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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1915)
10 THK BEE: -OMArTA. TUESDAY, .TANUAKT 10. 1013. Jeff Had About the Right Idea, at That Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher now You see , vnhR.6 ' WeA 1 YHcVr fN TtrAP- OP VVAft. in VsHfyr TO tXJ AY THe RU.HY TlrAfc. I a-. e r I STLAU ANY GVjV O "DO. X A OF Pice fl. WHAT VOOUC T bATrcelP COWMAN we li, now suppo&e t YOO SAW S &PL I'D STOP DWKlN&S CotAiNt, gp BKosiswAx) r DENIES HE TRADED HORLERFOR A DOG Eremahsin, in' Affidavit, Aiserti He Bid ftot Exchange Boots Harper . for Animal. SAYS CHARGE IS C FALSEHOOD CHICAGO, inn. 18. Denial that h. whli manager of the St. Louis National!, had traded Booth Harper, a pitcher, for a bird dog, aa asserted In an affidavit filed .In support of the Federal league ault against Organised Base Hall, waa made today In an affidavit by Roger P. Bres nahan, now manager or the Chicago Na tional. The Bresnahan affidavit waa one of several filed by officials of Or ganlsad Bane Ball supporting their con tentions that the Federal leaf in , Is not entitled to the relief Bought in Its suit for the dissolution of the National com mission and lt affiliated clubs.. .Already JIae Plve. Bresnahan told of meeting Hoppri in Tennessee on a hunting trip and of ad miring bird dog which Hopper had. He aaid Hopper offered him the dog. but he declined It, aa he already had five. He told of trying out the pitcher on a train ing trip. Later, he said, Mr. Klnaella, owner of the Springfield (Hi.) bae ball club, came to ft. Louis In search of a pitcher and he (Bresnahan) told him to sign Hopper if ha could do so, "Mr. Klnaella," said BresnaOen. "told me It Hopper developedhe would give the St. Louis Nationals the first oiovitunlty to purchase his release that fall. Mr. Klnaella asked me all about the bird dog and If I wanted It. 1 told him that I liked the dog, but I would not buy it. whereupon Mr. Klnaella said If I would accept the dog he would pay Mr, Hopper. I do not know what transaction Mr, Kin sella had with Mr. Hopper, but I do know that Mr. Xlnaella brought the dog to ms ' team contributes a' prise to the JORDAN AND BANKS PLAY CHECKERS TO DRAW CHIC'AOO, Jen. IS-Alfred Jordan, Iomlon, worlj's champion checker player, and Newell W, Banks of Detroit, former American champion, played two draw) games in the champlonxlilp series today, leaving tho contest between them tied with sixteen draw gaums. Hugh Hender son. I'lttsburgh, national champion, who had played fourteen arsw games with Iouls Ginsberg, New York City cham pion, won the fifteenth gamo,lth his opponent. e Henderson Is now qualified to play the winner of the Baker-Jordan contest In the finals for the American championship. BOYLING PRIZE TO MRS. CATUN'S TEAM Wini Trophy in Firtt Season of Thirty Games in New Women's 4 Bowling Leajue. ! MRscATLIN HIGH INDIVIDUAL Mrs. "W. O. Catlin's quintet of feminine howlers In the newly organised Women's rtowllng league carried off the team prtse for the season of thirty games, which came to a culmination yesterday after noon. Mrs, Catlln'g team scored 13,1130 pins against their nearest rivals, Mra Dermody's team, which rolled .13,233 pins. Mrs. Catlln . won the Individual prtxe for the highest score. Her score was S.7H0. , Mrs.-' Dermody wag second with SIVA . The winning team will reap Its benefit neKt Monday at non when the three los ing squads furnlrh a banquet In honor of the' victors at the Commercial club., Vrlara lo Te4m Leaders. In addition to the prises for the winners at Ht. Louis. 1 -An Ahaolato Kaloekeiod "The statement that I traded Booth woman who rolls the highest score on the team. The winners of tho prises are: Mrs. Catlin. Mrs. Dermody. Mrs. W. H. Hopper for a bird dog Is en absolute aul(1- Jr- na.Mra. C. M. Johnson.. falsehood, ani I suggest that Booth Hop per beeomniuntcated with on this matter, as h can verify statements, or Mr. Klu aella either." Herman D. Peekamp. manager end treasurer of the company operating the Ht Louis Nationals, deposed that he has no knowledge of the alleged bird dog In--cident and that hla records show that the services of Hopper were purchssed In August. 