Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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ZIrs. Josephine Schweiboldt and
Daughter Cut Off Tressei for
Melting Pot to Help Amy.
vTat Is regarded by Omnha Oermnn
Amerioan as one of the guatest sacrifice
mad here voluntarily tn connection with
th war, lis that t Mrs. Josrphina
Pehwelboldi and her daughter, Honi j
treat. Renson. Eachin cut off all hT i
lone, beautiful hair nd donated It to !
the "i-old for Iron" relief fund for Ger
man and Austrian victims of the war. j
The hair will lie soi l and the proceeds
sont abroad for the relief of widows and ;
"It Is certainly a real gift of gold for
Iron." said Mrs. Tsui Oetischmann, who
1s In charge of the "molting pot" fund
here. 'The hair Is wonderfully lonff and
handsome, and of a rich golden brown
color, Ihe mother's being longer and
darker than the daughter's.
"No woman could make a greater
aerifies for the suffering victim of the
wmr than to cut off her own hair, her
crowning adornment, and give It tp raise
montr for war relief." Mrs. Oissrh
mann continued. "With ft sacrifice sur
passes all the sifts of gold that could he
made, I think."
A local hair goods dealer mayt buy the
two beautiful tresses uid make them Into
awltches. It Is said. When Mrs. Hchwsl
boldt sent the hslr to the German war
toilet headquarters. he merely packed
it Into a large candy box. with her name
in the outside, and sent It by mall. Mrs.
Getxschmann waa astonished when she
opened the package.
Numerous other gifts to the 'melting
pot" fund are begin received dally. They
are mostly s''l n silver ewetry. Bach
donor will be given an Iron ring, in
scribed "I gave gold for Iron," when the
shipments of rings arrives from the east.
Bryan's Warning to
Carranza Causes
Flutter at Capital
WASHINGTON, Jan. l.8eoretary
Itryan'a warning to the constitutionalists
to refrain from Interference with the
oil producing plants near Tamplco, Mex
ico, caused a flutter In the local Mexican
agencies. '
At Carranza headquarters It was con
tended that the foreign oil producers In
the Tamplco district had involved thenW
niv.i in ..1,1- i-, v.t
months ago they had withheld the taxes
on . production they had been paying to
the Carrensa government. In the belief
that Villa would soon be in possession of
the place. -
Enrique C. Llorenle, head of the Villa
agency, said he was authorised to state
that the Gulterroi government would
respect all concessions .granted by all
previous constitutional governments in
Mexico and would restore any properties
confiscated. The oil situation was dla-
cussed by RepresentaUves of General
.-..... ., ' , ,.. .... ...
O'arranxa with Sflcetary Bryan and the
KrilUh ambassador.
While the. Btate department has no of
ficial notice that the Mexican convention
lies determined to keep General Qiitlerres
In office until December 31 one despatch
describes a plan proposed by Zuvuta del
egates for that purpose, but which would
hold Gutlerres and all his acts completely
under the orders of the convention. Tim
official dispatches are all three days old.
Utah's Legislative
Deadlock Ended as
Anderson is Chosen
SALT LAKH CITY, Jan. 15.-Utah's
hglslatlve deadlock, which had existed
since last Monday, ended last night with
the selection of U R. Anderson, repub
lican, of Sanpete as speaker by a vote
of 25 to N on the twenty-fourth ballot
in caucuses. Andonion's selection was
made poselble through the votes of two
democrats, Meeks of Kane county and
Brinkerhoff of Wayne. The house had
been divided evenly with twenty-three
-republican oposed to twenty-three dem
ocrats, progressives and socialists.
Rival organisations have been claiming
recognition since Monday, with Andorson
at the head of the republican organiza
tion and Parley r. Chrtstensen, progres
sive, of bait at the head of the
opposition. The earlier ballots tonight
wore evenly dlvtded between Anderson
and Chrlatensen- - The fuslonlsts then
switched to D. H, Morris." democrat, of
Washington county.-Chrlstensen failed
to reappear at the caucus after a recess,
and only forty-five votes were cast on
the final ballot. The caucus agreement
li that committee appointments shall be
equally divided between the republicans
and fuslonlsts.
