Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1915, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bteee tnm fs Bnttlsj Arena. The Dee's Real War Photos Best of Them AH. VOL. XLIV XO. 14. OMAHA, TUflAY M0KN1NU, JANUARY IP, 1915-TKX PAOKS. Om Trains and at otsl Sfsws glands, $ S1XGLE COPY TWO CEXTS. .Bee . i GRIST OF CLAIMS AWAITING ACTION OPTHE LAWMAKERS Chairman Fries of the House Com mittee Receives One Hundred Ninety Applications for State's Cash. DISTRICT JUDGES ON THE LIST Ask that They Be Allowed Hotel Bills While on Cir- cuits. NEWSPAPER CLAIMS ARE FILED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 18. -(Special.) About 1M Item involving claims against the (fate have been turned over by the auditor's office to Chairman Frfes of the house committee on claims and deficiencies for action by the legislature. These will be tabulated, after which tho committed will go over them and decide which have enough apparent merit to be Incorporated In the general bill for claims and defi ciencies. Practically one-half of all the claims on file are by newspapers for printing the constitutional amendments voted on last November. The total of these claims will be in the neighborhood of S17.000. Occupation Tax Refunds. A dozen corporations are anklng refunds of the occupation tax paid to the state for m.1 or 1914, or both years, on the ground that they paid more than was due. They paid tax on th full amount of capi tal, whilo the law requires payment on only such portion as Is urrl In conducting the business In Nebraska. R. D. Mcl'adden. who was hotel com- vmieeioner under tho Aldrich administra tion, wants this legislature to allow him $H25 sulary which the I!H3 legislature re fused. McFadden had the use of a $3, 00 appropriation, but overran it and piled gp a large deficiency. The legislature two trs ago thought that he had been too extravagant and turned down his salary claim, though It did allow his expenses over and above the regulur appropriation. , J. H. Gilchrist Is asking for the allow ance of twelve Items, beginning at fcS.and running up to 175, for examining trust companies for the auditor's office. The total claim Is $470. , Claim from (herrr. Woodruff Ball of Valentine wants l, 402.66 on account of his litigation with the state over 100 acres of Cherry cdunty land. Of this amount Jl.0ol.38 Is for at torney fees and other expenses, which, he says, he Incurred (not Itemized) $317.90 ns balance of costs, and '$ .3S Interest. Former Attorney General Martin refused to pay the cost of taking new testimony at the second trial, as the supreme court ruled that this should bo paid by Ball, no matter how the suit should be decided. This is what he is now asking the legis lature to allow. - District Jo d ires' Demands. A nninoer or aiuini juuges nave nieu . claims, for hotel bills and railroad tare incurred at different times. The legisla ture two years ago appropriated J4.0..0 for railroad fare and livery expense, but cut out hotel bills. Notwithstanding this, some of the judges think the state ousht to pay their hoard and lodlti'g when they are away from home. Judge .W. G. Sears of Tekamah,-who holds court most of the time at Omaha, has a bill for $.!! for room, lodging and board for a period of fourteen months In IM09 and 1910. He waa a gretm hud on. the bench at that time and didn't follow the ) practice of other district judges in collect ing their traveling expenses from the state. Since Ivlo he has tuken care to tile claims therefor. , The other claims of district Judges pending are: B. O. llostetler. Kearney, $137.76; L. M. Pemberton, Beatrice, !'3.38; II. D. Travis (deceased) Plattpmouth, 194.29; W. II. Wcstover. . Rushville, I4.C4; J. R. Jlanna, Greeley, I4.Q8, Four Persons Are Injured by. Fire in . Hotel at Sapulpa! 6APCI'A.Okl.. Jan. U.- Kour persons i are expected to die from Injuries received j early today in the destruction of the Na tional hotel by fire, following a gas explosion. Two other persons are dan gerously Injured In . recuse . wort .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Friend and their two young I children received burns which it Is feared will kill them. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vinlcity Fair; not much change In temperatuore. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deg. 5 a. m 22 6 a. m 26 7 u. in 24 S a. in 24 a. m 24 W a. m 24 U a. in 24 12 m 25 . 1 p. ni 26 2 p. ni 27 a p. in 27 4 p. ni 'SI i p. m 26 p. ni 24 7 p. ni ,..: 8 p. m 23 Comparative Local Record. J915. 1914. 1913. 1912. .... 27 47 3.1 17 .... J7 34 h 2 .... 