Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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The Re Publishing Company. Proprietor.
r.nUri at Omaha irfwtofflre aa aecond-rlaas matter.
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Omaha-The Bee Building.
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I.1nroln- I.lttla Building.
' Chicago r Hearst KulMlng.
New York Room lies. Ik Klfth avenue.
Ft. IxMiie-Bti New Hank of Trimmer'-.
Washington 726 Fourteenth 6t N. XV.
'Address rnmmunlcatlnna relating to newe and edi
torial matter ta Omaha Bee, Jlltorlal Department.
State of Nebraska. County or Douglas, as.
Dwlght Williams, clrculntlon manager of The
Bee lutllhlnK company. In Inn duly nworn, aaya
that the avenue 1hI1v Ii dilution for tha month of
December, 114, ws 54.211.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence ami a worn to before
me, tills '2d clay of January, 1915.
, JiOUEUT HUNTER. Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving the clt j temporarily
should have. The llf mailed to them. Ad
dreas will bo changed aa often aa requested.
7 ; senary IS
Thought for the Day
5 ecteof by Nora H. Ltmon
Tht patadue men $etk, the city bright '
That glean beyond the it art for longing tye,
h only human goodness in the il tei.
Eartk't detdi, well dont, glow into luatenly
Minol J. Savage.
Tha "hide" Joker In the proposed revised
rate tariff was not able to hide long enough to
be smuggled through unobserved.
Observe how discreetly Spain sticks to her
neutral knitting! The little affair of 1898 fur
nished an impressive lesson on the costliness of
The first batch of legislative bill titles shows
so many old familiar friends coming back, It
will be safe to count them all present in ad
vance. Oh, don't be too hard on' these Imported
agents of reform. It Is their' business to make
the cltlea they visit look sick so they can cure
them.' .,
. The drawing :power of a Job la the proposed
state printing office Is destined to toss Into the
Plbo. Ihe supremacy of a molasses barrel in
fly time. '' ' "' " ' " -.
Cull mooeers returning to the republican
fold, without permission leave behind all hope
of membership in the League of the Peace of
Righteousness. ,. ,
v It's almost' funny ' to hear the preachment
tor municipal home rule from" thoso who never
aulas a chance to oppose the .practical applica
tion of the principle.
' And ..the same reformers, now", calling for
more money tot the administration of the vari
ous city departments, objected' t6 the home rule
4-harter because . it ralsqd, slightly the limits of
then very funds. ', ."
- ' SUlfor outside em husluMs In' welfare work
to come .here and exaggerate our fault.' u not
cjulte to bad' as tot an Omaha .vote-chaser tp
rlascrosQ Nebraska , making speeches running
down and -hlackwashlng' the home city. 1
Now, iX'some forehanded statesman will
bring la -a bill 'taxingvbacbelors as a running
.mate to the bM abolishing 'tipping,' the' Ne
braaka lawmaking machine can settle' down to
fcusineaa with venerable mosabacks in the. hop
per. ; . .
- I' ' '
While the American 'Stat department is
within the strict bounds of neutrality in declin
ing' to inquire into a dum-dum bullet accusation,
the Interests of fair play urge an Investigation
of the seliure of American sausage casings by
' the British at Halifax, If thla class of ammuni
tion la to be dishonored as contraband of war. a
piping scream la due from the eagle.
Aliens may lawfully work on nubile works in
Now York state. The appellate division of the
aupreme court so declares, thereby annulling a
law prohibiting their employment. Invoked in
Subway work in New York City. The court's
ruling will give employment to thousands of
men on worH appended . two months ago. and
materially relieve the pressure of hard times In
the metropolis,
mnn ruiV ail Viu
At tha illy council maetinc the appointment of
flva new policmen mi rec,.v.Hj from Acting Mayor
Murphy: Jo.-ph Khociea. FreU Fuller. Andrew Craw
lord, Rollln Ftrth and Charlea G. Ulooni.
Joph 1-rol.i.ty. an employe of tha l'orok Zapa-lu
waa paln tha cUara around with Ma fate llakteJ
up with a hevnly aintki. airUcsuae 0f lh. arrlval
tf a boy bMty at ItU lioua.
Tha price of the Charity bail tickets la oalr 5.
and ticketa had be. n Sold up nil noon. : f
Tha coor,ty board 1 . tefarrWto Count, Attorney
l!owtn ttMi queatlon of what the law requlrlnf aaeeaaora
to take a cenaua for the year 1M4 tneana.
