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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY lfi. l15. .15 ( for. RKXT lloa.ea 4 (oltaitrl, $35 Per Month 8-Room Brick House Hanscom Park District Large- rooma. newly decorated through out. hot water heat, oak nnlih down Mtitira; beautiful n. 101 So. Hit street, on. block to Weet Plde Par car. The Byron Reed Co Phone Doug. 297. 2 So. 17th. FREE RENT TO FEB. 1. :! Capitol Ave., -r., all mod., tat. to S. Wih Ave., t-r., all mod , . -.'.!12 Nicholas 8t. -r.. mod., tli. N. 27th Bt.. 6-r., mod.. ex. heat. $11 EAST PROS., in McCegue Bldg. hi No. lth St., rms., all modern. . ior-Om So. d St., rm. all mod., tV i nrin m., e rms., part moo,, lizoo. 317 So. 2Mb Ft.. rma,, part mo4., t RIRKETT COMPANY, 423 Be Bldg. Doug. (US. MODERN HANSCOM PARK, t-r. brick, west of Norma ndle, on car line. J0. t-c. and hall, carat. 1 alk. ear, 83d and Pacific, 34fi. O'KBBFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Wis. Omaha Nations!. Tout". 1716. EL KJANT -room modern brick apart- ment, newly decorated. 34 per month; i e : a tot at Frame flat, 112 8. tSth St., rooma new plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor, large yard, treee, shrubbery; HO per month! a bargain. J. C. ISII, EXECUTOR. 703 8. Slat Ave. Phone Harney 343. SPECIAL Six rooma. modern; 1 room. iniaiu uu iii n ill lmj lu. 4 1 1 L- References. R-457. Bee. t-R. BRICK, part mod., extra rood. til. No children. 3038 S. lth. Red 4901. o JUST completed, 6-rooni bungalow, strictly modern. 17th and Mandrrson. Webster 12. RENTAL. BARGAINS STRICTLY MODERN. 59J1 N. 24th, ft rooma, dandy bungalow, near Miller Park t2S. 340T N. S4th, 6 rooma. desirable brick 127. SO. i09 Dodge, rooms, fine condition tw. 4011 Isard, 7 rooma, handsome brick 135. 1014 N. fHh. T rooms, fine condition 335. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1631 State Bank Bldg. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANT. I rma., Dundee, modern, $46 I rma, modern except heat. $20. 7 rma., near car, north, $30. S rma.. new cottage, til 50. 4 rma., new, not modern, $12.60. Doug. 5018. or Wal. 3037, Har. 2646. - afflS Woolworth Ave., ( rooms, mod., 1-X fV60 N. 30th, 4 rooms, modern. 31. 2SW Seward, rooms, barn, $15. 105 8. 28th. 6 rooms, lia Others. RINOWALT. Brsndcls Theater Bldg, t-R., modern, 4408 N. 28th Ave. tlO. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van and il men. $1.16 per hr.; storage IS per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4333 & Ty. 230. FOR RENT Modern 8-roora house, 208 S. S5th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Henshsw Hotel. Har. 1094. Douglas 1116. FOB KENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for vent. This list can bo seen free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co.. so Ho. itn t, FIELD CLUB district. -room modern. tu Dam, sleeping port oi ruyc1" Ave.. t40 a month. Phone Webster S770, SEVEN rooms, modern, hot water heat. 8513 Hawthorne Ave., 35. BENSON & MEXER8, 424 Omaha Neb. Bank Bid. Doug. 740. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. Kth & Jackson Bis. Phone Douglas 2W. touse8Crelgh Sona A Co., Bee Bldg. Maggard's Van and Stor- Largu men. 11.60 per hr.. u.ay. 2 men, $1.25 per hr. 1713 Vchster. Doug. 1496. J. C. Reed Exp. moving, packing ts. storage. lait I'arnaiu. U. 6146. 6-KUOM cottage, modern except furnace, reduced rent. Kin N. 19th St. Acreage. FOR RENT Fruit snd garden fsrm, with glass hotbeds. J. R. McPhcison, 12S1 East Pierce St., Council Bluffs; In. Store Offices! 16TH & HOWARD Ron rthpt iVi B. 16TH ST. Suitable for shoes, mil linery, confectionery and fruit. 1609 Howard, fine location for grocery, furniture or restaurant. 60s S. ISth, Wrlght-Lashbury, Tel. P. 133 MODERN store, some fixtures, living rooms, furnace; good repair; rent cheap, good location. 4th and I St., South Omaha. J. Casey. WANTED TO BUT WANTED To buy two-color Underwood No. t typewriter; must bo reasonable in price. Address O 483 care Bes. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. n on, jjui rsrnam. I long- si Vi. HAMILTON CO.. the only gentile second hand atora In Omaha. 1719 Cuming. D. hut WK BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. Mth. SINGLE bUSKV and In mnri - pair, desired. Write George Hansen. Station B, Route 1, Omaha. YALE buys old clothes. Phone Tyler 141$. TWO Ford roadsters wanted. Must be first clsaa. Will pay cash. Desnrlba fully and state price. U. F. Wilson. Sbarpsburg, Is. . REAL ESTATE FARM Jt RANCH LANDS FOR 8 ALK CaJtfrla. Our Land In Sacramento valley. Rich soil, beau tiful location, splendid railroad service to San Francisco and Sacramento. Prices lorn'. Only 10 per cent cash; balance long time payments. V. T. SMITH CO. - D. 21. .M2 City Nat. Bank. -o Missessls. 160 ACRES, between Minneapolis and Du luth, on the Soo line, 4 miles from rail road town; W acres under cultivation, balance wooded pasture and soma good meadow; no waata land; fair set build ings;, near school; land borders oa beauti ful lake; complete aet machinery; IS, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy -nd everything en the plaoa goe at J9 lr acre; one-half cash. Schwab Bros.. 1 ta Plymouth Bldg . Minneapolis. Mina. A.arasasu Nebraska Wheat Farms , 40 acrcs-ONE CROP OFTEN pays for -the land. Best plec. in that locality IS miles south of Kimball, the county seat- urrounded bv improved farms; no In- Write today for illustrated foUler. t O'Kecfe' Real Estate Co.. I'Ji Omaha KatluceL Phone Douclaa zril -Twenty-seven (Quarter ection Wheat Land Thl la In. -1- l .l. . .. V,,!,,u'Vn'rn iiux Rut county. Nebraska. ".Iu'-"on Potato raisma and t lie son ana climate la especialK Id to siiriiia and durum wheat. Tin. adapt is all I in one body and Is an excellent KrtlOn trt r.ilr.n I .a Vi'ili .n ..ii propoi ball , - . . -iii r ii ii hi Might conrlder some exthsnxe if J clear Traver 13ros. RKAL F.STATE FARM Rtni UNO FOB t-K., Farms FarmsFarms All within one hours automobile ride of Omaha; bargains. Let tie show you the goods: all alscs, all prices, all terms, t all In forenoons If convenient. No trades considered. ORIN B MERRILL COMTANT. J4 E, Cor. 23d and M Sis.. South Omaha. . 