Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Till: nVA): OMAHA. SATTIfPAY, .TAXtAHY U VMl,.
Visitors in Omaha See Good Buii
nesi Outlook Ahead, but No Ex
tensions Are Promised.
Chief Potty Officer High of the fnlte.l
Pistes naval recruiting station looked
with pleasant anticipation on a large
box which ho received from Ma ulster In
Octavla. Neb.
"Ifa Yanhaws' and scrapple." lie said.
Some there were present who did not
know what these delectable, meet picp
arallona are. These benighted Individuals
had not leen raised In Pennsylvania.
Neither was Mr. ItlRh, for that matter,
hut hla people were, and when they
emigrated to Nebraska they brought with
them the. great Institution of "pttnhawi"
and the art of making scrapple.
P.'nnsylvanlans. especially of the Penn
sylvania Dutch districts, would a soon
think of going- through the aimer with
out bread and potatoes at without "psn
hnws" anil scrapple Why. they could
almost do without pie better than with
out them.
Head tho Hen's "Puslness Chances ' and
get into your oan business.
Freight Traffic Manaser Wood of the
I'nlon Pnolflr s In receipt of Informa
tion that the Argentine IlcpuMlo exhibit
for the Sun Francisco exposition, thirty
carles. 1s, has arrived In New York and
that within the next day or two It will
start west. lie has not been apprised as
to whst road will handle tho shipment
from New York to Oinsha. but from here
It will go over the Fnion Pacific.
From Oin.iha west the car containing
the Argentine exhibit will b mad Into
a special train and will probably go
through aa a section o one of th pas
senger ttalns.
Tabor College Wins.
TAKtiJV la.. Jan. 15. ipeiial.) A
basket hall game between Molvern and
Tshor lenme was played here last nlnht.
In the coll-.-! gymnasium. Tabor won by
a score of M to S.
Aml'y and Tnlor college teams will
play here .Saturday evening.
Omaha la filled with visiting railroad
men coming In from other sections of tha
country and all are optimists, aeelng good
business In sight for next year, although
they are not predicting anything In tha
way of extensions of line In thla or other
Vice. President Blabon of the Chicago
Great Western, accompanied by hla aa.
Intent, C R. Berry, arrived after a trio
over the company lines, and, relative to
the conditions and the outlook, the for
mer said:
"The Chicago Great Western has yno
cause for complaint. Our business "Is
good and we are looking for a continua
tion of the Improvement, at least until
the movement of grain enda Westbound
business la equally good, Omaha taking
large quantities of grain and heavy ship
ments of live stock from Iowa and Minne
sota. "On thla trip I have been over prac
tically all our lines, and In all sections I
find buslneas better than during last
fall, with Indications that there will be
a marked Improvement In the future. In
the country towns merchants have let
their stocks run low, but now with the
high prices maintaining for all kinds of
farm products, merchants are buying
freely, anticipating a good spring and
summer trade.
Mark Wheat Insold.
"I estimate that through our territory
and in Nebraska and Kansas, in the ag
gregate, there is still about 26 per cent
of the wheat crop of last year unsold
and In the hand? of farmers, being held
for still higher prices. Up to this time
the corn is practically all In the hands
of the farmers, though the present high
prices ought to start this cereal to niov
ing within. a very short time."
k "Up In our section of the country."
said Superintendent Young of the Bur
lington, with headquarters at Alliance,
Neb., "we do not bank on vast quan
tllties of grain, but last year the farmers
Valsed crops that were of the bumper
variety. Considerable of the wheat has
been Bold, but there is still a large quan
tity in first hands, but the present high
prices are going to start it to market
"The present "winter has been one of
the meet favorable ones that the stock
men of western Nebraska and Wyoming
have ever experienced. The animals are
coming through the winter with little
feed except that picked up on the range
and on account of there having been no
storms, the losses have been at the low
est minimum. This applies to both cattle
and sheep.
Sheep Ready for Market.
"Sheep will start to market within the
next week, and the run will be heavy,
probably greater than last year and
perhnps up to the maximum of the big
J. A. Reeves, general freight agent of
the Short Line, with headquarters In Salt
Lake City, spent the day with Union Pa
cific officials and said:
"Utah Is In good shape this winter. The
weather has been mild and cattle , and
sheep are coming through in good condi
tion. Sheep will start to market within
the next few days and the run will be
heavy, owing to the high prices being
paid '.! .
