Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
T1IK BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 1C. lHin. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska JURY IMPLICATES ROBERTS Arrives at This Verdict at North Platte in Connet Murder Case. THREE PERSONS ARE INVOLVED NOHTU FL.ATTE. Neb., Jan. 15. (Spe cial Telegram.) A coroner" Inquent was held today to ascertain the cause of death of Vernon Connett, wlioee body was found south of Sutherland Wednesday. The body was found to have three mark of heavy blows "with a hammer on the forehead. euch of which went through jtcie skull. Two broters of the deceased, II. J. Con nett of ChlUlcothe. 111., and I. E. Con nett pi Eileur, Neb., arrived last evening and positively identified the body by the hair, teeth, colthlntf and other points of lileiititi.utlon. Krorti testimony taken before the oor oner'A Jury today it appears that V. K. Trout secured the confosnlon of Uoy Rob erts at the prnltentirtry Tuesday, in which Roberta claimed that Charles Clay ton killed Connett by striking him on the head with a hammer on August ii; that they together burled it where It was found In the river one ' mile south of Sutherland. Roberts said that he and Clayton planned the murder to get Connett's tenm and sell it. Roberta and Cluylon have made so many different statements about the murder that authorities here are of the opinion that Connett was mur dered both by Roberts and Clayton, al though each now blames the other. Tim coroner's verdict. Is that Connett met death at the hands of Roy Rolxrts by being struck with a hammer on the head and that Mr. and Mrs. Charlas Clay ton had guilty knowledge of the crime. House and Senate Adjourn to Monday l From Staff CorresiHinrtent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. IS (Special Tele gram.) After the Introduction of a few bills In each branch of the legislature th's morning, both hoi-'eg adjourned until i o'clock Monday afternoon. LODGE POLE IRRIGATION . . ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED 8UNKY. Neb., Jan. 16.-(Sneclal.)-At the first annual meeting of the Ixdge role Irrigation assnclntlon. held in Sid ney, It was decided to make it a per manent organisation, electing the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year: A. U. Neumann. Chapped, president; Charles High. Potter,' first vice president; Fred Lehmkuhl, Lodge Pole," second vice pres ident; R. A. Hlake. Sidney, secretary; It. T. loran, Sidney, treasurer. The execu tive committee Is composed of W. 8. Rodman, 1 S. Walker, William lavles, for Kimlmll county; C. W. Johnson, P. f!. Horquist. James Booth. Cheyenne county; A. n. Peringer. . O. T"et!i, John Miller. Iieuel coiinty; legislative committee, Senator B. K. Bu-'hee, Kim ball; J. I.. Mcintosh.' Sidney; L. O. Pfetffer. Chapell. . ; Speakers with addresses and papers I before the convention were A. B. Price, j Lincoln; C. A. Wallace. Hastings; E. H. Murray, Kansas' City; J. L. Mcintosh and R. A Blake, Sidney; A. O. Neumann, Chapped: V. S. Rodman and George y. I'nruh, county farm demonstrator of Kimball; W. V. Iloagland. J. O.' Beeler and J I. C. Iiesem. North Platte. NOTES FROM BROKEN BOW AND CUSTER COUNTY Hurt County Institute OAKLAND, Neb., Jan. 15. (Special.) The twenty-fourth annual session of the Burt County Formers' Institute associa tion closed a two deyB' meeting last eve ning. , The followlai; state speakers were present and delivered lectures: H. W. O lonnell of Lincoln, S K. McKe!vte,of Lincoln, I. 1). Wood of Lincoln, Miss IxJUlse 'Sabin of Beatrice, R. L, Metcalfe of Omaha and H. A'.McCoinb of North Platte. Appearing on the program were also Nels Johnson of Oakland, who gave his views on woman's suffrage; C. W. ,'onkllng of Tekamah lectured on ' Twenty Years' Experience With Al falfa," and A, J. White of Lyons dis cussed the planting and propagation of forest trees In Neb-aska. The officers of the next year are: Frank ftody of Lyons, president; C. W. Bab rock, Lyons, vice president; A. Theodore nhllerg, Oakland, secretary. Rabht Inks at Plattamoutfc. