Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 4-S, Image 34

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    4 S
the omaha sunday hkk January 17, idis.
Will Make Awful Inroads on the Big
League Stan During the
Fext Five Yean.
. NEW YORK. Jan. 1. Another five
3 ears and most of the present day dia
mond Mara will he hut memories. Father
Tim has hern lenient with some, but
there la a limit to Father Time' a . pa.
Hence, and certain It Is that hia patience
will he exhausted In many cases).
I.ajojo and, the grand old
M'ard, are on the down grade. It la poa-
Mble that both may stick It out through
ISIS, hut It'a beyond the liope of fondom
I hat they ran go throuKh l!i In major
league company. l.
Mathe.wson, the wonderful Giant
pitcher, enters hla fifteenth season In ma
jor league company. Matty In atl!l good
hut Matty la slipping. Three year at
the most uremi to be Matty's limit at
a regular worker on a big league mound.
Matty la only 34 yeara old now, but hla
arm len t aa good as It ue to he. It hu
lout much of Ita old time cunning, Lst
hit per game, and when the opposition
didn't belt lilm for from seven to twelve
hits per gsine ,nnd when the opposition
ran do thiit It means that Matty is going.
Tommy !sch probably Is good for two
more years In major league society, but
no more. . :
Chief Bender and Eddie Plank, the J
t lrler who did so muoh to bring fame
and glory to Philadelphia, are. near the j
end of their careers. They may pitch
fin base ball for two or threo years
longer, but no longer.
Walsh Mar Come Bark.
Ed W'al.ih of tha Whit Sox may "coma
back" !n 115, but If be does he can linger
only a year or two longer. Age has rob
bed tha once mighty right arm of Its
power. ,
Another five yeara and It la hardly
likely that more than three of four of
the present day New York (Hants still
will be In the majors. Merkle. Poyl.
Fletcher, Mevers, Hnodgrsae, Beechor,
Murray and ome of the others have
turned the prime time of their base hall
lvs. They are on the downgrade, and
soon they will slip Into obscurity.
Trls Speaker la 81 years old. Ha still
la' a wonderful hall player, but will ha be
Just as wonderful at the agu of !WT Will
he then be even wonderful enough to
hold a Job In the major leagues. Maybe
yrs and maybe no.
Miller Muggins of the Cardinals, still
ranks as !a wonderful second baseman.
Rut Miller 1 getting pretty well along
In:.-yearn. Johnny Evera still la a won
derful player but will Johnny he able
to answer the major league roll call
five years hence, when he will be near
big the 40-year mark?
Rub Ql It Inn and Jack Lapp of tha
Athletics arc getting old. They soon
-must fall by the wayside. Dick Hoblltcel
no lth the nod Hott, la a teran. Pam
Crawford, the olj war horse of tha De-i
troll Tigers hit like a fiend last year
and fielded In wonderful style. He showed
t)u signs of age, yet Bam has passed the
turning point, nnd It seems unlikely that
when 1S19 comes around that Bam will bs
anything euro than major loagu mem
ory., nine Arc Sklddlaar.
Jimmy Archer, tho Cub catcher, and
' Larry Mclun, the Olant catcher, art
nt-ai-iy through. They ate still good
bur they arc aklddlng. Jake Daubert
the great fit at sucker of the Brooklyn
Dodders, Is pretty well along In years,
as ball playeia go.
Chsrles Dooln, Hans Lohert, Drover Al
exander, Fherwood Mages, "dabby CrSr
vath and "Li'dy" Luderua, who made up
the main strength of tha Phillies last
year are veterans. They rank Just now
as among the beat players In the gams.
But how many do you think will b In
the major league tanks five yearg from
Heinle Zimmerman of tha Cubs, may
hist five yenrs longer-and he may not.
Vic r'aier of the Cubs, may last five years
and he may not.' Zcch Wheat of tha
Oodgera. who ranks as a wonderful out
fielder, is nearlng the turn. "Dodo"
Pasket of tha Phillies, cannot last much
longer. Frank Schulta of tha Cuba la
due for the minors In another year.
