Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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T11K OMAHA SUNDAV J.tKK: JAN LAW i 17, l'.'lo.
German Official Reporl Tells of De
itrnction of La Boiselle and
and Capture of Trenches.
Jon. 1ft. iRjr TVirle! in Ixm
followlng offl'Y' lt'mit
Kaiser Asks Usual Festivities
on His Birthday Be Omitted
Bon.) Th
.u given out today at the war office
"In th wsfrn theater nf r only ar
tillery battled took place. In the neighbor
hood of Nlruport.
"The enemy' attack on our rUlon
rtnrtheaat of Arraa were rpuleed. In a
lUUlll' aiVKH UUl II I" I H ' I H I ' I " " ,
trcnrhri anil mniln Tirtlinm.rM nf the np !
"The hamlet of I.a TtoNrllr, northeast
tit Albert, which lias been mentioned fre
uently of late, was completely ileal royed
jeaterdA and leared of all l-Ycni-amen.
"Northtsat of Solwsons quiet reigned,
Tha number of cannon captured there
ft-am the French from the 12th to the 14th
of January n IncrtawM to thlrtj-flvv
"In the Argonne and In the fonst a
Consenvoyo, north of Verdun, trivial and
for us successful entailments took place.
An attack of the allien southeast of St.
Mlhlel broke down at the atari under
pur fire.
PERUN. Jan. l.-Vla The Hague and
Iondon.) Th Fltchanrlir haa pub
lished a decree, alanod by Kmperor Wil
liam, acrordlnf to which hia majesty. In
view of the anrioneneen of the present
situation. aka that all the festivities for
merly held on -the occaalon of hla birth
day, be omitted tlria year. An exception
la made, however, of the relehratlona
UNiially held In churchee and schools.
The emperor ask even that the many
letter and telegram generally aent hjlm
on Ma birthday by aocletlea and private
Individual, although alwaya highly
appreciated, be diapenaed with. Hla ma
jesty says lie foara the'ae communications
might Interrupt the telegraphic and poe-
sysloma and Interfere with hit work
at general headquarter.
"Kor th: reason," the decree goea on,
"I am obllnel to beg that eapeclal ex
pressions of good wishes be omitted. Nor
are. these :v-edel, for In there day of
tribulation which had come for the fath
erland, I am often aware, with the great-
eat aatlnfactlon. of the atrong bond of
love and confidence which unitea me
with the German people. I thank In ad
vance each peraon whoae loyal euppllca
tlon will, on my birthday, be marie to
the throne of the highest, as well, as
every on who will think of me In a
friendly spirit.
"I am one wV the whole German peo
ple and their prlncea. The-one rrayer
which, ewaya our hearts la for the Kath
erland; that Ood will graciously grant us
further vlrtorlei over our enemies ami,
after a peace with honor, a happy future
for our country'
Kmperor William's birthday la Jan
uary 27. It Is understood here that the
customary court balls will be abandoned.
The money usually devoted to these en
tertainments will this year be applied to
charitable purpose.
Another Rumor of Embargo on Ex
port Bring Oat a Flood of
Stop-Lou Orders.
(Tontlnued fron Page One.)
"NnUilns" of Ininortiince has occurred In I
the Voeges. j "8,43 dead and 9.1.470 Injured; present re-
' "In the eastern tlwater of war the. situs- I P' tn Indicate death and twice as
Oon Is the same. Ilalny, gloomy weather m"V Injuria In this catastrophe. The
)raa prevented all fighting." h"' building. ht levelled by this earth-
e.uakc were the few made with rel'ifon-ed
r Forelaaera la District.
The absence of foreigners In the die
trlct devastated la another point of dif
ference between this quake and the last.
Not only were the American consul and
his wife kld at Mussina, but a long
list of tourists from the Tnlted 4te
were reported mlestnt. In addition to
i travelers from other enquiries. No one
I not an Italian haa aa yet been reported
ia Injured or mlselng In the present
'Up to the preaetit. the Italian govern
ment has declined foreign official assist
fContlnued from Page One.)
local attorney whoae clients have been
fortunate in this regard, although he ,
Is the only one so far mentioned by the
hertff. ' I
Petlre f'nart I'ardoa Heeora
Sixteen "vag." disorderly women and i
drunk" were pardoned by Governor
Morchead during 1914, according to the
tally record kept by former 'Jailer Cahlll.
