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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1915)
TIIK REK: OMAHA. WKPXKSDAY. .TAN'TWItY R Nebraska HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETS. i Annual Session of Organization Be fins with Meeting of the ' Pioneers. REQUESTS FIRE PROTECTION (F"rom a Ntnfr Correspondent.) MNCOT-N, Neb., Jan. 12. (8.ocll T1 CRrm.) The- Nebraska Statn Historical society began Its annual session hrr thl nftornoon. Winning with a short session of the territorial pioneer.' letter In the afternoon the executive committee of the, historical society held a session, dis posing of routine mntlers." The regular meeting will begin tomorrow. A musical program w given this evening. Want Fire Protection. In a special megsaae to the house thl" afternoon Governor Morehcad called at tention to the danger from fire that the $10,000,000 In securities were exposed to In the office of the auditor and the state treasurer, and asked that steps be taken for securing a better place. In accord with the executive's wishes, a commit tee composed of fllchuiond. Trumble and Peterson was appointed to confer with State Treasurer Jlall on the matter. . NEMAHA COUNTY MAN WILL RETURN TO GERMANY ATJBTTRN, N'eb., Jan. 12. (Special. ) John Krlenhop of Nemaka county is making arrangement for securing pass ports and other necessary paper to re turn to his native land. Clermany. He haa three brothers serving In the Uermni army and a sister who has been very sick and lie la going over to look after the aistei's welfave. Krelenhop became a eltlien of the Vnlted State In 1!"00. Ho made a trip to Germany Jn 1907. Having come to this country when he was 18 years of ago and being now a citizen of this country he will not be subject to military duty, but nevertheless runs con siderable risk of Inconvenience and trouble of one kind or another In gol.'f to Germany at this tijne. ,Tho work of securing the necessary papers to make the trip requires a great amount of red tape. His application for passports, which were filed with the clerk of tho district court of Nemaha county had to be accompanied by two photographs- of the applicant One of these will be at tached to the rAssport which will be Is sued to him. MEMBERS ORDER-BUREAU TO DRAW BILLS FREE (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.; Jan. 12.-(SpeelaI Tel egram. V-Members of the legislature who object to paying the reference bureau to for drawing up bills, as provided In a resolution passed at the last -session, scored this afternoon when by an almost unanimous vote they declared the rule of 1913 would not stand. The rule was passed two years ago In the belief that it would tend to keep down the large number of bills which, under the conditions, made the bill-drawing proposition easy for the member who had not the time or In clination to draw his own bills w'hen somebody else would draw them up for nothing. ' - " MAN CRAWLS A MILE WITH HIS HIP DISLOCATED TECITWSE1I. Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.) Fred Sperry, who Uvea twelve miles northeast of Falls City, was walking to his homo from a neighbor's one night raeently when no fell on the slippery toad and dislocated his left hip. As the hour was late and there were no passers-by, Mr. , Sperry was obliged to crawl for nearly a roilo before he reached a farm house and secured help. Three Maple ton Deaths. . STAPMSTTON. Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.) Mrs. J. H. Davis died at a hospital in North Platte January 7. She was welt known evtHrLogan and McPheraon coun ties. She came here about six years ago and took a homestead. She taught school up to the time of her Illness. R. V. Shidler died at the family home at Shidler, Neb., after a lingering illness. Jle was well known over a large part wi hub vuuiurjr. rio was an expert me chanic at making raxors and cutlery by hand. He came here about two years ago from Cozad, Neb. Ellas P. Lutes,' an old-time, -resident of Thomas county, died at his home of pneu monia. He leavea a large -number of relatives and many friends. He came ' here in 1911 from Missouri and home steaded land. He was an active member of the Methodist church. - Cass Coast? Mortgage Record. PLATTSMOUTH, aNeb.; Jan.. 12.