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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1915)
THE r.KK: OMAHA. .'. ,V,';.i .TANUATIY 191 WANT ADS Vkant ada received at eny lime, but to Insure proper classification must be pre. anted be'nre 11 o'clock noon for evening edition grid T30 p. m for momlni and unday tuition. Went m4m received after 11 h bourn will be under the beading, Too Late to Classify." CASH RATE. Seven (wnwutlit times, 1 cent a word sen Insertion. Three times within one week. 14 cents word each Insertion. Oil time, t cents a rrord. CHARGE RATEf. Seven consecutive tlmea, 1 centa a Una aeh Insertion. Three tlmea within one week, 10 cent a line earn Insertion. One time, 12 cents a Una Count six average words to a Una. Minimum charge. 2ft centa An advertisement Inserted to be run nn- til discontinued must be stopped by writ ten order. All claims for errors must be maAe within fifteen days after tha last Inser tion of tha advertisement Too can plaoi your want ad In Tha Bee ty telephone. none. ELETHONB TTLF.R 1000. 1 Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other anawera have been railed for and delivered during tha met Week. It la reasonable to suppoae that all of tha people, below have made tha .i . . - ,kn iin not I'M 1 1 for the balance of their anawera. Bee want a is sure set result. "s.r PC. B.C. pa 1132 1;8 i::42 1X44 11M VIS! 1.! 1WS2 1374 1S7H l.X M lw :m lnn let " 1407 SC. 14o 1411 1413 1414 1418 1424 1428 I4:a 14 a 14.4 1441 14 lii 1449 141-4 14T4 14M 14 iro 1471 1481 PC. I4S2 JnlJ ir,n iwu ir.w. i.m imo If. 45 l.-4 l'V.7 1S70 157 i ir.7 iw I6x ir.97 ISM 117 JOf m ill 21S ri9 Ml 123 tn v- in r . nog :m mo si ri ? 3.H KM 841 34 sm mi 1 tm rt m m CM 412 41.', 4'6 47 410 4J0 4 '3 4LT 4J9 4S3 98 97 iro lw 1.W7 111 1314 DEATHS AND FINERA1. NOTICES. FORD-Patrlck F., died Bt Joaeph'a hoa- iHial January 1. lif. Funeraj notice lator. LODGE NOTICES. OMAHA council No. 11, United Com mercial Travelers of America, meet eecond and fourth Saturdays each month at 1 Chicago Bt HIHTIIS AND DEATHS. Births Otto Partos, Ell Bouth Fif teenth, boy; U. J J. CalRbrlctta. 14a North Seventeenth, boy; O. U. Oagilola, 1X11 riouin fiitli, Kin, guinea Ctiniiun, iui ilicn ory. boy: Clyde Klnit. 2u.T7 lUieee, airl; Vincent Kostroun, riouth Twelfth, flrl; Hurt luclan, 17 J) liodae, srlrl; Clauda ilot'oll, 324 North Twenty-fourth, girl; Harry Roberts, 435 I'ac.iric, irl; Tau Vlaaak, KJi Houth Twelfth, boy. IeaUia Harah K. Cramnton, 2211 Man deraon, 68; llattle Pipe, 2Ali Leavenworth, ;, Caroline Bwanson, Benson, til; Mrs. Hose Carr. hospital, 63; Fawn Bezanaou, 43Tf Franklin, 44 MARRIAGE LICENSES. licenses to wed have been granted tha following- couples: Name and Address. Ale. nviiliam JL Hanklns, Mt Pleasant, la. 25 Mrs. June Mills, Perry, la U r'alvatore Cannone, Omalia S3 Kosa Palerno, Omaha 1 Mark Tlmmons, OmaJia... , 21 Nettie Bolts, Omaha 18 Thomas F. Han ley, Omaha 24 Mary lC Cullen. Omaha. 24 BUILDING PERMITS. Carl J mil. 123a North Fortieth, $1,600; Charles H .Brown, 1624-6 XHiuglaa, 11.600. TODAY'S COMPLETE MUVll! PHOUIIAAIS Kiclualvely In lb Uee Daws Tows, CAMAItPIIONE T1IEA., 1401 Douglas, The Htoten Kngine, Kalem Drama. The Man from the Sea, 2-r. Lubln drama. The Rival Ptage Lines, bells' VV. Comedy. LUTE NO. X K1H FAKNAM. The Derelict. 2-r. Kal. Dra. Feat. Marian Pols. Cactus Jake, Heart Breaker. Pel. W. Dra. Clean Plate. Lull. Dra. FAKNAM TliEATLR, 1416 FAKNAM. The Cross of Fire. 1-reel K. B. drama, and a goudi comedy. U1PP TliliATtit. 16X11 AND HAHNEi Home of Paramount Pictures. PAllk, IlikUiTaat, Feature program dally. Keystone Comedies. lis N. 1TH. PARLOR. 14U DOUOLA& Within aa Inch of His Ufa. 2-r. Eclair. Fat Girl's Romance. Crystal comedy. fTuNCLPP, 131J-1 DOlJuLAS," A Pniall Town Girl, 3-reel. Rex. )n Dangeroua Uround. Imp Dr. The llicktown lUvals. Joker Com. Xarlk. ALHAMRRA, 1SU N. 24T1I ST. Bill Joins the W. W. W.'s., Komlo com. The Mauler, 2-r. K-B. drama. The Old tKiod for Nothing. Majeatie dra. lAMO. 24TH AStTt'oilT. Environments. Majestin drama. '1 he Master, 2-reel K-B. drama. As a Man Thtnketh. Beauty comedy. CIJFTON. Military Ave. 4k Burdette. The Poark Kternal, 2-r. K. V. Drama, tild tlood for Nothing, MaJ. Comedy. 'J he Noisy Bombs, Kyyalone Comely. DIAMOND, 2410 LAKE, in Jungle Wilds. 2-reel. Blaon. Ttie Fat Gill's Romance. Cryittal Com. .111as at lxinesome Banc'li. Fron. FRANKLIN. UTU AND FRAN K UN The Way of the Woman, 11m. Dra. The Irlce of Pilence, a-rcel. Kul. Ira. A Higli old Ufe. Mini. Com. HIPltiDHi'MK 2JT1I AN1 CI'MIMI Million Dollar Mystery. list Fpiaode In two pans, i nn A rcneeoiogtst. Am. dra. l.ova Finds a Uay. Royal comedy. IT. loTH AND LOCLbT, Tiia Ptolen Engine. Kal. Dra. I ha Man from the Sea, 2-reel. I Jib. Dra. The Ailitntto Family. Mia. Com. liTHKiP. Twenty-fourth and Lothrop. Who fclef Bud Watlon? Rellauce drama. Braes Button, Beauty diama. A Fortune In Pants, Royal comedy. LOYAL, 2 CAIJjVVELU Foundlings of Father Time. 2-r. Bison. A Man s Temptation. Rex. Dr. "lUd In a Hospital. I- K. Com. PALACE. . ;WW DAVEM-ORT. Chorus Girls' Thanksgiving, Cupid and the Fh. Imp. r. Rex. PLRl RKAN. i4TH AND AMKP. An Affair for the Police. 3-r. Vita. Coin. Broncho Billy and Claim Jumpers. Esa. Its. The Bond BlnlMer Bio. lira. at. A RBOR. Thlrty-aecond and Artmr. Keeping a Husband. Than. Com. Dra, l-eadiiig UaxiB Astray. Key. Com. I-P. No. 11 Million-Dollar Mystery. ' v ."AVkjiwJivTit H.e l-.ylng Freights Captive. Kal. Dra, iy the Governor s Order. 