L TIIE.r.KK: OMAILA, FBI PAY. .IANTAIJY FOR RENT Heosee ttarea. AND RENT WILL BEGIN FEBRUARY 1st. I have darw'v 5-rooin cottage; hot wster hest; rent 130. including water, at 4SI7 N. 39th st. You can see this any day; parties In houe. C. M. EATON, irns w. o. w. Bide. rnii(r. 194. F.venings, Wrb. 4:119. 6-r, modern. 719 H. 37th St. 7-r.. modern. 3614 Leav. St.. pood location. Web. 2.;.90. MODERN 3-story house, 7 noma; never occupied: new furnace; fO Pons. 6953. Globe Van&Storage Store. movM, packs, chips: 3-horse van and IS men. II. 2 per hr.; storsge 13 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. t'.vS ft Ty. 230. R RENT MoJtrn o-room house. 205 S. 85th Ave. Inquire T. 3. O'Brien. lenshaw Hotel, liar. 1094. Douglas 121ft. FOR REN1 We have a complete list of nil house, apartments and flats that are for rent. This lint ran be seen free of charge tit Omaha Van & Stontse Co.. n So. 16t,h St. Fidelity Storage Co Storage. movlnK. poet-Inn and shipping. 16th A Jarkson Kts. Phone Douglas 2X.H. IT.r.o in ad pails of the dir. Maggard's,-, Van and Stor- rge 1.&0 per hr.; uay. 2 men. 31.25 per hr. 171a Webster. Doug. 14'.H. J. C. Reed ffis0 moving. storage. ei4. STRICTLY imaiern 9-ioun house, 706 No, 30th atreot. Phone Red 490$. J-'IVE-KOOM house, with barn for six horses; large- wagon shed nnd yard; Rested at 2421 S. Dtit St.. Phono Red For Rent Five Room Houses at L'yili And Dewey Ave. New Very Complete (!nll War Annninlmnnl American Security Ca 1'otig-. 6013 or Har. 64r or Wsl. '3037. Acrtsu, FOR RENT Fruit and pardon farm, with Klass hotbeds. J, R. McPhcraon. 1381 Last Pierce St., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE turn;. lire bought and sold. J. IX Reed, 1201 Farnain, Uoug, 6146. HAMILTON CO., the only gentilo sefonU hand store In Onisl.a. 1713 Cunilng.l). bs3S BUY I'd-hand cluthi-s. ML'l N. 4th. HIiJHEtiT prices for furniture. Web. 061. WANTED TO RENT i 10 ilOL'SE, suitable for roomers, convenient iu resuturnni or ooarainK house; mlht consider i.urchaxo of fumisned house it' leinia rlsht. Addrcsa G ulti, lice. REATi ESTATE FARM A RA.MH LANUS FOR BALE. C olorado. GOOD WHEAT LAND $2.00 AN ACRE DOWN $2.00 AN ACRE A YEAR a ara offering- for sale several pieces or good, level wheat land In northeastern Colorado, close to the Nebraska line, on tho very easy terms of 12 an acre cish and 2 an acre a year payments; In 100, or WO-acre tracts at J0 . an aero. ( lose to towns. About half ta under ul tivatton, ready to Ito on and put In spring wheat and oats. Many good Iowa larni 'rs In this locality. HASTINGS & HKYDEN, 1614 Harney Ht. RANCH RARGAIN. 10 acres Lodan County, Colorado: bent ranch lmprrvmonts: 7) acres under .cul tivation, 120 acres alfalfa. Price U5 per acre: U cah, balance time. WESTERN REAL JSKTATE CO., OMAHA, NI'JH. - FOUND ANOTHER HOMKRTEA D-320 acres In settled country; rich farmland. not band; only ni.ng jcea and all. A. Tracy, Fort Morgan, l.olo. KlBIU. Jolt SALE 2.210 acres fine wheat land nar rti'.'hlieiu, iMoiton lo Kansas. I'lice. t7 per acre. Will sell Part or all In milt ntlrchtter Tccmit irIi. ArlrlreMM owner, E. J. McAnarneV. Fatmcrsvillc, III.. R, V. D. No. 3 Miaaesolau ! ACRES, between Minneapoll and D- iullt, on the Soo line, 4 miles from rail- irnad town; 70 acres under oultivutten, balance wooded pasture and corns good meadow; no .waste land; lair net build ings: near school; land borders ou beauti ful luke; coinplet set machinery; 126 I chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy ! und everything on tho f.lace goes at t:U ! per acre; one-half uasli. Innwrni lii'os., MIS Plymouth lildar.. Mlnucapoiis. Minn. Nebraska. 120-Acre Farm itar Springfield, Neb.; 110 acre in wheat now; at 3110 per acre. Will take some Omaha property tor a part. W. II. GATES 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Uldii. D. 1291. THE RG.SEfcSUU LAND CO.. 411 barker lilk.. Omului. Sells, exchanges Neb, fartiai and ranches. south Dakota. FOR SAL13 M 'acre of rich, level farm land. Price tow, or will trade for good louriiis car. Fori ni-efej-red, 1?. J. Hunt, Florence. Neb. Tel. Florence 1H2. WILL skII M ucres of level, rich farm land for cah, or will trad" tor youuc mares with foal. J. L. Rich, Flor rm. Neb. Tel. Florence ll-. ' WImushIs. Upper Wisconsin Best uy and general iM' suit in the union: eetliera wanted, lauds for sal at low prices on easy tonus. wr et 34 on Wicoiicln Central Land Grui.C btaie acres waniea. . jn u-v iui uraxlpc lands. If uncreated in fruit lands, a.-a for. buokist on Apple orchards in Wisconsin. Address Laud Dept.. boo Litis By., Minneapolis, Minn. atiIUaroa.. FARM for saie; must sell n.y Fellsmer farm. a acres, muck prairie land. I ptioff. 44 Times Cid . fit. tiouis, Mu, FARMS WANTED WANTED To rent a form blocked with hogs and cattle on warmer-hip basis; am aood faimer and aill furuUh good reference. Address Y S2. Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS Ua.0u0 PRIVATE money tif loan on iimUie crooerty at 7 per ent. O Keefe Real Lsu co. 101 omab Nat. Bank bid. CITY and farm loan. 5. 6Vi. per cent, j H- uunioi.t ACcOiJii Farnani, Omaha WANTED Cuy loans, psittrs 'i rust Co VVANTS.D CHy loii auu mniui Farnam teiuith at Co.. 13- Farnafu. OMAHA boiuea East Nebraska taints. V O KEfcFE REAL EsTATE CO.. m Omalia Natl. Dou.las niS. L t ... . Vk.r li"0 lo tio.two maae piwoipllv. F. D. vVeed, Wead Bldg., 1Mb anvi l1 arnam Hl. Si ti ti ADl.'IV K1?flV Iians. U and up. UmtTlil ijuwu Ollial. a Nat. Mmik. i f i w. . . ' 3IU-3H Brandwls Theater B"l- 1'ITY property, l-irfce Iojiui a speci-iiy. W'. H. Thomas. i2s Stale Bank Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. II. AV, isjndor, Cliy Natl. Ban Bid-. REAL ESTATE LOAX8 6FE us first if you want a farm loan. United Stales Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. AR8TRACTH ttr TYTXK HP.ED Abstract Co., oldest abstract ftco In Nebraska. ns P -edeis The tor. KERK Till UuartatM and Abstract Co. modern e.