-Spe. claD Records for the year from the of fice of the register of deeds in this county show the following facts regard ing mortgages: I aim mortgagee filed jn!P,PVS Farm mortgages released .- 622,417 City mortgages filed 140.1S5 City mortgages released M.031 In comparison with a neighboring (Ne maha) county this Is noted. The telative number of farm mortgages released in this c6unty Is much the greater. In Nemaha, those filed amounted to piZ,KS2 and. those released only 3,03, Baarrtor Kirrura't Banquet. SUPERIOR. . Neb.. Jan. i:.-(Hpeclal Telegram.) Superior firemen gave a big banqut last night. . Most of the city offi cials were entertained. Before the ban quet about twenty who had Joined the last year were initiated and helped make electric couplings to the amusement of the largV number present. ' The depart ment will have a large delegation for the annual convention at Nebraska City next week. Postmaster Keller l.rim ill. paver. REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb.. Jan. 12 ( Special.) Mr. Thomas Kelley. post master and editor of tnc Hurlln County Ranger, leased the paper last week to B. C. Miller of Marion. an experienced and capable newspaper man. , Mr. Kelley has given this section an excellent paper for the last several years, but on account of his duties In the post offlo he was obllgei to give It up. Atteatsla to Eud Life. . FREMONT. Neb.. Jan. lt.-(8peclal.)-Merle Cotterel, time keeper for a force of woodcutters on Fremont island, shot himself In the leil temple Sunday evening and his recovery Is doubtful. Indications point strongly to suicide. . kf It Ilaasly fmr HbraBBSvSlssa. Don't suffer and try to wear out your rheumatism. Moans Mnment goes right to the spot, kills the fcsln. Ku. All drug 4lsts. AvsruUcinoat. . ' - Nebraska QUINBY would change TREATMENT CF. WITNESS i From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. !!-8peelal. tenate file No. ll as Introduced by Sen ator Vfulnby, provides that a witness In court shall not be compelled to answer simply "Yea" or "No." If he shall ex plain to the rourt that to c'o so would be not to tell tho who'e trvth. Moreover, In such a case he slinll be allowed to slate the facts as In knows them. Senator Qulnliy'q b II also provides that any criticism of the court not delivered In the presence of the court, be It written, printed or oral, shall not constitute eon tempt. .LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE PROBW Regan and Anderson Introduce Reso lution in House to Investi gate combination. ASK ATTORNEY GENERAL TO AID (From i stiff Corrcsonde,nt.I . I.IM'OI.X, .laiv 12. --(Special Telegram.) Invonl.-ntluns Ivive It gun anti the first to revolve attention by the legis lature Is 'the oiitli Oir.shn, Live Stock exchange. The move was made by Kc;reseiita(lves Hog.m of I'latte and Anderson of Moyd. The resolution proMcs for a committee ot five members to iitcstlgatc tho 'or-' g:in!i:at'on. conduct and doings ' of the live ttock exchange aid requests that the attorney general aid the committee. Should It bo found that the concerns named have violated the law the attorney general is requested lo bring prosecu tions against them. The resolution recites that the ex change has adopted rules flxir.g the charges to be made by Its members for handling live stock and providing a penalty to be inflicted on any member who charges less. The resolution was referred to the com mittee on live stock, with instructions to report in three days. ' SHUMWAY