706 Omaha Nat. Bank Rid. FOR SALE by owner for neat 15 days, 10-acre farm In Plattsmouth. Neb. t rom house, rave, r'stern. t wella, barn, fruit of all kinds; 4Va acres alfalfa, 4it pasture, garden, etc I'. O. Box 107, Plattsmouth. Neb. North Dsksts. WE own and control 30.0no acres of Im proved fnrms la the bsnner counties f eastern North Dakota. In IMS and (M0 acre tracts. Would like to correspond with reliable agents. IIAI.VOKSON-THOMPSON LAND CO.. Cooperstnwn, N. D. New York. IlfQH pVlced land has csused many to struggle against dbl through a life time only to ilo In the end killed by debt worries. Eighty-acre farm with 16 i-owa and tram, M per acre; t00 cash. tlO yearir- RENTER, ginger up; price nor terms are not a peg to hang lost opportunity on, !0-acro farm. 88 acres of t2 wh;at. 64 acres of the more you have the more you want (alfalfa). 34 per acre, t cash, $109 yearly. Writ for rhotos. Railroad fare to purchaser. E. MUNSOX. 242 8. Sallnn St. . Byraeuee. N. T. Ok. take (,000 ACRES, large and small tracts; sb. solute title; Pittsburg Co.. farming, pas ture, oil, coal land; i6 to Uf per acra. Write J. E. Cavanagh. MoAlester. Okl. at a Pakola. . SALE or exchange, well Improved quar ter section In Gregory county. Rich soli and good crops. Price 16 pot acre; terms easy. Will sxchang for good Omaha Income. Sale or rent, two good farms In Tripp oountjr; one of 180 acres, other 120 acres; both have good Improvements and fcood, hard soil, no sand. Price t2o per acre; favorable terms. W. T. SMITH CO. D. 2S1H. 1112 City Nat. Bank. o Wtseonsla. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; landa for aale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let 84 on Wisconsin Central Land. Grant. State acres watted. Writs about our graslng landa. If interested In fruit lands, aik for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. Soo Una Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. MUcslUsssst. FARM for sala; must sell my Fellsmers farm, 20 acres, muck prairie land. TJpboff. 4o Times Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE want a few a and s-roora houses at once. Have plenty of buyers now. List your properties. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 3d Floor Ware Blk. Doug." 1781. o. WANTED Residence, new S-room mod ern, west or north side, for cash and clear Improved farm, or will trade farm for 5,ouo equity In house. Phone Walnut 3147! RKAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE I'M ACRES, Mills county, Iowa, 7 miles northwest from Glenwood. fair set of farm buildings, rentod tor this year; en cumbrance Ki.ftvO, due lam. Will consider rrom xs.wo to fio,iu or gooa iraao tor tqutty. Submit offers. Duffus Land Co., 1 ipttstonc, Minn. lT6 ACRES, irrigated; 96 under ditch, bal ance pasture; till level; near Ft. Mor gan, garden spot of Colo., where sugar beets last year made high as 2$ tons per acre, altalta 7; $4,200 Improvement; $3,500 insurance; $3,00 mortgage, runs 6 yesrs, per cent, equity U',!). What have yuu for exchange? Box 261, Hebron, Neb. OMAHA or neighboring property wanted in exchange for residential property in New York City restricted subur'j. Write K. K. Slooum, 141 Broadway. New York. FRONTIER M BARGAIN, ' Highly improved farm of i&i acrsa. Land all toys fine and la soli. Will exchange tor good" Omaba residence. C. R. COMBS, lis Brand Is Theater, Omaha, Neb. .Douglas 3916. REAL ESTATE LOAJJS $-'5,000 PRIVATE money to loan on inside property at 7 per cent. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. I ipuglas 2715. CITY and farm loans, i. 6, S per cent. J. II. Dumont tc.iiro ramam. umni WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warranta. W, r arnam cmun t o., u.-v r arnain. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2718. tmo to tlO.uOO made promptly. F. D. Weed, Woad Bldg., 18th and Karnam Bta. GAEVIN BROS SSSK:c ucr CITY LOANS. C. Q. Carlber- Co.. u 310-812 Brandela Theater Bldg. ClTY property." Lurge loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 22t Sute Bank bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. SEE us first if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. ABSTRACTS UJ TITLE. KkU Abstract to., oiaest abstract of flos in Nebraska. K P odeta Thaatar. KERR Title Uuara-LM and Abstract Co, modern astract offlca. M H. Uth St Phone louglas 4s7. KKAL ESTATE ACREAGE LOOK FOR YOUR ACRE TRACT3 NOW Dout wait till spring is here, when you'll be In such a hurry that you won't have the opportunity to look around for the best placeDO IT NOW. i have several fine one-acie tracts thst I will sell on very easy payments. Each tract haa a brand new houre and a good well. One tract has a fine vineyard,' which produced a btg grape crop last fall. See me about this today or telephone me tonight at 6:90 p. in. E. P. WRIGHT, Call Walnut 62 after 6:A) p. m. Call Douglaa 2H'J4 day time. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE NEED money quick. Will sell my tl.oOO equity In all modern 7-room home for $166 cash. Give you warranty deed. 4110 N. 2St Ave. Dandy Home Five rooms and, bath, alectrla lights, furnac heat, all modern conveniences, good location. Paved streets. This heme as built for a home. Full lot, 60x140. Half cash, balance like rent. A snap at the price Come and ses this place for yourself, eull Charles Kt. Walnut 1?7C. PAY MM AND MOVE INTO A HOME OF YOUR OWN. I have a new 6-room. an modern bunga low located on a paved street in north part ot city that the above named first jay men t will secure. This house has principal rooms in oak and Is close to car line, churches and school. If you want to inspect this house telephone me today and I will arrange to .tend a car for ycu. K. P. WRIGHT. Call Douglaa 36 In dav time. Evenlnga after 30. call Walnut MX rOK THE MAN OK MODERATE MEANS $3,-50 Buys t-rooin bunsalow. e-ery modern convenient and several k,ullt-ln feature, owner Is really sacrificing at this uric; M down; balance .Us lent, near Kountss Park GALLAGHER & XELSON, D. 13-1 44 Bra s ill- U g.