THE 0MA11A SUNDAY ItKK:- XVNUAUV 17, l'.U.V 0 A TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Office Building Situation in Omaha ig Favorable, with the Large Buildings Well Filled. SO SAYS EDWARD 0. HAMILTON On retiring from office January 12, 1P15, President Edward O. Hamilton of the Building Owners' and Managers' as portation gave an address tn which he ably reviewed the office building- situation In the olty and the various problems that go with It. toother with the build ing situation In the city in general. His address was In part as follows:" "Tho year j"t close,! has seen but one office," building complete!, namely, the Pnundcrs-Kenncdy. Thla Tiiil(Vng contains lfi8,pfflces and seven stores. The owners are satisfied with the way the offices are being -taken, and Increased de mand for these offices will be had with the opening of the Fontenclle hotel, which is promised In March "Two of our newest office and stcre Windings are being well taken, rU: Tho Kalrd and State Bank building. The owners of the latter being well pleased to report the offices over 86 per cent rented w ith only one more store to rent "Othef office buildings are well rented vl I. "The Woodmen of the World building reports nearly MO per cent. "The City National reports full at 100 pee cent. "The Omaha National report full at 100 per tent. "The Brandets buildings report full at 100 per cent "The Bee building reports PJ per cent "The other office buildings are fairly well taken. Promises for 1013. "The coming year promises more office buildings with stores on the .ground) floor than has been completed for some yar$. The larger one, the Omaha Grain exchange at Nineteenth and Harney streets, will contain 230 offices and floor s;i-f of 40,000 square feet with large ex change room of some 8,000 square feet floor space, also seven store rooms. The offlcrj In this building will all be taken by members of the exchange. Excavation la now being made and the contract will be let by early spring. "The World-Herald building at Pit teenth and Farnam will be 66x132, eight stories and basement Besides occupying the basement part, first, all of second and third floors, there will be several stores - and ninety-five offloea for rent, with of- - flee floor space of 23,000 square feet "The other building promised IH that at Sixteenth and Farnam on the Myers Dillon corner. This building will be (6x133, four stories and basement The first floor will contain several stores. The second floor wjll have the large plate show win dows and will contain shop and large orfices to be divided as required by the tenants. The third and fourth stories will be dbvlded Into about forty-eight of fices with 18,000 square feet of floor space. The three buildings will make, therefore, " practically 400 ordinary sited offices with floor area Of 86,000 square feet About apartment Houses, "In the number of apartment houses and rooms completed there appears to . have been about the usual number. No definite figures are obtainable from the building inspector's office. Hnoufch apartments were built, however, to aup- , ply the demand. Second Unit of tho Old Post Dairy is To Be Platted Soon Another 100 acres of the old Tost dairy farm is to be platted Into acre farms and placed on the market In the early spring. Hastings lleyflen are getting ready to plat tho second unit of this tract, whU h adjoins Henson on the west. The first unit of eighty acres was platted last fall, also roadways i completed and partly sold. As the outlook Is good for the spring demand for suburban acreage, ,the firm decided to lay out another 130 acres Into acre farms. This will be hnlf of the farm which will be platted, excepting forty-acre tract where the Mg dairy buildings and the Po:t home are located, which will bo kept together until some future time. The remaining MO acres will not be subdivided until some time in the future. Many trees will be planted early In the spring along the driveways. Thou sands of yards of dirt will be moved to make the tract attractive. The tract will be known as Benson Gardens and will be old In tracts of one or more acres on the easy payment plan. NEW APARTMENT HOUSE TO 1 BE FOR SMALL FAMILIES A now $33,000 apartment la to be built at Twenty-eighth and Dewey avenue by J. H. Elmwood. Work has already begun on the structure. II. D. Frankfurt Is the architect who designed !t This apart ment house Is to be suitable for small families. That Is the general plan to be carried out throughout the construction, It la within walking distance of the busi ness part of the city. It Is a desirable location, and the plan Is to arrange nice apartments that can be rented at a rea sonable price. Each apartment Is to be supplied with a living room, a dining room, which Is to serve also as a bed room, since It is to be furnished with a Murphy "In-a-Door" wall bed. Bach apartment Is supplied also with a' kitch enette.' which Is to he equipped with a gas range, refrigerator, china case, work table, sink and all that goes with an up-to-date kitchen. A main corridor Is provided In the center of the building. The building Is to be steam-heated. Hastings & Heyden are to have charge of the building. SHERMAN APARTMENTS HANDLED BY PETERS TRUST The Peters Trust oompany has just se cured the agency for the Sherman apart ment house, located on Sherman avenue and Madison avenue. This Is one of the best and most desirable apartment houses tn the city. It