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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1915)
I THK BKK; OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1915. 0 ft GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Buys in May Future by Large Con cerns Hold Losms Down in Saturday Break. CORN INTO MORE PROMINENCE OMAHA. Jan. 11, 191X. The fact that an army of weak-kneed long liquidated their holding on last Saturday, and which was mainly respon sible) for the sensational break, was a help that will be reflected in this mar ket today or tomorrow. The wheat mar ket was In strained position all day lB"t Friday and at the opening on Sat urday something unusual was forced to alve way, and thin was the price break Hint was seen during the forenoon. Had It not been that sonic of the larger con- ff-rnm in the trade bought quite freeley (.' the May future the lows would have l.cen much greater than shown. I The talk of preventing further exporta- 1 1f! nP of Kbit hv m law In ha naaaed by congress la likely to prevent auy sc cuinulation of big line, as heavy long under those conditions would, bo In a dangerous position. It Is only neceassry grain ha had a profit of ?- per bushel. On all weak eputs established In May wheat for several ds past the buying was quite strong. Ietng led mainly by the larger concerns In the trade, and who were supposedly acting for Importing countries who are known to be In pee,! of our grain. It la xiected that th movement (1f wheat in both the great Iflts will be large In case a further ad vance In prices Is made, but in rase of price recensions there would he general tightfntng of holdings of wheat and con sequent higher prices. H The big demand for corn on export ac count during last week was not only a surprise to the bulls, but a great dis appointment to the bears. Purchases of corn by forelim countries was a reflec tion of the Inability to secure liberal sup plies of wheat. Many of the countrlea abroad are advising the use of substi tutes for wheat In the shape of oorn meal and potatoea. This will bring the corn Into more prominence, and It will be more likely liberally used. Oaw continued to be taken In good quantities by exporting nations and the price of that grain Is more likely to he held. Irmly. Offerings of cash oats by the country are moderate and the buying power In the pit has shown slgna of In creasing. The lirovlslon market will continue to pivot on the receipts and offering of hogs at the Western markets, ooupled to nay that one of the most successful . with the buying power In the cash meats wheat speculators the world has ever, ami iara. iiiowii wa a seller of long wheat nearly ill of last week, and on some of this ' t REAIi ESTATK KA KM A HANOI LANDS FOR SALE. ' HisanolR, jcUks. between Minneapolis and Du luih, on the Boo line, 4 mllea from ralK ru.t'l tnwn, 70 acres tinder cultivation, I ,ii;iik' wooded pasture and some good itirndow; no waste land; fair set build ings; near school; land borders on beauti ful lake; complete set machinery; .126 chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy and everything on the place goes at tJQ per acre; one-half cash. Bchwab tiros.. lujX Plymouth Bid?.. Minneapolis, Minn.- Iowa. luft-AcrtE-FARM. about thirty miles from Council Bluffs, la., hour and a half ltd frorn three good markets. This Is an up htnd piece In a high slate of cultivation, four acres of clover, about ten acres of alfalfa, ten acres timber pasture with spring; good six-room house, large barn, nil kinds of outbuildings, including caUlo shed, chicken sheds, hog houses, etc. owner wishes to retire on account of health. Price 8200 per acre on reasonable terms. Must be seen to be appreciated. A. V. SMITH CO. (Fay Smith). ouni il Bluffs. Ia. Phono 329. Parl St. ' Kansas. VOTX SALE 2.240 acres fine wheat land near Richfield, Morton Co., Kansas. Pi icoi 87 per acre. Will sell part or alt to Rult purchaser. Terms cash. Addres owner. K. J. McAnarney, Karmersvlllc, III.. 11. F. I. No. 1. Nebraska. Fori BALK by owner for next IS days, lu-u'xe farm In Plattsmouth, Neb. -i i oivi hotue, cave, c'stern. t wells, barn. Hull rf Mil kinds; 44 acres alfalfa, 4i pi'Mlure, gHrdcn, etc. P. O. Box 107, Plstisiiioiith, Neb. FOK BA L.E Beat large body high-grada mllum-prlcd land In Nebraska; vary little money required. C. Brad lav, "Wol bach. Neb. aCnr laeonala. Upper Wisconsin Itest dairy and general crop state In the union; settler wanted; lands for sal at low prices on easy term. Ask for book let 84 on Wisconsin Central Lnd Grant. State acres waited. Writ about our erasing lands. It Interested In fruit lands, ak for booklet on Apple Orchards in W isconsin. Addresa Land Dept., Boo Una Hy., Minneapolis, Minn. . KlseeUsva')- KARK for aale; must sell my Fel tamer farm, 21) acres, muck prairie land. Uphoff. 4J Times Bldg.. H. Louis, Mo. rr. ., rj- rr-in 1 ABSTRACTS T1TLB. HaEU Abstract Co-, oldest abstract of lie in Nebraska. ) B"ndeis Theater. Kfc)KH Title Uuaraatee and AOs tract Co, a modern abstract officav 3v aV. litn fit, l'hune Douglas U4J. .. : III.' Al E8TATE FOK EXCHANGE 120 ACRKd, Mills county, Iowa, 7 miles northwest from Glenwood. fair set of t'arm buildings, rented tor this year; en cumbrance t,9u0, due J9t9. Will consider from tl.lHX) to $10,000 of good trade for i a. JHy. Submit otters. Duffus Laud Co., 1 iputunc, Minn. - 110 ACRK3, Irrigated; 96 under ditch, bal ance pasture; till level; near Ft. Mor gan, garden spot of Colo., where sugar beets last year made high as 28 tons per acre, altalta, 7; 4.2uu improvements; Ji.boO iusurance; 3,X mortgage, rung year. per cent; euully lll'.inw., What have you lor exchange? Bog asL. Hebron, Neb. FRONTIER CO. BAKUA1N. i Highly Improved farm of ids acres. Land all laya fine and is Sxoeliaul soil. v ill axchangs for good Omaha, raaidenca. C. K. COMBB, tli Brandeia Theater, Omaha, Nab. Douglas al. - WANTfciD Modern home for my Cali fornia property. Address) K 603, Bea. IIEAL ESTATE WANTED 1 WANT a good farm, eastern Nebraska, or western Iowa, for three or five years. Prefer paying c&Ah rent. References. Ad dree J 5 Bee. . . REAL ESTATE IXJ.VA8 Ii6,000 PKlVATli money to loan on inside property at 7 per cont. o'Keeta Real Lntate Co., 1011 Omaha Kat Bank Bldg. 1 uuglas CITY and farm loaus, 6. 