Modi Grant of the Olants. Joseph Do
ver of tha Braves. Reulback of tha
tJodgers. Amu cl Cincinnati and a score
of other present day stars In tha National
league Boon must travel the trail of ob
livion. - '
Terry Turner of the Napa, ranking now
as the greatest ut lity man In the game, la
near the end. (o are George MorUrty
of tha Tigers and Bill Carrigan of tho
lied Sox. In the American 'league today,
where tho talent !s aomcwhat younger
.r.t ".eaet
teem to be in their prime. Hut live-rears
hence-where will they be?
Jeffery Truck at
. Work in European
-pit . - - w
rieluS fit Ha I I IP
1Uy V4 utvl'wl'
Th. n -. . i i. i . . '
.The noui ho. My fr the IMeuilon
or i rurty to Animal, is raising a fiMil
fo" idins UrilUli horea st tlie front. '
t"-,(,i-.ji;,B ppep'oynt fharlea T. Jrfiei-y .
ct tl Thomas B; J. rfery coniimny, who
I .-ow, ubroaU making tlic final arrante- i
insnts tor the hirmnt of several bun
ilird Wuad trucks to the fighting nations
it Europe.
Air. Jeffery report that the Royal Ko
i t y for the FrrvrallnK t -r... - 1
Animals, under the chairn.un.Mn t .k-
irniuitahlD of the
CuUt of Portland, and with the sanction
of the British army council. Is ra'slng the
y io provide ;,0 shelters for
v-o'imied horses, to cost about 13 each;
;i hi w ambulaiices and motor wagona,
6 rugs, new and old; &.fJ0 woolen
lrlankets. ordinary head collar and
V'AM halters.
n a letter to an American friend. Mr.
Jcffrry deplores the enormous fatality
among the splendid horses at the war.
but takes a great personal pleaaure In the
fi'ct that the Jeffery Vuad truck Is mak
ing unnecessary the slaughter of many
tt...uands more of thM noble anlmala.
Thi remarkable machlnts, which drtvea.
brakes and steers on all four wheels ui
doing much of the work of the army
tranaport on the firing line, going Into
where ordinary rear drive motor
trucks are unable to bo, and usually
m at ing untcathed where horses would
.w.siir.S'ly nwaed down by a hall of bui
len and ahrfcpneL
Operate t'rlser.
T!,t veurmi LoU Cilut-r. who has been
i-M-U-d tut the last year and unable to
-4 abuut be . df tubercul.uil. r .v..
In a knee, baa been takau to a bos- i
ri.U in liuulh bund. Ind.. where surgeons J ht!r wtraat before tha furious oa
i)l pifonn an operation in hones of riv. luht of the newcomer. In tha second
in Inn sum il!f. it is hopd th op- j
wi.iUon will t Itaat pfrmlt Crlfc-ar to get
--n hi f tet . I
Shugrue, who are near the top at the lightweight division,
Square Garden, New York City.
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Ad Wolfast Hai Dreami of Winning
Back Pugilistic Title Taken
' Away from Him. ,
By nillK.
NKW YORK. Jan. I.-Thls appears to '
be the year of rejuvenation In so far as
I wMloni ring champions are conrerned.
j First e had Johnny Toulon's pronun
tclainento that he was going to back his
............ n ur now we nae Aa
,AV"'t trradlng tho path back t tha
. ilghtweiglit throna.
" ii uum naa nis plans
ulroadv i,f. .e.t i. .,..
for hWi to exrsute them as he arranged
lii hU own mind for him to reach once
n.nre'the crest of the lightweight wva.
Wolgasl haa mpie.i uut a revenge
campaign. His first course Is to thrash
Willie lliuhlo su soundly aa to dispel
whatever doubt there existed In anyona's
mind of Ad Wolgast's superiority over
l Willlo Ritchie. It t hard to convince
U,e ,IUI' Adolph thai ha should know
better than to tamper with Ritchie ngaln
but- the Cadillac fighting machine Is ait
obstinate party and he will have the
astlsfartlonof embroiling even If It costs
him money.
Wolgast and Kltrhle have had it out
In the ring no Iras than threo times.
Their first meeting occurred on May
lh 1913, a tour-round affair on the coast, I
and Wolgast's animosity toward the '
Ritchie pormn dates back that far. I
At tho time Wolgast was the autocrat
of the VO-poundera. while Ritchie was
unknown and unschooled In the mysteries
of the ring. Ad as recuperating from
an appendicitis operation and took on
Ritchie with tha understanding that no
rough work was to be Indulged m by
either side during the four rounds. The
abbreviated melee was to serva as a
tryout for tha convalescing ' Wolgast.
