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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1915)
T1IK rKE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY J!, 1915. U.S. CAPITAL HEARS BILLY SUNDAY TALK Evangelist Preaches to Solons, Cub inet Heads, Diplomats "If Chriit Came to Washington." WILSON IS 177 ABLE TO ATTEND "WASHINGTON. Jan. 1. "BUty"' un lsy, the revivalist, visited Washington todsy an,l nlked to S.ono proona about "If Christ came ta Washing-ton." Mem bers of tha cabinet. congressmen, dlnlo in.il8 and a-overamrnt officials helrd to writ tha Ug audience that listened to the pltureique sermon of tha bane ball rvanKfllat aa ha climbed upon a table and warned hit hearer that "God must b aerved." ' Chump Clark. sreskeT of the house, presided over the meeting, and rVcretary Jlrywn, Attorney Uenoral f?re?ory, Foc relary Lane and J. P. Tumulty, aeero tary to tho president, occtlpled aeat on' the platform. A tiiunber of senators were present and Speaker Clark, remsrltsd aa he introduced tha preacher, "that a quorum of the house wti on hand." Sunday w a trifle hosree, but he poke for an hour lth tremendoua en ergy, lie declared that he believed he "would not have to leave the corporate limits of Waxhlncton to find people who would vole to' crucify Jeaua Chrlsi If be walked up Pennsylvania, avenue today." 'Chrlrt la already In Washington," he amrrted. "He aeea every falsa vote that you cset here, or that la caat In your conetuuenelea. His ' Judgment of you or me la not based on what ha read In the ConcTsssional Record." Aa the assemblage aroae to hear the preacher's final prayer he thanked Uod for a "a president In the White Hons who bowa his knee In submission to Ood." The president ! Invited to tha meet ing, but was unable to attend. His daughter. Margaret Wilson, and Miss Helen Uones, the president's coaaln, were present.- I . on the question of cminty library tsx. end upon a petition of twenty-five voters only. H. TV . Pnycler snl Ttbhrfs of Adam and etirmn of Merrtek Any. poreoti uttering a cheek or draft on a haul; w her" ha knows he has nt nifflrtent funis to meet t lial I ) jrnllv of a frlnnv, miles redlt arrmnaementa have been previously marie with hens. H. It. M. Uroome, I'.srker and Cronln Affidavit of publication of legal noilees must be mailt within thirty days of the completion of publication. H. ft. W. Ilroom of Hnx lUitt Vnter on iKinds of mtinl"lnsl election mut show election boards tag receipt for the pre ceding year. II. 11. N Mroome of Hog TJu'te Count r to pay . cents an hour for killing wolves and coyotes to speclntly hired executioner. If lie gMa no result ids expenses shall not be paid. ttcpenl bounty law. II H. !o. Moseley of tancsrter Repeals e nn of civil oKh whleh requires clerk to report on order of sale whether In eombranee exists. H. ft. 11. Moseler of lAnegster Appro priates lin.OM) for the. relief of Mrs. IM Isvls, hoft husband whs asnplnntel vhlle deputy warden at the penitentiary. February 11. 1HI2. KWrgen"y. JL M. 62. neianer of Thomss rroviiles a means of transferring property of rellKloua societies when they cease to eilst. H. R N, Matletbn of t'lav and m Hounty of Frontier untl rny bi In land offered at tax sales r other bidders do not offer enough to cover di-M and (nay aeJl subsequently i whin offercJt enough. H. It. M. Dftfoa of Johnaon T'ltlna of claas shall not I mi Italia f, r dam ages whera Iniurina arise, from drfnriive streets unless notice of suih defeot shall have been within thirty days of the time Of the Injury, limergi ncy. ti. jl . rJeci.y of I ongsS Relieves corn taxation schuols which sra not con ducted In whole or In Tart for gain. 11. It. iai, isegley of J oiiglnM I enes : Bills Introduced 4 . (From a e'taff Corresioadent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 1. (Special.) Tha fol lowing bill were Introduced In