INTRODUCES MEASURE FOR VASECTOMY (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 12. (Special.) The sterilization bill Introduced by Senatsr Sliumway of Wakefield provides a board of two physicians, to be appointed by the board of control for four year terms and to serve at a per diem pay of $10 for actual services. A'ny defective or criminal upon whom an operation is to be performed for tho prevention of possible procreation of the kind Is to be given a hearing before this board and is to have counsel provided for him by appointment of the judge of the county or district in which the In stitution of which the patient Is a' mem ber Is located. The order of the board upon fhe hearing Is subject to review by. any similar district or county Judge. The act heavily penalises any person Performing such an operation except as authorised. The operation of the law is confined to such criminals as have been convicted of the crime of criminal as sault, . "or of such ; succession of of fenses against tho criminal law as In the opinion of the board shall be deemed to be. sufficient evidence ot confirmed criminal tendencies." ' . , - ' I j Xfm Untrm of Hastings. HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 12.-Speclal Telegram.) A. M. Clark, druggist and old resident, today announced his can didacy for mayor,-making the 'fourth to enter tho race. In which C. O. Ingraham 1h seeking re-election. I-ocal committees today began prepara tions for the annual state convention of the Jewelers and opticians of Nebraska, who will meet here February 16 and 17 for the first time outside of Lincoln or Omaha. A theater party for all the vis itors on the night of the opening day was arranged for fbday. The high school was closed for fumiga tion today following the discovery that one of the teachers had smallpox. All classes' will be resumed tomorrow, the school medical insixictor reporting that the case had not developed far enough for contagion. A pupil In another build ing was quarantined for the same dis ease st his home yesterday. C. B. Tanner, and Company, florists, today brought suit against the Union Pa cific and Hastings and Northwestern rail roads, rlsiming 10,000 dsmagea by reason of the building of the, latter road con tiguous to their property. Don't Procrastinate-- Come ip Wednesday and Drapery Needs for Spring Now. Orchard & Wilhelm's January Clearing Sale of Inportl Hcrim, two yards wide, regular prirr 91.05, yard D Curtain Yard Goods 12c, 25c, 59c, 95c NeU, scrims, voiles. Swisses, mads-as, etc., that sell Tesularly up to 60c, 80c, $1.60 and Portieres,' Over Curtains, Edgings, I'pboNtering and 1'ortiere Materials Greatly Our January Sale of of All Kinds for Rug Bargain. 0 - Many fine rugs in various B MMtJTmlrmM T Ji sites and grades at big reduction. On Kwond Floor. Nebraska NAME HOUSE COMMITTEES Lower Body of legislature Makes Session Complete Democratic Party. WHAT DOUGLAS MEN SECURE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, jMn. 12. --(Special .) Tho j house committee on committee, "took 'em I -11 V ..,.-! .ki... . . . ! republic ails w hatever and the democrats will be boss In all committees by a good majority. Chairmanships go to lo glae count)' i members as follows: Richmond gets the cities and towns; lluwaid. labor; and that's all. On assignments of committees . Bnrret goes on the committee on cities and towns and corporations. Tturgessi on clllca and towns and corporations. Chambers on banks and banking, Uruesedow on cltl-s and towns, Howard on fees and salaries. Hunter on Judiciary engrossed bills and education, Larson on claims and defi ciencies, iAindgren .n culture and game and Insurance, Miner on claims and deflclenclfs and medical soilctlea, Negley on constitutional 'amendments and rail roads, Ialmer on Judiciary, Richmond on revenue and taxation. Following Is the assignment, which, however, may