Walsjaat Ir'lMred.
Ritchie, however, wed by the pros
pect of lighting a world s championship,
became flighty and evidently forgot tha
arrangement when be squared off with
Wolgast la the arena. Willi fought des
perately from the first tap of the gong
nd th n,ut n chagrined champion beat
round Ritchie floored Wolgast with a
resounding thump oo th Jaw. Wolgast
later admitted it was tbs hardest blow
'iS ' .' ' 4 w4 ittSal"? at:-. ' " ft '
f -4 J 11:11111111 II
' ; . I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I V f . Jl 1,1 L kJ Soott
v v i w X-1 i . ... Il l III I I . ' I Wai miiw
ha had aver received la tha brief but
brilliant career.
Wolgast fought with his old vim and
cunning In tho last two rounds, flooring
Kltrhle thne times In tha third. Wol
Kunt Was slleut anent his poor showing In
this bout until a few days ago, when ho
Iff t It be known that Kltchle had "double
croHeea" htm in that short engagement.
Kit hie' so-called duplicity rankled In
Ad's mind for inuniha and it was with a
vlrw of securing sweet revenge that ha
slsncd to battle Ritchie for the champlon-
ship on November S, 1913. The ttUa
changed owners in the struggle, Ritchie
bvlng adjudged the winner on a foul In
the sixteenth round. It was tha first
time In ring history that a boxer lying;
prone was awsrded a world's title.
Stripped of his championship, robbeS
of his drawing power, Wolgast was not
dltcouruged. He mill Instated that he
was Ritchie's in.inter and wss still eager
to prove It. Po laxt March he engineered
lilj third meeting with Ritchie before
Frank Mulkein's Milwaukee club. The
guto gathered f&.OOO and Wolgast ab
sorbed a terrific beating. But Ritchie was
aware every second that he was In a
battle. ,
Yet WolKkst will not admit he Is an
Inferior fighter to Ritchie. Ho has set
about a fourth entanglement with the
American lightweight champion and as
sures Ritchie that they will surely draw
a .(w house If they fight again, which
merely shews to what extreme. Wolgast
will go to Inveigle Ritchie Into another
Alter Ritchie,' White and Welah-and
agHin a world's chamrlon. That ta Wol
gast a dream.
Mralag Power.
Tha earning power of a purHletic
champt4h is unlimited If said champion
Is capable of defending hla laurels for
any extended spell f time. Take Willi
Ritchie for rxample. When Willi was
th lightweight peer, after dethroning
Wolgast, he fought six real battles. In
cluding th on with Walsh, th latter
bout costing him th till. In this half
doxen exhibition. Ritchie's share
amounted to c.6 and added tl this dur
ing th period, waa 13.40 for theatrical
work. The following list ahow what
Ritchie received for tach bout:
Joe Rivera lKreddi Welsh S.(M
Lsach Oom.... .
Ad Wolgast ... UsOw Tt lal tl.i
Tom'y Murphy 11. ( Theatrical work Ji.tM
Charley Wliu. lO.Ouo .
Grand total. tlXf.UU
Welsh, slue ascending th lignttteight
pinnacle, which a Just six month
ago, has cleared over Vti.Xt. of whkh
about fli.UiO was earned on the atage.
It appears a if I'ackey Far Land will
GARDEN These photographs ihow Charley White and Joe
as they looked just before their ten-round draw in Madison
have to bid his tune befor he will be
permitted to match his prowess with
that or Frederick Welsh. Th lightweight
champion has more Important, engage
ments to to attend and mora ranumera
tlv. befor Patrick Is granted his
chance. '
Golf Championship
Match of Cuba'toBe
Played Next Month
NEW YORK, Jan. lA-The third an
nual golf tournament for th amateur
championship of Cuba, will b held over
the links of th Country club of Havana,
beginning Tuesday, . February 1, and
ending on Saturday, February 30. All
amaUur golfers of he I'nlteJ States
and other countries are Invited to take
part, and It is expected that such play
era as Walter J.' Travis of Garden City,
present tltleholder; "Chick" Kvans of
Edge water, the westorn amateur golf
champion: .Oswa-'d Klrby of Engtewood.
and Arden M. Robblns of Garden City,
will take pan. Travis has won th title
both years.
