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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1915)
s T11K DEH: OMAHA, WKDXKSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1015. JOURNAL REFORM QUITE EXPENSIVE flew PUn for Printing Senate Rec ord Costs Nearly Four Timet a Much u Old Method. PECULIARITIES OF . CONTRACT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. l.-Hpeelal Tele Rr.m.) That reform cenwi hlah w.a shown by the reoort of the aenate com mlttea appointed to InveaUsat. the con ' tract made tor the printing of the aenate Iniirnals made thla mom!n. The rr-nort ahowa that the rontrart wm nude for tne printing- on November JO, long before the aenate li.d adopted any method of legislative procedur. Then It showed that the aenate journal under the old j-teni rout the elate (2.144, tne Item tein: Printing, 1,1 at II. W per rne, tl,M4; paper and binding, tara tmt Three Jake. Under the new syeteiA the aenate la paying for three different Job, printing the flrat edition for the member, then the eecohd edition., after It la corrected, and then another for the printed and complete bonnd -eopiee, . theee, with , the extra help required to -get it out, would ot I10.K8.3&, an Increase over the old method, on the same ,! Journal of r.!i.a. A peculiar thing was .liovn by the re port In that these printing firms had bid for the work, the ftste Journal com pany, Woodn.ff bank Note company and the North Printing company. The Plate , Journal com puny was given the contract, but the report ahowa that the work la being done by the two which lost out Senator Qulnby of Douglas thought the contract was all right If the expense tould be brought to where It ought to be. The report was accepted and will be acted on later. ' CoaCrart Let 1a ft event be r. The contract was let by the slate print ing commissioner on November 0, last The committee hints that a contract lot so far In advance of the convocation of the setrkte may not be binding upon that to-ordlnata branch of the state govern ment. .The committee aays that It does ot Intend to reflect upon the printing commissioner. The report will probably be taken up at in next session and It Is anticipated that a number of the senators will make a strong fight to secure more reasonable lerms on the alloged oompetltlonlea con tract. . Bills Introduced (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. TO.-(Special.)-Follow-Kb are the bills introduced before the leg islature today: " Senate Bills. 8. K. 10. Grace of llsrlan-Repeals the piisent .inluiory method of testing grain -no the penalty thereof. to. r . M. Maiiery of Ho Butte Reduce I.. .j n.lnlmum number of employes comlag . n e,- the employes' liability act from iu to any number of employes. f. r. hi, Martlmll of Lancaster County xil.rlnt.ndenL are given dltwretionary i to create new school district from cllntrlit. upon petition of one-third i l the irgal voters In each district af itotvn. . . V. 83. Wtlsoa of Frontier Repeal irrjeut relating; to leglslaUv -U.iliiate. signing' statements pertaining tj cud ot ajevtors fur United Blales n iia.orn. K F. M. Wilson f Frontier Provides r lhl a nwrie written ill blank apace of mt rul elec.lon ballot snail count as cast I. i' the written imme without nocesslty i (" iurnni h cross id ine square to the , 1 1, lit ot surh name. ri. K. M, W lleon of Dodge Provide that ir.l.Kate or nursra to this state shall i t. good la other state having the same ' ie .u' .entente. ri. F. (, Iiodge of Pounlss Defines the j Iumvis and duties of suprlntenlent of i nli in cities where the commission i lorru t government has been adopted. 