be changed slightly: Accounts nnd Expenditures l'atteron, chiiiriniin; Ulauscr. . THinrts, Conh , Mi.fceley. Agriculture Van Peui-en. ctia'j-mAn; Matteson, Misuser, Dim, Stevenson. Fos ter, Ruilislll. . unman, Ward, Cox, Cham bers (Thurston). Ranks and Hanking Flmelund. chair man; Slevers. Hornby, Matteson, ' Reifen ralh, Kime, Stelnmeyer, Cox, Chambers (Douglas). Cities and Towns Richmond, chairman: Renter, Snyder, Rrooine, I .a Hountv, Smith. Drucsedow. Burgess. Hutton. Nel son, Harrett. Claims and neflclencles-Frles. chair man; Kauffmani Van Detisen. Rudlslll, Howarth, Meysenhurg, Urr, Miner, ten, Ainlav. Hostetlcr. Constitutional Amendments l.anlgnn, chairman; Negley? Tlbhets, Kaulfmon, Mockctt, Anderson (Phelps), Fults. Corporations Snydert chairman; Regan, Howarth, Sorenson, Stevenson. Harrett, Liggett., BMrgesn, Mears. Kiliicatton Scott, chairman: F.lmelund. F.vans, Ksuffman, 1 loffmelster. Hunter, Clay burn, Ebermiut, Liggett, Bates, Steb bins. Kroployes Taylor. chairman; Scott, Bass. Kngroseed and F.nrolled Bills Naylor, chairman; Hunter. Rates. Fees and l-alarlea Slevers, chairman; Keifenrath. Howard, Kudistll. Fults, Nel son, Cox. Finance. Waysi and Means Norton, chairman; Green wait. Korff. Osterrnan, Rieschlrk, Fuller, Nutzman, Reynolds tiled Willow), Stearns, Moseley, Hoff melster. Fish Culture and Oame Evans, chair man; Hynek, Sass, Koch, Lundgren. Stearns. Woodhurst. Insurance Orr, chairman; Ijinlgan, Gormley. Keifenrath, Howarth, Trumble, Lundgren, Cronln, Woodhurst. Irrigation. Drainage and AVater Power Tibhets, chairman; Klme, Fries, Slevers, Hvnek, Neff, Horensen, Mookett, Steln meyer, Anderson (Fhelps), Reynolds tLin coln). Judiciary Parriott, chairman; Lanlgan, Hunter. Taylor, Patterson, Rlauser, Neg ley, Hoatetler, Peterson, Palmer, Nichols. Labor Howard. chairman; Regan, Barker, Oreenwalt, Jeary, Palmer, 1-ar-sen. Uve Stock and Graislng Dau, chairman; Fok, Gormley, Greenwalt. Parkinson, Relsner, Reynolds of Lincoln. Manufactures. Rtall and Commerce Router, chairman; Hornby, Neff, Cham-, bers of Douglas. Druesdow. Medical Societies Meredith, chairman; Evans. LaBounty. Harris, Minor, Miscellaneous Subjects Korff. chair man; Scott. Llndaey. Matteson, Foster. Hornby, Crinklaw, Conley, Parkinson, Relsner, Seudder. " Privileges and Elections &mlth, chair man; Hroome, Reuter, Naylor, Dalbcy, Palmer, Peterson. Railroads Regan, chairman; Slndelar, Barker. Rleschick. Negley, Anderson of Bovd. Eberman, Nichols. Seudder. Revenue and Taxation Osterrnan, chairman: Slndelar. Dau, Trumble. Elme lund. Richmond, Broome, Cronln, Hutton. Anderson of rhelps, Reynolds of Lin coln. ' : . Roads and Bridges Defoe chairman; Anderson of Bovd. Barker. Sass, Fox, Claybum. Meysenhurg. Dalbey, Cham bers of Thurston. Brandt, Alnley. Rules and Resolutions Jackson, chair man; Norton, Parriott. Mookett, Cronln. School Lands and Funds Anderson of Boyd, chairman; ILndsey, Crinklaw, Hvnek. Reynolds of Red Willow, Brant, Hoatetler. . Stiite Institutions Fuller. . chairman: tiindsor'. Foster. Dafce, Smith, Fox, Mer tdl'h, Jeary, Ward. Harris. Mears. Telephone. Telegraph and Electric Comoenles Trumble. chairman: 7 m Bountv. Crinklaw, Sorensen. Koch, Neff, Druesdow, Bates, Stebblns C. J. Stephens. SEWARD, Neb!, Jan. 12. (Special Tel egram.) C. 3. Stephens, a well known farmer of Seward county, was found dead by the side of the road Monday evening between his home and the-town of Goehner. He was driving one horse to a light buggy, and from appearances it Is thought the horse accidentally tret your share of the savintrs rapenes Offers genuine and large reductions oh' Drapery materials af all kinds Lace Curtains,. Curtain Yard Goods, Portieres, Cretonnes, Over Curtains, Edgings, Remnants, etc. These goods are not soeonds or second-rate in any particular but njeasure up to our Standard of quality. l'Hirthermore they are up-to-date and are the kind. you would be likely to buy and pay regular prices for two months later. Come in You can judge very quickly by. looking if it's worth while for you to buy. - An 8.V Imported English China, hand- nr some pattern; sale price, per yard. ... mOC Cretonnes Yard 1 7c, 25c, 59c, 95c A big assortment with many exceptional values, representing goods that sold up to 60c, 86c, $1.00 and (1.60. Itrmitaots of Yard Goods, each, 5c,10r, S&e, 7.V, that are real snaps. 