tha legis lature today: eaata Jlills. K K. to, Psunders of IHuglss Relates to tho manner in which a charitable so ciety inrorKrated under the laws of the stato may extend the period for which 1t is Incorporated. K. K. it.. B of Custer Provides that the settlement of estates can be made by Judge at chambers. B. F. 7, Heal of Custer Provides for constructive service In ca defendant can be found in aUle. , 8. F. 68, Ho I of Custer provides. In of rape where mala Is It years of age or over and feinaln under age of la, .,i .4. tint r-i.iili-- iKivmIjihiu- , principal fa. I. Jury, If they believe be- wim n nruundum ailUDl ins KU11L or tlcfondant, may convict. M. V. Ut I;Vuland jf llnnn- ITvtan. tK. right to remortgsge trust estt to uuuiim oiion proper snowing Deiors county Judge. . it w at iiimUnj tj. .-1. necessary population In the formation of A .llluu ,. I . I Jkt. a .. . . . -1 . i " w ph,ii.ui uintriVI. I loin J.IMP o BIJL 8. l' ti. llrookle of f'luvxMi,iKii the gal of hablt-tormlng drugs except UtHin UrAli'rlnilnn rl i 1 .r I Ia..J ..L....I Una, and provldea for publio record of MM i .-4 aatea lth ,nur,Mui. i-.i iii. V. b2. Krilrk of Klm irUmin.i,. - clnet road overseer in counties under Ilia rommtulnn ,v,t,ni anil mmu ' employment, of a county road ovsr- S. V. . BiHrk of FallneKxeropts from ' r - ---'. wa inn iruiKisj VIIIiOyi lxr Uw (iKinff maxlroum nin houi pr tmy worK, an womrji rmployea h&dlUk trntn nr.lrr V mic? . H. F. M. Hplrk of Hsllne Repeals sut- v i'luvuiiiiK Ior iBcuoa ot district road ovcrsveia. . s. F. 69, Marshall of Lancaster Pro vldra for sufficient clearance between lilar h nower olai.iri,, i,.imi..i uracted near existing telephone or tnle- . i a nnea. ami on objections, boartng b,:foie railway commlealon. With eroei gem y clause. H. K. an Dorian of rw,u-1. 1 ..iv. t itles of metropolitan class to establish work or correction farm for urlmlnal ot leimers. And for board of commission ers lo iinvtra unt H. K. 7. Huahee of K Imball Provides for the purchase of a water aupply for ..ibiii.i. ana ror tne re!lslon - of contrscts for purchase of water aup. lwy. oavment for vrhloh I- t- r'urw,h. u,:?nd nJ cancellation H. K. S- Hunhn- Af U lmku11 UL a Irrigation season from November 14 to October 1. 8. F. Rushes of KlmbaJl-RedUoeg rerccntage of collection tea on district K. 70 MallKr At T3. C.i.. r. ior tiie adoption of commission plan of eoveinment In cities having les than l:W0 population down to aoou. ISui h cities to have thra numKliiu,, - .... . ach and an extra m for the mayor. a A ''; K!e, h' Nmaha-Provldea hat In school dlatrlla wk... . .f pupils attend parochial a. Iiool at l.aat two months per year tha diatriot board, by filing with the voiinty auparlntendent av sworn statement setting forth the facta limy rmluiN 11. !..,, . , . . ' lauglit, but Iw bo case less than seven IK'lltM, - k Ti. Klechel of Nemaha-FUea the jnaxlmum attorney fee thai district judge can allow la a partition suit at loO Mnl the maximum compensation (Tor a referee in su ti suit at la a day for time eac "'"i"r'va ana ireatsa an einer H. F. TTl. Rudan r,r v i .t Vay of prKtncl aasgfsors from Si to M ,r. " ior time actugiiy etnp oyod, imergcnev. ' M. F. K look. I w- - - . f Kui.bal M.wing It trima. foia evi dence of intent to defraud to iaaue a LlTt rhV nimktr h " '"nda against th'. fi: 'S'.H"',I ' TViuglaawprovlde that the olfleer. before whom deposition are tkrn. nniat not h . -iu,.. . . (irm v of -Irli-p . . i . . f-.j. our a, cierH or stenographer employed In the office of -"u,MIj "i ruiter party. 'w"iir reaiea a public employee' retirement fund for ones or metropolitan vilUH , h raibed by asabasment on wagea and not V,Z ir'J: '.. . as much from " ' iuou. cmerseney. . I'. 