niH OMAHA SUNDAY TU:U: JANUARY 17, 1015. 7TT7T til 3r 7 - 9- n iJjffg-f Jrr'- '" - 1 REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Dandy Home Five room and bath, eleotrl.' lights, furnaoe heat Mil mmlom convent' nrt, .rood legation. Paved iir.ta. Thin home was built lor a home. . Full lot, famll'l 3Half rahli, balance liVe rent. A ansp at the price. nnw ami ice this place for yourself. 4"11 ChsrTes Kt. Walnut UTiJ. Or$27856 We ave a practically new house, with yeoeptlon hnil, living im, rt;nlim room. l;itchen. pantry and roar entry on 'ho first floor; twin nice lartie bedrooms and bath on the wwcond floor; larva c-lns v, pond furnaoe; full baaement : ehsdea, water meter, etc., paved street; close to evthooL Tertna $2cu ruth, balani'e very low monthly payment!. 3331 Amrs Ave. Norris & Norris mun r.ii. Phone Dnnglti. 427r. Commence to Own This 5-Room Home and tbe larire fiOxUO lot thnt goes with Jt; nearly new; entirely modern except fumacn. ' $150 Cash, $25 Monthly 1'iiyt thin place at 4MH Seward Htreet. Two Mocks writ from car line. Price, 2.1fA A renl snap which cannot l riupilrated. Owner haft cut (he price, to the bone. You will know It Just aa well aa wa do If ynu will look. Se? '.I this week. Kay at office Armstrong-Walsh Co. Phone Tyler UM. State Rank lliclir. PAT $28.60 AND MOVK INTO A HOMI4 or TOUR OWN. I hava a new (-room, all modern bun ra it) w, located on a paved street In north part of city that tha abova named first payment will secure. Thla bouae una principal rooraa In oak and la close, to car Hue, churches and echool. II ynu want to Inspect thla house tcle.hnna inn today and I will arrange to aund car for you. f E. P. WRIGHT. Call Walnut 6x2 Todav. Telephone Douglas 'HOi Week Days. FOR SALE An entirely modern house, nearly new, h rooms, bath and reception hall, lVfc blocks from car Una. 17u6 Laird Kt Fur nace, alectrto light., gas, water, etc. Deal direct and buy cheap. Owner must sell. O. II. Uigelow Palmyra, Wis. o FOR THE MAN OF . MODERATE MEANS $3,250 Buya (-room abunsalow. every modern convenience and several built-in Nature. Owner ia really sacrificing at thla price; tnoOdowa; balance like rent; near Kountse 1 GALLAGHER & NELSON, D. Mtt 1 44 Braadela BMg.-e j $1,800 Dandy 4-room cottage, modern except heat, oemciit baaement and walks, lot ("x 130, lijrated near h and ltoyd ts.; 30 canh will handle this. r C. G. CARLBKRG, v S12 nrandels Theater BUI. Bi:ST Y KT. t-'iO CASH. Ila rKIl MONTH. 6 rooms, molern exeunt hont; close to rer and schools; all lu first-class repair. Price only ilx. THK VOOKfj TtRALTY AOKNCi . ltob-i W. O. W. Ilbla. noualal. HEAL EHTATK Wll'TIf HIDK . Hanscom Park District Six, Room House We have a very pretty new home, (nly two blocks from llauauoii park, that tan le sold on easy tertna. This house Is oak finished, with beam cellinka, built-in IrtjokcaSes and buffet, fireplace; toilet and laundry la basement; huge gareke; lot U(Ut Price V.. located at S.H0 Lin coln Ave. A small cottage would be ac ceptod la trade. Norris & Norris fOOBee Hldr Phone ltouglaa iSTC FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Five-room cottage, all modern, elegant aat front lot. paved street, close to car line ami suhooi. Juki one uiock nurtn or ie!d ulub. IT C4 t'i.OV. C. O. CARLBERG, Sit nrandels Theater B.dK. ' tsTH ANlTLKA VKNWtJRTH, ' Oood strictly modern s-room house, new furnace, garage for lour machines. Price out to tS.u PAYNH INVESTMENT COMPANY, Pouglas 1W1. Ware liloi k. 1 I IK A L K ST A T KV KST SIDK . Must Be Sold Fine Modern House Cathedral District 5,500 ' Receptlou ball. lare HvluK loom, dla-'tiful, new, all modern, -room bcngalowe ing room, aun ixmiiu and kitchen on firt,ln "irahi. iltor; inive fine td rKma. ktiiog I Tbia house onh- t blo k from car line Jori n and tiled bath on eei-oad. unit : I ALSO HAVE A f-!(.. I AMI A ltoors and woodwwk throunKout, except j R 'O.M Hot fc'K IN 1HK SAME 1.K'AI bed rooms flnlHl.ed In niHiKxanv andilTV, UPON HHKII 1 WILL .MAKE white enanw-t. hi bawtnent. high att-. SIMILAR TERMS. J'WmMiiX, beating plant, liMuree and I'-e sure to )ine me about any of tlncvniUviii all first quality. Dundy cor-j ' e tiouses toiay and 1 will .ritnpi to nr P-i tairiK s.iuth and cn.L, tiny five 'take you to ae any otie of thepi whun Jeet WiOe. l paid in lull. n iiock to car. Splendid tixlsliboi bomi. 1 house is bear fcud w a ni.l dorallu prop,rty. jTivncttxate and make utter tins wwk. It xoust l aold. Armstrong-Walsii Co.. Tyler 103a. State bank 111. Ik Shrewd" Buyers Are Buying These