-e REAL KSTATI"' hoVTH HIDR Fine Residence Field Club District Would yeu t-e Interested In a full -tnry dwelling, brand new and entirely modern, built bv day laiior, and tlnM'ed up rlnht in every respect. Nice, large living rooms, finished In oak. butler's psntry. fine kitchen. Three choice bedrooms snd Isrge sleeping porch on south sido of dwelling. Kletant hathroom, having tiled lloor. Full basement, with fruit and cosl bins and guaranteed furnace. Nli-e lot. Owner would consider good unin cumbered lot or cottage as part pay men', or sell on very reasonable terms. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 1009. &W-7-S McCague Bldg. South Eleventh St. Near Arbor We have a nice lot facing on South nth St. Boulevard. 1xt&S ft.: lust south of Arbor St.. with speclsl taxes all paid, which we will sell on reasonable terma or wa will build to order a 6 or ("-room house on a payment of $400 to $6"0 in cssh, balance monthly. This Is an ex cellent opportunity for somebody want ing a home In this locality. Very con venient to schoola and churches and ona Mock from Far-am car line. See us for further Information. ' Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 2.10 Omaha National Hank Hidg., l. 4S. Hanscom Park District Six Room House We have a very pretty new home, only two blocks from Hanscom psrk, that can be sold on easy terms. This house Is oak finished, with beam ceilings, built-in bookcases and buffet, fireplace; toilet and laundrv in basement; large guraae: lot 6x132. Price $r.,fl. Iocated at 3:140 Lin coln Are. A small cottage would he ac cepted in trade. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4-70. REAL ESTATE WEST 8IDK Owner Says Sell Now! Will aell for $50 cash and $10 per month. You will find that, this location Is fine. These, lota have water, sidewalk and sewer; are on the southwest comer of 44th and Davenport. While these lots fac north. If you would rather have an east front, we can sell that way. Will make a fine home site or good invest ment for you. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 200. m Bea Bldg. 36 North of Dodg e' i Nineteen Mocks weft of P. O., 43xia!',i; improvements Will go In this spring, rrlte now $57n; I0 cash, balance monthly, special discount If you build. O'Kecfe Heal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Natlonul. Phone Douglas i71.1. $4,800 9-room, 2Vi-tory mod ern house, electric lights and gas, hardwood finish, full cemented base ment. Splendid , location. Terms made to suit. $3,200 7-room, 2-etory modern house, hot water heat, south front lot. . Full cemented basement with laundry. Good location. ' Imposing neighborhood. Terms if 3sird. W. T." SMITH CO. D. 2819. 1111 City Nat. Bk. Bldg ' V T-T T REAL K8TATE INVESTMENTS Double Brick St. Louis Flat Building pnliee s rii -h 7 ....i. . I rented low at w per year; practically new and modern In every respect. Owner Is leaving for California and this Income property will- be offered for a abort time at $7, M0; $3,000 caah, balance 6 years at 6 ptir cent. Shuler & Cary, STATE BANK BLDG. DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT Two-story brick building and lot, 0x1W; trackage available; very easily converted for wholesale punoees, or for downtown garage. Price only $16,000. A small pay ment will handle ft. 0. G. CARLBERG. .112 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dandee. DUNDEE BARGAIN. 2 fine south (runt sightly lots each Kixl&; nonresident owner instructs us to sell both for tt.tM). BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, D. 17X.. 42 Paxton Block. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Ask Yourself This Question Which Is the best to Invest In, a city lot or suburban acreage, for the same amount as an Investment for the future? tome reasons why acreage is the beat to buy: First You have no city taxes. Second No apodal sewerage taxes. I lilrd No special boulevard taxes. Fourth No special gradhig taxes. Fifth No special sidewalk taxes. Sixth No special paving taxes. Seventh No special water taxea. Some of them taxes are sure to come sgalnst your city lots while you are pav ing fur them, and none while you art paying for your suburban acreage. W have th best list of suburban acreage property, out Benson way, at the lowest prices, that can be sold on easy pay ment plan. . . Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney Street. -o DON'T LIVE ANOTHER MONTH IN A RENTED HOUSE. PAY. $33.00 CASH AND MOVE INTO one of the best locations and most beau tiful, new, all modern, i-iooin bungalows In Omlia. This house only Vs tlock from car Una. I AIC HAVE A i-KOOM AND A 7 ROOM HOUSE IN TUB SAME LOCAL ITY, UPON WHICH I WILL .MAKE SI Mi LA R TERMS. Be surs to 'phone me about any of theas houses today and I will srrange to take you to se any one of them when convenient. E. P. WRIGHT. 'Phone Douglas 4S todav. Evenings after 30 p. m , csll V alnut 682. evaporated Apples mm Dried Walts NEW YORK Jan. 1G.- EVAPORATED .M'PI KS-Jillet. DHIKD FltUITS-ITunes. steady. Ari cots and peaches, firm. Ilaliiliis, quiet. Itrrlar ttgir Advanced. NEW YORK. Jsn. IS. All glades of ie 'tnrd kiisur, Kerr aOtanced lo points per IX oumia today. GRAIN AND PROPOCE MARKET Whftt Reaches Hi?h Lerel Under Demand from Foreigner Six Million Exports for Week. DURUM STILL MAKES ADVANCES OMAHA. Jsn. 13. 