Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
THK HKK: OMAIfA, NATl; IIDAY, JANUARY SI, 1915i ENLARGES POWERS OF CITY CONTROL Publio Welfare Bill by the Douglas Delegation Include Many Things Within Scope of It Provisions. BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT COST (From a Stuff Conpondent) LINCOLN. Nrb.. Jan. H.-iSpwlal )-A board of public flfare will be provldrd for Omaha If Hotiio rioll No. 1T7, Intro duced by the entire Douglm county dele gation, becomo a law. The board ahull he pelacted a provided for In an ordinance for that purpose. Theboard In riven authority to pravl.ln n unified and coniprr heni1ve recreation tyttem and aunervtnlon of (he aamc, and to rc(tnlfte and supervise commercial amueemcntii. Whenever the mayor and council Khali authorlie audi public wel fare board to take charae of any part of the recreation ayalera of the city they are alven authority to utlllte the bulldlnB" and rronnda under control of the Board of Education, with th consent of the. board, and tha educational board Is a-lvcn authority to grant tha light ftradra f Aathortty. Tha board la given authority a follows; To parole or pardon persona convicted under tha ordinances of the city; to e tabltnh an employment bureau: to provide for a legal aJd bureau to which the poor mav go to et protection In the legal rlghta; to establish a charity bureau;, a municipal farm and workhouse a welfare loan aaency; Investigate the housing of Inhabitant of the city; to provide for the studv of, and research Into, causes of poverty, crime aad disease, and to pro mot tha health and general welfare of tba city. Geaeral Urease System. Tba bill troea Into a general method for the regulation of the city along the lines mentioned, glrea the mayor and council tbe power to license pawnbrokers and all kinds of business such aa peddler. uo tlofteara, broken, commission merchants, showmen, innkeeper, toU bridge,' Insur ance, tslsgrapb and express companies, vendor of patent, etc. It give them authority to tax any. ehlcl m tbe city cad provide tor registration of tha cam. A board of five park commissioner, vbo shall be resident freeholder of the city, shall be, appointed by the. mayor with the approval of the city council, vh ball have authority over musical ooaoaru in tha park . and provide for tba seme, but they are limited to aa ex penditure of $11,000. Much, of the bill cover the old statute relating to municipal corporations, but there I much new matter relating to the local condition aa they , appear to be needed , by the city, aeoordlng to tbe In troducer. .1 ' Aathortty t Craat. ' - One Important addition relate to Im provement regarding grading, etc., 'and provide that the mayor and council may order such Improvement by ordinance when it I embraced in any. district the outer boundaries of which shall not ex ceed on and one-half mite from any street surrounding the city hall grounds or where the street sought to be Im proved Is part of one of the main thoroughfare leading out of the city. In which latter case such Improvement may br ordered Irrespective of the distance Cummins Says President Needs a Journal Clerk Instead of a Congress Dead Chief Justice Is Honored in the House and Senate view of cancellation of the rlRhtu of tliose who have failed to develop water power within the time allowed them. The action was taken upon the" recom mendation of the committee on irrigation filed by Tlbbets of Adams, lis chairman. WASHINGTON, Jan. A vigorous attack upon President Wilson s Influence on legislation and on the sentiments ex premed In the president's Indianapolis speech was maile by Senator Cummins todsy In the course of debatn on the ad ministration ship pur base hill. "On of the most reactionary and dangcmiia proposals ever made public," ass his characterisation of the bill. The president's sMech he attacked at length. "It effect haa been and will Continue to be to etrennthen the republican cause." he said. ' predict It will pass Into his tory as a lamentable attempt o( a presi dent to fora-et the courtesy an J dignity always looked for In one who occupies the most exalted office In the world, and the dismal effort of a man of mature age , to change the habit of a lifetime In order to win momentary applause." Ho declared It to be his "dellberats Judgment that, taken as a whole, the course of the prealdent has, In two years, turned back the hands upon the dial of progress so far that his party will not a caln bs