3-r. Vila- Dra. I he Champion Bear Player, Pel. Com. C OLOMBIA, Kip UrTlL Caat Up by the bee. . Kal. Dra. JlearaCPeilg No. M Who Was Who In Hyg-s IIollow. Vltagraph Comedy. E"RT, 3TH AND VI N TON? The lr ot Hia pj,t. -r. MaJ. A Lucky DuutppolnUueut, JRuiLance. Kisaea. Rovel. V Eiv1.1-.iTE. itiTvinton: 1 lie Msl.-ry of the Peveii Cheats, 2-r , "' Dra. The Bold Banditti and tha Rah '?, ri. t iin t-uie lipid. Mu. Dr Ol-M. l-.Ji k irril M.iery of ths Throne Room, 1 r. O. Peaj ;. . v..... joker Comedy, fclow but buie, 1U.X, TODAT'9 fTTMPLKTH MOVIE PROORAMS Exclusively In The Ilee south. i.tnif1. mi7 VINTON. Custer's T,est Scout. Jr. Bison. Olive's Ixve Affair. Sterling Comedy. Virtuoso, Victor Drama. Fast imf;. iKTTi i .1 : Xv" unwoktTl The Mlllatream. i reel Imp. Tits Ina; (lone I,u k, Nestor comedy. VKNKZIA, 12U SO. WTM 8T. Four reels of Mutual pictures. treat. 'MONKOE, KARNAM. Million Pollar Mystery. No. . The Man that MlKht Have Hocn. with I-ah Halrd. A Xeliever lii lianiB. with Urma llawley. And a a:ol comedy. Beaaoa. RUN PON THKATBR. W35 MAIN. Francis Ford-tlrace t.'unard, In '"A e'tody In firarlet, 2-r. The Hustler Outwitted, Frontier. Also a Sterling comedy. (easrll Ulafre. EUTK NO. 1, M.i U ROADWAY. IleMrnl-felln No. 1. In I'ort iv Dmimi, Inhln Iirsma. Out of the Past, 2-reel ltn41raph Urania. N ; I rTlt 1a 8-f HKAT K il. M7Iiroad way. The Plot. 2-r. Vita. lra.; The I-a hie of the Huslaiid Who Showed and Ild His Imty. Kse. com.. Tha I'omeJIenne'a PlrHtcay. Mihln drama. ROI'KR. 637 HROAUWAV. A (IcntlemHn of Art, 2-r. Jmp. . CaiiKht with the Oooda, I. Ku, Tom. Anlmnted Weekly. atfti omataa. RKKSHJ, 24TH AND N BTP. Patsy's First Love. I.tib. Com. The Hcor plon'n Stint?, If, Hal. Ura. The Man, the MIskIoii and the Mnld, Vita. Ir. MAOIC 24TI1 ANU U BTrf. k Anlmnted Weekly. The Unvernor Maker, t r. P.lnon. Vaadevllle. OliniEL'M, 21TH AND N. iKtidora, No. 9. AVedncsilny. A X .NOUN t'KM E X IS IIAZKI. Leaf Pile. Cones. Best remedy for Itching, blending or protruding plies; 50c pout paid; samples tree, bhoriintu & Mct?onneii Drug Co., omalia. AI.FRKO itktiMON rompany'a Blue llird font tf.Ut: lllaheet llraile. DandV Illinois Lump, 16. Stij Petroleum t'i.M. Phone wehstnr 24"i. Wedding announcements. loug. Ptg. Co. LCCKY wedding rings at Urodegaard's. PATEK PAVLIK. Pucoesaora to Joseph Patek, plumbing, Mm, hot water, vapor and vacuum heating, new location. 711 S. liitn PL Tel. D64. , ENROLL now. Y. M. C A. night school. AUTOMOBILJiS FOR PA LK Ford roaileter, practically new; reamnablo. grJO Karnam Pt. ONK WIS Cadillac touring car; big bar gain. Cadillac Co., Doug. 4.25. Industrial Oarage Co., 2tli & Harney Bis. llliO reward for any maKneto we can't re pair, ('(ill repar'g. O. Bayadorfer, 210 N. la FOR IlliNT-One-ton White truck with driver, by week or month. II. Pelton, 22 Farnain. Call Douglas XS01. MOlilCL U-6 Detruitsr touring oar with self-starter, run less than 6"0 mllea; genuine bargain at 70, The T. U. North wall Co., 814 Jonea PL Doug. 1707. OreenouRh Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., 2020 Far. AUTO clearing house, Farnain, buys and sells used care. Phone Douglas 13iU. KINK, expert radiator repairs, lis P. loth. C. ELHASPKR, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 70S, UiOl Leavenworth. FINhl Chicago electric pleasure car, coupe body, complete equipment, prao tlcally new, may be serin at Auto Inn, 2Mti Leavenworth Bt. Telephone Harney 2sf for deec.rlptlon or d'monst ration. AUTOMOHIL15 Overland 30, 6 passenger touring, overhauled l'eo. 1H14. Bear ttrea new, nobby tread. Will buy tire to make deal. Kxtra tubes and tires cheap for cash. L. U !., P. O. Box 144, Poulh Omaha. CARS painted, according to slse (Kurd 1-2) work Kuarant d. Hauacom Park Oarage. FOR HE NT 2 high-grade 1-ton trucks' by day, week or muntu. Call Tyler law. Motoreyelea. HARLEY-DAVIDBON MOTORCTCLES. Bargalna In used machines. Victor Rops, "The Motorcycle Man," 27t lavenworth. IjI!) INDIAN MOTOKCYCLtt now ready;" bargain In ued machinea. OMAitA BICVCLE CO., lth and Chicago. D. 1728. Undborg Bros., .72 Leav. (Flying Merkle.) UT8IXKSS CHAXCKS FOR BALK or trade; a bowling alley com pletely euulpped, in a tlrst ulaas town. Doiiiu line uuaiiirse. Lxcelieul Iwion lor sale can be given. Address P. O. Bog lii. Fori Dodge, la. FOR BALE Good suburban picture ahow for cash. Address Chas. A. Franks, care Krug theater Laundry Old establlsned and well iia)'liig; good equipment; cheap rent. Pi Ice ID.buO. 418 Bee Bldg. L1PT YOUR HUBlNKoS with ua lor Quick actluu and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 411 Re Bldg. Phone Red tr.1 LET me write your fire, tornado, automo bile and burglary Insurance. Phone me, Tyler aO-U 1 haven't time to come and see you. W. O. Tomplelun, 603 Be Bldg. MOVINU picture theater, clearing $Ju0 per mo.; splendid opportunity for guine on fH,J0. ilANUlsSTAii Room 404 Bee Bldg. P. 3477. NICE Utile lunch business, right down town; pays well; owner leaving city, -';&. 