1915. Flour stocks in the Vnlted Statea January t. as complied by the Dally Trade Bulletin, were ISTO.OOO barrels, against f.gtt.fliiC barrels fWember 1 arid 2,5oO.iri barrel- last year. Deliveries on Jsnuary contracts yenSer fttv were l,.o marrels pork and 150,000 barrels ribs. Wheat price have reached a le-el al most ic a'ove the low point last sum mer. The foreign demand Is as Insistent ss ever, and it Is regarded aa more of a question of getting the wheat than of price. Wa are about on a domestic basis, according to some of the statisticians, and the absence of selling pressure is tightening the May. so that It responds readily to any buying At the same time tlie absence of speculative abort Intereat makes It susceptible to sharp declines when any renhsfng appears. Export salea of around 6,000.000 bushels wheat have been made In all positions this week. All the winter wheat msrkots save been drawn on to an extent that haa put cash wheat to May prloe to a pre mium, which Is strongly In favor of th bulla. Traders who have sold out feel nervous levaueo they fear prices nwiy advance further without their having any wheat. There has been a good deal ot' spreading the last few daya. buying in Minneapolis and selling In Chicago. A few of the provision traders are bull ish despite the big run of hogs and In creasing stock of product. Tliey believe that Europe la rapidly consuming Its supplies, and, regardless' of peace or war, next summer will be a large buyer of American hog products. Durum wheat was 3c higher. Hard winter wheat was S4c higher. Corn was tflo higher. Oats were VrfrAtC hlsiher. Clearances were; Wheat and flour equal to 1,449,000 bushels; corn, 3U6.O0O bushels: oats, 67,009 bushels. Liverpool closed nominal; wheat, not quoted; corn, a to So higher. Primary wheat receipts were $70,000 bushels and shipments l.l.'S.OOO bushels, sgslnst receipts of mil (nil bushsls and shipments of .H4S.00U bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were l,9ii6,000 bushels and shipments 1,124.000 bushels, against lerelpts of K7J,il bushels and shipments of 616,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were snoom huah- els and shipments PK9,ooo bushels, against receipts of m.0( bushels and shipments of 867,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago .... 634 4 Minneapolis Duluth ....878 .... 24 .... 28 .... ex ....100 Omaha .... .1 300 7 IT 7$ St. Louis .. Winnipeg These sales reported ffwt a v ii-ai i-co. t nara winter, cars at $1.37; No. 3 hard winter, 1 car at $J.8S, 1 car at $1.38, H cai at $1.87, oar at $1.36; No. 4 hard winter, 1 car at 11.36; No. 3 durum, 1 car at tl.60: No. 4 durum, 1 car (corn mixed) at $1.47; No. S spring (white) at $13. 1 car at $1.86; No. 4 spring, 1 car at $1.33; rejected. 1 car at $1.33. Rye No, 3, it car at $1.11; no grade. 1 car at $1.10. Barley No. 4. I car at tec. Corn No. white, 1 car at 6Kr 1 j-ar at WHc. a car at ttWe. 2 ears at tita'o. 4 white, 1 car at SSe; No. 2 yellow, 1 car at (Wo; No. S yellow, 1 car at ffJc. 7 cam at Mc 14 cars t S . ei n. v . ...ii..... n I - i ' ' " v i i-, . -. yriiui . cars at sko, 3 cars at sc: No. 6 vellow, 1 car at c; No. yellow, 1 car at flSVc: No. 2 mixed. 1 car at gTHo, 1 car (near white) at 67Hc; No. t mixed, 1 car (near white) at 74c, 4 cars (near white) at 7Vc, 1 car at 67c, 10 oars at ftHc. IX cars at .6S'c, J cars at 8c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car (near white) at 67c, 6 cars at 66c; No, 6 mixed, 1 car (near white) at 67o. 1 car at coc; io. s mixea, 2 cara at Sb'.c; sam ple, 1 tsr at MHo, 1 car at 660. Oats No. 3 white, 1 car at 61c; No. 4 white, 4 ears at 61fec. 1 car at 6114c; sample, 2 cara at 50c, two-fifths car at MHfcc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, $1.36'?il.3tH; No. 3 hard. $1.844..3S; No. 4 hard. $1.2491.36: No. $ spring. $1,364 1.36; No. 2 durum, tl.&iXgn.MVi; No. 3 durum, tl. 49.1. 60. Corn: No. 1 white, 6SVWitSlUi'; No. 2 white. 64iljH9c: No. 3 white, 6eTlWy.c; No. 4 while, B7ii"c; No 6 white. 674V: white. 7Vi iK7',io; No. 1 yellow. 7i8o; No. 2 yel low, 7'4tffSc; No. I yellow, 66'4iIc: No. 4 yellow. 66.6SHC: fo. 6 yellow, &HP Sfec; No. 6 yellow, (ioS'g&Vic ; No. 1 mixed. 678t74c: No. 2 mixed, 67lg7Hc; No. 3 mixed, 66f67c: No. 4 mixed, ii9 iHc: No. 1 mixed, 65ViftHc; No. mixed, tfiVd'W'ftc; sample mixed, 66Q6c. oat: No. 2 white. fXiJV4c: standard, 61 Vc 62c; No. 8 white, 6m4r614te; No. 4 White. 61'n51Vic. Barley: Malting. 64i7.1c; No. '1 feed. 6r,fi2o. Rye: No. i, ll.UGl.Ute; No. 3, CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS - - rr-a m r-i . Prices oa Board of Trade. . CHICAGO. Jan. 15. Insatiable Euronoan demand, with no sign that American farmers were yet ready to part with re serves, made the price of wheat today go kiting in earnest, end also electrified the market for com. The May wheat option outdid all Its war achievements, and com manded a phenomenal value. $1 46V a bushel. Closing prices were unsettled at lVfcc. ti Vti2o above last night. Corn finished 3-'ii(l',o up, oats at a gain of mo l-4c and provisions unchanged to 8UVc higher. All available anipplles largely dlspoaed of and producers not replenishing wsa the way trained observer explained th amazingly rapid tightening ot the wheat market Export clearance of l.iXU bushels for the lafct twenty-four houn a rata that threatened to ip the big terminals base, formed hint enough for the bulls.' In addition, liver-pool quota tions naa jumped, and (virtually the entire flouting supply at Buffalo wsa reported as having been laid hold of to mart, the wants of the starving pooole In Belrlutn. Heavy profit-taking on .wheat by for tunate holder here failed u retard ex cent for a brief Interval the upward ot the market. Hales to foreigners during the day were estimated to exceed 2,000,000 bushels. Meanwhile, there was no pause in the buying on the part of millers who were rushed hy export business and were able to lift their product 20 cents a barrel to $i.40, wholesale, for the best spring patents Corn felt the first violent squeery re sulting from the sens tlonal bulge In wheel. Export sales of corn broadened out wonderfully and were estimated to amount to 1.600,0n0 bushels, chiefly here and at Kansas city. 1 he suunen expan sion of the European purchase of corn was generally regarded sa an obvious necessity to supplement unfilled orders on other foodstuff, notably rya, which hss become so scarce that th price here leaped today (c a bushel. Oats reflected the strength of corn. Ex port sales st the seaboard were said to exceed bushels. Provialons hardened with grain and hogs. The chief advance wsa In pork. Grain prices furnished by Logan ft Pryan, 315 South Blxteenth street: Article! Open.t Hlgh. Lew. Close. Yes y Wheat May.l 43SUI July.'l tH-VH r i i 1 4W4 1 4J 1 4 (1 424 1 37W 1 JCV 1 271 1 7SV 74'Afra 7S.fft,l 74 7 7.V. J7SV6tt Corn May. 7&V4aH! July. Oats May. July. Pork Jan.. May. Lard Jan.. May. Ribs 761! I (AH f--.H f3'k MVii, 4V it li 1t It 16 jllll 18 10 13 7nU:lH 7V! 72V4 1 It 73H It S7V1 U 67Vi 10 42'4 10 434 10 40 10 '- 10 70 I 10 70 1 43'V 19 42 10 73H1 10 ' Jsn.. 9 W,, t l?V 77V4 May llO 10 tiW 1 10 tt'il 10 10 Chicago Cash Price -Wheat: No. t red, tl.4ii(il.4o; No. 2 hard. $1.4. 