has five and six-room apartments, with large, light rooms. Fifty per cent of the tenants have been there over three years, two tenants have been there six years and one eighteen years. BIG BOOM FOR FARM .LANDS Good Prices for Products and Enor mous Demand Expected to Start Real Estate Moving. TIME RIPE FOR ADVERTISING i i "This year ought to turn out a rocord breaker for railroad, corporations and all others who have farm lands for sale. Not oiilv will thev bo In a- position to dispose of nil avauuhlo land they wish to I sell, but they will also le able to secure good prices," says the Mall Order Jour nal, i "Conditions haw made the outlook for farm lands sulfa exceptionally bright. It Is a well-known fa;t tint Hg crop, which enrlcu the farmer ere always fol lowed by a substantial demand for farms, it will be more so thts year on account of the high prices of all cereals and gar den proUucta and the disturbed Industrial conditlonn, which have existed In moet manufacturing districts of the country. "To tho tolling masses tn the large and over-crowded eltlc the farmer looks as the embodiment of plenty and contentment-end as a living arpel to all In the larger cities, where th are struggling hard to ekn out a living, to seek peace and plenty In agricultural pursuits. . This year our farmers will not be lured Into Canada, which toels tne effect of tho war as heavily as if It were an European country. "Immigrants from Europe end especi ally from the Oermaa speaking countries will In face of the cruel treat ment accorded to Germans In the domin ion for years shun the lure of Canada and turn to the United Btatee, where they have always met with the best neigh borly treatment and enoouragement. The enormous Increase In this country's win ter wheat acreage Indicated what our farmers expect of this year. If it has ever paid to advertise farm land for salo, It will pay big this year, provided this advertising is done In telligently and jpersUleiiU. The best medium to advertise farm lands are the classified columns of the newspapers. They have always been the best sellers of land, for It Is from the cities, from whloh people can be tndusod to go to the country and to take up farming. "Tht railroads, which have fann lands to sell will by extensive advertising tn newspapers be doubly benefited. They will not only draw toilers to their land, but alHo help to Increase the population of the small cities along their lines, as In times like these It Is the small cities, which form the centers of agricultural districts that offer unusual business opportunities for small traders and mechanics." Pendera-a.t Farm Sold. A atrip of 240 acres of tho 400-acre farm of Mrs. Bridget Pendergast, has recently been sold for 121,800, through the Orln 8. Merrill company of South Omaha, to John Armburst. , The fann la in the western part of Brpy county, three and one-half miles north and west of Gretna. The sale la for March de livery," although It- is already rented for lWSw "Omaha Is one of the detached house towns of the United States and It will re- & quire a number ef years to educate Its . "The Flora.' Completed. people to occupy the came percentage of The new apartment house built by ft nart meats per population as other ' Ixuils Rubin at 2561 Jones street, is now t itles do. I completed. It is known as the Flora. The '"Informatics, as to the number of apart- owner has placed it in the hands of A. menls to be built during the coming year P. Tukey & Son 'to be handled by this Is difficult to obtain, prospective builders firm. It has twelve apartments of from being held back on account of the oondl- j three td six rooms. The building is a tion cf the money markets. I three-story brick, all modern and equipped "Ileal estate loan agents report that with the most up-to-date equipment of GEN. HARRIES TO SPEAK BEFORE REAL ESTATE MEN President Harries, new head of the Omaha Electric Light and Power com pany, is to be invited to speak before the Omaha Real Estate exchange as soon as It is convenient for him to do so. He is to be asked to speak Wednesdsy of this week if he chooses. The New Tear's lit erature he sent out touching on the spirit of co-operation that is to prevail between the lighting company and the people has attracted the attention of the real estate men, and they have decided to give him a chance to come before them and go into some detail on his proposition of co operation, some loan are being made, and there is a prospect of somewhat easier and cheaper money within sixty or ninety day. Many New pwelllngni. "In the neighborhood of S00 dwellings were constructed in this city during the last year. This, together with the double house Pats and apartments, will approxi mate 1.J00 dwelling places, which will take care of an additional population ef MOO people. "Omaha received quite a lot of favor able advertising at the National Conven tion of Building Owners and Managers, which met In Duluth last July. The Omaha delegates presented her advant ages for the 19U national convention and was listened to with marked interest, which, like the proverbial read being cast , upon the water, will return after many days. In other words, the prom inence gained in Duluth will do us much . good when we go after the national con vention in the near future. I.ooml, Secretary. "At this national convention, our-Mr. Howard LooinU had the honor of being elected as executive Secretary ef the . convention, and