I. C ratter,o end mlfa are at tha Patoo on
tlwtlr ay to , New Orleans. . , M w
K. i. nuarey of the firm. Uclnaeaa t Buawy ha
returned from a prolonged vlait ta hla old home In
Oliid. .
Pat.l- k SK Nally, th, o Nelll pujill.t arrived In
Omaha. suppoHJ!y lo, t, puriK) atng1n a
4-aU iU Milkf. . .
Tor a State Civic Center.
Since the voters of Nebraska determined that
the state university should be retained on the
downtown campus with additional ground for
its extension and development, another pertinent
suKgeetlon may be permitted. This is for the
acquisition of additional ground, to the end that
the state house and its related buildings be lo
cated on the same campus with the university.
The capttol and the university In themtelve
represent the political and social life of the
people of the state. For this reason they should
properly exemplify the concrete citizenship of
the state, its purposes, its achievements and ita
aspirations. The buildings now existing at Lin
coln do not properly typify the great and wealthy
state of Nebraska. Governor Morehead to the
contrary, the stnte house Is not such a building
as will engender any feeling of civic pride In a
patriotic Nebraska breast. It Is both antiquated
and Inadequate and should In due time be re
placed. The collection of buildings on the uni
versity campus will not Inspire the loftiest of
Ideals among tho young people who pursue their
studies at this great Institution.
What is here suggested Is this: That when
land Is secured to the eastward,. of the present
university, additional land be secured connecting
the state house grounds with the university
grounds. At the west end of one arm of the L
should be located the m'aln buHdlng of the new.
and greater university; at the south end of the
other arm would be located the present and later
the new ajltql and between them the correlated
public buildings, all worked out on' harmonious
architectural lines and forming a civic center for
Nebraska In which the citizens would always
take pride, and which 'would In an effective way
Impress visitors with the Importance and pro
gressiva character of the state.
Thla plan will cost something, if carried out.
The people of Lincoln should foot the big part of
the bill for the purchase of the land. This cost
can, however, be extended over a term of years
without becoming a serious burden. We invite
' the present legislature to give the matter Its at
Possibility of Discord Between Allies.
What la always a weak spot in any artificial
combination of combatants in war is the possi
bility of .discord : between the allies, and the
term Is not here used with the technical mean
ing it has gained In the present war.
The suggestion - emanating from Ruasla,
however, that that country Is being compelled
to bear more-than Its share of. the burden, and
that the British are shirking their proportionate
part of the Joint effort and sacrifice, indicates
greater room for friction on the side of the
"entente" than on the side of the "alliance."
The "truth Is that Germany and Austria, and
their later recruit. Turkey, have gotten along
together so -far remarkably- welh Perhaps tha
same should be said of Great Britain, France,
Russia, Belgium and Servla, considering the
hydra-headed leadership and necessary subordi
nation of all to a single plan of operations.
The fortunes of many wars, however', have
been decided more by Internal conflict between
friends than by external force of foes, and it
would not be surprising it In the end disagree
ment among present comrades may not prove
a vital 'factor for settlement.
. ..Ifgau 111 Wind.
''III blows, the wind that profits nobody."
The year before the Omaha tornado, all tha
building and loan associations In Nebraska had
only 83,311,000 of tornado Insurance aastgned
as security for loans. At the close of the fiscal
year 1913 assigned policies totaled $14,000,400,
and leaped to I25.3C1.000 in the twelve months
ending June 30, 1914. Doubtless all other loan
ing agencies required tornado Insurance on im
proved' property".-boosting the total 'tb'a rigure
which must have left a snug margin of profit
above the losses paid in Omaha.
Sale of Ball Playeri.
". The most repugnant aspect of commercial
ised sport la now being brought to light, through
proceeding before Judge Landls at Chicago. It
is not. called for here -to take one aide or the
other between the: Federal league and its opponents.-What
Is to be condemned is the. barter
and, aale of players between magnates. This
practice has ' reached auch stage that it la a
scantral rather than i credit to the greatest outdoor-aport
aver, devised for man'a betterment.
Whtlp. the. exchange. of players, either for kind
or for cash, may hare had a legitimate purpose
in ita origin, it has been distorted from that
purpose and has been abused by managers and
magnates alike, until It has become a menace
rather than an advantage to the game.
For several year the commercial phase of
the sport has been emphasised, until it has all
but overshadowed the other features of base ball.