22 40 22 t T .17 .00 .04 preclultation d.nnr. Highest yesterday DoWeet yesterday Mean temperature Precipitation Temperature anil turea from the normal: Normal temperature 20 Excess for the day ! Total excess since March I ".'."717 Normal precipitation 02 Inch Titflcleney for the day ri inch Total rainfall sine March L..2H06 inches Deficiency since March 1 a. Jo inches Deficiency for cor, period 1913. Inches Deficiency forcor. per'od 13U. 4.06 Inches Reports frona stations at T P. If. Station and htate Temp. High- Rain of Weather. 7 i. in. i en i neyenne, ciouny :c .14 Faveniort. clear 22 Vi Denver, cloudy . . t- 4 Des Moines, cloudy 2ii North Plane, cloudy.... , Omaha, clear , ii -, Rapid City, tnow 3) kt fioux City, riuir 24 2, ' Vslenliiic. know H Below sro. I indicates trace of precipitation.' U . Wh-UiU, Local Forecaster. WITH HISTORIC BACKGROUND Australian soldiers encamped by the Pyramids in Egypt, waiting for the shock of battle with tho Turkish troops. ; "... (y ' "-- . it-- i;v&vr- -tA V li ; . ' -;c-v-' ' v '--'.jr'-'cSK? HOUSE CARRIES THE LEGISLATIVE PURSE In Passing Appropriation Bill Stipu lates Money Upper Body to Spend for Employes. V ECONOMY FOR POLITICS' SAKE (From a Ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 18.-(Seclal Telegram.) In ita passage of the legislative salaries and expense appropriation bill the house this afternoon threw down the gauntlet to the senate, stipulating the amount the senate shall spend for employes. The house bill. Instead of . putting the total amount to be appropriated for ex penses of the legislature in one lump, goes to the extent of stipulating that $10,000 shall be for employes in the senate and a like amount In the house. The sen ate has understood that house members say that if the senate exceeds that amount for tho session there will be no more money, coming. Just what the upper body will do when the bills come over for its consideration is hard to. tell, but the senate asserts that the house can't tell it what it shall do. ' For Kconomr Record. The charge is also made that there are two or three house members who are looking forward to polltk al honors In IMS, and that they hope to wake a record for economy this winter that will help them on the- way X v flenatrt 'members ear tnat Norton of Polk wants to be governor, while Taylor of Cuator still has his eye on congress. If they can make a record for eoonomy and then hold senate to blame for pre venting them carrying out their economy program It will aid them in their cam paigns. And now comes something else. The house adopted the new plan of printing the minutes each day, and having them on the desks of the members the next morning, as a part of the economy pro gram. They hoped that by cutting out the old solvilers as custodians and the cripples as postmasters that they could save enough to pay for the printing Job. They kicked up such a howl because the senate was standing in the way of real reform by not adopting the plan, that the latter body finally voted the enw deal. Then the senate discovered that the new plan was going to be so ex pensive under the charges made for printing that nothing was likely to be gained, and appointed a committee to investigate the matter. ftenatc Has start of It. Then the house discovered that the sen ate had got the stirt of it on the inves tigation and fearing that the upper body would get a littleglory It hustled around this afternoon and had a committee ap pointed to investigate the printing deal also. The senators say that "economy ceases to be economy when efficiency suffers" and they do not propose to have effective legislation ruined thus. We are here to legislate for the state of Nebraska," said one of the momieri of th emajority in the upper body, "and not to try to pull off stunts that will help us Into a bigger office." July Cotton Delivery Rises to Nine Cents NEW TORK, Jan. IS.