0 AN (J EST AD Room 0o,l1: D. M7T. "KNOW YOCR BUPINE'SS BETTER. The MONARCH SIMPLIFIED AC COL'NTING bYPTEM will answer all thesa uuestlous INSTANTLY and AC Cl'RATELY. Keeping boika with this system Is easy, requiring but little knowl edge of bookkeeping. Come and see ua, Ws will explain our whole system to you. Guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Write or phone UNITED 8ALEP CO., 811 City National Bank. Phone IViug. IT ! C. J. Canau can sell your farming land. ONE ot the best retail bakeriua In the city; no comiietttlou. Call Web. 7eX. or address K Bee. 7 i'Elt CENT 011 your money. Can you beat It on safe security. Preferred stock, fully guaranteed. In highly profit able manufacturing plaut In Omaha. No gen t. All 'reus G 4!t. Bee. ROOMING bouse bargitlu; '& rooms. team neateii; ciom in; clearing IJiiu per mo. Can liandle on II, iw. Room 4H4 Bee Bldg. D. 3477. Restaurant Only one In town of U.U0O; giKid fu- turea and a daudy buaiuess; sickness cause for telling. Cheap at 12.j0u. luick sau;s CXJ., 418 Bea Bldg. TRUSTEE B BALE. On Wednesday. JaliUn. v 0, 116, at 1 r. in., 1 win oner lor sale lnd sell to Die igbrst bidder for cash, iBj stock of mer- cliandlse or Million r laninaa, Htoney, Ne braska. The luerchandtfce cuiuusta of dry nomia. notions, hats and raiia. boots. shoes and fitinbiliinga Tite inercbaodlae tiitoioea ia.L2t.i linturvs. xaiu Inven tory at store building and can be seen any time between now aim cats of aala K P. PARDEE. TTuslM. Care BurnhHm-Mungar-Kuvi IX ia, Oa. utiiMii 111. skv. THEATEluv- Buy, laaae or sell your the ater, maehtue and supplies throush Tlioater 1, ii liange Co., laa raruam PC iHiugias lua, Til GET In or out of buaineaa. Call ou OAftlitSIAP, ttH Bee Bid. LL 477. ltt'hIXKNM CIIAXC.T.S VOUU buelnens or real estate quickly "Id. W rite Jim Wray. Btoiix City. I lf?NS. nho- cr1 '"teriT Hon t. 1T71. C. M. KATIN. Iii"lnfs broker. H(i Wmrflmen of the World. List our busl nees for results. Doug. 1!4. KI)lC WTIONAIj "WINTER TERM MOSHKR-LA MPM A N COLLI-XJE, NOW OPKN. t'nsurpassed classes in business, short hand and Lnxllnh nranches. Graduates guaranteed umid popitlons. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catirfogue addles Mosher-Lampman College 1th anl Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. 150YLES COLLEGE Psy Bchool; Night School; complete business course; complete shorthand or stenotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng lish. Ptudents admitted at any time Write, phone or call for 1914 catalogue. ROY LEW COLLF.OK. H. B. BOYLES. President. Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Dnuglaa 1W6. EXPKRT ladv stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, siielllng, punctuation, etc., taught and rompiet. training given for business ca reer. Private Inatructlon If desired. 4W4 Douglas Pt. Tel. Walnut 2327. ANYONE wishing private Inst. In high school branches write F 40, Bee. FOR sale the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. win be sold at a discount at the office of the Omaha Bee. The Van Sant School Stenography Pay school. I W to 4:0. Night school. 8:15 to CIS. 11th and Farnam Sts. Douglaa 447. FOR IS A LB Faraltare. New A 2d -hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. Wth STOVES and furn. at cost. 1703 N. 24th. TWO good stoves for anle, one hard coal burner and one coal range, 13). 8u20 Bo. 1th PL Hsilesl Isttrsatsta Slightly used high grade piano. T. 2017. I'S'ED records bought. Mail your list Record Sales Co., Station 17, omana. FOR HALE CHEAP Piano, almost now, beautiful case and tone. 3211 Poppleton. FOR BALE Fine old vlo'ln, A mail model, 130 years) old, well preserved. Address W, Bog 123, Council Bluffs, la. Typewriters. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith 1 'renders of tholr makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284 Rental credited If you purchase and omy very newest and hlgheHt giade ma chines sent nut. Rates, three months for 16 for understroke machines or 13 per month for latest model visible writers. TYPE WRITE KM sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 807 . 17th All makes typewriters ronted, sold, terms. Butte Typewriter, 1H0C. Farnam. D. 603L RENT An Oliver typewriter, 1 months for 14. The Oliver Typewriter Co., D. 1 Mlsoellaaeoas. (tri fin Buys best coal for the money; try J.UU ,t Weo MH Harmon Weeth. t-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 A Paul. FOR PALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co., 4H7-4 P. loth PL 6 BASKETS coal. 11. Wagner, SOI N. Itith. 3 NEW safes, different sixes, below coat. Dr. Bradbury, dentist, 15u Farnam. FOR 8ALK on EXCHANGE. FOR HALE or trade, 6 6-cent slot ma chines, very latest type, first clasa re pair; guaranteed, neuriy new; what have you? Address box 166 Mound City, Mo. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED An experienced business Hnuittu as assistant to manager, 'i'hla position Is wiiu a good ilrni, pays a good salary and of 1 era a spienuld future. ROGERS REFERENCE CO., iM Stale Bank Bnig., 17th and Harney. DICTAPHONE operator, 176 per mo. WATT'S R EF. CO., 4Q2 Bran. ThesV factory aaa '1'rsSfs, LEARN halrdresaing. Oppenheun Parlora Agrsli aad tslsswssits. LADY BOLlClTOIia On mads-to-rder corsets, auuwicuse ot uuuhvm uuiiactA sary; Inteillgence and respectability Im perative requirements, pi. Louts Corset Co., 6i N. Broadway. e lloasekeepers aad Doaiestlea. THE Pervant tlrl Problem POlved. Ths Bee will run a Pervant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. Tills applies to residents of Omaha, Poulh Omaha and Council Biutfa. Bring ad to The Bee otflcs or telephone Tyler luuO. W ANTED Competent girl for general housework In family 01 two; must have good references. alnut '4t. 6120 Isard. ON or about February 1 my family ex- .W IU U VUl, 111 VVIlB14UVfU.