Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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t.Captain Kline Show How The-y Ex
act Toll from All Whom They
Find Places For. .
Jfew light on the operation of swindling
labor employing nencns and unscrup
ulous "strsw homes." la given the police
by Captain Hurry Klin of the Salvation
Army Industrial horns.
Captain Kline allegea that during the
recent cold wave ho had I"0 men led Kin a;
at the, homp who wire eager for worn
and that certain pcrins employing men
on the Ire flclda refusM to employ the
men. Jobless Men who applied for work
at the offlre of An employment agency
and paid a filing fee and Rave an an'm
rnent on their first week's wages were
given work.
Captain Kline declare that other en
gaged In charltaMo work will War out
his abatement. He further ssya that the
lo field are not the only places where
the labor geneles are favored. H de
clare that the railroad and big cor
poration also turned down hi men.
Chief cf I'ollce Dunn mild yesterday
that ha ha had detective working on
the matter fof week and en'perta to have
eneatlonal disclosure within a few day a.
'After the labor sharks extract their
filing f oo and wage assignments, the vie
tlm loses his expensively purchased Job
on toe ground of incompetence. "
Taxis Not Stopped
, by the Snow Storm
, Tvhn thr was no attempt mad by
automobll men to maintain a jitney ear
ervlc during the continuance cf th
blissardy storm the automobile demon
strated that they can run In bad a well
ar during good weather.
Taxlcab man and other who keep au
tomobile for hire reaped a harvest. Th
machines gathered up passenger and
whirled them away, to depot and to
their home, plowing through snowdrift
and along th street railway line whr
th ear were stalled and vraltlrig for
weeper te arrive and help them through
the drift a. la many lnstanoe automo
bile plowed their war through drift
two and more fet deep.
Metz Will Build.
New Home at Once
Charta Met plan to commence th
construction of hi new residence at one.
After much negotiation he ha finally
purchased, through A. PS Tukey aV Ron,
th Hugh Murphy lot on th northwest
corner of Thlrtr-eoventh street and
Dewey avenue. -The lot la 124 feat on
Thirty-seventh street by 165 on Dewey
avenue. Oeorge Prlns, th architect. Is
engaged to draw th plan (or the new
The deed carried a $25 war tax stamp.
Indicating that the sale price was $.5,000.
Another Merchants'
Week Coming. Soon
Another merchants' market week U
coming In Omaha. A number of whole
ealcrs and manufacturers In Omaha, at
a meeting at the Commercial club, have
decided to maka arrangement foe an
other of these seml-nnur market weeks,
which have done o much in the past
toward popularizing Omaha as a market
The women of the Florence Methodist
church will give a musical at Fontonelle
tiall In JTlorence Friday evening, January
to raise the nucleus for a fund for a
new church. A number of Omaha mu
sicians are Included In the program. Mr.
IjouIb Bhattuuk Zabriskle and her orches
tra will give selection; Dr. A. Laird, a
cornet eolo; Mrs. J. W. Gamble and Mr.
Verne Miller, vocal solos, and Mrs. A.
W. Miller will give readings. Four little
Florence girls. Ralpha Davis, F.ather
Fielding. Esther Tctcrson and E3ulse
Thomas, will gtv piano number under
th direction of Mis Myrtle Cole.
That Tightness
of the Stomach
Canned by Formation of Nauseous
(aix-a, from I'litlieatrd Food
Quickly 8uiixd With
bluart's Dsn-tela Tablet.
When you feol as If your stoma, h was
being lifcliUy vltoaed wa-n the pain Is
ltiUuiate tutd you brvak out In a ouiu an J
Itunii.y ri.,lrUon and ihvr la a lumt
in o.rr Uiroia and you are weak and nau-Mied-ali
you mod la a Stuarl s lnpti.
la 1 ablet tu tUvar away the wkukD of
umilaeau-d lood left In th stomach and
itiK aUues aud rem,, re you to your nurmai
ik-U aain. And this ran all be accoiu
iiliahed wl'.hin a few nionteiiU.