-Cotton went to above to t eents a pound here todsy for July delivery, a new high record for the season. Cotton for delivery in other active months was up generally from 30 to points above the closing figures of last week. This ws about (8 a bale more than low prices of last month. The de mand was active and notwithstanding heavy sales all offerings were readily absorbed. Buyers were encouraged by reports of continued firmness in the southern spot market and continuance of the heavy ex port movement. RECALLS RESOLUTION ENDORSING HITCHCOCK From a Staff Correspondent.), LINCOLN. Jan. 18. iSpeclal.) Senator Howell's resolution endorsing the reso lution of Senator Hitchcock In congress protesting against the exportation of arms to warring nations, was recalled from the house by the senate today. The house had refused to consider It on the ground It was a concurrent af fair and should, tske the course of reular bill which had not been the case In the upper body. twnator Howell made the motion to re call. It will have to be considered again In (tie senate and there are indications difficulty wlll be experienced In securing aa endorsement. Jury Trials Granted Mrs. Lucy Parsons'" and Other Alleged Rioters CHICAGO. Jan. 18. -Jury trials were granted today to the twenty-one men and women arrested yesterday In a riot In South Hiilstead street which "is pre cipitated by an attempt ot a number of unemployed men and women to parade without a city permit Mrs. Kucy I'arsons, widow of Alhert Parsons, who was hanged In 187 for complicity in tho Haymarket riot was among the twenty-one. She carried a banner in thft attempted parade. The Key. Irwin-St. John Tucker of the Kpls copal Church of the Redeemer, another ot the aiTtjsted persons, declared he was on his way to Hull House, when he saw the parade being dispersed by the police. He rushed into the crowd and sought to carry a banner Inscribed "Give Cs This Day Our Dally Bread." In the riot several policemen were ! slightly Injurrd and many of the parau' crs were clullbed and bruised. Bonds on. state charges entered against the twenty-one were fixed at 300. Bomls were quickly furnished by friends and tho prisoners wero released. Their trials will be held in the municipal court MINISTERS TURN DOWN -LOWE PLANS Pastor, of First Methodist Cuits In vesti gating Committee When His Report is Tabled. WILL NOT MAKE STATEMENT A report by the Ministerial Union's committee for the investigation of al leged law violations and crime conditions in Omaha was laid on the table by a votu ot the preachers at their regular monthly meeting at the Young Men's Christian as sociation. After the meeting Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of tho First Methodist church, who wan originally chairman ot the committee, stated that he had with drawn. "The committee refused to adopt my plan of a&Mon ani 1 could not see the matter their way, so 1 pulled out," ir. Lowe declared. He Jiad started the whole affair two months ago by alleging that laws were being enforced only wit'i laxity, and that "something ought to be done." With Rev. C. N. Dawson of Diets Me morial Methodist church in place ot Dr. Lowe, the committee held meetings a 'id followed a course of action less radical than that advocated by the latter. When the report was submitted irrlng ad dresses were made In executive session, according to Rev. E. B Pamp, sec retary. Instead of positive action being taken on the matter. It was finally laid on the table Indefinitely. All Activity Stop. Members of the union were loath to 1 discuss the union's attitude after the I meeting, with the exception of Dr. Lowe, who intimated that his cherished plan for a probe of conditions and drastic ac tion by the ministers had fallen down, at least in part. As It now stands the re port la on the table; the originator of the Investigation has withdrawn because his plans were voted down by the commit tee, and the union refuses to make pub lic any details of the probe. If one were made Members of the committee, in addition to Rev. Dr. Dawson, are Rev. Thomas Evans of the United Evangelical church. Rev. . J. R. Beard of Central Park Con gregational church, Rev. Arthur J. Mor ris of lmmanuel Baptist church, and Rev. E. 11. Jeuks of the First Presbyterian church. All refuse to divulge the nature of their report, Ir. Lowe spoke on the coming revival campaign of Billy tiunduy in Omaha. Rev. U. G. Brown, district superintendent of the Methodist church, was voted into, regular membership In the union, and Captain II. H. Kline of the rlalvatum Army Industrial Home was made an 4. sociate member. The work of tho Union Gospel MImIoii was presented to the union by Miss lewey of that orann. tlon. ' , . Senate Refuses to Suspend Rule to Advance Dry Rider WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. -The senate defeated today, 40 to 38, the motion ot suspend its rules for consideration of a prohibition rider to the District of Co lumbia appropriation bill. A two-thirds majority was neceaaary to suspend the rules prohibiting general legislation in appropriation bills, and the motion fulled to receive even a majority. - Debate has lasted five days. The riots wits the result of an attempt of about t.FiOO unemployed men and women to parade. 