One man convicted of aiding and abetting
the delinquency of a. minor waa released.
Tha other pardon concern less flagrant
A feature of the governor" police court
pardon record la the rise and, decline In
umbers of pardons during the Tear.
There waa one auch pardon In November,
1313; two In January. 1914; one In Febru
ary, aeven in April, five In .May, four In
June, three In July, two In Auguat. one
tu September, one lit October and none In
the remaining months of the year.
! The dally record compiled In tha county
Jail ahowe the names of police court of
fender pardoned, tha Iate when they
Wra sentenced and the dates when they
wora pardoned. No record la kept any
where r the attorney" or other repre
sentative employed by these prisoners.
Tkeae Offender HarlMes.
i The governor'e 1914 police court pardon
Jfecord follows:
JmnHK Hmlth, vag., sentenced, October
fS, litlJ, panioned November at, 1S13.
r Charles JTreetnan. van., aentenccd re
.inbf.r. at, M.I, pardoned January if?, Ml.
Jutin II u lies, assault, sentenced Decem
ber 84. IMij, pardoned January l, 1I4.
Kd Wl.lia. drunk, sentenced January a.
14, pardoned February a. Iiri4.
Waltwr Cnuner. wag., antencea Tebru
airy 18, pardonod April 1. .
. Mra. H. 1. Kvana, vag., aentenced
JUarcii 20, pardoned April ii.
Joxeph Feral, non-mpport. atntenced,
Sreliruary JiS, pardoned April 1.
Thomas llugliea, deatruylng property,
ajrnteiK-e.t March 17, purdoned April i.
Opal Julinaon, vag. and prost,, an(enced
Ja vr II Zl, piirdoned April .
Kmnia'imr, van. and prost., sen
tenced April S patiinel Apt II 2i.
WeBley Woods, MKault,. sentenced
W arch h. pardoned April " -,
Mra. HvUtrnni, vag., sentenced .March
tS. pardoned May .
John Kelah. vng aentenced March A
pardoned May .
I li Norria, rag., aentenced March 2s,
lUrdnned Ma 2:1.
lAlinnie J'hllllps. tint, and -prost.,
trri-d March 'A. pardoned May lk
William. Furdey. abualiig family,
tpneed April ?. pardoned .May 8.
i Vllllon UiHk, drunk, icnlenccd June
9 ri.idined June o-.
i IWrtha moron, vag and proat
tl need April l ftuii& June lu.
Jaik McKarland. letlt larceny,
, tr-nced JMnn IS. pardoned June i.
T. M. Helton, vag.. atutv'iH'vd May
....i...... a .
Joe U'U. petit larceny, scnjem-cjl July
SS, puJ-Jnod July Zf.
H. Wilier, aaxault, ecntcftced' June 11
rAvim Jtllv It.
T:rrie Ou'celer. . aentenced Janu-
lit ttartkn,! Julv IK. ' .
Lewis Broneon. vug., sentenced .uguat
g. 'pardoned August 7.
Jena Jenaen. aiding and aietting,
l,nil inril It. tiardoned AUKUBt It.
Wen Walker, vag., aentenoed August 1.
- Mrdoned Bei'tember 14.
Ellen Rruttnn, drunk, aentenced Bep
tember p. pardoned Octolier
Threatens German,
i Gets Jail Sentence
nee, but this has not prevented un
official aid of all kinds. Mrs. Thomas
Nelson Page, wife of the TnlteJ States
ambassador, haa contributed Sf0 to a
fund being raised, and other American
women are following suit. Mra. Tage also
heads a committee of American women
who are working for the aufferers
All supplies and money received will be ;
handled by the central rellcT commlttte
in Rome. i
The duke of Abrustl la now touring the '
central portion of Italy, carrying sup-
plies where posa'ble and doing all In hi
power to' aid the victims. Ambassador -Page
plana today or tcmorrow to go to
Avetsann and other towns to lender I
assistance. j
At Maasa-O'AIbe. one-eighth or the
tetal population haa been killed and
there la no one to do any work of rescue
of eare for tha survlvore. A report comes
t Roma that In thla village some people
are today atlll burled In debris from their
walsta down. They cannot extricate them
selves and there la no one at hand able
to dig them out These unfortunate arc
being fed by relatives or friends In the
hope that men and tools are on the way
to the rescue.
