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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1915)
he Omaha Daily n Drown For Tho Dee Th knt ntipipw artists of ths eMtttry cootrlbata their bast vork for Bm reader. EE THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XlAV XU. 188. OMAHA. SATURDAY MOUSING, JANUAHY lfllo-rWUTEEX PACKS. Oa Tralee aad at CoUl Haw Stands, 5 SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. B PRESIDENT HEARS SPEAKERS FOR AND AGA1NSTABC TEST Wilson Listens fpr Mere Than Three Honrs to Appeals to Veto and Sign the Alien Measure. DOES NOT GIVE HI3 DECISION If He Does Not Act by -Midnight Thursday Measure Will Become taw Anway. EXECUTIVE "CALLS" TALKER WASHINGTON. Jan. 22.-For more than three hours today President Wilson lis tened to appeals that he tgn the Immi gration bill and pleas that he veto It, voiced by the spokesmen of MO men and women who packed the historic East room of the White House. The speakers were labor leaders, pub licists, social workers, students and others, representing many Interests in life, most of the them contending; for or gainst the literacy test which the bill proposes shall be applied to determine the fitness of Immiprants to become cltl- ' lens of the United States. Plea of Each aide. Those oppowd to the bill contended that the literacy test and other restrictive features are not true testa of the fitness of an Immigrant; those contending for the bill argued such restrictions are needed to preserve the standards of life of Amer ican worklngmen. , At tho conclusion of the arguments President Wilson thanked the men and women for their views and said he would act upon the bill soon; Unless he signs or vetoes it by midnight next Thursday It will become law without his signature. The president has Indicated strongly, how over, that he will veto the measure be cause he does not approve of the literacy test. There is a good deal of discussion In congressional circles over the possibility of repassing the bill over the president's veto. Will Veto Beat Blllr When President Taft vetoed an Immi gration bill because, of the literary test the senate promptly repassed it over his veto, but a few votes of the necessary, two-thirds was lacking In the house. Some o fthe champions of the bill think boll houses could now repass It. Us opponents are sure it is impossible. The president sharply called to order cne speaker during today's hearing who discussed the motives of the opposing side, but freely allowed applause which followed the close of virtually every ad dress. Farmers' Congress : -Defines Its Position I on Warehouse Law : , ( Ftom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nob., Jan. J!2.-(Spoclal Tele gram.) The; legislative committee of the : farmer's congress, in session at the Liu-1 dell hotel, Friday afternoon adopted flee resolutions to form th.c necleus of a lino ot action to be backed up by the consrena in regard to the public warehouse bill. After consideration of Senate File Noa 1 and 30, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That a warehouse law should Tie optional as to any elevator, company, individual or corporation under Us provision- a Resolved, That the act should recognise farmers' co-operative companies and gie the same equl rights under the law. Resolved, That public warehouses ahould bo usci exclusively for the pur poses defined: that Is to say, warehouse men under the provisions of this law should be prohibited from using public warehouses for commercial dealing in grain or other stored products on their own account. i Resolved, That enforcement of tho law, including Inspection and all details of ad ministration, to be under the control of th-i railway commission. - Resolved, That sufficient bonds should toe required of public warehousemen. That the farmers will stand on these resolutions was siaiea oy n cunnomw that urged the senate committee on agri culture to recommend to congress that a federal law be given immediate consid eration to accomplish''' the Inspection of ' grain at terminal markets. This they de clared fo be essential to the .t-icceaa of the warehouse system. The coJlimlttee on agriculture will take up -this matter next Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Fair, colder. raaratares ta Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Peg. .. It. m 1 a. m 1 7 a. m 8 a. m 2 9 a. m.. 3 10 a. m : 4 ' 11a. m S 12 m 5 1 p. m 1 2 p. in 7 3 p. m 4 p. ra 7 & p. in ( 4 p. in 4 7 p. m - 8 p. m i Local Kecord. . im. mi. inn: ma. .... 8 .11 44 43 .... 1 17 21 .... 