Lots Adjoining Went Farnsnt l'b-trl, l on 4lt tt.. 41t Ave , Davtnport, Wakfiey, Ctn imo. Case fetreela. $750, $850, $950 to $1,500 . Eiieuca lut to afford a ged aelcntlon. Cloae. u car. only le mliiuiea from dan tuwn. l iMnt. aitfa- a Ikis oaier u-i aer iu mi'i '.u loi . r -kurf uuiiu'xks. lie.t LpM-a otffred auywhera. Terms If de sued. Aak us for plat and prloea Armstrong-Walsh Co, Tlr Ua fitaW Bak t'lda". REAL KSTATK WEST HIDB West Farnam and Cathedral $6,500' A new home consisting t large llvlnir room. dining room, den. kllc-hen, rvfr eri tir room, on flrat floor; with 4 Imkd bcdioonia on the second floor and laran nttlc, oak floors thrrniKhoui. Hate sIhs ml. ror, flre;.nce. Inrnulry chute, I Iiikh; bi-!tl ul llayh t Ik fixtures. Too iarte for present owner. Ti In U un eHst tront, one block from the Joalyn home. Terns. . Glover & Spain K19-20 City National. Pnuglas 3!2. $500 Lot as 1st Payment on 5-Room Cottage For full particulars see or plxme Hiatt-Fairfield Co. Omaha Nat l Hank Hldg. I), m BEAUTIFUL Mercer Park Where every lot fronts on a boulevard. All specials In and paid, including pav Inx. Served by three car lines. Vine natural timber. A safe building- restric tion. No apartments or flats allowed. Our prices and terma are reasonable, bet ua show you this property; also the beau tiful homes now being erected here. W. FARNAM SMITH & OO.t ISM Fsrnam Kf. nouvlns 1(KM. New 5-Room House $1,650 . We will sell new i-room lioune In walk Ink distance, small lot, all modern except heat, on very easy terms. Call and see us about It - Traver Ihos., 7W Omnha Nal. Hank Hldg. 36 North of Dodge Nlncten blocks west of I O.. 4Sxl.".4; Impi'ovemnnts will go In this irlns Price now ("i;S; 110 cah, balance monthly. Special dlRCount If you build. O'Kfefe IiVul Kstute Co., 101 Omaha National. I'lione liotiKlae 2',T, Reduced From $6,500 to .$5,000 West Farnam ami Cathedral For quick tale owner will aarrlfio I this fine, practically new 7 -room nous, near 40th and Davenport Sta ; hag living room, with fireplace; sleeping porch, tiled bath; oak fin ish aud rooms nicely decorated; full cemented basement, with atationary lulja in wah room. Kverythlng In best condition; cemented driveway and garage. Can give terms. See It today. Owner live in bouse. Phone Walnut 1811. 2112 Cass Street . I.arge lot, large house, garage for two cars, Prlue, $i.ioo; easy terms. George & Company rhcii J. 7.t. ML' tMty Nut Hank ltldg. , Hrx-ifob.M iVlTTAOK. V'l.OSK'iN. I I Modern except turimte, laved httert. I i south front lot. large ahuile tree., near t;','uli and St. Mary's Ave.; lot J tv it. Price. I2.S.A ( UMHH1K! COM rW.N' T, Pljone 1). 7. Hit CltyNal. BnnkHUIg REAL E8TATF: Si nURRAN ,i PlBSM. A Bargain in Dundee F.:ght-rooni modern bouse, all In oak flnUh and all conveniences; cistern with pump in laundryi aaraae. paved street i and paved alley. Price ouly 14, IS. Sub ject to paving, not delinquent. Th'a property la localud on tha street car line In a. flue neighborhood, and la v. ry cheap af the price. J. H. Dumont & Co. IHTJ Farnam St. Phone IViuslas . FOR SALE OH RENT New 7-rooin house In Dundee. C114 California Kt: hot ; Water beat, fireplace, beam rel.lngH, buf fet and book cases, targe floored attic, I full brick basement with sink and toilet, nicely decorated. Call owner. Chas. Nor I din. Webster UilS ; It K 4 L ESTATE MISt FLLA X lioUS I ION'T LIVE ANOTlIKIt MONTH IN A RENTED HOUSE. PAT $3 CAibH AND MOVE INTO IIIC lira IWIIVMIB lllll IM'Wl I1TSU- coini nier.i. E. P. W RfGHT Phone AN D In it Tislay. Call Douglas .jt Week Days $500 Lot as 1st Payment on 5-Room Cottage For full pellicular, see or phone Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 23u oioaJiM .Nat l Bans rung BARGAINS room houae with bath and gas. oa I'urdi-Ue uear ltb St ; rental $U; only $i.;i.o. a-ivom cottage at Xilt Blondo. with large kt ujuj lth a barn, for i ". Double frame houae of 4 rovma each and a 4-room colt has, all enUu lor twl er month; cloaa In. for IUA 4i7.,; corner ab and Cliarlua for $700. t.0, corner 2nh and MtaniL for $lu. A1'-1, corner and alland. for $1.?A fcxl. Join. Hit Cuioina on weal, ti.asi W, II. GATES, i7 Omaha Nat Batik Bldg. IX 13M. UKS i, FJT ATF. M IM(T"1,I, A X IX)lS Chance for All Wo have Beautiful lloim-i T'O date. stlon';id locations. Terms t!0 to $1,'HW t aah. balance on terms to suit. A.Vo Are Selling Tliem Hut there are a srrest number io enn't start out with such a stiff payment Hence wo have made a special deal on a number of new (many of them never occupied I, hII