6W. Pr uiuL J. IL Oumont ft Cv.,VM Fsjnam, Omaha WANTK1J City loan. l'eters Trust Co. WANTED-City luawns avnd warrant. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska (arms. O KEK K REAL ESTATK CO., 101f OmabaTNatl. Dougiaa T71S. ) to fl4.u0u made promptly. F. 1. Weod, rWead .IHldg., 1Mb and Fajnam Hts. UAEVLN BBOS ;tanBd.ut: CITY LOANS, a Q. Carlber' Co, 310-212 BrandHls Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. i- State Bank Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. 11. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg. bKB us first If you want a farm loan. Cnltea btates Trust to., Omaha, Neb. ItEAIi ESTATE NORTH SIDE PAV J.i0 ANU MuVE INTO A lioME OF YOUR OWN. 1 have a new 5-room, all modern bunga low, located on a paved street In north part of city that the atoova named first payment will secure. This hows .. principal voomi In cgk and is close to car Hue, churches I nd cnool. If you want to Inspect tills house telephone me today and 1 will arrange U send a car for you. E. P. WRIGHT. Call Walnut 62 Today. Telephone Louglaa .'6 Week Days. HEAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT Two-story brtek building and lot, g0xl33 trackage avalialila; vary ally converted' f-jr wholesale puriKMrs or for downtown parage. Price only 16.0u0. A small Day ii nut will handle It U G.-CARLBEIta. 311 Brandeis Theater Building. ItE.Ui ESTATE W EST SIDE New 5-Room House $1,650 We ill sell new i-roem house ia walk ing dlBlanre. small lot. ail modern except ht-.t. on ry easy terms. Call and see us utivul it Travor llros., Omaha NaC Bank Bldg. Wheat wat 2o to 8c lower. Com Wa 14c to Ho lower. Osts wi-rs unchanged to i lower. Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal to l.OU.flnO bushels; com, JW4.0OO bushela; oat. 224.OH0 bushels. Liverpool closed: "Wheat, not quoted; corn. Id lower. Primary wheat receipt were 1.141.000 bushels and shipments 994,000 bushels, against receipts of l,1).00o bushels and shipments of 409,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 2.970.000 DuneiH and shipments KM.oik) bushels, against receipts of l.fMi.OOO bushels ant shipments of 7o,0uo burhels last yesr. 1'rlnmry oats receipts were l,4sT),000 ounneis ana snipment xon.ouv bushels, agiilnst receipts of 7x0,000 bushels and shipments of 854,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. ' Wheat. Com. Oats. Chicago 5l ll 3H Minneapolis too Duluth 26 Omaha 40 ;t90 at Kansas City 9S 243 12 M. luls W Si 101 Winnipeg 131 ... ... The following cash sales were reported today: 'Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 4 cars, tl.iH; 1 car, 11.36: 2 cars, &1.34. No. 3 hard winter: 2 cars, tl. 33. No. 4 hard winter:-1 car, 1.2i. No. 4 spring: 1 car. $1.27. No. S mixed: 1 car. (1.84. No. 2 (luruin: 1 car, 11. W. No. 2: i car, 11.50. Sample: l car, Corn No. I white ; 1 car. JlUci 2 cars, 71c; IS ears, 70H. No. 4 white: 3 cars, 70c, No. t white: 1 car, 70c. No. 2 yellow; 1 car, ffic. No. 8 yellow: 7 cars, c; cars, ssc; 4 cars. KVc. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. CSc: 18 cars. Me. No. S ycljow. 1 car, fiRc. No. t mixed: 1 car (near white), 7H4c; 1 car (near white), 6nc; 1 cur, (Pc. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars (near white). 7llc: u cars (near white). Wtac; 2 cars (near white). 69c; 1 car, Wc; 1 car, 6sl,c; 4Mi frars, 6h4c; 22 enrs, 6'4c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (near white), 69ic; 1 car, 68c; 9 cars, 674c. No. t mixed: 1 car (near whit), 9c; 1 car, iSVic; 1 car, Sc No.. mixed: .1 ear, 6S'ac; 2 cars. Sc. Oats No. 3 white: 9 cars. 62o. No. 4 white: 1 car. GH4C: 3 cars. MHo. Hample: 6 cars, Mc; l car. SO'V'. Rye No. 2: 1 car. $L15. No. 3: 1 cr, 11.14V; H Car, L14. No. 4; 1 car, 31.14. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard. 11.33 Vj!&'l. 3d; No. 3 hard. 1.32Vil.T5; No. 4 hard, ll.211.32H; No. i spring. S1.H3 6i 1.35; No. 2 durum, $t.4141.60; No. S durum, !1.44ri.M. Com: No. 1 white, "IwTlHc: No. t white, TC-STlVi; No. 3 white, 70yiJ71e: No. 4 white, tShfKc; No. S white, (W,70o; No. ft white, eivjti WVic; No. 1 yellow, 6Si'iC9c: No. i yel low, 68VfcigTOc; No. 3 yellow, 4'4tttt&c; No. 4 yellow,, 7'68V4c; No. 8 yellow, 7Ha) Sie; No. yellow, Stjc: No. 1 mixed, 6VU9c; No7. 2 mixed, esiiCrtigHc; No. 3 mixed, 4tfttc: No. 4 mixed, rriSnc; No. 5 mixed. STHfOSVie; No. 6 mixed, TVi rtiPio Oats: No. 2 white, 62Vl3Hci standard, 62jjC24c; No. 3 white, fl INo. white. SlVigOlc. Barley: Malting, MCtf-; No. 1 feed, S6'u!c. Rye: No. 2, l.iVSJ'; xno. s. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Fcatares of the TrwdlneT and Closing i. Pricea ow Board f Trade. .CHICAGO, Jap. 18. Announcement of i aecrease 01 nearly 4.ouo,oii luishcls In the United States visible supply of wheat tended to act aa more than an offset to day for the bearish effect of federal In quiries. Prices closed unsettled, but hio to 4c above Saturday night. Wheat embargo talk had considerablo to do with lifting corn today to the high est Jariuary price in more than twenty years, with the market finishing ytflHa to lc above Saturday night. Outs galnej a shade to o and provisions l-Vr'aljo o 2JHo. Although wheat prices at the start took a downward bend as quite generally ex pected after President Wilson's order, for an official scrutiny of the recent big advanye, the depression In the market proved to be not of a lasting sort. It was not long before advices wore at