'1 luutauJa of peuple have lenrnrd to
ell how rare and ui-tf uiutln biuart's
iytpu4(i, I'.ti)!.;-. i-u 0r ail summi'li ilia
limt tiity aro unw without a , k,4,e at
l.uuui and at Uie office, and upon Buy lu
0cliiu tlial Uie stommti a lutl
wery, lake a Ijtuart'a Tai)let alter
e U mtul fur a few Ua-uinll jh diacs
v orn u s uel n si. d up aain.
f Uis m a ,u tiulil to follow and al
.ways nsuiin in nmi.M nood. TIi aietite
la Improved, lim fi.-u.l la reiuhed more,
""" sleep is more r. f il,ins. ad your
.ui4Maiilun will ninVe you Irleiids limUaU
r liuiKesttou. Kour Htoniach. h.
IriK. !, (,,.l.d Toimue, Intraiifial indl-s-iiiu
dfJi all Muiiiach Diauideia and
l aius-r f,.r 1m oi An lUe tu.ihlii
Jn tue wond tiai ever ei.led Hcuarl a
r . ' 7 iw sure ana iiuiaul
rel-f and permauunt cure.
L e iiitin litrn-tlicv are as harmlers
s sugar would I and are by m means
to lift clasaed ss 'lllllclB. Tliey have
no effect liatver on the KtilHm ru,'t
the bene! 11 ihey liriim ynu liiruush the
pioin.r ilitiUhin of your food.
AU drug alurws arll htuarlx rvsaieia
Talilu. The pr e la fcj i-nis pes box
luany phaitiaiis tw and rr,i,ininwid
K.t-m. If you wish to try ttwuu U-for
pui-LhasiuK. avnd coupon Ulo today, and
we win at onie send you by inail, a
aamyle free.
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. Stuart Co 1M Stuart Bldg.
Maral.aU, auis-, arnd me at oiu . by
r. turn until,, a fr trial pataage of
t-iuatt's iJyaprpsia Tablets.
Kama ....
fcttee ....
& I
r -5a
S i 1
fidsUty tore it Tea Co. Bong. MS
Have "ec4 rt It Now Jleacon Hrea
Barges - Qreaasn Co. Lighting fix
"Today Oomptete Mori Program"
classified section today, and appears In
The Dee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Xaoreased ooaflaanoe mean Increasnd
buaineaa, both nationally and locally.
Locat your offlre In Th Be Building,
"the building that 1 always new" for
Increased business and prosperity.
J swish Charities to lffeeV The annual
meeting of th Associated Jewish
Charities will be held today at I p. m.
at Woodmen hall. Fifteenth and Dougla
Mle BtnJfcraptay Frooeediags aeorgs
M. Cooper, an Insurance solicitor In
Omaha for twenty-five year, ha filed
a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. Lia
bilities ar glvn a $4,179, with assets
of $171
Come from Klssourl to Enlist
Marlon A. McKay came all th way from
(Irabeel, Mo., to enlist In th navy at the
Omaha recruiting station. II will be
sent to the Great Lake naval training
station at Chicago.
Offer to Bay Off geateaoe When
John Walsh, crippled panhandler, was
given a sentence of ten day In Jail by
Folic Court Judge Foster, he turned to
the Jurlet and offered hlrn a l-cent piece
if the sentence was suspended.
Banquet U "Postponed The annual
banquet, meeting and election of officer
of th Life Underwriter' association of
Nebraska, which was to hav been held
Saturday evening at .the Paxton hotel, la
poatponed on account of the storm.
Secretary W. D. Morton ray It may be
held next Saturday" evening.
BaUroad load for Death of. Bohrberg
Hult for $1U,UU0 damage for th death
of John Ituhrberg, who was killed De
cember 8. 1014, when he was struck by a
Northwestern train at Fourteenth ana
Webster streets, ha been begun against
th railroad In district court in behalf
of Itohrberg' relatives.