Police Officers in
Chicago Indicted on
Charges of Grafting
CHICAGO, li!.. aJn. M.-folke Csptala
James CIonnrll Merer, Infective Ser
geant Michael WeUbuum and r'rti Roth,
a former policeman, were IndUteJ on
barges of cor.optrory tvxlay by the grand
Jury, which for a week bus been con
ducting an Inquiry into alleged graft
aJiioug police oiflcula of the "Maxwell
ktteet station. (
There were fifteen count in the Joint
Indictment, by whlih the men wre ao
(oued of havlcg corruptly refused to ar
rest certain persons for 1ms com
mitted or about to be committed' and
f having aided theae persona In th
conimWoo of crimes and having sup- j
wniraony ana oriered perjured
specifically the defendants are ac.
cuited of having advance notices of a
burglary at tchwaru ltruthers oa July
J), l'.'lS, when woolens vorth fl.Ouj were
aloleu; a burglary of clothing store
on rieniber 10, 1313, hen K0u Worth
if clothing was takto. and an attempted
robbery of another stare on b'Hinber
. 11.4.
iuitit as a ri.i ox narrow minded,
&cuiuM,i to lavld K. Houston, oner,
lory of ayrv-ulture, who spk Uifura the
nuiL-titi of tbe Kansas flat Agricul
tural college here toitay. He urged, them
tw tr k-n im.CimI cm liXu.
V -x ... 1
' JL
,:. V '' . . 7
Vali of Tamen Ordered to Give Satis
faction for Violation of Con
sulate at Hodeida. ' '
HOME, Jan. ls.-Tha Turkish govern
ment, according to a semi-official com
munication pubilHhed in the Giornals
d' Italia, has renewed Its order, sent
through Rome to the vail of Yemen,
Arabia, Instructing him to give complete
satisfaction for all the demand presented
by the Italian government 'In connection
with the incident at Hod-Ida, where
Turkish officials forcibly removed the
Brltlbh. consul from the Italian consulate,
where he had taken refuge.
The Porte authorities. It Is declared,
have instructed the vali to grant the
demands of the Italian government In
dependently of the inquiry instituted by
the vali, which. It Is said, merely alms
to establish the responsibility of each of
ficial in the local administration of
Hodeida. '
' The newspaper adds that Blgnor Cecchl,
the Italian consul at Hodeida, never was
imprisoned or placed on trial by the
Hodeida authorities.
The Idea Naxlonale publishes a dis
patch from Alexandria, giving particulars
of the event at Hodeida. It says that
Turkish gendarmes attacked the Ilrltlsh
Th ,,,.,7 , ' Zl i n a i
The UrUI,,h v,c ""n"1' - A- Richardson,
escaped to the Italian consulate. The
commander of the gendarmes followed
him and railed upon Signor Cecchl, the
Italian consul, to surrender Mr, Richard
son, making the demand In the name of
the governor.
When the demand was refused by Con
sul Cecchl the governor sent 400 soldiers
with cannon. The soldiers surrounded
the Itullun consulate, and the doors were
broken down with axes. Soldiers fired on
the consulate, wounalng a servant.
ri.- 'K..ii ..... . . i ....
. ''7'Z1Z r, I'i " """"
gendarmes finally entered the consulate
they fired at Consnt Cecchl, but did not
wound him. Consul Richardson was then
surrendered to the soldiers. The governor
notified the Italian consul that he would
be no longor recognised as the represen
tative of l lie Italian government and
would be treated as a prisoner on charges
or having housed the-Brltish vice consul
and of firing on Turkish sold tars. The
latter charge is characterised by the
Idea Naiionale as false.
Pignor Ceeofil was not permitted to
leave the consulate for several days, ac
cording to this report and on the day that
he was to havs been placed on trial he
was renewed by tbe arrival of the Italian
coast guard ship Giullana,
Could t Walk with ltkrimttUra
A satwfled patient writes:- "Bloan'
I. I . . m
i,i m mrnt curea my rheumatism; am
grateful. "I can now walk without pain."
On'y c. All druggist Advertisement.
Landsturm Given
Silent Treatment by
People of Brussels
Correpoiideitce of the Associated Press.)