CHICAGO. Jan. !. Wheat drorpefl
centa in the first fifteen minutes of to
day's sesalon of the Board of Trade on
reporta that a congressional movement
waa on foot to prohibit exports. May
wheal, which closed at 11.4 yesterday,
aold down to 11.40.
For a brief tlm trad:.-.g assumed an
almost pan'eky expect. storm of stop
loss orders from lll-prtteeted btills came
on the market atiu round the pit tem
porarily without buyers. At the ex
treme decline several of the larger house
began to purchase on' a liberal scale.
i The result was a quick rally, but only
to about half the extent of the break.
When comparative calm had been re
stored the May option was steadying
around t.1i.
In the later dealings, generou export
salea here and at the seaboard, Including
considerable amounts for ocean ship
ment In March, put relative firmness Into
I the market The close, nevertheless, was
; unsettled at 2VWi3e under last night,
with. May at tl.4l.
Germans Evacuate
Towns of Belgium
AMSTSTRPAM ma tendon), Jan. H.
The rorreepondenct at Oatend of the TIJda
ay the Oermena have evacuated all the
coast towns anl villages aa far ncrth as
Martakerka, which la north ef Nieupnrt.
Westende ' and Mlddelkerke, and three
miles southwest of Ostend. These towns,
however, haa not as yet been occupied
by the Allien.
PARTS. Jan. 1.-The following official
communication was Issued by the war
office tonight: ,
"There la nothing cf Importance to
communicate except that aur troopa have
taken posse set on of a new trench kt the
vicinity of Perth) aad of a Wood from
300 to M0 inetrea In front o ai lines to
the north of Bratwejour."
Skreresnrt After Iloalla.
They are trying to ewttch poor old
Mique Ponlln a long, long way from
Uroadway. Shreveryort, la., la trying to
get the Anas in f rancid of the Texas
league, mvl If Shreveport I aueoeeafol
It wants "Tirtcey' Mike" for team man
ager. Ml!e. however, I trying to con
nect S marvvrer of the Richmond Inter
na'lonal league club, provided Richmond
la taken Into the Harrow circuit
German Report Ends',
"This is the Truth"
LONDON. Jan. 1.-The official an
nouncement given out In Berlin, relating,
the capture of 6.200 French troopa at Bol
son and saying further that from 1,000
to S.O00 French dead were found after the
battle, conclude with the unusual asser
tion, "This Is the truth." .
A wireless dispatch from Paris, copied
In London, categorically denies these Ger
man figures. It say the French troops
engaged In the Bolssons battle were less
than three brigades and that conse
quently th Berlin figures cannot be.eor-
209 Victory St., Little Rock, Arkansas
March 16, 1902
8ept. 6. 1M3
Oct. 21, 1905
"For fir year I had a chronic dlseaao -ef the bowel.
It waa called consumption of the bowels. PEB.UXA ourad
"I am still In good health and will take FKntTNA when
ever I need a medicine. I answer every letter that comes
to me from people who have read my testimonial."
"I took an awful bad cold since I wrote you last. One
bottle of PKRUNA cured me."
Letters were received from Mr. Curbln in 1J0S, 1(07,
108, 190, 1911.
Oct. 23, 1912 "PERUNA does me more rood than any ether medicine
1 have ever taken. It Is our household remedy. I thank
you many times for benefits received".
Feb. 3, 1914 Mrs. Durbln Is still an ardent friend of Feruna, praising
It and recommending It to her neighbors.