-etcsrt office. aV IIU Ml Phone Douglas 64T. " , i, .. , l. , L -j REAL ESTATE 1X3 II EXCHANGE Small Ranch For Sale or Trade acres In Hooker county, four mile from . mil road town, lis a 4-room house, barn, cattle shed, well and wind mill. One-half of this ranch good far-n land, balance Rood pasture. Will take one-half or more. In good City property. Price tl-5 per acre. 0 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Farnara St. ; TELEPHONE TYLER 10C4. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly improved farm of iftj acres Laud all ls floe and Is excelieul soil Will exchange for good OmaUa resideuca C. R. COMBS. IIS Brandels Theater. Omaha, Neb, Douglas gnc. FOR tXCllANGK-A fine stock aiid grain farm of 425 acres at onlv tnC ner re, well improved, clone to town for a Kood stock of merchandise In most any nnc. income property or small farm from UO.OrtO to f 11,000: cash, balance Arm, w4tt 1 U ,tA C. K. Logan, Konxvllle, la. o REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 4-Acre Tracts . Richland Acres Out Benson Way Adjoining Keystone Park on the north vest, for sale on our easy payment plan, line, rich, smooth land; some In alfalfa and original prairie; several pieces have running water. Nothing to compare with It near Omaha at the prices. Over 25 good homcb nearby. Prices t00 to t50 an acre. HASTINGS & IIETDEN, 1614 Harney.-o REAIj ESTATE NORTH SIDE PAY tM.M AND MOVE INTO A HOME or lutu ovt i. I have a new S-room. all modern bunga low, located on a naved slreet In north part of city, that the above named first payment will secure. This house ha principal rooms In oak and la closo to car line, churches and School. 'If you want to Inspect this house telephone me today and I v. Ill arrange to senu a car tor you. E. P. WRIGHT, fall Douglas In daytime. Evenings after 6:30, call Walnut &!. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE HANSOOM PARK KNAP. J2.IK0. On South Jth street, one block from east sldo car. a well built 9-room house.. and tho owner Is going to sell it regard less of what It's worth. Can show you Monday or any time convenient to you. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1761. x Ware Block. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS L-o-t-s $350.00 to $1,000.00 I.lth and Spencer f?ts. 30th and Larlmore. 42d and Dewey. 25th and Hnrague. Wth and Taylor. l!Uh and . Mandcrson. 45th and Grant. 16th and Hall Ave. ;.Wh and Taylor. "' 41st and Dodge. 4-'d and rarnam bt. American Security Ca Doug. 5013 or Har, 2615 or Wat. 3037. DON'T LIVE ANOTHER MONTH IN A 1 RENTED MOUSE. PAY taaw CASH AND MOVB INTO one of the best locations and most beau tiful, new, all modern, 6-room bungalowi in Omaha. This house only 1V4 block from car line. T AI.SO HAVE A s-ROOM AND A 7-ROOM HOUSE IN THE SAME LO CALITY. UPON WHICH I WILL MAKE SIMILAR TERMS. Be sura to phone me about any of these houses' toi . y and I will arrange to take you to see any on ot them when convenient, E. P. WRIGHT. Phone Douglas 2926 todsy. Evenings after 6:30 p. in., call Walnut 62. Have You $200 or a Vacant Lot? , aa first payment on a dandy B-room cottage? Hot water heat and modern, at 4j17 N. 39lh : balance like paying rent. C. M. EATON, 1108 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug I'M- Evenings. Webster 4319. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT Two-story building and lot, 66x133; trackuge available; very easily converted for wholefsle purpoites or for downtown garage. Price only 115,000. A small pay ment will liundle it. V. (f. carlberu, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. Investment The owner of 3 new double houses will consider taking: good vacant proiwrty aa part payment on them. They will show an Income of t2,7uO per year. Owner, Har. 346S. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Paidt-c. $500 Down Buys Dundee Homes Wc aie offering for sale two well built, well located 7-room new homes in lun ui on a email pajinent down of fjix), I no Uuhtii'je about Hi same as rent. 'I'lieric houses have a large living room, .ll.,l..i n.i.ii kll.-hen oantrv .nil frnut 'and rear vestibules on the first floor; I three luige bedrooms, bath end sleeping ! porch or sun uarior on tho aticond story, li'lio rooms are all nicely arranged, large (in size and are all decoraud. lha fi.st I floor is finished n solid oak. excepting kitchen; t These ho aiso ma uuvri vn teonj aiory. uses have first-class plumbing and heating, have beautiful lighting f.x tures, shades hung for all windows, and sre ready to occupy any time. Only two blocks from car line. Tne prices of these homes are about 3500 less than you will be able to buy the same class of homes for when the selling season opens. It will pay you to invvstlgate these at once. Hastings & Heyden 1614 UARNEY STREET. Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. Jan IL DRY GOODS 'ottou goods wera steady and firmer. Mens wear agents wre unable to Bains prices for fall, owing to unosrtainty la the wool markets. Further large orders were received for war purpose. Evaporated Apples aad Dries) rralts NKW YORK. Jan. 31. EVAPORATED APPI.KS-.Oult t. DP.1KD KRUITB-Prune. sUady.' Apri cot and peachea, firm but inactive. Rat i sins, dull. ... OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Most Kind! of Cattle Fairly Actire and Steady to Strong Sheep and Lambi Actire. HOGS A BIO FIVE CENTS LOWER SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 21, 191J. Receipt were: Official Monday .... Offlc'al Tuesday .... Official Wednesday Intimate Thursday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 3.3H 3.4 6.M0 ... 6.2M a.1 f.4"S ,.. 4 974 11.302 .7:4 ,.. S.000 H.1) t.000 Four days" totals.. Same days last week fame i weeks aso.... Same S weeks ago.... Same 4 Week ..m.rKn ..JO, 472 ..M.fflS ..1S.W9 ."v.'.7;i 40.;.. !i44 M.S-iO f..M7 .U.S. '7 .. S.771 41,1 Same days last year...is,7 4J.i.i 49.S41 The following tahlt shows the tecelpt of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Booth Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with ist year: 1M.V mi. Ine. Dec. Csttle o,04 ii.!S9 1,714 Hogs IrtO.WS 1H7.KT.1 .7S sheep IM.yft 1S7.5S9 The folIrfWlnir tahlo ttrnwi the average PrVe for hogs at the biuth Omaha live stock market for the last few day, with comparisons: fate, i i;ii5. ; mi 4 .inia.nia.nm.