Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday, January 18, 1915.
MAHA Is to be favored with the Fuller gluten.
OOne of our well known and Vnthustastlc matrons whose per
sonal Interest assures the success of any undertaking, baa signed
the contract that brings to Omaha tbese unusually artistic and
quaintly Interesting girls, wbo have been the topic of keen Interest alt
through the east'.
The Misses Dorothy, Rosalind and Cynthia Fuller of Bturmlnster New
ton, Dorset, England, will give a recital of English, Scottish and Irish folk
rongs In Omaha, Tuesday, February 9.
These singers have been beard in all the eastern title and Just now
sre occupying the stage and captivating the audiences of the Chicago Lit
tle theater.
Flans for the entertainment are not fully settled, but In all probability
it will take place In one of the large bomes of the city.
The players appear In early Victorian costume and the songs bare an
Irish harp accompaniment. They will appear here under the auspices of
the alumnae of the Sacred Heart.
The Fuller sisters seem to have taken a permanent and unique place
in musical circles.
First Word from Mrs. Guiilain.
The first word to be received from Mrs.
Jean Marie Oulslaln, formerly Mls Rose
Coffman of Omaha, was received today
tr her mother, Mrs. Victor It Coffman.
In rf fpone to an Inquiry made by Mrs.
Coffman through the State department
at Washington, the reply was received
(rum the state legation at Brussels that
he and Mr. Oulslaln were perfectly safe
and well and In no need of assistance at
present. Mr. and Mrs. Oulslaln are occu
pying" their home at ITS Rue Amerlcalne,
auxt are continuing their work with the
Bed Crone society.
This Is the first word received from
Jdrs. Oulslaln since the taking of Brus
sels. Xecent Affairs.
Mr. and Mrs, DennU Cullen cave a
dinner last evening at their home for the
members of the llanley-Cullen bridal
parly. Covers were placed for fourteen
guests. A rehearsal followed at St.
Peter's churoh.
The Research club of St. Berchman's
academy met Sunday afternoon. Two
vocal numbers were given by the Misses
McCrann. and the Rev. Father Quinlan
of Crelghton university sddressed the
Mrs: Jerome Mills entertained at dinner
Sunday evening in honor of Mr. Llllle's
Mrthday. The table was decorated with
polnsettas and greens and covers were
placed for:
Meagre, and Meadames
.Arthur Maxfleld, W. FJ. Allla,
Carl H. Uarknrs, Walter Atwood of
Council Bluff. Vbg mfw
Mr. Mlna Barghausen.
Mlas Grace Ullle.
St Hilda's Guild Dance.
fit Hilda's guild will give a dancing
party Thursday evening, January SI, at
Kuahlng'a hall. Patronesses will be:
John Wallte OhU
J. R Watklns.
W. P. Adktna.
Oeorire Francis,
Russell M. Burruae,
James M. Abbott,
A. C. Paacoast,
A. H. Parker.
Frank Prucka,
Oraoa Plnnell.
Klla M. Sloans,
Ha! Roberta,
P. B. Amea.
Charles MacAdam.
Original Bridge Club.
Mrs. Joseph barker was hostess today
at the meeting of the Original Monday
Bridge club. The gueals were:
Mesdames Mesdames
'harleeT. Kountie, T. P. Klrkendajl,
A. U. Beeaon, Joseph Barker,
Jsaao Cole. Arthur Remington.
Daniel Wheeler Jr.: A. U Reed,
Son; Recital.
Mine Came Jacobs Bond will be heard
In song recital this evening at the Nort;
Side Clirtstian church. Among thope en
tertaining at this affair are;
Misses Mlases
HUnche Porenson, Wllhelmy.
O N el I.
Mesiiamee sfasdamea
Ilermsn Kountie, E. H. Ward,
E. W. Nash, David Cle.
Meaers. and Meadames
Pryee Crawford, , Oement Chase,
K. P. Boyer, Orent Williams.
Myron learned, Oenrge A. Joalyn,
F. J. Tesirsrt, K. U. Jonea.
Willis Crowby, J. T. Stewart.
lr. and Mrs. J. J. MrMuUon,
r. and Mrs. B. B. Davis,
Ir. I). I Davis,
Dr. Paul Kills.
For Debutante and Visitor.
