Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1915, Image 4

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    THi; -KEK: -'OMAHA. WFJA'KNIjAY, .1AXUAUY 13, Ml..
Iowa Executive Tells Legislature
Appropriations Should Not
Exceed $950,000.
(From a PUff Correspondent.
DBS MOINES. In.. Jan. 12. tSneolal.)
(lovernor George V. Clarke In his Men
tilal mossaae to the thirty-sixth a-enera!
assembly, delivered at 2 o'clock this aft
ernoon, reviewed state affairs and made
r"eommendatlons for a comrrehrnslve
program of Important legislation, Includ
ing the following:
Appropriations must lie limited to about
for the blennlum, unless new
sourcea of revenue are found.
.Mlllage taxes should bo reduced bo
rause of the raise In "valuation.
Adoption of mlllage tag (method (or
support of the state Institutions and wip
ing out state tax levy.
Constitutional amendment for state
taxation of railroads and similar prop
erty directly.
Handling of fund for the colleges and
the highway commission through the
slate treasury Instead of Independently.
Lil-ernJ appropriations for the corteges.
Special provision for collection of col
lateral inheritance tuxes.
Head Improvement Law erded.
Authority for Issuance of bonds hy
counties or special assessment districts
for permanent road work. , ,
Commission to Investigate on the lake
beds and stale to retain ownership of
all drained lakes. '
Appropriation for aid to the Han Fran
cisco exposition commission, also for cel.
rbratlon of negro centennial, and refund
on Gettysburg celebration expense.
Removal of exemption a to taxation
of bees.
More legislation on habit-forming drugs.
Organization of a public utlll(lcs-wm-misslon.
lTovUlou for a county manager pr other
reform In county government.
Medical department for the state li
brary. Woman suffrage amendment to he sub
mitted to vote.
Prevention of pollution of streams.
Ttu) shorter ballot tu a limited extent
He pee I of the nonpartisan election of
. Judges.
A four-year term for the governor, with
Reduction In expense of the legisla
tive sessions.
Constitutional amendment to reduce
membership In legislature more than half.
Court reform, limiting appeals, easier
methods of getting Juries, no reversal of
rases unless Injury haa been done.
Hlght of judges to parole ; convicted
persons before commitment.
Establishment of custodial farms, in
dustries for convicts, more road work
by convlcU.
Plaaxtea of tar State.
The governor devoted a great deal of
his message to th finance of the. state,
lie gave the' estimates of Income and
expenditure' and showed that currcat ex
penditures through the state . treasury
would In the next blennlum amount to
19,477,000, and income Including balance
on hand. flO.t32.000. Unless new sources
of revenue are -devised the extraordinary
appropriations must be kept below 1360,000,
The statement Includes a showing of tho
coat of the state colleges. Their annual
Income from the atate alone, If their re
itteeta are granted, will be KMXIW.
"Tlu most Important part of the mes
sage reluted to the subject of reform In
methods of state government legislative
and executive. With regard to the gov
- ernor he said he believed be should have
a four-year term, and he should not talc
office at the same time that a new leg
islature begin. Under the present ays
tern, a shown by experience, li doe
not more tnan get started until lie 1
forced Into a long flcht for nomination
and another; for ro-elcctlon. and he has
no time tu devote to the public good.
With regard to the leglnlatur he would
' have a senate of twenty-five and a house
of fifty members, and get better results
from legislation by such a body. Ex
perience show that large bodies are not
rapabl of effective -work In legislation.
31 also sugrested again a reduction In
the number of employe about tho leg
islature and consequent cutting down ot
expeascs at the present tune.
Coart fiexaelaro To Blow.
Important matter relating to court
procedure are dlscuseed by the governor
at lrngth. The administration of tho law
H slew. uncartaJn and unreasonably ex
pensive, lie would have a rule restrict
ing the examination In selection of Juror's
or have the Judge conduct the examina
tion. The time for taking appeals sh6uld
be shortened. The law forbidding' ooun-st-l
to comment on the fact that a de
fendant U a criminal caao fails to testify
should be repealed. No new trial or re
versal of a rase should bje-made en tech
nicalities, and only when it appear to
the court that a substantial denial of the
I'.rTht of litigant ha been rcec-lajd.