(no.iiw. Jan. .. 7 02s Jan. 6 .1 7 oas Jan. 7.. I 7 (d )n. t..i s 7 88 T r, 1 M 7 Mi 7 71 B 47! 65 7 IS 17 7 Hoi f 78 7 11 t 1 I M i W 7 14 i 19 I I 4Ji I Jsn. o 01 T 161 t 7 7I llSJ Jsn. 10.1 I 061 T 241 tCl 7 K! Jan. 11.) 70-HI T U I 1H 1 7 Jan. 12.1 n 7o i a nil 1 1 i; t thi 2.x K PI Jan. 13. t3 7 Ml 7 02 06 7 731 t i Jan. 14. .1 . 01 7 ( I 7 W t T Jan. 16. 6 67i Ml 7 Hi IR t 431 7 Jan. 16. riU 071 7 151 6 13! 7 t I t 14 7 26) 0S 7 72 t 47) i 7 2ii! 0 041 7 7s 8 44 t ! 7 2Sl 08' 7 S4 I Dl 8 2S I 6 9o 7 6S S 31) 8 211 7 J7 7 7( s 871 M 6 06 0s 0.1 o 07 Jan. if. I Jan. 18.1 I 74V Jan. 19 I Its. Jan. 20. t 63 n. a. t W'j Uunday. Receipts and dlanosltlnn of live stock st the Union fctoek Yards, South Omaha, lor the twenty-four hours ending- at J p. m, yesterday lUfcC t,l PTS-CA RLOTS. Cattle. Uoas.Hheeu. Il l's C, M. ft St. P 7 S .. , .. Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 4 inion raclfio .... 8 ai x C. & N. W., eaet.... 8 7 2.. C. A N. W., west.. i 3 C.j St. P., M. A O. . 15 12 C, B. ft g., east.... .. C, B. ft Q., west., tl 81 3 ' .. :., R. 1. A P., east '6 t C. R. I. & P., west 2 1 Illinois Central .... 1,4 Chicago Ut West,.. 3 4 Total receipts... 122 147 22 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. 8hee;. Morris ft Co 424 871 1,194 Swift ft Co 660 1,279 1.423 Cudahy Packing- Co.... 647 1,249 2.230 Armour ft Co 444 l.iox 1,1 Sen warts ft Co lt .... J. W. Murphy 2l Lincoln Packing- Co.... 20 W. B. Vansant Co 36 Benton, Vansant ft Lush 162 Hill & Son o0 .... .... F. B. Iewls ' Mi J. B. Root ft Co WN J. If. Bulla 14 Rosenstock Bros 65 .... .... F. (i. Kellogg v 12 Werthelmor ft Degen.. 222 H. F. Hamilton 4 Sullivan Bros 16 Lehmer Bros in .... Mo. ft Kansas Calf Co. W3 Hlggina 6 Hutman 19 .... .... Roth 2 Meyers 7 Ulaaaberg- 14 , Baker, Jones ft Smith.. 48 Tanner Bros 64 John Harvey M Dennis ft Francis 29 .... .... Other buyers 217 60 .... Totals 3,413 t.450 6.092 CATTLE Receipts for a Thurday wera ouue liberal, 3,000 head being reported in the yarus. This bilngs me total lor the four day up to 16,633 head, a smaller 'run than one and two weeks ago, but larger than three and four weeks ago. As com k a red with a year ago thcro is a fall ing off of about 3.400 head. There waa a heavy fall of snow during the greater part of Oie morning, which made cattle, less attractive In appearance, but in a, ite ot, that fact bbyers were out in the yards early and all seemed to want a fair number of killers. As a result beef steers moved quite freely at prices that were fully steady to possblly strong. Die light beeves showed more strength and activity than the heavyweights. Cows and heifers were very fair sellers at steady to strong r rices and the most of the offerings changed hand in good season In the morning. Good feeders were steady, but light stock cattle were slow and more or less neglected. Quotation en rattle; Good to choice cornfed beeves, s.0u38.40; 'lr to good corated beeves, t6.t04y7.60; good to choice heifers, t6.00fc7.lt; good to cholo cows, t8.7t66f); fair to good cows. t0W.69; common to fair cows. t4.00o.00: good to choice stocker ana feeaers, i.ob.i'; fair to ood gtocker and feeders. I6.50W 7.00: common to fsir atocker and feed er, 3S.7&44.M; stocH heifer, t5.2565.7r; stock coas, t4.7ot(6 00: stock calve, 6.0u$ &.00; veal calve, 37.509-00; bulls, (tags, etc.. 35.00 6.74. BEEF STEERS. A. Pr. Vo. A. Pr. ....1t 7 U ISM T tt ....IOiH T 09 19 133 I M ....1200 f 3S 1347 7 7 ....U41 t 4 1 T STEERS ft HEIFER. .... MT I W T 5 ., ,...1M 7 to i .1061 7 30 COWa. .... M 16 10 t ,...iiw I it to4 t n .... W( IU 14 llfl I M .... (SO i it t tftt ( 16 ....lilt i K 7 II" 1 1154. I M 14 1177 S IV ,...1.W t ki I HI H E1FEH5 .... 77 I U lSOt 40 .... tit 00 I HO 74 .... t 14 ! 1 00 ,....101 tt 4U 7 to ualv a.e. .... m k 3 .... " ws in i h to I IA Si 8ToK.RB ft. FEU.il ail. J. r 40 I J H K7 ( ta ti U'lil 7 U H. U w 40 n j i 3 3 It 8 II 3 f 3 i 3 16 4 HOGS A rather moderate Thurday supply showed up today, something Ilk 142 cars, or 8. WO head being reoelved. The otal for the week to data is 32.733 head, a shortage of t.000 head, aa compared with last week, and nearly 11,004 smaller than a year ago. Whipping orders war vary large this morning, and the market opened with shippers buying freely at prices that were mostly 5c lower, although an occasional load was guoted as steady. Ttja ship ping trade kept up until nearly all the best lious, amounting to over half of the .receipts, hud been sold. Packers made their early bios a ni aime lower, ami al though sellers waited until well along to war da noon these. Ilgnres failed to Im prove very much, so that In the end the killing droves, which consisted lsrgely ot the commoner end ot the supply, were bought at prices that wera mostly a dune lower than yesterday. Shipping trade waa lively, but the diagy tendency to the killer market made It luKi before any sort of a clearance- waa made. With over halt the receipt rolng to hlppurt at price that were less than 5c off, and the packer uroves hardly a dime lower, the avoraue market Is just a big nickel below yesterday. Bulk of the ship ping purchases were made around 36 60. while packers bought theirs at 36.451j.5., the long end going at 36.60, so that the bulk of all the sale can be quoted aa t6.s(44.6l), with tops at 36.65. Current prices sre about 2oc lower than Monday, that being the amount of the decline for the last three days, and are the lowest Ince the early part of 1312. Representative sale; X. m... H... 14... M .. 47... M... 71... Av. IS. Pr. Ko. M... 7... 44... 11... 7i... Av, 8b. Pr. ..Mi M U ..247 ... 4 1 ..17 ... 60 ..3J4 ... tsi'li ..;! ... ts . li 4 WS ... i IU ... too 44 it ...-11 ... 4 to ...trt too M ...214 ... Ml ,..