BRUKHKIJ. Jan. 5.-The "silent treat
ment" of the German lands! rura In this
city, by the Bclulun people I one of the
moat striking feature of the situation
hore. It la spreading even to the chil
dren, who turn their heads away or cross
the street whenever they aee a German
soldier approaching.
If a soldier enter a shop the Belgian
eitliur quit the bUMlug or move away as
far as possible. If one of the iandsturm
enter street car the Belgians leave or
else turn their eyes away. There are no
words of greeting, no emUea, not the
slightest rvcofcnition that the soldier I a
human being. -
Whether this' la havunjwny rffect on
the soldier 1 not certain, but an Ameri
can who today stopped a fine looking
German soldier, who was utt duty, and
talked with him. waa surprised at what
he heard.
'"You are the first person who ' ha
spoken a civil word to me in this town
for a iionlh," said tbe soMier.
We sincerely trust it ends very shortly across the
water. But right here SCRAP IS OUR BUSINESS.
For Your Accumulation of
municate and deal direct with headquarters. We sup
ply some of the largest industries in the world.
25 Years in the "Scrap Business"
Our reputation speaks for itself. .
-rte nnnoa FEnEn a sou
Onffi f 11 P. HnfJ. Mstal and Rab-
1CM3 tn. t.h St
President of National Welfare
League to Be in Omaha for the
Next Three Dayi.
A group of Omaha cl.trches have ar
ranged to Join In a public welfare cam
paign today, aionday and Tuesday, when
the principal speakers will be J. K, Cod
ding, president of the National Welfare
league, and Theodore Hansen. The
churches are Rt Mary's Avenue Con
gregational. 11 unworn I'ark Methodist.
Westminister Presbyterian and Grace)
Other meeting of the campaign today
11 A. M. Grace UatHlst church. J. K,
Codding. '
U M. Ten s class, r nsi congrega
tional church, Theodore Hansen.
3 P. M.-Kannom 1'arK Methodist
church, men's mass meetlmt. by Theodore
Hnnsen on "The Other Fellow.
7: Jt M.W ret minister I'resDyienan
church; topic. "Crime and Its Cure,"
by Theodore Hansen.
Monday morning Theodore Hansen will
address the I'ark school pupils.
Mondny. S P. M. Hansom Park
Methodist women' mass meeting. Edu
cational lecture; subject, "The Pre
dolesent Child," hy Tneodore Hanson.
Monday, 7:45 F. M. -ar
Methodist community mm meeting;
educational lecture;' topic, "Child Super
vision," by Theodore Hanson.
Tuesday, 1 P. M. Westminister Pres
byterian church woman's educational
lecture; subject, "The Adolescent Child,"
by Theodore Hanson, i
Tuesday. 7:46 P. M .Westminister Pres- ,
byterlan i-hurch community lecture, sub
ject, "Ufe. Home and Parenthood," by j
Theodore Hanson. ,
J. K. Codding I president of the Na
tional Welfare league, and former, warden
of the Kansas penitentiary, who put Into
effect so many reforms in that peniten
tiary, including Uie locasiep anil oiuer
melhods of punishment, riving prisoners
two hours every Saturday In which to
develop their ball learn. Since he was
warden he ha (pedalled on welfare work
and ha been In great demand all over
the country as a apaaker.
Naval Committee 1
Keports Bill For
Two Battleships
WASHINGTON. Jan. !. In formally1
reporUng the 1148,000,000 naval bill to the!
house today, the naval committee said
that while In the European war the "sub
marine ha been effective in harbor' and
coast 'defense, it has not been able to
control the sea as the superior battle
ship fleet ha done, causing an enemy
with an inferior battleship fleet to suffer
great loss of merchant ships, blockading
Its ports and driving It commerce off
the seas."
The commUtee reported that therefore
the two battleship program had not been
changed. It added that the "efffecUve
nes of the submarine in the1 European
war demonstrated It to be a naval weapon
of great value," and "that the airship
for HcoUtlng purposes likewise has dem
onstrated its effectiveness."
The bill probably will be reached for
debate about February I. It carrle an
Increase of tS.493.0OS In the building pro
gram over what tha Navy department:
recommend. ,
The ' committee commended Secretary
.Daniel, for economies, strongly endorsed
the proposed new office of chief of op
erations, and urged the provision for cre
ating a naval reserve, which would pro
vide 25,000 trained men wtthln a few years.