59c tluny Laro Curtains bet Imported net and real lace, rey. $M.U5 sale prirr, pair $2. B0 per yard. o.uu, to. so, it. FURNITURE Offers Big Savings on Articles the Dining Room, Library and Bedroom - l 1 P 1U!11 J. 0 414-416-418 South Nebraska stepped over an embankment, causing the rig to fall on Stephens In such a way as to break his neck. He was aboutM years of age and married. FULLERT0N EAGLES HOLD RABBIT BANQUET FI LLEUTON. Neb.. Jan. 13.-1 Special.) Fullerton Eagles Installed officers lsst night and added to their membership roll. A banutiet was given, 1M baked rabbits being served. Nearly the entire membership turned out from Spauldlng, Belgrade. Genoa and Fullerton, making It the largest fraternal affair that has ever ppcuiTed In Fullerton. i This aerie, oeing just, a nine oer iw years old. Is now making arrangements for the erection of a new and modern Eagles' home. The following new officers were In stalled: Samuel B. Richmond, worthy presld1"" : Arthur t.. Ieard. worthy vice president; Ed Knspp. worthv chaplain: A". J. Van I.eer. worthy secretary; Clyde Reynolds, worthr treasurer: Aubrey Edglngton, In side guard; August Wetoevlck, outside guard; Hugo Ienkman. trustee. Governor's House In Pierre Planned PIERRE. S. D.. Jen. 12. 8pecial Tel egram.) Construction of a governor's mansion In this city Is the final object of a resolution which was Introduced In the house by Wlthee this afternoon, call ing for the appointment of a joint com mittee with senate representatives to take first steps toward selecting a site In city for such a building. The rlan Is td get the measure under way as this session to be completed at future ses sions. There is complaint that clerks who are not residents of the state are being given official appointments and this called out a resolution by Courtney, requiring the srfitker to swear all appointees' as to their actual residence for tho last six months and that no clerk be employed who cannot show a residence In the state for that length of tlma. The special election committee reported this afternoon In the Molltor-Donahoo case recommending that Donahoe, demo cratic sitting, member, la entitled to re tain the seat as a member from the Tripp, Mellette and Bennett county dis trict, the report rolng over until to morrow. Birch In the houao this afternoon made a start toward an Investigation of the charge that state affairs are extrava gantly conducted, asking for the appoint ment of a joint committee to Investigate and report upon the complains of extravagantly conducted, asking for the appointment of a joint committee to In vestigate and report upon the complaints of extravagance. That Good Friday should bo added to the list of legal holidays In this stata la the opinion of Representative Mathaeson, who has started a bill in the house to secure that end. In the senate Whltter Introduced the bankers' - guaranty act without the amendments added to It by the governor and the guaranty Issue la one which will bo amply discussed. First Eviction in ) Ohio Coal Strike WHEELING, W. Va.. Jan. U.-The first eviction notices In the long drawn out East Ohio coal strike were served today on eight miners residing at Ramssy, O. The men are striking employes of the Koby Coal company and refused to re turn to work when an opportunity was offered the - strikers to take their old places. The Roby mines 8 re being cleaned up preparatory to their operation on the open shop basts.