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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1915)
14 TJIK HKK: OMAHA. KDN'KSDAV, .JANUARY 13, 1SH3. AIR, FRESH" AIR AND " YET MOREFRESH AIR jXnoi Mills Says Life of Country De 1 jendi on Its Citizens Getting,, Plenty of Outdoor Life. c JfcLALTH ONLY IN THE OPEN , Fresh air. More fresh air. And at II t jraore fresh air. This U the rnmai" which romfl to Omaha with Amos n. Mills, high prleiit mt oxygen, devotee of mone and Ulus itrlous potentate of the Abldrrs Out of Ooora. ! Mr. Mill U like a breath of frsh air ifelmeelf. Not that he a 'froth." Far from It A quiet, unaasumlng man with a bead like Bryan aa regard the un adorned top and the curly locks behind. tela ayea are clear. So Is hie complexion. Und ladlM-he uses neither unRuent. powders nor artificial colors. What, theat Only fresh air, the ne plus ultra, the alne qua non of health and happi ness. ' Mr. Mill la returning from Washing ton, where he has been In the Interest of hla bill to make a national park of 84 acres of government land in the Rocky 'mountains of Colorado. The senato ha bow passed the bill and It has the ap 1 pro raj of the secretaries of the Interior (nd of agriculture. Lives Oat of Doors. Mr. Mills knows. Indeed, wherer-f he .ajpeaka, for he has lived In the fresh air ,tut of doors for more than thirty year And he believes a city or country to be laTreat In proportion a It possesses fresh :alr and the facilities for Retting lhAt Ifresh air Into the lunss of It cltizon. People aren't going to stand on street acornerg Just to breathe fresh air. You rust make it attractive, ilence, parks "Omaha has, right at Its very doors, a trust which It should take and Improve arlthout any delay," said Mr. Mills. "I tneaa the Fontenclle tract. (Between pellevua and Omaha.) It possesses specl irnens of erery tree In this state, a beau tiful variety of bird Ufa and magnificent -lews and vistas. '"Nebraska, aa a whole, la not usually considered a state of scenery. .But out In the aand hill region there are some (very picturesque part which should be turned Into state parks. I have trav eled over soma tracts which, with their little lakes and their great variety of tree, plant and bird life, are extremely teautlful. "The city owes it to Ha own futuro prosperity and to the health of Ita lining generations to have mora public parka lnd playgrounds. Fre-aa Air Greatest llela). "Why, the child that gets plenty of fresh air learna to think, while the child that merely alta all day In a stuffy Wchool room merely learna to memorise. JThe children of today could well get long with a1 much shorter school year jlf they had mora time In the out of doors. Xook at Abraham Lincoln. Ilia mother couldn't give him a school education, tout he had tho blrda and the flowers and jthe tree and the air. lie luarncd to think and he gained health. "Yes, people go to the dogs from an In door life, tiiva them lire out of doors and. they need neither sermons nor prisons." Mr. Wills has traveled many thousands f mile of the wild of this country and Canada, Ua travels on hla two good feet nd ha carries his needfuls with him. "In the summer," be said, "1 live largely on berries, frulu and other wild things that I. find. In the winter lima I carry with me raisins on which I sub iHt almost entirely. They are very nil Ailtlous, wholesomo and can bo carried Jn a small space." ' 'I guena you can sliool a good deal Of ild game, too," ventured the Inter Viewer. The question didn't mako a lilt, Hues Kot Kill Fellow treat urea. 'No. no," aald Mr. Mills, gently but Irmly. "I do nut kill my fellow creatures )pf the forest.' "But suppoea your fellow creatures try to kill you?" ' "They never do. The wild beasts tend to their own business. There Isn't a (Single spot In this country where It is not aafa to go about unarmed. The animals yievcr attack unless tbey are first at tm ksd by man." Mr.' Mills carries no tent Us has a ' fceavy canvas coal which protects him (from the rain. Nor does he carry a bed. tt eventide be wraps his coat about him, Sles down upon the bosom of Mother Earth and sleeps soundly. Catch cold? lie 0n't know what a cold Is In the wilds. "When I coma to tho city I catch about very thing there is, but 1 lose them-right after X get back to the air and the trees Md tha birds." ha said. Iloneatly, now, though, Isn't It enough to make a fellow want to quit his Job and go right out and do likewise? But there are difficulties. A wife, for In