"The organisation of a naval reserve
Is neeessary to the adequate defense of '
the country," sold the committee
Kaisex's Nephew on
Emden Loses Mind
VANCOUVER. B. C, Jan. I.-That
Prince Fran Josef of Hohensollern, a ,
nephew of the German emperor, ha be-1
come demented a a result of hi tx- j
perlencea on board the Emden In its
fight with tha Australian cruiser 8ydney I
wa made public her today In a letter
received by Rev. T. Pitt, secretary of the
Seamen' Institute, whose brother is a
lieutenant on the Sydney.
Lieutenant ' Pitt wrote that while the
prince wa engaged In firing a torpedo
a shell from tha Sydney entered the tor.
pedo, room and killed all the men, the
prince alone ' escaping. When rescued
Prince Fran was In a daaed condition.
Later hi mind gave way completely, so
that It wa necessary to place him under
restraint If wa taken to Port Said
with the other prisoner of war and
given medical attention.
Killed by Quake as
' They Prain Church
NAPLES, Jan. 18. Rescuing gang to
day brought out numerous victims of
the earthquake who had been buried in
the church of Santa Restitute, the patron
saint of the town of Sore, where hunV
oreds of persons rushed to pray when the
first aliock occurred. The roof of the
edifice fell In with the second shock.
Amori mora orousnt out were twenty
nuns and the priest who had been cele
brating mas Twenty-seven persona,
seriously injured also wore rescued.
Three peasant who were found looting
wrecked building in Sora were arrested
tsr Cect
Ceaj. UU. Cashi, O.5.A.
War Office Tell of Gains Made at
Sereral Points Through Artil
ery and Bayonet Charges.
PARIS, Jan. 1.-The French War office
this afternoon gave out an official state
ment a follows:
"In Pclglum yesterday there wa artil
lery flgbataig In the region pf Nieuport
and In the vicinity of Ypres.
"From the Lys to the Homme, at Notre
Dame de Ixrette, near Carency, the
enemy reocrupled a portion of the
trenches he lost to us January 14. At
Iilangy, near Arras, we have continued
to make progress. The enemy delivered
an energetic attack, preceded by a vio
lent artillery fire, on our position to
the west or La Bolsselle. This attack
waa repulsed.
"Along the entire front from the. 8omme
to the Me use no Infantry engagements
were reported yesterday. In the sectors
of olsons and of Ithelms our artillery
obtained noticeable advantage at BTr
eral different point such a the scat
tering of a regiment that was about to
reassemble, causing an explosion In a
German battery and the destruction of
field work.
"In the Argonne there wo yeterdy a
Voa- Can Afford a Piano
fit These Bargain Prices
. Never in our 65' years la the piano business were there such re
markable values In exchanged pianos and player pianos on our
floors. Many of these Instruments were received by us during the
holidays in exchange on New Stelnway & Sons, Weber, Hardman,
SteKer & Son, Emerson, McPhail, Lindemaa & Sons and Schmoller
& Mueller pianos. .
Select from This List of Bargains
500 Emerson Square
on sale at..
$600 Fischer Square
on sale at. V3U
$300 Kimball Upright
on sale at
,250 .Boston, Upright
:right... $75
on sale at.
$275 Schrluier Up
right on sale at. .
$300 Hamilton Up
right on sale at. , .
$325 Kimball Up- '
right on sale at. . .
$300 -Schmoller ft
Mueller Upt., at. . .
$400 Steger & Sons
Upright on sale at . .
Sends-One of These Piano: to Year
Home Viith Free Stool and Scarf
8c!imollcr& Llucllcr Piano Go.
1!;i'&rjzx.? v'',"' 1311-13 Farnan Street
i- . ' , "d
v .?:.