modem up-to-date, attractive homes of I, 4 and 7 rooms In the north, northwest and south nectlons of the city which can be secured on $25.00 to $30.00 Monthly payments Including prin cipal and tnt"P'st and with no othor "cash down" payment. It's good ImiMiiphs to ko In debt for a home. That's the way to Ket your mind crrterel on a Kood thins. You must pay good monev for shelter and vou might as well ar range to pay It to yourself then some of your present rent money will etlck in your own pocket. That means something. , . SAUNDERS" CO., Douclss 362J, Webster 4"l. IJlfr-M W. O. W. Bulldlnn. Investment New, close, apartment hobse, pays 10 per cent on money Invested. Price J-D,0"0, mtg. llOono. Hal. of rash, or would lake clear eastern Neb. land up to 110.000 if worth tha money. Address owner, B eM. Bee. o Dundee Bungalow M.eno bnye a well constructed 7-room strictly modern bungralow having; large living room with brick fireplace and built-in bookcases, attractive dining room with built-in buffet, convenient kitchen with hullt-ln cupboards and two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Two especially larire bedrooms on second floor, harks basement, laundry connec ts na furnace bent. South front lot. .'OxU ft., affording a beautiful view overlooking Happy Hollow t;lub grounds and boulevard. Convenient to car line. Terma J0 cash, balance monthly Ilka rent. Fine Bemis Park . Home 1130 N St., only 2 blocks fiem Har ney car line. Rasl front lot. Seven rooms. All modern. Hot water heat. Oa! finlh and floors first floor. Owner leaving city reason for selling. See this at once. Price, J-"..JuO. North Side Home Must Be Sold Only W0 raah. balance like rent, for a two-story, atrlcUy modern 7-room house In first class condition. New garage. Price, trra,.and It'a cheap. But we must have offer. . . . . George & Company 90S rity National Bsnk Bldg. Phone Douglas 7M. Live Ones North , rooms, modern except heatr t rooms finished In oak; large lot; nice shade; near car and school. ' rooms, all modern: 4 bed rooms and bath upstairs; living room extends aojrosa front of house. South tt nice rooms. Thai house la bund new : within walking distance; u nood car and near school. I large rooms. Tils Is not new, but Is very nicely finished. It la routed ant can be shown only by ap pointment. American Security Co. Doug. (Oil or Har. 2648, Wat, MIT. For Sale or Exchange A very desirable T-room house and large lot, on paved street, in good neighbor hood, price, HOco. Will exchange for vacant land In Nebraska with good soil, or for a smaller house In Omaha. J. H. Dumont 3c Co. l0t Farnam St. Phone DouhUs BJ". RKAL STATE--IXVFJ'niEXTS " Double Brick St. Louis Flat Building On aa east front lot near Cretghton college, t fiats. V and 7 rooms each; renlad hjw at 7W p'r year; pract caliy new and madern in every reepeat. Owner is leaving for California uid this Income proixrty will be offered for a short time at t;; n.u cash, balance I years at per cent. Shuler & Cary, STATE BANK BI.TW,. Brick Flats Big Sacrifice Two-apartment tarlck flat clfwe In, fairly new, always rented, $M) per month; tort 7.u o. - Afklng ia.usi, but want an oiter: uorlage, $.t.u. Investigate at ouce U vou want a Uvrxsin. Glover & Spain iVi-M City Nutlonat Douglas SJXtJ. Investment 0 Double pressed brick bouees al f'th Ave. and liewey Ave. Rent for fcxM ler 'tai. New and Jut now twing rented. We would be pl.aaed to make an appotnl iiwot and .how thrnv American Security Co. Phones IKiui las M'lS; Minday aluut or Iteraey :i5 If Vou Aro Looking For Au Investment That will give you interest worth your while, see us. Wa have Income property Paying; $11.00 per anaum. Well located aad an Investment that will appeal to I be conservative buyer, at la til consKtar aoni. exefaanre. THA Lit BROS., Oca. Nat. Ba. B!4.f KKAL KSTATK INVKHTMKXTS Your Money Should Earn From . , We have several different plans whereby you can ret from 7 to W per cent on your money and be absolutely safe In your In vestment. Aa everyone knows real estate Is .ine of the best and safest Investments on earth. We can arrange It so you can Invest In Individual properties or take an Interest with others. We have one plan whereby vou can Invest In amounts as small as Stou It will pay you to see or write us about It. Hastings & Heyden i HARNEY STREET. KKAL KHTATK ACKKAGK lOK FOH YOl R ACRE TKACTH NOW lvm't wait till spring Is here, when you'll he In such a hurry that you won't have an opportunity to look around for the beat place 10 IT NOW. I have