4 i S4 M 14 .01 .00 .00 Comparative Highest yesterday Lowest yesterday . . Jdean temperature . freclplw.iion Temperature and precipitation depar- tures from the normal: jsormai ienieraiure Deficiency for the day .. 20 .. 1 Total exceas since March 1. Oal Normal prw:l pi tat Ion : .Ot Inch Hxceas for the aay 13 .m il Total rainfall slnca March I... 27.00 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1!H.. G.&4 lnciu.-s Deficiency for cor. period, mi.. 4.10 inches Reaarts from stations at T P. M. Rain fall. .00 .1-0 .it .14 ,ou .01 Ptatlon and State of Weather. 5heyenn. clear .. avenport. clear .. Jienver. clear D Moines, clear. North platte, snow. Omaha, Cloudy .... Rapid City, clear . heridan. clear ... Houx City, snow. Temp. Hlgh 7 p. in. et. 8 14 10 10 k 4 t 12 2 . 8 . 14 4 H .02 I Valentine, cloudy ' .Ml 1 K m u a... ,.0..'5.cnify inargrf gfdskwd kwdw wd T inulcatea trace of precipitation. indicates beiow sero. L. A. WfcUsU. Local Forecaster. IS ONE OF. GERMANY'S AIR FLEET Zeppelin airship L-2 of the type that made the sen sational raid on Englandduring the week. W v K' If 1i .Te zs-mxe m RAIL LINE 10 JELP OMAHA Burlington to Shorten Its Route Into Wyoming Oil Fields and Cattle Country. WILL REQUIRE TWO TUNNELS It was with considerable satisfaction that Omaha business men Friday morning In The Bee read the announcement of President Hale Holden of the Blrrlington, made In Denver before the commercial bodies, . that the company of which he la the head will Immediately commence tho completion . of the Guernsey Una of the road in Wyoming. " Omaha business men' assert that with this Jine completed .It will open prac tically all of Wyoming to the markets of this city. ' Some time before the Burlington built tho Powder River extension into Orln Junction, on a ntnety-nine-year lease it acquired tnat portion of: tho Colorado ft Southern from the last namedj?lac south to Hartville Junction. Connecting the Platte river branch of the Burling ton up with the Wyoming. line at Hart ville . Junction resulted In opening up a vast territory west of the Wyoming line and placing it in touch with tho Omaha markets. i ,However, the line was not practical, owing to the grades west of Guernsey, ' - Water tirade Road. Now President Holden announces that Jl.OW.OOO will be spent in the completion of tho Guernsey branch, , which, assert officials at headquarters here, means that from Guernsey, a new line will be built across country about ten miles, tapping the Colorado ft Southern at Wendover. Ttiis line will follow up the valley of the North Platte and will require the boring of two or three tunnels. With this done, however. It is asserted that through the mountain in the eastern part of Wyoming the Burlington will have almost a water grade into the level coun try beyond. With the cutoff completed It is as serted that the Burlington will have an other short line Into the oil fields of Wyoming, tha cattle and sheep ranges of the state, as well as to tho Pacific coast country, and that probably most of this business will be routed by way of Omaha. It Is thought that It will require steady work and with all the men who can be worked to advantage fully a year will be required , to build the ten miles of road between Guernsey and Wendovor and have it. ready-for . operation, i Judge Sullivan May Be Chief Justice if -- He Will Take It (From a Starr Correspondent!) LINCOLN, Jan. 22. (Special Telegram.) -Judge J. J. Sullivan, of the firm of Sullivan ft Rait of Omaha, may have the position of chief justice of the supreme court of Nebraska t he will take it. WhUe Governor Morehead will not make an announcement of the aipolnt ment until after the funeral of Judge Hollenbeck, It is known that JudgeOulli- van had, a conference with him yesterday and the governor said this morning that he had decided to offer the position to Judge Sullivan. SENATORS PUSH BILLS IN COMMITTEE OF WHOLE (From a Start Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. ffi.MBpeClar.) Senators In committee of the whole acted favora bly upon bills as follows: H. 11. 1 Appropriating -"0.0M for.prjnt ln and other legislative expense bills. H h a6. Uraue of H alia a Provide that railroads live return passage to slock shippers. . H. F. 24 and 2j, Wink of Buffalo Rais ing the amount of compensation ot their self-imposed duties to from 6 to $10 a wn k, leaving the maximum the same. Cities of the first c lax In the future will pay from i to SU a week, with a max. nnum of -, whereas' tire present law provides for 13 to 110 a week. R K. 63, Hoagland of I-noaeter Mak ing the robtiery of a telephone booih Uui glary. 