- Danlei. J. Koefa and Hywell Psvles, the ' federal conoillstors, arrived here today and will hold their first conference. Pure Rich Blood Prevents Disease t Bad Mood Is responsible for more ail ments than anything else. It cause catarrh. fSrTyspepsIs,.' rheumatism, weak, tired, languid feelings and worse troubles. Hood's Sarsaparllla hss been wonder fully successful In purifying and enrich ing the Mood, removing scrofula and other humors, and budding up the whole system. Take It-gW It to all th family, so a to avoid Ulnesa Oet It today. Ad vertisement. to be trained by buying your $4.95 Lace Curtain Bargains 49c, 89c, $1.39, $2.35, $3.95 and More These ar big values and the qualities are ex cellent; they sell regularly up to $2.50, $2.76, a per pair. Ileduced. linPllTI 1 Tl 16th SL Nebraska NO STATE STAMPS IN THEIRS Many of Members Kate to Send Out Letters at Own Expense and Remedy Sought. BUT EFFORTS COME TO NAUGHT What Itoyd XV (raid I.Ike. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. U-(Speclal.)-Many of the house members are dissatisfied be cause they can not send out letter at state expense and another attempt was made this morning to put across a stamp act. Hostettler of Buffalo sent up a motion that each member be allowed 10 cents In stamps a day. Moekett of Lan caster raised the point of order that the stamp proposition had been tabled yea terday nnd that the only way to get at It was to pull It off of the table. The speaker sustained the republican floor leader contention and for the present members can pay their own postage or write no letters home. Wfcat n M al4 I.Ike. Andersen of Boyd would like to have all road bills submitted to the house com mittee before tljcy are Introduced In the blouse, but his proposition met with such oroprttlon that the matter waa put over. When the house aljourned at noon It took a recess until S:) o'clock out of respect of the memory of Luther P. Lud den, whose funeral was held during the time of the Intermission. Hnlfmelalrr'i Hill. When Representative I loffmelster of Chase county Introduced a hill compell nr tauol if Of Now Discontinued styles and used Pianos and Player Pianos of nation-wide reputation at exceptional bargain prices and liberal terms of payment within reach of all. Never in our 56 jean in the piano btxslneu were there nob remarkable rahree in ex changed piano and player piano on our floors. , Many of thee burtnxmenta were received by us during' the holiday! in exchange on New 8teinway 6 Bona, Weber, Hardmas, Steger & Son, Emerson, McPhail, Lindeman & 8oni and Schmoller A 13 nailer pianos. They eome from the beet homes. Many are like new. If yon want a piano, hero im a ran opportunity to secure the make you nave in mind at a genuine bergsin price. SELECT Former Price $275 Bcfc rimer, apriglit $300 Kimball, upright . 5250 Boston, upright 300 Schmoller Mueller, Upright $500 Chick eiing 4. Bona, upright ... $400 Steger A Bourn, upright $750 StelDway Son, upright $376 Mueller, upright $5 sends one of these New Upright Pianos, folly guar anteed, sweet, lasting tone, up from ScE?i2i)on&G5v: ucQflor' Headquarters for Vtetrolag You Can Start With Join Now! CENTS Omit Is drawing hundreds of new members .each day." Books will be kept open all this r week to all those who care to join. The most popular and safest way to save money for next Christmas, or for any , other purpose, such as insurance, taxes, etc. The ideal "never-miss-the-money" plan to accumulate. Out-of-town people can join, too. Write for full particulars. Here Is What You Can Do Open An Account With Two Cents And par like this: First week .... 2c Second week . . 4c Third week . . . 6c4 Fourth week . . 