The wrangling magnates ought to realise and
very soon, that their quarrels are of very little
concern to the people who patronlie the base ball
parka In summer. Unless they do, and take
steps to restore some of the real glorle of base
ball, the professional game la in grave danger.
The scheme to elect supreme Judges by dis
tricts aftus to distribute the membership of the
supreme court, but the constitution requires
very Judge when elected to make the state
capital his permanent residence. Could the ob
ject sought be likewise obtalned'br putting the
court on Wheels, and compelling It Co told ses
sions in rotation in each of the Judicial districts?
Why not?. Is not ope as sensible as the other?
SawMl SB
. According to the" report In the Republic, at
t. Louis, the neutrality meeting held in the
Coliseum there Sunday sang "Deutschland ueber
Alias.", hissed the name of Secretary Bryan, en
dorsed the Hitchcock bill and clinched Its neu
trality by the announcement that films present
ing the German side of the war will be exhibited
in Jb.0 same, building January 24.
Revision of tax laws so aa to distribute
equitably the burdens of government la a live
issue before the legislatures- of New York. Mas
sachusetts and Wisconsin. If one or. all of these
states evolve an equitable plan of taxation,
tbelr's will be the honor of biasing the way
through a Jungle of discrimination sad injustice.
Phlladelpblsns are turning out In vast num
bers to hear Billy Sunday's message of deliver
ance. Rev, BUly's performance surpasses the
fondest expectations of saints and sinners, es
pecially the part he underscores as "Kicking the
DevU in the Slats.
- ; HhK: OMAHA. VKINiU. , . JANUARY 1.1, 1.915.
0-orvdL oYfelnAJv
ay riOToa koszwatzk.
THE VOICK of Henry W. Tatea will he missed from
th puMIc fomm In Omaha, wher for nearly
fifty yeara he has had a prominent part on one
aide or the other of renrly every public movement or
tlvlc controversy. Mr. Tatea was a democrat, but a
bom democrat rather than a democrat by associa
tion. Comlne; from Maryland, ha brought with him
the old atylo or southern democracy he never ac
quired tha prairie variety. He was a Orover Cleve
land democrat and a J. Sterling Morton democrat, but
not a William J. Bryan democrat. When the break
came hi 1"S Mr. Yates followed the gold standard,
and ha openly opposed Bryan then, and ag-aln In
IWOalthntish. If memory servea me rightly, he did
et behind Mr. Tlryan'e fadlns; standard In 190, when
It waa beyond help, in later yeara he waa an artlvo
partisan In the educational campaje;n for th reform
of the banking- and currency laws, whfch resulted In
the recent federal reserve bank legislation, and th
final manifestation of hla encrglea In public were In
opposition to the suffrage agitation, which he com
bated by presiding ever a number of anti-suffrage
From the very early days the Yates home waa a
center of aoclal activities In Omaha, sharing the prea-
tlge with the Patrlcka at "Happy Hollow." the
Hotintiea at "Forest Hill." the Woolworths et "Court
land" and only a few others. So far aa my persona'
recollection goes, th Yates lived at the corner of
Nineteenth and Capitol avenue. In a roomy aquaru
house It la there stlll-and an Invitation to the par
ties, receptions or dinners there waa highly prized as
a mark of distinction. When Mr. Tatea built and re
moved to hla new home, ao suitably named "1111?
crest." the aoclal center of Omaha took a shift west
ward, continuing to move In that direction, however,
until It had passed that hill and to another hill be
yond. The Yatea home waa the first of our modem
firlvate mansions, and waa for a long time pointed
out to strangers with boastful pride. Mr. Yatea waa
a lover of horses and an expert horseman himself.
Riding back and forth to hla bank nn a beautiful
chestnut or black horse he waa a familiar figure until
the apeed pressure of tha auto forced him to glva up
riding aa a regular exercise, and even to abandon hla
coupe for faster locomotion.
Mr. Yates waa from time to time a prolific copy
producer for the newapanera. He read a great deal,
and thought a great deal,, and liked to write on cur
rent topics, preferably on subjects bearing on money
and banking-. He was deeply concerned by the pres
ent European war, and my last Interview with him
was In connection with an offer to review and analyze
for The Ree'a readers all the official state papers that
had been published to Illuminate the outbreak of hos
tilities. We chatted together hrlefly In hla office in
tha bank and I walked a few blocks Ith him as ha
was going to keep an appointment for a directors'
meeting of the electric lighting company. The nub
of tha converaatlon waa that he felt sure ha cwiM
set forth In a roupM of columns tha gist of all tha
dlplomatlo correspondence in such a way aa to leave
no doubt In any one's mind as to Just how the war
had coma about, and who waa to blame.