"While it Is a little early to make pre
dictions, it is said that the outlook for
a bumper fruit crop were never better
than for next season."
Dwight Swobe, vice president and traf
fic manager for the MeCloud River rail
road of Oregon, en route home from the
east, stopped over during the day to
ilt his parents, Colonel and Mrs.
Swobe, and said:
"Business through Oregon and the en
tire Pacific coast country has picked up
wonderfupJly since last fall. There Is a
feeling with our people that prosperity Is
at hand and capital la commencing to
come out of hiding to seek investment
The outlook for a big crop next season is
good." -
Vsw.i.1 i. ...i ..... i .i as
I '"- Hill I sst-gsjj,,Mg, l gin gfji Jk)lj
All colors. Special for OO
Saturday, at, dozen wOC
Cut Flowers, Ferns and Pot
ted Plants at lowest prices.
The greatest volume of business in the January Clearance we have ever
known the reason is clear as A. B. Cto even casaal visitors who know merchandise values not only are
pricings surprisingly low on all winter stocks, but on many thousand dollar's worth of new goods as well, but
jf throughout the store. You'll find our high standard of quality has been maintained in every instance. .
Woman Takes Life
After Argument on
Cooking Breakfast
Lena Harney, common law wife of John
HarrlB, teamster, with whom she had
been living for the last six months at
1006 Leavenworth street, committed
suicide by taking the contents of a vial
of carbolic acid.
An argument is said to have arisen
over the cooking of breakfast and Harris
left the home and later returned. As he
entered the kitchen the woman put the
Uttle to her Hps saying she was going
to drink the contents and before Harris
could stop her she had drained the
Assistant City Physician Boler an
swered an emergency call, but the last
spark cf life had gone out before medical
aid could reach her.
Deceased had a sister at Fairbury,
Neb., and a brother at St. Joaeph, Mo.
Officers Morris snd Sanlio arrested
tarrle and a charge of suspicious char
acter is lodged sgainst him.
t hrrk Voir Winter t'oasrh.
Dr. Bell's Pino Tar Honey will stop
our cough and strengthen your lungs.
Oct a bottle now, only 20c. All druggists.
Tlie company which ' is to erect the
building on the lot at Sixteenth and Far
rain now occupied by Myers & Dillon Is
eking to rent the corner room, first
floor, to some railroad for a city ticket
office. Tills room Is to be some 30x40
feet and the rental Is placed at JlO.UiJ
per year for a term of years. One road
that has been approached on the prop
osition has turned It down,, taking the
position that the rent is too high.
Neckwear Clearance
Closing out all odd pieces of fancy
neckwear and all slightly soiled
neckwear that sold at 25c, 60c,
75c and $1.00, on sale, to close,
In tore lots
10c15c" 25c
Opportunity for Splendid Investment is Offered in Oar Great January Underwear Sale
rtannara makes, perfect gar
ments In every desirable style.
V can't buy better to sell at the
regular prices. Here's your op
portunity to profit. .
Women's Sterling I'nlon Suits
Made to sell to $4.60, all wool,
silk and wool or silk and lisle, on
wile, at $1.98 and $2.08
Women's I'nlon Mult Made to
sell to $3.50, all styles, all wool
or silk and wool; special, 1.45
Women's I'nlon Suits Heavy
fleeced or part wool, vests and
pants, to $2.00 values, on sal,
at 08
Women's Sr Underwear Heavy
fleeced or Jersey ribbed, rests and
panla. on sale, at 19
Children' I'nlon Suits Heavy
fleeced or Jersey ribbed, alaes j
to 16 years, on Pale. at.... Sit
Women's Pressing (towns That
sold regularly to $2.00, at. .98
Where can you save 60 per cent
on an Investment for a few
months more certainly than to
buy for next season right now?
We're showing the best makes In
broad assortments at a saving In
some cases ot fully HALF.
