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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1915)
TIFK HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JANUARY Hi, 1!15. If . BILL TO ABOLISH THE NORMAL BOARD Liggett of Seward Plant to Path Measure Taking These School . Out of Political Turmoil. ACTS ON HIS OWN VOLITION (Frrtro I Stuff CflrwpnWlfiH.J ' 1.1.WOI.N. Jan.lS.-MWclal.V-A Mil it nbollnh thr State Normal board and rlnc tha four tat? Normal achool undr tli manattrniri't of th Board of ITnlvuraltjr Urgcnti will h Introduced In tha )ctn lattire nxt week by Rprefiital lAn tt of KrwarJ rountj-. Mr. I-lggrtt I now havlntr It drawn by the IrgUlatlvn ieferenc department. '.. . i j. . All detail of the rducaUcnal and financial s.tminlnlr ntlon will " le plared ly this mciKiir In the fianri of the unl- entity rvNts. Imt the" por-;ia'ie of rup pllea will bo left to 'the Boord of Control. ( trol Hoard l.aat Reaort. Aa ai'ppllra Bre heded. the refc'nta will .mi regulation! upon th Board t Con trol and that body will arrange to have them furntahed at contract prlcet. "My Idea U to ft the Normal crhoola t.ut of pil!tlr, aald Mr. URtt In dH- ussln hl bill. "I want to do awav with political control and ve the atate from any more aVandalr like thoie In volved In the removal of President Thomag from hla position a the head of the, eKarney Normal and that Of J. W. Oabfttrca from the presidency of the Tern . Nromal. ... "In aeylng thla, I want It nnderatood that I am actln entirely upon my own Initiative. Dr. Thomaa 'purpoMly kept nway from him o that no on could Jutly charce that h had ftnythlna to wo with It." To lalfy Syateaa. Anothar purpoae which the Reward member haa In view la to unify the higher durational ayatam of tha atate. The. preaent teadency, ha. thlnka. la niaka iinlveraltlea out of the Normal achoola. In. atead of confining them la their function of training teacheia. CASH FOR DISTRICT SCHOOLS Municipal Votes For Women Forms Basis of New Bill A bill that would permit women to vota at all municipal electlona will aoon be - Introduced In the leflalature, according to well-founded rumor among Oniahana. It la aald on good authority that John Paul Firocn haa drafted auch bill for Itepr. aentativa Norton of. Folk county, demo cratic whip In the houaa, who will Intro duce the tn aanre and urge lta paacag. liocal men, w ho aay they are acquainted with such a plan, declare that th bill , will b atrongly backed by onian auf frage and prohibition Intereata, and la In tended at a aubitltute tor th woman auf frag amendment that wa defeated at the fall election. , Such a bill. If a law, would allow woman to vote for city officer, who In turn hav th power of laaulng saloon tlcehae and o( making and enforcing city ordinance. Treasury Vault Saf e From Fire,4g Report : Of Special Coijamittee (From a Staff' Correapondent LINCOLN, Jani- 15.-8pctal -Th- Join committee of the tieuae and aenate, ap pointed to inveatlgate th condHlon of 'the treaaury vault, reported today that in lta opinion th vault were af enough, ! being conatrucl'd In a moat modern enaa ner of coacret and r-lnforcd ateel. Kven though tb atat hou wer antlrely destroyed by fire, according to tha r , l ort of the committee, th. upward f l,009.0P9 wr-'h of aecurltlee.fn th vault would be perfectly aafe. .' Th commute roommndj that th atate, treaaurer'a appropriation b in liTeaaed o aa to Includ money for th ' Inatallatloa ef a complet new filling 'ay mem. (from a Staff foroapoadent) By gland of Boone Hat Bill Permit ting Increase of Levy to Twenty-Five Mills. SIX MONTHS IN EACH DISTRICT (From a Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. IS. (Special.) Senator Bygland f Boon will introduce aeveral hill during the aeialon of a curative na ture, principally relating to rhoo ll triet' ahd villa Th moat Important i one ahj-'h will require all achool