5 . i- Hodge of DouglasProvides for the dlvlBlori of Doiiglsa cuunty Into Hnstorlat and rcreaenlailve dlntrlcta, i -"li llrirlct to elect it own senator or I Ki'ieseniaiive. . I r. ih, Iode of Douglas Provide I that no employe of any city of the met- i ropoljua i!m shall be a relative ot any ioi tiiu comiuisHluuoi s ot said city or the head of any department of salci cliy. I. F . lol of 1 ougiaa Provide .11. Hi In print inn. posting or distributing t political advertitemenia, either for the S i lectbm or defeat of any candidate or any ronstltuikonal amendment the nam of ' l Wiairmsn and aocmlary or two offl- vi of the organisation Issuing the same 1 or the voers who are responslitle thenefor i Uh their . name and addrrsa and the name of the printer shall be attached. if Katlure ntekea penalty of fine or linptl- 5 onment Or hotlr. . Ileas Bills. II. R. Hi, Orr of Burt-tata Ufa inaur-an-e bllU 11. R. 1!T. Ilyneck of Saline Provides In suit for damages against liquor oal t ere aame sliall le brought in counties i wheie liquor was sold. 4 H. R. Foster, Hrme, Hnrnbv and Ktearns Makes It compulsory to destroy J sophers and prarie dns oa one s land by 1 Nowinhfr I; sitematlve. road overseer may do It at IS a day and charge aatue f.klnet property. i II. n. 119. Lanlgsa of Greeley County boards are made overseers of the poor In i piaue of Justices of the peace. H. It fiiephenaon of Uione Annual i seiio'jl meeilngs ftrsl Monday la April la plt't of Inxt Mondsv in June, i 11. U. l.'l. hudUHI of lundy County j burd In dutrf'ta w here, rraliie tog e- lnt eiisll annually levy IjUU ex j leees of ttwlr dfetruclion. I II. R. 121. Peterson of Iaocaster Prose cuting attorney aliail be allowed his pre enpiory challenge for each defendant ! ' whera more than one person I on trial at the esiike time. ; H n. Mi, HuiliMll of Dundy Counties 1 shall levy wot i-a than 10 mills sUiuol i tax to be dlstrtbiiird In the same manner I as tiie Mute apportionment. Hchool dls trlcts eliiill reduce their levies by a ur l KMHindiiii s mount. i 11. It. Ui, Fuller of feward Where per- sons die intestate possessed of property f.'.ocO or lena and no dents, the court may , 0iieniHj u( sdinlnlstratlon proceedings ; II. It. i:... Iiarrelt of I louglas Dope bill i iKHlrled on Hie lines of the iiartuun en- I n -iiik nt of New York. ' i 11. II. 1. koiff of Cedar and Trie of lluaard i'lutiokvd constitutional amend im nt riiatiKing law su that majority of thonc hollos on (fueftlion of township or Knirllon bli II determine the result. I 11. It. UT. Ktn of Platte In assess- iiu-nt lnrurance uompatilea, except hsll " aiisoclatli'tis. no member shall be lialile lor an SMM-sninent prior to the annual meeting oi the ) rur In which bis nteiu iii'riiltip tie-ins. . H H. 13 Minor of Doeglse Vnrier the rir.lil of eminent domain railroad may i "l tske mure tksa forty acros In any tion In adiiitiou to lite rtgUi-of-way. Old law. taeniv acres. II. It. IK. Anderson of Phelps Ltaal toters of achuol uistrtct shall determine srii.rinl of money required for si'hool year in place of the trust", and Miuoes iiiammara achoul levy Iron S mill to ll;HlS , II. ft. 1. Anderson of PhelpReduc tns fiur iiioiilhs' S''h(nil r to Ihrte, sod tlie ilsl.t montlis' yeius to six. and si i ikes out the prwlkloas connernuig iiiiih riioiitns' m hoJ on a 13 mill lei r. an ! eiKiit munths' s hool on a JU itiill k y. II. K t'I. hiur-Juw of 1 luusis lro . i 1- k for u fount' ipal likhtlng plant at Ibium bomi lo b oi' J by t)e Ion a xii;fal or sir-iat leillvn to bi .i.iu- J t.y a ii.sluir'y .t'ng tliereon; to ., rt-l nuii. r t ie l-r ooard, and I.v.n i iiaiia lur si't- t iniing. mms H btgli itr tkst liela. It. Kii.i,-s .New 1'iS'oeiy wni hr'.p ..,.r cu'iih Ktii a bottle at bonis for i ' n ( iK. at di jk isUls - Advtr- Douglas Districts Provided in Bill Framed by Dodge (Prom a Ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 19. Ppeclsl.)