The highway law was declared to be
rnpldly growing in the favor of the peo
ple. Kor the first time tiaj there beetl
permanent progress In repair and rtad
making. It may be necessary to amend
the law In some particular,' but the es
sential prlnc iltes ami ,a-oytion hive
been found o be right and ought to re
main. There arc lorajillc where the
question ot hard aurfeced Yoada la' re
ceiving attention, and there should be
provision that a county may Issue bond
to rale money for thl Ptrpose.' er that
lhre may be a speuil,,roadI. district cre
ated for that purpose, " ' : ,f
s Uralaac W f akes,
With regard to the; meandered lako
problem the governor suggested a com
mission to Investlgava- the, whole matter,
lie would also nave tb . legislature b
inure "specific a to'' just, what klndd of
lake should bo drained,' and not W ave
I' to the executive counVU, ahlch cannot
decide these matters. ' Ttt ownorship of
lake beds after drainage should remala
In th Mate, and some, of them might be
used for custodial farms. . , ! ..
On tli subject of reform la the penal
systtrm of the sUte the governor urged
Belgium's Queen Writes a Letter of
Appreciation to Women of America
r , . t. y
:(-.. -?,!
"Uke a ray of sunlight in the daiketil hour of
niBltim's history,", Is the w;yln which Queen Kllia
bet h, describes the food which Amerli-a Is daily pro
viding to the women and children of her stricken
"It gives me great pleasure to become patrones ot
the woman's section ot the CnminisNlnn for Belief In
nelglum," writes Queen Elisabeth to Mis. Undpn W.
Hates. "At Ihe snme time I wish to extend to tli?
.women of America the dep gratitude of the women
of RolRlum for th work which ttiwy are doing for my
people. Tito Bolgiaii. women have fought a brave
fight, and are still fighting for the common cause of
human liberty so dear to every woman's heart"
; With the letter from Belgium's queen also came one
from King Albert's kIMer, llentlctte.
j el
Turkey Yields to
AU Italy Demands
liONDON, Jan. X2 Special dispatches
from Home today say that Turkey haa
sgreed to the demands of Italy In, con
nection with the Tlodelda Incident. Ac
cording to these advices, Turkey has or
dered the release of Hritlsh Vice Consul
Richardson, who was arrested In th
Italian consulate at Hodelda, and prom
ised to punish the soldi ho broke
Into the consulate, an well as to salute
I the Italian flag when It Is again holstr.l
over the building.
Investigation of the clrcumsUnces at
tending the Invasion of the Italian con
sulate Is atlll In progress, and the Inci
dent will remain open until this Inquiry
has been completed. In view of the con
cessions, Turkey Is reported to have
made, however, satisfactory adjustment Is
Gas! Gas! Indigestion, Soreness,
Sick-Stomach Pape's Diapepsin
If you feel bloated after eating and you but quickly ferments and sours, produc-
Dr. Cm. D. Row Dying.
POOXE. la.. Jan. 12.-(Spocial Tele
gram.) Dr. G. D. Itowe. dean of central
Iowa practicing physician, is dying in
the National Soldiers' and Sailors' hos
pital . In Hot Springs, Ark. Hia wife
passed away In the summer.
believe It la 'food which fills you; if what
little foil eat He Uke a lump of lead on
your stomach; If there l-difficulty In
breathing after eating, eructation of
sour, undigested food and acid,' heartburn,
brash' or a belching ot gR. you need
rape' Diapepsin to top food, fermenta
tion and indigestion.' .
It neutralizes excessive acid, .'stomach
poison; absorbs that, misery-making gna
and stops fermentation which sours your
entire meal and cause Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache. Biliousness.' Constipation,
Griping, etc. Tour real and only trouble
is that which you eat does not digest.
Ing almost anv unhenlthy condition.
A case .f Fape'a Diapepsin will et
fifty .cents at any pharmacy hee. andi
will convince any stomach sufferer In five
minutes that Fermentation and Sour
Stomach Is causing the misery of Indi
gestion. No matter if you call your trouble
Catarrh of the Stomach, Nervouanea or1
Gastritis, or by any other name always
remember that relief Is waiting at any
drug store the moment you d setae t
begin It use.