Thought Ar Thing "Thoughts Ar
Things" will l th aubjoct of a stereop
Uoon lecture by John T. Eklund at
Theoaophleal hall, suit 701, Ilea building,
this evening at 8 o'clock. Among the
picture will be those of the figure pro
duced by musical notes. upon tho Chladnl
plate, a scientlflo means of securing
geometrical figure of sound vibrations,
and also those showing th thought form
and the meaning of color and the part
they have In nature. Th lectur U free
to the public.
Phi Sigma Phi Give f
First Social at Uni
The Phi Bigma Phi fraternity of the
University of Omaha gave It first social
function of the new year Saturday eve
ning with a banquet at the Flatlron cafe,
followed by a theater party at the Or
plieurn. Dick Richard acted as toast
master of th occasion. Joseph Wein
berg, Andrew Dow and Prof. L. Lewis
gave short addresses en th activities of
th organisation. Paul "tuby, Oldham
Paisley and Pick Richards comprised tha
commute In charge of the affair. Those
present were : ,
Alpha Field.
Pansy William,
Anetta Nourae.
Anna Purdy.
Marion Pearsall,
Margaret Mci'oy,
Jean Heiaer,
r.ftle Clelland
Kit arpenter, ,
May Leach,
lieltiu Johnston,
Margaret rlolomon.
Jeanni Iow,
Oeraid Uruce,
Victor Jorgensen.
Kjnermm Hoodrtch,
i'K'k Hirhards,
I'aul elhy,
Kverctt Rogers.
Wlllard h l,r
Madeline M.l
Klorenc 1
Katht-r Knapp, .
JVrn Klasi'll.
Maliel Nelaen.
Robert Hughes,
V. U. IVHolt.
Oldham lalaiey,
eorn Matthtason,
Joseph Weinberg,
Ole llennett,
James Westerfield,
-Neat i'srsons.
Frank Anderaenk
Ariir rojiuitiun,
Mr. and Mra. Mortansen,
Mr. and Mra Flndlayson.
Prof. L. Iwls.
Utopian Sorority
is Entertained
The I'toplan sorority t the University
of Omaha was euUitatned Saturday
evening at the home of Mr. Thomas
Waters. Eighteenth and Dinney streets.
A program of games and muslo furnished
the entertainment for the evening. Those
present were;
is Isaes
l.Ut lie I'eters.
Huih HunUland.'
Father Knapp,
Fiances HollarJ,
Kern tililert,
Kuth lvtars,
tllud s fcchamp,
Mas C arney,
Catherine Wood
wort h.
Gladys iJanshart
lorothv Poott,
Vila Vest.
Ktta Harenston.
Olaa Andersen.
Helina Andersen,
Viola Merce,
Irene Leslie,
Annie liarm,
lil t'harloa. .
Minnie Johnston.
Mr. and Mra Thomas Waters.
A reception was given by the senior of
Omaha HUjn school for their parent at
the high school building last night.
A program was given In th auditorium,
s follows:
t Ions dee club.
Koeet b of WeW ume T'.dward Perley,
prrmdMit of the June claaa.
1'iano hVUiw"rolonjtse." irraa Vodolak.
Midear Llaae lielrn Cook.
June Cl aaa Kobert Kdwards
lUadlua The Uukatt Hebet." Harriet
PI erman. .
, Vocal Kolo TRoew' Cup,- Martha KoUe.
Taui-E. V'. Graff,
Creighton Medical Collfge Offerinf
Free. Treatment to Victims of
Dreaded Disease, t
The white plngue is being aasalled in a
systematic manner In Orruiha by students
and faculty of Crelshton Medical college,
and thnfte In close tourh with the work
pronounce the result very encouraging.
Already a lint of over thirty tubercular
patients, ranelng from the Infant to the
ased, have entered the lints for free
treatment. A special clinic at 10; each
Patiirdsy morning at the medical college.
Fourteenth and Davenport streets. Is set
sside for the treatment of these cond'
tlon alone, and a well known local phy
sician Is In rharge.