8c And so on for forty nine week. Or, If you wish, you may pay tie tha first wek, and two cenla loss aach week. This "Kevsrss" plan alvss you a llttls mors lntersst. All Deposits In thl Dink are Pro tected by the Depositors' Guaran tee Fund of the Bute of Nebraska. ing railroad companies to build tracks on their rights-of-way. or forfeit the owner ship thereof, he had In mind the Bur-, llngton railroad's failure to construet an extension from Imperial to Holyoke, Colo., which residents of Chase county have been trying to get done. But the bill will hit other companies as well as the Burlington. The Omaha, Lincoln Beatrice Inter urban has an unoccupied right-of-way between Lincoln and Omaha, which has been graded In places, but the only trackage laid Is from Lincoln to Uni versity Place and Bethany. Under the Hoffmelster bill It would be required to complete the line or give up the rlght-of- Representatives of the Union Pacific railroad are wondering whether the bill would operate adversely to that com pany In regard to Its right-of-way where the width Is SW to feet. They are ap prehensive that It might be construed as requiting additional track's to be built la order that the road could hold Its right-of-way In excess ot 100 feet. UTAH HOUSE DIVIDED; . ORGANIZATION DELAYED RALT LA KIT. CITY, Jan. U.-Tha twenty-three democratic, progressive and socialist members of Utah's lower house, who yesterday took the osth of office before the county clerk and organised during the absence of tho republican members, met this forenoon and ad journed until tomorrow. The twenty-three; republican members hsve been In con ference with the governor and attorney general and will meet this afternoon. Both sides had guards stationed In the hall of representatives throughout the night to prevent, locking the door. Formal pro test was filed today against permitting ", republican of Utah county, to serve on the ground thst he la disquali January Ofooronoo YOUR PIANO WOW Bala Prkw VJI'BMsT Frtee $SM natMll. iwttM Sloo $S00 Davis A Sob, f 75 mi (160 500 1 125 $150 Fteencr. upright $800 A.. B. Chaae. $950 Stetarvajr $600 dough ss Warran Player Piano . , $000 Sehmoller S Mueller Player Piano $700 Sturvemut Psaaote Piano pirns to year bene t?ii& Free Stool and Scarf $175 New Player Pianos fully equip ped with exclusive devices for expression and and OrafonoUa. Open At the close of the Club, on Dec. 11, you receive $24.50 Phi 8 Interest. , And pay like this: First week. .... 6c Second week ...10c Third week.... 16c Fourth week... 20c And o on for forty nine weeks. Or, If you wish 11.45 ths first week. teiisin-AiieFksii State la Corner 16th and Farnam (Entrance a Farnaui Street.) ' fied through having served In the Idaho legislature two ' years ago. The senate met at boon and adlourned for the day, as It cannot transact business until tli" house hss beem organized. Feds Slaw ninety.. Msnsger Tinker of Chicago slr;.t n new catcher named Christ Emery, wh"i home Is In Valparaiso. Ind. He Is '2 years old. six feet tall and Weighs lv"i pounds. He caught for the Austin. Minn., team last year and one of Tinker's ecouU highly recommends him. Emery says he haa a record of 10 3-& for a hundred-yard dssh. I Gm Work Now I Had Catarrh Of tho Head and throat Pcruna Has Dono Mc a Great Deal Of Good. "l recommend Peruna to all uf ferers of catarrh. I am really surprised at the work I can do. I never felt better than since I took Teruna for. catarrh of tho head and throat. I was unable to work. Four bottles of Peruna did wonders for me,"-Mrs. W. H. Hlnchliffe. 28 Myrtle St., Beverly, Mass. Those who object to liquid medi cine can now proour Psruna Tab lets. Sale Price , S14S uprtgM ... ..... S138 grand . . . Bona, grand ..;?two ..S225 360 .8400, . . $87 control, up from Piano Co. 131143 Farn&m Street Bsasssasxrji Join Now! i An Account With Five Cents At the close of the Club, on Dec. 11, you receUe $61.25 Plus 8 Interest. you may rsvsrse tha plan ana pay wsek and rtvs ctnts least each ' MlTliflsstf You Can Start With CENTS Irl