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Jan. IB. (fipe ial.) In the First Methodist church Unhid Fredeirck Cohn of Omaha deliv ered his celebrated lecture, "The A, B, O of Success", to then'oung Men's Bible class, which was highly appreciated. FEES GO TO THE TREASURER Secretary of State Deposits All Money for Permits Before He Issues the Papers. PROVIDES MORE CASH ON HAND (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. l.V.-(Speclal.) - Al though Impossible to follow strictly the letter of the law as recently Interpreted I by Attorney General Reed, requiring the payment of all fee direct to the state treasurer. Secretary of State Pool will do his lest to comply with the spirit of the law. All cash coming Into the office will he taken at once to the state treasurer and a receipt for the same secured before the fee goes on Secretary Pool's books and before the applicant Is Issued his permit or papers. In this way the secretary will act as an ag'-nt for the person pay ing the fes. The money could bo sent back to the person paying it with Instructions to send It Into the treasurer' office and pro cure a receipt and to forward the latter. Tills, however, would be a great Incon venience to everybody concerned. The ol.Ject of the rutlng Is attained In that that state treasurer will receive the cash as It comes In.. Heretofore the sec retn'y or state has kept all moneys com ing in until the end of the month, depositing It in the lnterln with banks. The additional cash Is greatly needed In h? treasurer's office to meet the state's current obligations. In the secretary of state's office the fees received .amount to from Il.sOit to Jltt.non a month.' BROKEN BOW. Neb., Jan. l.-..-(Spe. rial.) The new Board of County Super-', visors Is In session this week, J. II Phil- ' tips of Anselnio being selected as chair- I man. A greater change takes place In the ' board than has occurred for a number' of years, four of the old members retlr-! Ing and new ones taking their pUcesv a follows: R. J. Mills, who succeeds It. V. Burnham: F. W. Haves, who succeeds B. W. Blair; II. B. Schnerlnger, who sup- reed John (tllmore. and John Walker, who succeeds Ben P. Morris. Holdover members are (leorge W. Dewey, Ira Ii BlnkHlee and J. It. Phillips. The hearing of Ocnrge tt. Smith of Ms fon City, who Is charged with embetilhig the sum i.f t'i'O from Adolph H. Knmmow, a miller, has leen continued before Jus tice Robinson to January 20. Thirty leading business men of Calla way, iitx'ompnnied by their wives, de scended upon the Public Service club of this city and were royally entertained by that organization. A.bHntuet was given in honor of the vfltors In the cluh rooms, after which followed a rar fully prepared program. Farmers' Inalllate at Klkhnrn, j KLKHORN. Neb. Jnn t5.-iSpecla.l , The rarmers instilut" held here Tw dny and Wednesday was a snicres. All sessions were well attended snd many farmers took quite deep interest in the lectures. The lectures by M. W. O'lon iiell from the rtste farm at Lincoln about feeding and csre of sheep, snd beg chol-I era vaccination by lr. lay on Tuesday afternoon were Instructive as well as In teresting. In the evening Pr. lay from Lincoln snd C. I,. Rurllngham from tha l nlted States Department of Agriculture lectured on diseases of hogs and dairy ing, respectively. Wednesday atternnon O. W. Meyer from Lincoln talktd on the subject, "The Ne braska Fsrm." Miss Aural Scott from Lincoln gave a cooking demonstration on mealies dishes. Mayor James C. Dahlman and Harry Fleharty of Omaha made addresses