Jlla trlct electlona to be held at the am time aa the village electlona In th eprlng and the publication of -a atatemAt of re ceipt and dlhurmenta of the district. It will permit ralalng the general fund levy from JO to a mill. -A irtate levy large fnough to guarantee alt montha of achool to every achool CA trlct In Iho atate will be tW auhject of a bill to be Introduced In the aenate by F-nator nobertann of Molt. The Mil will rfiulre that after th aix montha re quired ha been had, that any amount of achool beyond that period ahall be pro vided by th dlatrlcta themaelve. ' The object which Senator Roberteon de alrea to reach la the guaranteeing to very dlnti let no matter how poor It may be of alx month of achool, believing that tha older and richer dlatrlcta will be able to Uk rare or anything beyond that time. Tha management of th achool dla trlcta will remain aa at preaent, th en ator not being favorable to the county unit ayetem. . RESOLUTION UP IN THE AIR' Hitchcock Endorsement Becomes Foot Ball of the Two Houses of the Legislature. BODIES MAY ACT SEPARATELY 'From a Staff CorreapondrnL) LINCOUN. Jah. ll.-(Ppeclal.)-The Hitchcock reaolutlon I at preaent "be tween th devil and the deep blue aea." th houae not appealing to cara a rap what become of It. "' The houae today ent over to the aenate a communication of inquiry a to the manner In which the reaolutlon waa Paaa-d In the aenate, whore It waa given but on reading. The ruling ha been In the houae that a Joint reaolutlon re qulrva three readings on different daya, being lmllerln that reaped to a bill. If the aenator wlah to retain the Joint nature of the reaolutlon they will prob- bly recall It and aive I. ... nd vend it over to th ehouae again, "l"r"'" houae member may In troduce another aeparate and dletlnct measure, a copy of which la alroady eald t' be rcpoalng In tha pocket of one rep re tentative. Bills Introduced FLAXSEED RISES TO NEW HIGH PRICE PRICE AT DULUTH DULL'TH, Minn.. Jan. !5.-Ten and three-quartera cnt advanc waa ecored by flaxaecd hortly after the opening to day. May rachd fl.97,' which break all records for the ed on th Duluth Board of Trad.. Th raaaon tuailgned waa that .Argentina ahlpment ar stopped hy prn- iiimtlv freight and trar Insurance. . Old-Time Remedy Makes Pure Blood Purify your blood by taking Hood' Sarsaparljla. Thi medicine haa been and still I th paopl' BMdioln bcaua of Ha reliable character ahd lta wonderful success In th treatment of the common diseases and ailment scrofula, catarrh, rhaumattem. dyspepsia, lss of appetlt. tht tired feeling, general debility. Hood'a Baraaparllla ha been tested forty year. 01 It today. Publio Men Talk , . Of Short' Ballot (From a 'fctaft Correapondent.) . . ' LINCOLN. Jaa. ll.PpoclD Th short ballot eonferenc held a aeaaton In 'th -aenate chamber Oil afternoon and , wa presided over by Venator Qulcby of Omtiha. , Oij th program wr th following speakers; ' . yrtnL Rowater. 'Th Need af thi Miort Ballot In NVbraaka." ' U K. Aylaworth, "The Application f the hort Ballot lo Kiat Oiflcerw." F. A. Bronan, "Th JShoii Hnllot and the Judiciary W. L. Unke, "Th Dlatrlot rrtmsry and .thn hort Hal lot," An th, prof 1 am In the evening Is as follusti J. N. Norton, "The Bhort Pallot and Irgltilatlve ru-fnrm." It. Hmrhfr Howell. -Tha Short BJ. lot and Admiulatrativ Kffinienry." HirH.m., "The Hhort Hailot and "ounty Officer. C. A. twrfinrn. "Conetltuti.inl Chanee Neceary to Make I'osalhle Hhort Hal lot." A. K.