Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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Tin: oMAH.y sundav uki:-. jaxuakv i:, v.ns.
Governor Morehead Picks Large
Number of His Personal Staff
from the Metropolis.
(Krom a Staff Correspondent)
IvINCOLN, Jan. 11 (Hpecial.)-Forty-two
of the eighty-nine colonels appointed
ly Governor Morehead " for membership
I on hi pergonal staff come from Omaha
nnd South Omaha. Ten of the number
are from Unooln, Including: those staunch
old wsrhorses Colonel John Grant Mahef
tend Colonel Charles Jonathan Bills. Two
members of the legislature are on the
ctaff. Senator Tiller of Seward and Rep
resentative Rheinhold of Butler county.
Thu list in full follows:
1'rnonl Staff.
!-oihus Neble Omaha
C. A. Miss Omaha
M .lonn jrt, UOWn ..... vfiiinii
I.. 1'. Ltterliack Oman
lyer Klein Omaha
T. J. O'Hrlen Omaha
I". C. Hi-ufcv Oman
tU.lL!! hi llunlul OniMhfL
J. J. O'Connor Omaha
S .1. llemlerson Omaha
John H. Mithen ...... Omaha
Henry Rohlff ....... Omaha
Ii'aI Caliow Omaha
il. F. Marshall omana
I j. J. Plattt
Marley Q. iloorbead
Or. C C. Allison ....
Kdw. Get ten
U. W. K. MoDaniel ..
Arthur Mets
V. V. KuncJ
A. V. Dresner ,..
Tliomas Flynn
Thomas Byrne
Hould Diets
Omnha i
!omaha i
V i-ellx J. JMconane
T O. B. Liver
"74 Thomas Quintan
1 Adolf Ptors
' H. Fannin .
Felix J. McBhane
....Omaha j
....Omaha I
A. 1. Falooner
(Joorge Roger ..
J. P. Ffenton
J. A. C. Kennedy
Louis Nash
J.r. Kdward F. 8hanaban...Soutn umana
T. H. .Bulla ?oul" urar 1
rTS?cth:::::"::::::Sh oS-iSi
Fverett Buckingham ........South Omaha
W. H. Wood iSoutn Omaha
Michael Murphy
.outh Omah
W. K. Straub
I'M win J. sMurfln
Richard L. Haryreaves
.lohn O. Mahcr
i . A TiipIi.i
IJncoln '
11. It. Haynie Lincoln
Frank D. Kuger Unco n
I'M Westervelt
lj j( Jims ,...ju-i'i.
Hans' Warkow .. ';:UnF,n
u von HavelocK
"harles C i'arme e Plattsmouth
i '.harles i.:. 1'ai
.1. B. McDone
II. A.
I' Joseph O'Urad
1 Kd L Ixock
HRlU lurm - lea-iiTj
h ; rul1"
dy f,"
i . . . . inir
a n.n n .....rvunii .
eorKe M. Adams ....
William J. A. Raum
lr.ll. C. Wunpeil
Ueorge A. ' Towle .
c v. Tierney
..Broken Bow
ileorge tiillen ?ln?,,
K. J. Shlnn Beatrice
, Beatrice
"L r-wllnn"" Tekamah
Ueorgo Ol McLanahan Tecumseli
Kreri Volpp Ke-si-nev
1' . w . riruwii. r
Grand Island
John Sink
Dr. C. B. Barnes
A. H. Held '
J. N. Hartranft
V'arls G: Cooper
i'atrick Walnh
ltto Murschel
Frank J. Taylor
P. W. Shea
C. K. Samuelson
John Moran
William Beatty
Hubert Oberfelder
...St. Paul
A- "erman ""hi ,
morris i " ..v... ij,neaKter
li. E. Filler toewara
(From a Staff Correspondent)
T.TNCOLN. Jan. U-(Speclal.)-Once in
' - l i! - .... tha tnnnv STeneroUS
a great wnno - - ...
resoonses that Secretarly Mallery of the
.tat commltteo.for Belgium
lief is receiving Is a ploint-and a protest.
ft the -Belgians surrender and say
ti:at they desire peace Instead of w;ar.