8ome of the march ers carried black bnnners on which in largo white letters was the word "Hun ger." Other banners carried the slogans, "We don't want charity; wis want Jobs," and "Give us this day our dally bread l'ollce demanded that the marchers halt as no permit had been Issued for them to parade. The marchers, according to th police, began to push the banner bearers forward. Fighting started In stantly. Police with revolvers and clubs drawn rushed the crowd, felling all within their reach. Women marchers grabbed the policemen by the legs and threw them to the street, biting and tear ing at their faces with finger nails. A number of shots were fired by the police In their attempt to drive back the crowd. With black eyes and torn clothing the police fought their way Into the crowd. arrested twenty-ono and with difficulty locked them up in police stations, after squads of reserves had come to their assistance. ARMY LEAYES CITY WITHGUTIERREZ Indications that Deposed Provisional President May Have Set Up Another Government. VIILA IS ON WAY TO CAPITAL Bl XLETUV. K-ii I'AHO, Tex., Jan. 18. Mexico City Is reported In a great slate of disorder and excitement equalled by the Dlax-Huerta uprising against the Madero government in 1912. General Villa, with the main group of hla army is expected to return today to Mexico City in an attempt to adjust the Hltuatlon of the convention government, Incidental to the flight Saturday from the capital of Kulalio Gutlerrcs, the rto vlclonul president. WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-When Gen eral Gutierrez left Mexico City yester day morning lie took with him most of the troops garrisoning the cupltal. Htate department advices Indicate that Gutter res's present command la C,00( strong and officials hero infer that few soldiers re mained in the capital from the fart that the first act of General Garxa, tho new provisional prcMdcut, was to utilize the police force temporarily for military pur poses rl The State department Is particularly anxious to know whether Gutierres had. abandoned ull claims to the provisional presidency or had gone to Pacbuco with part of his cabinet to set up a govern ment there in defiance of the conventional faction in Mexico City. So far there has been no confirmation of reports that Villa and Zapata have bioken off rriendly relations. Villa is on his way from Ague Calientes, where he hua a formidable army assembled, and is expected to enter Ihu capital today. As part of the garrison remaining in the capital Is said to be made up of Zapata troops, the report of a breach between the two leaders soon will be put to a prac tical test. A telegram to the Ctate department dated January Id, K a. m., from Mexico City, states that all business houses were closed and uncertainly existed as to what faction controlled tho city. Another tele gram sent st 0 p. m. the same day said the reason for the sudden departure of Gutierres still was unknown. The gov ernor of the federal district had given as surance that thero was no cause for alarm In the capital, adding that he had sufficient troops for the preservation of order and anticipated no attack upon tho elty. A telegram dated January IT from Aguas Callents said nil rail traffic south of that place had been suspended. An undule.l telegram . fioni Mazatlnn laid the cruiser Maryland and the Mex ican gunl'ot l';tpas bad ar-lved there. Nine railroad britlgs had been burned between Niivajoa and Mazatlan, the mes sage said, and uprising forces were en gaged at N'avajoa. HEARING ON LITERACY TEST WILL BE HELD FRIDAY WASHINGTON. Jan. lS.-PrM.n wn. I son has set aside three hours next Kri I day for a public hearing on the literacy test provUlons of the Immigration l.iil recently x pabsed by congress and which was received today at the While House. The hearing will be heard in the east room, where President Taft held a blar ing before vetoing a similar bill. FIVE DAYS UNDER DEBRISJF RUIMS Each Excaration in Earthquake Dis trict in Italy Serves to Verify Earlier Reports Estimates of Casnalties. RELIEF WORK SYSTEMATIZED Sevent Thousand Refugees, Two Thousand of Whom Are Injured, Have Reached Rome. PROPERTY LOSS IS $60,000,000 HOME, Jan. 18. Rescue work throughout the wilderness created by tho earthquake- last Wedneaday com In nes slowly and under great difficulties. Kach excavation nerves to verify earlier reports of the. prob- ahle. casualties, though here an J, there, despite the fHct that five days have elapsed since the catastrophe, living victim" are being released from their prison of rrutuhliHaT plasters and fallen timbers. Thousands of soldiers and civilian, In cluding many members cf the nobility gradually sre systematlsing the relief work and are getting food and shelter supplies over the obstructed roads to stricken towns and villages. The relief work now, however, overshadows tho rescue efforts. The pope, according to the Orscrvatore Romano, has sent aid to sit tho bishops of the dioceses in the earthquake aonu. A fund of an.wiO.OoO lire (W.OOO.iumTi lias been received by tho pontiff thus far. About T.