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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1915)
THE RKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. .JAXUAKY 1C. lliU Nebraska ROE IS REED'S ASSISTANT Lincoln Attornry Named in Place of Outpoint Eepub i licn. the WILL MEET THORITE tAYLOR fFrotn m Plaff Onrraronilrit.) lNOOU!. 71m. l-prtl.-C. S. to, A Lincoln tnrny, has bn p olntad -lftnt lto-hcy (rnrul. The ppotntimnt was annoiinrpd thla morn K by Attornry Onifral Red. the ner iMitocnitlc Incumbent of the office. Mr. Roe it wrll known In Lincoln. Ife ram it one time a law partner of K. O. fajtirU n6w a member of the Rate Board t Pardoni. loeorm s. Ayr, the retlrlnt a a- lutant attorney (eneral, haa aerved In he'poeiUon for over alx yeara, harlna; Irat been appointed during the regime t W. T. Thompaon end having been ftained by O. O. Martin during the last feur year. I Taylor Vll Thorae. i Railway Oommlaalonf-r Taylor goea to Janata City. Mo., .tonight for a eon fer ine with Clifford Thome, chairman of Jba general committee of the aaaoclated yeatera railway commltalon. The atate torarniaalarui are preparing their t-aae for Weaentallon In the western advance rat Waring, to be held at Chliego, beglnlng Prbruary 15. " j Xf Janitor Xamed. ana Doard of public landa and funda engaged J. K. nrge of 11 fkmlh wenty-nlnth a (root, Lincoln, as chief glneer and head Janitor at the rapttol ulldlng to auccc a ' M.' I. Hill, who re- nUy realgned. Mr. UJrge alii not take ilia new duties until Januarr 19. in pif meantime John E. Jewell, another in direct charge Nebraska Nebraska amounted to W.STASt, a large Item being money paid out for Blocking rivers and lakes with fiah. Legislation la recommenced to put the department on a aelf-stixtalnlng bnaia. It being asked that all money derived from the aale of llcenas be ueed for the pro tection and progation of game. It Is also asked that the department be given three deputies working full time, Inatead of eight months of the year, aa at pres ent. The report further recommends that unnalurallsed foreign-bom persons be prohibited from carrying firearm. Farmers' Union to Buy Convict-Made Twine OMAHA FIRE CHIEF OUT AFTER NEW ALARM SYSTEM iFrom a, Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, ' Jan. 15.-(Ppectal.)-Clty Commleeloner C. H. Wlthnell, Klre Chief Charles Halter and Ed Morris, city fire warden of Omaha, were In Lincoln today conferring with niembera of the Douglas county delegation in the lcgialature and Fire Commissioner rtlrixelt, relative to 2 bill which will lie Introduced by Senator Qtilnhy of Douglas to raiae money for a new fire alarm system In Omaha. A 'pedal tax 6f not more than one and one-half mills upon, all taxable property is provided for. Bonds may be Issued on V) per cent of the tax levied to run not nore than five years at 5 per cent. lew appointee, will be f lha janitor force. SAME LICENSES PROVIDE , SCHOOLS SIXTY THOUSAND ' (Tram a Btaff Correspondent.) 1 IJNCOLN. Jan. li-(Kneclal.) Over BaOOO has been paid Into the state school kind during the laat two years by the Lunter and fishermen of Nebraska, ac Wdlng t tho biennial report of Game K'arden Rutenbeck, as filed with the lovernor, today. 