. Did you see a renemhlance between the picture of
Prince Henry of Prussia printed In The Bee the other
day and Charlea It. Plckena, the genial manager of
tha Paxton & Gallagher company, ao long president
of Ak-Sar-Bt-n? The next day'a mail brought Mr.
Plckena a cutting of the portrait, on which a frlenl
had Inscribed: "Pince when have you been wearing
Ioula N. Haminerling, who is here for a meeting
of tha publishers of foreign language papers of the
state, has had a remarkable career. Ha la a native
of Austria, where hla folks belong to the nobility, but
ha came to tha t'nlted States aa a young man to do
something by himself. My acquaintance with him
datna from the 1908 republican national convention,
In which he waa a member of the Pennsylvania dele
gation chosen from the Wllkesbarre district. He hii
already amassed a small fortune by activities in var
ious lines, particularly In organising aavinga and
home-building Institutions for working people, and had
a following In Pennsylvania that made him a power
ful political factor. He was a great help in marshal
ling foreign-born elements In support of the republi
can ticket In that campaign, and was afterwards
considered by the president for a diplomatic post, but
bad no ambition except to go back to the land or
hla birth, where. I believe. International usage barred
Mm from being received aa an ambassador from an
other country. Out of hie campaign work he developed
a national association embracing nearly all tha foreign
language papers of importance In th country, pooling
their interests so far aa they are mutual, and of thla
association Mr. Hammerllng waa and has continued
to be the national head.
The Nebraska IcgUlatlve reference bureau la pub
lishing In bulletin form a acrlea of historical stixilas.
prepared by graduate atmlenta at the state university,
full or material specially interesting lq people who
try to kaap posted on our civil progress. A recent
number deals with the subject of "Bank Deposit Guar
anty," relating the history or banking In this state
with palnstakmg care ao far aa It goes, but over
looking several Important points. It peases by alto
gether, for example, tha peculiar and, ao far aa I
know, unique experiment tried when a law waa writ
ten on our atatuta books permitting tha asaeta of a
failed bank to be retained by the management on con
dition of giving an Improved bond to pay out all
creditors In full. Needlesa to say, the law waa re
pealed after unfortunate trial. Tbla la Juat In ' the
nature of a suggestion of another chapter for the
author, Z. Clark PICklnson. to add to hla booklet
The lateat bulletin In thla earns aeries, prepared
by NIela Hendrlcksen Debet, purports to be a history
of the direct primary in thla atate.. It, too. la full of
useful Information, Instructively presented, but like
wise neglects a great' deal of direct primary expeil
mept in Omaha and Douglaa county, which gave the
apur to the movement that culminated In Nebraaka'a
first direct primary law, applicable only to thla
county, and only later made state-wide in acope. 1
hope that the authora of future studies along theaa
llnea will oomb the ground up here aa assiduously as
they do down at Lincoln.
People and Events
The bualneee uplift In tho east Is reflected In the
opening of nine mills, which' will give employment to
1.009 men. Flva have already started; four are ached
uled to start before the cad of January.
Illlnoia Joins Arkanaaa and Missouri In giving the
mule a certificate of character. "The Mule." aaya
Judge iAndla. 'la aa good an Investment aa a govern
ment bond." The mule can't kick on that.
The retiring Oovrmor Bleaae of South Carolina es
tablishes a topootch record In pardoning 1.481 convicts
during his term. At the present time penitentiary ten
anta are aa scarce as real news in war bulletin.
The fairly moderate winter temperature enjoyed in
the west thua far la accounted for by the heated In
tenalty or competition between Medicine Hat and Cal
gary. Blanktte of. snow alone prevents local prairie
The Boaton Transcript claims to have solved the
mystery of auppoaed airships carrying green and rd
llghta. reported moving In the vicinity of Portland.
Me. One of the number proved to be a drug store
dodging roveaua offtoera.
According to government - returns there are iS.ail
single women, who pay aa income tax and to.211
bachelors. Owing to tha rule forbidding giving of
names and addressee, the matrimonial market will not
get a rise front the information. ,
The affectionate pull of the dental profeaslon ia
no leaa astonishing, verging on the speechlessness,
than the versatility ahowa In spreading knowledge wf
the toothsome, science. Announcement cornea that sys
tematic professional care of teeth chases rheumatism,
screaming, out of one's system
but. this
Here Are the .lames.