-m 40 tin t till 11 t'lUB. H ..II ... t 71 t ta ...111 .11 aiiEEP KelDt were moderate again today, airiounting to only &.0o0 head com pared wtlb. 10.IM2 a wek ago, ll,:r two arwd with 10oi a week ago, II. Km tun makes for the week to date In the neigh borhood of If.! tiead against 61,793 for the same days last wek and 61.8s a year ago. The general auitllty of the offerings showed no material 1 hangs from the last tw days, though there were no lambs br a gooo as loos at 38.40 yesterday Th proportion of ewes wss a itlc larger. As on most days of the week under tho Infliience of a light supply the market opened In go.'d season and there was a better tone to the trade. Most of the early Sales of ewes and lambs were at least steady to strong, with trade acll, but later In the forenoon the packer buy ers did not seem so anxious for any of the Mller still unsold and as a ronse ouence trade on both sheep and lambs closed no better than tealy. A 'arse share of the lamb moved around S.Jfii So, with unite a few fed westerns at and a deck going at s.5. The bulk of the ewe suler was nmun at $o.tfra.7u. Ther were no wethers or yearlings avail able and no feeders to sneak of. owing to the light auppW this week prices ave shown an advance. Yester day and today the bulk of the lambs sold at r'.ot!.1. compared with $7.Sa at the -loj of last week. The bulk of the ewes aro now selllnp at tt.lMJ i.76, against $n. Wi'iiVa:. at last week's close. Quotations en sheep and lambs: 1mbs. (rood to choice, J.i.irMiS.W; lambs, fair to good, ts OOfs.S'i: lambs. l. up, S7.AV!f H.On. lambs, shearing. 7.ii.vici.; yearllnss, light, I7.00sr7.3o; yearlings, heavy, .7.v 7.00; wethei-s, good to choice, W 00C.aj; wethers, fair to good. t5.TMrt.uO; ewes, good to choice, t&.to&v-tiO: ewes, fair to good, tS-OOffiVKv Representative sales; No. 1 Av. Pr. 7st fed lambs 84 8 30 119 fed lambs , H 8 Si 216 fed lambs... ,.. 77 8 30 IS:! fed lambs ' 8 3t) 111 fed lambs 76 8 ! 2(l f d lambs 80 8 X5 l. fed ewes 110 6 75 4 fed lambs 78 8 W tif fed Ismbs 81 R no fed lamb 76 8 40 48 fed lamb 70 8 25 76 fed lamb 84 8 !W 140 fed lambs 84 30 21 lambs .' 91 3 00 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hob Weak !heep Steady. CHICAGO, Jan. 21. CATTLTC Receipts, VOiiO head; market steady; native steers. t5.5tt9.gi; western. S5.0Ott7.50; cows and heifers, 33 ?i(ii6.00; calves. 37. 2.V& 10.60. HOGS Receipts, 46.000 head; market weak. 610o lower: hulk. 36 6.Vn6.7rl: lltbt t6.46trt.85: mixed, t6.4M6.80; heavy. 36. 6.0; rough, t. 266.40; plgo, 3S.2.Virt.80. CHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 17,000 heai; -market steady; sheep. 35.75S.00; yearlings, f.70i7.76; lambs, tj .009fl.es. Kansas City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. SI. CATTLE Re ceipts, s.ow head; market steady; prime fed stenra, tS.5n,i0.2o ; dressed beef ateera. i.wm.m: western steers. M.9OWA.&0: stock crs and feeders. t6.0utu;.25; bulls, t5.6eu.75; eaives, t.w!j iu.mi. HOGS Receipt, 8,300 head: market lower; bulk of sales. 38,Ofr.76: heavy. 36.70W682I4; packers and butchers, : light. 36.60fu6.80: Piss. 36. 2516.60. SHEEP AND LA M Bi4 Receipt s, ,V neaa: market nigner; lambs, "?r.(0; yearllnnsv Se.fiOnj'T.tO; wetherff, 36.0utj6.60; ewes, .mVV.IX. t. I.oal Live Stork Market. KT IllllS tan l PiTTt.B H...M. 3.500 head: market steady; native beef steers, 37.60itj9.50; cows and heifers. 35 OOftji 9.W. slockers and feeders. 3V36fa7.26: southern steers, 5.7f(67.6n; cows and heif ers, .iri'(Mi.w; native calves, 36.003 10.60. HOGS-Receipts, 8.6t)o head; market lower; pigs and Ights. 6.0oi7.7S: mlxel and butchers, 36.70(trt.90; good heavy, 36.U5 ti6.9S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.600 hend. Market steady. Native muttons. 3I.7.V.75.75; lambs. 3J!.25.S0; yearlings, 37.25 101.1. Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX .CITY, la., Jan. 31. CATTLE Receipt, 1,000 head: market 10c lower native steers, 36.60Ar7.76; butcher, 36.60& 7.60: cow and heifers, 34.70Si6.lO; canners 14.uug6.00; etorkers and feeders, t5.7!tf i.uu; caivcs, w.was.w, buns, stag-, etc t-,.25W5.s3. 1 1 1 II tl.Mlnla R KiVk K M..I..I steady; heavy, s'.6osi!.65; mixed, t6.57iUi n.w; light, D.o0ti.i.(4, bulk of sales, tft.i'iVrtH.m. b'HliEP AND LAMB-Recelpts. t.000 head; market higher; ewe. t3.60rgb.0U lambs. t7.00T7.75. t. Joseph LIt erltoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 31, CATTLE Re ceipts, 2. Hon head; market dull and lower steer, 37.0fr9f.O0; cows ond heftera. 8400 ? 60; calves, t6.OCKu.10 00. ...... HOOj Receipts, 9.5uu head; market lower: top. b.70; bulk, 6.au(ri6.w. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 3,800 head; market lower; lambs, 37.7608.60. Nesr York Geaeral Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21.-sSUGAR-Th market for futures opened 1 point higher to 4 lolnta lower. Trader generally were inclined to he cautious, ss the market 1 being dominated by the weather in Cuba Prices at midday were unchanged from the opening and sales were 160 tons. Tha spot market -was steady; centrifugal, iL9Kc: mo asses. 3.31c. Rs.lnod steady. BUTTER Steady; receipts, t,T!f tubs; creamery extras, 92 score, 8:a324: creamery, firsts, 30jt31Hc; seconds. 27(9 29r; ladle, current make, firsts. 234t234c; seconds, 224c; packing stock, current make No. 2, 20410210. C'HBEWE Strong; receipts. 3,785 boxes; tale whole milk, held spectala, 16ft16i4ei aversgo lancy. Ki4(il61)io; fresh specials. lrVtyl5c; uveiaKe fancy, 144;&W.c; skim, 2c?ll4c. EGGS Steady; receipt. 8,633 case: state. Pennsylvania nd aearby hennery whltos, fine to fancy, 424Vt3o; atherad whites, 37j 42c; hennery browns, usifiOc; gathered browns and mixed colors, 8 POULTRY Live, weak; wetern chick ens. 24tt3c; fowls, 1615'ie; turkeys. 13 ile. Dressed, dull and weaker; western roasting chickens, ino-tic; rresn. towis. I3i6itc; turkey. IKS 33c. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. JAN. 19.-PRAIRIB HAT Choice uplsnd. tll.axfr'U.W: No. 1. 8106rr 11.00: No. 3, tSl.VK'.t 10 00; No. 3, ti.OrKH.OO. Choice mldlsnd, tiO.sn'aU.Ou; No. 1. 