'Although, there were numerous sources K revenue, the greater portion of the fl.5M.aa, the exact amount turned Into lie school fund, came from the sale of Jk:ensea to fish and hunt. On ths Item Pouglsa county led all others with tS.DM. Uncaster county 'jmld $.011 to the state br Its sport. Banner county tullcd the t with but M. The expenditures of th department tKrorn a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. ii. Special Tele- ram.) Nebraska farmers belonTtng to the Farmers' union, which clows it scs slou here today, will buy tltelr twine and mftchlneiy thl yer from the Minnesota.) Penitentiary, according to s contract made today with T. B. Ross, superintendent of Industries of the Minnesota Institution. The contract will rover 3fl0,6nf) worth Of twine and machinery. C. II. Oustafaon of Mead and F. K. jn ton were selected aa a delegation to the national convention of the onion. The old board of officers was re-elected, consist ing of C. II. Ouatafnnn, Mead, president; J. M. Tlurdlek, ('relghtnn, vice president: D. II. Bills, Crelghton, secretary-treasurer; Carl E. Elat, Kdgar; FeUr Hansen, Buperlor, and John llavekost, Hooper, directors. The next convention wilt be held at Grand Island, the vote being pra-tlally unanimous after a long, fight had been put up for Omaha, Lincoln and Fremont. COMES FROM HUSBAND'S GRAVE AND ENDS LIFE ORAM) ISLAND, NEB,, Jon. 15. fHpeelal Tregrani.)-Mrs. .E..; J. Win chester, of Sixteenth, .and ,Iwrenc streets Denver, committed snilclde here late today by tsklng chloroform. The woman, middle sged and of good appear ance, arrived at the Koelilcr, hotel about noon, secured a room and shortly there aftee ended her life. From letters she left, addressed to her mother, a, resident of Wood Tliver, It appears that aha had married the second time; that for two years her life had bean made unhappy hy the husbands drinking and that he finally committed suicide. She had Just returned from Ms funeral. She feared God had uVaerted her and that her two sons at 114 West Bayard street, Denver, wltii a friend would be better off with out her. She had some insurance money coming which, she asked to be kept for her sons. Fire in Trimble , Block at Sioux City Does Big Damage SIOI'X CITY, la , Jan. ir..-Flre In the Trimble lil k. Sixth and Pierce streets, this morning, caused a loss of fyn.&iO. The principal losers are: W. H. GUamn. owner of building, loss (R inn. Naah Hough Furniture company, loaa about U.'i.OOrr. Overland Hloux City company, automo biles, loaa I40,ni. Sfhiiltx Automobile company, lore about f.'A00i. When the blare first assumed alarming alse authorities of the St. Vincent hos pital, which adjoins the Trimble block on the north, began removing patients. The removal of patients was accompanied without disorder. Ships Detained by Great Britain May Be Released on Bond .WAKHINOTON, Jan. 15. Release otl bonds of ships detained In British prise tourta will be permitted by the British government if the Judge court Is willing, according to a statement Issued today by the British embassy. The emhansy statement says. "While It cannot give a pledge that all ships now la prlxe courts will be re leased on ball being offered., because the decision muat reat with the Judas, his majeaty's government. In order to re lieve a shortage of tonnage, la anxious to withdraw ships aa little as possible from the rarrylng trade, and will there fore not oppose release on ball of ships now In prise courts, If ball Is offered. I "Only seven neutral vessels are at pres- ient In prise court and five ships are de tained In the United Kingdom tit addl i tion at this moment, for examination I as to character and to destination of ! . .on fn if thMA Will RmhAhlv K . leased almost immediately, and not one of them la under the American flag." The British government has offered to allow the former Oerman steamship Schneefeis. now lying at Gibraltar, to American Accused of Cattle Smuggling ' on Trial at Laredo LAKKDO, Tex., Jan. l.". Four Ameri cans, charged with smuggling of rattle from 'Mexico, were placed on trial today at Noevo Laredo., according to an an nouncement by Alonxo Garrett, United State conaul there. This disproves recent reports that the Americana had been sen tenced to death. It waa reported that William White and William Burrls. the younger of the four prisoners, would be released after an ex amination, but ithat regular legal pro ceases would be gone through In the rasea of Hradley White and Terrell Bobo. All four reside in Texas, near1 Laredo. Get competent help through The Bee. Do Yea Maffer with f olds f Tsks Dr. King's New Discovery, the best cough, cold, throat and lung medi cine made. The first doee helps. 