8. K. 20. Rygland of Boone Authorizing county agricultural societies . to. acquiie land. K K. SI. Gates of Sarpy Providing for refund of aniali siwoihI ttaaettinents broiiKlit up at tax sales where the law should later be declared bad. C v.A- M :i - r London Spectator Deplores Danger of Collision with the United States LONDON, Jan. 22.-The Spectator. In a leading editorial article, entitled "A Great Danger," expresses "anxiety and alarm at the way in which we are drifting toward the danger of a colli sion with the United States." This article speaks In praise of the good feeling toward Great Britain of many prominent Amcrloans, but It re sents deeply ' the "Indifference, Indeed, callousness toward Great ' Britain end Its case, shown by the government of the United States." ' Comparing the present situation with that which existed at the time of the Sltdell and Mason arrests USSl), the Spectator says that British statesmen were as much at 'fault then as American statesmen are now, 'but happily, the queen and Lincoln prevented war. Believing ; that the American govern ment would certainly, be on the side of those who are fighting, to. restore Bel gium, the British . people "suddenly see officials playing tha Gorman game and WHEAT AND CORN AT RECORD PRICES J , Agents of Warring Nations Seem to Be Taking; These Cereals at . Any Prices Asked.. FAEMERS GET TOP PRICES With light receipts and reports of an enormous foreign demand continuing two new high records were marked up on the Omaha Grain exchange when No. i hard winter wheat went to and No. 3 white corn sold at 744 cents per bushel. These high prioes are said to mean bet ter than 11.25 on wheat and 63 cents per bushel to farmers anywhere in Nebraska on these grades of grain, while within 150 miles of Omaha, either in Nebraska or Iowa, the net to the grower would be much more. The Omaha market opened above Thurs day's close and, kept on climbing until the bell rang for a cessation of trading. The close was near the top f the day, dealers predicting that prices are to go still higher. Private advices to commission men were that agents of all the warring countries of Europe were taking long lines of both wheat and' corn and seemed willing to pay almost any price. Receipts were: Wheat, 71; corn, 129, and oats, S3 cars. Wheat sold at fl.S5 1.89H. fully lfjfl4 cents up. Corn was around "OTI cents per bus her. prices be ing Ml 14 cents above Thursday. SIZE OF BERRY BOXES FIXED BY FEDERAL LAW (KrdhY a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 22. (Special.) Following the receipt by Food Commis sioner Harman of Information that the federal law requires tha branding of the sise of pint and quart boxes of berrlee.SIt is expected that the interests back of the bill introduced. In the house to eliminate this requirement from the state law will withdraw. When the bill Was filed the requirements of the federul , law- were not definitely known. The growers" association back of the bill ships all Its berries from outalde, and the federal law would supersede the state requirement on Interstate shipments. War Pictures From the Front Full Page in The Sunday Bee 1 rv vt . in effect trying to prevent our bringing Germany to Its knees and driving It out of Belgium. The disappointment is the greater because we, like the Americans of fifty years ago, fancy that our flesh and blood across the water are Influ enced by the thought of profit Just as Englishmen were believed to have been Influenced In the civil war. "So now America wants to make a profit out of copper," the Spectator con tinues, "and the American government U on the side of Germany and in effect claims the right to provide Germany with the means of holding down Belgium and killing English soldiers,' and freely to supply tho material required In bombs to slay noncombatants. "Can It be wondered at, even though it Is unreasonable and though of course wo ought to see the American case, that we' feel out to ' the heart that America seems, to reckon up .the .matter in cold dol!ar and cents rather -than In terms of flesh and blood and human suffering?" MONEY WANTS MADE . KNOWN IN HOUSE Appropriation Bills Aggregating Over Three Hundred Thousand Introduced by Members. ASK $80,000 FOR H00 BARN (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special Tefe gram.) Appropriation bills running from 12,012 up to t-'vJO.OOO w;re Introduced In the lower branch of the legislature today. They run all the way from an appropria tion to reimburse Sarpy county for ex penses in prosecuting Sheriff Gus I Iyer for. his connection with the death of Roy Blunt at the time ot the convict outbreak, to 1200,000 for a reformatory. Smith of Cuming wants a S300.000 re formatory on the Northwestern railroad, between Fremont and Norfolk.' A pock