a month later was appointed National Secretary of. the Building Owners and Managers associa tion. This, honor wss well deserved, as there Is not a more capable and efficient man in our whole national association to fill this or any office within the gift of the association. "About two weeks after the conven tlon at Dtihith, Mr. Louis Daly, repre senting the Equitable building of New York, was entertained by our associa tion, he being on a tour of inspection and gathering Information on the office buildings, planning space, and manage ment in the principal cities of the woun try. He paid high compliment t the class of office building In Omaha, as well ' is .the efficient management. "I personally, with several Omaha members, visited a number of office , buildings In St. Paul and Minneapolis, last July and found at least five of our Omaha .buildings for more modern and in advanoe of any buildings In arrange ment and management In the above men tioned . cities. "The steam coal situation has been Hatisfactory so far this, season, thero being plenty of coal in the market at fair price. It Is a faet that the margiq of profit to the dealer is very reasonable, therefor there is no Immediate need of our association establishing an associa tion coal yard, which was talked of some two years ago." " modern apartment houses, Chicago Proposes , to Start Municipal Jitney Bus Line - CHICAGO, Jan. 16.-Three million dol lars for the purchase of municipal motor busses was ordered included in' the an nual appropriation bill by the finance committee of tho city council lent night. The appropriation, if approved by the council, - wilt be used for the purchase and operation of single decked busses as a means of relieving traffic congestion on the surface and elevated lines. It la planned to charge 5-cent fares on the motor busses. BAN FRANCISCO, Cel., Jan. 16. A. M. Mortensen, traffic manager for the Panama-Pacific International exposition. announced today that whatever remained unsolved In the problem of transporting visitors to and from the grounds would be settled by "Jitney busses." After a conference with the "Jitney bureau" organisation, he said that 1,000 busses would be put on the exposition run and that these easily oould handle SO.00O passengers an hour. L, Yon Stiff!9 From Piles no matter how long or how bad go to your druggist today and get a SO cant box of Pyramid Pile Remedy. It will give quick relief, and a single box often cures. A trial package mailed free In plain wrapper if you send us coupon beiow. VHKK HAMPLB COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 518 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall. Mleh. Kindly send me a free sample of Pyramid File Bemedy, in plain wrap per. Name Street . Cltv . .' State SCHESHAY CHARGED WITH VIOLATING TRAFFIC RULES City Abstractor Wood Hartley has filed three complaints against Lewis ficheshay Carter lake Icehouse owner, who is charged to have not paid attention to of ficial notice to stop his heavy wagons from crossing boulevards. n rr& : i. c3. warn SAFE HOUER Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam PMONI DOUGLAS 393 used Henry Fedde Buys The Eichards Farm Henry. Fedde, who recently sold hi forty-acre farm, has lust purchased the Jesse 6. Richards eighty acres, situateC In, the western part of Pougiaa -county. The consideration named is something leas than. f.00& Mr. fedde ex parts to get lioeeession of tba farm, Maruh 1. anil farm it for the year The Orln 8. WmrfVA compear ft 0outa Omaha, handled Moving Packing Storage STORAGE CO. W OQIFUBXI- TtJSE PACKERS ABE EXPERTS If o are going to locate elsewhere, 1st vis rrate and wrap your rood for ahlomanL Our services will save you time, work and relieve you of worry as well as ps. bible damage to your goods. Our Guaranteed Fire-Proof Warehouse Offers, st very reasonable rate, safe alersga for your furniture,, rugs and ollivr household furnishings, phone us for prices on seper&ls locked rooms Douglas 1 11. OMAHA VAN Cl STORAGE CO, 806-818 South Sixteenth St. Acrea and Va irit ots are considered the best investment right now Real estate men and others believe that there will be a strong demand for acreage and vacant lots this spring and that prices will accordingly be highly satisfactory to-the vendors. i One reason for such a demand is the ' small amount of money required and the chances of realizing an early profit. The profit may 'be conserva tive, andyet several times that which could be. taken on the same money invested elsewhere. Another advantage Which appeals strongly to the average man and woman at present is the fa5t that these forms of property may be purchased on easy monthly payments. Money is not so easily missed. While all kinds of Omaha real estate are splendid investments now be cause of the certain rise in value when conditions become more set tled, the preference seems to be for acreage and vacant lots. These properties will be safe and profitable in vestments next spring, but why shouldn't one take, the extra profit and buy now? Money is not a problem, for a ten dollar bill will make the first payment on a good lot. For the serious person, the read estate columns of today's Bee of fer plenty of food for choice. When you have studied the sit uation, your own judgment will tell you that we state the case very conservatively Telephone Tyle 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Dee Want Ads ' I ke dealt .