1913, by the Bt. Ixiuta Nationals for 12.000. i , , . la a, sworn statements Charles H. Kb- In the competition yesterday Mrs John son's team rolled high with a fotal of 1,1S. ' Mrs. FrreSand's team rolled high tots! for single game with NT. Mrs. Der mody rolled high total with t and Mrs. Johnson rolled high single game with HA Another season of thirty game will be Inaugurated by the women a wrek from Monday. ' . " . ' The scores yesterday, with the total scores for the season; follow; MK8. CATLIN'S TEAM. lt Jd.Tot.Flne, I Mr. W. J. Oat'ln DM 115 U JTT Tot! 4.B 43 7 133 MUS. DfcHMODV'S TRAM. int. S.t.Tot I'ina Mrs. I A. Dermody..., Mrs. B. W. Hlroii Wra. I'lmi'ew Murl Win. J. A. rtcrson Mrs. Frank c'arenter.( l.J i i i hi m S.'jI M lii?M!vi WV4 r: c 167 s6 10a 106 ib :a betts. president of the Brooklyn Na- I Mm. J. F Dlniinii'k M H 1) 244 tionais. declared that the National league Mrs. Henry Keating 61 7 m JHO ?f Profelonal Base Ball Club. a It. I M SV"Xld7lr:::: M TS 1 S oinn rorty years ago shouldered the heavy responsibility of cleansing Amer ica's national pastime of the evils of gambtng. bribing of players, deliberate violation of contracts by players, Intem perance and luaUtordlcatlun. . Wltaessea la Case. I August Ilerrmann, chairman of the Na tional Bae Ball conimlnnlon. it la re ported, will be the most Important wit ness for the defense. With him wilt be B. B. Johnson, president of the Amrrltun league, and John K. Tener. president of the National k'hgue., the remaining two members of the National conintluslon. For the Fedcrsl league, which seeks to pieveut Organised Bse Bull from llilvr lering with its plsyers or ocratlon. Jnwi A. Ciilmore, president of tiio ursun- v'r- M. Huwrtt.... ' Airs. w. m. lxtrrHiicg. PAY OF ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN HIGH Shr-etn Says Seven State Governors Could Make More Money Set i ting in Locomotive Cabs. STATEMENT FOE THE B.AILR0ADS CHICAGO, Jan. 18. Governors of .even states of the union could make more money sitting In the cab of a locomotive on soma of the runs of western railways than they now receive In the executive i hairs of their revpective states. This statement was msde here today by James M. Shecen, attorney for the west ern railroads whose engineers, firemen and hostler, are demanding higher wages and better hours. In outlining the rail road side of the case to the board of arbitration. Presentation of evidence of tho men began November. 30, 19(4, . and was completed today, after which Bheean made his remarks. Bheean went on to say that the 'annual salaries of the locomotive engineer, of western railroads who ask- wage In creases which Bheean .aid would amount to ).080,ooo a year. Average Waares Are Hick. ' '"Of the' 5,000 men whoa we ice for the entire year to Juno 30, 1013, will be shown." Bheean continued, "there la a maximum of $.1,726.8) for passenger en gineers; $3,341. for freight engineers; $1,752.30 for passenger firemen, and $l,S90.!t2 for freights foremen. Against these the governors of seven statea receive $3,000 a year or" less, while those of seven other statea receive $4,000. . . "Actual eamlwejs statements for all en gineers and firemen for the month In which these demands were presented show that engineer. In ity placed upon the mfcn- by the heavy tower. 1 Wages llla-her Tkas la Ksit. ' "Through tho elimination of grade, and curves and other Improvements the em I love have been able, with the larger engines and consequently with . higher pay to haul trains at the same speed as light trains were formerly handled. With Heavier power there has been constant Improvement, lrr labor-saving devices, such as automatic stokers, automatlo doors, coal pushers, sloping tanks, power grate shakers and automatlo ash pans now operated by compressed air, which relieve the firemen of the danger of go ing beneath the locomotive. "It la an evident fact that increase, in wages granted in 1910 In the western concerted movement, covering specifically heavier classes of power, w;re more than comrnenxurate with the added work and schedules made