trusted with the timepiece of tha twentlath century." At lmgih he attacked the president's Influence on congrem and declared that, with the exception of the tariff law, all measures of general Interest considered at the beginning of bis administration had "been Initiated In the White House or In the office of a cabinet minister." "Somehow the spirit of our Institutions haa been transformed." aald Henator Cummin, "and the legislative branch of Yoii'II Do Better (; at Deaton's Saturday 5c Yucatan' Gum, 2 for 5 25c M e n n e n ' s Talcum Powder 10 25c," 4711 Glycerine Car bolic Soap, per cake, $1 Fitch Hair Tonic G3t 50c Fitch Hair Tonic 33 $1 Wampole'e Extract Cod Liver Oil .....79 $1.00 King's New Dis covery G7t (For coughs and colds) $1.25 qt. bottle Beaton's Imported 'Olive Oil 79 75c pt. bottle Beaton'B Imported Olive Oil 43 50c DeMar'a Shampoo of Liquid Green Soap 39: 25c Velvet Cream for that chap 1G $1.00 Fiver's Vegetal, all odors 75 75c Mercolized Wax 59 25c Eggol Shampoo Pow der 17 FREE A ticket to the LETTER CARRIERS' Big Show at ' At the Auditorium To. Every Customer At Our Store Saturday. 25c Opal Shampoo . .1G 50c Beta-Quinol . . . .33 25c Orangine 1G 35c Castoria 19 $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk $2.69 fl Horlick'g Malted Milk 07 I0e Can thro i HDC I6c Peroild Hydro.. . .7 bOe Peroxide Hydrogen, 1 ,nt lGt 25c Rlverlg Talcum Powder . tor 1G enpP -V Tooth IlrBf.h with (lib 1 firry "Vun hae 0 Itaalon'a Tooth ,Tat at 25c, Ocatcn Drug Co. 15lb tzi Trc:3 SlrssU the part of the street to be Improved is kcated from the city hall grounds. Roaletard Improvement. The cost of Improvements for parks nnd boulevards may be assessed against property especlslly benefited thereby, lo csted .within the city or within three miles of the limit thereof. An addi tional sum of not less than SuO.000 nor more than llut.OOO shall be provided In addition to the sum raised for all mu nicipal purposes for a bond sinking fund to' be used only In paying off matured bonds of the city. . The. bill provMss that In case of con solidation of other title, with Omaha the amount may be Increased equal to the amount authorised to be levied by the cltlea coming In under the annexation law. In the amounts raised for the use of the city tW.OOO I placed' aa (he sum necessary for th use of the welfare commission. t- a cents per 100-welght on buttermilk on carloads of 40,000 pounds minimum from Omaha to Ranch, the same being a ma terial reduction. Cut Freight Rates to the State Farm (ffm Waft Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. R (Special.) The Btate rtailway commission ha granted authority to the Burllnaton railroad t haul -at half-rat a load of hay and a carload of grain from Culberuion to the Stat t"lverslty farm at Unooln. Th road already haa fre r. t. tiv. ,t.ii and grain from all station to Culbertson; jnjtcneii ana curtis. for stuff used on the elate experimental farm. . The commission ha granted a rat of DEATH RECORD Henry Rose. NORTH B6NP, Neb.. Jan. 22.-8pe-tlal.) The funeral of Henry Rose was held today at hla farm residence north west of here. H was bom In Oermany In 1839, came to America and located In Xodg county in 1866. He was married to Mrs. Mary Myers In 1X70. Hla widow, two daughters, six sons, one step-son and three step-daughters survive him. Ifaa-k Allea. NORTH BEND, Neb.. Jan. .-(fpe-clsl.) Hugh Allen of North Bend died today at th age of 70 years. He home, steaded near here In an early day, hut moved to North Bend In 1MB. Ho Is sur vived by his widow," two daughters and five son. Funeral and burial will take place Saturday afternoon. . t William Torpy. TECVMSEH. Neb., Jan. 23. -(Special. ) William Torpy. for year a resident of Tecumsoh, died at hi home here 'at : o'clock last evening. 11 had been sick for two month with fever and complica tion. Mr. Torpy wa aged M years. H I survlVd by hi widow. Mr. Torpy was a traveling salesman. I Movements of Oeeaa Steamers. Port. Arrived. lallsd. FHIUAnr.t.PKIJ Anroiia NKW YORK.... r.lul Permit. NBW TOR K AthtMl. Qt'AYAQrit..... St. Helens UVKMPOOL. Arabic. (From a Staff Correspondent.) J,INCOL.N, Jan. 21 (8pecll Reolu tlona of respect for the memory of Chief Justlca Conrad. Ilollanbex-lt, who died yes terdsy In LJnroln, were adopted today In the house nnd senate. Committees on resolutions In the houee consisting of Representatives .Richmond, Nichols and Barker, and thn senate consisting of fens tors gulnby, Hoacland and Beal