Is the argument of J. J. Wohlman of Han
sen Neb., after citing the Bible. "Then
,y heart and pocketbook will open simul
taneously for their but as long as
they choose war let them Buffer for their
"'secretary Mallery nays that he Intends
to send tha writer a little Information
concerning the relief work and hints that
he may quote a little scripture of his own.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Jan. 16.-(8pe--lal
Telegrara.)-The body of C. C. Chris
Usneen of lndlanola, la., was found along
the Missouri Pacific railroad at an early
hour this morning by a track walker. His
gold watch Jiad stopped at 7:45. No money
was found on the body. He was about
M years of age. It Is thought he fell from
a moving train. A receipt on his person
showed the name. The body was ground
to pieces. A blluard Is raging here. All
business to suspended and railroads are
blocked. '
Apply Cream la 'Noatrili To
Open Up Air Passages.
Ah! What relief! your cioggea nramw
open, risbt up, the air passages of your
Lead are clear and you can breathe freely.
No more hawking, snuffling, mucous dls
c harge, headache, dryness no struggling
for breath at night, your cold or catarrh
id tune.
Kon't stay stuffed up! Get a small bot
tle of Ely's Cream Balm from your drug
i. lal now. Apply a little of thia fragrant.
Hntlwptlo cream In your nostrils. Jet it
penutratc through every air passsge of
ti. head: soothe and heal the swollen. In-
named mucous membrane, gWlng you in
alant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is Just
what every cold and catarrh sufferer has
been seeking. Its Ju spienaia.-Aover-tisement.
Full Information
About Mileage
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. Uv-SpecuU. There
will be no lack of Information concerning
the amount of mileage used by state of
ficials during the coming administration.
If all of the same make proper use
of the blanks furnished them by Auditor
The blanks provide for the date of any
amount used, the points of departure
and the destination, and the number of
miles. The blank Is printed on the back
of the regular expense account blanks
and as each expense account Is sub
mitted, the exact amount of tho balance
of mileage on hand is to be reportnd.
During the past administration some of
ficers kept no mileage record beyond
that of the time of the purchase of the
various mileage books.
Nebraska Publishers Propose Meas
ure to Enforce Payment for
the Publication.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJNCOLN. Jan. 16.-(Spectal.) Three
newspaper publishers in the legislature
nropose to see to It that all legal notices
shall be paid for promptly Instead of the
publisher being compelled to watt several
. , . , . ,
nionths for his money and, In some cases.
failing to get It at all.
Leave No loophole.
The plan for bringing this about is
somewhat novel. It leaves no loophole
wnereby needy publisher, -anxious to I
get any kind of business, might consent
to wait the prompt payment and thus
bo dPrlvel ' h advantage which the
proposed law would give him.
Whenever a legal Duplication has been
"" thta 1,111 Prov,de" that the owner
ot the newspaper or someone, in its em-
pioy muse swear to an aiuaavu contain-
n this clause: , .
-publication fee h-'been paw to the
publisher of . newspaper In which such
publication was made."
Penalty Provided.
A penalty of $26 fine is specified in case
any publisher makes a false affidavit In
this regard. Consequently. In order to
play safe, he must collect the fee before
n8 certifies- that the legal notice has been
puma, lit mu wanner rt:t4('irru vy law. no
allowed thirty days after the last pub-
. .. . .
"cation to nine tne arnnavit.
i uni wtis vn niiivuuvru juiintj vy
Representatives Broome, Cronin and
- i
vvuni i nru vimnuL ur
BKOKFN BOW, Neb., Jan. l.-(Spe-
clal.) Because the evidence In the case
tended to show that-Oliver Blevens.
, taapper living near Cumbro, this county,
's an unfit guardian for his five children,
the same were taken from his custody
Dy County Judge Ford and placed In the
care of Sheriff Wilson, who will look
alter meir xuiure weiiare. ana ouwr
has been dead for over two years and
the complainant alleges that during that
time the haphazard care that has been
bestowed upon the children is not at all
conducive to their well being. The chil
dren range in age from 16 down to i,
there being three girls and two boys. The
sheriff will place the children to the best
advantage and not separate the younger
ones If he can possibly help it.
MADISON, Neb., Jan. 16. (Special.) J
Watson L Purdy commenced quo war-
I ... nrneeeHlne-s In the district COUrt tO
j OU8t john w. Fttch as commissioner.