Th treatment I entirely free, even to
th medicines administered and pre
scribed. The movement was begun during the
summer months, when the number of
tubercular canes proved too large for the
regular every day clinic. All canes pre
senting the symptoms of tuberculosis ap
pearing at the regular clinic will be ex
amined and referred to the Raturday
morning clinic, where they will be fx
am'ned for lung conditions and treated If
dlftaod. Already thirty new canes have
been enrolled and are taking the treat
ment, and some of the cases have shown
marked Improvement In general health.
th local condition, and a gain in weight.
Cnnfaont Great Dlfflenltlea.
Several great difficulties confront the
workers in thee cases, however. Those
who are being treated are In poor circum
stance and ar unable to obtain the
proper sanitary surroundings. According
to Iir. If. F. Oeraid, who Is In aotlv
charge of tke general clinical work mt
"Creighton, there Is a pronounced need
for effort aiming at th social betterment
of then cases. Any contribution for so
cial work among these people will be
accepted by the medical college and those
In charge wilt guarantee that It will be
prorwly expended,.
A compilation of autistic for th last
year show that th Cre'ghton clinic at
th school hav administered nearly 10.-
00 treatment. At the resulae elinira
IrtO treatments were given to a total of
1901 w cases, 200 house calls were made
by the student, and thirty new tubercu
lar case were given treatments, averag
ing els for the year. The regular school j
clinic administer treatments for every
known division of aliments.
Record for Year.
Th reeoid. which Dr. Gerald ha com
piled, I conservative for the year, and Is
a follow:
New cases at regular clinics Jm
I louse calls yio
New tubercular cases, five months..'. 30
New cases, total....... .3,131
Treatments: V
Treatments, regular clinic mn
House calls
Tubercular, per year 40$
Total treatments for year 9,70s
Alliance Officers
Are All Re-elected
Bvery official "of the Omaha branch of
the German-American alliance) was re
elected lest evening at th annual meet
ing held at th German home. 4406 South
Thirteenth street.
The meetliig was well attended. The
following ar th officers:
Vl Peter, president: CVirl.i n 1 , ...
vice president; J. N. lis. socond vice
president; William Hternber. re.virfltfitr
secretary; A. F. Hpecht. financial sncre
tary; r. Slnholt. treasurer. The financial
commute comprises F. A. Klcnke.
Henry Kodenburg and George Hoffmann.
The February freshmen were enter
tained at Central High school Friday aft
ernoon. A. program in the auditorium was
given for them and th building was
Jurnd over to them. They will enter the
chool a week from Monday. Th pro
gram, follow:
Chilrman-Edward Perley, president of
June graduating class.
Selection High Hchonl Boys' Olee club.
Hpeech of 'Welcome Anne Axtell, '18.
Literary Societies M r. Wooiery.
lehating Iroy Kelley, '18.
HlKh School Club Kilwln (tauld, MS.
Cadet Kesiment Ixiroy Wilbur. '16.
Track Athletics for Hoys Eugene Ne
ville, '11
Foot Dan and Basket Ball Paul Flo
thow. 'IS.
Athletic for Girls Quito F.ddy, 'IB.
Hluilent Association Mr. McMillan.
Xeglnter Itobert Odell. '15.
(Selection, of Studies Mr. Reed.
A going business-can be sold quickly
through The Be' "liuaines Chances."
When Henry Fertlg." 2911 Tonnleton
avenue, eeme horn from work Friday
j afternoon, he found hi wife lying on the
j floor overcome by the fume of gas
(from an open Jet Dr. J. A. Taml-
1ea was summoned, and Mrs. Fertlg
was brought back to consciousness with
the aid of the pulinotor. She was to
accompany her husband to th tlieatsr
last evening and in curling her hair,
used th Jet to hat th curling iron.
When eh turned it off she accidentally
turned it on again. When found by her
husband th Iron waa still clutched In
her haod.
Ladies! Darken
Your Gray Hair
I xxi a, year youoiger! l ao Grand
luuther rwipe of SujftJ Tf and
buiphur autl uubxHiv wUl know.