ing plant In connection with the' reforma- toty would furnish work for the prisoner j and oring a good revenue to tne siai. U.lm.r r.f llrtuvlua anil Wavlnt fit TlflWai introduced a bill calling for an anproprla- J re,t'at1"" frT, BukKw,n ""J Wtatlo. tlon of $80,000 for a hog barn at th. State ' th Carpathians have left the r.home Fairground, which. It Is understood. " living in pits dug in the deep the approval of the State Board of Agri-i,now- where many . are perishing from culture. Naylor also wants an approprla- co,1 " -taxation. Their plight Is ren tlon of 13.900 td fight diseases in Dawes, d6" mon da.igcroua by the hungry Btearns of Scotfa Bluft would like to wolves that are hGnting them." have $25,000 set aalde for the attorney gen-' eral to use In suits brought In othert flnmmif f rn Will states over water rights in Nebraska. An appropriation of $16,000 for the transporta tion of the old soldiers who are survora of the battle of Vlcksburg to and from the fiftieth anniversary of that battle, and another of $12,000 for a monument to the memory of eOneral Thayer, make the appropriation bllla run up to dateM337,612. The National Capital Friday, Jaaaary SI2, 11B. .Tha Senate. Met at 11 a. m. v Republican senators continued speaking against the administration ship bill. Democrats aKreed to hold all-day cau cus Saturday to perfect ship purchase bill. Interstate rommerce committee favora bly reMrted Cummins bill to extend pres ent federal boiler Inspection to all parts of locomotives and tenders. Considered .nominations In executive session. Recessed at 4:22 p. m. to 11 s m. Mon day. Tha lleatr; Met at 11 a. m. Debate continued ' on the army appro priation bill. Massed army appropriation bill, carry ing $IUl.Ou0,iuO. Regan confederation of agricultural ap propriation bill. Carrying $:ii.W,Ju0. ' ge tl good bargeig la tha "Live Vtoefe" aolojaa today. Rere's a earn plat FOR SALE Nice dapple grsv team, 4 and a years pld. weiuJit 2.600 lbs.; cheap for ready cash. 'rlvale resi dence. ' ( Far farther lafonuatioa about this opportunity, see the Want A4. saottoa of today' Bee. ZEPPELIfl FLEET IS OVER EfiGLAtJD, PASSING INLAND Unknown Number of German Air ships Fly Above Cromer Headed for Interior with Search lights Flashing. THEY ARE DROPPING NO BOMBS Noise of Engines First Heard by Coast Guardsmen and Then by Military Patrol. TRAVELING TO THE SOUTHEAST ("ROM Kit, Eugland. Jan. 22. (Via London.) Zeppelin airships of a number unknown passed over Cro mer at 10:30 o'clock tonight from the sea and proceeded Inland In a southeasterly direction. The noise of the engines of tha air ships was first heard by the coa;t guardsmo and then by the military on pu,trol duty. The electric light circuits were Im mediately cut and troops proceeded through the town .extinguishing ah other lights. All the evidence tends to show that more than one aircraft passed over the town. As they proceeded they flashed searchlights. Moving Inland. LONDON, Jan. 22. Zeppelin air ships are tonight over Cromer, Nor folk county, proceeding Inland. They dropped no bombs on Cromer. , A telephone message from Nor wich, about twenty-five miles south ot Cromer, said that at midnight nothing bad been seen of any Zep pelins from there. Vessel Leaves New York With a Cargo for a German Port NEW YORK. Jan. HL-Carrylng a cargo of food supplies shipped by an American firm and consigned to an American cltl en In Germany, the American owned steamer Wllhelmlna was given clearance today from this port and for Hamburg, and sailed tonight. Shippers assert that the food is meant only for consumption by civilians. This .la the first food carrying Amer ican vessel to leave aw American port for Oermany since the war began In Hurone-' K It Is seised by wsrsiilps ot the allies Its consigners, the W. L. Oreen Commission company of St. Louis will file a protest with the American State department, according to local at torneys of the company, . claiming, that the allies are not within their rights un der International law In preventing the shipment of conditional contraband to non-combatants In a country at war with the allies. In order to controvert - In advance a possible claim by Great Britain or any other of the allies that the Wilhelmlna's cargo is Intended for use by the German government or It naval or military forces, the cargo Is consigned to an American rltlxen, who will be in Ham burg on the date which the vessel will i arrive If It escapes seixure. Furthermore, both the consignors and the German government guarantee, according to the attorneys, that the cargo Is intended for consumption by non-combatants only. Starving Refugees Hunted by Wolves LONDON, Jan. M-A dispatch from Kiev, Russia, to Reuter'g Telegram com pany says: "Hiding from the Austrlans who are ' wuuiiMiuwvw . urn Recount Ballots in Furnas- Contest (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 22.