hand telling of wheat stocks falling off through out the United Ktatee at a rale mora than two and one-half times as rapid as ut in corresponding perloa a year ago. Wheat strength reached its greatest aeveiopmem in tne last nour 01 trading, the market becoming (somewhat excited by assertions that the export sales' of com were the largest of the year. .Com waa the strongest market on the grain 41st today. . Export sales of corn here and at- the seabeard wero estimated at LSOO.OOO bushels. A favorite theory of the bulls in the corn pit was that to a large extent EurODe would either have, to eat corn in place of wheat or go with out. The fact that the domcstio visible supply of corn Is the largest on record failed to stop today' avaitce. Oats were held down by heavy selling on the part of one of the principal warehouse concerns. Export sales of oats were confined to lM.noo bushels. Higher prices for hogs carried provi sions upward. Shorts revie( fel. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Command rally Steady Pricet Fat Lambi Aotirt and Higher. HOGS ARE VERTSLOW AND DULL SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. IS. 1915. Receipts were: Estimate Mondav .. me day last week f-ama 2 weeks ago... Same S weeks ago... ."aine 4 weeks itn... Same day last year Cattle, ltog. Sheen.' .. I.OnO 4.(100 .0i 7.07 4.2" . 7.93 .. .sm ..7.700 .. 2,042 S.S10 17.M5 22..W4 9,007 2,i" 16.411 Tha follaWln K . - iAtntS icful5 ho and sheep at tha Pouth Omsha live stock market for the year to flats, as compared with t yeari . , 1914. Inc. Dec. tle , 4rt.67t 4J! S.708 Hogs . I lit In ikl A tai Shl 180S 1U.907 ii, Tha following labia snows tha average prlca for hogs at the ficuth Omaha live stock market for tha last few days, with comparisons: Jan. 1 Jan. S.. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. J llll. 19)5. 1914. UiJ I 1 T 1VH 7 oSXk, 7 oov 9r".i 7 8.1 0l (SI " 1 oa 70, T 6 7 tl 7 SO f 8 121 70 T04 7 1H 7 09 I" 7 14 Til 7 14 7 11 7 24 7 U 19l2J1911.l10.il9i. Oil 00 7 I 90 I 03 90 T 0W7 7l V7??i S191 ol 7 r 4 031 7 E MH 7 761 I f 171 7 7M 1 Mi a S7t ISO I W B 70 S 47 k As S 4V f 71 S j i M S 43 8 M S 82 t n i Is 174 21 M 74 Jan. 13. 89WI 7 M 7 C M 7 73 Itl IN Jsn. J4 .)7 I 8 Oil 7 09 7 tl W 6 7 Jan. 16. 67S 8 13 7 111 4 15 421 6 97 Jan. & kiI I 07 7 15 13 7 9! I b 93 S 14 7 X 0M 7 721 S 47 7 2f 6 041 7 7RI 44 0 Jan. Jan. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live atock at the Union etoek, Yards. South Omaha, tor the twenty-four hours ending at 3 P. m. yesterday: RECEI1 S CARLOADS. r 1. . . - Cattle. Hogs Sheep. H't'l, v. en. f, ny. n 3 l nlon Paclflo Ry.. 11 7 C. A N. W.. east... 17 C". & N. TV., west.. 20 C., St. i, M. 4 O.. 27 C R7 W., eaat.. 4 C, K. ft j west.. 18 C, R. I. p., east .. R. I. P.. west .. Illinois Central 14 Chicago Ot. West.. I Total reoctpts......m 4 12 I 11 1 2 11 1 1 48 11 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Mogs. Sheep. ... an 812 466 410 Morris & Co Swift A CO Cudahy Packing Co.., Armour & Co J.. W. Murphy...'. Morrell Lincoln Packing Co... Benton, V. 8. & Lush Hill & Son.... , F. B. Lewis J. B. Rcot & Co , J. II. Hulla Rotenstock Bros McCreary & Kellogg. Wertheimer ft Oegtn. H. F. Hamilton , Sullivan Bros Holhschlld Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. Christie , Hlgglna Huffman Baker. Jones A 8.. Tanner Bros , John Harvey Dennis ft Francis Kline Other buyors e0 4t 3 M 1.1&3 9(0 90S 977 1.624 19, M 28 fx 39 2R 12S 62 48 , !2 2i lb7 2 4 111 93 92 2.X 122 44 419 higher prices, but th pncners foiighl any advance most of the forenoon. About the middle nf the fort-noon tpn bilk of the offerings began to mov and In spite of the bearish feeling on the part of tl.e packer buyers the general market showed a lbra advance) on lamha and l"yJ0. on aged sheep. Once trade was opined business waa fairly active and s, mason able clearance waa made. Tha early aalss Included some Colorado lambs at W.1S, with the bulk or the first transactions gMng around 27 g.KrS.OiV Dur ing the first hours four cure of Scott's Bluff ewea sold up to ti ITv. Most of the ewe offering found an outlet t $.voiy f.20. The quality of the l.imb waa good, but If anything the quality of ti e ewea was larking. Quotations on Hheep and l.amhs I-amtis, good to choioe, 7."hl.; Ininhs, fair to good. t7.9Mri.90: lambs, A piiiils up, $7.10111 7. tW; lambs, sheering, 7.ti.'.tia.06; earlings. light, K7Mi1.: vearllngs, havy, $i.IS4i.'; aethnrs, good to choline, ."i.7Mi0i1; wethers, fair to gwt, 75; ewes, good to choice, M0fji.35; ewes, fair to good, t4.ttrii5.l0 . No. 891 fed yearling .. . fed lambs 139 fed lambs 90 fed lambs . .1... 11 culls 100 fed lambe 101 fed lamlw 173 fed lambs ht fed lambs ,M cull lamb '3S fed ernes 91 fed ewes 18 cull ewes 12 culls 1x2 Colorado lambs 1.13 Colorado lambs 2u Colorado lambs A v. .. 114 ..'71 .. til .. 1 .. : .. 71 72 ki .. 79 ..l"0 ..137 .. M .. K9 .. I'l .. 79 .. 77 .. 77 Pr. H 411 700 7 KS 7 9f 7 00 H On t 0'. 9 00 8 00 6 K7 4 7. 5 26 4 K 4 25 8 li 8 IA 8 lit NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Shares Move FoiTvard Under Lead of the Various Special Issues. RAIL ISSUES QUIET AT FIRST CHICAGO LIVF. STOCK MABKKT 2,064 Artlclel Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close t Sat y. llA 1 42 t 40 ' 1 2414 1 26 1 3414 , Ttrk 79H 7H7, V 795s . 77", 'ii'ini 'ii'iiH is iin ........ 10 75 w 70 10 87 10 96 10V7M 1 1 1 ' Wheal May. July. Cum May. July. Oats May. July. Pork Jan.. May. Lard Jan. May. rubs May. I 10 Si 10 45 I 42, 1 25U 1 41S 1 26 18 fl 19 1& .78W 63 M It 10 72H 10 (4 10 90 I 10 76 10 00 US 10 26 I 10 40 I 10 I7'4 Chicago Cash Prices Wlieat: No I red. tl.40tfc5Jl.43; No. S hard. tl.4OQl.4314 Corn: No. 9 yellow, 74y73'c; No t yellow; Sulfite. Oats: No. 8 white 62V4 JjMcj standard, 53S'a3Vte. Rye: No 3, tl.21. barley: 707)ic. (seeds: Timothy. K6iff1.W: clover. tl2 (ioil&.W). PrnvtMnns Pork S17.00; lard. 810.70; ribs, $9.2fii 10 nA. RI'TTF.R Lower; creamery. 