Men's Heavy Fleece! t'nderwear
Shirts or drawers, all,
regular 50c values, at 2J5
Men's Camel Hair Vnderwear
Shirts or drawers, made to sell
at $1.00. all sizes, at G9
Men's (I2.00 I'nlon Suits.. )Sc
Men's I'nlon Suits Made to sell
to $3.00. all styles S1.9M
and $1 15
I'nlon Suits Worth to $.tu. In
all wool or silk and wool, all
styles 83.08, 82.08
and 82.50
Men's All Wool Vnclce-wr-ar
Shirts or drawers, all styles, best
brands, at 81.08. 81.45
and 98
Wool Fleeced Shirts or Drawers
At 49
Men's Flannel Shirt To $2.60
values, all -colors and sizes, on
sale 81.45 nd 08
Men's Fur and Fur lilned Glove
Values to $8.50. at.. $3.08.
82.08 d 81.08
1tvns and Work Gloves. To $i.r.O
values, at 81.45 n 98
Mn'S Wool Sweater Coat To
$8.50 values, at. 84.08, 83.08
82.08 and 81.08
Mn's Wool Sweater Coats r-Made
to sell at $2.00. for 08c
Outing Flannel Night Robes To
$1.60 values, on sale, at., GO
and 49
Men's lllanket Hath Ilobes To
$12.00 values. In the best makes,
all slzes.X . . 8O.O8, 85.08,
84.08, 8.1.08 and....S2.08
Dress and Negligee Shirts Made
to sell to $2.00, on sale, at 81.45
and . . . . . 08e
1.K and 1.2rt Negligee Shirts
At GO nd 40
Home Furnishers
Will find Sunday's Furniture ad
extremely Interesting and on'll find
the values sliovn for next week sim
ply matchless. Come early Monday.
Hand Bags
Throe big lots of Ladies'
Hanl Bags in good assort
ment of Ptylqi; on sale Satur
day in 3 lots, to close at
29c 49c 98c
After Inventory Shoe
ifen's Shoos, tan and black, bluchers and
button; values to $3.50, sale price $1.98
Men's and Women's Bath Slippers; former
selling price 39c; some are slightly soiled;
sale price 15
Men's Tan or Black $1.50 Slippers. $1.00
Misses' and Childs' $1.50 vici kid button or
lace Shoes $1.00
Men's and AVomen's all felt 50c House Slip
pers, all sizes ; 39
Child's $1.25 red and black patent button,
high cut, sizes 3 and V2 only 75f
Women's $3.00 and $2.50 Shoes, in tan and
black, button or laco $1.98
Stetson and Crosse'tt shoes for men
Grover and Queen Quality shoes for women
Value-Giving in Women's, Misses9, Children's Ready-
toAVear Apparel during next 2 weeks that's nothing short of startling
We figure that worth of merchandise 'dc-iends solely upon what it can be bought for and our
buyer, just returned, from New York, secured many choice, lots of Coats, Suits, , Drosses,
Skirt, Waists and Furs at
-In the Domestic Room-
Men's $10.00 and $12.00 Suits $5.00
Saturday we offer choice of all sizes for
men and young men; this season's styles
and colors; suits that sold in the clothing
department at $10.00 and $12.00; will be
m the Domestic Room Saturday
Young Men's $7.50 Suits $3.75
Sizes 32 to 38, all good colors, this season's
styles; not many suits in the lot dQ rjf
while they last pO O
Men's Overcoats $5.00
All style coats that sold for as high as
$12.50, all in this sale. Long shawl col
lar or convertible collared styles, and con
servative styles, all sizes for men Ajj
and young men, at .tpD
prices greatly under half
what the same garments
would have cost him but a
few short weeks ago the
result is greater reductions
m regular stock prices and
""underpricinga on new arri-
vals which make them the
most remarkable garment
values offered in years.
Your choice of 200 Tailored
Suits, made to sell at $25.00
up to $45.00, Sat- $10
urday one price p 1 U
$8.95 gives you choice Sat
urday of 100 Women's Plush
Coats, values you must see
to appreciate.
Coat Made to Sett up to $25
Big Assortment at, choice. . .