&00 refugees, 2.000 of thcin. Injured, have reached Home to dute. One estimate of the property loss ssya It will exced DflO.fltin.nao lire VW.o00.0oe. No official figures as yet available. In dozens of, villages c ill sens who es caped with their lives are alill In poig nant fear that new shocks will tumble their buildings about their heads and are ramping out to avoid further danger.. Gradually, however, the seismic disturb ances are lessening, and none has been reported since yesttrday. The greatest care Is being exercised to avert disease epidemics threatened by Interrupted supplies and the abnormal manner In which the people now are liv ing. Physicians are putting health meas ures Into effect. , Titfatr Thoasaaal Dead. AVEZZANO. Jan. IS.-(Vla Rome.) More than 2,000 soldiers, under the com mand ot Lieutenant General Marlnl, are ntwork on ti.e ruins of'Avecsano, which may be described as a wilderness extend ing for several miles. Slgnor Clufelll, minister of public works, estimates the number of dead In the Avesxano district at 10,000 and 10.000 Injured. So altogether ruined Is the city that it Is difficult for the Inhabitants to recog. nice streets, much less Individual houses. Prinze Glovannla Torlonl, while clam bering with the Associated Press corre spondent over a pile of broken masonry In the Via Delta staslone, one of the principal residential streets of the city, remarked: "Almost every house in that long street was occupied by mv friends.- They were people of independence, forming the In tellectual life and-enterprise of the city." Avesiano was Important as a manufac turing and trade center. The sugar woras cost $1,260,000. Home of the machinery may still be of value. Other mills lest Important represent a property value of some $3,000,000. Prince Works In Wrerkaar. Prince Torlonia, one of the greatest landed proprietors in Italy, Isvthe heav iest loser financially, but he declined to consider thai at this time. When seen by the correspondent he had been up all night working in ' the wreckage. Tho great Roman prince looked rather Ilka a coal heaver, as he has been laboring physically In the vork of rescue. Among the titled woinen who have coma here to aid the injured Is lha.Marchesa Dl Sostegno of Florence. She is working as a nurse In one of the seven military hospitals erected in the park near the new railroad station. - Incidents of the remarkable lesjjes which were made are gradually becoming known. One is told of a lieutenant of engineers, . C'errl rJ lire by name, who came bere and located the residence of his mother. He worked for some time alono, pulling away stones, but presently he was assisted by soldiers. After seven hours ot the hardest kind of labor he found his mother alive and not very badly Injured. She had been protected by an unbroken piece of wall falling over (Continued on Page Two, Column tlx.) The National Capital Mosiday, January 18, 1915. ' The Heaate. Met at 11 a. m. Resumed debate on prohibition, for Dis trict or Columbia. Philippine committee resumed work on bill tu enlarge self-government of Islands. Refused by vote of 40 to 38 to suspend rules for consideration of- prohibition rldr on Dlatrlct of Columbia appropria tion bill Passed THstrict of Columbia appropria tion bill carrying about SDJ.OuO.O1.. Government i.hlp purchase bill made un flnlsh:! liuslneaw, Ke essed at 6 11 p. m. to II a. m. Tues day. Tke Haass. Met at noon. Considered miscellaneous bills by unani mous consent- Interstate Commerce committee con cluded hearings on McK'ellar bill to regu late cold storage of food products. Committee bearings on bill or federal inspection of cold storage plants. l'ostoffloe committee took up Leais bill for goverument acquisition of tele phone systems. Hecretary Lane submitted supplemen tary estimate of S4.biU (or administration of Yellowstone National park. I'ared senate bill to reform consular m r i-e. Paused tM-nate hill to create the Rocky Mountain Vationui park. I's-il t ill tu provide for stock raising homeatead. Adjourned at i Jt p. m to 11 a. m. Tuesday. STORM IN YOSGES AND IN FLANDERS French Official Report Says Weather Interferes with Operations in France and Belgium. MORE ARTILLERY EXCHANGES TARIS. Jan. lS.