-fll A Will need aomeone to kerp house for me. have a comiorlable home, well located. In Omaha, and will share It with a de sirable, man and wife, or will pay salary to competent housekeeper; one or two ctiiiurcu, it wen mannered, no objection. Address o. P. w., care Tha Re. COMPETENT girl for general housework; three in fajniiy; refeicocea required. 1144 r. 3Jd bt. Harney jas. WANTED Competent second girl. Ref erences Mrs. M. G. Colpe'.- ,,'ri'il P. iwth Pt. Harney 4. WANTED GUI for general liousuwork; no laundry work. Wool worth Ave. AT ONCE, competent girl for general housework; small family; no children; good wages; one who will appreciate good home. Phono Walnut JuV3. WANTED Computeut woman for geueral housework in manager's family, on ranch. In western Nebraska; relrrences required. Tel. II. 78 for particulars. WANTED A girl for house work; small family ; no washing if preferred. 608 P. IH1I1 Pt. Harney 17.17. WANTED A girl for general housework. must be auie to give references. Mia G. A. Young, 1W P. ;Mh Pt. H. DuKl. WANTED A girl for general housework. small family. Wal. a-0U. KH Webster. EXPERIENCED gill for general house- work: no washing. 1410 Dewev Ave. Plume Harney .. A WANTED IValtiun aa cook. Call D. . OIKL for general housework. No luundry. Appiy at once. is o. ."vhii., it. 141 Mlseellaaeaas. LADIES' misses' coats, suits, dresses A sklit samples at wholaeala prices. Bon- oft's New York Sample Store, N. lnth. WOMEN' wanted: government Jobs; full list free, l-'ranklln lnstllule. Dept tM A. Rochester. N. Y. YOCNV) women coming to tHnaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women s Chrtatian aaaoclatlon building at Pt. Mary's Ave. and 17th Pt.. where they will be directed to suitable boardlna places or otherwise assisted. Look for our naveiers guuie at cmon staUon. HELP WANTED MALB Clerical aad Office. NO K1U.NU FEJE baolutely NO CHARGal U ideas posi tion is aeciired, thea only a nondnal faa. IN VI J 1 1HATE OIK METHtUHl Ve are now in search of Uie fooiolng: Bookkeeper thoiesMle 816 to 178 ledger tlurk by. M reman l.'il.l tl.evO to - 0 .tt'e.inaii i. loihlngi 7& u j,ty rkmir.i.- jir.rr.ltr.M h vJi but Lauk Li J., liia aad itaraa'. m.i.r wAXTKie mam: (lertcal aag Office. SALESMAN MCII. KXP.. KO: FALF-ct-MAN: CANDY F.XP.; 8TENO. AND OKFICK CI.KRK. 6"i. WATTrtJtEF. 111. 4M2 BRAN. TJIKA. RTK Sr 1 H A Pi t k Ft 1) R 1 M PORTA NT IHM1TION WITH I.ARC.K CONCKHN. PREFKR ONK WHO CAN HANDLE CORRESPONDENCE HIMSELF. KI), LIHEKAL SALARY To RIGHT PARTY. ADDRKSH K-6o7. BEE. Hy l". KM I'VXIS IN StjCARi: HOLES We find a ixisltlon that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., IQIti-lH City Nat l Bank Bldg. CITY collector. Arpiy3l2Ree Bldg. BvXK KEEPER, with stenographic ex perience. Apply 312 Bee Bldg. HIOH-ORADR eommerciai posltlona WEST REF. BOND ASSN., 761 Omaha Nat Rank Bldg. ceats, galeamea sad Solicitors. SO classification; liberal contract; new policies. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH and Accident Association, 423 City Na tions! Bank Bldg, Omaha. Neb LEARN BARBER TRADE. Re Independent; wsges and tools given. Electric massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers, fall or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Ixiuglas St., dm. 1032 N ft.. Lincoln. Drug fttcte nsop. ooe n" WE HAVE an opening for a specialty salesman who Is capable of making $S,ijuO or more yearly; a man poiweased of sn engaging personality and energy. To such, we can offer a permanent position presenting great possibilities. Write giv ing experience and references. National Engraving Company, 154 Nassau PL, New York City. . EXPERIENCED crew manager and spe cialty salesmen for fastest seillng article on the market; expenses daily, pay weekly. R. 13 Cronnae blk., 118 No, llith. WANTED A few reliable stock salesmen to assist in placing the capital stock of a going Industrial corporation. Liberal commission. National Htoel Post Com pany, Rooms 6 and Ely Block, Cedar Rapids, la. HIGH grade salesmen, Z0 dally guaran teed. Imperial Mfg. Co., norm mam Pt, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Agents, canvassing, experi enced nreferred. not necessary. Beat seller on the market. In answering give references. Address, Y 338. Mee. WANTED AT ONCE. MAN WHO HAS WORKED IN GENERAL COUNTRY BTORM AND ifl WELL VERSED IN DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, ETC. 131-20 W. O. W. HI.PG. Fact or y aad Trades. LEARN TO BE A MOVIE OPERATOR. MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR SCHOOL. 104 FARNAM ST.. 2D FLOOR. AOTOMOBILE WISH OR OTHER WISH Be wise a 1 Independent In business for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Get our unusual interesting offer witn 1 ataiogue C. " Day and night classes. Phone D. 3043. 1413-15-17 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE BCHOOL, WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Increased population makes Increased demand. Ktart now and com plete for spring rush. Junior and senior departments given In few weeks. Board If desired. Earn while learning. Tools given. Open to all. MO LICK BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th Bt, WANTED l.OOO men to oat ham and eggs 16c. Coffee John, 14tli and Capitol. Miscellaneous. TOU ARB NEEDED Big pay If an auto expert. We give ex pert work. Ail leading magnetos and self starters. Lots of positions opening now. You go right Into the automobile busi ness from here. Write about positions Hated with us. Free catalogue. Ameri can Anto College, 2111 Farnam St., Omaha. RAILROAD firemen, brakemen, 1120; ex perience unnecessary: rend aae. Doataaa. Address Y XM. Bee. o Wanted at Once MEN to learn tho automobile business; the demand is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Anto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th Bt.