-The division of Potitjlaa County Into senatorial and representative districts - was the ob ject ofa bill Introduced by Dodge of Douglas at the afternoon session of the senate. The bill provides that the division shall be mudc by the election commissioner and that each district shall elect its own. rep resentative to the legislature. DoAgo also takes a shot at the political campaigner who Is in the hohit of rankln assertions which he cannot back up by requiring that all cards or other campslgn literature sent out shall bear the name of the author or two persons responsible If n organisation Is sending out thn liter ature, or by tho chairman and secretary Of a political comihltlee aendine nut the literature.. The name of the printer mimt also be oa the notba. The law will not apply to newspaper editorials. Dodge would require that no city em ploy in Omaha may be a relative of city commissioner. Provides Registry Jt or Sale of Opiates Under New Bill Filed .Frin a .fliaff CorrnponiVnt) TINCOI.N." Jin 1C .' .. I ..I n ., w - - , . . l.i scat. y Jta'C tentative 'arret t of Dourlaa counlv Was a new .enema for getting at the dope traffic in jeir..Ka. Ills bill on thai ulls rprovioea for a system of retrlstrntlnn with me iooi. drug, dairy and oil commission, ami ornids anyone to self, art vis . or Otherwise dispose of opiates, or even to have them In his possession or-controt, without firVt obtaining a cortlfluate from til commission showing that he la dulv registered and Is legally authorised to handle such drugs. . .The sal of any onlato la forhldd.n . cept upon written order of the purchaser or of a professional Practitioner mad In duplicate. Where a, pltyslclan or. other ircuuoner givea an ordir tp a patient, he must sci, d one copy of It to the food, drug, dairy and nil n-immluinn ni- must keep on fil for two years kit orders so receive, and filled. House Adjourns To Honor Farmers (Trom a Btaff Corespondent) LINCOLN'. Jan. W.-fSneCal.)-On ac count of the Organised Agrloulturd meet ing In Lincoln, and In order that mem bers might hear th good roads address by State Engineer Oearhart nt Kn.. the house decided to hold- no afternoon session, but adjourned over till Wednes day morning. Several of the committers however, met In th afternoon to con elder bill. . During the forenoon session nt the house. Mr. Neslev asked to hsve th and. dope bill Introduced Monday by member of th Douglas county delegation referred to ths Judiciary instead of the medical committee. This was done by unanimous consent, after Chairman Meredith ot the meoioai. committee stated thai he: was1 entirely , willing- to . hav. the .bill eo re ferred. - ' , . House Votes Itself- Allowance of Stamp,s (From a Stiff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 19 Rruoli TVs house of rcnrcasnt&tlvea flnallv vntrd this morning to furnish lis memherg with a dally allowance of stamp. This ques. tlon has been up half a dosen times, but heretofore the "spirit of economy has prompted a majority to line up against free cost ace. When the pronofrtttan wax hrniieht in on motion, by Reuter, Instructing the rnier clerk to rumlali each member daily with 10 cents' worth of stamp, an amend ment offered by Relsner Increasing th allowance to IS cent per day was carried with a whoop. ' STATEMENTS ONE AND TWO THREATENED BY, NEW BIU (From a Btaff Correspondent.) . . LINCOLN, Jan. 19.