January 12. Purdy asks the court to de
cree thst Fitch Is not entitled to his
office and that he be ousted therefrom.
District court at Madison will not con
vene until January 26, instead of January
the first to be considered being Whit-
more & Fisher against Frank L. Warner,
to set aside a state deed to certsiu land
in section 16, township 23, range 1 west
Notes from Clay Center.
CLAY CENTER, Neb., Jan. 18. -(Spe
cial.) Agitation for a Carnegie library
has this week resulted In the receipt of
a definite proposition from the Carnegie
corporation, and It Is so favorable that
It will without question be accepted. The
city already owns the proposed site for
the building and the only delay now
will be while giving consideration to
plans that will include a municipally con
ducted gymnasium in connection with the
library building.
Through the efforts of the Clay County-!
Sun a large, shipment of flour and cloth
ing has gone from this city and sur
rounding country to Belgium.
The wheat in this section Is In fins
shape and with the promise of big prices
farmers are feeling good.
The Jefferson county propaganda has
received scant courtesy In this vicinity.
Buyers of horses for the foreign market
are here almost daily and selddm leave
without taking several animals with
them. '
The Ancient Order of Cuited Workmen
lodge of this city has taken In forty new
members within the last sixty days, and
last Wednesday evening celebrated tnls
splendid gain by a publlo Installation f
officers and a banquet.
Johnson Coaaty Notes. ,
TECUMSEH. Neb., Jan. 147 Special. )-
The Johnson County Medical society will
hold Its annual session In Tecunuteh next
Wednesday afternoon and evening. The
afternoon will be devoted to a business
session, and In the evening a banquet will
, v. l .1 H-V. m ..l!Awlnv will til Inu mt a
Cancer." Dr. B. F. Gay of Tecumset,;
"Medical Legislation." Dr. F. I Wllmetb;
"Local Anaesthesia." Dr. )L II. Everett
of Lincoln; "The X-Ray," Dr. Roscoe
Smith of Lincoln.
.The Christian Endeavor society of John
son county holds its first county conven
tion in Tecumseh, on Saturday and Sun
day of next week.
Rev. C. C. Markham of Cedar. Rapids.
Neb., has been called to the pastorate of
the Tecumseh Baptist church. He will
begin his work here March t
Aaaoria Wlater Coagh.
The first dose of Dr. Bell's Pins Tar
Honey will help you. It kills the cold
germ. Only 2bc All druggists. Adver
tisement. '
West Nebraska Statesmen Propose
to Have Land Owners Wage
Destructive Campaign.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, Jan. 1. 8pctsl.)-rratrl
dogs .and gophers, which have been doing
great damage to f lefts and pastures In
many parts of Nebraska, are to be sys
tematically exterminated by a yearly
campaign for their- destruction, under the
terms of a bill which will be Introduced in
the legislature soon by Representatives
Foster, Broome, Hornby and Stearns.
This will be done without resorting to
the unpopular expedient of paying a
bounty for the pelts of the troublesome
animals, which has been proposed in other
legislative sessions but never became a
The bill will make it the duty of every j
land owner in the state to kill olt all
gophers and prairie dogs Inhabiting; his
acreage, before November 1 of each year,
Should this dlltv hA tiftff-loeted. It wilt then
become the duty of the road overseer to'ver r,nU1 of lm
go upon the land and exterminate the .
animals, after giving thirty days' notice.
For this work the oveTeecT Is to be al
lowed $:i per day and his expenses fori
buying poison or other suitable material
or apparatus to accomplish the end In
view. ,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
IJNCOLN, Jan. 16.-Spectal.)-Dr. A.
O. Thomas, superintendent of education,
has announced tho appointment of the
three members .of the board of Inspectors
and examiners for state and life certifi
The new board will be as follows:
Superintendent K. M. Campbell of Co-
lumbus. Superintendent C. N. Walton of ,
Wahoo and Superintendent H. M. Baton
of Emerson. The last-named Is the only j
member on the old board reappointed. I
The others are both new men. - ,
Superintendent Eaton was originally ap
pointed by Superintendent Delsell to fill
the -acancy created by the recent resig
nation of E. J. Bodwell. Membors of
the board received per diem pay and ex
penses under Superintendent Delzcll. The
new superintendent is not yet decided
upon the matter of the board's pay.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Jan. l. (Special.)