were named, who reported memorials speaking In terms of eulogy of th 11 fo of the dead jurist. Committees to attend the funeral, which will be held Punday at Fremont, were a follows: House -Representative Richmond of Douglas, Rsrker of Franklin, flevere of revise. Htebben of Pawson. Senate Beal of Custer, Honglsnd of loincaster, Mallery of Soett' Bluff, Henry of Colfax. The Senate resolutions Include this ex pression: "It Is enough to say that Conrad Hol I en beck wa a man. That he served hla utate and hla nation well and honorably, that he alwaya held forth the hand of fellowship te all his hind, and for hi fellowmen held a heart full of sympathy and affection these are simple facta within tha knowledge erf all those who were privileged to know him." Howard's Request for Reading Labor Report is Refused UNCO UN, Jan. H.-8peclal Telegram.) Jerry Howard this morning attempted to have tha report of the Industrial com mittee appointed two years ago to look into labor condition In Nebraska read before the house. An objection to the reading wa sustained, but tt was an nounced that Mr. Howard aould have the report read at tha eton Monday. STATUS OF WATER POWER GRANTS TO BE LOOKED OVER (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 22. (Speclal.)-The nous today authorised Speaker Jackson tu name a special committee to look Into tho status of waterpower grant made by the Stale Board of Irrigation, with a Up to the House to Force the Senate to Economy Plan ( From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Jan. 22. (Special. )-It Is now up to the house, the senate this morning adopting the report of the sen ate committee on claims whlnh halsed the appropriation bill for the pay of mem bers and employee of both branches from $104,000 to 1110.000, In addition they lumped the appropriation into one item, aa haa been the rase in former years, while the house divided th amount, giv ing the senate 110,000 and the house a like sum t pay the employes. Tho senate accepted the report without a. vote against It, which means that a Joint committee may have to fight It out If tha bouse stands pat on It original an nouncement to force the senate to the economy plan adopted by the house. Member of the upper house, however, do not deem it probable that the lower house will go any further In what the senator ar prone to regard as a meas ure to force economy upon them. of $30,000 In employes' salaries this session, which would more than make up for the extra co.-t of the Journal. The report was adopted. COFFEY LOBBYIST FOR THE STATE LABOR FEDERATION tFrom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Jan. 22.-8pcclal.)-Among the lobbyists registering with the secre tary of state today was F. W. Coffey of Lincoln, representing the State Federa tion of Labor. Others registering were: C. C. Flansburg and Leonard A. Flans burg of Lincoln, representing the Com monwealth Power company In the matter of refund of fee paid; J. V. Anderson of Grand Island, representing tho Union Pa cific railroad; J. D. Whitman of Grand Island, representing tho Union Stock Varda company in the -matter of 1 live stock interests. New Bills at Lincoln Norton Sees Saving in Spite of Printing (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 22.-(Speclal.) In his report on the printing contract Rep resentative Norton today showed that un der the old system the 1913 ljoune Journal cost $4,232. Under a revision of the con tract let for the present session, whVreln the corrected copy of the Journal which has been paid for at the rate of I1B0 a page, could 'be cut out and the printed copy or pin ksheet placed on the mem bers' desks each morning could be given two day Instead of one for the printing, cutting out the necessity of double time for night work, the 1913 journal would probably cost $4,6S6, making a difference this year about $449 or thereabouts. He thought that the advantage gained would more than make up for the extra coat. He also recommended the typewritten engrossed bill Instead of the printed bill a another saving In cost He thought that there would be a saving senate mils. P. F. 101, Sandall of York-Failure to turn over money or property in which : one has an Interest as agent shall be prima faclo proof of Intent to embeszle I S. F. 102. Sandall of York Kxtends the I crime of forgery to any act of tho law ! making body of any other countrr or na tion besides tho ( nited States and make felony letter writing with Intent