A Big Line of Dress Skirts Values to $6.00,
in serges, tweeds, "diagonals, fancies'; in n
broad assortment of good styles
and colorings, at
Cut Prices in Our Drug and
Toilet Goods Department
60c Ponsonl's Face Powder 20
36c Teerless Fae Powder 15
60c Java Rice Powder 35
Imofjene or EvenlDs; Jasmine Powder, spat, 50
10c and 16c Chamois Skins, special 5
60c can Graves' Tooth Powder -2
2 5c Kolynos Tooth Pasta . . . . : 17
26c Rabrock's Corylopsls Talcum 12
60c Setnpre Olovlne 21
60c Dagftett & Ramadell's Cold Cream.... 39
60c lleadheart Cold Cream, special.. 25
26o Pood's Vanishing Cream 15
Assortment of Soaps, worth up to 16c cake, soma
slightly soiled, to close out, at. caka ,...2Hf
10c Ragman's 0r Palmollve Soap.' O
Ammonia Powder. 2 6c pkgs., for 5
$3.76 llorllck's Malted Milk... $2.70
ivory Soap. 5 6-cent bars 10
$1.50 'Fellows' Syrup Hypophosphltea. .. .81.12
$1.00 Sal Hepatica GO
$1.00 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 60
35c Fletcher's Castorla 21
60c White Fine Bough Syrup 25
50c Mentholatum for 21)
$2.50 2-quart Ked Rubber Combination Fountain
Syringe, guaranteed, special 81.50
$2.75 3-quart Wellington Combination Syringe,
guaranteed for five years, special 82.25
$1.60 2-qunrt Chocolate Syringe, seamless bag and
reinforced' on edges, special 81.00
Coatsfo r Street Wear, After
noon Coats, Evening Coats.
Hundreds of Beautiful Waists Made to sell
to $5; most of them, well worth $5 crepes,
laces, crepe de chines, silks, etc.; 1 nr
All the Furs
Half and Less
Hundreds of Nobby Tailored Suits that
sold at $15.00 and $18.00; to dJA nr
close Saturday ya7a)
in splendid assortment of designs.
Half and Less
Remarkable Bargain Opportunities in the Children's Section Saturday.
Children's Winter Coats
Made to sell to $5.00; choice,
at $1.95
Children's Winter Coats
Made to sell to" $9.00; choice,
at ..... $2.95
Children's Winter Coats
Including bearskins; in one
small lot at '..$1.00
Children's Bath Robes Made
to sell at $2.00 and $2.50; at',
choice 89
Children's Dresses Made to
sell at $1.00 and $1.50; good
assortment , iDc
Children's Dresses Made to
sell nt $2.50 and $3.00; your
choice 98
In the Domestic Room-
Boys' $3.S0 Knicker Suits $1.95
Most all are Wool Suits, made Norfolk
style, in ages (5 to 18 years; full cut knick
ers and all seams taped; Satur
day boys' $3.50 suits at
All Sheep Lined and Blanket
Lined Clothing
Greatly reduced -20 and 33V-i discount
on all wool coats all lengths and all kinds
on sale Saturday.
. Men's $1.95 Trousers $1.35 .
Sizes to 50 waist. Most all are dark colors.
A big selection to choose-from Saturday;
your elioice wf $1.95 trousers
Need Any Hosiery?
Here's specials for Saturday that you can't afford to
miss even if you have no immediate use for theai.
Men's Guaranteed Socks 6
pairs in box all sizes; in
black, tan, grey and blue
guaranteed for 6 months
per box .49
Men's Wool Lisle or Cotton
Socks 25c quality, in all
colors; special, pair, 12 Vn
Men's 50c quality Socks Silk
Lisle, Cashmere or heavy wool,
per pair 25
Women's and Children's Fleeced
or Cotton MtocklngH, to 25c val
ues, in Saturday's sale at 12 Mi
Wayne Knit Hose, the best at
every price 25 to 40
Final Clearance of
Winter Headwear
All Men's and Boys'
llats and Caps at
All Men's Hats (excepting
Stetsons), that sold to $5.
in two lots 81.15
nd .. 50
Chinchillas, Velvets, Plushes,
Wool Fabrics of all kinds:
All $1.60 -Caps, at ..75
All $1.00 Caps. at.. 50
All 60c Caps, at ....25
Buy Trunks Now
Saturday we will close
20 floor samples of Jn
destructo Trunks at
33H Discount.
from regular retail prices.