Mr. W. M. Thompson of this county is
srranglng 'for his second annual corn
growing contest for the boys of Pawiice
courtly. The following prises' are to be
given to the seven boys producing the
most corn on three acres of ground In
Pawnee county, Nebraska: f
First prise, known as the governor's
prize, given by Governor John H. More
head, X; aecond prize, given by Congressman-elect
C. F. Reavls, a gold - watch:
third prize, given by Mr. N. Z. Snell of
Lincoln. Neb., $35. Mr. W. M. Thompson j
will give (50, to be divided as fellows: I
Fourth prize, $15; fifth prize, 113; sixth
prise, $12; seventh prize, $10. Mr. L, W.
Leonard will be manager, the same as
last year. ,
iff dorr
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 16.-r(8peclaI.)-The State
Railway commission has granted the re
quest of the Union! Paclf'o for permis
sion to Insert the word "empty" In Its
tariff on switching rates on passenger
cars within yard limits. This Is to con
form with the lnterstste regulation.
The road was also granted the permts
s'on to etafe expressly what Is fcald to be
already the practice In regard to switch
ing charges on other than passenger
cars, namely, 'that the one charge is
madj when the car is loaded one way
and empty the other, but that when
loaded both ways the regular charges are
to bo made.
. (From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Jan. 16. (Special.) The case
of Pearl R. Brady against the State In
surance Company of Nebraska has been
appealed to the supreme court from the
district court of Douglas county. The
suit Is one of the tornado insurance
The dwelling house of the Insured
burned after the wind had wrecked it.
The insured collected 12.000 on her policy
aga'nst damage by wind and cyclone.
She sought to collect the fire Insurance
In the time amount, but the district
court directed a verdict for the defendant.
Mews ' f Urmrvn.
GENTVA, Neb.r Jan. 18. (Special.)
The Modern Woodmen Installed offioers
Wednesday evening as follows: " Consul,
R. A. Burns; advisor. B., A. Willis;
banker. J. F. Hampton; clerk, W. E.
Fiegenbium; escort, Chris Peterson; sen
try, Samuel Bumgardner. F. M. Flory
acted as installing officer.
A number of the Odd Fellows drove
to Shlckley last night to assist In In
stalling the officers of 'the Shlckley lodge.
The Mothers' club, assisted by the
school board, has placed shower baths
and lockers In the basement of the high
school building for the use of ths gym-
nssium pupils.
Superintendent Meyer will take charge
of tl9 Geneva schools next Mondsy morn
Farmers' I aloa . Iaeorpsrates.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 16.-f8peclal.) Articles
of Incorporation for the Farmers' Union
Co-operative association, which Is to have
I Pla buslne.. at Newman-Grove
Neb., were filed with the secretary of
state today. The corporation is to en
gage In buying and selling groin, general
merchandise and other articles. The arti
cles are signed by nearly 100 stockholders,
Ths corporation Is to have a capital
stock of 05,0u0.. S
Gol4a Weddlaa at Uavld City
DAVID CITY. Neb.. Jan. It (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jackson cele
brated their golden wedding- anniversary
here Friday. They have been residents
of Butler county thirty-three years. They
have four children, fourteen grandchil
dren and thre greats-grandchildren. Mr.
and Mrs. Jsckson wars married In Car
thage. 111.. January 11, 165.
Preparing Lease
For Armory Rent
For Long Terms
( From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. Nk-iSpevlal.) Ad
jutant Oeneral Hall Is preparing a tease
to he used In renting armories, five cities
In the state having proposed to erect
building for rental to the state.
At prexent there 'a no long-time lease
an dthe parties back of the various
buildings desired some assurance that the
state would continue to rent after the
tiulldlnga were erected. After confer
ring with Deputy Attorney General Mor
rissey, Oeneral Hall decided to order
the parties a ten-yeor lease with a pro
viso subjecting the lease to ratification
by the legislature.
A fund of 30,i0 Is appropriated y the
state for armory rentals for the Wen
nluro. The adjutant general, of course.
has no aesuranoe that this will be con
tinued, although he has no good reason
to think that It will not.
There are thirty organization points
at which armories are tented, making an
At no
Pac l Present there a specially ocn
truoted building for armory purposes.