Pape'e Dlnpepsln wilt regulate any out
of-order stomach within five mtnulea,
and digest promptly without any fuaa or
discomfort, all ot- any kind ot food you
eat Advertisement.
Put Stomach in
Fine Condition
Says Indigestion Result from
Excess of Hydrochloric
Acid. .
that- the . Kltc y of punishment for retri
bution be abandoned, that Judge have
authority to parole a person convicted and
give him c chance to make good before
the damage I done him by forcing htm
behind the liars;, that Jails be larrely
abandoned and 'men bo sent direct to
custodial farms: that there ho an estab
lishment of Industries at the prison and
more, work by the convicts on the high
way. . .
Iowa General Assembly in Both
'Branches Organizes for
Germany's Airships
Destroy War Base of
Allies at Dunkirk
LONDON, Jan, 12. A wireless dispatch
from Hcrlln says that tho military estab
lishment In and near Dunkirk were com
pletely destroyed by the German airship
flotilla which attacked that city on Sun
day. The Dunkirk lighting plant also
waa .destroyed. The dispatch aay this
Information Is contained In' a message
from Rotterdam. '
Bis Base Mear Ghent. .
' GENEVA. HwlUorland. Jan.' 12.-(Viif
London) Word has reached here from
Friedcrtckshs.fen where the Zeppelin
work are located that the Germans, jvavo"
established a base for 'their aerial fight
ing craft near .Ghent Jn Belgium. Four
Zeppelins of the latest type afid'a num
ber of aeroplane .'have been .assembled
at the new aviatliui grounds. It I from
this point that the Zeppelin made their
recent ralj mrer-CMaia. '. ,
will Insiat upon having the committee
dealing with tho temperance matters and
amendments fixed their way or there will
be an upheaval.
Servia Wants Ttoe.
Austrian Provinces
as Share of Spoils
' ROME. Jan. . t2. Contrary to statement
that have appeared In the newspaper of
London, Paris and Berlin that an under
standing ha practically been reachol
about a Servian outlet to the Adriatic
sea, It la atated In Servian offluial quar
ter here that this will not now satisfy
Servia, ,
It Js declared that such a concrislou
would have been satisfactory two years
ago, when th subject was discussed at
the London' conference;' but that now,
after a war in which it life and Inde
pendence were risked, htervia could not
accept a port xr astrip of coast. What
It now claim. .11 ,1 stated, are the
Servian region possessed by Austria, In
cluding H.ishla,' Itersegovlna and Dal
matian which must bo assigned to us
through th principle of nautrality.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINES, Ia Jan. 1!. (Special
Telegram.) The general assembly In Joint
session listened to the address of Gov
ernor Clarke today and afterward atarted
upon the conntf of the vote for governor
and lieutenant governor, but did not fin
ish today. A second effort wa made
today In committee to reduce the number
of extra employes of the legislature a
a measure of economy. It la expected
this will fall and there will be the usual
expenee connected . with the session.
' Organisation Kffected.
The organisation of the legislature was
but partly effected at the morning ses
sions. Hoth house were called together
at 10 a. m. The preliminaries were easy.
Tho only real Incident of the day wa
when, the senate committee on creden
tlala waa asked not to permit the seating
of ft, W. Grout, the republican member
olect from the Blackhawk-Qrundy dis
trict. Kx-8enator Do Wplf, democrat,
appeared before the committee and de
manded that the sent, be left vacant. It
haa always been customary to give to
the member having the certificate the.
right to alt until t I determined whether
the' contestant haa any right. . The de-.
tnan 8 of the democratio candidate caused
delay In organizing the senate.
In the ho Uke Atkinson wa elected: the
speaker, the democrat voting for Dr.
Ban man ot Van Buren. Henry Brady of
Dallas wa temporary speaker pending
the organisation. The vote for Atkinson
ua on party lines, and at it conclusion
Bauman moved to mako It unanimous.
The democrala In their caucus also se
lected Kane of Dubuque a their floor
leader a against Crosier of ..Marlon, a
temperance democrat
The republican caucus selections for
places wero confirmed.