- helio,. '-The Mechanics of Pieeent Nebra.. Klectlona'1 yo-T TO ORDER Reduced Froa $25, $40 Suits Reduced To $22.50 Our flue winter woolen g are reduced In price nearly, one half. We must make room for aprlng goods. We use good linings, good 'workmanship and guarantee every garment perfect In fit and atyle. . , These ar goed aulta re duced to a very low price. . M!GARTHY-V1LS0II TAILORING CO. 304-306 Ssitli 16(1) St. (From a Waff Correapondnt ) LINCOLN. Jan. IS. (Special.) Th fol lowing bills wer Introduced In the leglo- lature today: Mouse Bllla. H. R. , Richmond of Douglas Police captain or eerrant in Omaha may take caati hall or rocofntaanc -from arreated peraona when OurHe not In aalOn. ' H. It W. Hlchmond of roiiala Widow of rtlrd police officer ahall hav fto a month penalon from inalon fund. H..1!. , RJchrnond of. I hjuglaa Provide that county boards mar levy I mills for court houen or Jail fund upon a petition of M tr cent of voter of a county in lieu of holding a epchU olectlon. II. It. M. Bootta. Reynolds and Oreen walt Orn inaon for prairie chlckena on month Instead of two, on oua.ll cloeed aeaaon, cioeed eiaon for plover and dovea: lncreaaa penalty to 125. . II. R, 7, Palmer of Douglas Contem plated municipal judge for Omaha ap point a conatahle. H. R. Palmer of Doualasi Emoowera county judge upon petition of jntaresled pereona to maka rclfr finding that an eatat la not auhct to Inhtrltance tax. II. R. Palmar of Iouala-lebta of a famllv contracted for Hfe neceaaltloa may b coll-'ed from the wile's property aa wall aa the husband . H. R. 70, Palmer of Dotiglaa Increaaeg renaltv for fraudulent uae of fiatrna.l Inalgnia or other CTdrntlle from IJi) to $ fln- and from thirty to ninety clays' Jail Imprtaonnient. II. R. 71, JHImer of Dnuala "haii nonpsrtlaan Judlclarv law eo that pro poacri munkipal Judges ahall be elected under It. H. R. "2. Palmer of Ivmaias Thans exemftlona for dobtora In aeveral waya, on of which make 10 per cent of warea aubject to gamiahment. It. R. 73. Itowarth of Fillmore Permlte co-operative companlea to dlntribute dlvl danila to other customers aa well na to mrmtere. H. R. It. Ainlav of Nance In actlrma to collect rent requlrea either rrty applylns; for continuance to aive bond In insuring HMitlnat damegca occasioned thereby. H. R.' "S. Moeely of Ilncaater Permit th county commissioner to prescribe th width of tires on vehicles used on Im proved ronds. 11. R. 7. Foater of Inaatcr To II cenee and regulate the practice of chiro practic. II, R. 77. Peterson of Lnncsater Per mlte crmnty attorneys to file Information at other times than during court term. If. R. ft. Peteiwon of Lancaster Fixes humber of peremptory challenge of Jurors at twelve, six 'and three, respec tively. In raeee Involving different degrees of criminality. IL ft. 7i, louEla County reeatlon Juntlc court ruva mut be adjourned for seven day upon application of either party. H. R. ,Iougla County felegatlon Allows change of enuo from Justice courts to contemplated municipal court In JJnugla county. H. K. kU Oouglaa Owinty Peiegation Conatahlca shall be appointed and not. elected. In Douglas county two Jiwtlces shall be elected Instead of six. H R. K. t)oii(l(i County Pelegatlon Limits Just of the peaoe'a Jurisdiction to hla own riiatrict. II. R. n, rougla County Delegation Creates two juatice of the peace district In Dnugla County, one Including Omaha and South Omaha and the other nil out side territory. H. R. M, Oreenwalt of Custer Increasna th salary of the clerks of the chief Jus tice of the supreme court from $1,009 to Jl.yo per annum. esste Bills. P. F. 47. Cygland of Boone Provide that the estimate of the probable amount of money necessary for all purposes to be raised by cities or villages be entered upon the minutes and repeals th sec tion of the law requiring public atlqn four week. H. K. it, Byglantf of Boowe Pro vides the manner In which th tax for city or village purpose shall b raised. R F. 4. Bygland of Boon Pro vides that trustees of villsgea shall be bona fid residents and tpayer of the village at th time of ele.-tlon and slull have resided therein three montha pre ceding. 