-(8peclal Tele gram.) The committee on privileges and elections In tho house has set Itself the Job of recounting the ballots In the Kellcy Fults contest from Furnas county. It will begin the work next Monday night BATTLESHIP NEBRASKA MAKES HIGHEST SCORE I sjs.mssm.aas. WASHINGTON. Jan. 22.-The battle ship Nebraska, with a score of 78.MI, was first In the engineering competitions i among vessels of the battleship class for the six months ended January 1. The West Virginia was at the foot of the list with a rating of ti,3. Tomorrow the Best Colored Comics r with The Sunday Bee SUBMARINE SINKS A BRITISH YESSEL Crew of Merchantman Off Coast of Holland Ordered Into Small Boats by Germans. TORPEDOES ARE FIRED INTO IT t Rt M.KTI.N. TUB H AQl'E, Jan. 22.-(Vi Inndn.) It was stated h-rc today that the Brlt-i iah ship t)urward had on board forty tone of provisions belonging to the Amer ican Relief commission when It was sunk by a German submarine. LONPON, Jan. E!.-The British steamer ilnrwanl, says a Rotterdam dispatch to Renter's Telegram company, has been torpedoed by a Grmnn submarine. The crew was ssved. The Imrward was bo.ind from Lelth to Rotterdnm and was struck by the torpedo, according to the Reuter cor respondent whllo twenty-two miles bff the Mass lightship. The crew tok to the boats and reached the llghtanip. from which a Dutch pilot boat conveyed them to Rotterdam. Healna Mew avat Pollry. It was tha German submarine U-19, according to advices from Amsterdam, which torpedoed the IHirward. The I.ciwlnn newspapers Interpret the sinking of the Imrward as the beginning of a German naval policy alleged to have been urged by Admiral von Tlrpil. the German minister of the navy, against British merchant vessel The Kvenlng Standard today prints a special article on the subject pointing out that two small English merchant ships were recently sunk off Cher bourg, which together with the present episode tends to show up the policy now being enforced "In an endeavor to starve England." The Durward was a vessel of l.Sno tons and was built at Glasgow In MM. It was owned by J. Gibson ft Co. of Lelth Scot land. , Crew Is Tattea Off. AMSTERDAM. Jan. 22. (Via London. I p. m.) Members of the, crew of the Dur ward say that fhey first sighted the Ger man submarine In mldafternoon and stopped the vessel In response to a sig nal. German officers boarded the Dur ward. Covering the crew and captain with revolvers, they ordered all on board to quit the vessels Immediately. Boata were lowered, and after all hands had left the vessel, the submarine towed the boats to a safe distance. There they were ordered to wait. The submarine re turned to the Durward and sent three torpedoes Into It. It was twenty or thirty minutes before the vessel sank. The submarine then picked up the small boats and towed them for six hours until they reached tho Maaa lightship. Then tha Germans cast them adrift and- went off at full speed. i Many Iowa Democrats Would Wear Judge 'McPherson's Shoes (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 22.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Already a doxen or more names are being mentioned by tha democrati of the Iowa delegation a likely candi dates for the place made vacant by the death of Judge Smith McPherson. Among the prominent names mentioned are Emmott Tlnley, Council Bluffs; Dan Hamilton, Slgourney, a former member of congress; John El Craig, .Keokuk; Colonel W, Hoffman, Leon, and Claude R. Porter, present United States district attorney. Judge Martin J. Wade Is also spoken of, but -It Is not thought he will enter the race, for his ambition may run to another Judgeship which. may become vacant soon. i It Is believed that President Wilson will finally decide who the man Is to be, al though the- jtate organisation of Iowa 111 be consulted, as will the democratic representative. In this connection It Is' Interesting to know that Representative Maurioe Con nolly, who made the race for senator agatnst Senator Cummins, is being strongly urged for director of the mint, vice George E. Roberts of Iowa, who re signed some months ago to take a re sponsible position with the City National bank Of New York. Frank Keller, Switch Tender, Cut in Two' by; Passing Engine Frank Keller, or, Khlala, age 12 years, a switch tender, was struck by a twitch engine at Fourteenth and Emmet streets and literally cut In two. He was dragged futly 100 feet up the track by