1 10.0031 10.50; No. 2, 8Ail.0; No. 8. 6.&t.0ii. Choice lowlsnrt, 39.r.W: No. 1. 18 toy t.00; No. 3, 37.6O04l.uO; No, 3. tf.OXtJT.OO. STRAW None on the msrketl choice wheat Is quotable at td.OO&C.MI; choice oat or rye, 36.ixkb.60. ALFALFA Fifteen oars on the market, mostly inferior grades. Following is tha range: Choice pea green, fine stem and efv, third and fourth cutting. 3'lOU'f 13.60; No. 1, 3l2 60aUOO; No. 2, li.O04fl3.0O; No. 3, m.OUO U.UO. Mlaneapolls Grata Market. Msy. 31.37St(1.571,i asked; July. 3l-3R l.afi bid: no. i nara. i.4i"4; no. y port 11 em, I1.35V9L40T, No. i northern, tl-324 Ji . . FIjOI R Market anvanceo: raticy patent-. 17. 111; first clears, 3636; aecond clears, 34. i. 11 A Itl.luT 'fVliM-. RYE-tl.lfi'.VUl.n. BRAN W 60. CORN No. 3 yellow. le,fti7U.aC. OATSNo. 3 while, ilV61c. FLAX-1. 6931.91. Kansas City tirala aaal Prrtaina. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 31.-WH F.AT No. 3 hard. II .'!. 39; No. 3 red, II . Jtj l.f4; May. l "t Juiy. r.j'.. i'ORN No. 2 mixed. 74flC4V: No. 3 white. 77c; May, 7Vc; July, 7Ba79c. OATS No. 2 wlille, MtiulWc; No. mixed. 6l',s)t524e. . . MLTTKHCreamery. Kc ; first, 31c; seconds, 28c; packing, 20c. F.tH 8 First : i-ic; seconds, ilc. Pol 'LTRY Hens, 13c; roosters, ItHic; turkeys, 13(7, bt. Loo' Grain Marked. BT. 1I'IS, Jan. 81 WHEAT No. S rsd. tl 41.434: K. hard, 1.4r1.44; May. tl.itK-,; July, tl CORN-No. 3. 734cr74c; No. 3 whit, 7 76V: May, (04c: July,' 8040. OATS-No. 3, 65c; No. 3 white, 65V Jic 4'ottoai Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 81. COTTON Spot, steady: middling upland. 1.70c. Sales. I.3U) bale. Cotton futures closed steady: January, 3.67o; March, k.poi May, .u'; July, sac; August. 5Sc; October, .46c; December, I 6ac, LIVERPOOL Jan. II. (TITTON-Spot, stssdy; good middling. 6.46d; middling, t.ltd: low middling. 4.swii sales, 6,000 bales. The market closed steady at a net gain of from 4f' points. 1 W eel Market. I5NDON. Jan. 31. WOOL The offer ings at the wool auction salts today amounted to t.VOu bales, mostly merinos. The demand waa strong and West Aus tralian and New outh Wales gneasy sold at la 2d and New South Wales scoured at 3s 24d. Americans secured a few lot of tit best grade of greaay. Cross breds were In small supply and strong prices gsuerally wera In favor of seller. 4.rtIN AMI I'Btlllt ( K MMIhKT Hear Are firatwl When Omaha W heat Market Jamna I pi. OMAHA. Jsn. 21. 1915. The bears In wheat-speculator s who n ads up their minds thst prices would fall much lower and that there was a general absence ot recutwratlve power received en awful drubbing at tne hands of the bulla yeoterday. The bears sold the May lutiirc now 11 from 31 to 1K7". and when the market wai swing ing between tl3AiiV1 3H some of the esrly sellers attempted to cover their short and the wheat not to be had unless much higher prices were paid for It. I'noer these conditions there wss a qukk Jump from 11.40 to 31.43. A leading grain man ot Minneapolis reiorte.. tho Parlilo onsst as still buying wheat In North Dakota and ping more for It than Minneapolis and ouluih cash hsndlers felt they could afford to pay. The hoc news was bearish and tho pro visions market was depressed bv these conditions. There wan some selling of the. list rarly on the weakne in wgeat, but the early sellers were buyers Iste. Packers put out aome hedge at oiistt.lc prices. The cash trade was reported ss Ut.let. The run of ho waa liberal at leading renter, as well as at Interior points and a continued free movement Is looked for. Wheat was t'WIoC higher. Corn was il4a Pinner, tiats were V' hlfiher. r-L..Mn.- were: Wheat and flour enual to 1.360.O00 bushels; corn, W.000 bushels; oats, 140.000 bushels. ,... 1 l.i.rnn.,1 . nMi Wim CO Til 'V II IllKllT-i. iim.rv he.t recelnts were iO.000 bushels, and shlpmen's. TTl.OtW hushela. against reoelpts of nusneis rii hipments of a.s.iw ouneis ii Prim corn receinta were l.ihl.no bushels, and shipments 816.000 liusbeis, against receipts of l.tCO.OOO bushels, and shipments ot 7l,ww misneia isi ti ... rir n,li recelnts were 8.1 bushels, and shipments R4300O bushels, against receipts of 687.0fiO bushels and shipment of nusneis iji ' Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 67 6S9 163 Minneapolis Duluth ;:43 39 26 4 M Omaha Kansas City St. lxmls ... Ii4 tilt WltMilirel 7 c a. .Annrti.it torlnv : Wheat No b.rri winter: 1 car. 11.38: 1 car. 11.37; 1 car, tl.37H. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car. 31.38H; IH cars, $1.37. No. 8 spring: I 1 car $14. Hye-No. 2: l- car. tl.li. No. 3: lH ear, si.i.r. oariry -in car. 68c: x car. oaia ini. .7" -J , V. . No. 3 white: a cars. ..i-c. o-.." 3 cars. 78c; t car. 72Hc; 1 car. .i-. n 4 white: 1 ear, in1". io. s wmve. 73c. No. 3 yellow: I cars, 71c,. No. 3 yellow: 1 car. TOV; 15 cars, 70e No. i yellow. 4 cars, 6c. No, t yellow: 1 ear 70c. No. i mixed: i cars, near white. 73c; 1 car, 70c. No. 3 mixed: 7 oara. near white. 72c; 1 car. 714c; 2 cars. near white, (O-sjct cere. " '. 69Vc. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, wc, co. mixed: 1 -r, nesr wnm-. fiMHc. No. mixed; i car. ;-c; i .a. i I lata No. Z: 1 Car. (Wc. rimiuai... hard? 31.33r8i1.364'. No- s Prlng. V.?1 139V No 8 durum. tl.604il.51; No. 3 durum. 3l.4941il.60. C orn: No. 1 white, 7341j'73c: No. 2 white, 7:tirtJ--o; No. 8 -"Mi. ..': -, . ?.,..' m White. Tavtrijise; no. in". im 5 White, TlS.tre; No. white. 71471c; No. 1 yellow. 70ffl71'ae; No. 3 yellow, 1(14 171c; No. 3 yellow. 69Mci70'4c: No. 4 yel low. 69Vi4r70c; No. 8 yellow, 69i70c; No. yellow. 6srrjW.l4: No. 1 No. 3 mixed, CHHtfoV: No. 3 mixed. 9',r aox... Mr. a tnlxnil. 6ufi694c: No. 6 mixed. 94iti'4c; No. mixed, 6Vriti9c. Dsts: No. 3 Whit, DJ'BluJ'i; aianuaiu, Ttt!" '". 3 wnlte. 62'-4iC24c; No. 4 while, r,l2.-. Barley: Malting. 7r!i73c; No. 1 feed, 6l 6. Ryo: No. 5. 