then, have taken care of such hesvy power as has been Installed by the railway. .Ince then. . ' "Compensation of engineers and fire men throughout the west Is higher than in eastern and southern territories, al though th average freight tralnload and average tractive power of engine. In the east and south are higher than in the west." FLANDERS WANTS NEW TRIAL ALLEGES FIFTY-OWE ERRORS BKLLB FOURCHE, . D., Jan. It (Special.) FJf'ty-on instances of error on the part of the court during the trial of Wlllard Flanders, convicted of the murder of hi. wife find Bam Aults are alleged in the motion for a new trial filed by th defense last Saturday. The greater part of the objection of the defense rest, upon the allegation that the court erred when It refused to allow the defense ter-rmpeaoh the testi mony of certain ytate witnesses, par ticularly Fred Bohwell, when the court Wayne Ray, pastor of the Methodist I Episcopal church. They will replde on , their own farm in the vlclnty of their chiltlhood's home. DEATH RECORD Mrs. Ifattle Sipe. Mrs. Hattle Hlpe, aged years, dlod Saturday night at her home, 3423 Leaven worth street. Bhe was the wife of L, P. Hip and beside her husband Is survived by two .mall children. Coroner Crosby will send the body to the' home of her father at Grand Forks, N. D.. for burial. General Charles II. Toatklas. WASHINGTON, Jan, 18.-Brlgudier General Charles H, TonAlns, U. S. A., retired, died here today, aged 84 years. He was a native of Fort Monroe, Va., and had been voted a congressional medal of Honor for gallantry In action at Fair fax Court House, Va., In 1861. . - of f Severe Blocd Trout's VsrJsh With Magic Effect, Great Rem. edy Makes Disease ' Disappear. sustained the objection, of the state to pawnger aervice.tha cross-examination of Ella Flanders. earned actually an average of $186 for the daughter of the defendant, regarding maximum actual earnings c.rtsln conversations and actions of tho Totsls 4J7 4:t 9S4 11U3J MIW. FKEULAND'H TKAM. l.t. J.l lot Pins. Mrs. J. A. Freelind HI l R WiS Mrs. II U I'nderwood.... 107 la i S41 Mrs. Alex Jelea 41 k !: 2101 Mrs, H-. U. Hl-i man M M Ix-j IT I Mrs. V. 11. Uould, Jr...... i VI 174 ?X4 Total. 4J4 IE? Wl 1I7M MUSS. JOHNriON H TEAM. let. M.Tot Plus. Mrj. J. A. tdiirrt Mr, If. B. Wtillehou iakXion. is' exeled to be the rliUrf wit- n. IX. B. Ssrd of tlis i:rocMyn Ked ersls and Presidvnt r.ohrrtaon or the Buf falo -lub, with Preai'tent UI!nor. who form the executive cumniitti-e of the lr sue, will have complete, t lmise of th esse for tte 'plalnti(f. Gil more left for New Yolk etcrUtty. .aying ho was going on important bunlm-as and wuuld ltura Wednesday. Jt la said lilt mUflou eat relates to the Itaaun '. iNTERCOLLEGIATERIFLE ' SCORES ANNOUNCED WASHINGTON,' J so. It, -Score. In ilaas A of the intemlesiate rifle shoot ing competition tlii. erk were snnoum'cd today ss follows: t'til'ci biali' NmrI a N,li-to', '0, I o a a. j 1 t'Iixy ' Mam. Sil. Hkuliml t'al:fornla iM... ! I . viitftnia. tus, aain.t Nml,-li. VJO: I 'or- I IV fatr nril. H'.J. avitinat l untue. Illinois. 47, I J. Jaiua stiainat M iiaraoTa, v. 7: Mi,-(iIthii, Asi- numl. uta'ocl Wuuitigtoa Malt, Mra. C. M. Johnson Totals.... . Tl i ltd I3 . Pi NO S'W fhl"i . 1L'4 21 3KIS . M 17 !Im . Ul l:U 2M 'AH . SIS L ll.'i 1.1071 UM.V11A Lfc.VUl K. ' P. W. U P t. H. irKtas-Nah Company 4M "1 17 .tvii lrs ,4S 2 1 ,nj iitiuna .( 41 '.'4 1'4 .bA JrlK-rs ' 4 i .4 I. uxiis ....' ..4H 2 M .41 lilii ttylA Lit.r..., ts i SI .V.i Iim1i. iduul uvvri i: v. Nam. K arisU'.. I'm Ciniinarniaa lrit,i.iw ,, A. Hr l win U Hgni , i utuntus. . Tinnaa Imrp , luikB . . laara M.irlia Five (! Pe-vee It. A Generous Orfel. Cut out this sd., tndcM Uh cents to Foley a Co.. Chi cago. Hi., writing our turns and address r-lainly, and ri tve a fi trial package oot,talnin 1 1 U s H-mey snd Tar Coin prMiiid, fur loiiKiis. cuiila aad croup; Foley Kidney l'liu. for kidney and blad der ron'.i'laiittd, Lai'i be. pains in Joints, ttcuiiLl!aiu', sud lolty lall.aiiv. Tab lets, a wholrfcome kiid tl,i,rouihly cUaris Irig call.ait.' try a 1 tl.n.e fur t cents, th Cvat of n,u li, . tvM ly all diales 3itlticiuti,t A goti.s loi-lr..