Mrs. F. II. Oalnea will give a theater
party followed by tea, at her home
Wednesday afternoon, In honor of Miss
Prances .Hochstetler, ens of the season's
debutantes, sad for Miss Harriet Gil
lette of Sheridan, Wyo., who Is visiting
Miss Eleanor Maokay. The gueata will
be the members of this year's debutante
set. i
Sorority Guests.
Miss Bertha White and Mlas Arnold
sre guests at hte Gamma Phi Beta house
la Lincoln.
Miss Helen Johnson was a guest over
Sunday of the Atpha-Chl Omega sorority.
Future Affairs.
The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will
give a social evening In the vestry rooms
of the Temple Tuesdsy.
With Visiting; Bridge Players.
The-D. K. club will meet this evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crew.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware will enter
tain the Monday Auction Bridge club
this evening. ,
In and Out of the Deo Hite.
Mrs. Charles Aahton Is spending a few
weks at ExceJsloriSprlngs.
' Mr. and Mrs. tf Frank left Saturday
evening for a .short visit In Chicago.
Mrs. Herbert Heavenrlch of Chicago has
returned to ber home after spending a
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Klrschbraun.
Mrs. Lester Klrschbraun and daughter
of Chicago, who have been vlilUug Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hiller, wilt leave this
evening for their home.
All Omaha Shorels Snow Byder
Has Hundreds of lien Remov
ing Drifts from Center
of Town.
Commissioner Ryder and his large force
of men sre gradually mnklng the down
town streets passable after the billiard
of Saturday. A few men were out at
work Saturday night with acrapers after
the storm snd larger forces Sunday and
Monday. Ryder estimates that - all the
streets will not be cleared until Thursdsy
Ail Omaha was housed up Saturday so
that residents had considerable of stored
tip energy Saturday nurht and hundreds
cleared their walks that night, although
others waited until Sunday to remove the
heavy drifts so that the women folks
could go to church Sunday morning.
All Pairacres turned out with shovels
Sundsy and cut a path to Dundee so that
autos and pedestrians could make their
way to the beaten paths of that suburb.
Commissioner Ryder had sixty-five
teams with 225 men at work all day
Sunday and these were Increased to 900
men with eighty teams Monday morning.
These ganga will be kept at work until
the snow Is removed.
Tralae oa Time.
The aftermath of tha atorm of Rniurdav
finds the railroads all running their trains
on schedule time, tracks cleared and
buslneaa again normal. According to the
reports to the railroad real blinami
conditions did not extend mors than ISO
miles north and west of Omaha. Inside
that sons and acroaa Iowa and down
Into Kansas the snowfall was from four
to eight Inches snd was light asd drifted
West and north of the 100-mile line
thero was considerable snow and even
out Into Wyoming and Colorado there
wss some, but on account of there being
little wind It lay as It fell.
According to the railroads pretty gen
erally over Nebraska there were snow
flurries Sundsy night, but it wss calm
and mild, temperatures as a rule being
from 20 to 30 degrees above aero, with
Curtis the coldest point In the ststs,
there It being 4 above.
At Present John L Holds Most of the
Offices of the Omaha Com
mercial Club.
That "some men have honors thrust
upon them" Is being substantiated In the
case of John t MeCague, who at this
moment finds himself holding a veritable
hatful of Commercial club honors. What
are they? Well, for the brief space of a
few days he Is all of this president of
the Commercial club, vice president of
the Commercial club, chairman of the
executive committee of that club and
also chairman of Its legislative commit
Rut honors wHI fall from his brow like
leaves In autumn, so that In a very few
days more, ah, perhaps within twenty
four hours, he will stand stripped of all
honors except that of merely being presi
dent of the club. No, he wilt not be
court-martialed. Honors will not be
clipped from him like shoulder straps.
Ills term will simply expire. ,
Per the last year he has been chair
man of the executive committee, and
chairman of the legislative committee.