8. K. Wl. Ruden of Cedar and Real o Cuater Define fee to be received by county judge In criminal and pruhat ' matter; emergency. . F. M. Oatea of Sarpy Provides fo and regulatea the collection by sale of real estate all delinquent tax and p rial aeeeasments levied by any coumy. municipality, drainage dlatrict or oth r political auhdtvtalon of the Stat. - 8. F. to. gaundera of Douglas Provide for rotation of namea of candidates on th general election ballot th same a i on the primary ballot, and app'ies I i raaea where there ar a group of can dldatea for officea where more than otv selected to the earn office. S. F. M. Iloagland of Lancaster-Defines forcible breaking and entering public or private telephone pa ' etatiii or booth aa burglary; with emergent'., clause. 8. F. M. Bush of Kimball Joint reso lution relating to Irrigation. PILR" CtMRED K TO 14 DAYS. Druggist refund tnny If Po Oint ment fall to cur Itching. Blind, Flee J tng or Protruding Pile First application gtvea raliaf- cnta. A going businesi can be sole', quicklv througa Tha B'i "Buainesa Chances." B.' Pred JLess?s Uny : - Quarters, to Op:n Fell. 1 . B. Pred, th woman clothier, com puted negotlatlona Saturday for th lea of th st or room now occupied by th Tracy Cigar stors, adjoining th Subway Clothing- company atorq at Sixteenth and Douglaa trt, and will at one' remodel to include th additional apac In hi new store. lie recently bought th subway businesi and baa bn closing out th stock. Th remodeling will start February 1, and on March 1 h will reopen under the nam of "H. pred, ladi' cloaks and suits. Th Tracy store will tnor than doubl th floor space of the preaent etor. Thar will t one large entrance, at the corner of Hlxteeutli and Douglas. Lvery suit or overcoat In th houae i now being teloaed out at 14. i and l . A1-verllseinent. (i If You Arc a S Ax JL, E S Wi A PJ It Will Pay You Best To Sell LIFE 'INSURANCE If you afo younp, straight, energetic, .and wlllingr to work, you should write for an appointment with tho home office .representative of an old established life insurance company which is seeking the right men for Nebraska. Your efforts will bo backed by the company until you have a profitable .business of your own. State experience and qualifications. ' ' " ' J-462 Bee J The January Sale of Muslin Underwear ! Offers a fine variety of bargains These undermuslins are of very high quality and are marked exceedingly low in price. Gowns, skirts, chemise, combinations (both two and three-piece), corset covers and drawers; both women's and children's garments are included. All from regular stock, at prices lower than ever be fore offered. Extra Values in Toilet Goods Nail Enamel (stick form), speciirl at .9 .lap Koee Talcum 12 Lana Oil and Buttermilk Soap . 19 a box Colgate Shaving Soap, 5 Children's Rompers and Wash Suits Rompers in plain chaonbray .ginghams, light or. dark blue, brown; also blue ? and white and pink' iftnd white chocks; sizes, 2 to 6 years ,50 Infants' Creeping: Aprons and Rompers, white, plain, pink and blue, or light checks, ginghams, nix months, one and two years ... . .50 One lot of Infants Creep, ing-1 Rompers, white or 1 white and pink cheeky regular 50c quality, 35f fi3c quality . ...... .43 CaUraa otlata Tix Moot. . Specials in the Fabric Gloye Section i-clasp Duplex Washable , Fabric Gloves, tan, pon- .' a?e. ffray wd white. . Women's and children's Gloves, regular 65c and 75c qualities, Saturday, at . . . . ; . ... .50 a pair All $1.25 Novelty Duplex Washable Gloves, black, white, tan, pongee, with a pearl clasp, and twp toned stitchings at ... .....$1,00 a pair THOlPSOR BEMEN & CO. It Takes All Sorts of Good Merchandise to Make Up This Genuine January Clearing Sale Clearance here Keep in mind that You should is a storewide un- this is the year's profit by the con- dertaking. It in- great economy occas- stant succession vol.ves every ion throughout of remarkable of- Stock. Thompson Belden's. f erings. I,' , t " The Sale All Omaha Attends Final Clearance of Winter Suits ; 8:30 A. M. 128 Suits Go for :$4.95 $10.50 $14.50 .This is an absolutely final clearance of every suit in our stock of fine hand-tailored suits. t 62 Suits 62 'suits - of cheviots, werge, . pebble . serge, and novelty cloths, ' offered during the' regular season for $12.50 to $19.50, ' ' Saturday $4.95 36 Suits .