Th us of Sag and thilphur for restor
ing iaded, gray hair to lis natural color
date back to grandmalher time. She
ummI It to koep her hair bvautifuliy dara,
lossy aud abundant. WUenrvir her hair
fell out or took on that dull, faded or
streaked appearance, tills simple mixture
wa applied with wundt-rful sifott. "
liut urewlug at hoiiw ts niussy and out
of data. Nowadays by asking at any drug
store for a M-cent bottle if "Wyeth'a
Rag and buiphur Compound." you will !
get Uila tamou old recipe which can b '
deiwnded upon to restore natural color j
snd beauty to the hair and Is splnndid
for dandruff, dry, feverish, Itchy scalp 1
and falling hair.
A wealr-kuoaa daws to an druggist says'
It darken tha hair so naturally and ;
evenly that nobody can tell It ha been
applied. Tou simply dampvn a sponge or
soft brush with It and draw this through
your hair, taking on strand at a tint.
By morning th gray hair disappear and
after another ptlluLua or two It b
come beautifully dark, gtjaay and oub
dani. A rt vrtlooisnL
i Carter Lake Club
Names Committes
for Next Season
AH the committee for th various de
partments of Carter Lake club have ben
named and for the ensuing season will be:
Finance Whltmore. Christie, ",odman.
Building and Grounds Christie, Whlt
more, Wood.
House Dundcy, Qulnlan, WUtlam,
Entertainment Brailey. Mcllen, Whar
ton. Membership Qulnlnn, Williams. Brailey.
Finh and Game Protection William,
Jaeger, Whltmore, A. F. Bloom.
Trsp Phootlng-Jaeger, Eralley, Chris
tie, Bagan. Levering.
Yachts Wharton, Mellen. Dundey.
Motor Boats Wood, Woodman, Dundey.
Canoes Mellen, Newell, Jaeger.
Auditing Woodman, Mason, Nlleen.
Athletics Newell, Wharton, Wood.
At the last meeting of the board of
directors' eighty new members were taken
Into the Carter Lake Gun club. On ac
count of tho weather there will not be
any shoot today.
Th dub ha now completed It Ice
harvest of about 400 ton and other work
la progresHing as fast a the wee. titer will
New piling have been but In along the
new slip for canoes and a derrick has
been Installed for raising motor boats
when repair ar needed. Borne new bid
have also been received for the proposed
sea wall along th cottage front of the
Several proposition ar under con
sideration for Improving the tennis courts
and It is possible that 12,000 will be spent
in this direction.
If you hav a "Sunshiny Room" let
people know about it in thla column of
Be Want Ad.
IS II illll Ml Tl f Mllir,
By far the deepest cuts in furniture prices made by us in many years.
A Cash Raising Sale that will outdo any of the stirring sacrifice sales
we have ever before attempted. If you have a single want in the furni
ture line, supply that want NOW. Don't wait Act at once.
Greatest val
ues we have
ever given.
i at b I.
r, iii
Many articles in
more. A great
$29 BUFFET, $14.50
, Made of solid oak,
w 1 1 constructed
and well finished.
A bufrfet value of
unusual Import
ance. Sale price. .
tl.C0 Buffet at..9.80
t: 00 Buffets ' at. tia.0O
$30.00 Buffet t.l.68
137.60 Buffets at.tlS.50
t47.t0 Buffet at. 138.60
160.00 Buffet at. $36.30
175.00 Buffets at. 949.00
180.00 Buffets at.MS.00
$35.75 Buffet at. $31.00
t I tO Rocker ,
115.00 Rocker
$19.50 Rocker
$16 09 Rocker
$34. CO Rockers
$10.04 Rocker
$.-,8.00 Rocker
$70.00 Rockery
, $37 .60
. Ma.60
$2.75 Rockers
$4.75 Rockers
$6.00 Rocker
$7.f,0 Rocker
.$ 00 Rocker
$14.00 Rocker
$10.00 Rocker
.. .$1J0
. . .$&.
, . .$X7$
. , .$4 60
$24.00 Rocker ...$18.78
Brass Bed at BIG CUT
Oar sample brass bods nrv
cut to ti.e very limit. Most of
them ary absolutely perfect.
They all go at a big sacrifice.