1.46. Com: No. 2 yellow. 71V073'4c; No. 1 yel low, (ii&70u. Oats: No. I white. 633, MVic; standard, M64V. Rye: No. i, tl 22. Barley, Wc. edg: Timothy. 1.A0fl7.t0; clover. tU 'OtfJli.OO. Provisions: Pork, tlTOO; lard, $10.4i; ribs, t.!2 t.tTH. ' BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2UjZc POULTRY Allva, lower; springs, X; fowls. 12Vc; turkeys. llfc. WKJ Ixwer; racelpts, 3,577 eases: at mark, cases included 2ii3&Hc; ordinary firsts 'fi:Uc; flints. 3ia;.c. P(rTATJtiA-I-ower; rceits, 26 ear Michigan and Wisconsin red, A"j)c; white. 4i4:c. Xw York General Market. NEW YORK, Jan. L. BUG Til Future market nened easy ami i to II point lower, pui lairr raiuea ami at 1J o'cI.m-Ii was net 5 to t points lower en active po-Hnn with sales of'O. tons, lisw sugar steadv and unrhaneed; cen trlfugal, 404: molasses laigsr, 3.;7c, Re fined l'l points higher. Hi' TTF It Unsettled; receipts. 7.7KI tubs; creamery extras iM wore), ;Kr; cresnierr iblgher scoring) 34c; creamery firsts, W5Jo. tllEKSK Steady; receipts. ,14 boxe.: Slate whole milk, held specials. la4t 1c. slate whole milk, average fancy, if Kjlf'.c; stxte whole milk, fresh aperlals, 14nlftc; state whole milk, fresh sieclsls. fan y. 14tKMHe; skims, 3SvUV. FUGS Weak; receipt. esses; fren gHthered, extra fine, 44U4.V; extri firsts, 4V; flrels, if4?c; seconds. 3UJV; stsae. Pennsylvania ami nearby henneiy whites fine to fancy, 4i'tfl$c; state, Penn svlvania snd neanhy gathered whites. 43 tiV; state, I'enn-ylvanla Jf'.d nearby hennery browns. 4:'4rte: state, Pentisvl vsnla gathered browns and mixed colors, 4K'4.'-. POULTRY Mlve. Week: western chick ens UAI4V: fowls, 14Wfilnc: turkeys, 14HI1.V. 1'rrsiscd, quiet; prices unchangcj; western roasting chickens, I61)l9r. OMAHA UK" ICR At, MARKET. RUTTFR-No. 1, 1-rb. cartons. Sic; No. t. o-lh tubs. XK. CHEEAE Imported. Swiss. Sc; Amer ican Swiss. 28c: block Swiss, lie; twins, I-; daisies, l.r! triplets, 17c; Young Asnorlcaa, ItHc; blue label brick, 17oi llm burgar. Mb., e: 1-lb . Wc; N.w Tork white. 18c; Imported French IlonuetorV BEEF CtTTH No. 1 ribs. lRV,o; No. 1 ribs. lVj No. I rlhs, llc; No. I loins, ?;, No. i loins. 17c; No. 3 loins. l.c; No. 1 chucks, 10Uc; No. t chucks. e; No. 3 chucks, So; No. 1 rounds, .tr; No, 2 rounds. U'c; No. t rounds. He, No. 1 plates, 9'c; No. t plates, 8c No. . t plates, c. F1KH Trout. 14c; large erapples, Kc; salmon, lie; halibut, lie: channel cat fish, t2o; pike, 14c; pickerel. 10c. POULTRY-Brollers, 14Vo apiing chick ens. Ho: bans, $Uc; cocks, to; ducks, ISc; geese, tc; turkeys, lo pigeons, par rios., 90c: ducks, full festhered. 10c; ihml full feathered, to; aquaba. No. i. tl.M; No. I, Mo. Market quotatkma furnished by -GUlnakl Fruit corupanyi FRUITS tiranaea: Extra fancy Wash ing navels, s. is. 100a and His, $2.00 per box; 12hs, $'.; 15ts, $2.50; 176s, and 216s, $J.i'.. Lemons: Fancy Sunklsl $4.M) per box; choice Red-Ball, t40u. Grapefruit: Sis. Ms. C4n and Ss. $2.50 per box. Apples: Extra fancy Washington Whit winter Pearmaine, $2.001 1. 75 per box; extar fancy Washington Wlnesaps, $1.T6 per box; extra fancy Washington Spltaenhurgs, $1.S0 per box: Oregon liltsenburgs, $l..ii per box: Colorado un wrapped Jonathans. tl.3h per box;. Wssh Ington extra fancy and fancy Hoovers, tl.40 per box; small Jonathans, $1 10 per box; fancy Colorado Wealthy. $1.10 per box; Idaho fancy Grimes-Golden, tl.60 per box; Idaho choice Grimes-Golden. tl.Jt per box; Wsshlngton fancy Grimes. Golden. tl.M per box; Idaho fancy Jona thans, tl.26 per box; Idaho fancy Fultona, $1.25 per box; Idaho fancy Strawberry, $1.25 per box; Idaho fancy Wolf River. tl.25 per box; New York Russets, $.1.00 per bbl.; Black Twigs, $160 per bbl. (irspes: California Emperors, $3.30 per crate; extra fancy Malagas, ft.OO per orate. Pears, per box: D'Anjous. $J.; Jerseys, $2. i; Sheldons, $2.25; Lawrence, $3.00: Bocoo, $2.X; Easter. $2.25. Bananas, per bunch: tl.Tt to W.60. Cranberries, per bbl.: Jerseys,, pi. 00; cheaper Jerseys, $6.00; lato Howes, $7.00. Kumquots, per box, 2nc. VEGETABLES Cauliflower, per crate, $.00; cucumbers, nr box, $1.50; celery, Jumbo, T.'xj dns. ; Mli hlgan, 3Tc dos.; leaf lettuce, 40c dos.; bead lettuce, $1.00 dos.j onions, yellow, 2c lb.; red, 2c. lb.; whe, Ja lb.; cabbage, lc per lb.; peppers. 50a bs.ket; tomatoes, $4.0u per crate; oitKms, shallots, 50o dos.: garlic, Italian, 2uo per lb. Potatoes, per hu., Colorsdo Rurala, 7c; Ited River Ohlos, toe; Minne sota Whites, doc. Sweet potatoes, per lb., Kansas, J2.00. MISCELLANEOUS Shelled pop com, lb.. 4c: limes, box. tl.75: rrlckerlark. nar case, t.l.r.0; half-case, $1 70; checkers, per oase, fcl.50; half-case, tl. 76. Honey, ner case, t3.7u. Cider, per keg. New York, t3.M); per bbl., $6.00. Cocoanuts, per ssck, H.76; 75c. Casssba Gems, crate, t175 2.00. Nuts, per lb., No. 1 California wal nuts, Iftc; filberts, 15c; pecans, Itttjc; Bra ills, 18'c; almonds, 20c. Figs. 13 12-os., R5c box; 50 6-0., $2.00. Dates, sugar wal nut, $1.40 per box; IlaUowl, He. Mlaneapolla Grata Market. YIIVIUL-llllll.lJ 1 it ,,...,. ill ,1 in wt.iij. u 11. hi, 11 11 r.Al-- May, tl.lSl.Vf; July. l.9Si: No. 1 hard, tl 43; No. 1 northern, tl. 37V4. 43V; No. 2 northern, tl.34Hiftl.4fl'V FIXIIR Advancod. Fancy patents, $7.00; first clears, $5.6.i; second clear, t4 60. BA RLET 34j'72c. RYE $1.12. RR A N 423.50. CORN No. 3 yellow, ' ,mate. OATS-No. t white. 61Vfl2c. FLAX-31.9yH. Kan.a. City Grain aad Pravlslana. KANHAS CITY. Jan. 16. WHEAT No. 2 hard, ll.Wi'Vto1; No. 2 red, tl.40V; May, $1.S4:-July. $1.214. CORN No. t mixed. 