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Names of men wanting to be railway mall clerks. 175 month: Omaha examinations coming. Address Y 133. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. A LARGE NATIONAL ORGANIZA TION WANTS A WELL EDUCATED MAN AND WIFE1 to act aa superintend ent and matron, respectively, of a large home for children. The man should have business training as well as experience handling children. Those with teaching experience preferred. This position la open In a southern state. Salary accord ing to ability to get results. Address C ii. Bee. MEN and women wanted, government jobs: 166 to UuO a month. Write for list of positions now obtainable. Frank lin Institute, Dept. SB 1A, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By lady, position as house keeper. Harney 7158. LADY with small chleld, wishes position aa housekeeper In country or in small town. Mary Ppencer, Council Bluffs, la., Route 3. YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Bcyles college. Telephone DouKiue 1665. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer position aa traveling saleauian or office) work; caa uae typewriter! not a ateno. K all. Bee. 'WANTED By competent lady; position to do general housework, aa cook. Can go home nights. Webster 22ot. SITUATION wanted by competent woman, aa housekeeper or work in small private family. Address K t3 Bee. LADY desires any kind of work, house keeping, etc. Call pouth ia8. W ANTED Position oy young man. sober and of good hublta, ran do bookkeeping, coat accounting and aaletwork. Address Y 140, Bee. REFINED lady would like position as housekeeper and companion for lady. Call Webster 4.8. WANTED bundle washing. Webster &0.16. EXPERIENCED girl wants place aa chamber maid and dining room glrL Phone Red 7672. YOUNG MAN desires position of any kind or work; experience In grocery. Ad dress or call 19J0 Wirt St. Phone Web. 4S3i WANTED By young colored man. umi tlon aa porter or janitor, wenater 843'. LINOTYPE operator desirea aituation on country newspaper. Have had all- around experience ui Job plants. Address A 500. Bee. AMUITIOlUS young man wants work; ureter one altn an electrician. Phone Webster 415; EX PERI E NCED colored girl for charo- ber work. D. 3 Ask tor Maude. LIVE STOCK FOR 8 A LB llereea aad Vektalea. TEAM of mares and new farm wagon, harness, complete. Call South 3ur. Thirty-fifth and county line. South Omaha. FOR PALE Two teama ot nfoe chunky farm mares, t and 7 years old. heavy. In foal, weighs 18u0 lbs. each. Well accus tom to farm work, party not able t rare for stock. Must sell quick. &1 LKidge street FOR 8ALE Four teams of chunky work horses and niarea Pome too heavy In foal for our use- Weight l.a)0 to 1.4u0 lbs. each; 4 to T yar old; right out of bard work. Trial given with same. IMS Farnaiu Pt. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons 4k harueaa; large stock A auraottve prices. Jobnaon-Danforth Co.. 16j-U N. lrith Pt MANY weU-4atcb.ed teama; young marea; Borne in foal. Call at Brewing Co s saloon. 1114 So. 18th Pt kiaT sell Immediately, the boat Z,iu-lb. team, well mated bey marea. In Doug las county; quite gentle and well broken; have ben taken on a debt Call resi dence, at P. lath Pt LIVE STOCK MAK.KKT OF WEST fell 1 1' live stock to Bouth Omaha. Pave mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live atnek fommlasfcoi Mereaaats. MAPTfN BROP. 4V CO.. Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COI 'NCI L BU FFS PTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cam. Many articles each day are turned In snd the company is anxious to restore U em to the riehtfui owner. Catl Dong. 48. FOT!NDAt all News Stsnds. FREE LANCE JUNIOR. Llvent youngster. Resd It. LOST Brlndle and white bull dog. D. 70?7. Call LOST Small lar pin set with one dia mond. Phone Walnut 2146. MONET TO LOAW NEED MONEY 7 Pee ua. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Blk. Douglaa 141L MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether rectal disease without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. Rupti nra curea in a lew aavs wnnoui Ult Pain. Call or write Dr Wrav. 101 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1894. o NUKSERY PLANTS AND SEEDS 200 STRAWBERRY plants, 11. Choice of 20 varieties. Parcel post paid l,f0. ex press paid, 14 00; American Ever Bearing Strawberries. 60 11.00. Big bargains in all small fruits. Cata log free. W. H. KOELL, Box ITS. Hampton, la. PERSONAL $7,000 to Tension Invalids We must hare 183 anbscrlptlona to Tha Ladles' Home Journal. ...11.60 The Saturday Evening Post. ...11.60 Tha Country Gentleman 11.50 In January or the 17,000 cannot be earned for THE INVALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal contrib utes 6O0 or more toward the sup port of a acore of Invalids who have received pension checks for nearly two years. URGENT PHONE D. 710 OR MAIU Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAIIA. NEB. ' YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasociition building at 17th St and St. Mary'a Ave., where they win ne directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. HE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maira- xlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4186 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, U10-UU-1114 Dodge PL PET STOCK UN EQUALED watch dog pups, cross be tween German nollcs dnir end Scotch collie. J. W. Welch, Benson. Phone Ben aon 403. FOR SALE Pulr of valuable eastern Dcoicn cuuie pups. lei. walnut aw. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES DON'T forget that three times more chickens have been hatched In OH Truaty inoul ators than in any other In cubator. Calalogue free on request. Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, ie. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7&o a hundred at The Bee office. POULTRY TOPICS, Lincoln, Neb., tells how to make money with poultry. Three months' trial subscription 10c LIVE WTKB BUSINESS MEN OF OMAIIA A B C of Omaha N EW and 2d-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc, and mech. repairs. Le Bron Elect Work. 318-20 P. 12th. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 24(7. Renovates feathers and mat Li eases of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. r ACL'L'M cleaners for aala Vacuum I cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Service Co., 806 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and par la for all sewing machines. NB- if.witivn v. ,.r. v . w , juicaei B, 16th and Harney. Douglaa lSa. Accoaataata. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANY. iac-38 City Nat Bank Bldg Tyler D10. E. A. DWORAK. accounts audited, open ing and closing books. Installing modern ol Ilea and coat accounting syaiem. Ad dresa 438 Ramge Bldg. Phone D. 740. AddlMv UaiiklsH. Dslton Adding Machines. 411 S. 16. D. 1441, Adder Mch. Co. t Wales), W. O. W. . 6J18. Archlteets. Everett 8. Dodds. (12 Paxton Blk. D. JBU. Aata aad Maaaeta Iteaalrlaa. Magneto repair work a specialty. D-S411 Aaetloaeera, Dowd Auction Co.. 1121 W. O. W. Red SXSi. Attractleaa. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargalna tlatvra aad Well DlgglaaT. NEED well or cUte i cleaned or dugt BCHAFFER doee It Phone Web, toil. t arpeatera aad Coatraoters. STEVENSON. 821 P. 12d. Douglaa 66J0. Blae Prlatlagr. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO., KU Omataa Nat l Bank Bldg. Barbers. II Chairs. 10c shave, neck shava 1817 ax. Uraaa Feaadrlea, Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27 th and Martha St a J. E. RICKERTT, Well Construction Co.; sioiiiiua too uig ur uupoatiiuie; estuuatea furnished. 610 N. list St., Omaha. California Laaaa, W. T. Smith Co.. ill! City Nat Bk. D. 811 Caterers. M HA E Sets tables, terves. parties wed dings; eurnlsh waiters, rooks. Wal. 3112. t'oal Dealers. 'ifl Juhnaon'g special, elsa Victor nut ibvl.OU te M Phone D. 1708. 1 fciropraclere. U Oeddia, D. C. m Bea Bldg. Doug. 42M. tslsa Palatlaa. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 4B41 tlvtl Eaglswra M. J. LACY. 618 BEE BLDCJ. DOUO. 47U t reaaa lessialsra The PharpUs Separator Ca.. llth A Para. baaaiagi Aeadeaslaa. Turptn's Dancing Academy, tth A Para. Genevieve Hauflalre. Phooe Web. 4a3a. Mai kie a Academy. D. 6444. 1818 Har. OHAUHKH Academy, alaasia D. 171. Daearatara aad Iaa Hssgtss. B1LQKR doee It Phono Walnut 1U1 DflMlltM. INVEPTIOATIONS carried out te aay part of Called States, Canada or Mea- ao Paxton Blk. D.1I71 Walnut li.. JAMES ALU;' 111 Neville Blk. Evl denca aecured la all cases. Tyler MM. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Deatlata. Dr. Rrsdbury. pain. IV) Farnam. Dr. Toddw alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandela Bailey, the Dentist. 7 City Nat'l Bank, faff Dental Rooms, ir.17 Douglas. DTipVL PyorrhearDFlegea. 724 Cltv Nat. BankT Dresasisklsg, Terry nrcMtnilc'e collere. 2fth Farnam. SKIRTS to order, 11. ml up. 612 .-j. lth. WATSON U'ND. ?T "asn St. MISS STURDY, illrt Chks. Bed 7320. Mrsgs. DRUGS at cut price"; freight paid en 111 orders; catalogues free. Sherman 4k Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Electric ftapplie. LERRON Flee Wks.. S18 S 12th. D. 78 ETerytblna for Woinea. Woman's Exchange, 4S2 Pax. Rlk. R 4H11 A CCORDION. side, knlfe7"sunburit71ox pleating: covered buttons, all sixes and Styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. tOO liouglas Block. D. Die. SWITCHES made from f'nibinBB, tiy cxp hand worker; mall orders. 414 N. 1th. HA I KDRE.S"! NO. all branches; combines to order. Apt. 31. Wright Blk. R. SMI. Ml ES made from old furs. H. 645. Furriers. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 24th St Web. 7777 Florists. A. DON AGHUE, 1R25 Harney. Doug. 1001 BATH'S florists. 1"04 Farnam St. HESS A SvVORODA, 1416 Karnam St L. HENDERSON, 161 Karnam. D. HA Mtmbor Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Hair Dresslna. Harper method. R. Bal'd Bldg. D. 881L Ladles' Tailor. LADIES' suits tullorcd to measure; popu lar prices; remodeling. Irwin Brecher Co.. 612 So. Itith. Phone Doug. 881s. Llgbtlna Flxtnres and Wiring;. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2619. Live Stock Remedies.. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 S. 12th. Red 4261 Messeaarcr and Transfer. WHITE LINE. 309 8. 11th. Douglaa 8311 Mask, Costamea aad Long; Sepelles. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stoclt of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Thee. Lleben A Son. 1E14 Howard. P. 41 IS. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1802 Farnam. R. 2. Douglas 875L Open evening and Sundays. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., p. m. : Sundays, 10 to 3. MISS GIBSON, massage; Id floor, 1711 Dodge. Hrs. 10 to 8. Sunday 12 to 5 p. m. MISS WALTON, bath, massage. Td. D. 41!97. Hours 9 to 9; Sunday 11 to 6. Clara Lee. bath and massage. Doug. 8751. MASSAGE. 10i S. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat. Rtd 6036. M ANNAtiE 620 BEE BUILDING. lYLLOCUYUlli DOUGLAS 6o'2. CORA BELLINGY "XrSSZ netio treatmenta Invigorating baths, mas sageselegant and satisfactory; daily, evening. W7 8. IV ill Pt. Notice Private entrance, down stairs, basement, corner building. Violet Ray, mass.. 4J6 Bee Bldg. D. 6112. Kathleen Mack, massage A bath. D. 7583. M Living, Storage and Cleaalna. W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W Bldg. Ohteopathlu Phyalclaas. Dr. Rerucha, 203-4 McCagne Bldg. D. am Dr. Peterson, 603 Brand, la Bldg., D. 2144." Printing;. WATERS-BARNTIART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. t24 S. 13th Pt I-OUOLAB Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. CORKY A MKENZ1B I TO. CO. D. 2fi44. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 120 Capitol. D. 11027 CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3764. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St Patents. H. A. Sturges. 636 Brandels Theater Blrtg. p. O Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Palatlna aad Panerias. HUGH M'MANl'S. 417 N. 40th. H. 6728. Itoaca Exteruiieator. B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist PI a uses Renovated. PLUMES & flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Krugee. 4.3 paxton D. 8394. Safe and Time Lock Experts. O A TTLTO Opened, repaired, comb. 7A P lio char.gid. F. E. Daven w " port. 140i; Dodge. D 1S21, bhoe Repalrlaa. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Marys Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. ?U S. 14. Store and Office l-'lxtarcs. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 3. lath D. 1724. SI gas and baoweard. E. M CLARK A BON, 111 B. WTH ST. Steel C'rlllase. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, lis S. 10th. Towel "applies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 621 Traaka aaa kaltcaaee. FREEING & STEINLE, 1S06 Farnam St Tall ore. CHAS. C. LANDERYOTT. 108 N. 15th St O. OLSEN A CO.. 613 P. 16th St. Id floor. V ladaw Skaae Cleaaere aad Mfgn. OLD shadea made like new. Midwest Shade Factory. 4010 Hamilton. Wal. Slid. Veterlaarlaas. DR. G. R. YOUNG, 4T Center. Wal. 8015. Wises and Liquors. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner. 11 to 3, 10c. Globe li iuor house, 424 N. 16lh; California wine. i.a per gal. v rile for price ilt. 11KNRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSED IMh and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liauor House. 623 N. 16th. Douglaa 180& SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILES-For other automobile bargains sea the "Automobile" classifi cation. . At TO TIRES Will trade for indoor car. penter work. Phone Douglas 33U1. Bl'SlNESS CHANCE Account rlieuma Hhui, 1 must sell or trade my retail business and leave this climate. Ac counts and notes amounting to 15.000 or more. Will trade for good land or city proierty or property oo coaet or in south. Address S. C. 47K. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Party with a very profitable business must dispose of se cured noies ami contracts amounting to several thousand dollars, also a business which has taken years to work up. in hies to regain his health; very little capital required; will accept good Income city or county property fur same. Please describe what u have to offer fully. Address P. C. 471. Bee. oNIS Hae $VU in lainds of the Farmers' Irrigation District, Poott's Bluff, drawing 6 per cent to exchange for an up-to-date automobile, in four or five passenger, must be good as new. Will swnd bonds to your bank fur inspec tion. Address P. C. 604. Bee. DESK Large roll top desk, gas ranga. sanitary, water ler sun, l or grapuouione can uae. P C. 6i6. Bee. or anything FAN, ETC. 1 have one li-ln. Geueral Electrto make fau, uaed 1 months, A-l condition, for wall or desk. Will sell or trade for a seaiug machine, or what Also have 1 silver case watch and 1 !ix l' post card slse Ansco kodak. What have you? Violin preferred or a bat Ad dress P. C. 477,ltee. tl I'll Bick leather couch for dresser. Address P. C. 47$, Bee. FIELD GLASSES Pair double, convex lena Jockey Club Field Ulaaaes Wdl swap for aoiurlhing I can use. Good for field or opera. Address 8- C. 476, Bea KWAPPKT.S' (fllAMV Ui RSES. ETC. Have lour lioiws and two ii,iery weuo;i to ewp for lnher ami material for concrete floor. If Inter ested get biiKy quick. Addrce-- S. C. 474. Bee. 4-H. P. single cylinder Indian Motorcvcle engine, almost new. eriec running cotuiition, complete villi all purls, car buretor, muffler. Bosi h inngtietn gnd free clutch pulley, paint and T'latinr In fine condition. yiibk .mle price, 17.M1 or will consider traiiir. s. c. ;t. Her! LA 1 1ES' IruAT-Filack " bro"adcloVhrnat .f; 'ln. w'ng or mtnilintf. Address M. 1 . 612, Bee. MAIL ORDER SUPIM.l ES-What have 'ouTAddreHg S. c., Hce. OFFIC EDESK.V f!bi7y some good secootl-hand derku; mu.t bu cheap for cash. Address S. C. 2S4. Bee PIANO An almost new Slory & Clark Piano, HIS for quick sale, or may trade. Piano cost when Inmiiht tX4t Better hurry. Aildrei S. C. 4M. Be. I'l ANO A new electric pinno, leaded glass front, harp and fluto attachment' sells for ls.M. Will sell at c,;t. $."7r. or nuiy trade for diamond!