- (G Vtd a.-lJ quickly t! rj-c yt.c In) ' ii'.t'.nttj ChaQCs." I 4 'ItlU.alU ... ! M.i anliy I4 'Unwl ...... 13 ta luiaarslruis Il lofl 1-1H..U-, 1MI Muimiitaa , . . . . . l ai Tamil . .... 13 H b- lU ... i mi I " ka .. II? lHlwM,-aatsf 1, iy I Hd'i4 . ....Il'. JIDM,S I . :alun IW, -,,r ...... l. lia ., i"t U,i he iti month of $341; In the freight service the averagn was 1170, with alt actual maximum of I'lftS; the flrnmen In passenger servioa that month earned an average of $115, with a maximum of fcMO, while in freight servloe their actual earnings for the month wera on the average of $110. with a maximum of $S1. Other firemen in combination freight and passenger ser vice earned even higher wages. "A careful Investigation, of the in c reased cost of living In the west enow that prices have not advanced so fast as have the wage, of englners and fire men under the schedules awarded in 1910. "Comparison of their w'alres with those of any other craft, or of any other rail way employes, or of englners and fire men in other parts of the, country, show that they are already receiving a higher compensation In both rate's of pay and rulea" Wet Iteveaaea Are Defrreaelaa. Touching the question of ability of the roada to meet the added cost In these latest demands of the men, Bheean pointed out that in the face of larger mileage and growing traffic, the western roads In recent years have experienced imnvnse losses In net revenues, income, dividends and surplus. In which situation they are now fared by dernands of en gineers and firemen which he said Would add $40.000.0fl0 to their expenses. , "These wage demands," the lawyer as serted, affect some C4.000 men on approx imately miles of railroads. On th basis of the month In which they were presented, the added expense would be W.700.0JO. or about 61 per cent.' Arjplied to the total payroll of the companies af. fected for the year, this would mea nearly $40.0O0..1o0. "More than S.orxi more miles were orer ated by the affected roads In' 19J4 than in 191W. yet net operating Income after taxes in lPH waa $ leas than In ll and nearly $k.tu0,0H0 less thsn In 1911 "In lll there ui declared hi i, hoi man in 1910. and In laia n 1914 there father, and In giving Instruction, to the Jury regarding the - verdict to be brought in. Wliile It i. not anticipated by the de fense that a' new trial will be granted, Flander. by the ' district court, the mo tion for a new trial pave, the way for an appeal to the supreme court, which the defense expects to take. HYMENEAL At almost a.y drag .tore yoa may ob tain 8. a 8 the famous blood purifier, and yon thea bare the veritable wlsard that makes all blood troubled vanish. Tour stomach take, kindly to B. 8. 8., It rushes into your blood, 1. a purifying wave, make, the liver, kidneys, bladder and skin work la ksnnony; stops accumulations that have caused rheumatism, catarrh, swollen glands, Ore tkroat and .kin eruptions. ' Just as food make, blood, so doe. 8. 8. 8. follow the process of digestion to stimu late natural secretion, to protect as .gainst th ravage of dlseass germs. We are well aware of the fact that these germs are apt t be latent wltbln a. to break forth Itaaklns-Mllls. ' In violent eruptions of the skin whenever June Mille of Perry. Ia.. and William S. I the system I. In a low sUte of resistance. Hanklns of Mount Pleasant, la., war u Jf bot Pent these eruption. married by Rev. Charles W, Savldga at' hi. residence Saturday afternoon at tM. Mrs. O. H. Btelnman of Perry, la., a sister of the bride, accompanied them, hell hera-Weatraa. WKST POINT. Neb., Jan. 7.-8peclal.) The marriage of Harry B, Shellberf and Miss Augusta A. 'e?tran took place Saturday at the home of th bride', parents . In Garfield township. Th ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles or t get rid of them that Nature gave us such sa ally as. 8. 8. 