all . the rinsing session Wednesday evening., The hall was filled to capacity. Roe Want Ada Produce Results. MS aam r i otea from Beatrice. BEATRICE,' Neb., Jan. 1,". (Special. ) According to the report of Attorney John W. lelohant, appraiser, the estate of the late Charles K. Baker, who passed away In this city some time ago, is val ued at IKfi.W2.77. The county will receive about $S0O In Inheritance tax from the estate. Horace Gardner, who was arrested here Wednesdny on a charge of desert ing his wife at Concordia. Kan., was. taken back to- tha.t place Thursday by Deputy Sheriff J. F. Swafford. Gardner accompanied the officer without requisi tion papers. Drr and Mrs. George H. Brash ban queted the high school foot ball team Wednesday evening at their home on North Seventh street. Besides the team were several other guests .including Coach Hath bun. " M. F. Jones, H. W. Garrett and C. F. Prindle. j Bee Want Ada Are the Best Business Read Dally by People in Search of Ad vertised' DnnnrtunlHos. Two Men Hanged. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 15. Ralph Far Is, who while holding up a Southern Pacific .train near Ixis Angeles in lo cember. 1913, shot and killed Horace E. Montague, traveling passenger agent of tlie railroad, was hanged todav in SaY Quentln prison. At the same hour Sam: uel Kaber ' was hanged In Folsom prison- for the -murder of Chcrrv Ie St. Maurice, a wealthy woman of 'the un derworld, in Sacramento. LODGE PCLE VALLEY SEEKING IRRIGATION BY PUMP SYSTEM (From Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. i:..-(Speclol.)-A fed eral survey of th Lodge Pole valley and other tributary valleys with a view to reclamation by pump Irrigation Is pro posed In a Joint resolution submitted to the senate this morning bv Senator Bushee of Kimball. The resolution cites that the Lodge Pole valley has about KW.OOO acre of rich land that possibly could be reclaimed by such means, there being an apparent large supply of sheet water within forty feet of the surface. The farmers of the valley are said to be willing to expend the money 'to install the system. If only the government will determine its feasi bility. , ' Whtn the resolution comes up for final action, Mallery of Box Butte expects to Introduce an amendment, which is of In terest to his section of the country. Jnmea T. Rlnarold. PLATTSMOUTTf, Neb., Jan. 18 (Spe cial.) James Thomas Rlngold, aged 8 years, passed away in' the Nebraska Masonic homo and Rev. F. M. Drullner conducted the funeral services. The body wns'taken to LaPlattc this afternoon for Interment beside that of his wife.. Four c survive J.-C. -4tlngold, J. . T. Ringold and Mrs. Margaret Dennis, all rckldlns in t-Touth Omaha and George W. Rlngold of Louisville. 31 u When take Jovm my ole fidJlm An Irottan up the bow, I find the sweetest mtzsic In the tunee of long ago. That a kind o mellow tweetnese In a good thing grow in' old; Each year that rolls around it, Leave an added touch o gold. We love the ole frerts better Than we'll ever love the new. We get the greatest comfort When we wear the oldest shoe. An' I find my greatest pleasure When rm smokin fragrant, ripe Age-mellowed, smooth, old VELVET In my oldest, sweetest pipe. A GOOD thing growin old! Who would ex 72L change a well thumbed, well loved old book, that H the years have mellowed into a classic for a dozen modern "best sellers?" .WKo would lay by Hit "old i amiKar pipe, nut sweet and browned by use and smoke, for the finest, shiniest, newest pipe ever made You, who like the good thing growin' old, will like VELVET.The Smoothest SmokingTobacco Kentucky's Barley de Luxe, ,with an aged-in-the-wood mellowness, the result of more than two yean careful curing. . ' 10c Tin 5c Metal-lined Bag One Pound Glass Humidors - 1 - 7 iV nr"""7r m fvfflWWi22K . 'Mi. MMWSm Black. 