several fine one-acre tract that I will sell on very easy payments. Kach tract has a brand new houte and a good well. One tract baa a fine vineyard, which produced a bUr grape crop last fall. See me about this today or telephone me tonight at :vt p. m. E. P. WRIGHT. Call Walnut 6x2 Today, rail lkui(laa fKt Week Dave. 4-Acre Tracts Richland Acres OutJBenson Way Adjoisrfna: Kcystono Park on the north west, for sale on our easy payment plan, fine, rich, smooth land; some In alfalfa and original prairie; several pieces have running water. Nothing to compare with it near Omaha at the prices. Over 2. itnod hoinen nearby. Prices tiOO to ItfiO an sere HASTINGS & IIEYJin-V. ISM Harney. o f'KAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE What Have You In California For downtown ' brick business property? Steam heated; good Income: want cash and land, or clear Income. Price I32,OUO; terms on half Must be priced right. J. N. S.MTltR, 3 l'axton Blk. I. 2141. 120 ACRES. Mills county, Iowa. 7 mlies . northwest from Uienwood. fair set of farm buildings, rented tor thla year; en cumbrance (, due l!;. Will consider Horn to $10,000 of good trade for qulty. Submit offers. Duffus Land Co., l-ipeslone, Minn. .YOUR CLEAR LAN1 OR LOTS can be put Into first payment on a beau tiful complete modern Omaha home; mortgage- fii.600. Ask ua to send full de scription and tell ua what you have, but It must be ALL CLEAR. O'KEEJKK REAL ESTATTJ CO., ini6 Omaha National. Doug. ZT1S. FOR EXrilANGE-A fine atock and grain farm of 423 acres at only $.10 per acre, well Improved, close to town for a sooi stock of merchandise in most any line. Income property or small farm from IUi.iuki to SIMM); U .5.K cash, balance '.elms, will also accept cheap wild land. '". S. Lofiaii. Konxvillit. la o 11 AtRES. Irrliated; M under ditch, bal ance tasture; fill level; near Ft. Mor gan, gurden spot of Colo., where sugar last year made high as 2H tone per acre, alfalfa 7; H.Duw ImpPovements; 2.oW Insurance; tQi mortgage, rung years, per cent; equity U'.M), What have you for exchange? Box tL Hebron, Neb. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. . Highly Improved farm of M5 acrea Land ail lays fine and Is excellent aoU. Will exchange for good Omaha realdauca, C. R. COMBS. Hi Brandsls Theater, Omaha, Neb. Douglaa $1& I HAVE a one-quarter of choice upland I wish to sell or trade for a smaller farm further east; loo acrea iu cultiva tion: farm Improvements at a reasonable price. K. liellyer. Republican City. Neb. THEATER MH1RS. Electric piano. See burg, for. rale right, or will take part trade. Cost $ new. Used I montha. In first-class condition. Address Frank Bo guln, Hinton, la., W A NTEI Modern home for my Cali fornia property. Addrers E 60S, Bea. ABSTRACT8 (IF TITXJa. Rs.ED Attract Co. eiuuat abstract et flee in Nebraska. P -adeU Theater. KLKK Title Guarantee and Abstract Cow a roodera asti act QifK-e. aV 1-tn tic Phone Douglas iMl. IUUL ESTATE WANTEO Wanted, Listings We have buyers for 5 to' 7-roomed houses that are priced right and can be sold on' easy payments. ' Vacant Lots Well locate.! lots, near school, liavluf sewer, water and gar. W. .FAUN AM SMITH & GO., 1U0 Fernaiii St. Tel. Douglas luM. WANTKD Keaideni'e, new a-room mod ern, it or north side, for cash and ilear Imoroved farm, or will trade farm for $.sQue sgulty In liouae, phone Walnut SH7 1 WANT a good farm, eastern Nebraska, or western lowa. ror tnree or live years. Prefrr puyttig caah rent. Keforencea. A4- drefc. J Bee. REAL ESTATK LOANS $.a.ijl PK1YATE money to loan en Inside property at 1 P" cent. O'Keefe Keul Eatate Co.. 101$ Omaha Nat Bank Bldg rwiuguts 1TY aud faini loans. ?. pr uuu H. Dumoiit co..inu r arnam. cmana WANTEIW-City loan, latere Trual Co. WANTED City loeue and warraula. W. Kaiuaiu fcinillh at Co., 1TJ0 k'ariuun. OMAHA hoTiwa. Faat Nebraska farms. O Kl-fc l- K REAL ESTATE CO.,' iaM Oinaka Natl. Iwugiaa THa. 4) a, le .. loade promptly. . D. Weed. Waad bldg-. i'h and Farnaia Bta 6 CITY LOAKb. C. G. Catiber- Co.. S1U-3U Hrandela Th.atar Bldg. 7" CITY W. roperty. Litrce loans a apacu-lty. Tawniaa, i- tie Baaa UldS- 7sl0 REAL KSTATK IOAX8 MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. . H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. SHE us first If you wsnt a farm loan. Vnlted Males Trust Co., Omaha, Neb. REAL K8TATE FAItM HAMll LAADS FOR BALIS Arkaaaaa. LITTLE River Valley lands, rich and cheap, on" railroad. Sessions Co., WInth rop. Ark. -e California. SAVE YOUR RAILROAD FARE TO SAN FltANCISCO KX