-(Speclal.) If a bill Introduced by Senator Wilson of Frontier becomes a law on of W. J. Bryan's pet theories will have been cast to th road side. Ths bill abolishes the law which requires candidate for th slate legis lature to agree to abide by the vote of th people of the slate when cast leg a note in th legislature for L'nlUd Btates senators. Ths proposition Is commonly known as "Statements On and Twe " and. Is ex pected to bind the candidate to vote for th candidate, for th United stales son ate who receives the greatest number of totes for preference for that offlc. . 1 . - ' MALLERY WOULD BRING - . a ALL UNDER LIABILITY ACT (From a btaff Correapondent.) LINCOLN'. Jan. Ig. Special,) A bill in tho house by Mallery of tiox Butt re duces tho minimum number of employes of any on employer coming ' under the employers' liability act from five to on. ' Th exemption of farmer from th 6 perm lions r in act is not affected by the new bill If paused, however, it will, bring every othor . employer of labor within the stale wllhin the scope or th liability law. Mallory bill also ptopusea to raise th compensation of Injured employes from fifty t sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of the wag recel'-ed prior to th Injury. Heldler Breaks Bark. 8TCROIS. 8. p.. Jn. .-spctal Tel-' graiB.)-Wllllain Wright of tha servloe corps of rort Mead arcldentally ' fell frdm a load of sawdust this afternoon and broke his back. UI condition Is con sidered critical Thsro ia Only Crta LmJM at W m I To Ct Tb crxviKC, Oalt Tar thm ruU Ham LozzoHiiro, Bsc2D pmio Uaod Tho World Oor to Cur a m Col J tit Cno Day Whenever you kal a culd coming on . thl.. of th. full name LAXA'UVE &J 00 , bKOMO QUlNINtL Ixx,k f.,r lha. V jTW ' aSoiu.e mx the U. ViwU baou. ZJ W ' CV(t'l'i EYE-WITNESS TELLS OF THE FIGHTING (Continued from Page One.) upon both side by the unfsvorahle weather conditions. During th fighting around La Dolsselle and Aveluy the ner mann' asked for a truce to care for their Injured, which was refused. "On January 11." says the eye witness. " were violently bombsrded, but did not yield. Also on January 15 we re pulsed a violent attack." ' ' . The flahtlng at Holssons, Which began with an attack by the allies on January s. Is graphically described. "In these combats, which were entirely local," says the account, "our offensive ws crowned with complete success on ' January g, and jo, hut was checked, be ginning. January 11, by the overflowing of the Alsnc " Instances of Heroism. The battle on the first day waa par tlcnlaily fierce and Instances of heroism were numerous. One hundred French In fantrymen, who were surrounded In a bayonet attack, refused to surrender and were killed, after Inflicting heavy losses on the G oi mans and preventing their pro gress. Referring to tha fighting on January 19. the chronicler says: "The morale of th! troops la excellent despite Ihe sufficiently serious loss, 54H being wounded and the number of dead nt yet being known. "Beginning .the night of January 41-12 tho situation for the allies became com plicated by reason of tho high water In the Alsne. the German offensit- move ment and the failure of the