31.144'Llfi; No. 3. tl.H4 1.13. CHICAGO GKAIJt AND rMOVlSIOftS Featare of the Trading; sil Cloalagt Palm on Board of Trade, ritirion Jan. 21. Tenacioua holding bv farmers had a good deal to-do today with making wheat bring the highest war price yet-tl.4fH. a rise of 74 a bushol compared with yesterday lowest i-.,.i Tnn.Vi advance, however, wa not well maintained, the market closing; unsettled at the same a last nigni 10 tnnj w up. Corn scored a net gain of Vio to 4o and oata e. Provisions had an Irregular finish, varying- front 34c decline to 74 advance. ... According to a lea rl Ins: authority, fann ers were looking for higher price and could are no spec'sl Incentive to sell any more wheat than was necessary. Numerouseorrespondents In Missouri wer ouoted as saying that srrowers lit that state were nut selling; at all and that Missouri has the male, farm reserve In twenty years. . , Absence of any great export business seemed to bo chlofly responsible for the fact that the wheat market underwent a eerie- of backward wings after reach ing a new high record. Other deitllnga too lacked volume, and despite the violent changes In price, trading wss conducted with but little appesience of excitement. Although there waa considerable sell ing f rmn as the result of the setback In wheat, the buying power was amply sufficient to absorb the otierlngs. Ex porters were aald to be actively buying corn at the seaboard as well as here and In Omaha. There was strong evidence of foreign buying ot oats. Kstlmutes on. the Argentine exportable surplus ot oats Were reduced. Provisions at first declined to sympthy with a break in hog value. 1-aler, how. aver, the tendency was upward owing to tbe strength or corn. Leading grain quotations were: - Artlclel Open. I High. I Iw. Close.JTes y. car. 63e. No. 3 wime: i rn. 4 white: 1 car, 62c Sample: 1 car, 614c. Omaha Caen Prices-Wheat: No. 3 hard, i l- N'n 3 hard. 3l.36nl.Ji; No. 4 . K. Wheat . T May. 1 n) July. 1 25V Corn May. T1V July. 7941 Data May. . Mi July. 64 Pork Jan.. May. 13 374 Lard I May. 10 73 I Ribs I May. 10 30 I July. 10 60 I I 1 3S 1 24 79s' 1 4t'i 1 43. 1 1 264! 1 2541 1 25. 7H 7941 s3Ti! th 1 Ti 8VS( S4' 64S 664 634 63S It 8241 IS 35 It 8241 16 95 I 19 06 18 90 10 T5 13 374 10 374 10 674! 18 974 I HI 374i 10 30 I 10 624! 10 47H 10 3n 1 10 10 6241 ! Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red, $t.42VsT.44?a: No- S hprd, 31.42'.C 1444. Torn: No. 4 yellow, 7l73o; No. 4 white, 71ifjr73ti. Oats: No. 8 while. t244'fi534c- No. 4 white, biWMA R. No. 2. 11.21V31.23. Rarley, 72'iiie Seeds. Timothy, 6.goi.(7.50, clover. tl2.501ji6.0o. Provisions: Pork, tl.8i4t317.324; lard, 110.674. ribs, 33.2ftf 10124- BUTTER Steady; creameries, 3430c. EGGS Unsettled ; receipts 3.661 rases: at mark, usees Included, 2Mr.il 4,e; ordl asry firsts, 2ti31c; firsts, 21iii314c. POTATOES-Higher; Michigan and Wisconsin, red, S.vd4rtc; white, .'Lyo-loc. POULTRY-Allv lower; prlngs, 134c; fowl, 13c. Coffee Market. NKW YORK. Jan. tl.-OOFFKE The market waa more active today, snd sftor opening unchanged . to 1 -point higher" prices soi'i up raiiier snsrpiy in tne laie trading, with the close from fnMr, points net higher. Reports that scarcity of rreight rales migbi inienete will) impor tations of roffte from Braxll. talk of a good demand from Ktiroiro In the primary markets aim tinner cctt and r re tail t of fers, with some shippers chantllng their offers fPom prompt to February or March shipment, appeared to bo the factors on the advance. Hales. 22.0ut) bags; January, t.llw; February. 6 23c; March, S3-; Arril, 6.42c; May 6.40c: June. 6.4-'c; July, 7.37c; August, 7 c; nepiember, 7.nc: October, 7.6lc: November. 7.67c; December. 7.74c. Stut, firm; Itiu No. 7. 7tc; Santo No. 4. 4c. Tlie Rio ami Santo market both were unchanged. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 21 METALS Tin, rirm; rive-ion 101s, j.n.iAyij.H s; twenty five-ton lot, 334.6ori3.3S. Copper, firm electrolytic, 114.001 14.26; easting, 137ff 14.U0. Iron, uulet and unchanged. At lxndon: Spot copper. 61 17 d; fu tures, tti. Spot tin, 158; futures, 150 15s. Liverpool lira la Market. LIVEliPOOL. Jan. 2I.-WH KAT-..0. 1 Manitoba, tils 4d; No. . hard wltitrr, lis SM1 r uiurcs nominal t'ORN Si-t-t Anirrican mixed,' new. 4d; old. 7s luVjd, February, 7s 4',d. March, is D'). talk Isartaas. OMAHA. Jan. 31 Bank rlearln f.t.- Omaha today were t2Ji.74:.4T and for th corresiHitidiug day last year H, 1.4. 501. 27, NEW YORKjTOCK MARKET Fourth Consecutjre AdTrlce of the Present Week ii Re corded. BUSINESS SLIGHTLY LARGER NFW YORK. Jsn. 31-Stok had their fourth consecutive advance of the week tortav, drspltn persistent profit-taking In standard shares snd furlhrr professional manipulation In secondary issues, busi ness was slightly larger than on Tuesday, when there was established a nign recorn for volume of dealings rtneathe reopening of the exchsnge. tX even grester tmnoi"- innce wss the steauy gain-in open nmn transactions, these being far the lrgl of any day In the period named. Missouri Pacific a Increasing activity ax higher prices was again noteworthy. An other feature whs the broad Inquiry for varlotiMi low -priced railway Issues, ss wen ss Industrials. Free sbsorptlon of high grade Industrisls snd utilities on a rising level wss also an Interesting development ot the day. Activity slackened sppreciaoiy in m late trail In and Missouri Pacific shares. aa well as the convertible 6s snd 4s. weak ened In connection with rumors tnai ne Gould Interests would fight against loss of the property s control. I he rest oi mo. list ensed nfr iractinnallv. hut made vlgorl nm rftcnverv Itmt be tore tne elope on heavy buying of Union Pacific. Pennsyl vania, the Harrlmana and Anthracite shares, all of which then registered best prices of the dsy. Monetary condition were virtually un changed so far aa open rates wero con cerned, but many loan were made under prevailing quotations, eight months money being offered at 3H per cant. Copper metal made another advance, but this favorable fact wa not reflected to any material extent It the metal shares. Ixrndon's business In Americans waa the largest since the reopening of that mar-, ket, bank clearings at that center show ing marked Increase. . Bonds In general advanced rrroportlon atelv with stocks. Missouri Pectfto Issues being tha onlv exception. Total sales, par value, 34.040.000. United States ts de clined. t per cant, but other Issue were higher. . .. Number of sale and leading Quotations on stocks were aa follows: Ple. HISS. wew. "T; Alaika (Vnll Arnalaamat"- Oprr Amerlian Pest Sugar. 