OMAHA. Jam. M To 1h Editor of The
Bee: Kindly state who were the delegates
from the Second ward to the republican
convention which named Frank H Moorea
for mayor, at which convention ha de
feated W. J. Broatch for the nomination.
A dispute haa arisen and I am called
upon to decide. Thanking you for your
compliance. MICKKB GIBSON.
Editor's Note: The Second ward dele
agtlon was made tp of J. F. Brown, Fred
ZUruntng, Frank Francl. A. C. Harte,
Fred Hoye. Joseph Kavau, G II. Kessier,
Anton Kment, A. M. Sternberg.
A Jeremiad oa Fake Reoaamy.
LINCOLN. Jan. H.-To the Editor ' of
The Bee: I desire to announce through
your widely read paper to my friends In
Douglas county who are applicants for
various positions that it la Impossible to
obtain one under present circumstances.
Aspirants from Douglaa county can pass
the test of the most critical examination,
nevertheless I cannot "put them over."
Retrenchment la the motto of the distin
guished legislators, consequently the hired
help must be reduced similar to the rail
roads and other corporations that let the
axe fall on the section hand working for
I1.S5 per day while the preeldcnt of the
road with a salary of 175,000 annually Is
not molested.
Lo and behold, the governor's message
contained one passage which read aa fol
lows: "I have great confidence In your
desire to keep down expenses In thla
session. ' Let us take a glance at the
expenses that are to be kept down. At
the solicitation of some overzealoua and
watchful legislator the postmaster fur
nlshed federal employes as substitutes
tor a brace of "peg-legged" gladiators
or near crlpplee who left their limbs on
the battlefield or elsewhere. Here la
where the federal government is scab,
blng. I am not advocating the employ
ment of eaventy-five when fifty could
do nhe work, but there la more logic,
consistency and charity in employing"
aeventy-ftvo to do the (work of fifty than
endeavoring to make twenty-five do the
work of fifty.
' If the advocates of retrenchment are
alncere let them be practical. . I woUld
suggest' to reduce the house of repre
sentatives to fifty , members and abolish
tha senate entirely and Tiold sessions
only every four yeara
Dlscaeslnsr Preaching.
OMAHA. Jan. 12. To the Editor of The
Bee: It ia not the first time that The
Bee has dlatlngulshed itself In rellgloua
editorials aa the recent one on "Two
Kinda of Preaching" commented on en
thusllcally and in Billy Sunday aprrlt
by "A Layman" In yesterday's Issue.
Why should not the journalistic world
review the Mg and central affairs of tha
Christian church, If It can do ao with
actual understanding of the Christian
church and sympathy for It When "A
Layman" then adds hie interest In the
Issue, further attention ia called to mat
tare vital to all communities and to the
Only I think it were better If "A Lay
man" always signed his name, as
anonymous letters on central rellgloua
themea luck the frankness and the guar
anty of singleness of mind that a signed
article la more liable to furnish. "A
Layman" la right In urging a style et
preaching which lilts the ainful human
heart hard. Gladstone once aald: "Tou
preachers are not hard enough on your
people, and therefore your results are
leas." When, however, "A Layman'
puts up aa model for a pastor a certain
noted revivalist and hla methods, he for
gets that tho acrlptures teach that "the
girts are many." It would be a pity. If
au preached and "punched" (quoted
from "A Layman") aa aome revivalists
do. St. John had no aucn atyle. nor St.
Paul. .Yet we would not Bay that theae
spostono preachers were inefficient
would we? Then It must be remembered.
that I tv all denominations where tbs
word of God Is always taught and
preached, not lectures given In lieu of
aermons. the consciences will not need
slang, filthy language of the sport-ground.
roaring merriment as condiment, halr-
ralsl'ig gestures, and vile sarcasms. It
la in fact, a grim Irony on the effete
manner of the pulpit of tha past In aome
parts of Christendom that where for
merly the "Sweetness and Light," "clvio
righteousness." "modern culture" essay
ists held away In the pulpit they vie
with each other in gathering funds for
the moat rabid, slangy "punching" and
nerve-racking evangelists wha are feed
enormously. Where formerly earnest
preachers of the sound word of God, law
and gospel were smiled at as woefully
antique, they endure all manner of vitu
peration and rellgloua vitriol. Still more.