77. Howell of Louglaa-Provlde amo.uit of salary to be rec.lvad by of ets of the police and fire department! in metropolis cities. m.ww S. F. :. tjuinby of ioulas-Authorillni t ines of over 5 oeo ,i . . "' bonds or levy tax of u mills for purpoae of buylng a.lp.tint for fir. deprimBms. b. F. TV, Hohertaon of 111 1-Pro Id. i rials levy soincienc to pay fagea of ill tea, hers employed in the common schools ,w iiiwiitna n uis year, ' Moos Bills. U. U at. Ttbbets of Adama-Votnrs In l!.u part of county affiled .hail vol to tho court the right to direct a verdict n oivii S'tlona before a Jury. II. R, VT. LaHountr of Fronliar I'er- mlts county treasurer to hold more than wo lermn. II. K. !. LaBnunty of Frontier In reases annual license of moturevclea in 2, and changes auto Itrcnaa to cents per nurse power with minimum at Su per car. J I. K. m. Horntry of Cherry-Reneals wo Sections allowing damages againat owner of animals straying upon cul tivated land. II. R. l't. Ebernisn of Thsver-Cotinlv hoards may make road districts only three miles suuare. but overaier in audi small district shnll hot receive morn than .a a year as pay. it. H. wl. Klmelund and Meredith of Paunders Mmpowers cities to tako pri vate land for cemetery purposes. H. K. 101 Rlmelund of Hoiiniirru-. Tuition tax for high school students at- enmng outside their dlstr cts are to bn paid direct to the auhool district for wnicn levied ami not to the county treasurer. Emergency. M. It. J. Hurgesa of IlotlElas A majority of the front footage signing ior pavement and designating tho material shall govern the kind of pave ment. Takes right from city council at any time to make designation. II. R. 104, Uormly o( Kesrney County aid to fairs shall ! applltxl first to psy merit of premiums. II. II. liJo, luesctitck or Rlcliardaon Limits the height of hedge fen-s along roads to three and one-half feet, snl fenulres owners to. trim at lenxt once each year and burn cuttings within ten uays. renaii y road- overseer to do work and tax to property. it. it. ins, jjrueaedow or Douglas Con vict made goods shall le labeled as such. Penalty fltw to foOO fine or oen to six A' Continued Story r CHAITKR III. ioTvc umr bcri oar -OAxQ fllvQWT 1WE tslV. Vsprk) A tAfWEL O fctt f -in aw 1 r -arT -m Tw CCrCU- OJf lVi Aleut. m'nlli In Jail, or berth H. It. 1T. H'ott of Humllton Reduces n lnlmum a hiKl ear from elsht to six month in dl-trbts having twenty to eeventy-flve puplla. H-tale provisions reiiulrliig nine months whool where can be uinlntained by lew of 1 mills er 8 mills on levy of BO mills. Kmergenry. II. 11. log, Hcott of Hamilton Hepaais mortgnge tax exemption Isw. Kmergency. M. It. 1. Trunible of Hherman Ralt rnads ehs.ll furnish transportjtflon both waya to owner or caretaker of cattle of Sheep. II. It. 110. Tnylor of Custer nirtrict court reporters shall furnish transcripts without other compensation than salary. I'renent law gives them 10 rents per ItW words. 11. K. 111. Taylor of Custer Abolishes party circle nnd voting straight Ticket. 11. II. 112, Usgrt or Hewerd. Van Tieuaen of Washing-ton. Hates of Cheyenne. Tnimlile of Sherman Atiol-islif-a stale normal board and put nor mals under resents of i nlveralty. H. TI. US. I.touglaa County Iieiegat ln Forbids sale or giving away of opiates except upon written prescription of iiliyat'iBn, requires reeorda. and provides heavy penalties for Violation. 11. R. 114. Alnley of Nance, Andrn of iloyd, Crlnklew of Antelope nnd Frtea of I l(.)wn.rd Reduces reoiilremints for v. elaht sustaining On county bridges from twentv to fifteen gona. II. R. 11R, (ireeiwtlt of Caster Per mits maximum levy for school purposes ir vlllnges and clllea of second class of W mills. Tax on Harkness Income $144,000 SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 11 An Income tax of )144,(Xx), said to have been ono of the largest paid thn government, wsa turned In by L. V. Harkness, early as sociate of John I'. Rockefeller, who died yesterday at the tanch of his son-in-law. Dr. A. King