Rye Hits New Mark
on Omaha Market
While wheat waa off I to 4 cent on the
Omaha market, ft waa just a well, as
then was llttl for sale. The receipt
were only sixteen ear and th most of
this was consigned direct, having been
bought during th last week.
The msrket was strong on durum, but
none of this wa sold, though fLCO per
bushel wa bid. On tha No. 1 hard win
ter better than S1.S7 waa offered, but the
owner Insisted upon more money and It
wa held over until Monday.
Rye established another high mark, one
car blng sold at per bushel, this
price being I cent above Friday and
about t cent above any previous price.
Corn wa strong and up nearly t cents,
the top sales being mad at 71 cent per
bushel. '
Reoelpt for the day were; Wheat, 1;
corn, UO, and oat. IT car.
, ,
Water and amok did about fTOO dam
ages to tli store of Harry Shamberg,
North glxteenth street; Arthur Case,
810 North Sixteenth street, and the saloon
of Gust Larson, 812 North Sixteenth
street, when fire originating from an
overheated stove pipe In the restaurant at
Sixteenth afid Dodge streets, set fir to
the structure.
rnnithrd for Three Year.
A grateful sufferer writes: "Tour medi
cine. Dr. King's New Discovery, cured
my cough of three years' standing." 50c.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Reha; ts Freshest Player.
Rehg, the Boston outfielder, who has
been offered to tho New York, is said
to be tho freahent ball player in the
world. Perhaps Carrtgan is trying to
get square.
Prices Cut to
i jm .i"ava ria.wp j1 . w jr.z x
i n tw4 t m
this sale are reduced a full half Many articles even
many pieces are cut 1U, 2)9.zb
35. We urge you; as you value the sav
ing of your hard earned money, to take
advantage of the
prices during this
A handsome colonial
extension table, large
pillars, made of solid
oak; $26.00 value for.
$1.00 Extension Table
$11.00 Extension Table
$K.00 ftenslon Table
$37.50 Extension Table
$S.7$ Extension Table
$30.00 Extension Table
$J7.B0 Extanalon
Table $30.00
$4 00 Extension
Table '.$34.7$
$65.00 Extension
. Table $38.00
1(0.00 Extension
Table $3.00
$80.00 Extension
Table $48.60
. ....... I f iii i ' 1 1
Brass Beds
Value. Sale Price.
SK.50 Bras Bed $8.88
$11.00 Bra Beds $10.78
$30.00 Brass Beds $1130
$17.00 Bras Bed $1830
$48.00 Bras Beds $34.00
$7 00 Bras Beda $38.00
$14.00 Bras Beda $4830
$12 ROCKER, now $5.95
A solid oak rocker, gen
uine leather upholstered
seat; s strong, comfort
able rocker; flt.00 val
ue, at
. Mattresses
The best qualities and reduc
ed to the very limit greatest
values on earth.
All makes reduced to help
you take advantage of reduc
tions on Beds.
1513-1515 HuWAKu SiKcET
Snow Means Work
for Hundreds of
Men at $2 a Day
This snow means work for many hun
dreds of otherwise Idle men.
"I will put on large forces of men to
clean the streets as soon as the storm
has abated," (ays Commissioner Ryder.
My foremen will be at the plant. Elev
enth and Nicholas- streets, early
In th momlng to hire men and
tart wotk. This 1 a regular old Min
nesota snow and means lots of work. We
will wlv preference In' the employment
to Omaha men, of course. Here I a
chance for several hundred to make U a
day for eight hour work."
Storm Precludes
Suffrage Meeting
The suffrage meeting planned for yes
terday afternoon at the Toung Women'
Christian association, at which Mra Elsie
Vandergrlft Benedict wa to be the
speaker, was called off on account of
the storm. Mr. Benedict ha left for
the east to resume the suffrage campaign
work under Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.
Some Fear Expressed ,
for Cattle Outdoors
Fear for the safety of cattle on Ne
braska ranges was expressed by cattle
men who happened to be at the Merchants
hotel when they noted the soverlty of the
wind and the heavy fall of snow. They
were loath to forecast any serious losses
to stock, but declared that such would
certainly result, if the storm continued
for some time. Heavy losses were sus
tained by cattlemen two and three years
ago In western Nebraska from blizzards
the Very Limit
i i -t i - . m. i k
ST Ei?
