good condi- CQ P tion . UlfcU Wheeler & Son, Q 1 1 fl mahogany ease UI'tU Weser Bros., ma- fllTpP liogany ease ulf U Kimball, oak case, fiinn parlor size uluU Cable-Nelson, 00 OC mahogany case Ua-aWU Steinway, ebony case, in excellent condi-" 007C tion Ufcl U A small payment down, a small payment a month sends one home. A. Hospe Co. 1513 Douglas St. Our 4 1st Year The Secret of Successful Business is in getting people into your place and keeping them coming. Mazda Electric Lamps in par ticular the new extra efficiency kind attract people bring them in. With good service, right prices and courteous treatment they come again. They can't forget the store with the big bright lights. The new Mazda Lamps give more light at a fra tion of the cost of the old types. ' You should investigate this Great Light now today. Omaha Electric Light Power Co. II RIBBONS 25c and 35c Values, 9c Yd. A big line of rialn and Fancy 811k Ribbons for selection. Qualities you will find it Impossible to duplicate at Saturday's sale price. Price saving and quality satisfaction, are not problematical, they are certainties if you take ad vantage of Saturday's splendid January clearance prices. Wonderful Values in Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel SaturdayQualities SuperiorStyles Most Desirable Brush Sale All Uruslies left over from the Holidays market! for quick clearance at About Half Worth. 25c Hair Brushes 15r 36c Hair Brushes 19 60c Hair Brushes 29 75c Hair Brushes ........ 49t $1.00 Hair Brushes 69 $1.60 Hair Brushe 89C $2.00 Hair Brushes 98 60c Cloth Brushes 35 $1.00 Cloth Brushes 45) 20c Tooth Brushes JOt 25c Tooth Brushes 15 50c Hand Brushes 25 Bath Brushes and Lather Brushes, also Hand Mirrors included at equally low pric ings for Saturday. Special Saturday C AUNATIOXS Choice OO., blooms, all colors, doc. mOC VIOI.KTH Home grown, slnKle, per bunch 15c A Remarkable Sale of Beautiful Waists An immense line of charming designs in waists, made to sell to $5.00, the greatest part of them well worth $5. Pretty crepe de chines, chiffons and other silks, lace waists, etc., in plain colors, stripes, fancies and l floral patterns, all. sizes, greatest values ever plO All Men's Hats (Btetsoas Zxoepted) That Sold Up To $5.00. Soft or Stiff materials, in all the most popular mid -winter colors and shapes, on sale to close in two big lots, 50c and $1.15 All $l..r) Caps at .....752 All $1.00 Caps' at .....50 All SOeCaps at ... .... 25 Handsome Fur Coats 12 of them, made to sell up to $50.(K Russian ponys and French d g ri coneys, in greys, browns v I WotJl and black; at, choice. v Stylish Cloth Coats Hundreds of them, made to sell up to $.'J.).00; most wanted mater ials and colors; good as sortment; at, choice New Neckwear We have remodeled our Ladies' Neckwear depart ment and Saturday will open, with a big special sale, of Ladies' Neckwear. Four Special Lots 1st l)t Neckwear that sold to 25c. soiled or mussed i lots, at 5Sand 1UC ad 1ot Odd lots of Neckwear, regular values to 36c, to J? close quickly at IOC 3d lxt Neckwear that sold reg ularly at 60c. on sale, nr to close at aCOC 4lli Iot latest Novelties la Col lars. Collar and Cuff Sets, Vestees, etc., In Lace, Swiss and Organdies. Children's Winter Coats Made to sell regularly at $7.50 and $8.50; about 100 in the lot, choice, $2.95 Children's Winter Coata Made to sell at $10.00 to $12.00; just 43 for your ' selection $3.95 New Dresses $Q.90 $15 and $18 Values Hundreds of pretty dresses in new spring styles, in silk taffetas, eoliennes and most wanted wool fabrics, all colors; at, choice. $9.90 ! Men's Sample Shirts Women's House Dresses All sizes, made to sell at $1.50 ami $1.75; on sale. 95 i sir m.jr i i iiiiuM Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear Shirts or drawers, all sixes, reg ular 50c values, at 25 Men's Camel Hair Underwear Shirts or drawers, made to sell at $1.00, all sizes, at ...