All over the United 8tatee w have man and women wha have bean writ
ing u occasionally for many yr. PERUNA, by the asaiatanc ef aur
booklet, "The Ills of Life," Is their main reliance in times of siokne.
The Peruna Co.,
Columbus Ohio.
' V. .'t,l
ee n-
TAOOMA, Wash., Jan, M Kdwln R,
Bcott of Raymond. Wash., waa aentenced J
yaaterday to six month In Jail by Fed
eral Judge K. E. Cushman, for threaten
ing th life of the Oernmn ajubassador.
Count Von Bernstorff. Scott admitted
having written two letter to the am
bassador at Washington In which he made
extravagant threats. These, he said,
ware all bluff."
Secretary Bryan and th attorney gen
eral showed marked Interest In the prose
cution of th caee.
Chicago Man is
. Murdered in Alaska
CiriCAGO. Jan. l(i.-Ixuui gchonborn,
a former Chicuoan. a ho U reputed to
have acquired a fortune In the Alaskan
gold fields, was murdered in Tionanna.
Alavka, on January t, according to a
letter recelvc.l yesterday by police of
ficial, who were reo,ueeted to jearch for
fcl relatives.
Depart Bleat Orders.
WASHINGTON. I. C. Jan. lii liiiul
Telet rum.) 1 K. (iuuucli has been ai
JhjIi.U;1 rural Ivttcr ctitrler at ll.ilKUr.
Seb.: Lruy K. liuerl uppotnled imnl
mattrr at hienter, M.l'ix.k county, KjiMrt
JaK' la. vice tCu I., l.ovf Jy.
CIvU fer.'ic exuinina.iuiia fur folirClx
c!j poetniHler m tu-ld r'eltruaiy
Ht. at U Inliowing plates:
In Kjbraa Ainai,rtlt, "ielnhton.
J'reniiJiil. Utucva. (Jrand Ilani. Ne
braska 1tv, K.Veill, urd. Buiertjr. Wa
liuu, Wuriit. Voik.
In Iowa AUna. ' Carroll. Cherokee.
Clarion, (' iniou. lt a M mm. Kavle
tirove. Kimirt-teburg. Kurt lt1ge. Hamp
ton. iiv. lrilialltin. (Htuniaa.
Hock iLnpta, tiuiiK City, fcpencvr, TlH'u.
T tie o'rt, to !. rilled are aa follows:
la Netiruha Iwrll'i. U'xtluit.,
CVrroil. linur, iln, lunmn, klir
Itluff. Hoyjl, Srotl. fprliiavteM, Ho. k
lutrn, tiank. 1'mu'IHU
In lo I'ronimn, t'UBhlng, IXckena.
Tlon, KflT' rle Kaet t'rru. (lenexa,
ljrmcr 1. title tl'rtk Mk, Miniir, iaK.
Olll-. '1im-ii, Itenwi.'k. Kingsted,
Jti'n. rilTu. hinwri ckti-ide.
iu'I -n No. 1 of the Cmn.l llund. Nb.,
pfl'' l;l hen rnered esiubiiniied
vu Ktbruary W, at I'j tt l'uimu airvet.
' 8
We MAID) to Mep lltoe
1 a i
i . . W
cnf. HhhBd
There's Ko Reed For an
Ash Can if You'll Use
Carbon Coke
Simply because Petroleum Coke
does not leave a particle ot sh
-and it is Bootless, odorless
and nmokeleM Petroleum
Carbon . Coke burns hotter,
laats longer and costs less than
bard coal.
When the Weather
is Frigid
You can have intense heat
by simply adding Petro
leum Coke and opening
the drafts in your furnace.
On the other hand in
easily regulated and mod
ulated to a nicety by dos
ing ' all drafts with no
danger of killing the fire.
9.50 Ton
Brandeis Tbiatra Bldg.
210 So. 17th S'rect
mem AmWk&w WeeM
ft. 8
The large number of new depositors in the Christmas Savings Club up'
to 9 o'clock last night, despite the terrible weather conditions, caused us to
change our minds, and decide to hold the membership books open for ONE
HOBE WEEK or until next Saturday night, January 23d. We felt that;
it was hardly fair to the people or to ourselves; to shut off hundreds who
have not already Joined, simply through lack of time or other reasons.