By virtue of being chairman of the
executive committee he Is also vice
president. Then comes the peculiar cir
cumstance. Last Saturday he was
elected president of the club. .The elec
tion of a new chairman of the executive
committee does not take place until
Tuesday. By the constitution the old
chairman holds office until his succes
sor la elected and qualifies, which clause
makes McCsgue a little of everything at
this moment. Today his successor as
chairman of the executive committee will
be elected. In a few days the legislative
committee wilt meet and elect a new
chairman, which will relieve MeCague of
the duties of these two officer
These is little excitement over the
prospect of a new chairman of the execu
tive committee. Two or three candidates
srs being considered, but the members of
the new committees sre rather loath to
talk about candidates openly for tear of
their withdrawal from the race. The
new committee holds its first meeting
today to elect
LONDON. Jan. It. The Morning Post's
Stockholm correspondent says:
"During the last fortnight five German
steamers have disappeared In the Baltic
Sea with all their crews."
Bad Cold, Headachy or Bilious?
Regulate Your Bowels! 10 Cents
Break a bsd cold? Tee! Surest way
In the world Is to take two Cascarets
to-night and you will wake up with a
clear head and the cold gone. Try this!
If headache, stuffed op and sore all over
from a cold or grippe give your liver
and bowels a thorough cleansing with
you will wonder in the
became of your mlsery-
Carcarets and
morning what
making cold.
Cascarets Is the surest cold breaker
known a 10-cent box will prove It.
Mothera should cure children's colds
this way no harm no dangerous drug.
For Groy Hair
Will Tell Tea Free Hew te Restore
le your Riir the Ritural
Color el Tenth.
No Dyes or Other Harmful Method.
Result in Four Days.
Let m sen yon fr lull Information sheet S
Ktrmlvaa liquid that will r-.tora the Batumi color
ot your loir, do matter aba roar as sr las
cauae ol your trejrnase. It la not
a tier s mala, its erfarta
entamanr aftar 4 aare eae.
I am a woman mho haoama
ramatnrelr srrr saS old
looking at S7. bat s selam
tlflr frlenM tola ma of a
simple method ha ha4 Bar
lctl aftar ran at etudr.
1 followed hie aotea and)
Is a hort time mr balraa
tuallr waa tha aalaral col
or or mr flrliah ear. Thia
method la entirely different
from anythlm elaa 1 have
avar trn or heard of. tta ef
fort U laatlns and It will net
waah or rub off or atala tha
lp. It I neither sticky er
graar. Its am cannot be detected; It will raatoraj
the natural ahade to snr tr. bleached or faded
hair, no matter how many thlnta bay failed. It
ucreeria perfectly with both aaxoa, aaS all aima.
Writs ma to Lay giving your name and adriraM
plainly, mating whether lady or gentlomaa (Mr.,
Mra. or Mlrni and enoloaa te stamp Sar rat arm
postage and I will sand you full particulars that
will enable yon to reatoro tha natural ootor of
youth to your hair, making It soft, satural aa
easily managed. Write today. Addreaa Mna. Mary
K. fhapman. Aptmt. 41 F. Old P. O. St., Prsrl.
deaua, It. I. Advertisement.
Adotrtiting is (As pmndtf
lam that keep baying
and telling in motion.
Bank Clearings
Showing Big Gains
Bank clearings In Omsba Isst week
registered a big gain over the clearings
of the corresponding week a year aae.
The total clearings Isst week were
010.61.80 while the clearings a year ago
wsre 9lS.030.SiW.BO.
City Commissioners Pass Ordinance
Ordering Bridge Erected Over
Locust Street Tracks.
The city ordinance ordering the Mis
souri raclftc, Illinois Central and North
western railroads, ta build an. ovsr-haad
vluduct above the tracka of the three
toads crosaing Locust street, was passed
by the city commission, sitting In coun-
II yesterday, .All Is pedoetul now be
tween the city and the railroads as the
roads have agreed to build the viaduct
and will not fores the Issue te court to
determine whether or not they can be
compelled by the city to erect such a
viaduct, as previously thrtatened.
The IxM-ust atrtet viaduct proposition
lias been 'strongly urged of late, espe-
iaily since the increase la popularity of
the Carter I-ake club and since Uie erec
tion of the Molordome and the start oa
the big speedway, where motor contests
are to be held this summer.
The ordinance extending Charles street
from Bliernsaa Avenue to Seventeenth
street waa laid over until nest Monday
at o'clock.
A motion granting the Burlington ami
the Mlnnrapolla s Omaha railroads ths
right to lay tracks on lodge and Kighth
fetreets wss referred back to the depart
ment of publio Improvements and to ths
illy engineer.