24ff.loc; EOJt Lower; receipts, J.442 case; at mark, cases Included, 2j)Wc. ordinary firsts, Jlfi3?c; flrsU, 34o. , V r I-OTATOES Steady; receipts, 45 csrs Michigan and Wisconsin, red, &Smoc; White, Di?7 42c POULTRY-AH?, higher; springs. U4ci fowls. 12c, Kaasa City Oralsi aad PraTlaloas. KANSAS CITT, Jan. IS WHEAT No 2 hard. $1.3V,iai.37Vi; No. 2 red. tl. 278128; May, tl.3&T4l.S6; July, tl 2Cfjl.2S4 CORN No. 2 railed. 72c; No. 2 white No. I 31c; 7i74W: May. liWr: July. 78Vc. OATS No. S white, 65(jj6oi4c mixed, s2vmu, LL lTElt-Creamery, S3f firsts, ae?..nd. ;sc; packing. Vi'tc. KOiiS Flists, Sic; seoiids, 23c. POULTRY liens, ' lo; rooster. 10-4cj turkey, 15c. LItstsmmI Grala Harke'. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 18.-WHEAT-Spot No. 1 Manitoba, Lis 3d; No. t wintur. iVi r-a. r uiures, r.ominat. CORN K pot American mixed February, 74Hd; Mjirch, 7s fd. 1 LOT k Winter patents, -i 'm. HOPS In London (Pacific Li Httaii i. 7s 9d; coast), Bt. Lnli tirala sf4arke(. ST. LOC1S. Jan. lS.-WHBAT-No. red, 11.41 r 1.424; No. X hard. 8L411.43; May. tltyS; July, tLfci-i. ' CORN No. 8. 72": No. i wblts, 7414c: May. 7'ic; July, girVie. OATS No. S. 4V; No. t white, SM49 55',c. Bank Clearlag. OMAHA. Jan. elearlgs for Omaha today were S3:3.6.09 61, and for the corresponding day laut year, a,ftlu, ltt. 40. Total S.20B 2,899 1 S.JTS CATTLE Receipts were light this morning, as Vas to bt expected after the big storm on Saturday. The receipt. In fact, were the smallest' for a Monday since our weeks ago, being less than halt the run of last Monday or a year ago. Buyers all Wanted a few beef cattle and wera out In good season In the morning, paying prices that were gen erally steady with last week's dose. It take right good cattle at the present time to bring 8 00. Cows and heifers -were In good request at steady prices, tha market closing up, If anything, a little firmer on desirable kinds. Ktockers and feeders of good quality were wanted and prices were generally steady with last week. Some good west ern hayfedo sold as high as- S&.&0, to be taken back into the country- and fin ished on corn. Pretty much everything changed hands In good season in the morning. Quotations On cattle: Good to choice cornfed beeves, SLOmffS 40; fair to good eornfed beeves, W.B0W.50; good to chnloa heifers. Stj.ooA7.Z6; good to choir cows. 6.7f6.80; fair to good cows, 16.0006.80; common to fair cows, S4.60o6.00; good to choice stackers and feeders, S7.2MftS.10; fair to good stockers and feeders, K6O0 7.00; common to fair stockers and feed ers, S6.7SU4.S0; stock heifers, SG.2&3X75; stock cows, 4.75o.00: stock calves, Ki.00'4 8.00; veal calves, 87.008.76; bulls, stags, etc., S5.003KJ.7s. BEEF STEERS At. Pr. No. , Av. Pr. 10.... ISM TM 44.,.' 1244 f SO ... ,.un T 95 IS.,.. 14C4 9 SO 4i Ittl 4 94 II 1411 8 94 M. l'JOl 8 Sb Mo. I 1 n t 4 12.... 14).... !.... 14.... .... m 6 ....10 7 3 ....Wit t w ...lujl 7 40 ST Hi 1147 7 Sb ..;..) T 75 M7 7 ) h"l EElt.4 M 7 2S .... m s l 46 SIS) 1 Cattle Flraa-lloaa t asettled Sheep Firm.' CHICAGO; Jan. 18,-OATTLE Receipts. 15,000 head: market firm; native steers, 85.eri-g41.40; western, KOOijI.eo; cows and heifers, S3.254i.10; ofclves. K0OW1O.6". HtXIS Receipts, 30.000 head; market un settled, eaily advance of loo to 2fo pnrtlv lost; bulk of saleev KH07.10; light, ti.T5'u 7.10: mlxel, K7Wi7.10; heavy, 8.50Vi.05; rough. t.60Si.i5- pigs. trv4in7.00. SHEEP ANI IaAMHS llecelpts, 8.000 head; market firm: sheep'.2d; year lings, Stiu7.S0; lambs, KTfi.aO. flloas City Live Siock Market. SIOUX CrTY, Jan. 18. ;ATTLE Re ceipts, S.OOO head: market loo to 15c higher; native steers. S7.OOGiS.60: butchers. fo.2fy0 .50: cows and heifers, M.STxiMS.lS; cannere. S4.00itfi.O0: stockers and feeders. taH,t .: calves, 6.00jil.S0; bulls, stag, etc., HOGS-iRecclDts. 2.600 heed: market slow, 10c to lfto up; heavy, K7iV(jC.9:i: light. ciifl, iiiiiH or sates. n. Am.!. SHEEP AND LAMBJ4 ItooetDts. 2 000 head; market higher; fed muttons, 83.&nt; j.w: wetners, 85.sjjfti.95; ewes, 85.00; lambs, I7.60U1.76. Kanssta 4'lty Lira Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 18. CATTL-Re-celpts, 14.000 head: market higher; prima fed steers. t8.76n.X: dressed beef steers. S7.2Ti4j8.60; western steers, 87.OOfi8.60; stock ers and feeders, K25ft8.O0; bulls, 85.21; 6.75; calves, KntKftlv.60. HOtlS Recelnts 8 000 head: market. higher: bulk, 8S.904iM.9ft; heavy. K0iM7.n0: packers and butchers, K75iS700; light, i6.7WM.95: pigs, SS0(ii.7,V H11EEP ANP hAMB Receipts, J.ino head: market higher; lambs, .S7.rtvjr.3fi: yearlings, t.WVjt7.40; wethers, S5.70'a.fl; ewes, S5.00&6.50. St. t.onls Live Stock Market. ST. IjOUIS. Jan. 18.-CATTLF,-Rece!pf, 5,900 head; market, steady; native beef steers, S7.SO4i10.0O; cows and heifers, ti.00 ji).2S; stockers and feeders. 85.2."ii7.2&; soutl'ern steers, 8G.75S7.75; cows and heif ers, 4 00-5MOO; native calves. 86.0010.25. HOGS Receipts, 7.400 heHd; market, higher; pigs and lights, S6.OiWr7.30; mixed and butchers, S7.0o7.26; good heavy, 17.10 t1.3S. M1EEP AND LAMBS Tteoelpts, S.60O head: market stronr: native muttons, J4.7M(6.75; lambs, SS.258.65; yearlings, 17.25 7.90. , Bt. Joseah Live Stock Market, ST. JOfEPH. Jan. IS. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,200 head; market higher; steers, t7.0fw9.W-. rows and heifers, 14.6038.60; calves. Sa.OrV10.00. HOGS Receipts, 8.200 head; market hlghtr to shippers; top, S8.921,; bulk of sales, 8.i5j.K5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. J.OOO head; market strong; lambs, 7.WU.w. NEW YORK. Jan. WL. Utoiks moved forward a sain today, under lead of the various special Issues, Including fertiliser snd motor shares, the coppei and half a score of miscellaneous securities, such s l-ortllard Tobacco, National ltlicult. lNtillers and Pullman. Hnllroad stoi ks and the active list In general were until Utter dealings, although Canadian Pacific was very strong and active throughout an announcement of the coni any willinRnrK to redeem Its out standing bonds in advance of mnturlty. In the final hour many railroad shares joined In the rise to a iniMltM-ate deuree, until all around advances-of 1 to 8 point were the rule. Ooulii stocks were promi nent, Missouri I'ai-tllc bettering Its io sitlon of last week. There wits an unus ually brisk demand for the Houthrrn rail roads, Atlantic coast lln and lnilsville A Nasltvllle going well above minimum prlc-a. A sale of 1,000 shares ot sea l.otr4 at 88, Its established price, with subKeqiient- dealings at an advance, at tracted attention. The movement In the metal stocks was predicted on another rise In the price of copnrr, together with heavy buying for Russia, Japan and other foreign coun tries. Apropos of these exports, last week's shipments of merchandise from this port, approximating fcri.nm.ovn, con stituted a new hlRh mark. Exchange on London moved contrary to this condition, however, being scni-what on heavy pur chases of remittance by a leading fi nancial Institution. Last week's excel lent bank statement resulted In an easier rate for two and three-mntitha' money. Ronds added tr their recent gains, with the exception of Japan 44 second series. In which there were many trsnsactlons for Oerman account at concessions. Total salea par value were SlSM.oOO. United RtHtes government and Panama bond advanced 14 to H per cent on call. Number of salea and leading quotations on stocks wero a follows: Files. Hl(t. Lew. Cle. Aiuks (JoM 1, (on H S" guv Mmairamaieq ixipper ,,,, ll.eno An.M-lratl Peat gusr.... l.l SMITH M'PHERSON DIES ATRED OAK Judye of Federal Court in Iowa for Fifteen Tears Tasse Away at His Home. PASSES ON BIG MEASURES . lap 4011 f4S ::4 'U ii 1V so mi sr, 27V4 9.4UO 8,6 II no fl tiii 7, 14 1,70 tb 1.904 44 IMS 8tk t, 1W rt 7'W Chicago Fouth Omaha Kansas City St. Ixiuls .... Sioux City . Totals ...... Llva Stock 1st Sight. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 15.000 20.0110 8.000 ... 8.0HO 4.HO0 ,0ix) ... 14.000 6.0011 . 2,400 ... 9"0 7.400 3,000 ... 3,000 2,500 2.0U0 40.900 49,900 2I.OJ0 A HEIFERS. 5... II. . II., COWS. I.. fri in .418 7 73 ...111 T at r ..1118 lis ..10 S 7 ..1I7S I TS .. 938 I .. S I 7i ..lIMt I 10 ..1111 f (A ..SO I 4 ..lrt 4 (W .. a4 1 .. 147 f IS ..Ml 4 9 S U . 404 90 144 M TM I 17 4 10 UT T U 1M I Tl U; Ti I 6 lill) 9 09 9 94 JJS 8 It 11 8 7 4 941) 4 4 1011 4 44 1 it ,.. . . wr 4 on 7,.... 2 t....lm4 4 40 7 1 - 94 4 7. 10 1M 4 0 12...,. 1 1W I 04 91 I t I 1 1010 6 lb 4 9 1004 14 14 4 DM I 16 11 I loo t 40 . J 11 Mttl M v HEIFKRJJ. 41 741 I tl 13 1.. 11 I K ..,. M it T 14..... 711 i W I 19 41T 00 1J 11 441 4 1 1..... DULLS. 1 ) IK t 1 Kiwi I A 1 1 IM I 40 1 1 lit I 40 1 ALVeiK. 14 11 IN , 1 4 4r? 7 11 1 J"4 7 T4 I 4 442 I 00 fiTo. k as ft FEEDER. 1 811 94 Tl 99 . 4 -444 4 (X) t Hl M " 4 M 9 HI IH 8 4 Kits ! H II J t 11 5 444 44 1 K'.-S 7 . "4 14 , I , 7 7 H 14 Ml I 14 iuu 8 M 1 Ld '1 KllN'B oRlCGo.N. No. A v. Pr. No. ,Av. Pr 44 steers.. ..1248 7 90 19 ateer....14M 8 00 HOGS The bllsaard that swept tha whole central and western sections lsst ween mads supplies very light at all points this morning, and the loyal mar ket was no exception to this rulo, only fifty-seven cars, or about 4,000 head, be ing reported In. Thla is 80() smaller than last week, and almost 8,000 llxhter than Hie corresponding Monday last year In spite of the fsct that Chicago re ported a aharp advene in prices, the local trade opened out very dull, with killing offers little If any better than steady Shippers were bidding a nickel better In some Instances, and they suc ceeded in buying a few hogs on this basis. boilers held on until lata In the forenoon In an effort to gat packers to raise their hands, I but after later message from other market reported packers there as doing nothing, a few loads finally began to move, and before noon tha hi t.1.11. of tba hogs had been sold at f:g-ura that iioiiir 10 nigner man Satur day's averago market. Tha market failed ta Uvea up at any time, being one of tha dullest sessions experienced for some time, and can be quoted as generally steady to a nickel higher. Bulk f the hog was sold at Sti.rUM.78. with quit fnnmiuis mm man as so-so. Sh. 9r. S 8 T ... 1. 4 II4 S9 8 tu a Av. to" rr m.. a. II 174 Ml 4 40 m 81 41 94 10 i 44 -i Jt.1 U 1 HI III 71 tlt T7 'l JW 4 74 4 IH 14 14 ... t 7i-,4 pioa. 44 II ... 8 9 hHbJLP A Iglht lun of Km head huwed up today and all other markets were lightly supplied. This, no doubt, wss due to the big slump In valurs itwl Week at all points. . The ljgbt run encouraged seller to ask NHTW YORK GENERAL MARKET (Saotatloaa at 4b Day Vsurlaas Osmmodltles. NFTW TORK, Jan. 18.-FLOUR Steady; spring paten U. 4,su-i7.20; winter straights, Srt.2Mis.40; spring clears, 84.1 . 6. WHBAT-KDOt. unsettled; No. 2 red. S1.M4; No. 2 hard, Sl.WV all rail o. 1. f. track export: No. 1 northern, tuluth. 21.44V. and No. 1 northern Manitoba, 21.61 e. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, unsettled; Msy, I1.491: wuiy, ii.a?. CORN c iiot. strong; ixo. z yellow. Snio. a 1. f. to arrive; Argentine prima. 78c, nominal, delivered. OAT8 Spot, steady; standard. B9ttfjya; No. S white, Sew""c; No. 8 while, lu 6SH1'; No. 4 white, &7WiV4jO.; fancy clipped white. 60Vig62c; ordinary clipped white. 8HtiOHc. HAY Barely gteady; No. L Sl-074; No. 2, Sl.0Oftl.OS; N. S, D&cfttl.OO. HOPH S'lrm; atate. common to cholca, 1914 Crop, 18'il'2rtc; 19LS crop, nominal; Pacific coast, 1914 crop, 10a14c; Pacific coast. 1913 crop, 810c. I II DKS Quiet: Central America, 31a; Bogota, 31a32V4c ..... LEATHp;it Ktrong; hemlock firsts, S3u; seconds, SOOlc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, Sl9.6Oi0.W; family. I22.Uxn.W, short clear. 