Most Every Family Can Afford
to Join of These Two Classes
Open an Account
With Two Cents
And pay like this :
First week.";... 2a
Second week... 4a
Third week.... 6c
Fourth week. . .8c
And bo on for 49
weeks, 1
At the close
it the Club, on
Dec. 11, you re
ceive $2.50
3 yi interest.
Or. If you wlah. you roar ay to th
ftrat waV aa4 two cnta laa each weak.
Thla "Kra" plan (Ira you a llttl
mor tntaraal.
Open an Account
With Five Cents
And pay like this :
First week.... 5c
Second week,.10o
Third week..,15e
Fourth week. .20c
And so on for 49
At the close
of the cl"I, on
Dec. 11, you re
feire $61.25
3 Interest.
'Or. if, you w'lah. you may revr th
plan and pay 11-45 th flrat wk aad
flT cnta lea aeh wk.
Plan Now to Have Plenty ol Honey Next Christmas
It waa 'a man . rnualclan to whom wo
war talking; but every wornaa will rea
llM th valua of hla answer to our ouen-
; tlon, "What raakea your hair ao abundant
and ax lustrous?" "Just simple care,
madam. I am aa rood to It aa I ana to
my hand.'' It was Just hi way of say
ing. I keep it perfectly clean. Since then
wa have found that regular car and per-
. feet cleanliness mean hair health- end
beauty. It la not advisable when, sham
pooing to dm a makeahlft, but alwaya use
a preparation mad for shampooing only.
' You can enjoy the best that Is known for
about three cent a shampoo by genius
a package of canthrox from your drug
gist; dlaaolv a teaspoonful In a cup of
hot water and your shampoo Is ready.
After Us use the hair dries rapidly with
uniform color.. tandruff, excess oil and
dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear.
Tour hair will -be so fluffy that it a ill
look mush heavier tliaa It Is. Ha luetre
and softneaa will also delight you, whilt
' th tlmulatad calp gain the health
which Insure hair growth. Advertise
ment. .
For Colds, Influenza,
Coughs, Bore Throat
too and l.o. at all druggists or mailel.
aaasarer Hmneo. Medlcih. C i.v;
William Blreet. New York.
- J v,
v 5
We want to again urge fathers and mothers to make a special last
effort to either join themselves or to put in one or two of the children. Yott'U
hardly miss the little weekly payments and you'll be more delighted each,
week, as you see your account still growing. It's the ideal way to gather a
competence for yourself, or to start a future for the childrenbesides the
BIO feature of the club: To have plenty of money next Christmas.
Fathers Should Join-Mothers Should Join-Children Should Join
.Tell Your Fellow Employees to Join Everybody Should Join
Safe Remedies
bare earned a reputation forreal merit
through th uffering they ' have re
lieved for mora than SS year.
Each remedy i for a distinct pur
pose. All are made from reliable pre-.
WanaM'a Mi Isaaaatff far
Jiknya aaal Uvr SO and f 1.89
WaraafM iaf. Khaaaiatlt IWawfy UI
tiMTi taia Blataaii Rataady MS
Waraar'a lata NrvlM Ma ana 1.N
Varaar'a lata Aatkau Raiaadv .78
Waraar'a Safe File Jt9
For m1 by all druggist, or direct.
poarpaia on receipt of price
r rfts Hf taaaM.
Varaar'a Sat ta4i C.
DPt aau aacaastar. H. T
AH Deposit, in (hit Bank or Protected by the D
po$itor Guarantee Fund of the State of Nfbrojfcav
Cor. iGth & Farnam Sts.
. Board of Trad Bnfldin& Entravaet on Taxnxm St.
Typewriters I
For Ront I
ar Sana. yoa wnea t
I $1 end Up Per Month t
t Ceatral Typswritw Exchup
07-0 South 17th. . r
Phone !ons. 4('2t. i
1""1Mllli""1liiiiii T