allies' rein forcements to arrive. Preparations fos a withdrawal began and It waa executed In good order on tho night of January 11-14. From Solssons to Perthes the en gagemont was limited to artillery duels, the advantage resting with the allies. "In the region of Perthes," cont'nues the account, "tho Germans tried per sistently by violent attacks to regain the lost ground. Not only did they fall, but w realized further progrera" fterman Lease Heavy. Tho German losses In this section are declared to hav been heavyi The fight ing In ftie Arsonne also la Hsscrlhoit having been severe, the allies losing nu merous omcers. "In 'the region of Vel-dun and on tha heights of the Meuse," says the ey wit ness, "our artillery frequently silenced that of th enemy. At the Bol I Pretr our progres was continuous' for two month., wlthput an Instant's retreat. It is a veritable siege war. The excellent results obtained In Alsace would have ben Incieaeed If the ; conditions or the battle field had not affected the operations, the soldi ers stif. ferlng greatly from the rlaors of the weather the rain, snow and mud. We naa many injured on January B, because th guns of our men wer dirty and could not be fired, but it Is not true that th. Ueimans captured unwounded prisoners. in tue region of unnor Alsace tha o.r. mans Were Unable ta nlerca Mir lln . I. though aided by heavy reinforcements." -.-Biloi.a of Alrsaea. TTeffrfrntf tfth MrJat eurpg .hd writes says: It til Lieutenant Vnr. Vll..ll not Van Falkenhayn.- a erroneously rI ported, who was killed, hv tha wnk rmy aviator. Gilbert. This was the third time mat Gilbert, who i. . im medalist, succeeded In bringing down a iioeui- craii. A report from Paris last m.iA ,-.. tain Von Felkehhavn. a. son a. ih n.H man chief of staff, bad ivaan irin.ji i . duel in tho s,lr at an altltuds of J.opo feet by a French aviator driving a monoplane. Captain Von falkenhayn was said to I hav been reconnolterlng with a pilot In! n air craft near Amiens when a Uullet rrom the Frenchman pierced his heart and another seriously wounded his pilot. Tho Gorman ir.aclilne fell In French tr tJrory and the-pUot was made a prisoner HOUSE HAS EIGHTEEN EMPLOYES WORKING (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. U.MSpcclal.-Tha first detailed report to the hous rnado by th conimlttee on employe was sent up at th forenoon session by Chairman Taylor. It showed that th stun of 48.TS had been paid to erriploves for service during th first two weeks of the legisla tive session. Of this amount !!. waa for regular time and 1195.53 for overtime. There arg eighteen employes on th pay roll. Including the chief clerk, sergeant. at-arma and. chaplain. The total number of hours allowed as ovcrtlm In the two weeks was 801 Em ployes receive for overtime a rate of pay equal to one and one-half times the reg ular rate per hour. ' SPENCER WINS CONTEST FOR SEAT IN THE SENATE From a Staff Correipondent.) LINCOL.N. Jan. 19--(Spe-lal.)-In the afternoon eeeeton the eeimte adopted the report pt the privilege and election, commit t on the contest of the election of Jienator A. D. ' Hpenrer of G.g and Pawnee countlee. The report allow Upencer. -who la a republican, to retail) Ma aot. It waa contested by Jullua Newman of Wjrmore, who came within three votea of Spencer. Who reooanlaee In the tell-tale aymp toma auch a Wkia, headache, drag. ln aenMtlon liervuu.neM and Irrila bllltjr the true rUfe and telle, on Ljdla E. rinkh.m'. Vegetabl. Compound to re etore her to a he.tthjr norma condition. For