1 grip and
where the
JUNE TIME join hands and show you the
way to real summer enjoyment
A speelal prsaram ef GOLF mn4 TENNIS
Is a noteworthy feature ef the season.
r .-;
Hotel, la watch the cob. fort and eaavaaUae ( cdmIs Is t supreme
lamsorfnee add tste last dre mt sloasare rear sademra m the
St. Aasaetiaei Pones da Um aad Akmsar. Oraaoad-oa-tfce-Hallnaa i Botnl Omond.
fnliM iiM-hi Breaker aad Korel y-otnciaaa, Miaaaii Kuyal fata '
Keuem, Ma aamaei The CotoniiO. Lus Keri Aa Ideal Fsikuw Cera,
Ha, ( eei Via Key WaM aad P. a O. ft. 1. C
Tee Ores Baa BiilnieS na falimaa Service aUewe a too off KnUtie at principal pis lias.
24 I rifrh AvM
New Verg
rather detci-mlned artillery attack on ouri
position at Fontaine Madamo.
"From the Argonne to the Vosges, we
checked completely a spirited attack of
the eliemy directed against our trenches
at Flirey, aad the tjrman .evacuated
the crest Of the hill to the north of
Clemery, east of Font-a-Mouasen. This
they were compelled to do by the fire
of our artillery.
"In the sector of the Vo'sgea there were
artillery exchanges on all the front.
There waa also some heavy rifle firing,
particularly at Tete de Faux.
"At upper Alsace there waa no change."
BHATTLK, Wash., Jan. The battle
ship Oregon, refitted and repaired until.
It officer say. It I in even better trim
than when It mode Its cruise around The
Horn to participate in the destruction of
the Spanish fleet at Santiago, sailed to
day from the Puget Sound navy yard on
the f1nt leg of its voyagw to the Panama
canal, where It will lead the International
fleet through the waterway next March
in celebration of it completion.
The Oregon 1 In command df Com
mander Joseph SI. Reeves, who was as
sistant engineer on the battleship when
It made it famous cruise seventeen year
Captain Frederick Ramsey of the ma
rine corps anfl several enlisted men who
were aboard the Oregon in 1898 also
sailed With It today.
' Our Annual January
Clearing Sale of New, Dis
continued Styles and Used
Pianos and Player Piano
of nation-wide reputation
is now in full swing. The
exceptional values listed
below give you an idea of
the saving opportunities.
Liberal terms of payment
within the reach of all.
$300 Davis & Sons
Upright on sale at.
$750 Steinway & SonB $Cftrfc
Upright on sale at. . tPOUU
$500 Chlckerlng & .
Sons Upt, on sale . .
$276 MueUer Upright
on sale at
$600 Hardman Up- QOC
right on sale at, . ; . P30
$1,000 Chlckerlng Onfs
Grand on sale at. . . 4&UU
$500 Clough & War- dOQC
ren Player on sale at 4)a3
$600 Schmoller ft (Jqa
MueUer Player at. . $OOU
$700 Stuyyesant' &Af(
Pianola on sale at. . VvU
one cen
But the Storm Kine loses his
his icy breath becomes a
Si Annuls,
10 W. ASaeas SC.
That every city of any le tn ihe thing to have market In all rarts or
country Is f uU o thousand of Idle men the world which have heretofore been
at the present moment Is a fact well . supplied by the great warring rations
known to every reader of newspapers
for hardly a day posse that the hungry
thousand who stand In the "bread line"
and patronise the free "soup house" In
every large center of population. Nor Is
thta state of affair due to the policy of 'adequate merchant marine the further
any particular political party, but rather folly of permitting our railroads to get
the outgrowth of conditions which bTe j lnto Bucn weakened rnyslcal condition
been slowly but urely crystallzlng for a 'that they will break down under the
number of year, "fn tbe first place, the etraln of delivering the products of the
corn belt the great bread basket of the farmer and the manufacturer at rui
nation haa had a series of slim crops ocean port and thus largely waste the
In most section, and this naturally has) great opportunity for profit which the .
had a depressing effect upon business foreign war will unquestionably bring
conditions. Again, we have been passing it:? This I a phase of the present sltua
through a period of Industrial readjust- tion which commands the serious thought
ment of changing from the loose tneth- of every farmer in Nebraska und the
oQ which prevailed a dosen or ao year corn belt generally for here Is where
go over to a policy of strict government the lion' share of the nation' foodstuffs
control of publlo service corporation anJ are produced, and here is where farmers
a sharp Inquiry Into the conduct of all ' cannot afford to be hampered hy in
other large corporationsand, in trying adequate transportation facilities of they
to stamp oat the abuses of the past the . are to make the most of favorable market
pendulum has swung so far in the other opportunities.
direction that, so far a the railroad are
j concerned, at least. It threatens to pre -
clpltate the most of them which are not
I already In the hand of receivers upon
the rock of financial wreck and ruin.