Cadillac Eight Has
But One Carburetor
Many people who have Inspected tho
Cudlllac Eight nave expressed surprise
upon seeing but one carburetor for the
elght cylinder motor.
The carburetor is set above the center
of the engine. One feed pipe leads to
It from tho gasoline tank; two intake
pipes lead from it. one to each bio -k of
four cyllndera As heretofore, the car
buretor I of Cadillac design and manu
facture. It has but on float chamber,
a alngle spray nosal and la but a trifle
larger. Ut tact, than th instrument used
on th last four cylinder Cadillac.
Th intake piping arrangement is such
that It tiuur absolutely uniform dis
tribution of gas to all cylindora None
of th cylinders Is starved for gas, be
caus. although there are vight cylinders,
th problem of carburettoa Is no mori
difficult thsn presented by a four.
Pitcher Joe
Ccnxolman of tha Pitts
Brrnh llrat
iuium wea in
mnaourtn to Mies Margwm runn of
that cilv. Ci.nxeliiian la still undecided
as to whether or not he will play Lull
Ihla year but Mauager Clarke thlnka ho
will decide for lb gam befor linio to
v' it
Open to Member Who Hare Never
Won Prise in Open Com-
An innovation In athletic competitions
is to be held at th Young Men' Chris
tian association, January 19. Th latest
stunt Is a .novic athletic, and gym
nastic contest. Any member of the local
"Y" who has never won a prise In open
competition of any kind is eligible to
There, will he two divisions, on ath
letic and the other gymnastic. The ath
letic events will include a twenty-yard
daah, . running high Jump, potato race.
pull-up (which is described as resem
bling "shinny") and an obstacle race. Tile
gymnaetlo events will Include work on
the parallel bars, hortxontal bar,
horse and ground tumbling.
Hlhhoa for Wluaera.
Ribbons will be given the winners of
firat, second and third place In th vari
ous events. In addiUon a bronse medal
will be given the person scoring the most
points In th athletic events and a sec
ond bronse medal to the on scoring th
most points tn tho gymnastic events. To
th athlete scoring the most' points In
both divisions, a silver medal will be
awarded, provided that person wins a
plac In at least two athletic events and
I at least two gymnastic events
Boy trea( i frbraar .
Tho annual , boys' burlesque circus,
which hag nVoved so attractive ro
Omul ana for several years, will be held
at the "Y" for three performances Feb
ruary 1 and 20. A matinee wtll be given
Saturday. February SO. Th boya' circus
baa always been popular and the young
lads In the association never fail to stage
aome laughable stunts.
Starting March 17 the hand ball toui i
ment for th championship of Omaha w ill
b held at the association. Hand ball is
proving more popular than ever this year
and already some of the enthuslmte are
practicing up to trim Denny Ryan and
Chester Unn. the two champs of tbe
; I lk Urn KeWrwarylT.
February S7 Is the date ofrteS.iiv -
iej vj i minrni i nomas ror the t uls
departure for Tampa. ly gutting away
on that day th West 81dera will arrive
in ineir training ramp on the following
Hunday Bight and will be able to buy
themselves i In their first conduionihg
grinds on Monday, March 1
What Do You KnowA bout Snow
:y r. .
lonoan and the Yaaks.
He say they'll ho great.
He truxte In 'em too,
Knye ta never too late.
To get what is luc.
hay his turn is a bear.
Will pull a big coup,
Wl!l clenn Hp fuf fair.
Trim up the loop.
He's filled tip wllli glee.
JuM like a ch'hl,
r'o Its niev to
Why he n callod "Wild."
Teacher Johnny, if a batted ball
travels 200 feet per second, how far, will
It go In three seconds?.
Johnny Who's playing center, Trls
Speaker or Ping Bodle?
Dawn south In sunny Mexico, they're
filled with deepest gloom,
with hiite.l breath and glaring eye, they
storm and fuss and fume,
They've got a grouch on U. S. A. and
perchance they may be right.
For we hHe wlehed upon their land that
Johuson-Wlllard fight.
Corses on Yon, Villain.
Jack Dalton Is a funny guy.
As funny as we ve met-
He skipped to the Federals, but.
He hasn't Jumped back yet. -
It Mill Ont.