ZZXZJ UUkJUVXyf never cut before
sacrifice of
Dining Chairs
Solid oak,
-' --
1 J2
I fIV"-' ' n
Library Tables
Value. Sale Prlca
$14.00 Lib. Tables. .$0.93
$1.00 Lib. Table. $8.40
$20.00 Lib. Tables. $1X00
$27.75 Lib. Tables. $18.65
$33.00 Lib. Tables. $1178
$35.00 Lib. Tables. $31.00
$38.50 Lib. Table. $24.73
$47.50 Lib. Table. $38.00
$06.00 Lib. Table. $33.00
$66.00 Lib. Tablee.$39.60
Dres$ing Tables
$18.60 Dr. Table. .$9.73
$11.75 Dr. Table. $13.80
$28.50 Dr. Table. $18.78
Bedroom Rockers
A dozen styles on sal.
Mahogany, Oak, Wal
nut and Bird's-eye- Ma
ple. All price cut deeply.
Value. Sale Price.
$29.00 PaVport. 818.60
$33.50 Da V'ports. $31.88
$45.00 Dav'port. $97.00
$61.75 Dav'port. $3138
$75.00 DaVporta. $00.00
$163.00 Da v'ports. $91.35
$180.00 Davports $10830
ii . ii
, Pillows
Several lots marked
clearance. .
Iron Beds
Sample Iron Beds .....$1JW
$7.50 Iron Beds M....$3J3
IS. 00 Iron Bds ....... (4.75
$11.00 Iron Beds 8.6U
$15.00 Iron Bed S9.00
that continued for a day or more and
drove cattle through fences. Into lakes,
froze them to death when they were un
able te go farther, or else caused them
to trample themselves to death In stampedes.
If You Neglect
Hair Will Fall
Cuticura Soap
Preceded by light touches of Cuti
cura Ointment will soften and remove
patches oi dandruff, allay itching
and quickly promote hair-growing
' Samples Free by Mail
Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold everywhere
Mtxral aampta of each nailed frae with S2-p. boot.
Adoraai post-card "CnUcura." Ixpt. SF. Boston. t
Prices cat now
as they were
af w r v m
m k n
$28 Dressers, now $14
A splendid solid a
oak dresser, extra A
;wii xiuiaueu, guuu m
sice dresser, and fl m
,1 .1 J U J .1
S28.00 value, now. I
$ 1 (. 60 Dresser . . . $7.98
$18.60 Dreaeers. . .89.60
$27.60 Dresser . . $13.30
$29.00 Dressers. .$14.60
$35.00 Dressers. .$18.00
$40.00 Dressers. .831.00
$60.00 Dreaoers. .836.29
$55.00 Dressers . . $30.00
$70.00 Dressers'. .$39.00
$90.00 Dresser. .$64.00
$ 1 26.00 Dressers . .$88.00
$145.00 Dresser.. $87.33
$12.50 Chiffonier. .38.00
$15.00 Chiffoniers. .83.00
$25.08 Chiffonier. $18.00
$35.08 Chiffoniers. $18.73
$40.00 Chlffonler!$aa.0O
$52.60 Chiffoniers. 838.88
$63.00 Chiffoniers. $38.00
$70.00 Chiffoniers. $48.80
surnrct cnxxma
$3.00 Din'g Chair. $130
$4.25 Din'g Chair. $3.10
$4.00 Din'g Chair. $3.00
$8.60 Din'g Chairs. $3.00
$9.00 Din'g Chair. $8.00
$13.00 Din'g Chairs. $7.83
Alao china eloet and
serving tables. Price
reduced to th very
lhj mm
ft ' I
$25 Library Table $12.50
a neavy, massive library jk r
Tabl. colonial design, fl J3U
Rolden or fumed finish; I
one of several greatly I m
reduced. Sals price ssa