2 70i J'k H (CO H I7H 7S .Ton ,8H M w I o ate si i" t,n S4 sss MV. ns 4tl 102a IM American t'na Aniertr.n P.. A H Am. S. n. pro Am. Pusar Hstlnlns... Atierlr.n Tel. T.I. Am.rlvita Tobsct-o .... Anaeonita Mlolng .... I.SM J7 1" l.io 1514 lHt "4 1 am ?sx 1H j'mn r.H ' ? Al.hlrms Raltlmor a Chin PrnoHrw Raold Tr.... t. tm 14 nn MH MH ins ls 1'4 " l.tms 1ST m C US f,,P10 4614 4 MS ' 1 1 V-' Cllfiirnls I'.irol.um . ('nadl.n Panlflo (Antral tMllWr -bMMMl A Ohio... ..1. . 11 w- til.-.s. M. ft t. P.... ." Pt an lua 134V4 in rhiraso a w (hi no IVpner rnlorsrto Ftisl Iron.... ( olorano A Bauthera..., t.JnO U 4 4 too 14 S 24 H IkMirer Hie Oraaiis,.., 40 7 t.tno 114 iff) 11 11 84.I" 3t SOS 14 1U Mi 1H 14 144 panirsr ft R. H. r-0. .. Pl.tlll.ni' Herarltlss ... Kris ileum I Electiio lrt Norilrern pt I eon UTta HSU, lit flr.il No. Or etm llisno sua ait a'4 ' 1.100 MVt 14 24 4j 'iiii '" ao IS U 1 (lucsenh.im uplorsnoa. Ill India Central Interhoertustl Mat., pfs. Intrutlon uoppar International Harreatsr. Kanaaa ntr PonllMrs... Ihixh Valley tAitilavtll Nashvlll. Mtxlcan Patrol. um Miami dapper Mlasourt. K. T Mlaaaliirl paclflo National Biscuit Nallsnal lait Nrala fpsr ......... Nsw York (antral V. Y.. N. H. aV H Norfolk Weatrs NDrtnarn Psclflo Parttlo Mall Pannaylvsnta Pullmaa Palse Car.... .Par i. Copper Massing V-'.- Kapubllo I mm Vtssl. Rotk Ialsi4 Ts ierk lalssd C. ste.... t. Ia U P. K. sd pf4.. Pouthsrn Psclflo Southern Railway TmnaaaM OOP' Tas rmmpasr t'slen Psoino I'sloB l-arlflo pM tisll4 rilalas Ktsel..... IV . Htaal pfd t'uh Ooppsr Wabash pfd Waatarn llnlSS i 4 l.ano jj H4 V i.pro ! 114 l arts 130 Y-v iir , 'l too US , 4,711 US 14 1SV4 11V4 114 14 14 1374 I" ..... 44 134 1W 4 W 70 my are ia4 4.o H CO M 1AA IM 10H 1BH lien 10641 104H 14 PM xi 4 ('10 10H ien 104 no 116 IM 144 1,00 17H 174 1T4 Sl,pt0 1B04 1H' 00 114 4 314 . mo ij too lt.srfl l.ono 1 1,P 4 4 IS 1 1H 344 1 4 HIS 7 81V n. 174 114 Mia IIU 414 20ft l4St I" TT.v i:4 111 ui 100 It 81 It. 100 4 4 i' I.PM 10 1 loi4 10,401 ttf MVi 6 ton 14 4 l.jor) MS , "ii Weatlsshouae Klsrtrto 13 I 73 Total sales tor ,h . sharsa vark Msstr Market NKW YORK, Jan. 21.-PRIMB MER CANTILE PAPF,R-4C per cent. STERLING WXCHANGE-Stesdy; sixty day bills. 34.33; for oablesj, M MTi; fOP do- "spLVEBi-Bar. 4Sc; Mexican dollar. ''BONDS Government, irregular; rail road, strong. . ... , TIME LOANS Easy; sixty days, 24tf IK per cent; ninety day. Q$ per cent; lx months, 34h34 T-er cent. CALL MONICY-Steady; hichest. 2 per cent; lowest. 14 per cent; ruling rate, 8 per rent; last lean, 3 per cent; closing bid, Vm per rent; offered at 3 per cent. LONDON, Jan. Jl. SILVER Bar, Z24d per once. MONKY-t per rent. DISCOUNT RATK.-4 Short bill. IVUHf, per cant; thie months, 1!'33 per cenL Closing quotations on bond today war aa follows: ' U. g. rsf. s. rsg eoitsoa .... V. 0. a. reg to aaupos V. a. 4, m eitni, rv. CT. aa...,eia. SSSa'.V T. C f. IMjS... l ti N.r. rity tHsiNt.imri .1014 N. Y. Itats 4taa....li4 ,1I4N. Y.. N. H. A H. .11 ct. S li Twins is eoupon. toiwKs. ratilfto 4S V mWm.lt.r. to. ...W 4 .. - to esupoa A TAT. CV. ftp. r"-a o. n. 1, rar. aa.... Anssar 44s.. MVP. T. ft T. Is.... 7 Atoltllon s. ... Wi'Psns. ooa. 4a N 111 ftOhls , 0'4 "eaSISg . 4s P44 rhia ft OSI 1 U . F. r s tow r ft 0 1. 4a.... HIHto. Pso. cv. 4a ii rVMft rl if 4.i"4 A r-f. 4s Ssv It I, ft r. o. aa. as aa a, aa , ai-aj ft . ret 44s-. S44SS. TUIIway Is 1, rt ft It. O. rsi. da- " iintou ravoitio w.,.. . Kri. .in. ts 4 4o sr. 4s l ties. Klsrtrlo to....l4 I. P. Ftubtor ...... Mil, tl, No. 1 4H ""Ht', 101 111 O.S, ri, ...... a..aaM aa,..i... aa K p. if. Vnloa 4Uja.... His I ft N. nl. aa -"I aiw. a., aa.. wti M K. ft T. 1st s.. 74 " ' Iyocal Stewka aa Bvada. n-iMtu,aa rnralahaS tn Sarna Drisksr ft Oa. 44 on.ha Mstloasl bask sulldim Htotka Aakag. n-r ft Co. Pt4 . Fsinsost t--raniary j per sani sn.. 1 IdooIb Pura Vuttar 10 oro.ba ft C B. H ft ... aa ... Ta ... l 4 it M Cm. ha ft C. . Pr..pW. rackarfl mmsr ar piu t piilka tirsts M. It lea ux:k YsrOs. Os.h Artola Park. ta.. School ta 194. Costinsptal Oas ft Ilatuic la (aapar, Wys., Watar aa. JM4 , Cuoalir Parkins Is. to, 1:4 Uuitos Seb , 7 fr ' ssrrasu Kins Co., Wuh , la I I V-.Ti. .JL.a.ant 4U III N 100 4 si . JSt lot , M ! in 4 is 100 104 104.lt II 7 K,rtksMtara lim, K. R. 1st Is, 1M1 in 11 Is 71 Koray aa, liia " 1 rr.h. a r. B, St. nr. to. 12 .tl M (,, grlwol 44. - S.SM.k rnr of Omaha Water 4Sv )U s.H lot VUtr Co.. Nob.. Bch. Of. to. 111.. St to lit. joaapa a., u e r --. f.1 il . Vraurlaus. tat., m, ioi-tau.... w 101 101 swift ft ... .as sa.Ts kchbosr, bsk.. waiar as. i- ss lua ktuuertor. Nab., Watar to, 1IS4 to loo Wieklts t'sloa Uck Yarns as. 114.. M14 to EFFORT TO MOVE WYOMING CAPITAJ- FROM CHEYENNE CHKTENNE, Wyo., Jan. 31. (Bpectal.) -Removal of tha caplUl of Wyomlna- froin Cheynn to om more centrally located point U th purpose ot a bill, H. R. No. 410, which waa introduced in tha legislature today by Representatives Rob ert Grieve and Stephen Tobln of Natrona county. Thl bill provide that tha .ques tion of relocating tha capital shall be submitted to th electoral in 1916; that any town In the atftt may bo a candi date for th) seat of government aad that tha capital shall be raniovas) to tha town receiving a maiorty lof all vote cast on tha removal proposal, provided and (ioe receive a majority. Tha Grlsve-Tobin bill, should It b en acted, will t combatted by Cheyenne on the contention that th capital removal proposal cannot be. suliriiltad by a msre legislative act. but involve arnendmsnt of th constitution of th tat. FRENCH REY1EW TWO MONTHS' FIGHTS Allies Gain Ground at Erery Point Along: We t tern Line Ex cept One. GERMANS WLN AT S0ISS0NS PARIS. Jan. 21. 