POSITION. We are California s larxest land deal ers: Improved farms, any alse; all kinds of land on terms: long list satisfied buy ers: our 6,0jn-acre home ranch, Califor nia s rinesl dairy and fruit farm. Just subdivided. Transact business with us and WE WILL REFUND YOUR FARE. Kree Information bureau: correspondence solicited. Buena Vista Farms Co., Balboa Bldg.. B:in Francisco. Csl. o CALIFORNIA CO-OPERATIVE CACTUS FARMS 5 acres, pmrled with l.t1 Burbank spineless cactus plants; 4 miles from iVautlrul Rtvernirie, Cal.; tl.2.'ii). Easy payments. Free cultivation. Cactus produces PO tons to the acre of Ideal poultry, how, dally and live stock fod der. Finest fruit lani. References, Dun or Bradstreets. . Write for descriptive literature. El Campo Co., 211 Story Uldgt, I,os Angoles o $10 reserves you any sixed li ai t of our land. Inspection can be made any time within six months. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. Purchasers w'll have their railroad fare credited on purchase. CALIFORNIA Is calling you thla ex position year. Lst us show you our Sacramento Valley land, the equal of any In CALIFORNIA for richness of soil, beauty of surroundings, and Ideal rail lo cation: near the capital city of SACRA MENTO. Prices, $12T per acre snd up, Including full paid water r'gbt. 1 TEN PER CENT DOWN AND TEN PER CENT. YEARLY. UNTIL PAID. ONLY auu ACRES will be sold at these prices and terma. All sizes. Improved and unimproved. Next excursion February . ViO ROUND TRIP Good to all Califor-, nia points. o W. T. SMITH CO., 1111 City Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. HAVE attractive California proposition for good Nebraska fsrnij C. BOS, Bee. Colorado. EXTRAORDINARY land proposition. 330 acres, one-half section unimproved, smooth, level land, 7 miles of town. One crop of wheat will pay for land. Lo cated In northeastern Colorado, near Ne braska line. This Is the best of dark loam soil, very productive and the terms are such that any tenant farmer can meet them. One-fourth cash, balance In la yearly payments at 6 per cent Interest. Owner requires that purchaser be a prac ticalfarmer. The price Is below market prM, ridiculously low, 913.50 per acre. Harrison & Morton 715 Omaha National Rank Bldg Fieri aa. FLORIDA Wholesale colonlxatlon, stock raising traota, M acre up; various loca tion. Small Intensive trucking farms; Sanford celery district, where many people make their fortune. Describe re quirements. Adna Howard, Sanford, Fla. (FLORIDA Deland; Ideal winter resort, amidst orange groves; university center; 25-mlle hard . road o Atlantic oceau beach. . Booklet Secretary, Business League, Deland. Fla. Iowa, DO YOU want to sell your farms QUICKLY and PROFITABLY. If ao, call on or address F. I. Van Pelt, the ORIGINAL, EXPERIENCED, woil known real estate "auctioneer. Office. Paxton hotel, Omaha, Neb..Jtoom.j 100-ACRE-FARM. about thirty miles from Council Blufts, la,, hour and a half ride from three, good markets. Thla Is an up land tloc-e In a high state of cultivation, lour acres of clover, about ten acres of alfalfa, ten acres timber pasture with spring; good Hx-room house, large barn, all kinds of outbuildings, Including cattle stiedM, chicken sued, hog houses, etc. owner wishes to retire on account of health. Price $2i0 per acre on reasonable terms. Must be seen to be appreciated. . A. F. SMITH CO. tFay Smith). Council Bluffs, la Phone 329. 23 Pearl St. DO YOU want to sell your farms QU1CKLT and PROFITABLY. If ao. call on or address F. D. Van Pelt, the ORIGINAL, EXPERIENCED, well l. n u n mml . .,.,( 1 1 OfM. Paxton hotel, Omaha. Neb., Room 2 Kaaaaa. EIQHTY-AORE Nemaha county, Kansas. 4"A miles from Cornlnsr. & miles from Centra Ua. Good 6-rootn house, fair bam, windmill, good be a ring orchard. 40-a. for crop, j?aiance paaivire ami meeuow. rncni $12S per acre. Inc. Jl.VKi, h ng time to runV Want food stock general merchandise. Owner, Box 24i, llldgeway. -Mo. Irto ACRKH, K miles south of West Phllla, Kan.; lay fine; IX) acrea crop, 30 acres blue grass pasture, never lailtus water; bWa. native hay, extra fine. Improve ments -common. Price $75 per acre. In cumb. $4,iMl, 6 years. Went good general merchandise. Owner, Box 24H, etidgeway, Uo FOR SALE 2.240 acrea fine wheat land near Richfield, Morton Co., Kansas. Price, $7 per acre. Will sell part or all to ault purchaser. Terms rash. Address owner. E. J. McAnarney. ParmeraVtllo, III., It- F. D. No. t Mlwaeaota. IM ACRES, between Minneapolis and Du lulh, on the Soo line. 4 miles from rail road town; 70 acres under cultivation, balance wooded pasture .and some good meadow; no waste land: fair act build ings; near achoel; land borders on beauti ful Hike; complete act machinery; & chicken, plenty of feed, waaon, buggy and everything on the tlace goes at $JD per acre; one-half caah. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldgi. allnn.aolis. Minn. SPLENDID Improved Minueaota. farms for sale on reasonanlo terms, in all parts of state. Lee, i"f Lumber Exchange Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. klratasa. THB J. M. HOLT ranch for aala By owner, cheap, the W. Ij. ranch, one of the oldest and beat ranch, in eastern Montana, located tu fa incus Powder river valley, eonaialtng of 42,ou0 acres oa u .tu, ,Ium- I 1 1 1 -1 r lAiirlv Vi. 1 1 r ..1 1 1 ,. of rtverefrontuge, permanent water rigblay several artcaiaa wells, numerous springs, pumping pUiut rwrvoir. windmill, lim ber, houae.. barna, Implemvnt sheds, Krsnaries, ihnio. Ice hou. other build ings. Seventy per cent ' fine farming, land. Balance arood grastn land. "t acres now under cultivation; 6.0" acres fenced. No Incumbrance, easy terms. No com mlralons. Address Holt Und and Cattle Co., Owner. P. O. Box S33, Miles City, Mont o Nebraska. FOR SALE by owner for next 1 days, lu-acre farm In Ptatlainoulh, Neb. -room houae, (iv, c'.tern. 1 wells, barn, fruit of all kinds; 4S acres alfalfa, i uajiture. aardvn. etc P. O. Box 107, Piatt. mouth. Neb. Do Yol want to sell your farms QUICKLY and PROFITABLY. If ao, call on or aldress F D. Van Pell, the ORIGINAL. EXPERIENCED. Well known real eatate "auctioneer." Cftffice, Paxton hotel, Omaha. Neb , Room Land For bargains In ranch land ace TKaVKU kaui.. 7u Ota. New Ba. Bldg. KKAL KHTATK FARM Jk HAMll 1A.D FOR SALE. Nebraska. Jl0o-A SNAP t,M. IMPROVED PA-ACRE FARM. Four miles from Sidney, Neb., fenced and cross -fenced ; ifi acres broke; acres alfalfa: house WxiW; llfc-hhl. cistern; barn HxiM. About ku- acres can be put into cultivation; balance pasture. This place has to be Sold before Feb. 1 and o ner will give you. a clear title to this farm for only cash. You can have possession al once. The opportunity Is yours. THR VOGFL REALTY AOENCY. WirvlH W. O. W. BMtf. Omaha. Neb. Farms Near Omaha (a) acres near Elk City, almost new Im provements, not a foot of waste land $129 per acre: fS.120 cash by March 1, bal ance, U,W0, 5 years,- per cent. ( 110 acres, well Improved, level, produc tive valley land. Prloe, S50 per acre: 1750 cash, $3,1 M) March, 1; balance, $a,0cn, 5 years, 6 per tent. IS! acres, improved. 8-room house; very productive upland and valley farm; west em Sarpy county; 2S acres pssture. bal ance all under cultivation. Price, $H0 per acre; one-third caah, balance 6 years, &V4 per cent. Rented for 116. SO acres, lays Ideal, overlooking Omaha. Price, $16 per acre:, $1,000 cash, $.OH0 more March 1, balance 0 years, 6 per cent. f) acres, lays Ideal, Sarpy county $100 per acre. 40 acres. Improved, 5-room house; fine location- Price, U0 per acre; ono-half cash, balance 6 years, 8 per cent. 20 i acres. Improved, lays Ideal, quite handy to Omaha: stock. Implements, etc. Price for all, $0,600; some terma. 2 acres level upland 90 miles out, but near small town; 4-r. houae, all other necessary outbuildings a homelike place. Price, $1,100; H cash, balance 6 per cent. ALSO another Ideal 40 acres, 80 acres, and three or four lfiO-acre farms, all within 6 miles of Omaha. ALSO So acres. 120 acres. ia acres and 320 acres, upland; somewhat rolling farms. So miles northeast of Council Bluffs, In good loca tion and near good towns; exceedingly good goods for the money;, considerable alfalfa and clover and practically all can be cultivated. Price, $81 to $86 per acre; one-third cash March. 1, balance years, oix Per cent. EVERY ONE of the abova farms-will make you money. ACT TODAY. Delays are dangerous. No trades considered. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, N. E. Cor. 21d and M Sta., south Omaha. Neb. Small Ranch r For Sale or Trade 8S6 acres In Hooker county .four miles from railroad town. Has a 4-room houae, barn, cattle shed, well and windmill. One-half of thla ranch mod farm land. (balance good pasture. Will take one-half tic more in gooa city property.. Mice, $16 per acre. -- O 'Neil's If. E. (j Ins. Agency, 1505 Farfiam St. TELEPHONE -TYLER 1024. DO YOU want to sell your farms If so. QUICKLY and PROFITABLY'. call on or address F. I). Van Pelt the ORIGINAL, EXPERIENCED. well known real estate "auctioneer." Offloe, Paxton hotel. Omaha, Neb., Room & JAN. X. 1U15, at court house, Papilllon, Neb.: improved 40-acre farm, adjoin ing village of Gretna, In'Sarpjr county; rich, black, inexhaustible soil. Wm. R. Patrick, referee, South Omaha, Neb. o 1H0 ACRES smooth farm land near Atkinson In Holt county, no improve ments, also li near Gordon In Sheridan rountv: runninfir water and tlmhor 'il.e 1 n per acre all clear, will consider trad for clear Omaha or suburban nniuuiv. John J. Mueller, owner, 1707 S. 3d. Tel. Harney PV.!4 o 16 ACRES, 10 MILES OF OMAHA. A smooth farm. Fair buildings. Large alfalfa meadow, cuts & tons per acre. Rented this year $1,00 cash rent Prl $112.50 per acre. Inquire of owner at 713 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. T. K. fcVTEVENS. oslk Dakota. FOR SALE , HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM Dandy half section, three miles from I Frederick, Brown Co., . D., $2),uu, half cash. JIM WRAY. SIOlTt CITY. FOR SALE In acrea, H cultivated, ad joining Yankton city; subirrlgated; fin est alfalfa land In west Bargain from owner. J. H. Hanson, Yankton. S. D. o Utah. v GROW wheat at $1.59 per bushel on your homestead right In farnam Utah wheat belt, right on railroad. tS milea from Salt Lake nnd Joining ooi towns. Realdeni'e on land not required. Have few . relin quishments, very chqlce, 160 to $20 acres at $3 to $3.60 per acre. For details ad dress P. O. Box 873, lxs Angeles. Cal. tVl.ooa.ln. Upper Wisconsin Beat dairy and general crop state In the uuion; scttlera wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let $4 on Wltconsln Central Land Grant. Slate acres wanted. Write about our grasing- landa It Interested in fruit land., ak fur booklet on Apple Orchard, in Wisconsin. Addreaa Land Dept. boo Liu Ry., Minueapoiia, Minn. , Mlaeellaaaaaa. FARM for sale; must sell my Fells mere farm. 30 acrea. muck prairie land. Uphoff. at) Tlm.a Bid . St Louis. Mo 1 1KADE farms aud randies for city ana town income Duslness properties. ramciiig In price from ti.0U to $.M0.0. I.le... of fin. I ....I In tr.i.n mrMH enables me to sell r trade you an lowa or Nebraska farm or ranch at tha right price. Tell me what you have and what ' Beat furnished, readv to live In apart you want and I will make you an offer. 1 nele In Omaha, with kitchenette and Latham Davis, First Nat Bank Bldg., private bath. Catering to refmed patron Omaha, Neb. o age. T RAVER BROS.. 705 Omaha Nat. , ..... ....-v. ' . Bank Bkig-. DoUKles 1153. To get the beet results yo-i must h a southern proposition; people are south by the train load and It pays to be with the crowd; our organisation has made good; hundreds of customers who have canlied their profits testify to this. We will pay your way to our property, give you liberal commission, furnish you a moving picture reel showing- scenes oil the land and give you a territory full of live leads; railroad far allowed all purchaaere: this means big return for the man who can produce; If you are a producer w will arrange to pay your fare to Chicago or come out to sed you. Bryant V Greenwood, 1301-41 Westminister Bldg., Chieatto. FARMS WANTED WANTED to hear from oaner of good farm or unimproved land for sale. C. C. Buckingham. Houston, Tex. FARMS FOR RENT PiR RENT Well locaied and equipped 10-arre ioultry ranch. Renter must t.o able to buy atock and equipment Ad ! T 1A Bee. e FOR RKXT Apartments Flats. modem flat. 2W S. 21th, 2. II. $-r.. modem flat, 2W S. JUh. $22. H. 4,11 ONE 4-room. one 5-room brick flat. mod. ex. beat. 27th and t urning. atpiv .0 llonr, 2704 Cuming St. Harney l.rf.1. For Rent Flat 1STH AND DODGE STS. TWENTY ROOMS. American Security Co. 1'honcs lH)inrias 6i:l: Sunday Walnut X;!7 or Harney ifraf.," . THE HELEN, 244 HARNEY ST. Vrrv choice close-in apartments; I rooms. $ and $40; 6 rooms. tXj and $U,. Phone Douglas b":K) or 1 ouglaq -T0. 2116 LOCUST. 6-r. moi Wcl.w-'f:l. GordonVanCo. MovliK. 1 atKln, Storage. m n. nth st Phone l S'.'t or Weh. IJ OOUKN ANNEX. Council Hiufis, oc-rr I Willi kitchenette steam he-' t'Vn ili S-ROoM. all modern, with j:unur wn lce: first floor, Irralne Apts.. Utn and "eole Kta Mengedolit. Wei.. 271X o 7-R. 2119 N. Irtth heat, water and jtin. serb, all for $:U.fiO winter. $.5 summer. Send for our weekly printed lint. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1H14 Harney St $30.00Flne 6-7ooin brick flat, walkinit distance. Beautiful decorations, east front. $26.00 Good 8-room houge, big yard, close In, hot water heat, excellent condition. J35. 