forty year, thin root and herb rem edy he. been pre-eminently uccea.ful In controlling the dleeaaee of women. M.rlf alone . could have etood auch a teat of lime.' Advertisement. "Announcements" ad bring good r. auita. f.eorae t-'rot tklaalum I. Um4. Hl RI.IJii.TON. Vt. Jan. t roUilitKiiAiu. (lie oriainal '-Ff1r Tuck" of the Cild BoitonUm, did audilenly here today of lert failure, He 7i year, ol.t I-rolliinghiun appeared here ImaX nml.t In a revlvnl of the oomio ora "Itutiln Hood." He h.. flayed th. part of the jolly friar more than ,0i time, in the la.t twny-arven y.ara. Tomorrow (Wednesday) 8:30 A. M. January Clearance of Separate Skirts Our Entire Stock of Separate Skirts, 73 In All, Go On Sale Tomorrow For $3.75 The Former Prices Were $7.85 to $25.C0. V This, srJe includes every winter skirt in stock, includ ing bnondclotha, satin, serges and Ramfourchuddah cloth, besides other novelty weaves. Because of the re markably low price, we cadnot alter, send on approval or accept tho return of these garments. Gloves Worth to $2.25 a pair Now On Sale for $1.00 a pair Ver3' desirable cape and mocha gloves, also ' fine dress gloves for women. Odd lots left after heavy v . holiday -selling---Fresh. clean; new goods frOm'fe-Cq ular stock not job lots .or special purchases. Sold Regularly up to $2.25 a pair AH Go Wednes day, $1.00 a pair THE HOUSE OF MENAGH AJIItOVWOXB A COVCTI.XTB IKOWnrd or - ookbxct ari-uia BTYI.KS. xir SUITS AND DRESSES Tom r WA- mi m n THE HOUSE "TSa 5or fpr CimtUwomtn" 1613 FARNAM STREET AUl'SICMKNTS. "Is Everybody Happy?" A JU O I T O U iva WEEK OF JANUARY 24, 1915 (Under auspices of Omaha Letter Carriers) SEVEN MATINEES AND SEVEN NIGHTS Six Acts of Refined Vaudeville Motion Pictures of Omaha School Children, Omaha Business Scenes, Yellowstone National Park, ' ' Panama-Pacific Exposition ADMISSION - - . - 25 CENTS kMwtM Seat. 10c, IS. aaa SSe estra. Ohuarea'a Xtctt Day. 10a rIS-lfr Cmrtt wUl .ltd. y lils teetk oa wire ebie every S.y e.rim tua Mk M 1 Ml U4 t :-0 trom tbe to. ef City MUeakl Kaak ktuloisf ie Savsy ItoieL kau.t UulUi ttx.HUt ertormaJu. THOMPSON, 'BELDEN;S,Q RELIABLE Linen Bargains Like These May Not Come Again Ready Made ' Roller Towels 65c Ready Made Roller Towels . . . i . .50c each 50c Ready Made Roller . Ibwels ....... .35c each Wash Cloths N 100 dozen Turkish Wash Cloths ....... 1 Vic each 100 dozen 8ysc Turkish AVash Cloths. . .5c each 50 dozen W2c Turkish V'fl . Wash Cloths . . '.10c each Turkish Towels 25c Snow White. .19c each 45c Snow White . .25c each 50c Snow White. .29c each 75c Snow' White: . 50c each Annual BED SPREAD '. BALE Commences Mon day, January 25th. WSBVEiSAT WE ARE FEATURING FOR - THIS SHOWING AFTERNOON DRESSES EVENING DRESSES TROTTING SUITS . TRAVELING SUITS MORNING DRESSES . Special arrangements' have been made to show Unusual Values at x- $19 and $241 The latent Anieri ran hhade ArUona Hilver Rocky Mountain Blue f.cttysburg Grey Ve port DUware Teach Tho third week of our . January Clearance (inds us with 100 Evening Dresnea and Win ter Suits that are worth as much ,d $50. They are of fered for quick clearance at $5, $10, $15- Special ta xang.rla Seta, made front the of cotton, all ' pieces are to niatoh. MX:, 1, gl.M piece. . You should aeo these new colors. W think we are tha first in Omaha to show them. OF MENAGH AMI SEME.HTS. SIXCK 1886. Embroideries at Nearly Half Regular Price , Monday's wile was a great success and not, until today were we able to de termine just what was left. Quantities are, of course, greatly reduced, but the assortment is. still unusu ally fine. Former Prices, 10c to $7.00 a Yardj ' ' i ' ' In This Sale, 5c to $3.50 a Yard Prices are either half of regular . . or very nearly so. Fine Bleached Table Cloths $2.50 bleached. .