the engine. He was found by a passing switchman and the accident reported to tha police. What engine struck him or how he was struck (s not known, no report having been made of the accident and switching crew disclaiming any knowledge of It. The police are Investigating In efforts to learn the Identity of the engine which struck hint and the crew commanding it. Keller, or Khlala, lives with . his sister at 2611 Nor th Sixteenth street. The sister hi prostrate with grief. The body Was taken to Swanson's , undertaking estab lishment. School Code Bill . Started on Its Way From a Staff CorrespondunL) LINtXJLN. Jan. 22. (Special.) The Mal- lery hill, known as 8. F. 107, Introduced this morning, is virtually the bill pre pared by the code commission appointed i to daft a new l:iw for the educational system of Nebraska. The bill has 4G3 l seetlons. Among its most important pro visions are the following: Provision for probation officer in every I county. Provides for equal distribution of stato j school apportionment funds. ' i'erinlts enlargement of couise of study ' In rural schools. ' I'rovides state payment of free high 1 school tuition In weak districts of the state. Allows slat superintendents to iitsue insndatory suggestions In ronstrui tion uf tit 1 1 out houses to inform to sanitary and fireproof requirements. I'rovides seven months f school In aeak districts of the state. CZAR'S ADVANCE IS NEAR PRUSSIA AT TWO POINTS Germans Are Forced "to Evacuatt Skempe and Another Force "Oc cupies Positions in Vi cinity of Lipno. KAISER , PLAUma 0FFENSIVL Teutons on West Line Are Expected to Attempt to Secure Another Victory Like Soissons. OREAT SUFFERING IN POLAND The, Day's War News HHAVY FlC.HTlJit once more alona front. Inofficial Amsterdam tell of Brtalam Itelwrrs la In prosjreas the western ad vires from i hard hattle In Oatend and Mrnpnrt. At the other ena of in liar, near Omar and Thaan. In Alaare, there 1 artillery firing of anaanal violence. Another n rnnntrr, alona- the Lorraine fron tier, la Increasing! In severity. RIRAI4M AND UERMAflr lorcee west of Wars tv have settled down In their entrenched posi tions aad tha battle line has be come fixed almost as rigidly as In the vreat. In the aorth, howerer, the- Raaalana sr advancing; to ward the Prnaalaa border, appar ently hat last dispatched a larare army tor this movement. The campaign I" ' natlcla and Rako vrlna makea alow headway oa ac count of the- heavy anow. ANOTIIKR nniTI-ll Teasel has been torpedoed by a f.erman aan marine. The atramer Dsrwsnl, a amall merchantman, was seat to the bottom, bnt Its crew waa saved, CKRMASN siave halted th Freach advance designed to rat com ma n Ira t Inn with the Important fortress of St els, la Lorraine, and Isolate the) t.erman forces In the St. Mlhlel region. ANOTHER VIOI.F.NT battle Is la pro a re nb In Alsace, - la which troops aro enaasred la hand-to-hand strnaalrs. The Berlin war office assert that the French were driven from the height acar Hen a helm. A COKBBECE was held In Par I between representatives of Kna- land, France and nnssla, who aro reported to have aader eoasldera tlon a Joint loan of three billion dollars.. - . " , LONDON, Jan. . 22. News dis patches referring to the situation Ta Poland get forth that north of tho Vistula, In the vicinity of Lipno, Ilufojlan advance guards are within twenty miles of the German frontier. while to the northeast the Germans have evacuated Skempe, which Is about twenty-five miles from tlu Prussian border and due southeast of Thorn. If the Russians follow" up their success at Skempe and continue their forward movement, It will give them an unbroken front, In the opinion of British observers, dangerously near German territory. The western allies are watching this (Continued on Page Five, Column Two.) Steamship Dflcia to Leave Port Today GALVESTON. Tex., Jan. 21-Cleaiance papers Were Issued for the steamship Dacia by the local United States customs house this afternoon and It Is expected to sail lata today or early tomorrow for Rotterdam. The Dacia, recently 'transferred from German to American registry, carries 11,000 bales of cotton. The oath of the tacla's agents attached to the manifest declares that to the best of their knowl edge and belief, tha ship carries no con-' traband and that Its cargo is for trans shipment from Rotterdam, to. Bremen. Want Ads for Tomorrow Should Be in The Bee Office By 7:30 Tonight to Be Sure of Proper Insertion Prompt and careful telephone service, or a solicitor will call if you want the cash rates. lc Per Word Each Day if the Ad Runs a Week Phone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE "vr,My &,adi a Want Ad"