I That . the depreaed financial condition
1 of the railroads I largely responsible for
I the great army of unemployed was
vividly demonstrated by a prominent St
Louis newspaper recently when It showed
i that nine St Louis manufacturing estab
j liehment which deal In railroad supplies
I employed 14.V7S men one year ago,
whereas now they employ only 4,603, with
a reduction In their pay roll amounting
to 1588,700 per month, or 17,000,000 a year.
If the effect upon only nine enterprises
is as far reaching as this, what would
tha figures show if they were available
for similar Industries and the hundreds
I of other enterprises affected in a greater
jor less degree throughout the country?
j Nearly all of these concerns have on
I hand trundretfa of thousands of dollars'
I worth of flnbBhed equipment which was
, ordered by the railroads a year or so ago,
but which they have not been, able to
' pay for; In the meantime, not being able
I to pay for goods - already ordered, the
j railroads . are not placing any new con
. tracts, and antes they receive speedy ss-
sistance from a station-wide standpoint
the tendency will be for labor conditions
to grow worse rather than better.
In last week's article we referred to
the fact that tbe railroads are tha larg-!
est employers of labor in the United """" m u B"V" convened
State, and that during 'the last fiscal''1 , lZ i V?"
v, J. , , , armies. Export of breadstuff from the
WO.OOO.OOOln . Un(teJ g November were valued
In- J. 1 7men,W,T WO.SO.000. or almost four times ss
cono-.t their business We also referred , much fc Novembw m whlle meat
V ",er eUtv nd catu DorU amounted to nearly
$1,000,000,000 tor steel, coal, lumber and or a gain of over 20 per cent
other Supplies of which they are the over 1913, and this despite our miserablat
largest consumers lsT the country, and , shlDDinsr facilltlea on the hleh seas.
inereiore ins enter support of the hun
dreds of thousands employed In these
great Industries.
In view of these facts, i It not plain
to any thinking man that It is of tre-!
mendous Importance to the whole coun
try that the railroad be permitted to
earn a reasonable Income tf the million
of American laboring men are 40 be kept
profitably employed?
Does not any roan know that If the
thousands who are thi moment hunting
for work In Chicago, ct. Loula, New Tort.
ntUburgh, Cleveland and . other large
cities were profitably employed that It
would mean a higher price for what tbe
farmer has to sell and that it wouldlb
reflected in the receipts of every mer
chant and the output of every factory
in the nation T
In view of such a serious state of af
fairs.) can the average farmer or busi
ness man afford to oppose the small In
crease in rates which is necessary to once i
more put the railroads upon a sound i
ibajiia? Ta nnt ths amAimf A i
'fare or freight which the averagTfarme
nr oth.r niti . . " ..
v-' - io year
e man hnv.tnll. V.H
the lucrative employment and the buying
power of th million of American labor
ing menT j
A Bother Serious Phase.
Important as Is the employment of
labor, there Is another very serious
phase of thi problem which calls for pro
found thought at the hands of all tnlnk
lng cltlsens, and especially the farmer.
In last week' article we cited the fact
that in their desperate effort to make
both ends meet, many railroad are
"burning the candle at both ends" that
in order to bolster upr their securities and
keep out of the hand of receiver the
rolling stock and roadbed of many line
have been deteriorating rapidly for a
number of year and hence are. in no
position to handle a big season's ton
nage, should the strain of a. heavy crop
year auddenly dettcend upon them. That
the great foreign War wlU,prudue Ithe
highest price ever known for. the food
stuff produced by the farmer 1 ad
mitted on all hands, and tf there ever
wa a time when he will need adequate
and efficient shipping facilities it will
he during th next two .or three, years
and yet we are actually facing perhaps
the most prosperous period the American
farmer ha ever known with nYfeay
American railroads in a dilapidated con
dition. No sooner had the great Europeavn
war buret upon the world than oongress
realised that our merchant marine waa
utterly weak and inefficient Step were
at ore taken to make the. best of the
situation ' and to repair as speedily as
possible our neglected shipping facilities
upon the high seas and that the handi
cap . has already coat the American
people million of dollar during the
last few months is so patent that it re
quires no extended comment It 1 on
Swap Anything in the
Cujioim i i if! in' immmwamammmm- .,, ,,,.., b . - ,, J
begging for American goods and food
stuff but it I quite another thing to
have American ships In which to deliver
these cargoe.