-The French official statement given Wit this afternoon re cites French siV-cesses yesterday at various point along the battle line, most of them artillery engagements. None of the actions seems to have Iwn of great importance. There was stormy weather yesterday in Flanders, as well as In the Vosgcs. The official communication follows: "From the sea to the Olse there was yesterday a ylolent storm, particularly In nelgium. The day saw artillery fighting at certain points. . "Near Autreche to the northeast of Vlc-sur-Aisnn two German attacks wero re pulsfd. In tho sectors of Hansons and of Rhelms there mas no change. in tno region of Perthes there was a very efficient marksmanship on the part ' of our artillery on the positions of the ; enemy. "in A r gonna the German attacks on I Hill SSC to the west of Bourrnlllcs. brought ! no result. We took possession of several German field works to the northwest of Pont-A-Mousson, In the only part of the ferest of IelYetre which is still In the hands of tho enemy. We here Ister re pulsed a counter attack and maintained all our gains. "In tho Vnaaes there has been a heavy fall of snow. The enemy bombarded Thaiin, but without Inflicting serious damage." Senate Favors Howell Bill for Merger of Cities (From a Staff Corrennondont') LINCOLN, Jan. IK (Special Telegram.) The achate bill on municipalities late this sftrlnonn 11 ported unanimously in favor of he Howell bill which provides for the consolidation of Omaha and Its tuburb. The hill provides that towns joining a metropolitan city and being served by Uie public service corporations of that city shall become a part of the metropolitan city. r The bill will make It the duty of the governor to declare within twenty days after passage of the law the smaller towns a port cf tho metropolitan city, 'The measure appear to have the solid support of the Douglas county delegation, and Its rrlends think It will without doubt pass in the senate. The attitude of the house is more In doubt. The law is compulsory, no vote being provided for. Abe Test Friends . - See Wilson Giving s Way to Legislators WASHINGTON. Jan. lS.-Presldent Wilson received tho immigration ' bill to day as passed by congress and ret aside three hours next Friday to listen to argu ments on the merits of the measure. The bill went to the White House with the restrictive literacy test for admission of aliens unamended, despite frequent declaration by the president that this form of restriction did nut meet with his favor. What the president finally will do Is problematical, but his granting bearings has aroused the hopes of cham pions of the measure that he will not veto the bill. In congress there are many democrats who believe tlmt the bill could be passed ovor a presidential veto In both houses by the necessry two-thirds-majority. When President Taft vetoed a similar measure It was repassed by more than two-thirds majority in the senate and failed by only a few votes 4n the house. Bill for Correction Farm Drawn by Dodge (From a Rtaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 18. ( special. )-rSenator Dodge of Douglas would give to cities of the metropolitan class power to acquire land and maintain thereon a oorreetlon farm for tbe confinement and care of all persons convicted of any violation of the law who could be sentenced to any city lor municipal Jail, in a bill Introduced by him In the senate this aftornoon. It pro vides that the cily commission shall ap point a board of three members who shaR serve without compensation other than the actual expenses incurred by them in their work. " Tho olty Is given the power to appro priate a sum not less, than $2u,0w to buy land and equip the place for the work. It gives the city the right to borrow money for the purchase of additional land as It Is needed and for tho erection of buildings thereon. Appeal of Frank; Placed on Docket WASHINGTON. Jan 18-Tho habeas corpus appeal of Leo M. Frank, fonv luted of the murder of Mary Phagan, the At lanta, Oa., factory girl, was docketed today in tha supreme court. The state 6f Georgia may now at any time move to have It advanced for early hearing. "Without such action It will not be reached in the regular course of business for nearly eighteen months. GERMAN WAR DEAD WILL HAVE NO MILITARY HONORS AMSTERDAM (Via London). Jan. 18. Emperor