60c. All druagtsla. Advertisement. At Fountains & Elsewhere " Ask for "HORLIGICS" Thi Original and snu!n HALTED r.TILC; Tha Food-drink for All Agis. At restaurants, hotels, and fountain. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at homey. Don't travel without 1L A quck loach prepared io a mimirej Take no imitation- Jsut wyHORLiaV riot In Any r.lillz Trust proceed to en American port v-lth Its slgneea, aa held to 'e reulral and not cargo of goods destined for the United States, If It Is recognized as a l.rltlsh vessel upon Its entry. The Schneefeis was seised by a Hritieh cruiser Isst August and was taken before a British prise court at Gibraltar, declared to be a prize and forfeited to the British govern ment. Its cargo, however, having already been purchased by the American con- subject for condemnation. Plate Ieprtment officials ?o fr have not acquiesced because of the uncertainty surrounding the transfer of flags by belllgcrent-owned Ships. lnale Tier Mauris for Boetoa. The nev stands ot the Braves In Boston will he modeled after the Tliiera" hmne In Detroit, but of course, will be far more commo't!? " .?;imrs V.. Gaffnoy h plana for a finale tl-r structure tnat will accommodnte .".onn. The pretension of eurh an ejl'lce is beat Illustrated In the statement that it will he a great seatlne csrnclty as the Harvard atd;".ii ant will accommodnte several thousand more then the l'rush stadium of th polo grounds. Oaffney hHS ben In Bo ton suiierintepfllng the grading of hia new plavlng field. He hopes to have th new prk reajy for his Braves befor July. , Omana Omaha LIQUOR DRUG Treatment 1502 & 10th BL Fhea D. 7K3 1 m JOHN A. SWAXSOX, President . 1 Wh ,asm ii rices- WILL". MAN SAYS: TEaaSytnaiiui dm The 'I - . " -ll-..-.v-sLs "l mut mpty every ease, counter ' 4 ' " r-TN. nd tMt of '' nd Winter cloth. ' . i.;,, !hii i "t my eyen to cost and value '" , J ' V -v. when elearnocf) tlm cornea; I " j f ' " ; " -i 'J ror,,t Proftto. I poettlvely JJ ', " not enrry over norehiit'k v r " . ' . 4 dtse because this new and s , I . i r' .. v greater store must alwaya ; it I . A -:f; maintain Us enviable tfZk'? I , , J leadership by orferlng ::? . AC ; I i k-j J fomplet all - new (A ' i .7 etocka at the open- :- . r f : , log of every sea- e f r S - ' P'-ka and S f Jf. v, S - i fortune smiles N- - - ! body NO ( a. : " I - ' 1 Out With )VM. h. IIOLZMAN, Treasurer. the Goods ANYr Man's or Young Man's Fall and Winter SUIT of iVERCOAT Our Entire Stock, Thousands of garments, including Rochester. N. Y.'s finest hand tailored clothes the acme of excellence in ready for service apparel, at . ' . Ji "XT iour (PF Opportunity SATURDAY, Choose as Follows: An JL a Xssi . k AU $10.00 Suiu and Overcoats ' Half Price Now. '. AU $20 Suits . . and Overcoats Half Price Now. $500 All $12.50 Suiu and Overcoats Half Price Now.. All $15.00 Suits and Overcoats Half Price Now.. $750 All $18.00 Suiu and OvercoaU . Half Price Now. AU$25 Suits . and Overcoats Half Price Now. $12o AU$35 Suits and OvercoaU Half Price Now. $175J AU $40 Suits and OvercoaU Half Price Now.. $900 $2Qoo ALL OUR FINEST $50.00 SILK LINED OVERCOATS AT $25.00 AU Gold Bond True Blue Serge Suits Included -Fur