2:R7 p. m.)-There wax given out this afternoon an official state ment under the caption, "The wr from. November 15 to Jnuary IB." reading as follow: ' ' ; "Since November 15, In other words.' Ince the conclusion of the bttle of Ypres and up to tho complete tesuint' tlon of tha great German offensive niovp--ment against our left wing, the wsr hss taken the character of a siege. Jn such a warfare it generally is expected that tha advantages obtained by one side or the other virtually offset each other. t But'ln this case It can be said that, with one exception, we alone "have gained ground. With, thl one exception the Oernians everywhere have gone back, (alas and Losses. The following" recital of point gained makea it possible to get an Idea of the k progress on either aide: By tb Oermana Destruction of the market, of tha cathedral and of the hos pital at Yprea; destruction ot the town of Nleuport and of tho Nieuport baths and. tha bombardment of Armcnticre. Rethune and Arras; bombardment ot Soupir and ot Solsson. recapture ot Hill No. 133 and ot -an eminence near Crouy. , and a rain of from' 1.300 to I.Bot) yard to th north of Solsson; ' advance ot ' J"0 metres In the Argonne along a front of 800 metre at a point near tho Brock de Murlason: bombardment of a church at Nancy and ot the hospital st Thann. Frearfc Hal as Had Lweeea. "Result Obtained by tVi French Frora tha ea to the Lys: Recapture of all the left bank of the Yser between Knockn and Hetsa. and an opening on the right bank between the sea and St. Georges; installation ot bridge head tour kilometres (two miles and a half) Into thl rerlon. and the installation ot bridge head to the south of Ptxmude; capture of ft. Georges and of th house, of the ferryman and of Korteker; gen erel extension of our front around Tpree: th auoeesa ot Wybendrert. and tho ces sation of the attack of the enemy' In fantry. ' - From the Ly to the Ola: The cap ture of the chateau and of tho village ot Vermeils and of Ruterre: capture of numerous German tranches between Alx Noulette and Carennyj partial recapture et Saint Laurent and of Blaagy, near Arras; th capture of ItBoUselle. the , capture ot German trenches at Llhons. the capture ot Quesnoy-en-Santerr the end ot October, and progres to tha east. followed by leneral extension and con solidation of our front. "Frm the Olse to Rhelm: The cap ture of the German trench at Nam pel and of th plateau of Noubron; tlx taking .of Spur No. 133 and ot. the emi nence of Crouy. both of which, however, we lost ataln; the destruction of numcr- -ou! piece of German artillery; the re duction of four-fifth ,. of our pmvlou' percentage of Infantry losses, thank f . tho groater efficiency ot our artillery ' and tbe consolidation of our defensive system. "From Rhelm to tho Meus: Advanoc of one kilometre (two-third of a mllei In the region of PYunay; advance of more than two kilometre In tho region of Perthes, and the stopping of seventeen German counter attacks; advance of nearly one kilometre in th Argonne; in the forest of La Quire and Vlolamt and the repelling ot numerous counter at tack; the extension of our front In the Bslghborhood of Verdun and the destruc tion of tiumerous batteries. 'From th Meusp to the Swiss frontier Important advances n the forest ot Con envoy, in the forest ot Apremont, Ir the forest ot Allly. In the forest of Mot t mare and in the forest of LePrctre; the ' checking ot all th German attacks here: - progress to the northeast ot Nancy, Ip a locality called the forest of Parroy ; progress, to tbe north and to the south ot Sen one, and In tho entire neighborhood of Ran d Sapt; capture of the, Tot dt Vlonu, which command feints, Marl and of the Tele do Faux; th complott checking ot forty-three attack . deliv ered by the enemy: tho capture of As pach and of Stelnbach, and of the height! to the eaat of th last mentioned placo. and progrea in tho direction of Mun- stsr, csrnay and Altklrch. " - Tea French AItsssm. "Summing up, we get ten general ad vances on the, part of our troops which were distinctly perceptible at certain place, aa compared to twenty genersl withdrawal on th part of th enemy, with the exception ot the situation to th northeast of Solsson. "Thl I a comparison of th last two month. To complete it-it should be addsd that, - flrst the German offensive In Poland has been restrained for a month past; second, th Russian offen sive continue in Gallcla and In the Car pathian mountains; third, the Turkish army In the Caucaau has been In large measure annihilated; fourth, - Germany has exhausted It resources in officer (an average of twelve officer to S regi ment), and will not in the future be able to develop It resource In effective men except at the expense of tbe existing units; fifth, the armies ot th allies, on th contrary, are. finding It possible to further strengthen themselves to a meas urable degree. "It ran consequently be affirmed thai to obtain final victory It ts sufficient that France and it allies know how to watt for It, and at the same time pre pare for it with Inexhaustible patience. ' "Tho. German' offensive ha beeji broken; 'the German offensive h.ia bru broken in It turn." British Government Will Raise Mules NEW ORLEANS, La.. Jan. 31.-A ship ment, consisting ' ef 1,000 lacks, pur chased by tb British government, Is being aeaembled here. It wss announced today by local British official. Th ani mal will be sent to India for breeding . purposes, th British government Intend ing to raise mule on a Urge scale for both the British snd Indiao armies. The British steamship Cestrlan ts brie to load tha stock,' snd It la said It will ' all for India before the end uf the week. Official announced that Instead ot actus te the east through th Panama (anal ui the 8ua caoal, the vessel will make the voyage around the Cape of Good lTopa, Bee Want. Ada Produce Ke.jlt. N ( r- Bl rs ta in s. at Id tn to 1(1 m J b Sit u-i ( i 1 If s- I St