. Seaat Committee Plana. ,
The situation aa to the senate commit
ters la demanding a great deal of at
tention. There is local demand here, not
from within the membership of th sen
ate, however, that the plan of having the
lieutenant i governor niak up the senate
committees bo abandoned entirely and
the matter be turned over to a amall
committee of the senator. Th majority
of tho . senator believe thl -would not
be a better way to do the business ot
making committees. 1 But a majority of
the' members are also ot the opinion that
the lieutenant governor ahould consult
each and every member before making;
up the committee and should make a
fair distribution. Humor to the effect
that mat of the big committee places
Barton Is Stricken;
Quickly Recovers
WASHINGTON, Ja-i. U-Repiesenttt-tlvo
Biles Barton of Nebraska was
stricken with acute Indigestion today
while standing in the republican cloak
room off tho floor ot the house. He
fell forward heavily, striking hia head
against the marble floor, and for a time
It wa feared that he wa badly hurt.
TTpoa recovering consciousness, however,
he wa able to go rjomc Tonight It waa
afd hi condition waa not serious.
Five Cents rrovea It.
' A Generous Offer. Cut out this ad.,
enclose with ( cents to Foley ft Co., Chi
cago, 114.. writing your name and address
plainly, and receive a free trial package
containing Foley' Honey and Tar Com
pound, for cough, cold and croup;
Foley Kidney Pills, for kidney and blad
der complaint, backache, pain In Joint,
rheumatism; and Foley Cathartto Tab
lets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleans
ing cathartto try all three for t cents,
the cost of mailing. 8old by all dealers.
Advertisement. ' ,
Tank Ship Sails With
a Certified Cargo
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. U-The Italian
tank steamer Lampo sailed from Phlla- were distributed some tlmo ago and that
delphla today for tavona,' Italy, with only a few person had been consulted
on of tho first certified cargoea to leave ( caused the sterting ot an insurgent movo
an Americalii port. The Iaiupo- carries , riient. Its present statu la that the ma.
X.K1.UI0 trillion f refined petroleum and j Jority Is waiting to see what Governor
J-jO.on gallons of naptha. , ! Harding does about hia committee, and
I'nlted Htotc cutitoma Inspector were t If he makes up a reasonably good llot
algnx to 'watch 'the lulling. of the It will not be disturbed. Some of th
lnipo "and It soiled with tho captain t radical prohibitionist are making much
Oar for (alpshnra.
Harry Bsy. former Cleveland sreed mer
chant, who managed Madison In th Wis.
ronaln-Illlnoia league lat aeaaon. has
been In Oaleabura to inauire nhnut hi.
chances for managing the team there next
year in case tn town gets a Central as-
aui-iaxion irancmae. KaDorta ara that h
la the favor e pick for th Job.
Undigested food delayed In the
stomach decays, or rather, ferments the
ame da food left In the open air, says
a noted authority. He also tell us that
Indigestion I causod by Hyper-aclity,
meaning, there i an excess of hydro
chloric acid In the stomach which pre
vents complete digestion and start food
fermentation. Thu everything eaten
ours In the stomeh much like garbage
sours In a can, forming acrid fluids and
Case which inflate the stomach like a
toy balloon. Then we feel a heavy,
lumpy misery In the chest, wa belch up
gas, we eructate sour food or have heart
burn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea.
He tella us to lay aside all digestive,
aid, and Instead, get from any pharmacy
four ounce of Jad' PaJU and take a
tablespoonrul In a glass of water before
breakfast and drink while It 'Is effer
vescing and furthermore, to. roniinue
this for a week. While relief follow we
first dose. It Is Important to -jieutral-Ict
th acidity, remove the ga-maklng
mass, start the liver, timulat the kid
nir mil thu nromote a free flow of
pure digestive Juices.
Jads Palt is Inexpensive and Is made
from the acid of grape nnd lemon Julco,
combined with Hthla and sodium pnos
phate.- Thl harmles salt l ued by
thousands of people for stomach ttoublc
with excellent result. Advertisement.
Drink. Hot Tea
For a Bad Cold
Oat a amall package of Hamburg Breast
Tea, or as the Gorman folks call It.
"Hamburger Bruat Thee." at any phar
macy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea.
put a cup ot boiling water upon It, pour
through a sleva and drink a teacup full
at any time. It Is the most effective way
to break a cold and cure grip, as It open
tha pores, relieving congestion. Also
loosens th bowels, thus breaking a cold
at ones.