71071 V4c; No. t white, 754i7&V4c; May. 74'e; July, 77c. OATS-No. . white. MVx'&Goo; No. 2 mixed, ilifc"4c. BUTTKR-Creamery, R3c; first, 31c; aeoond". 2-; packing. RXKS Firsts, 21c; seconds, 23c. POULTRY Hens, UViic; roosters, WVie; turkeys, 16c at. I.oals Grain Market. BT. LOUIB, Jan. li.-WHEAT-No I red. t14.1Tl.46H; No. t hard, $1.4;:tJ'1.44; May, $1.45; July, $1.24. CORN No. 2. i0Vc; No. 1 white, 73 1 74c; May. 7flr7.c; July, 79SO. OAT6 No. 2, 64c; No. 2 whits, 56c. 1 l.k.nnnl ImIb lM-4 LIVERPOOL. Jan. 16 WHEAT Spot. No. 1 Manitoba. 12a 3d; No. 2 hard winter, 11a t'id. CORN Spot. American mixed, 7a Hd; February. 7a 4'4d; March, 7a O'.id. Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. 15 WOO! -Th Com mercial Bulletin will say tomorrow; "The wool market haa boen buoyant and falrlv active again thla week, de mand being keen although aomewhat "aiotty" for 'woola aultable for army purposes. Prices are a bit higher for th low edge of clothing wools. Sales of fleece medium wools are reported at bet ter prices and fine and fine medium terri tory has been steady. Foreign market both In the colonics snd Yorkshire, ar stronger this week and South America has advanced again on the cleanup of stocks in Buenos Ayres and Montevideo, (M. I.nal. Lire Stock Market. ST. ISll'IM. Jan. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.700 head: market 'atesdv; native beef ateeia. $7.5("IO.O0; row- and heifers, $n.iVfi'.( 75; stockers snl feeders, $5.2fM7.26; suutherrl sieeis, $."i.7.Mj7.7j; cows and ne( crs. tlOira'i.uO; native calves. l-i.OOti 10.25. HOGS-Receipts. s.OO" henJi; market steady; pigs and lights. tV.OOvrf.OO; mixed and butchers. $H Wfp'i.QO; good heavy, tfc.WOT.OO. . SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recolpts. U hsd: market stesrty: nstlv muttons, $4 76 j.'7n; lamba, t.-'S.iifi; yearlings, $7.26 4i 7.80. Oaths Hag Market. PRAIRIE HAY-Cbolce upland, t" i 11.50;. No. I. 110 fr-ij U.00; So. i, M.(A 10.00: No. 1, $7.W"f).(V; choice midland, $IO Mail OO; No. 1. $10.(XVdl0 50; Nr . 2, $8.SHj W: No. 3. M.Ort 00: choice few land. $8 00WD.50; No. 1. $ f0fi.OO; Nl . 3, $7 MKn.50; No. 3, t5 0iSi7.o. STRAW Choice wheat, ti.086.W; choice oat or rye, t (t4 M. ALFALFA Choice pea green, fin aKnt ann leaiy, inira aim lourin cuttlni t, $13.0013.W; No. 1, $l?.rK)'13.; N til .0i3 13.0U. No, I, $.006U.0. Cotloa Market. NEW YORK, Jsn, I5.-C oTTON-guotl quirt: middling uplands, 3.10c. Jso sales J I l otion miure. 1 io-u au-aoy; January, l TMc: March. 3.1M.-; .May, H.4 W-; Juli , .40c; Aiigurt. s.'iMo; sepieiiib-T, e.iJc; October, .2c; December, S fi7r. Tlie ootton market closed steady at a net gain of 7 to 12 points as compared with lent night. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 16.-COTTON-tpot steady: good middling, 6. lid, middling 4 tod; low middling, 4.&1; sales, 8,0 balss.' Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. iS 1J ETA LS Iad quiet; S3 75; London. l .Sillier. uulet; t" ''. 10; Loudon. 29 lis. T I j ,1 ' 1 1- Ian 15 Mh'.TllJ1..j steady; 3.3.ii. Sielter, higher; i.f 'I'M), ouiet: 5-ton lota. VS3 1041.13 60; 25 ton lo, f:::t vri:Uf 50. I'ot.per. steady: electro- Klic, ti:i - 13 tt'i'ssllng, $13 ixji In. 11 uiiid and uncr.snged. At London: f'oiiui r. soot 1.(0 2h xl; future-. Xhi) . Tin. sv-ot. ll'J, futcrrs. i.!4j pis. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Fairly Active Seller tt Stey to Stronger Price Sheep nd Lambi Drop. HOGS SLOW, BUT ABOUT STEADY SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 15. 11. Tecsipt. wrere: Cattle. Hogs. 6hep. Official Monday 7.K8 T.OTt 17.S official Tues.lay td.t 10M 1J..1M Official Wednesday.... SHiM 11. 12.5 Official Thursday t.44. 10.1M I0.04. Estimate Friday M 6.40O Five days' tnlsls 21.S72 4.HJ R.." ame days last week. .21, 421 Mill 66.213 Sam 2 weeks ago 1 1 4S.W S4 Same I week a ago .Til -4I.SM l.ft3 Same 4 weeka ago 24,;7 45.670 4,Ort3 Same daya last year... 21.135 M.0K5 54.4 . Th following table shews the reeelp's Of cattle, hogs and sheep at th South Omaha live stock market for the ear to date, as compared with fast year; 115. 1014. Inc. OMIe 4.1.37S 41.4W) 1.7I Hogs .. 1M.6U U!W4 4.WI Shoep 12S.S71 107, 1 11.043 Th following table shows the average prlo for hogs at th Sruth Omaha llv stock market for the last few daya, with wiiiyarinoni: I 116. 1I4.UIU.KI3.;I41S1.HU, Jan Jsn. t: T It 1 asi 7 1 0 I I Ml 1 a 71 Villi 00 I Hi I tO I 02 I tO I to) T M t M 001 T Ti t 41 17 T I 49 T tl I W n-M 1 4 Jan. t . I TO ttt I 7t f U Itl 31 . Tt t t I M t 37 5 ST Jan. 4.. Jan. Jan. .. Jan. 7.. Jan. t . Jan. g. Jsn. It). 1 Q t vC 0 IN i 14 g 03 T It t 061 7 24 Jan. 11 a oa 1 ati s . t lo T T&) I 1' TO-t 7U Jan. 12 I 70 1 t 04f 1 Tl 7 7g. 3 23 Jan. 13. 9W T t3 T 02j t OM T 731 t 43 Jsn. 14.. I tt7 7 t01 TW I I W I M Jsn. 15.1 3 S7HI t 13 7 II' 151 e n fiundar CATTLE Receipts were light thla morning, only thirty-five cara being re ported In. Th total Tor the five days this week foots up 31.372 head, being about the same at last wek, but smaller than four we:s sgo. As compared w-lth a year ago there hss been very little change In the sire of th reoelpts for th wreck. The total reualpte for the rirst Half of January amount to 4a,S7S, being the largest for any similar period In over alx years. There were not enough oattl of anv one kind In sight to make very much of a market, stilt there was a fair dmanl and practlcallv everything changed hands at an early hour In the morning. Th prloea paid wera fully atsady and In apota a little stronger aa compared with yes terday. All in all It la a gooa nealthy market considering th near close of the week. Vluotatlon on cattle: Good to choir cornfed beeves, fiOIT 40; fair to good corn fed beeves, Iti.DOitf 5.50; good to Cholc heifers, (.yVrt?.-5; good to ohole cow. S.7fflV; fair to good cows, $6009.t0: common to fair cows, t4 on?6.O0) good to cholc stockers and teedeta, t7.25n3 10: fslr to good slock. rs and feeders, ti.509 7.00; common to fslr stockera and feed srs, $.7r,ti.50; stock, f-254)6 76; eto.