Macomber, near Ilollkxter, 'al. He was In California when the In come tax was Instituted, and the state ment he filed showed tha value of his holdings to be between SW.n00.000 and $100,000,000. Mr. Harkness' hobby was fine horses and cattle, which he bred at his home place. Walnut Hall farm, near Lexington, Ky. One of his choicest herds recently was brought out and placed on the Ma comber ranch, where the aed millionaire passed tho last six weeks of his life. I i Keeping; la Ciao Conditio. Many people suffci from Indigestion and constipation and do not know It A feeling of dullness and Isnguldnesa, bitter taste In tha mouth, headache, billons fever most of these conditions when you "are not sick, but don't foel right" can bo traced to sluggish bowels and torpid liver. Foley Cathartlo Tablets cleanse the system, arouse the liver,, banish In digestion and make you "feel good alt over" light, energetic and ambitious. For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement. PUSH S0PREMEC0ORI WORK Judiciary Committee of Home Con sidering; Bills Relating to This Matter.. LAWYERS WILL SOON MEET (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. !.. Special.; '.tills to expedite business before the supreme court are being taken up by ralrman Parrott of the Judiciary committee of the house, In which ho la being assisted by Representative Richmond of Douglas coonty. Richmond says that the Idea is to call a ttieetlng of some of tho bee legal tal ent la the state with the Judiciary com mittee to ace If legislation Cannot be agreed on which will simplify tho methods of legal procedure. Bills already have ben troduced cov ering the matter to some. extent, a bill empowering tho supremo court Judges to call In district Judge to assist the court In disposing of cases being the most Important. Boston Sunday Films Mustn't Offend New England Conscience BOSTON, Jan. IS. Only such pictures aa would aot offend a "New England conscience" may be shown In moving picture houses hi this state on Sunday, Deputy Chief George C. Neal of the state police, who are tho official censors, said today. Tha manager of a film exchange hd complained that the story of Christ had been ruled out by the censors for Sun day exhibition because It represented a crucifixion In one of the films. It was too cruel "tho censor thought." Scenes from the life of Abraham Lincoln were barred, the management said, because the sensor thought battles scenes were too strong; for tho Sabbath. These pictures were sanctioned for use during tho week. Tho state police have forbidden tho exhibition on Sunday of fltma showing dancing, new or old, gam bling, crime, rough play, cruelty to human beings or animals or the use of flro arms. Negro Lynched. HUNTS VI LLK, Ala-, Jan. 1R.-Hrman lely, a tiegro, said to have shot Arthur Craft, a wlilto man, was lynched at Taylorsvllle, Ala., near here, late today. pWama canal workers will have to pay rent WASHINGTON'. Jan. .-rnder a resi dential order made public today, employes of tho Panama oansl and the Panama Railroad company on tho Isthmus of Panama will have pay rent and buy their fuel and electric current Marc,Jj 1 next Heretofore these things have been supplied by tho government free of cost. BANKS CONTROL BIG CORPORATIONS Samuel Untermycr Discusses High Finance In Inquiry Into Methods of Fonndations. ADVOCATES FEDERAL CHARTERS NKW YORK. Jan. IS. Samuel I'ntcr myer, the flrt witness questioned by Chairman Valnh at fhe opening of the federal Industrial relations commission's hearing here today, discussed sorlallsm and socialistic charity at some length. The latter, he asserted, waa necessary if the pple acre to receive relief. The large charitable foundations, Mr. ITnder myer thought, were ably managed and did much good, but should operate under federal rather than state charters. Hpeaking of the concentration of