-69d Men's $2 Union Huita 9gt Men's Union Hults Made to sell to $3. all styles 1.98, S1.45 Union Suit Worth to $6.00t' in all wool or silk and wool, all styles $;$.9K, $2.08 and 32.50 Men's All Wool Underwear Shirts or drawers, all styles, best brands, at ..$1.98, $1.45, 98 Men's Flannel Shirt To $2.60 values, all colors and slses, on sale $1.45 and 98 Men's Fur and Fur Lined Glove. Values to $8.50. at $3.98, $2.98 and 81.98 At prices that will average less than half retail worth. 300 dozen Men's Shirts, manufac turers' samples, made to sell up . to $1.50. Madras, Tercalcs, etc., cood stvles and colors, at UU ana 4119 Men's Fine Press Shirts, made to sell to $3.00. all new spring styles. Saturday , at ...... 81.45 nd 98c Men's Amoskean Work Khirts, regular 60c values, light and medium colors, at 35 Three for 81.00 Wool Fleeced Shirts or Drawers, at 49 rtM. and Work Gloves To $2.60 Clearance Bargains in Crockery Departm't. Fourth Flotr. $1 Art Pottery Jardineres 59 75c English Earthen Tea I'ots at 39 25c Inverted Cas Mantles. .5 25c Gas Globes, each IOC 75o Fancy Gas Ulobss 25 75c Inverted Light (complete) H)C values, at fl.45 and 98 Men'a Wool Sweater Coat To $8.50 values, at $4.08, $3.08, $2.08 and 81.08 Men's Wool Sweater Coats Made to sell at $2, for . . -98c. Outing Flannel Night Itobea To $1.50 values, on Bale at 60c and 490 Men's Blanket. Ilath Robes To $12 values, in the best makes, all sizes $6.98, $5.08, $4.08, $3.98 and 82.08 Dres and Negligee Shirts Made to sell to $2.00, on sale at $1.45 and 08 1.00 and $1.25 Negligee Shirts, at 0c and 49 Big Clearance Sale of Books Saturday Over 1,000 popular books by well-known authors, all kinds of Fiction, History or Religion, slightly soiled, volumes that sold to $1.50, at. . . DC Perm's Kid Gones SZ 2i$lM I New Spring Coats $25.00, $29.75, $35.00 Up. Sec these splendid values' New Dress Skirts $3.95, $5.00, $7.50, $10.C0-All the latest styles, color ings and fabrics. . ManafactartTt' Sarplat Stock Trunks Together , with all our own floor samples on sale to close at about 331 Discount From regular, retail prices. Trunks that sell regularly at from $5.60 to $45.00. at $3.95 up to $30 All styles, broad assortment for your selection. Emll Perrln's Real French Kid Gloves, in black, write or tan. also Plqult, Cape nnd Doesitln, all fitted. $1.60 values 81.00 Big Clearing Sale of Framed Pictures Up to $2.00 values, beautiful subjects in oval, square or oblong frames, gilt or brown, sizes 16x20 and UxlG, q r at, choice DC lUciuo Doeskin Gloves, 12 button length, regular $3.50- values, Saturday . ' . .-.$2.40 Children's Lined Kid Gloves, Mlt teiis and Ilearskin Gauntlets, to 76c values 35c Snaps for Saturday In the Corset Section.' Broken Line of ' Standard Corsets. Some soiled from handling. Two Big Lots. ItcKtilar $5.00 Corset $2.50 Iteguiar $4.00 Corsets i . . . .$1.50 $1.00 llrassieres, daintily 'trim med, all slses, back fastening, at ...40c Children's Romper Suits, $1.50 values, 3-piece, blue or white, at 49c Ladles' Hilk Sweaters, beautiful garments with sash, to $16 val ues $7.98 Children's Knit Toques, red or white, at 40c 40c Sanitary Napkins ......25c Winter Underwear at About Half Worth Sterling Union Hults, values to $4.60, all wool, silk and wool. and silk and lisle, $1.08. $4.98 Hilk and Wool Union 8uits, that sold to $3.60, choice ...