Publlo organisations and private indi
viduals in five different cities h.vvo'ef-
iered to erect armories. They are:
Omaha, Frenion, Hastings, lloldrcge and,
CLAT CENTBP, Neb.. Jan. l- Spe
cial.) District court has been In session
this week and with slxty-nnren eases on.
the docket will hold over Into the middle (
of next week. J'wlge Hurd Is a worker,
however, and despite the objections of,
some of the attorneys attending, ho holds '
night sessions every night and pushes affnira at all times. ' The only
criminal case on' the dorkej mis iwra
- was lhat of the State against Bills. The
charge was blackmail and the prisoner
was found guilty and sentenced to pay
a fine of $200 and the costs of the esse.
Clay county Is assured a boarder for some
seventy-five days.
Farmers Phone Kxehaaae.
AVOCA, Neb., Jan. 18. (Speclal.)-The
farmers of near Murray have organized
a telephone company. At a meeting re
cently held, a committee was appointed
to solicit subscriptions, and report 1C0
phones subscribed for. If the new ven
ture proves successful, this means tliai.
tho Murrsy exchange will have 300
phones, and will oonnect with the other
county lines. j
Founder of Dabols la Dead.
DUBOIS, Neb.. Jan. 11 (Special.) Al
bert W. Mallory, who settled Pear here
fifty years since, and later founded the
town of Dubois, recenUy died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Garrett, at Waklta,
Okl. The body was brought here and
laid to rest beside his wife, who died a
number of years ago,
Five Warshps Sighted
Off Callao, Peru;
LIMA, Peru, Jan. 11 Five warships are
reported to have been sighted this morn
ing south of Hormigaa island, off Callao.
Their nationality was not ascertained,
but they ate believed to bo either Brit-,
ish or Japanese. The vessels were seen by
passengers on the train coming to Lima
from Huacho.
Thomas J. Shires.
GENEVA. Neb., Jan. 16. (Special.)
Thomas J. Shires died yesterday of heart
trouble. He was Tl years of age, an old
soldier and always active in business and
In Grand Army work. A few years ago
he moved from his farm Into Geneva,
with his family, wife snd daughter. He
was in Company A. Ngiety-thiri Illi
nois volunteers during tho war.
.Charles Uooawls V. Merry.
NEW YORK, Jan. W. Charles) Good
win F. Merry, 7 years old, one of the
founders and the first treasurer of the
American Tobacco company, former di
rector of the Metropolitan Museum of
Art and of several banks, art oonnolsseur
and philanthropist, died at his home
her today after a short Illness. j
Mrs. Gay C. Reed. . '
Mrs. Guy C. Reed or Bellevue' died Fri
day afternoon at the South Omaha hos
pital. The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon from the Bellevue Presbyterian
church with Interment In Bellevu ceme
tery. Rev. Stephen Phelps officiating.
On several occasions I have been unable
to work and suffered severe pains In the
back, due to my kidneys. I called on a
doctor of Rlpon, Wis., but received no
relief. I tried Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
which gave me instant relief. I was then
able to resume work. Swamp-Root is the
only relief I can get from kidney disease
which r am subject to In the spring of
the year. I am writing this testimonial
through my own free will that sufferers
of kidney and bladder diseases will know
of the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root.
I recommend fr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
whenever I can and always have a bottle
of Swamp-Root In my home.
' I purchased Swamp-Root of Mr. (J.
Burnslde, Druggist, of 202 Main Street.
Rlpon, Wis. ' ,
Very truly yours,
U6 Newbury Street, Rlpon, Wis.
I have read the above statement that
Thomas J Lynch bought Dr Kilmer's
Swamp-Root at my store and made oath
the above statement Is true in substance
and fact.
E. J. Burnslde.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
16th day. of November, Mil.
' V. A. Preston.
Zttr to
r. Kiimti a Co,
Bias-hamtoa sT.T.
rravc Waal Swamp-Root Hill Do Fsr Yea
Bend ton cents to Dr. Kilmer &. Co.,
Hlnsiiamton, N. Y.. for a sample aixa bot
tle. It will convince anurie. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor
mation, telllnc about ths kidneys and
bladder. When wrltinc be sura and men
tion the Sunday Be. Hngulir fifty-cent
and one-dollar size bottles for ssle at all
drug- stores. Advertisement.
and you'll ap
preciate this
fact the min
ute you see
tho wonder
fully attrac-
tivo suity
and over
coats we are
offering at
these reduc
tions. $10
Thousands Iiv learned the extra fuel
aluo of Sunderland's Certified poal.'