$13.50 to $45.00 values, in
cluding steamer and full
tsUe trunks, at ... -80.00
up to 830.00
All other trunks Satur
day at greatly reduced
prices. '
Steamer Trunks, 83.05 UP
Full size Trunks, $4.50 UP
New, Between-Seasons
Trimmed Hats at $3.97
Several hundred of them in great variety of the now
style small Turbans and small, medium and large Sailors.
Some made of satin and Faille Silk. Some combined
with velvets, all most charmingly trimmed with imported
fruits, flowers, ornaments and the vpular woodluster gro.s
grain ribbons. Come in black and colors, many with veils,
as illustrated.
Some of the colors shown are gray, brown, American
Beauty, green, blues, purples, etc., also black or white.
Just the hat to finish the season with. Very ; 07
special values in Saturday's sale, at, choice pO,tf
Clearance Jewelry and Silverware
Values Seldom, If Ever, Equaled in Omaha. :
Solid Gold Top Jewelry.
Lace, Pins, Values
Cuff Links, to $L50,
Ear Drops, at
La Vallieres,
Scarf Pins,
Silver Plated Ware.
Tea Spoons, $.50 value... OO
$.1 Knives and Forks. 32
Sugar Shell and Butter Knife,
$1.60 value, at 75
$1.25 Cold Meat Forks.... 75
.Unequaled Values.
$1 Values
Rhinestone Bar
rettes, -Rhinestone
Braid Pins, Tango
Combs and Solid
Gold Shell Rings;
- Solid Gold Rings.
Single or Cluster Stone Settings,
$3.00 and $4.00 values.... 31
$1.00 Alarm Clocks at .... -60
$1.00 Watches at GO
Many other specials.
( The Best Fresh (Not Frozen) No. 1 N
PORK LOINS, Saturday, per pound . .
First Quslity Pork liosst.
per lb
Tl'e Itpst l-'rsli Dressed
l.ntiiLi Hindquarters, jxr
The llest Fresh Dressed
Lamb roreiiarters, per lb.
First QmUity tlleer
Pot Houst, lb.....
first Quullty Bteer Round
Mek. per lb
First guultly Bulk gaussage, IA
. . 9Jc
10c, I2.c
1 5c
l-r U.
a ll.s. Rest I.ef
The Bst Fresh Srssssa Chickens.
one irl-e snd on quslity, tSmufiity
at lnes than wholesale. Get Hay
den's price first.
Diamond ; Skinned Hams,' .1 ClM
at S W4W
iso. i Lean Haion,
per lb. . . , ,
No. 1 Pack Hat-on,
per lb ,
No. I Srtlt Fork.
per lb
The Hnst Bulk Mlnceiaest,
Pure Fruit, per lb. ...... .
Tije Best Selneted Bulk Oysters.
soiiii meat, no water added,
22 ounres to quart
I lie
Kels I" Goes Coaaltloa.
Many people suffei from Indigestion
and constipation and do not know It. A
feeltneT of dullness and lang-uldness. bitter
last In the mouth, headache, bilious
fever most of these conditions when you
"are not sick, but don't feel right" can
be traced to sluggish bowels and torpid
liver. Foley Cathartic TableU cleans
the system, arouse the liver, banish in
cisestion and make you "feel good all
over" light, eaergeXlo enl " ambitious.
For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement.
$1.50 Kid Gloves, $1.00
Emil Perrln'a Real French fKid Glores,
in black, white or tans; also Piquet, Doe
skin and Cape Gloves, all fitted.
Hacmo Doeskin Gloves, 12 button length,
regular $3. SO values, Saturday ..92.40
Children's Mned Kid Gloves, Mittens and
Ilearakin Gauntlets, to 75c values.. 85c
Snaps for Saturday in the Corset Hortion.
Hroktvi Line of Standard CDrsrta
Some soiled from handling. Two big Iota.
Bular tS-oe Corsets
augulsx $3.00 Corsets tl.SO
M Brassiere, daintily trimmed, all sixes.
back fastening, at a
Children's Kemper Malta, $1.60 values, l-ple.-,
blue ei white, at .,.