$1.45 Heavy Fleered and Part Wool Union Hulls, all sties, 40c, OHc Wonten'a Heavy Fleeced. Vests or PanU, at , 10c Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, two special lots, worth double the sale price ....85c and 08c Women's Undervests or Pants, silk and wool, or silk and lisle, white and colors, to $2.60. al- . ues ......... .......... .Oc i Children's Union Baits, heavy fleeced, all sUee, on sale at 48c Children's Black Hateen Bloom. ers, all siies, at .....25e, Ladies' Aprons, several different styles, ginghams, percales, mad ' ras, special values at 40c Boys Knicker Suits, Regular $3 Values, at $1.95 Most all are all wool suits, Norfolk styles, full cut knickers, , sizes 6 to 17 years, boys' $3.50 tM OC suits, at ..... . Boys' $2.00 Suits $1.15 Knickerbocker Suits, dark colors, sizes 7 to 10 years, well made and Nor folk styles, Saturday at $1.15 Jl Dom.atlo koca. Be Kind to Your Last Pair of Eyes Our Tfptlcal Ipsrtment off you the b.nt of expert servtr at a 1 rr' minimum or expense. io vouai. viaioa apacxacias, special m S7.00 7.uo Hingis vision spectacles, at a.uo $8.00 quality Nose Glasses, at .' $5.SO Kvcry - Pair Guaranteed. F.xainination Free. Optical Dept. Main Floor. After Inventory Shoe Sale Men's Shoes, tan and black, bluchers and button; values to $3.60, sale price 81.08 Men's and Women's Bath Slip pers; former selling price 39c; some are slightly soiled; sate price 15 Men's Tan or Black $1.50 Slip pers 81.00 Misses' and Cbllds' $1.50 vlcl kid button or lace shoes 81.00 Men's and Women's all felt 50c House Slippers, all sizes.. 3D Child's $1.25 red and black pat ent button, high cut, sixes a and 3H only 75 Women's $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes, In tan and black, button or lace, t 81.08 HtetMn and ('rouse tt shoes for men Grover and Queen Quality shoes for woman. Men's $10 Suits at $5.00 All sizes and colors, this season's styles, yourchoice of over 200 suits that sold at $10.00 Saturday for....'.. . . .... . . About35 Men's Suits,$37l Only small sizes but they are $10 Suits. If you can be fitted it is a snap. Less than 3o Suits and not all sizes, tfQ '7C go at tJ. O $5 .(a Pom.itlo Boom. It's Quality Goods and a Saving of 25 to 50 Per Cent on the Cost of living that Makes Hoyden's Grocery Dept. Famous It lbs. Int OraanlaM loiir. . 91.00 48-lb. ark beat high lHamon'l H Flour nothing finer for bral, pies or rake. suck tl.SS 10 bars Het-Kin-All, the soeo of quality, Lenox or Laundry Queen W'lille laundry Koap as. 10 lba. beat Whit, or Yellow Corn meal ISO C lba. choice Japan Rica, 7 Ho quality, for S5o 4 lba. beat hand picked Navy Beana for Ss. The beat Domaatlc Macaroni. Vermi- telll or Hpashettl, pkg TH. ana Oil tarflna B&a 7 lba. bent Hulk laundry Starch.. S6o I'arker Houee C'alaup, bottl. ....THo 20-os. Jar 1'ur. Hi rained Honey . . . .S6o Advo Jell, for deaaert nothing like It per pkjr TH Kanry Hpanlah Queen Olive, at., 3&C 32-ox. Jar 1'ur. i-Yuit Preeenr.a tfto l-o. 1hp Pur. Krult treaervea IS. 1 lb. lWg. Pitted Prtinr. llVte S -Crown Muacatel Kuialne, lb....av.. Kanry I'leaned (!urranta, lb imt Vaticy California Cooklna- FIKS...10. Kanry Mulr Park Aprinota. lb., ltVo Kancy Halloween Iatea. lb... ... IOC I-lb. ran Hakrd Beana .TWO S-lb. ran Hominy, Pumpkin or Saer kraut TVo 1 (()!. can Pondenaed Milk TiO ;lder. Santoa 'orfe. lb SO. Tlx neat Creamery Batter, oartoa or bulk, tb 3o Fancy Country Oranifry Mutter, 31. Fancy I)alry Table Hulter, lb 8So t lba. (tod Hutterlne SSo Kancy Table Hutterlne. lb 1TW. Heat No. 1 Storage KKa, dox S&o Heat atrlotly Freah rtsa nothing finer, dnsen Mo Full Cream. Young America. Wiacon- ain Cream or N. Y. White Cheexe. pound BOo Neufrhatel Cheeae. eai'h 3o lrblaaa Vavel Orange Sal. The Highland Navela are the flneat fruit grown In California. Klch fla vor, rip. and juicy. 