Will w now Add to the neglect 'of an
nere t not a single manager of ;i
central or western railroad who wllil not
ad.Titt that the present, supply of first-
class freight locomotive and box cam
could not successfully meet the require
ments of several bountiful crop years- '
and yet they haven't the funds with
whioh to supply thi equipment and thus
be prepared for the emergency when it
comes as It undoubtedly will.
Farmers Will Profit.
.In this connection, it is opportune to
say that the Amcrloan farmer is certain
to reap a larger profit from the chaotic
conditions which exist in Europe than
any other class of tradesmen or cltlsen.
So far ' as our manufacturers are con-
; cerned, while new markets are undoubt-
edly beckoning to the United States, yet
on tha other hand, for several years
to come, the splendid trade which we
enjoyed In Gorman y, England, France,
Austria and Russia on our manufactured
products Is certain to remain demoralized
and thus we will be fortunate If we do
not loose mors than we can hope to gain
tn new fields, with whose needs we are
not yet familiar, and to which it Is certain
to require some years to adjust ourselves.
It Is the American former, however,
who has no complications ahead of him.
and whose flour, pork, beef, mutton and
othor foodstuffs must be depended upon
to mass up ins shortage which la al
ready looming big In the distance because
the harvest fields of the most fertile sec-
In the light of thee facts, wi there
ever a tim when the fanners of Ne
braska and other corn belt states can
view, the future with as much assurance,
or When they can so well afford to 'treat
fairly ever other great -Industry In the
nation as nowt . . v .
Putting It In the terms of sound busi
ness policy, was there ever a time when
they should do their part to the end that
American labor may be profitably em
ployed In all the great channels of in
dustry, and that our transportation sys-
i1" m be kept up to a high point of
efficiency, so that it may adequately dis
charge the heavy shipping burdens which
will undoubtedly descend upon it in the
not distant future T
More Railroads Needed. ,
No other single agency In the nation
has had more to do with the advance
ment of land values than have the rail
roads, and as evidence of this fact the
proximity of a farm to the market al
most Invariably fixes Its selling .value.
Nebraska and every other central or
r8, " T Vm 7 i hnn'
dreds of miles of additional railroad mlle-
t aaei
and these new line will not 'be
built until American railroad .securities
are re-established a a paying invest
mentand this, on the basis of present
railroad earnings, is out of the question.
Nearly all our present lines were built
years ago, when railroad investments
were looked upon with favor at home
and abroad, and hence, If there is a class,
of citizen in the land who should be'
vitally Interested In rescuing the tall
road from the pitiable plight in which
they find themselves at the present mo
ment It Is the, farmer. As a matter of
fact, were it not so tremendously far
reaching in Its effect, the controversy
over a slight increase in railroad rates
in any great agricultural state would
largely resemble a tempest In a teapot
a matter which should be settled In the
brief space of tinvs required to apply
the remedy. When a private industry,
great or small, advance the price of Its
commodities we tuke It sa a matter of
course and say nothing about it and in
the pant we have opposed advances for
the railroad largely because perhaps the
attention of the people has never been
directed to their Importance to the Com
munity and the nation, because they
were angered at occasional abuses which
strict governmental regulation bos for
ever eliminated, and because for' soma
years designing political opportunists
have found abuse of the railroads an
easy road to public preferment That
public sentiment, however, is changing
rapidly, and that we will soon reach a
ayie understanding between the people
and the railroads, which are so vitally
essential to the agricultural and com
mercial progress of every community in
the nation. Is becoming more and more
apparent every day. (Paid advertisement
To be continued).
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"Swapper's Column