82" 002300. Beef, steady; mess, t21.ooh3.00; family. t!4 0frn2f. 00. Lard, strong: middle west. 81O.7O10.90. TALLOW'-Steady; prime city, Jiogs heads. Mc; special, c. BUTTKR Weak; receipts, 4,344 tubs; creamery extras. 92 score. 8212n; creamery, firsts. Sfnpsmo; seconds. 27 28c; ladles, current make, firsts, 237i24c; seconds, J2Hc; packing stock, current make No. S. 30S2MJ. - CHEHSHB Firm; receipts, 842 bnxe: staU whole milk, held specials, lMtti ltitae; aversge fancy, 15i4flbVc; fresh specials, liVj-loe; averat ttaoy, UQ 144e; skim. ScS'140. .... IXKl! Unsettled; receipt ,.BM cams, fresh gathered, extra fine. aD4i40c; extra first. 8te; firsts. 8&T3701 :onds, 8if Sic- state. Pennsylvania and nearby hen nery whites, fine to fancy. 4Mj46o; gath ered whlts. 3b'(f4fc; hennery browns, 40 c; gathered browaa and mixed colors, POCLTRT Pressed, firm; western roasting chickens, Wtrttc; fowls, Wt 1 "; tSrteys, IMMSri .live ernT chickens. lJfl8V4ci fowl. l9M'Ac; turkey. 18'ffUVS. . toffee Market. NEW TORK, Jan. 18-CJOFFrTK Opened at unchanged rrVs to an ad vance of mi point and ruled generally steady during tha day on a little cover ing and trade buying, which waa attrib uted to the steadiness -t the primary markets. Tha close was at a net advance of two ta four points. Bales, 4.210 bugs. Jsnuary, 8.10c; February, 4U5o; March, 8 24c.j April, .34c; May, 8 43c; dune, S.SSo: July, T.2C: August, I Jaei- bepteniber, 7.44c ; October, T.49c; November, 7. Mo; Decem br, 7.49c. Upot. steady; Rio No. 7. Tna; Psntns No. 4, 9'4C Rio and Santos un rhand. Illo axchang on London l-lbd ,,,'"er' I , Evaporated Apple mu4 Dried Vralta NKW TORK. Jan. 18.-BVA PORAT1T) APPLK8 Wulet and easy; fancy, 7c; olioice, Vulrt':; prime, frii'4c. DRIED FRl'll a Prunes, firm; Call rornias, 411Vtc; Oregons, Tiillc. Apri cots, firm; choice, 9V9Vtc: extra Choice, H,alOc; fancy, lOVfOilo. Peache. firm; choice, 4WIW4C; extra choice, 84,0; fancy, 7'n'. Raisins, quiet; loos nius catels, tUtTiye; cholne to fancy seeded, I'iaec: seedieaa, rvs'c; London lay ers, ix.a.v. Dry I. sods Idarket. NEW YORK. Jan. 18.-DRV OoODS Cotton goods were stronger and mora active; a low lines of worsted dress goods wer opened for fall without rhange in pni. ) arns were guiL Jobbers bougut uulta UlnriLlly. Attisrtcaa can Artrlin R P. Am. H. tt. pM Am StiKsr lte'lnlng Arr.erlcsn T. T American Trcoo v Aimuonds Mining AtohlKon Iiiltlmors a Ohio PriMtklyn lUpid Tr Calirnrnl Petmlnum 1.. tanadlui I seltlo Vmrl tMther t heupMhs Crhlo 'M-so O. W 4-hlown. M. A 8t. P.... fhlrsgo M. W rhinn Copper ..... tVlra4o Fuel 4i Iron.... Colorftilo sr. gAuthem..., Tlenrer A ltls Qrand; ... Inrr R. O. phi..,.., PMIIIera' SerurltlM .... Krim (tensral FMMtrle Oret Northern sfd (IrMt Nmhern Or tn. OviKseniielm Kkploratloo.. llllin.lK (-ntrsl Inlerborough Met. pfd.. Inaplrstlon Copper lnltrnatlonnl lUrrMlsr.. Kinai t'ttr 8outhrn... lhlh Vallay Ix'Ulnvlll a N'MhTllls.. Mxlmn Petroleum Mlsmt Cnpper MlMmlM. K. A T. Miieoiirt Parlrm K1nall BlM-nlt National ljfti Nevada Onppr ,, Naw York totral N. Y., S. H. a H Norfnlk a Weataru. ...... Nmrtharn Paclflo I'arlMn Mall I'aririo Yal. Tsl fvnnarlvnnla Pullman Palaes car Ray On. iJopper Raadln Kapubllc Iron it Steal... Ituck Uland Co kork Island Co prd St. 1- tt B. P. li pit... Sontharn Parlfto Soulhars Railway Tanaaaaea Copper ...., Tataa Corapanr .......... tinlon 1-acilio 4'nlnn facirin prd united witM etael , V. H. Steel pld Ptah Copper Wahaah pld WMtarn Union WeatlnshnUM Elartris .. oaflarad. ' Total salaa for tha dir. 264,909 shares. 4S Xf4 'S 4tW MIS WV4, IW tiwi ins t'4 11S 1'"'4 917 14 4 71V. 9lt U"4 lit ti " "m I4H' i"l n 9414 ( 1 "a 14 aat l4i m 12 94 ttl n 1m i.ioa tart its 'H 1U4 ted lltVH 1144 II l.4no S014 m m 1.IW 104, 4UVt t.4 10; r 40 40 Ml If 14 94 8.)v i t: &114 l.lii M I14H. 'H 7110 li'4 111 1174 l.fttio in, M it'i K 1H 1TH II J.0 lot IHi 14 ,on4 1114, 94 10T4 9U4 lJti 114 l:4 47 70S lUj It It ' l.lTO t 19 M , 1,400 , im tltt HV4 lets 9.409 lotli r 1014 i 24 l.tOi) If 14 lt4 104 900 1B4 lUi 1M IO11O 17l 14V4, . 149V4 14TSU 14' me: n 11 ii', 400 H i . 91 IS IV, ' IS 8S i.0.10 Kit 4i SftS i.soo mvi us I" '4 l,4n lis MS too p4 ms 144 8,k MIS IK'S HA M4 ll "i'l 8.9M IIS H'l MS S"4 loss IMS "'S 1.100 44 III, 4S 1 04 IS IS IS 8. tOO 41S 4IS 4IW 1,70 71 70S 71S New Vorlt Maaey Marttet. NEW TORK, Jan. 18 MONEY Time kians, dull; 60 and 90 days, 8 per cent; alt months, 2V4 Per cent. Call money, steady; high, S per cent; low. 2 per ovtit; ruling rate, 2 tier rent; last losn, S per cent; closing old, S per cent offered at S per cent. - MKRCANT1LR PAPER Styffl4 par cenU KTrnr.iwri ir-vma A vnv. -.Au.i... day bills, S 8175; for cable, 84.8476; for de- mana, 44.940. WLVKK Har, 49e: Mexican dollars, STn HONPS aovernment. rallrosd, strong. IONDON, Jan. 18. B1LVKR liar, tt IS-liVd per ounoe, MONRY-1 per cent DISCOUNT RATrJSBhort bills. 1 1-1S per oent; three months, 2V per cent. Closing-quotations on bonds today wera s follows: 11. g. ret. is, rag.,.. mo. rae. rr. is.... tfo eeiipos 4SN. T. C. g. ISa. ... II vj V. S. rag tot K T Cllr tm 1K4.. 104H do eouson ' N. Y. NLat 4Ss ...lO'4 U. . 4a. rg l'SN. Y.. N. H. a, H. do aoupoa av. aa .......105S SIS 44S s EH SM WS I 4H4 ss ranama 3s 24a. Ialtle 4s... Am. Hmsltars M....101S do Is A. T. T. or. 4Ss. SI40. g. L. raf. 4 Armour ft. 4S.. l's. T. T. 4s Atrhlaoa gen. 4a MS'Pann. oan. 4s.. Ida). A Ohio 4 . .. w jiaadlng atm. 4S. he Olile 4Sa.. K u S. P. r. C B. Q. J. MS tk. Pae. av. 4. C M 8 P g 4SS..WOS do rf. 4s 4'i . B. I. g P. e. 4. US do ot. la MvZ a a. rer. an... o. naiiwvr as 1). H. O. rat. Ii.. 41 Union Patlfto Frla aim. 4 do v. aa i ten Klactrtn 4s... mS V. H. tluahar 4a....l0iu .101 11. m, iimi & 10a . US Watiaah lat 4a 7S . U '(. t nloa 4Ua... II JjH'. fcltc, . la., MS 4s MS 0 4s..,, M'i Ht. No. lat 4S... 111. (Ian. raf. la K. (). Mo, raf. la... L. N. nni 4s.... U.K. T. 1st 4d., . Loral llaek aad Buads. Qsotatloas fornlatiad 9r Barns. Brlnkar 4a C., 441 Oiuahs National sank ul!tun: Htaraa Bid. Asae4. Paera a Co. pfd 17 m Palrmont ("raamarir f pa r cant fd.. MS l'WS llnouln Pur Uutur ., )u Omaha a C- B. K B 14 S Oniaha A C B. 14. Kr. 9't 74 71 Packard Motor Car pld 92 M t pdika Urals pld H n lir.lon Stock Yards, Omaha MS 97 Honda Arnolda Hark, la., Behaol la, 114.... MI ' 111 Cnnihiantal (Ms a fclaotrlr Ii M .l Caspar. Wa.. Watar 4a, 11.14 ko Cuuanr t'acklng c. 4a. 112 is 100 Purdaa. Ni-b.. 7 sr aarraal... 