1"' ifc.VtMl Suits L J VM Excepted III 'l 11 LI aiv We Simply Say Every Suit and Overcoat in Our Immense Stock Goes in This Great Half PICADA TUOI? C A I 17 Yearly VUi-SLrlJCi JjtLa!LLi ew Hint's oiiourIi Omnhn mon know whnt a Cloaranoo Sale at this store really means they appreciate the character or garments involved and tho hon esty of the price, reductions. 1Q $40 Suits and O'coats, now now . S7 y" snvc $3.00 now SQ you S"VP $3.00 now $1 J. you save $4.00 now Si 3 you save $5.00 now you save $6.00 now Si 7 yon save $8.00 now $21 you save $9.00 now $24 you Rave $11.00 y now $28yu RnVp $12.00 now $3 yu save $15.00 Clearance Sale of Trousers Starts Saturday. Many Omaha men have been awaiting this important an nouncement entire stock included in the sale sizes for every one note the splendid values $2.00 Trousers, $1.35 $2.50 Trousers, $1 65 $3.00 Trousers, $2.00 $3.50 Trousers, $2.50 $4.00 Trousers, $2.75 $5.00 Trousers, $3.50 $6.00 Trousers, $4.00 $7.50 Trousers, $5.00 Great Fur Goats As Well As All Plush and Fur Lined Coats Go in Sale At a Discount or oS f These Quality garments are sold on the smallest margin of profit throughout the season and if you take advantage of this . discount you'll own whatever coat you choose for less than it cost us. -1 I o WWwK .I'll , rvsSaSl lNoa m 16 at HOWARDm II 7 3D Our Building To Be Torn Down; Must Sell Everything Right Away B. EDWARD ZEISS All Broken Lines in Underwear j Price Dent's, Perrin's, Fownes' & English Make Gloves, Regular $2.50 Grade Only $1.35 FUR GLOVES, ONE-HALF PRICE. FANCY VESTS-Also Full Dress Vests $4.00 Grade -' - $2.00 $5.00 Grade - - - $2.50 $6.00 Grade - - $3.00 . Everything in the Store For Sale Cheap B. Edward Zeiss 1 504 FARN AM STREET Pig Pork Loins, frost 6 to 8 lbs 10 3-4c 1914 Forequarter Spring Lamb '. '. 1914 Hindquarter Spring Lamb 1914 Fresh Dressed Chickens at Wholesale Market Price. Choice flteer Pot Roast lHc, 11c Pig Pork Rotit 9 c Pig Pork Butts tlJic Choice Young Veal Roast 13 He and .He Choice Younf Veal Chops 12Hc Choice Mutton Chops . ...12ae Cudahy's Diamond C and Ar mour's Star Hams l&H. Cudahy's Sunlight Bacon ..10iv Swift's Winchester Bacon B 14c Small Haras lOMo Oysters, per quart 40c Buy your BTucerles w here you run net quality and save from 40 to 00. 20 lbs. best sugar .Sl.OO With grocery order only. 48-lb. Empress Pride flour, guar anteed to make best bread or cake or money refunded, 91.65 10 bars best laundry soap . .2(Vc 4 lbs. Chill or navy beans . ;'.2ftc 3 tall cans salmon .Sto 3 Urge cans tomatoes 2Ac Kumford baking powder, 1 -lb. can 20c Golden Pantos coffee, lb. ...5ivc 1'siton's Gas Roasted coffee A-V 10c Corn Klakes Be 3 lbs. fancy prunes 2&o tt-lb. pkg. Salada or Japan tea for 10c Best tub creamery butter, lb. 30c Macaroni or spaghetti, pkg. 7H Imrge Queen olives, qt. Jar ..80a S0r nlnrapple, alford C'allrornla belt peachns. can Vniii'y cranberries, quart .........So Large Krap fruit So Kxtra l&rH urangea, doa. SO Bellnvue heart celery ,....S6o JiiimI cook I iik applett, pk. . . ...... . S6 Heil Ulver t'tuea, k tOC haucy head letlui e .10o Laritn heada of call flower, lOe. tfte Iirge bunches of radishes or onions st 4a THE EMPRESS MARKET 0p. Wool worth 5c and 10c Store. H3 South 10th St. Tel. D. 2307. Pig Pork Loins, from 6 to 8 lbs., IQjc 1H freah dressed Itilcksns at lower than the wholesale price. fig Pork Butts 11 Fig 1'ork Uoast SHe riiolce Mteer Pot Hoast . . . .130, llo Choice Young- Veal Hoaat . . 13 Vi o, llo 1-arrib begs Mutton Koast 7Ha Cliolce Mutton Chops 19 Wo Uub Btew aVs UKi and Armour's f holes Veal Chops Cudahy's Diamond 8tar llama Cudahy's Hunllght Bacon ...... 110 Kwlfi's Wlncliester Htcon B...lSs Hmall Hams 104.0 Oysters, per ouart OOe SPECIALS From tJ H. M LaJiib Chops... B Kroin to 10 I, M. fork Chop. .M 4 k-4 Hz; PUBLIC MARKET in 21