to de fraud or bring Into disrepute any person. H. F; 103. Beal of Custer In a vil.age or city of the second class the ana.nt lev led for general achool purposes shall not exceed In any one year $i on 'the $100 valuation. I S. F. 104,' Hoagland of I-ancasterWolnt I resolution to amend the constitution ro vlding persona of foreign birth who have I declared their Intention 1o become cltl- r.ens and arc resident voters may con tinue to vote until they have resided In the t'nlted States five years after which they shall take out full citizenship pa- pcrs. or supreme court Judges shall be dis qualified from acting in cases where they are Interested except by mutual consent or the litigants. ' S. F. W. Bushee of Kimball In case of a vacancy In the directory of irriga tion districts the vacancy shall be tilled by the two remaining members of the board and the district treasurer Instead ol by the county board. ft. F. 107. Mallery of Box Butte Btate Education Code commission bill of 2,fcJ sections. Ilonse Bills. H. R. 174, Matteson and Hostetler Pro vides for grant or gift of endowment funds to cemetery, mausoleum or burial associations. H. R. 175. Oreenwalt Authorises county board to levy tax not exceeding one-tenth of 1 mill for purpose, of aid ng erection Of soldiers' monuments. s II. R. 176, Clayburn Increases compen sation of road overseers to IT per 'Is' snd ti additional for team. Incrcacc ray of men hired to work on to cents per hour for man and Emergency. H. R. 177. Jeary Proirtdee for Inspec tion of factories aad collection of fee for ssm bv labor commissioner's olfl' i- II. R. 17s! Peterson Amends law nm ernlng settlement of estates of non residents owning property In Nebraska who die intestste. H. R, ITS, Peterson Increase Stiiie Osteopathic Examining board to fix members and lengthens required school yerlod from three to four terms after anuary 1, 1S1S. II. R. ISO, ivtersor Agent may not rrr. up as a defense that funds held out by h!m were due himself aa commission In embeislement cases H. R. 11. Moseley Appropriates l"..0i.) for defraying expensed of Nebraska civil war veterans to Vlckshurg memorial cele bration In October, 1916. H. R, 182. Moseley Appropriates $i:.rt for erection of monument at Vlckshui-s to John M. Thayer. H. R. 1"58. Naylor and Pelmer Appro prlates W,fti0 for a hog barn at the state fair grounds. 11. R. 1M. by Naylor Appropriates $;:.& 1 for suppression of contagious diseased among beeo. II. R. 1S6, Clayburn Make It the iluty of road overseers to mow weeds alons hlchways. H. R. 16. Smith Appropriates for the establishment of a reformatory in Dodge. Cuming or Stanton county, with meat packing plant. II. K. 1X7. Broomo Cities of 8.0d0 to 25.000 may levy up to 5 mills for an a1 vertiaement fund, to be spent by commer cial clubs. H. R. 188, Broome Llena by owners of stallions. Jacks and bulls shall be filed before the first day of October In the year following the foaling of the off spring. H. R. 189, Chambers of Douglas Per mlta bonds of public divisions to be paid elsewhere than at office of state treas urer, and empowers governor to denig nate a fiscal agency In New York for the payment of such securities. H. R. 190, Stearns Authorises the at torney general to appear In actions af fecting right of Nebraska water uhi s from interstate streams, and appropriates $2S.0OO. H. R. 191. Hostetler and Harris Forbids playing of base ball on Memorial Stinriiy. preceding Decoration day, and provides penalty. Emergency. H. R. 192, Pass Appropriates $1012.n4 for relief of Sarpy county as costs of prose cution In Wrlggs and Hyers cases. H. R. 193. Meredith Requires a clear ance, of five feet betwean high voltage electric lines and telephone and telegraph wires. H. R. 194. Palbey Provides for em ployment of county Jail or city prisoners In counties of over 20,000 and cities of over 6.000 population. '11. R. 19n. Hutton Prohibits use of arsenic or strychnine In embalming fluid of undertakers, so that cases of ante mortem poisoning may be more readily detected. PILES CURED IS TO 14 DAT. Druggist refund money If Pazo Oint ment fall to cur Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Pile. First application give relief. 60 cent. aL JLX AX OMPSON GO. RELIABLE SINCE 188 Women's Neckwear forHalf Price New styles, desirable in every respect, except that they are a little soiled and mussed, hence the half price for Saturday. , ; Organdie collars, lace collars, lace coat sets, and chemisettes. Regular prices ... . . 