80 alia, reg. (0c doi., thle aale....35o a lie, reg. Uc doc, this aale.,..30o 12 alxe, reg. 40a do., thle aale...S5o 17 also. reg. SOu dot., thia aala...BOo 2M-2.0 Blue. reg. tie do, thia aala lb. The Oraage .f Quality. Tb. T.g.table Market for tb. Voopl. of Omaha. The beat Ked Itiver Karly Ohio I'ota- toea. It lha. to the perk ....... .SOo J The beat Wlaronalu Cabbage, lb.. IV. Jeraey Hweet Potatoea. I lba. for 10.; Fancy Cape Cod Cranberrlea, qt. TVa eah Bera. Carrol a. Turnlpa, Bhal- lota or Itadlahea. bunch 4. Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. Te I large Houo Hunches . lOo Fancy Head Lettuce, head ......TV. The Best No. 1 Pork Loins Sat'y, lb. I0c Oar aim la Quality and a earing of 0 to 60 .a tb. oost of living. Urat quality No. 1 Pork Koaat. 0VO Illndnnartera firat quality Lamb, per lb latto Forequartera flrat quality Lamb, per lb a4. Hteer Pot Ituaat. flrat quality, meat per lb loo, laaO Flrat quality Kteer Hound Kteak, 16c Flrat quality freali Hpare iliba, lb. 100 No. 1 Hulk Hauaage. lb. 10. 10 lba. beat Leaf Lard fur too Imoked Meat Specials for Katareay Mar or llamond C Hams, lb.. ltV.o No. 1 Picnic llama, lb 10 Mq No. Iean Bacon, lb. . ..- SOo No. 1 Hack Hacon, lb 14 Wo No. 1 Halt Pork, lb 11 Wo Freeh Finnan Haddle. lb ISO 114 Pack Keg Herring 8o Feat Hulk Pur. Mince Meat, lb. ItWo Heat Bulk Oyatera, solid meat, no water, 12 ounces to quart 400 re Quality Meats Try Bayaea's First Hardware Snaps 10c Scrub Brukbes ......... 5 6c Scrub Brushes Sa 50 ft. Cotton Clothes Lines Clothes Pins, 100 foi- . . . . . 10 Best Zinc Wash Boards . . . 1Q Frying Pans, any sice 101 Enamel Dippers and Sauce Pans, t 5 A good pair of Shears ....'10 Mouse Traps, 6 for .C Pie Pans, any rice, 2 for ...5 Enamel Coleodera 0 PoUto Ulcers 10 Dover Egg Beaters 81 30c white enamel Bowls . .lf Wood Chopping Bowls . . . 10 C Black silk Stove Polish . ...5 Shlnola Shoe Polish 5 It Pays Try HAYDEN'S First It Pays Saturday Drag Department Lower Prices Compare Them Palmera ltoae Leaves Perfume, apechil ler oa . r.. PsJ'rjer'B ltoae Leave. Toilet Water, .pe- . pel will. &0c Pozaonl'a Far PnwH.. 6 Or Mme. Yale'a Almond Complexion v.awii. BliCVIdl iOc Keinpre (llovlne , JOc Aubry Kiatera Cold Cream .... .?,nMi"u:,1' v v jcb 1 icmbik ea t. ...... V94 l.ftO Fellow. Kyruo Hypo phoaphatea 25c Kolynoa Tooth Paate 60c Uravea' Tooth Powder $1.10 Oriental Cream .... ioc oioan a unnnnnt k-ur Aunlrln T.KI.I. Aurlrnrnl of Bpongea. worth up'to t.Sc, Aaaortnient of Soaps'. worth 'up' to at, rake 7 Jo Ideal single bristle, dark back hruHh: apecial , 10c. Imperial Peroxide tsoap. 4 bars, i vii i rpa louei faper. a roila .so. .as. .35. .35o .35. .So .So. 1.11 IT. .30 10a 10:, SWo hair .40 .SSo 163 iv.. v m rt'm uiiri r.prr. . roila .SOO 12.00 Dixie rihculder Krar.. anm Ul .1 Ammonia Powder, two So bkm ia n ..imviiia I II w u r I , iwu o UHKB... 0c removable handle Ilath Hruali...3 i pini neer. iron ami VN Ine. apeciaK.3 1 pint Norwegian Pure Cod Liver Oil, apeclal 46. 3 be Fletcher'a Caatorla Slo 0o bottle White Plne'tfyrup o A larKe aaaortnient of Hot Water Hot. tlea. Kyrlngea and Combination; sp daily priced for tat ui day. i I I I I a I I ! I v.