and. Fur Lined OvercoaU and Black Suits Excepted (AU . Ropnlarft. Sstnnts. TWictq KliTirt Kim. fa S Extra Sizes. AVo'll Fit Anv Man TiTa" Xo Charges. NoC.O.D.'s. No Approvals, IxOUCe No Uefujids. Sttiall Charfce for Alterations, 3 jf AU Boys' and Children's $2.50 to $10.00 Suits and OvercoaU. d1 or? x dp ff The MI Will" Man says Choice f Our Entire Stock at Half Price S l.ZO tO )O.UU Greatest Sale of Men's Trousers Ever Held in Omaha 800 PAIRS OF PARAGON High Art AND KINGLY TROUSERS Sold everywhere at $5 to $12.50 in three great lots Saturday at 03.00, G5.00, S7.SO Mjq of Fashion Wear Paragon Troaicn" 'An Unparalleled Event. Tbe handaomest trousers we have ever seen and the moat wonderful valuea on record. All atiea 29 to 60 waist. ... aooa4 Stoor Kca'a dotalae actioa. Men's Shirts and Un drrwear at I!axlical Clearance 'Prices. 6T7 f n CORRECT APPARWj IX)R MEN AND WOMEN aaVMMA ssWAMOMnisav KHIWU Men's Sweaters and Glomes. Stock up. Prices Cut to Pieces Benson & Thorne Co. 1516-20 Farnani St. feature for Saturday a GREAT SALE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS, HATS AND CAPS A splendid opportunity for men who appreciate Good wearables ml vr" All $1.50, $2.00 and ' $2.50 , 95c Broken Lots of the best, most Sightly SHIRTS in town reduced as Follows .$1,00 Shirts now $ .79 1.15 1.45 2.25 Hath Robes, $3 robes, $2.75 One lot of soiled robes, worth to $7.50, your choice, $2.00 1.50 " 2.001 ii (i 2.501 3.001 11 ii 4.00 I1 u r L i n e tl Auto Gauntlets, worth $3.50 and $4.50 $2.23 Fur Outside Auto Gloves, $4.00 to $25.00 Va-Price fhie lot of- Dress Gloves, worth from $1.50 to $3. .13-Price ... r . AV a s h able Fabric Gloves, gray or tan, black backs, 75c qnal-. ity ............50 $1.50 quality 75 Roll collar, Byron Collar and V Neck Sweaters, in all col ors, also Sweater Coats, are worth from $3.50 to $10.00, Broken lots of $2.50 to $4.00 kinds, for ..$1.05 One table of two-price under wear, at..)... -Price All our Men's Hats and Caps (Silk, and Stetson Staples excepted) X PRICE Just try on, make selections, and pay us one-half of tho regular price. , (Z Hats and T Caps at m8n 12 & 9s ' Men's High Type Overcoats and Suits v-jprice;.'. Evn it you have no present need, you should buy one of these gar ments at half. Our style belns always & year or two ahead will make these garments even more . desirable next year than this. $15.00 to $60.00 CCoats $7.50 to $30.00 or $15.00 to $40.00 Suits $7.50 to $20.00. Mackinaws V price, too . Fajamas in ' outing flannel, crepe silk, soi v sette and : ruuslin 'Cu ' . $1.00 quality .79 $1.50 quality; ,..$1.15 $2.00 quality... . $1.45 $5.00 quality.. . .$3.75 Night Shirts 50c quality. . .35 75o quality . . . $1.00 quality.. Boa Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws at . Price Shoe Bargains for women, misses and children, the wonderful kind, are here aplenty Space too limited to quote prices, but they're sure enough "low". While this ad i addressed to men folks and Saturday is sure, to see a big rush to our Men's Dept. let us remind the Women Folks that we're selling. Women', Misses' and Girls' Coats, at Vi-PRICE Women's and Misses' Stats, y,-PEICE Women's, Misses' and Children's Furs, at. . ; V .-PMCE ...55 ...79? OMAHA'S FASTEST. GEO WING STORE; 1 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. .1 S I COMMERCIAL' ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTROTYPERS AU UNDER-ONS OOr OMAHA -DEE CN G R A V I N Q D E ft OMAHA-NEBR. I F3i i tm-i I' " I. 1 . ll A PAV UilEtl GUQED tj ra U4 1U PR. kali. WrmMmt oiu if II fc-3k m KMtal rt aaA twtlmin. ktbiuta m wtk. E. R. TARRY - - 240 Deo Cldg., Omaha, Neb; if Jlaaitkoid jf Tmstoit suft V A Tamer my . Jj ; f&oae B -vVv Tyler If