35c to $3.75 Saturday they all go at exactly -regular. ' Best Quality Spot Proof Foulard Silk, Saturday $1 Quality 69c. $1.25 Quality 79c. i They have been taken from our regular stock; not a piece has been reserved. All go into Saturday's Great Olearaway at two prices: 59c and 79c a yard. The season's smartest and most beautiful dresses will be developed in these adaptable, serviceable and stylish silks. Money Saved on Toilet Articles Peroxide Bath Soap, Sat urday . . . 8c a cake Almond Soap -. 29c a box Face Brushes ... 35c 15c Chamoise' Skins for ; . 10c The Store For Shirtwaists Greatest January Sale of Waists Saturday 8:30 A.M. . Your choice of any Waist in Stock formerly $4.50 to $29.50 - Saturday $3.95 This sale includes, crepe de Every waist offered is chine, blouses, chiffon, Geor- from the regular stock of gette crepe, satin waists, lace the Famous Store, for waists, and exclusive novelty Shirtwaists; Values $4.50 to ideas, suitable for dress wear. $29.50. Saturday $3.95 On account of the low price we will not send these waists on approval or accept their return from cash or credit customers. In the Ready-to-Wear Section You will find just as great bargains in Coats, Suits and Dresses. You cannot afford to miss these values: - Coats reduced to $4.95, $6.50, $8.50, from as high as $25.00. Suits reduced to $4.95 and $10.50, from $19.50 to $45.00. Dresses reduced to $6.25, from $25.00. Women's Gloves at Reduced Prices Saturday K a y s e r ' s Leatherette Gloves for women and children, regular 65c and 75c qualities, in gray, sand, leather "and white, at .50c a pair Trefousse Duplex Fabric Gloves 2-pearl clasps, spearpoint backs, regu lar $1.00 quality; on sale Saturday at ...79c a pair We still have some choice things left from our Jan uary Clearing Sale, mostly small sizes; all gloves from our stock; STREET and DBESS GLOVES, $1 a pair. Men's Wear Your choice of any Man's Tie in Stock at Vt regular price sow SHOES Stylish New $6 and $7 Sorosis Shoes. $4.75 a pair. It would b impoaajble to find better, 'newer, more pleasing ktjfa at any prio, ttMt when tbe rlc 14.7 for ftt and $7 alio 1 coald ered, the bargain la ladeed tuuat uuHMiiaJ. Thrre I a fine variety of rloth top niodrl In color, Including tbe new aand hads alfto patent ajid duU alda-x-taua, suede lop, etc. Both lace and button models, $6.00 and $7.00 . values ..... $4.75 Here is a List of Linen Bargains for Saturday Some of Vhich will Surely Interest You $10.75 Single Sheer Embroidered Bed Spreads, $ 5.38 each $25.00 Real Cluny Lace Cloths, 54-inches round, $12.50 each $65.00 Real Cluny Lace and Embroidered Cloths, $32.50 each $30.00 Real Madeira Embroidered Cloths .... $15.00 each $ 5.C0 Real Irish Hand Embroidered Cases . . $ 3.50 a pair 50c 1L S. Huck Guest Towels 39c each 40c H. S. Huck Towels 25c each 75o II. S. Huck Towels 50c each $1.50 H. S. Huck Towels ... . $1.C0 each $2.50 Bleached Fine Irish Table Cloths $1.75 each $8.50 Single Sheer Plain Bed Spreads . . . . $4.25 each $15.00 Home-spun Hand-Hemstitched Linen Sheets, $5 each $4.75 Fine Irish Linen Table Cloths ..... $3.50 each $3.50 Extra Heavy Scotch Table Cloths . . . $2.75 each 50c Extra Heavy Bleached Turkish Towels . . .29c each 25c Snow White Turkish Towels . 19c each 10c Turkish Wash Cloths ........... 5c each 45c H. S. All-linen Huck Towels. .-256 each 25c H. S. Huck Towels. . 19c each $6.00 Fine Scotch Table Cloths . . . ... . $100 each $7.50 Fine Scotch Table Cloths . $5.00 each $10.00 Fine Irish Table Cloths t . $7.50 each $4.50 Fine Scotch Damask Napkins .... $2.75 a dozen $1.50 Bleached, 72-inch Table Damask ... $1.00 a yard $1.75 Bleached, 72-inch Table Damask ... $1.25 a yard $2.00 Bleached, 72-inch Table Damask ... $1.50 a yard 75c, 24-inch Figured Huck Toweling . . . -. 59c a yard Your Choice of all 50c and 40c MaderiaTurab- 1 ler Doilies, Saturday 20c each $1 00 Black Silk Hose, 79c pr. Priced this way for Satur day; a fine hose of black silk with lisle tops and soles; regular price $1.00, Saturday . . . 79c a pair The Family Hose Black lisle with colored tops, heels and toes, so each member of the fam ily can have a distinctive color. Saturday 35c pair Party Cues Half Price It's indeed an excep tional offer. These party cases are new and stylish in a variety of good colors, fitted with all requisites. Regular prices, $4.00, $4.50, $175, $8.00, $6.50, $7.50, $11.50 and $12.50. Saturday at Just Y Regular Price. WoUoa ettom Mala Tleor.