111 v, kin Co.. Waah . la. laijl 104 104 44 Japan Oovarnaiant 4Sl. list 71 74 Northaraalarn Kla. H. R. lat 4, 1141 IT 74 M 71 Norway aa, l Lmiatia A C. B. St. P. Onaba sV-hool ISa. 1J! rur of Oa.aha Water )Mi plaroa Co., Nib.. ra. Ola, la, V0 IS . , Ht. Juaaph K.. LaP. , 1117.. eVn 4rnclKO. Cal., 4a, lUl lHal.,.. 9wH 4UJ. K 144 Herttm.r. Ne., Wa'ar 4a. 1441 Hupanor, Neb., Watar 4a. )M VtKklt Vslos Stock Yards a, 194,. 4a. 114.. lv M 14 100.44 nit 101 4 ) tS MS Mil 101 14. t M 74 10a I 19 S 104 llelal Market. NEW YORK. dsn. 18. M ETA L9 Lead, quiet, at S3.6Ml3.7b; Indoa. 14 0a. Hpel ter. firm, at .0iiA.M; London. A.). Tin: Klnn at S33.ina-M4.24. t'orpr; Firm; electrolytic, 912.76il4.0i); casting. ll3.4-'V(t-U.72U. Iron: Quiet; No. 1 northern. 814.69; No. t. Sltail4 78: No. 1 southsnv 14.a,tM4.74; No. 2, S14.2MJ 14.75. At ljondoor-Copper; ot, 0 17s d; futures, tal. Tin: bpot, 11M 10s; futures, 4vl47. HT. iAOrlH. Jan. 18. MKTAIJ4 I-sd, riuictr SJoUftlM. Spelter, strong, 84. St. 86.00. rotten Market. NEW TORK. Jan. l.-COTTON-pot. steady; middling uplands, S.uOc. Sales, L0 bales. Cotton futures closed firm; January. 8.3sc; March. S.c; May. e.hix-: July. 9.04c, August, S.ISc; October, .28o; leciu ber 9.420. Th cotton closed firm In spit of heavy realising, tha last prices showing net gain of from 82 to 84 point for the day. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 18 -COTTON Spot, firm; good middling, S.22d; middling-, id; low middling. 4.63U; salsa. 7,04) baits. Bsa Want Ada Ara tbs Beat Burrs) Read Dally by People la atearch f Ad vrtuMil Opportunities. OKS MOINRM. Jan. 18-Smlth McPher son, fifteen yesrs judgs ct tha federal court In the southern lo'w district, died last night at 8 o'clock at his horn at R1 Oak. He had been 111 for el months, follow ing heat exposure. Inducing severe In digestion, In Kansas last July. Th auto mobile In which he was traveling st the lima brok down five mils from town and he walked tha distance, was taken sick and ha been unable to preside In court since that time. A, few days ago he was grant! a leave of absence of one year to recuperate and announcement of his demise was a surprise. He has been confined to his home, however, since his attack In Kansas, and following a critical relapse In August. Held Maay Offices. Judge Mcpherson had bran oar of the republican leaders of Iowa alnce 1870, but the many Important offices he held were chiefly In line with his profession, being .district sttorney. sttorttey general' and Judge and having served In congress only one year. Ilia widow survives him. Judge Smith McPherson wss years old snd had been on the federal bench since June. I. He waa appointed hy President McKlnley upon the unanimous recommendation of th. Ion-a con gressional delegation. Previously he had been attorney general of Iowa. Mlaaoarl Hal Cases. Judge McPherson frequently held court In Bt. Louts and Kansas City, sitting for other federal judges. In this way ha be csme connected with the Missouri rail road case, his decisions upon which brought him Into controversies with At torney General Barker of Missouri, with Congressman A. Fhlllpps Murphy of ths Sixteenth dlstrlot of Mlssurl, and with other prominent public men. Acting with 'Federal Judga Phillips of Kansas City, Judge McPhsrson In June, 1908, Issued X .temporary injunction restraining stats officials from enforcing th maximum freight rata law. Two years later h Issued a similar Injunction, Bajolas Two-Cent Fare, In March, 1909, he Issued a permanent Injunction preventing tha stats fro'j- en forcing ths S-cent psssenger ra.e law, denlaiing ho believed It confiscatory. Th Unltod Btatss suprsme court In 1914 up hald th constitutionality of tha 8-eent passenger and msxlmum freight rats laws. Attorney General Barker then sn nounoed hs would file suit In stats courts to recover 834,000,000 alleged over charged by ' Missouri railroads whlla ths rats caso was undsr litigation. ) To forestall these) suit th railroad asked Judge McPherson to retain Juris diction over any further litigation eon. earning tha rat law. Thig Judgs Mc Phsrson deeL'ned ta do. ' Raaa Granted Appeal. JIs did, however, grant tha ranroada an appeal to th United ftates suprsm court on their contention that ths federal oourt should continue to rul on all liti gation oonosrnlnt th rata law. sines ths oonstltutlonsllty of ths law had been de termined In a federal court. This point na not yat ncen settled by ths suprems oourt Th suprems court mandate decWina- tha rate law constitutional was i-ecelved by Judgs McPherson In Jun, 191S, but was not recorded until November. Ths rtltutton suits finally wars filed In clr oult courta. Several of theni-each claim ing 2,000,W0 for th passengers, shipper snd tha estate already have been lost On May S. 1910, the official conduct of Judge McPherson in tl Missouri rate case was criticised In a resolution Intro duced In the national house of represent atives.' Tha1 next day Judge MoPheraon defended his action la a oaustlo criticism o Congressman Murphy's resolution. "oral Wll Wednesday. The funeral of Judge Smith McPherson will be held Wednesday at Red Oak, with Rev. T. J. Mackav. nan tor nf th. am Saints' church, conducting the services on the request of Mrs. McPherson. ths rector being an old time friend of ths family. "Judgs Smith McPherson wss on of the kindest-hearted man I ever knew said United Htatts Attorney Hawaii spesklng of th federal jurist who diod at Des Moines Ruiuiav. "u. k. . rugged exterior snd a brusque manner, but those Who knaw htm tntl....! . ,.. . ---"". learned that he was a man of deep feel ing and of Infinite petleno." Suffragists WUJ 1 Campaign in States WASHINGTON. Jan. lS.