(! suits of broadcloths, garbardine, serge, in all the. season's popular colors, offered regularly for ' . $22.50 to $39.50, Saturday $10.50 281Suits ; -8 ;-- exclusive; products - of tailoring skill; broad cloths, duevtinea. garardlnes, and- -aereral other Ira ported .Imported clotba; man j of thaaa -' suita are trimmed with cholc r; et furs, sold retularly for $42.50 to $75.00, Saturday $1450 liecause of the unusual values offered we will not send these suits on approval or accept their return from either cash or credit customers. - - j During this sale we cannot alter these garments. .. , Our Final Clearance Sale of All' Winter Trimmed Hats For of the Cost S10.00 Trimmed Hats, 82.50 $15.00 Trimmed Hats, S495 $20:00 Trimmed Hats, 55.95 . ''v Saturday will be our last sale of "Winter, -t. V Miuinery Second Floor. , ( 3 Great Silk Specials Saturday Lot 1, 29c Lot 2, 39c , Lot 3 59c We need the room for new spring silks, so Sat urday all these must go. Arranged in three lots at three very special prices : 39tf, 59tf Regular Prices 75c to $1.50 a yard. Sale Starts at 8:30 A. M. Basement Ready-to-Wear Costs Less Now $2.50 Nurses Uniforms, at $1.98 Bathrobes, formerly $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, go now for ;$2.98 $1.69 and $2.75 Sateen Petticoats, ' now $1.25 House Dresses, regular prices, $1.50 and $1.G9, now 98 Candy Special Best Grade of 60c Choc olates, at these prices: M-pound box. . .23 1- pound box. . . .39 2- pound box . . . 78 The Art Department Offers These Specials Saturday : Sale Commences at 9 A.M. All Hand Crocheted Slip per for women and chil dren, reduced as follows: $2.50 quality $1.25 $2.00 quality..... $1.00 $1.50 quality 7p . Finished Pin Cushions, all colors, reduced as fol- lows: . $2.50 Cushions.... $1.25 $1.75 values $1.00 $1 and $1.25 values, 75- 7nc Cushions ........ 40 A limited number of finished scarfs and center pieces at 1-2. regular prices and less. It's Such Unusual Values As These That Make the January Linen Sale One of the Most Important January Events Crash Toweling 17c Bleached Crash Tow eling . . . .12l2 a yard 18c Bleached Crash Tow eling .15 a yard 20c Bleached Crash Tow eling 17 a yard 25c Bleached Crash Tow eling ..... ..20 a yard January Sale Guest Towels 40c Guest Huck Towels. at ........... 25 each 50c Quest Huck Towels at .... ...39 each 65o Guest Huck Towels at . .50 each Table Cloths .$2.50 Bleached.. $3.00 Bleached.. $5.00 Bleached.., $7.50 Bleached.. $10.00 Bleached. $20.00 Bleached, $25.00 Bleached, .$1.75 .$2.00 .$3.75 .$5.00 .$7.50 $15.00 $17.00 January Sale of Napkins $3.50 Bleached Napkins at. ,y . . . .$2.75 a dozen $5.00 Bleached Napkins a(, ... ... .$3.75 a dozen $6.00 Bleached Napkins at. . . i . .$4.00 a dozen $10 Bleached, $7 a dozen Extra Specials For Saturday 1,000 yards 15c Crash. Toweling only l. .. .10 a. yard 100 dozen, $1.75 Bleached Napkins. ;. . . $1.25 a'dozen 100 dozen, 40c Guest Towels, only 25 each 20 dozen, "35c Turkish Bath Mats, only. ..... ,22 each Clearing Sale Prices on Women's and Children's v Knit Underwear Women's Cotton Vesta and Pants, regular priea 50c, special 39 Outsizes, regular 75c, special .......... .50 Women's Wool Union Suits, values, regular $2.25, outsizes. . ..$2 75 Special ....$1.50 Children's Vests and Pants, cotton and wool, go at -price. Underwear Section Third Floor. Important Sales for Next Monday Embroideries Sale ; An annual clear ing event with bet tor values than ever. Lace Curtains and Draperies A Janu ary event of great value giving. , Glove Sale Pre senting some most unusual values.