money, Mr. t'ntermyer said he knew of a banking interest which, through the re organisation of Insolvent railroads, had come Into the control of loo.uOO miles of railroads In the United States. When such a situation exists, the witness said, the shareholders have no power at all In the management of the roads; the direct ors and trustees were controlled entirely by the banks. "The concentration of power and cap ital of any kind Is grossly unfair tc la bor." Mr. Walsh questioned Mr. Untermyer about tho Colorado Fwl and Iron com pany. "It has been testified," the commis sioner said, "that a Vertain large flnarur clal Interest did not control the company because it only held 40 per oent of the stock." "That Is preposterous," replied tho wit ness. "The stock Is listed on the 'ex change and many shares are In the hands of brokers.' Jt would be necessary for a largo financial interest to have but 10 per cent of the stock. When It wants o do anything with the corporation It Just sends around to tho broker and gets the proxies." Snow Causes Fire Burning Oil Eig BAK1N, Wyo Jan. H.-Special Tele gram.) A rig belonging to tho Big Horn Drilling company, operating for the Grey bull Oil company on Its Jackson holdings, east of Basin, was burned to tho ground at a loss of $5,000. This. rig was busy cleaning a well which was shot with i nitro-glycerlne. When shot the well did not make an exceptional Tow, hut the , nrii mom in ir iioweo at two d r reran times, the oil gushing higher than the ' MBM Till til ' - . . . . .. . wvuiiiuiti.tu 1 1 1 A lake near tho well where 300 barrels of oil took fire and was also destroyed. 'CTJSIMG ' For a Milli Americans Giving them all from all angles on every subject that intelligent people must keep formed upon slip into the "ha. been" classification THE MEWS I na I Ml Weekly! , thefarcts 7 ' WA x lite V M V m -iitiwHmo. BmHiM'itinitie tti. . ,.7 . i,ailiiiiiiiiiiuu.iHiiiunlUia-jui.-.,t,ii..i......nn.u;(, Mjj "(' " ii TOE GREAT WAtl A Shown la Text and Picture In the . rrcss ot the World POLITICS Foreign American Local POPULAR SCIENCE and INVENTION FOREIGN COMMENT , On All Topics of Human Interest RELIGION-and SOCIAL SERVICE TOPICS OF THE DAY What Everybody Is Talking About LITERATURE and ART An tho Newt fVota the Book and . Art Worlds ' COMMERCE and FINANCE Expert Reports for Business Men Cartoons and Photographs Pfcttsrca trow tho War Zoae-Exettlaa. SoeMttinea Laashahlc, Always Utereettaa MUSIC and DRAMA The Hetahle Play mmA Opera of the Season All News-Dealers 10 Cents awwiawwwawwwtiia)MriHMwfttwilifWillirIMiiHmwwiwwMai wonMnaMHMMimiiijHauiiuiiaiiimiiuiHiaiilii.UiiaiaiiuiauiMmmmJ f FUNK & WAG N ALLS COMPANY, (Publiihert of the Farnoui NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK Pi'perintrndcnt Hotner Lamb of the com pany say the fiie was due to the fa.'t thst he waa uslns; an elM tric pump on tho well and that the snow whlth waa falling at that time caused a short circuit. VICTIMS LIVE FOR FIVE DAYS UNDER DEBRISOP RUINS (Continued from Paae One.) a roiner of tha room in which she was sleeping. Women Ul Oat tilrl. Another rescue of the kind, made by women, also Is reported. Tli mother It seems had escaped and believed that her daughter must he alive under the frag ments of their house. She organised a. party of women and herself stimulated them to continue what seemed a hopeless excavation In nothing but a heap of Ir regular pieces of limestone. Tho mother on Sunday heard a vol.-e Just beneath where the women were working, anti they finally reached the young woman, who was roofed In and protected by two parts of walls forming an angle. One foot was held under a block of stoni-, but otherwise the young wemnn w unhurt, ."h had been with out fewxi or drink for four days and hart betn nearly suffocated by the dnst of the pulverised mortar, which sifted down through crevices while llis women were trying to rench lier. HOUSE PASSES BILL TO ABOLISH COLORADO PARK WASHrXOTON. Jsn. IS.