William haa issued an order that untrained, German reservlats no longer shall be permitted 'to serve as guards of honor at tha burials of prisoners of war, according to the Handclsblad. " . "As much ss we would like to give dei-eused prisoners of war the last military honors." the order of the emperor Is quoted an saving, "all roniurations must give way to the main work of these troops, namely, the acquisition as quickly as possible of tha netcssaxy military tralnlne;." y GERMANS PLAN BIG OFFENSIVE MOVE IN FRANCE Teutons Assume Defensive Role in East and Send Thousands of Troops to Western Arena of War. ANNIVERSARY OF THE EMPIRE London Officials to Hear of Attempt to Celebrate it by Decisive. Victory. RUSSIANS BRING FRESH TROOPS' The Day's War News In Condensed Form FHKXCH ADV1(K Ai that the Bi lled front In the positions taken after the retreat from "olssons 'a. alronarer than ever. London asc J areata that the tiertnans may ol low their victory hr InssgsrsN Ina another forward 'movement. Ilerlln considers that the general nffenslve movement of the allies, aid t have bees nrdered month aio hy (ienernl Joffre, has broke down. PKTHOIJHAD RKPORT" emphasise the completeness of the vleterr anld to been stained over tho Turkish troops. Of the forces nt Karn-Vrarnn, according; to the Rm elnn wnr office, tnra-e numbers were killed and the anrvlvors wero pot-to fllsht. GKRMANS 1 POLAND aimln have attacked the Russians went of Waraaw, bat apparently have been naable, thna far, to break throe ah the line of defense. 1st northern Poland the Russians continue to advance toward the Prasalaa see der. t.KRMAN ATTACK on the westers front has shifted northward from Holaaons and yesterday there wnn s severe encounter la the region of Alhert. Several French trenches In tho Arsroune are anld to hnvo been captured. OFFICIAL UTATEMENT from furls disputes the Geranua claim of vic tories n the Araonne, aaylnar thnt the attack wero repulsed. a LONDON, Jan. 18. London la recalling that this la the forty-fourth anniversary of the proclamation of Wllhelm I aa emperor of Germany and In the British capital It fH expected that the day may bring fiewa of widespread Gar man effort to follow tip with a' still mora -Important movement than they achieved last week !n the neighborhood of Solssons. In London It Is beVoved that the Ger mans have adopted what Is virtually defensive role to the west of Warsaw, some Hrltish observers arguing that thin has been forced upon them by superior Russian numbers and that these de fensive tactics synchronise with the move ment of many thousands of ' Teutonlo troops from Poland to the French and, Belgian battlefields. The fighting at' Solssons, some British commentators declare to, be the precursor of the entry of these new troops upon a vigorous offensive . and perhaps an at tempt to cross the River Alsne. At Sols sons the French failed to hold their posi tions on the northern bank of the river. niiu j or me uttrmana 10 attempt to gam the southern bank Is regarded as a de velopmout to be expected. As to future engagements In this region, it appears to be a fact that the Trench artillery on the hills south of the Alsne, commands all the approaches to therlver and that it will have to be reckoned with. Million Fresh Russians. In the eabrern arena of the war the steady pressure which the arrival of 1.4)0 -mw of last year's, levies has enabled tho Hussions to exert upon the Germans, ac cording to news dispatches reaching Lon don, has been slowly pushing back tho. German line to the west of Warsaw. News dispatches' today report that tho Russians re-occupied Plock. This report has not been confirmed officially, but the Russians on Saturday crossed the Skrwa river a few miles, below that point and may have been able to occupy the cltv. Russian forces already had reached Hlcrpee and Gombin, lying respectively dli-ectly north and south of this provincial capital. Tho Musi-Ian defeat of the Turks, if tha claim of Petrograd are fully borne out, wes so decisive that It may mark tho close of the Ottoman attempt to Invade. Russia in the Caucasian region. Idle Wealth There is probably thousands of dollars' worth of personal property in the city of Omaha alono which is of little value to its present owners. Nearly all of this would be of use and decided, value to somebody else. 'Why not exchange to mutual advantage! You must have something you don't need or want. Advertise it in the Swappers9 Column of The Bee and get something for it. . Phone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE "EvtyhUy Want Ad" I