-k cows, t4.TWW.00: stock calves, W.00tfi 1.00; veal calves, t7.00t-76; bulla, aUga, etc.. .0Oi.75. HOGrt Recol; te wer moderate, only about ninety-four loada, or .4fl0 head be nc reimrted In. The week total of 4K.K3 head I 11.100 smaller thsn a week ago snd more than 4.000 short of the Cor- rexpomiiiig period a year ago. yi 00 prices 1111 this momlna. snd. althoush sellers worked hard for moi money, the bent they could do was to earn tbtMr offerings at generally steady prices. A has been the case all weak, tho market was extremely dull, and It was lata In the forenoon before any sort of a clearance was made. During the last few days It haa looked aa though alt th life had left the trade and thla week's sessions have been the dullest and most featureless for a -long time. Packers ar buying hogs pretty much as they pleas, but sellers ar keeping up th fight for stronger value every day and for from two to three hour each morning the market I practically deadlocked. TH quality of th offerings this week hs left nothing t be desired and shippers have been aM to fill their orders with th vsry prlmest sort of hogs. Today's offerings wer hsrdly aa good aa those of yesterday and flay before, there being mora mixed bunches Included In the supplies, but at that there were very few of whst could bs railed undsstrahl hog oil sals. it might be noted that the excellent quality that hss been ao notloeahl of late haa made buyers very discriminating, and aa both th light grades and th axtrem heavies ar In pour demand those kinds have been slow sal at th lew and of the bulk or below It. Most ot today'a offerings sold at 170, with tops at W.76. the figures being the same as vesterdav's. The sxtrem. doss of th market Was very dull and slightly easier, lest galea being weak to ss much aa to lower than th earlier trade. Th average, however, la Just about atsady with yesterday. Si LE bP The bad condition of th mar ket of late caused th receipts to let up this morning as only moderate run rut In an abearance, but thla wsa mor than enough to meet th demand. Llk the last two daya th packsrs war x treraely bearish, It being lata In the for noon before guar bids wer mad and whan buyer did commence to do busi ness their first bids war a flat quarter lower on both, sheep and lambs. This brought prices on- killing' stuff down to g point wher feeder buyers became In terested and as a result the first lamba to aell were sold on a feeding and shear ing account at $3.00 top for th day. Th feeder buysrs and packers war good competitors all the way through with the bulk of th lambs sailing on both packing and feeding account at a raauc of Prices anywhere from $7.60 to $3.00. Tn lowering or prices an around today makes the general trad for th week to date at least 604 06c off and In soms In stances 75c lower aa compared with th close of last week. Th week's receipt foot up (O.tHO, agalnat V.Vi last week, U.ttOt two weeka ago and W.W4 a year ago. The oepreasing iniiueac waa due to an over-supply or dressed mutton oa tha eastern marksts, xeeaalva run at Buf falo, Chicago and Mouth Omaha and th low level of values prevailing on th cattle and hog marketa. Th continued, moderate weather ! ao been a bear lh factor. (Juotatlons on sne-o snd lambs: r.smns. wechera, good to choice. tn.7t.0O wstheis, fair 10 good, ti.iM4r.v6; ewes, good to choice, 16.1543. ; ewes, fair lo good. t4.tuittt.Ui. . , . CHICAGO LIVE! ITOCK MARKET Cattle, gteadr Hags Flisa ghees) Weak. CHICAGO. Jan: .-CATTLHJ-BcelDts. 2.00) head; market stesdy; native steers, u.Ky(VS40; weatsrn, t4.l3'.60; oows and heifer.. 3Si.lii; caves, f7.Mqiv.M. Int. ' IV iA -!. firm: aenerallv tc higher: built. $4fcy fi.s5; Ugiit. $H65f).tO; mixed, M.Sui.o; heavy, K.tiOtesv, rough, Hs0H.0; pigs, H. til T. SHBBP AVP LAMBU Rclpts, 12.003 head: market weak; sheep. t& 5"300; yearlings, $ 4gT.U; lambs. l.60f.lV glow ntr Llv ftoclc Market. PIOUX CITT. la.. Jan. IS. CATTLE Receipts. V'i0 head; market steady; native Strs, t6.2&3.10; butcher.. (6.0011.00; rows snd heifers, t4OirA.7t; rsnners. $3.T6rK.v stockera and feJ-, t.27.ft: calves, t 0WS-X; Pulls. Mags, et., $6.2 t.oo. HOGS Receipts. ' 4.600 head: market steady; heavy, f .ffJ1 ..?; mixed, tsto C.47H'. light. $.Vii.; bulk of salss. (Hfi.S74j. SHEEP AND LAMPS-Recelpts. 1 !) head: market. I'AJtx-; lower; ws. $4 &..'i; lambs. tuiCigK.-l. Kaaaas CUr Iht ttock Market. KANBA CITT, Jan. 16. CATTLE TU telpls. 400 head: market oteady; prime led steers, $.7.rti2t; dressed beef steera V7.t'4 (0; western steers. $7.36 40; dockers and feeders. K.iiO'jT.tO; bulla. 5l7J; ralvea. t 5O410.S0. llOG Receipts, 3.1o0 hea.1: market stj-ous: bulk of sales, t.finniti; heavy, ii wrii S : packers and b-t. hers. tt.7tai 6.i': liaht. irt.65Jlo: pigs. t40(r9. (HBEP AND LAM US Receipt. t.4sg hed: market weak; lambs, t: ori.J6: yea -lings. lg.IWir7.Si; wethers, tri.0uuui.t0: es, f..W0'g5.0 iBank C'leartaas. t AHA. Jan. 16. Bsnk clrarinaa fn. OiHlia today wer l4.-ai.730.i6. and fnr lie corresponaing aay i.i year, J, Ult,. t?. good to choice, lamos, rsir to good. IT.t0ft7.Tt; U'ntvi. heavy, n.OOf.SO; lambs, feeders, t7.60Ot; yearlings, light, tH.WT11.It; yearlings, heavy, Maf4.5: HEW YORK jTOCK -MARKET Makei Contidertble Recoyery from Inertia of Early in the Week. THE DEALINGS ABE LARGER NEW YORK, Jan. Ji.