-The senate bill to eetahllrh tho llocky Mountain Na tional park, comprising 231.000 a-res In Colorado, mostly in forest reserlres, was passed by the house today, after adoption of some minor amendments. There was practically no opposition. hammer I nmplalnt Cured, i Dr. King's New Life lUIa will rid th system of fcrmontlnff foods and poisons, keep stomach and liver healthy. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. Department Orders, WASHINGTON. Jan. IS. (Special Tele gram. (Nebraska pension granted: Mar tha K. Morfnrd. lie Witt, $12. James H. Hallry is appointed rural let ter carrier at Arnold. Neb., and Klon McDowell at Diillas. H. l. A charter hug been Issued to the First National lmk of Frankfort, H. f., capi tal .,; A. H. llohlnson, president; C. A. Kleppln, cashier. THOMPSON, BELDEN & CO RELIABLE SINCE 1886 The January Clearance of Desirable Coats Exactly. 20 fine velvet-velour and cut velvet coats (most of them fur trimmed) all from regular stock. Former prices $45, $55, $65, $75 sizes 16,36,38. Tuesday $16.75 No approvals no returns. Black Silks Go Tuesday. A Day of Bargains . At thefse great reductions they will go in a hurry. $1.25 Black Satin de Luxe, 89c a yard. A charming 36-inch fabric. . , $1J5C Black Satin Messalir.e, 98c a yard. 36 inches wide; in a deep, rich black. Linen Bargains Like These Come Only Once a Year $1.50 Bleached Table Damask SI. 00 ixr yard $1,75 JMearhed Table Damask ' 81.35 per )arl $2.00 Bleached Table S1.50 P yard . Turkish Towels 30 dozen 25c Turkish Towels. 1J each 25 dozen toe Turkish Towels 25 each SO dozen 50c Turkish Towela 29 each 23c dozen 75c Turkish Towels 50 each - Table Cloths $2.50 Bleached Table Cloths, ronnd designs $1.89 93.50 Blenched Table Cloths, round deeignx $2.50 each $3.00 Bleached Table Cloths, round designs $3.75 ach $7.50 Bleached Table Cloths, round designs $5.00 each . $10.00 Bleached Table Cloths, round designs $7.50 each Bleached Napkins $1.83 Bleached Napkins $1.50 Pd dozen $1.75 Bleached Napkins $1.39 per dozen $4.50 Bleached Napkins $2.75 'per dozen $6.75 Bleached Napkin..... , $4.89 Pr dosen $10.00 Bleached Napkins '$7.50 Per dozen Huck Towels 100 dozen 45c H. 8. IIuckTowels , 25 each 73 dozen 7 tic H. S. Huck Towels 50 each 10 dosen $1.00 n. S. Huck Towels 65 d each A Well-Furnished, Well-Equipped Office Is An Asset to Your Business Investigate our lines of Desks, Chaira, Settees, Sectional Filing Cases, . i Business Devices Cuspidors, Waste Baskets, Etc. Rugs, Linoleums, Mattings We are Sole Omaha Agents for Globe Wernicke Filing Caset ti Book Cases, ORCHARD V WILHELM CO. la AHI'IEMMTI. raoaa Doug. 44. ASTABTOao TiUDETILLs taily Msilaaa SUS. ri-hts S;1S. i mh.r Acts: titan. Sl.nlry, Miller ii.. Vlachan's" Cauinss, Orphan m Travel wsekiy. frices: Matin., taJlary, lo, bust arata ( Saturday and Etn dav). tKc. Nights, 10c, Hie. SOo and Tic srOTXCa All unclaimed aeat orders for tbis Witt, raatlnaa and avauina-, iu ba fancaied sharply at noon. Natrona most call for their tlcketa by that tlins. OBCAJfAfJ TVW casTTXaV Dally MtU Etso. lS-SS-M-TAa, Ttwt IMihUUy Wrtlui Ulrt thow. TKE BEAOTT PARAGE TX. .Sltwt Anthrli Alt a4 .f trtmj I. . hkKtKU." tHrklln UlTlta, kulrucius Uietr, K.ttM4 Kunof, fwlit. iwniM, La4vm boriAB- Br Ur, th. moL Uhiu 1b tnu. jusia auz. w MS jutsx, AMI SKMK.NTS. Tonight, Taaadaj and MHmAmmA.- Mats. Tn.s. Wad. fe&a BRAHOEIS PEG '0 f.lY hEART Wtth o-STrtl aad r. T.-Cld. Cs. Prices Sis J?aA,i w si.m Maalcal CimaT D.Usal of ta Taar CXE GUI IN A MILLIOI ' With Telia Adlaa aad Bsaaty Ohorna BOYD Douglas 1919 tOSIOIT-lil VTXSX. STRONCHEART Assisted by Orurhtoa foot aaU taam. Mata. Wad, Sau, S6ei Miata, tic. MM. Addsd attraettusi toalabt. sciaa AUca slao Xaasi la aoaa-a batwasa acta. sat Weak Coiwl for tha Daf saso.