Ladles' Bilk Sweaters, beautiful garment
Willi saali, to tlS values 7.ta
Children's Salt Toques, red or white, st to
40o Sanitary sTspkUs 95e
Ton can ssv from 05 to
0 'A by trading- at Kayden's
far Or ooenea Quality rirst
la met to. . -!
lbs. boat granulated surer
for gl.oo
10 bars Beat 'Kill All. Lenox,
A-l Naphtha or Iaundry
- ueen Whit Laundry 8oai
for Boo
10 lbs. best whit or yellow
enrnmeal for lao
7 lbs. lt rolled white break
fast oatmeal for SSo
lb, choice Japan rlc
cans oil sardines 15o
7 lbs. best bulk laundry stsrrii
for .88o
Grape Nuts. Pk. lOe
E. O., Corn Flakes. 10c m
Pkg 6
4 8-1 L. stuks beat high grade
Diamond H flour fur . .91.48
' Nothing finer for bread, plus
( pr cakes.
The best domestic macaroni,
Pkg THe
Tall cans Alaska salmon ..10s
Parker Mouse catsup, bot. S'iO
Lara bottle Worcestershire
aauce. pickles, asaorted kind.
lioraeradlali or prepared
nustard. bottle 8V0
cakes Hlllio scouring; soap
for lio
cans Lu-Lu, It Beats-the-
Dutch aoa
Advo Jell, for dessert, nothing
finer, for 740
Maclaren's Peanut butter, lb.,
at 1SHO
Alt regular 12 He cookies, per
lb .10c
Ail regulsr 16c cookies, per
1" 18Ho
2- 1U. cans fancy sweet sugar
com, wax, suing, green or
lima beans for TV,s
3- 1 b. cans solid packed toma
toes '. ,H
l-lli. cans Polk's hointny,
pumpkin or kraut for . .TViO
lierahey's breakfast, cocoa, per
lb .aoo
Golden Eantos coffee, lb. too
The beat tea stftlngs. lb. 18V0
The bast creamery butter, ear.
toa or balk, per lb IM
The beat No. 1 storage egxs.
per dosen 8So
The best strictly fresh esse,
per dosen . .". ago
fancy country creamery but
ter, per lb 31
Tt best dairy table buur,
PV lb. BSO
Kill I cream, Youns: America.
U lacouHlir Creaiu or White
cheoHA, per lb BOo
2 lbs. good butterine 8S
The Teretabl Market for tha
people of Omaha
The heat lted Itlver Karly
Ohio potatoes, li lbs. to the
puck aa
The Lest Wisconsin cabbage,
per lb IVfcO
Jeraey sweet potatoes, 3 lbs.
for ; 10
ramy ( ape Cod cranberries,
per mart TVso
l'rexh beeta, carrots, turnips
shallots or radlehew. bunch 4
Fancy California cauliflower.,
per lb tWo
I large soup bunches ....10
r'aiicv head lettuce, bead TVo
Special Highland STavsl
OraasTS Sal
10 sis, rea. 0o per dox.. this
sale per dosen 38 o
t sise, reg. o0c per doi., tsls
aale par dosen 3o
12 siKe. re. 40a dog., this
sale per dozen as
178-200 else, reg. lOe dus., thl.s
sela per down .BOe
tU-USO site. reg. tOo doa. tin
sale per dosen lt
Large Size Cast . Alnminum Tea Kettle,
Warranted Best Quality and the Best
Aluminum Ware Bargain Ever Offered s.tTi nii.w at .82.49
Aluminum Roasters, large enough for thickens or
large beef or ioi-k roast. . -SL-IO
No. 8 Cast Iron Skillets r 29
No. 8 Cast Iron Skillets 39
25c best Imported Rolling Pins, 3-lncb .19
ZOc best Imported Holllug Pins, 2 s-inrh. . . . . . 13
10c Wooden Mixing Spoons , ej
Wash Boards, full sise, rluc 1Uc
Wash boards, lull size, glass, brass or enamel. . 29
"Climax" Food Choppers
Wen better, few as rood. Tnay eat,
do not orush, all kinds of flesn, veget
ables or ants, leaving all the juloes.
No. 0 sise. special Saturday at T9c
No. 1 slae, beat alia for general farm I v
use, special Me
No. 1 aiie. reduced to 41 J)9
No. 1 sis, re-lui cl to l.i
bsusage stutfers for "Climax" chopper.
at 8i