those who ere as formerly continuing
with the unmistakable biblical atyle of
preaching, but averse to the present riot
ous evangelism that burns out of men,
in the long run. the serious sense of the
Eternal, are charged aa spiritually dead
and uninterested tn the saving of soula
There are churchea. denominational, I
mean, who believe in and practice con
ttaual soul-awakening, not merely a few
weeks of fearsome revlvallalng and then
back on a holiday Jaunt of pulpit lectur
ing and aaytng of smooth things. Better
than all the spasmodical revival lalng
Is constant pastoral teaching and preach
ing of all the word of God, the law unto
knowledge and grief of sin, the gospel
tor faith and redemption In Christ Al
ways aeeklng to save souls, always seek
ing to convert the unasved. slwsys awak
ening tha dead and the drowsy, alwaya
telling men of their lost 'estate apart
from Christ ia Infinitely better and pro
ductive of infinitely more lasting spir
itual results than this American method
of abort campaigns of fierce earnestness
and long campalgna of delightful world
lineaa. It must be remembered, too, that
a denomination which emphasises teach
ing applied to heart conactenoe and life,
to the understanding and to the whole
personality, doea not endure and doea not
need the Intermittent fever of hot re
vivalism, aa do they who neglect, teach
ing and whose preaching naturally must
be more etferveeoent I euppoee If I
were pastor of a denomination that laid
leas stress on teaching tho word of Oxxt
to the children, to the .youth, to the
grown, I should st times feel a furious
need of terrible revlvallilng onslaughts.
When all Is aald tha church's strength
will never for any length of time lie in
theae spasmodic efforts, but In a renewal
of the biblical spirit In them who have
the office of the ministry and In the
serious reception or law and gospel by
the laity. No preacher today needs to
"punch'' and do all the revivalist-stunts
to save souls in Christ The argument
that the degeneracy among tha cultured
church folks and the uncultured sub.
merged mass U so great that nothing
cyclonic preaching will help Is I
Baltimore Sun.
An. my l,a'ly tyiugliti r.
Shadows fsde. and gloom;
Where your fct sre dam lntr
Only violets bloom:
Frnrkllng of the sunshln.
Shimmer of the dew
Spirit of the roses
When the skies burn blue.
Ah, my Ladv I-augMer,
Mow shall t be sad
When a golden bubble.
You turn sorrow glad;
Rippling of a river.
Surging of a sea
Rlnalets of the Rhine-gold.
Dimples on your knee.
Ah. my ?jdy Lauchter,
Spring Is in the lane;
Silver In the sunbeam.
Shower on the pane:
Bugling of a hlrd's note.
Rapturing of a stream
Falriea In the front yard
Bringing home a dream.
Ah, my Lady Laughter,
After you the spell.
Morning on the hilltop,
Illnssoma In the dell;
Butterflies on light winga
Clover ton to clover
Suddenly the nlahl sings.
Then the whole thing over!
fatally routed by the preaching or St.
Paul, who never ' slummed It" In preach
ing Christ "unto wisdom, righteousness,
sanctlflcatlon and redemption." Tot his
churth work at Corinth was almost
wholly among the alavra.
If "A Layman" will talk thlhga over
with his paator the latter will certainly
do all ths normal biblical "punching"
endurable even to "A Layman'a" ears.
If "A Layman" will personally confeas
his own sins and outstanding weaknesses
to his paator and give him Inaldo in
formation, I am quite persuaded thst the
pastor shall be able to meet all tho needs
of the old Adam. Provided hla pastor I
a msn of the scriptures!
Tastor of Immsnuel Lutheran Church.
"Tou know, there la an air I heard
lately humming through my brain this
"That'a no air; what you heir In vour
brains are their wheels humming." Bal
timore American.
' tANDEHBILT 3)of cf
li? GS'JSurtA tihvti east atdJark Cjtcerwue.
An. Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation
boyhood days the"ol'
swimmm' hole" that
string of shining fish
how you broiled them
over a bonfire, and how
good they tasted and
how good you felt?
Those days haven't
gone you can enjoy
fish with the same fresh
fro m-the-wate r taste.
Winter Caught Whitefih
Winter Caught Pike (wall-eyed)
Winter Caught Pickerel
are especially fine how.
Fresh, wholesome and
delicious to you from
the water via good, clean,
natural iced refrigera
tion. This Company
recognizes no obstacle
in transporting from the
water to your table, fish
guaranteed to be fresh,
not only on certain days
of the week! but every
day. Order from your
dealer today.
Booth Fisheries
Dranekn in AU Principal Cilln