00 Seven-room heated flat, good con dition, close to car. Rent in sum mer reduced to $26. Bargain. CALKINS & CO., Douglas 1318. NICE 6-toom steam-heated apartment at lsth and Farnam Sta., only 7-room flat, lfui Cuming St.. fine repair, $2o. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 Ksmam St theTinwood. Very desirable east front, second floor. 4-room apartment. Large rooms, new building, fine location, near 2511 Harney. Low rent. ERNEST SWEET, Office 2511 Harney St. Phone Douglas 147 C-ROOM Apt, 21$ South 2Cth Ave; has un parlor, or sleeping porch, nicely decorated; walking distance; heat, wster and Janitor service. Send for our weekly printed list HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 114 Hamy St. FLATS. 2S25 S. Ifith St., 5 rooma. modern ex- cept heat, $)5.&0. 14iw 8. 18th, 7 rooms, modem except beat. $. 1806 Ohio St. "The Clyde," S rooms, steam heat furnished, only one left $22. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Phone Tyler 1&. state Bank Bldg APARTMENTS. 4 room-Second floor "ATH LONE," !fith and Douglas Sta.; $16 winter, fl" summer. 6 rooms First floor "GEORGIA," 1040 S 29th St; $10 tor the your round. 5 rooms Second floor "SHERMAN," 2'. N. Wtlj St.; price $&, 6 rooms Third floor 'SHERMAN," Vtt. N. lfith St.; $50. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Phone Douglas K8. 1622 Farnam St. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO FOR RENT. 09ttl-3i .S. 9th St., 6 rooms, modern, $2."i. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Phone Douglas 898. 1622 Farnam St. H RAT ED APARTMENTS. i.w ir mumn, i-rouui apuruueui ii Her Bldg., 16th and Jackson Sta.; hent. hot and cold water. Janitor service. GEORGE COM PA NT. 902 City National Hank Bldg. I'hone Douglaj 7o6. YOU had better see those 4 and 5-room apart qients at P13 Forest Ave. (flrHt street south of Pierce). They can't bo beat at the price asked. Have private porches, steam heat aas stove, refriger ator, Janitor service. Are warm In win ter and cool In summer. Near Farnam car line. Janitor will show them to you. , CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY, 508 Bee Bldg. Douglas 20ft Desirable. iSteam Heated I lomos Standard Flats $ good rooms, fine finish and decora tions, private ball, bath, pantry, range. FREE HOT WATER, Janitor, good loca tion, close In. At Special Prices Far leas than asked- -for equal quality elsewhere. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th St. - Board and Rooms. MODERN board and room. S. 24th St PARLOR and bedroom, completely furn- Jsnea ror ngnt houseKeeping. e of Piano for young couple. Reasonable hone Red 21t FUHNirililtli RuO.H, heated. 4614 Nortb 3'.s Ave. ON H or two strictly modern fur. rooms. Hanscom Paik district, private family: references required. Phone Harney MADISON 21t and Cbuago; ateam heaf; $10 mo. and up; cato In connection. D.fW Ia Vema, l!n8 Cap, front rms. Sem. OGUK.N HOihX, Council BiuiU, mi, heated rooms. 13 per wsek. i'lione iii. FRONT room, modern, private family good board, X week. tJ S. 3Ut. II. M.'ii. THREE large furnislied rooms, accommo date two or three; close-in. Call at 17' Dodge or 'phone Doug. 8644. i NEWLY furnished, steam h. atel. ni.T" reoms; excellent board; room aud board $5 week and up. 20j So. 24tti. ROOM nr two In nrlvnlAtanilli, 1... tleman; niuet be private; residence sec tion preferred; meals optional. Addii:.i R. 124. Henshaw. FOR RENT 1S21 Dodge, keeping rooms. close In, houre- I rirUM IMrtarSU. TRAVERTON FURNISHED APT8 , "Ul ana lnlun Court. 1 a W wa a j PARTLY mod., suite or single. 611 N. IStii LARGE front room, $5; also housekceo 1 Ing. Harney Tail. iandle'3 HooMS and bath, furniohed apartment going ; In Mae wood. Price $.19.50. Phon D. Jlle, fl'Tl'lrty lat.r.ukr Hmmii, 111 8. 15TH, for men. steam beat. UNFURNISHED rooms for rent, 3 for R r I liT IB. man ir e T,m 1st lleteU mmm aarismeai. CALlFOttNIA Hotel, ltb and CaiUornla. Weekiy rates ti and .p Iv.u.a Joa.1. PODGE H TEL- Modern Raasonabl lloaaea and Cotlaara. i ROOMS. euM Charles St., modern ex cept heat II. 7 looms, 3ili Hawthorne Awe., mod $ 10 rooms, 1407 ."o 17th St.. mod., $.'i $ rooms, 315 So. 86th St., $12.00. rooiua, 1320 Ne. ith fit, mod., $26. room., ?l& Fowler Ave., mod . I j 7 rooms, Uo4 So. 2Mb St., mod., $r. I room., ItJoij Sherwood Ave., mod., ti' 14 rooms, 24us Casa St, mod., $40. 1 6 rooma, lllv Farnam moil ex. lit, ti", rooma, 413 So. 2biU St., mod apt., k. 7 rooma mod. apt. In the Winona ''itii and Dewey Ave , $oe. BENSON at MYERS en 424 Ouialia Nat. BMik . Do- 7ia Oinaba. Neb. "'