-. It will pay' for llxelf. Nickel to pluy it. Address S C 4.S". Bee. PIANO An almost new Cable piaiu, coet 1426 six montl a ao; the first rea sonable offer takes p Burl walnut case, good as now. Addrrne . C. 4S2. Bee. RUBBER BOOTS-Have good pair of rubber boots almost new will soil or trade for something I enn use; in good condition; size 9i S. C. 4 M. Bee. ROADSTER -Good Empire ronrtster, lii good condition; Just overhauled. tin worth of repairs. Will swap or aril this month. What have jou7 Address P. C. 4l,careBpcJ SHOTGUN New shot gun. Winchester 16-KaiiKe take down, and hunting outfit; worth $31. to trade. What have you? Ad dress s. C. 6 ui. Bee SIGNS, showcarda. Clark A Son. D. 1378. $26.01) illustrated volume of dice secrets for Jewelry. Address S. C. 478, Bee. TYPEWRITER Oliver Standard Visible , l iter, only slightly used and as good fls new Cheap for i aih or will trade. What have you? Address, S. C Vi2, Pn. TWENTY acres rich truck land. ne,tr tlulf. 2 miles from Rohstuwn, Tex. Address. 8. C.J52.!. Bee. TYPEWRITER Slightly used No. 6 L. tl Smith typewriter for sale or trade. Owner leaving town reason for gelling. Address! S. C. 464. Bee. WILL buy a first class canoe or have several things to swap you. Write arul tell me what you will swap for or what you will seU for. S. C. 65. Bee, WILL swap a new J107 stereotype ma chine for first-class canoe. S. C. 476. FOR REXT Apartments and Flats. 6-r.. modern Hat. 230S S. 24th. t-Z. IT. 4711. ONE 4-room, one 5-room brick flat mod. ex. heat. 27th and Cuming. Applv 2d floor, 2704 Cuming St. Hamey 15e4. 2116 LOCUST. 6-r. mod. Web. 6213. GordonVanCo. II N. llth St. Phone D 394 or Web. 1 381 OGDEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, oom with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 4. MODERN apartments of 2, S, 4 and 5 rooms, easy walking dis anee. located nt !( 1 S 20th St, nnd S3--S34 8. 24th Pt. Will furnl.-h If desired. Aptdy to owner. ?; Balrd Bldg. Douglas 1422. LARGE front room, $5; also housekeep ing. Harney Tail. FURNISHED ROOM, heated, 4614 North 31s' Ave. ONE or two strictly modern fur. rooms. Hunscom Paik uustrl t, private family; references required. I'hone Harney 673. IllADISKJN 2rt and Chicago ; steam heat; 110 mo. and up; cafe In connection. D.o&M. Ii Verna, 1M2 Cap. front rms: Stem. nt. OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steam heated rooms. $2 per week. Phone 04s. NEWLY furnished, steam heated, nice rooms: excellent board: room a.nd hnarH $5 week and up. 20 So. 24th. Js'lCELY furnished, private bath, hot water heat: private family, close-in. No other roomers. Red 6L101 bl'ITD OF ROOMS AND BOARD IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. CON GENIAL FAMILY. LAROB HOUSE AND YARD, CONVENIENT. VERY DESIRABLE. ADDRESS Iy-608, BEE. Unf aralahcd Rooms. Ill S. 16TH, for men, steam heat. UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. 8 for Itf, or 4 for $8. Inquire 2709 So. 21st Pt. Housekeeping; Rooms. TWO suites of rooms, one on first floor and one on eecond. 2D13 Mason. II. TOirj. TWO beautiful sunny south and east rooms In new house, front rooms, furn ished complete for light housekeeping; price reasonable. 1530 S. 84th St Doug las 7658. Hotels l Aparlmeata. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Weekly rates U and up. Douglas 7083. DODGE HOTKL- Modern Reaaonabla Furnished Houses. For lient Cheap if rented at onca 6 rooms, newly fur nished, including new player piano; strictly modern, close in. Call Rad 2273, Council Bluffs. lloases aad Cottages- ALL slsea. $3 per month up. 607 Paxton. ELEOANT t-room modern brick apart ment, newly decorated. $50 per month; $46 S. 28th St Frame flat, 1129 S. 29th St., rooms. new plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor, large yard, trees, shrubbery; $30 per month; a bargain. J. C. ISH, EXECUTOR. 703 8. Slst Ave. Phone Hamey 241 FIVE-ROOM and teceptlon hall, modern. Rent teasonable. t,YM Hamilton. Har ney 1177 or Doug. 11S7. MODERN -story house, 7 rooms; never occupied: new furnace: $J0 Doug. t3. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 3-horse van and 2 men. $1.26 per hr.; storage $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4S38 A Ty. 230. FOR RENT Modern a-rooiu house, 206 a STilh Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Henshaw Hotel. Har. 104. Douglas 1216. FOR BENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and fats that are for rent. This l!t can tie. seen free of charge at Omaha Van Pturage Co.. MW So. loth St. Filitytorage Co Storage, moving, poeKing and shipping. 15th Jsckaon Sts. Phone Douglaa 2. i,,r.uln ad pans of the city. LlOUbOS creluli tiona & Co., Bee Rldfc. Ma 1) an and Ptor- cfcrard s 1 LnrK" bO ', 2 men, $1 .& per hr. . .y, 1 in, n, ii .o per hr. liu Doug. lti. Webster Jf J 1 Kip. no., moving rvGt?(l klr' storage te-RciGM collage, niniiern except furoace, reduced rent. 2..18 N. IHth fit. Acreage. FOR RENT Fruit and garden farm, with gluts hotbeds. J. R. MrPherson, 1281 East Ptcrco Pt. Council Bluff a la. WANTED TO BUT OFHi'K furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed, lail Farnam. Doug. lt. HAMILTON CO., the only gentile second hand stole In Omaha. 1718 Cumlng.D. 6M8 WE BUY Id band clothes, lia H. 14ih. REAL ESTATB FARM BANt II LAhDS FOR BALM tallfarala, HAVE attractive Caltforala aropcattjon for good Nebraska farm, C Sut, Bsa. 1 R o oms"J 1