-Th stock msr set made considerable recovery tods from Its Inerts of th esrlv part of the week. Dealings were lsrgor and the movement broader. Standard or repre sentative shares msde little progress, however, and were under pressure throughout the session. This restraint wag ascribed to foreign sources, which are believed to hav renewed their ef forts at liquidation. Moat of the prominent International lasues, particularly the transcontinent sls, the metal stocks and United Ststes steel reflected this condition. Oanndlan Pacific being the only notable excep tion. That alock became very ' active In the later trading, rising almost t points from Its esrlv low quotation. Missouri Pacific suddenly became ex tremely active at a gretr advance on rumors of substantial Mnanclal backing. Important gains otherwise wer once more confined chiefly to the special class of stocks. In some of which were evi dences of pool manipulation. American Linseed, common and preferred, worn materially affected by th high price quoted for the raw product. American Tubacco. Consolidated. Gas and th au tomobile and allied Issues rose from t to 3 point, and there waa a 5-polnt gain In Virginia-Carolina Chemical preferred. Western Union's continued strength waa explained by Its favorable annual state ment. . Best prioaa and greatest activity vssre witnessed In the final dealing. Forecasts of another larger caah gain by local banks were accompanied by a reduction In sixty and ninety-day loans to g and 3H per cent, all longer loans be ing made on a 3i per cent basis. For eign exrhenge was higher on cessation ot selling of London hills. New York and Philadelphia offered lower terms on prime commercial paier. Tha wheat options to highest quota tlnna for some years gav additional point to the extraordinarily large ship ments of foodstuffs during the current week. Present Indications suggest an other, huge excess of exports over Im ports for that period. Bank clearings disclosed more normal conditions at leading reserve centers, The bond market also broadened with an Increased demsnd at higher price, fnr various convertible Issues, Including Chesapeake A Ohio, Baltimore Ohio. Southern Pacific and Missouri Pacific. Total salea, par value, aggregated t2,427, 000. Untied Staxra government bond were unchanged on chII. - Number of sales and loading quotation n stocks were aa follows: gale.. Hlftl. Low. Clow. Dots H S Amlmt-4 Orsw .... t.t KS Mi WW Amrlr HMt gu-.... 1. g-v M4 tmrl-l sn i.K S 4 Aawlraa n. R 1.3no H ffv Am. . ft. pf4 tie1 Am. Susar Retinitis 1X . Atnerlr.n T. T 4M UIS lilt Am.rle.. Trtharco ....... ..... 3t Anvnada Mlslng l.sna i Ni AieklMin V) M 4 S4 . hultlnisra A Ohio 71 71 H TIN nranklrn H.i pirt Tr. ...... loo m 5't r.iiraniia Pii-iuib .... mo m l 14 rn-jun r.. ific 1. 1 mi iu ins C.ntrmi l.mlher l.tno Mt M 4k ChaWSMk. Ohio V0 41 42 'i 41V, rtiH-. (I. W tn rniicso. M. A at. p.... s v a N. W 100 l!S itoH fhln. rnji- 34 N, Col. 4 rll Iron.... K t M't 34 iMnv.r A klu Oram..... ln 54 H'4 Ii Ix-nv.r A H 0. t(4...... m) 'k S'.1 Plailllm' Hncwrlllo .... M 11 . II CM. l.'Vn nv, is 12H 0llral Rlwitrlo t"0 H4l H44 144 On t Nmbm M l.llN) 114 Utfe Ormt No. Or cu. 1 17V Ontimbilm Riplorstlm.. IX 44 41 4s, MlliMM .(Antral IS lnt.rb.roufh MM, ptd . T M M le Innplntlon Copper I.SSS 1H lit l lnl.rn.tlon.l IUr- tit kiimi i ii y ttmiuiera... Llii(b Vsllar ,. tmul.vlll. NsaATllla.i. M.laa Palralnsi Offpp.r Mlwurl, K. A T Mlwaurl Psrlflo BlK-ult National I .4 ., Srt. copper S.w York .ntral N. Y.. N. M H. ...... N'ftrfolk A Wnters K1horn H.0KI0 ., PseKI. M.ll fMoayl-sni. PullaU. ralao. 0r ins 1. n 400 lit 1UU Ills 1.700 54 II M e 17V ' 1714 lit OV . V i.m iesa t it en 47 4T ' 4l1i sno r.'V 14 1'JV t.too UH 'A S MV 11V 4MI 101 '4 WI1V 1014. v t 3,auo lMft 1M'4 tH fur (on. Cosp.r time i 1x14 Rwullns .wo 1T 14s 147V' Rep ubllo Iron A Bel... .mo It tb " SiMk lnl.ns Co MW tt V V Rock lal.nd t:o pM 1,300 1 14 tv m. u 1 1. r. u p(4 T r Parlflo MV, S4H CattMrs Rallirar WD l.s ids 15'1' Ttun t'oppw II 14 ' xo I1, 7uu .w l4 In l, U4 L'nlM t-rllla 3,nn lli4 n lit t'.l.n Psoirio M. SKA ni m 10'i- Vnitt duut HimI U.KM fl Xt H'i ti. g. ltui ptt tin im 107 xnv t'l.h Cop-OT 704 114 U 11 v Wilwh old trx) 1 51 , Wtwt.ra Vniss I.Ono m o'4 tsta S'MiiKhsvM glwtrlc .. l.Otu 71V 71 li'm' . Total salM for th. day, 173.10 -Ursa BltADSTREET'g TRADE REVIEW CoadlHaaa la Trad M Iadastrlal art.r Iiarovliis. NEiW TORK. Jan. ls.-Braf,treef. Weekly flvlew will say tomorrow: Conditions In trade and Industrial quarter, ar awakei, to Improved Iriw pulshes whll eonfldenc Is replaclni un-"-. .ualne.7 hs". !P!51 of 0P'm-. or-ri being of th2 l'?tJ;.irn-td ,n number oTllnJi and whll order calling for Immediate! ahlpmerit eontlnu to dominate, ther. it f?.tuT. PO"Uu" Pln fltn tha ffii4JJi 1'creaw or 10.7 per cent frS Wheat export wei a.m.lfla buahel. galn.t t.713.21- bushel, a ago. ' Failures in tha United Slates Tw-, w compared with 411 la-t year; In clhd year ' oorn,r, w'" Uty-oni la.t Kaw York Manor Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. MONEY Tiro, loans, .'t: 0 days, t per cent; H Pr cent: six months. i.V pr ,,T Calf money steady: high. low, J per cent: ruling rate. 3 ir c ,r la.t loan, V per cent; closing bid. 1 ie cent: offered at 2' per cent. hTBRLINU EXCHANGED Firm- tL4mr MERCANTILE PAPER-81, MP M HH-VEIV-Bar. 4c; Mexican dollars. strong. RON' D8 Government steady: rail., LONDON. Jan. -i-SILVXIWBar 22 13-1 per ounce. MONEY 1 per cent. . ' DISCOUNT RATE Short bUa. $i per cent; three months. i Ptr Closing quotation on bonds today war es follows: "- V. g ft ., rf .... " M. Paa. . ga.. 4 '! T. g. rg lou4 kt. city 4s -' 4. coupon lonN. Y. e 4W. m! AO eHUHMI 14tU (TT. h rut.. cuiki.. .iu. r Am. SmlUi a Is -i ? g. u 'i s A. T. T. T. 4H'Hf. g. t r-f a. - ' Armour A Co, 4.. Kts Pas. T. T 6. " .7-1 Airtaiws sn- 4..,.. SS'iTin. con Ii" K.I. Ohu 4. Hwtlna aa 4s.'"" Ii Ch. osi. 44t.. Mil .a. u V r r a B, c. a. a q i. 4.... K'iso. ro. c. 4. S O M A g r a 4HS..100 do rmt. 4.. o. n. 1. r. s. 4a m do e . ;; J' p. A B. O rf. M. l Unloa rrifc 4.'"' 2! V.rt. .n. 4. 4M44 da l. . "' 2 - f Cffe Market. NEW YORK. Jan. l.-COFFEE-Th market for.coffe future showed soma irregularity at the opening this morning March was a point higher In sympatliv with the stesdy ruling of the spot situa tion, while later months wer 1 to 4 points lew.r. There seemed to be some selling of July. There was no change lit th gsneral character of the news but March aased off in the later tradinK ' with the cloa allowing a net loss of 1 u'j points. Sales, tt.00 bags. Janusrt- 4 It, February, AlSo; March. .2; April" i0; May, t.47c June, .nc; July. f.v: au Ml 7 . u,r.l . K- Y.v .. "' . 'vioi-r, 7.64c; November, 7 0c: Tecoiiber 7 nlc Spot, sesdy; Rio No. 7. T-.C: S.iu'o No! 4, t .c. Rio and Santos unchanged. uu exchange unchanged. 01. N. l 414..... svit. g. ,, w 111. C.n. ret. 4..... 47 W.b..h In U .'7 K. C. SO. ft M... 'iW.rt. rnioa ' , . nuMKP t.i S14. . , I L