8. It i. purely vegetsble, contain, no mercury, and yet it overcome, those ssrlous troubles for which mercary has been employed for age. In very community are people who know this, to be true. They owe to a a 8. their recovery. Get a bottle today. Befuse all substitutes. Read th folder around th bottle that tells of the wonderful work be tog done by the medical department hi assisting ' users of 8. a 8. For a sped si book on blood trouble address The Bwlft Specific k, 61 Bwlft Bldg., Atlanta, Ua. isa ' leas than in 1910. rairled to surplus M.OWUA'i leas than "'" ,SI0' while the surplus in 1913 wss $13- ?'. I" 4Ih.ii In 1910. m five months iM or ,r, current fiscal year there hss I i" nt -2.W. In gross revemii I7 "e ,ac hla situation as to the .. ieu.iie oi me railway Involved l 1 1,. .i. I' ll been e. In- although Ukltr Hrleaae Maada. rUR'A'lO. Jan. H-lnft-lder Manda wa relJiiJ loilay hy the Chicago Amer icana to the Uaaland ciub of the Pacific C'oaet leasue. . reo years to June 3D, 191i the, mimmi !I,"H,re ' '.Xt.00 in liiiprovenienis ..;;:..;;;:::iu iand eii-ious to i.i-opeuy. and out f ...17. mis Oevot.Hl more than $ -.M.uuO c a or ' I I r i. ll. nil. . .. . .. la. j "..ennui lovtsri tos purtiOht ot infreatUig eff icit-ncy and rafety, snd expeL'ltlng train muveineots. It ! tlu heavier power and egulpiiient have beea n.talled. but labor-avlhr" dvi es and In-re.sed wsges lists nioi-e than couaier. baln,-,d any added u,k or re.ponslbll- - karats at panrell. Wis, PUWKLL, Wyo.. Jan. "U-Firs wlikh dttroed three ruinmeri tal buildings ll' '.! hre eauaed a loss vt $--0,,l. of which CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF uuiount $12.'AJ la represented by tle value - -tiiii iaiti of (li slock of a store eonduete I by T. P. rhen-ti. The postcfflce and other Hdjscent buililtiitrs were ssved by a bucket Lllaile The buildings ieciipld by Hi Miechy at jfs was on.i tv A. P. Ljbby. Tho tlier bunted atructuces weie owned by Sain I'rsig asul Mra. Mary KbigtiL The eaua of the file, which broke out at 1.30 in tli tnornuxg, is coVaosa. tvry bit of dnidnnf dioappears s tar o" ar iwo sppucsltons of Dandcrlnu rubbed well 'nto lha aealp aith th fin ger tips. Get a 3&-vnt bottle of Dn derlne at any drug store and sav your hair After a few applications you can't find a particle of dandruff or any falllng ha4r, and th soala will aevar Itch. AdvarUasioeuL Tl The Ford Coupelet -the car of class for 4yvery month to the yf-ar la any kind of weather over city or country roads. You are always snug; and rosy Inside the new Ford Couplet. Fold the top and in two minutes you have a smart, roomy road ster. Ideal for women who drive for buelnes and )irofest)ional men. All the speed, power and usefulness of the sa car. with the convenience and exrlusiveness of the electric and Ford economy in upkeep less than So a mile. Ford Coupelet 1750; Sedan J975; Town Car SC0; Touring. Cr 1490; Runabout 1440. All fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit. Oa display snd sale at Ford Motor Co.. 116 Har- ney St.. Omsbs. Neb. Iluyera a ill share in profits if as acll at retail JO'l.OsO uew Ford cars between August 1911 and August lli. Thirty Jlf th Year For Liquor and Drng Users We permanently remove the craving for Liquor and Drugs la. all easee, and at the same time improve the physical and mental condition. "We nave no rivals as far aa trucceesf ul treatment is con cerned. Our methods are humane and scientific; no sick- ' ness, "knock-out" or bad after effects. Our charges are reasonable. - . ' XT v rr All onr buiriiteea, InclurTljig noirespondence. Is . strictly confidential. Write for : free Illustrated . fclet, which wlIL be seut in seiued envelope. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, 25th and CtirSreeU Telephone Doujlm 1478 OMAHA, NEB. A Portable Typewriter emington unior 11 ; j. 4. s j tilt Jr As durable as the standard Remington. Weight , less than half the Standard model. For the traveler and for the home. Authors, clergymen, physi-, cians, students and others wanting a compact, small, re liable typewriter, will wel come this machine as solv ing f or them the typewriter problem. N Price, with dust proof cover . . With leather traveling case Other Remington models . . . Now on exhibition at 201-3 South 19th' St - $50.00 57.50 100.00 Remington Typewriter Company (To corporal ad) Telephone Douglas 1284. 1USI IFop Results Bcc Want Ads