. It Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable,
therefor harmles Advertisement.
carrying' a certificate ' staring exaactly
what ( In the slilp's cargo ail to avoid
unnecessary delay of Inspection In case
tha' tunkt r Is held up by a forulgn war
noise over the matter and say that they
King Albert and
- Staff Dig Trench
LONDON, Jan. -tf.-"King Albert . spent
everal hours Huoduy vitti a pick and
shovel, digging trrncnr' like a common
soldier," writes a Ilt-lgian from th front
to hia family. In the rvfugM ra:np. here.
"It happened In thla way; While In
sisting with some officer the king, saw
a group of ua Citulim, looking (ery tired.
He Inquired how long we had been -.fork
ing. Beintf told, he sent ua away for a
rest, wlille be proposed to Ms staff tkat
be and thry take our placen."
Tha Importance of
rcaerva strwsjtit and purs
Um4 -t tkl awto I
rr iHmi4 aa4 Nature's awe.
awaruiuMst in Jaatt's mmltl
y layuttiuianwaiUkMwuM '
i tlM Hs.rnsb
InvlstslM tlte wnale system.
Phywidmma mmrym kmrm swscr&s it.
M it tr $rmm AtnkmJ or OfcrfaSM.
1 I
tke ! aa4 I
NKW VOHK. Jsn. IT The lir. l'ln-
laad, sailing today for Europe, carries
the Uirgeel ccuMHtiliPent cf supplies
tilpd on a sinsK Vessel by tlvs Amer
ican ReiS Cross slnoe Its owa .ship, the
Bad Cross, na sent tv several Kuropraa
ports - soon, attar .tha. war began. Th
shipment, which W consigned to Austria
Hungary, consist ot 146,M ards of
gauxe, stxSy bale of absorbent cotton,
IV10 gauao pads, 1,000 yards of crinoline,
tea) pounds of chiemform and large lots
ot . alcohol. antiseptic preparation,
surgical Instrument and assorted band
age, la addition to these supplUs, which
go to Vienna and Budapest, the Bed
Crok Is sending on the Finland IIS cases
ot botpilal garments and supplies (or th
Servian lied t'rwi.
A Friendly Scientist Showed Me
How to Cure It ForeTer
CihT Kll tK YOt'Ka TOO
For a lang time I u aorslr trokl4 hr a kl-
uu (root of ttuprrtluoiia Ulr m my lace n4
anna. My u aa ludaad a al(kt nwa tha
aeprmlllks aroath ala
I ra Mimc a ttala
aiavif for air ua'sM
y apaaann. Tkria
v ara aaanr inioga anar- I
tlM4 l.T fulMTCIUBIM
' Hair, an I ttluk I
V' trted thia alt. krt
mmr VlUt aar raauit.
en ta aaata mt
a4 Sara at
Hut, kotwIthtt&nfltAci
all nijr yni of UiMt
polnttMgfi, today vitK
flUOUttHtklr Ott mjP (fMsa,
inu, 9 nymln if
I not r 4 ot It tftr li
ffflioigsc U m ri( of
frtomllir tatialiiat. t
lrfnmr mt t bmirtry
' ' o Cn.uh IqIvw.
itv. Tt trvtwQt n ftdvuerU i o. ihoruutxtt,
uispl nvtl y lu u tivAt 1 wt 0vy mihmr
iiiorwr in A?rlct, u kauw ui it. u r.4
u- tt 4 vlut lii lair ftptnifii vs4 my Wvi-
Btjgssj. tbftl S Wly Wlai mj Bg.irai tttftllftsg, u
gMgaain win) Will Wl bfMsoM td H Wis
ftrj ;tiULMt liw t WUs4 ftftify lrL vt lir,
mvr t mmm.
II mrm mutUr ra4 txiU tk to full
4tlU. Jusrt nJ ftiorm xu- iimiu 9t.vttng Htr
Mr, or M)-i n4 ftuUrft, t4 ft twt-ul gtKift
tor rvivrtt ntM(iK vu4 (,! ftfti.4 u im tuil (W
Ifttl Iks f4fU 4 lUlcrlS hui rv-ftUUt! t
tur ova rui trior mil l Ullrtl. Ai rM your
Wilt. Hi Km l iirva Jrak In, hull 1 H t.
lur Snmir m and Ailantlt A. Kiuii, Mim.