Reports from the city hall indicate that
Mayor J I me Is busily training to put his
right arm into .condition to heavo tha
first pill at Rourke park about April 23.
Training; Camp Wewa.
Roger Bresnahan is said to have
swapped a bird dog for a bush league In-
Wesleyan Hoopers
Outplay Hastings
(Special.) The Wesleyan Coyotes Inau
gurated the basket ball season with an
I easy victory over tho Presbyterians from
Hastings oollegv in tha local gymnasium
last night. Tho visitors were outclassed
In both speed and team work and were
able to throw but two field goals to the
Methodists' sixteen. Tha final score was
IS3 to 6, but few fouls Being called on
either side.
The Coyotes have a new system of de
fense which puzsled tha visitors and
compelled them to "play catoh" at times.
Hughes led In the scoring for Wesleyan,
while Prlnoe put up the strongest fight
for Hastings. '
The lineup:
R.G. R.G H.
0. O e
.. Kline.
.B P. R.F
Substitutions: Vlfaualn for
Grubb for Hussey, Cosier folr Kline,
eree: bain Waugh.
Th Ford sedan Is high class In appearance and ap
pointments. AH the luxurious conveniences you '
deelre in a family car. It carries five passenger a
comfortably. The seats are restful, and splendidly
upholstered with cloth of the highest quality.
Large doors rive convenient entrance on either
side. Plate glass windows give the qualifications
of the closed limousine for Inclement weather, and
plenty of fresh air when open. With high quality III
in detail is economy in maintenance less than III
2c a mile. I
I I Ford Sedan $975; Coupelet $750; Town Car $690; I I
III I Touring 'Car $490; Runabout $440. All fully I III I
IIII equipped, f. o. b. Detroit. I III I
1111 On dlsnlav and safe at Ford Mntnr Cn . 1 91 R Harnov III
I III I Street. Omaha. Neb. , I I
Buyers will share In profits If we sell at retail 300.000
new Ford cars between August 1114 and August 1916
The Critical Man Demands
HD rn
flelder. Further testimony is that Roger
would be a bad man to trade horses with
And Still Agrala.
They argue and they argue and argu
once again.
About old Jackie Johnson who Is after
more of yen.
Will be lick the white hope Wlllard? Of
will It be a fake?
But frankly now between lis, what dlfc
fcrence does it make?
Carl Morrbj and Gunboat Smith are to
fight In St. Louis. Showing that St,
Louis doesn't care , what happens to it
any more.
Johnson-Wlllard A sal aw
Perchance you think you'll see a sorap
when Jeas and Jack hook up.
That they will battle 'round tha ring
like a Frenchman and a Krupp,
But If you go to Mexico and watch tha
bnttle but, not.
You'll sax It Is a tango or else a turkey
"All I need Is hitters, declares Wlldj
Bill Donovan, speaking of the well known)
Yanks. Yea. and 11 we need Is a million
'Now the Third Stave.
Pete Standridge. Cub recruit. Is said.,
to bo master of what he calls the "fork
ball" Base ball having been elevated
from the diamond to tho court room w
now find It has progressed to th din
ing room. '
I'm still with you Jimmy G.
And no matter what you hear,
1 11 tlck to the Brooklyn Feds,
And I'll pitch for them this year.
I m against Old Jawn McGraw,
Toward that bird I'm filled with hate
And I'll be In old time form,
To lose at least some twenty straight.
Vows Item.
There Is a chess tournament tn ChJV
cago. Oh, well, wo thought you might
like to know.
John D. Rockefeller is In danger of
being expelled from the millionaire's
society. Ha has not entered base ban
But John wouldn't look natural testify
ing to Judge LandlBT
Wa name about decided that Kaiser
William and. Jim Gtlmora should toss uji
to see who deserves tha Noabel poaoeV
By Tommle Mllta.
Oh, meroy me.
How can It be
They expect of me.
To lick qulck-ly.
Not. Dame, S. t.,
Haskell, all three,
And you can see.
That I will be,
busy bee,
Ch, me. Oh, ma.
Bottled In Bond
Made in Kentucky by
the old fashioned pro
cess, in email tubs.
A Hand Made
Soar Mash Whiskey
Foremost in quality for
three generations. Sold
Everywhere because
Demanded Everywhere.
Quality Tells"
LawraasaWg. Kg.
41MII ll
Car. Ik.