Water Board Pressatt (lalaa.
The claim of ths Metropolitan Water
31 ft Met against ths city to the euteaial wf
l-xtf for expenses Incurred by lowering
the rnWo oa Cottage Urove avsaue was
ri lorrcd to the city legal department.
Ths Water board asserts that, as ths city
lowered the grade of the street. It should
pay for the lowering of the water main.
The legal department was asked to de-
t ermine whether the city muet Pay the
The J lin A. CretgMon Home for
Working litrla was granted permission to
luilld a retaining wslt oo the site where
ti.e home Is to be erected.
Ur. Bell's Mae-Tar-lleaey.
ti t a &o bottle today; keep It for your
couglt or cold. Good for children, adults
and aged. All druggists. Advertisement.
iki-lrrtn examinations are being held
si Ilia Otuaha High School this week. Ne
iiaular hours are kept, but the students
r.-jKMt for the teats at prescribed times,
i'l.o firet eoineeier culminates Friday
euJ the wound semester will be Inaugur
al, d Monday of next wwk.
Fined for Not
Shoveling Snow
A representative of the Myers-Dillon
Drug company who appeared la police
court te answer to the charge of refusing
to clear the snow from In front of ths
above place of business wss glvsn 110
snd costs suspended sentence by Judge
Foster. The representative of the firm
promised te attend te the matter at once.
Hew te Care m (rrlape Coach
"Coughs that bang on" demand treat
ment Stop and think 1 Reason and com
mon sense, tell you that It la folly, to
"grin and bear It." Those racking la
grippe coughs that wrench ths body and
cause soreness and pslns in the lungs
yield more quickly to Foley's Honey and
Tar than to any other treatment Forty
years' record of successes proves this.
For coughs, colds, croup and other dis
tressing ailments of throat, chest, lungs.
larynx: ana oroncmai tubes, you caa find
nothing that will compare with this re
liable remedy. Sold by all dealers.-Aa-vertlsement
Decorating of public rooms, the Isst
big contract to be completed. Is now undsr
way at ths new ll.O00.0UO Fontenelle hotel.
Edward Holslag, the contractor, and K.
Peterson, his superintendent, arrived
8undsy and have started work with a
large foroe of men. Their contract re
quires completion by February 20. Super
intendent Peterson has just finished the
decoration of the new Davenport hotel
at Hpokane, one of the finest In the west,
It is ssld.
"sv; Tin A WItct YVAmmnt
avev. t a sssw wwsjaaiiUI
Investigate) this latest Nemo
. model. It GIVES VOU '
The) new "Military" hap,
Complete figure-reducikxi and
opport it's a nml comet
Free breathing apace no over
pressure, no digging in. . .
Up-to-date fashion lines with
perfect comfort.
Who leeds Nemo Corset Service, but
like her corsef " bit li'thter. . '
Who objects to outside etrtps.
No, 341 For abort full figure ? $.00
No. 342 For taller full figtires )
These new models do not supplant any of
the) older models. If you already wear a
Nemo that fully satisfies you stick to hi
BB A WISE WOMANI Wear a Nemo, tha
corset that gives you STYLE with HEALTH,
"aa Nsaae aesais-iVasaiaas fes AW VW
Protect d s I
TLa FoeJ Drkk far all Agu OtLert are Imliitlos j
Call TJa fee Tour SI aw a Vortraltaree.
1 . J 13. K.x.i n 4. tttllnjv lilug.
r"ll si.i l kiiiuiu tta.
Turpia's Dancing Academy 28lh and Farnam
Mans for beginners and advanced but. I la Muuata evatilnaa
erase. atilar licKailon. (Inert from Nsw lurk; cn ls dtui eJ lo fox trot, aiua
UK wr aalis music Kia term, alaruay iHi.
The latest
I'rivale lowuua daily.
The New-York Life Is international In Its activities. It hag outstanding business In all the civilized countries ot the world.
You naturally want to know, at first hand, what effect the unprecedented conditions in Europe have had, or many hereafter hare,
on the Company. A correct picture of the whole situation is this:
We have about a million policy-holders in jail the world. Eighty per cent, of the total live in the United
States and Canada. The remainder, twenty per cent, are scattered over the rest of the world. They are located large
ly in Europe, including both the belligerent and the neutral countries. Their age, on the average, is about forty-seven.