$1.75 each $2.75 bleached .'.$2.00 each $3.25 bleached. .$2.50 each $5.00 bleached . . $3.75 each $6.00 bleached. .$4.00 each $7.50 bleached. .$500 each $10 bleached. . .$7.50 each Crash Towelings 50 pieces,' 15p Bleached ' . Crash Toweling, 10c yd. 25 pieces 18c Bleached Crash 1 Towejing, at r, ......... 12lc yd. " 25 pieces 20c Bleached Crash Toweling, 15c yd, 10 pieces 25c Bleached -Crash Toweling, 22c yd. WANTED fHELP a , . The bsl and wjsest thing for a. work hunter to do i? to study the "Help Wauted'V'ad? in TheBe(. arid to ansrcr all that look at all "likely." . The job you probably ought to have is apt to be advertised any , . day. Whether or not you find and . answer that special ad, may change the whole course of your life. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE "Everybody Rtadt Btm Want AJ" Hi" 111 : r UU.Kiuii;:itu:: tlK.ttitf1:l:hif. AHl.EUi.TS, BtlAfiDEIS SCkt.,3 :SO Err., a. 80 Wed. Mat. ana Sri. PEG '0 tlY tiEADi ' wu rerrr o-sr-ii aaa v. t.-cm. Co. DrlA,, Tnea. a W.4. Mata. SS to SI. 00 fillCJ BMa- a&e, 66c. 73c, SI S1.60 Thar... TrU, let.. B Sat. lt. Th. Mnaleal Corner BeUrat of tke Tear. OXE CIkL III A MILLICX With Telia Adlet aaa Baaaty Choras. rkone San. A&YAWCXS TiUDBTILLS SaUy Matlaee Dlaat. SilS. A7l-- r .... I Other Acta: tjtan Jfi.VT Stanley. Miller A aaa Co. el TiUf Vc,n. vnjg Mor- rl, M.uliuii'a C.niuea, Orpheuni Travel I Weekly. I'rlcea: Matinee, gallery, 10c. lieat .eat. (except Halurduy and Hun-. d.v. If. i- Nlglita, 10c. Sir. tfl and Ha. OT1CB All unclaimed .eat order. ror l u i e ink, iuki i new uiu wiu b. rancele4 aharply at noon. Matron, must call (or their ticket, by that time. "O-caw- rvir carrr" CVT t IZfJf t stau is-as-so tSf&ifi' raa- l&-&-M-7. Wml liiilitlully ,l.lil.l Uirl t-'bnw. , IKE BEAUTY PAEACE ri.. IjII Idimi, "wiiufcli" Ua. Hm. Wild bun. Auhrfc Alt iul ! won ot roa.trt iu . BKVAIII" HxrkliKf lrl. Kutraarla. e.-c. ii . ao.t U'ttfM Is ia. iaiiKa' oma scat. wk bats. All from regular ?tock-r- '' flouncings . for . dresse.,. bandings, cambric edg- ings, insertions, flouncings j for undergarments, Swiss..; edges, insertions and ' headings. . . ! The January. .. Clearing' Sale ., of Coats Affords, many oppor tunities to get a coat bar-' gain. Every coat in .stock reduced in price Many are. as low, as--; $4.95, $6.50Tand $8.25 Clearaway of ' Dress Goods and Silks Don't put off until it is too late. Fifteen minutes spent in the ; Dress Goods and Silk Section will' do more to convince you than i , all the talking we can do. '. "v We'dnesday three count ers filled with, beautiful silks, at 29c, 39c and 59c a yard. J, ; '.' Xever sold for less than 75c to $1.50 a yard. Best quality spot-proof f o u 1 -j'i .a'rdg,; $l.Q,0.;:qualit5V,-6tJ9;.; i $1.-1 quality, 79c a yard.' ." All taketi from our reg-' ular stock. 1 lira i S3.50 a Month Rents I a High Grade Piano. Fi-eV '1 ' Tuning, Inurauco, Stooi jL I t . f C . a ' ' & rvurr. oix mqntiis' rent nllowfd on purchase pri:c. sci::.:olle5 & ...seller PIANO COMPANY 1.11 1 -13 Fantam. l)ug. 10-H. Everybody read Bee Want Ads A H L'SEMEiVTS. DOYD Dcl-! 1919 MttliM Today. 8:1; Toaiyht Ciwutoa nlit aTaoa&MKaaT Ma, S6ci MighXm, 1ic aa4 doo. West Ml-OOVBSEI. TOM WWW litre.-. Tue... J.o. !. Mooiety Mi. Julie Sr.wcomk, MuBOlu().t. btUHl .. i