Thirty-one kinds so rarefulljr selected
and so well prepared -that we can
safely and absolutely pmraniee satisfaction.
Our money-back guarantee
Coal that
IOWA NUT $4.50
IOWA LUMP. $5.00
CHEROKEE NUT. . .$5.00'
ECONOM , 3 sizes. . $6.50
Big Yell-o
Fine Teams
Sudden Weather
Changes Mean
Sudden Calls
for "Dresner"
Cleaning Service
Now, then! You've neg
lected to got your heavy
overcoat cleuued your
wraps, furs and heavy
garments of all kinda are
sadly out of . sorts. The
'blizzardy'! weather IIAS
shown itself in the past
twenty-four hours and you
DO need to get your clothes
Into shape, don't you? Better,
call Drenher first thing Mon
day. Tyler 345 la the phone
number. "Dresner" will help
you out, even If VOU HAVHJ
been the one to put off matters.
22 11 -221:1 Far nam.
Unrle ham's gallon Must Have
rerfxt Tewth.
Bad teeth caused the rejection of
three men who applied at the navy
recruit!" station for enlistment last
week. Uncle Ham'a sailors must have
rerfect maatlcatora, for there Js no
line to spemi nil rains' toothaches
aboaiM ship.
You Afford
To Be
from your business or social position
on account of bad teeth?
Jtememher the longer you put oft
coins to a l'entlst. the more Pain
C'aali Tims aixi Trouble you are
atorlnK up for yourself.
Uood 'teeth sssurs proper mastica
tion of food which aids dljrestton
proper digestion means perfect health.
Think It oyer you cant afford to
loose your position, oaa yoat
1817 Dous-las Street.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottatjue
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "t:t K?nf Ad.
Suits and Overcoats now. .$7.00
Suits and Overcoats now. .$9.00
Suits and Overoonts now $11.00
Suits ami Overcoats now $13.00
Suits and Overcoats now $14.00
Suits and Overcoats now $17.00
Suits and Overcoats now $21.00
Suits and Overcoats now $24.00
Suita and Overcoats now $28.00 ,
Quality Overcoats now. .$35.00
certificate with each delivery ticket.
we can affo.d to warrant you can afford to buy.
PYRO COKE . . . . .-$8.50
OZARK-SPADRA. . . $9.50
HARD COAL -all sizes.
Phone Doug la$ 1889 and have a case tent home
Luxus Mercantile Co., Distributor.
Free Proof To You
All I want Is roar name and address so I eaa send rau a free trial trasU '
nwBt. I want fou jitat te try this treatment that's all last try it.
1 nai s R7 eaiy arsumsav.
I've beea In ths drus boSlnsas la Fort Warns for to ysars, aearly ersr? one kaews ma aaaT
knows about my treatmoat. Eighteen hundred ana f lttyfur opl outaidaoi fart Warn
bava, according to thair owa stalaiBants, bass cured by this treatment sines 1 &rat made this oSar
publie a short time ago.
If yoo have Caxema, Iteh, Salt Rheum, Tsttsr'aaver mind how bad ay treatment has'
cored the wont cases 1 aver saw sjlva as a ehanca ta srav my clata.
Band ms year Bams and adilraaa on tba coupon balow and sat tha trial traatmant I waat tessad
you i K1S1S. Tba woodars socomiiushad ia four owa casa will ba srsaf.
I. C. HUTZCLL, Druggist, 626Wat Main St, Fort Wcyn, Ind.
Please sand without cost or obllsatloa to ma
Btraataad Na..
Good Chances
to Get Into Business
Good opportunities in business are scarce and you can wast
considerable time In useless Investigation unless you can review
a number of. good chances at one time. There is a wealth of
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able concerns, it you need a partner or ad
ditional capital in your business, you will
find what you desire in these columns.
. Look them over every day for a short time. Pick out those
flat seem likely and investigate. You will save time and montf .
In picking up a good business. (
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