In this, as in all wars, the heavy mortality falls on youth, young men averaging about twenty-two stand on the firing
In Russia, Sen' I a and Japan our policy provisions protect us fully against all war risk. In Great Britain we have done little
business for ten years and the age of our Insured reduces the war risk to the vanishing point.
Our war risk, therefore, Is practically limited to Germany, France, Belgium and Austria-Hungary. In all of these countries pol
icies issued prior to 1899 carry a clause which substantially eliminates the war risk.
Of the policies issued at a later date there were In iforce In these countries at the outbreak of hostilities about 15.600, held by
men whose attained age--that la the present age waa between seventeen and thirty-nine inclusive about IM of our membership.
We estimate the number of policies outstanding in these four countries on the lives of men between seventeen and thirty and
having no clause limiting the war risk, at 2,600, representing not more than 2,400 lives, or about ?4 of one per cent, of our membership.
1 Our death losses incurrd in 1914, including an extra reserve of $500,000 for losses probably incurred but not
reported, were 73 of the amount provided in the premiums for the mortality of that year. In 1913, when we had
no war claims, our morality was also 73 of the amount provided. In 1912 it was 76.
The total war losses actually incurred to December 31, 1914, including the countries where our risk is abund.
antly covered by policy conditions or otherwise, according to information obtained by both letter and cable, amounted
to a little less than 2 of the total death losses for the year.
Yon may have been told that the Company would suffer because of its foreign investments. This is not true. Our foreign in
vestments, limited as they sre to Government Bonds and high grade municipals, have naturally fallen in price, but sot appreciably more
than domestic securities.
No security issued by or in any country engaged in this war and held by us is in default of either principal
or interest.
If the same statement with regard to American securities could be made by this and other American Life Insurance Companies,
as well as by our Hospitals, Universities, snd by Trustees generally, the financial outlook would be brighter.
There is no reason to believe that we shall ever lose a dollar, principal or interest, on our foreign invest-
The greatest single effect of the war oa the New-York Life is to demonstrate, as perhaps no other condition could, not merely
the Company's strength, but its social usefulness.
Since August first last, the Company has administered an extent of practical beneficence which surpasses
the limits of exact statement.
in spite of unprecedented difficulties difficulties which have actually destroyed a large part of the commence of the world, dis
arranged international credits, and shattered international relations w have met every obligation and satisfied every just claim. After
the first period of strangulation of credit passed, we disregarded all moratoria or other governmental decrees under which we might have
postponed payments to policy-holders or beneficiaries. ,
Since the first of August we have advanced money to policy-holders as loans on their policies as follows:
' ire. of Xrfans Amount of XoeBt
In the United Stacs and Canada 49,275 $14,256,565
In Europe 7,498 2,965,040
In other foreign countries 2,314 660,410
Policy-holders st home have been helped la about the same proportion to outstanding insurance that has ruled in Europe. We
have all felt the war here most keenly. No considerable business has escaped.
It has been the good fortune ot our membership to relieve suffering humanity, without charity, over a wider portion of the earth
than evr before perhaps to a degree never before equaled by any human Institution.
In life insurance as exemplified by the New-York Life thero is more than the germ of that world federation
of peoples by which alone this European Horror can be so ended that it will never be repeated.
There have been years In which the New-York Life did more business than in 1914, but there has never been a year In which It
did so much good.
The company eaters into the year 1915 with its resources not only unimpaired but Increased, with its assets liquid and available
as against every contingency. '
We have Issued our Report for 1914 in condensed form and during the calander year it will be sent to policy-holders generally.
It will be sent to anyone on request.
Attention is called to ths folowlng facts;
Assets (Book values), Dec. 31, 1914 $818,461,331,31
Assets (Book values), Dec. 31, 1913 779,555,162.11
Income, 1914 128,266,574.64
Income, 1913 124,516,389.19
Paid Policy-holders, 191 4 71,963,429.57
Paid Policy-holders, 1913 . . . 06,303,924.11
Reserved (Market values) for Dividends and contingencies, Dec. 31, 1914 $119,010,977.00
Reserved (Market values) for Dividends and contingencies, Dec. 31,1913 15,898,959.00
New Paid-f or Business, 1914 , 223,571,200.00
January, 13, 1915. President, 'jfc