-DaclaHna- that th vote In the house recently on the Mondell resolution for a constitutional amendment to enfranchise women had demonstrated conclusively that the next Important step In ths suffrage movement must com through tha sUtes, M"rs. Mcdltl MoCormlck. chairman nf th - gresslonal committee of the National American woman Buffraga aaaootation announced that th committee's activity for the remainder of the session Would oe aevoted to such legislation iiSi,m advance the cause in tha various The announcement followed a conference between Mrs. McCortntc.k and members of the committees ss to future sctlvltles at the capital. A campaign will at once be begun for the passage of ths fihafroth-Palroer reso lution In the Sixty-fourth congress. This resolution, which wa Introduced In both houses at tha last session, provides for referendum in the various stats at any time upon the demand of S per cent of the voters. It waa stated that th com mittee would maintain a lobby at th capltol and that it would be supplemented by co-operative work with the state uf. frage organisations. NOTED IOWA JURIST CALLED BY GRIM REAPER. V-.- .i,.C"'' ;' 'TV JUDGE 8MITK M'PIIERSO. Morgan Tells Wilson That Conditions Are Progressing Nicely WASHINGTON; Jn. 1S.-J. Plerpont Morgan, discussed the foreign exchange situation with . President Wilson todsy and informed the president that condi tions wrr Improving. He mentioned. Incidentally, the; credit of t2.W0,00 es tablished by the Russian government In the United States thmuth Mr. Morgan's banking firm." It was understood Mr. Morgan Informed the president that the Increase In Ameri can exports to Hut-ope recently .. has greatly reduced the debt owed In Europe by Americans st the outbreak of the war snd that ss a result conditions war pro.- -gresslng fsvorsbly. Mr. Morgan et plained that his firm has not arranged for a direct loan of money to Russia, but that debts owing by Russia In this coun try for the purchase of suppllos 'would be mot through Morgan- 4V Co. It Is Un derstood the president and other adminis tration officials hsd no objection to this kind of arrangement. Mr. Morgan si so planned to see Secretary lane of ' tha Interior department regarding the Cop per river and ' Northwestern railroad, which he has offered td sell to the gov ernment ss a part of the projected fed eral rallrosd system connecting the Alasksn coal fields with ths coast. Meat Cause of : Kidney Trouble Take a glass of Halts It your Hack hurts or Illnritlcr bothers Meat forms uric acltl. . ' If yasi jmust your meal every day, est it, but flush your kidneys with salts oocRslonslly, says a noted authority who tell us that meat forms uric acid which almost paralyses the kidneys in their ef forts to expel It from the blood. Thev become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery In the kidney region, shsrp pains In the back or sick headache, dlxslness, your stomsch sour?, tongue I coated and when the weathcr I bad you iave rheumatlu Iwlnge. The urine gists cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often gt sore and . Irritated, Obliging you to seek relief two or three time during the night To neutralize these Irritating adds, to cleanse tha kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste, get four ounces of Jad Baits from any pharmacy here; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fsmous . salts is made from the acid of grapes snd lemon juice, combined with llthla, and ha been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutallse the adds In Urine, so It no longer Irritates, thus ending ' bladder weakness. ' . . Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; eennet injure, end makes a ' delightful 'effervescent ' llthla-water drink. Advertisement. Bveryboay reads Be Want Ads. I TOG!y(4jA55IST -sctj k m 1 - Beak at tslistaw., Claa. I'NIONTOWN. P., Jan. 18-Th. First National bank of Unlontowsj failed to open IU doors this morning and wait ing customerej wer tolo that th board of directors waa In session and aa an. nminoement would soon b mad. Th Jirst National has a capital of roo.owi deposit of S2.4ou.000, J wa on a dividend basis of ii pr rent Mnuall. J. V. Thompson Is preslknt". Mlaaaapolts Orsvta Markart. MINNEAPOIJS. Jan. 18.-WHBAT- No. 1 hajd, 81 4H: No. 1 northern, il.H-i Kliulv Unchanged. PA Tfi. RYt-81 1VI 1- I UKAN-4J3.U). 1 t'OHN-No, I yellow, t,.-9b4.o. ' . OATS No. 8 whit. 101VC 1 1-AX-1.K31.3. HAIR GROWS OR 110 PAY Whao your kalr falls out, thar Is Itek f u, tuea-a nouriahnMnl, hioh sum nm tli klooi. Th Modara Vacuum t ap drawa tha blotxl to ua kalr mms an 4 ua It H.t kO UKB. Thia uueoa4 cirealailou. vali-k 4iianda tha uuil bl..- naula, ratnovin all tha ulofaaj an4 alusaiao btuo, tram around tha kalr ruuta aud auwiaa traau aaar Wood. Th hair takes a Ira Ilia. Maaaa mr hair hair s healihy la. Ktopa It Iroaa 4alllBg out au4 ranawa II III la I'm 4er sunt lialr tolliciaa BO that taay acala iu ' SaaJthr saad l hair, a aaiiS eur tava out oa blXTV DAYK' MIKE TltlAL Is yaur aa home. W lat ru ha (La luln. - It ro ara not aatunad llh th rhowln kaia yau rat or a tha CVp. ami thara an so ctnura v a run sll tha rtak that rou will ba gi4 ta piirrhaaa na l a at tha ana el amy data, ur WS ) .'.-.&. "I ftr ia ao publl.lty, tr unpiaaQt luMarlra aa ail wMttmenta ara made h k'aival t aiihit al vartlalag. Writ tor tar ar We. lot ii p4 . Ilculsn, sr4 aal4 is UuS aavaiua. . Motleru Vsvrutuu Osnj Co. 421 Hart-lay Block, . lcuver, Colo.