M'Tr. Mn Jti.ti4. m fcrr (khnfajipk h.ia
In ft titiy of rfinH.riil. iul ui vr
kDtiB tv bvnniy lwOfN la MfsuUvft, t tv.
Tbe Drexcl MUi
8 h ram t o
Omaha today. Sh
1 tha sister of
th Preset .- Kid.
and wear . 'Service
School ' Shoe.
the Finest
?! '.
for Ml and Children at.
tending school are found at
Lirexel . Tbey are made
of the finest calf, welt rock
.oak soles tno nails to tear
the stockings). Ask for
Made of foot form last
and built for comfort, wear
and style. Slses 4 to 11.
Itui im to J. fa-Mi SH
to 7. 93.00.
1419 Farnam
and the Gulf Coast
is, near and offers splendid attractions
to winter tourists.
Low Fares
Reduced, rate round trip tickets on sale daily
from Omaha via, Chicago and North Western all the famous southern resorts:
Jacksonville $50.68 Orlando. ... .$58.48
New Orleans. 41.18 Tampa...... 62.23
Mobile...... 41.18
St Augustine 52.98
Palm Beach. 69.18
St Petersburg 62.28
Miami...... 72.78
Havana. .... 87.18
Carraapondiaglr low rata tn etfcar poaat f
Favorable Stopover Privilcgea
Choice of Scenic Routes Liberal Return Limits
a . Seven fast modernly equipped trains
TxWr arrive at the new Passenger Ter-
rrtinal, Chicago, daily, making con
venient connections with through
trains on lines South
3asggs?u?i'' :f.r
. '--Stf , .. ii y. ai Ijjm
Travel via the famous
double track', automatic
electric safety signal line
to Chicago.
The Best of Everything
R starvation and partlcalars
on application to ticket officas
Chicago and
North Western Ry.
401-1403 Farnam 8trt
Omaha, Neb.
Maka lIS s Banaar Tear y aavlag nnr
tmrix wa.k. Tha haat an, auraat war to
aa. roonar la ta buy a diamond on cradlt at'
and pitr It a wk. Tan will gtt a af
aain ir rou BtiY NOW doriac our gnat
Janaary '-Oaa-Up-' Bala. v'
Sale of Xljb-Ji
. Watches &S
Beentiful Oennia Diameads, for.
marly sold at $50, now S40. Aar
14k solid gold moantlaas joo
may choose alia;, atuds. Scarf
Fin. Ear Screws, La TalUer,
Brooo&ea, sto.
Opaa Dally Till I P. M. Satursay Till I
Tall or. writ, for Illustrates calalo Na.
tvi. I'lKma D. KH and aalaamaa alii oajl.
nemt JFstfS
'09 s. ma st
.'or. lata and
i M' l.l.
l!rs. Vfelsw's ScblKngSjirp
! t ;
4 - i -
IT- .1
11 :
is to be given iicxt, and
she is one of the prettiest,
sweetest dolls we ever
saw. She has light hair
and bine eyes, and is styl
ishly dressed in tho very
latest fashion. She has a
. blue dress, blue hat and
blue shoes and stockings. '
The little girl that . wins
her will surely be,d
lighted. ;
Elizabeth will be glTrn fre to . .
. the little girl under. 12 year of
age that brings or malls us the
largest number of dolls' pic .
. lures cut out of tbe Dally and
Hundar Bee before 4 p. ra. Sat.
urdaj', January lfl. , .
. KHzabeth's picture will -be
in The Bee every day
this week. Cut them out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures' in their
paper for you too. See how '
many pictures of Eliza
beth you can get, and be
sure to turn them in to
The Bee office before -4 ;
p. m. Saturday, Jan. 16.
You Can See Elizabeth at The Bee Office
Boys' Skates Free
Barney Berry.
WaUe4 btael blades.
American Club,
ausos t fit. .
Nickel Plated. Tempered
This picture of one of the Skate will be In Tbe Bee
every day this week.
Cut them all out and ak your friends to save tha pic
tures in their paper for you. too. See bow many picture
you can get and briag them to The Bee office.
The Skates will be given Free to the boy that send ua
thu most pictures before 4 F, M. Saturday, Jan. lb