plane. That difficulty must be solved at gnoe. A delicate question did It "Are you eh-roarrled. Mr. Mills?" ' No. aad sorry for it," said the nalur fcllat, soberly and in a monotonu that teemed possibly to hide a romance. Per haps thera la one tiling thwt ranks even fclgher than fresh air a wife. JJnion Carpenters Building Home for Mrs. Harry Peters I At a meeting of the untu carpenters 8-eld at iAlxir temple Monday night that 'tody appointed four of their number to tart wurk yeaterday noun to provide a 'iom for Mre. Iiose Peters and family ait 42!t Lariinore atieet. Harry I'etera, the husband, waa drowned about a year wo In Carter lake. The Pelera family la at present residing at Forty-first and ,J'ralt street. COMMITTEE TO WORK OUT -; 'Y BILLIARD TABLE PLAN ' Although not acted upon finally aa yet, the scheme, to Imitall pool and billiard tables and bowling aileya at the Yoiiiik )rfen'a Christian association waa diseuaaed ly the board of directors at their monthly fnaeitlng. and theu turned back to the apeclai committee to be more fully ajtorkad out. Advocate of the departure In associa tion activity beliuve that the board's se ll ion In continuing the committee and Instructing- II to perfect drtalla indicates that the plan will ultimately be adopted. Tha special commute locludea W. A. Jlxley. Frajik K. Clark. T. F. Sturgeas, Nviu KUwtt, U. W. Noble and R. U fat Mm eon, Tot Aftlaa Mill htttp tear j ' ("Ik. ; JV, Kings New Klacovery will atop 6 oar conh. The firt doae helps. Good Vr chlidre. Add drusg'.ats. Cue. Adver- NEW CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J I 'XT I FltANK C. BEST. BEST IS COUNTY CHAIRMAN Succeeds Harte and Appoint! Same Members to Same Committees as for Last Tear. ESTIMATES NEARLY A MILLION Frank Best was elected chairmen of the county board when It organized to- dsy for MU All last year's committees were reappointed. In his speech of acceptance Mr. Beat went on record a favoring punctuality In the holdlnga of meetings. lie also de clared he would not consent to a show ing on roll call of the rote of any mem ber unless that member were not only In the county bulltfm?, but actually present In assembly or committee room. t halrmen of committees reaupolnted for 1916 follow: Finance Beat. , ' Judiciary O'Connor. Court House and Jail Lync h, County Hospital McIonald. Charily O'Connor. . Roads and Bridges Harte. Construction Lynch. Committee of the Whole Best. Detention Home Best Ketlmatee Nearly Mlllloa. Estimates of expenses of 1915 orenared in accordance with law, for use In mak ing the next tax levy amounted to HfiO.fYin divided as follows: ' , General fund bOOOnO l'or fund ' load ao.iiflO Iirtila fund , lm.oiin Kmergency bridge fund ao.wH) Bond sinking fund 136.0OO Kilfllera' roli..f futirt iaiviA Judgment 4n,ovo Total .1960.000 All the figures of the Midget are the samo aa laat yerr, with tha exception of. the addition of the 195.000 poor fund Item,' allowance of which Is contingent on ap proval of the legislature, and the 310,000 Judgment fund, for which a special levy la to be made by tho term of the settle ment of the feeding controversy with the sheriff. Consent of the legislature to. a 380,000 levy for a poor fund was not secured for laat year and for this reason, said Chair man Best, it was Increased for 1916. Rule on Married: Women Teachers in Local Schools The hurrah created In New Tork Aver married women teaching In the public school has drawn attention once more to the rule on that in Omaha -public schools. Here la a verbatim statement of the rule: Section 4. (Kltgihillty and Tenure of Teachers.) Any woman teacher who hall marry whlln in tho employ of the lonnl (nf education) VHcatea h. posi tion In the schools by such act, and the euiwrintendent shall Immediately appoint a successor to tnke her place ana no mar ried woman shall be elidible to election to a position in tha schools: Provided. That this rule shall not be retroactive In relation to married women now cn the teaching staff. Marriage, therefore. In Omaha auto matically removes the . teacher. It la a well-known and generally admitted fact, among those who-know, that soma of the bes( principals and teachers In the Omaha public schools are married women. They were, of course, married before the adoption of this rule. ' David Warfield is Coming to Brandeis Iavld Warfield will be seen at the Brandeis theater for two days. Friday and Saturday. January it and SO, In hla remarkable character portrayal of the lovable old peddlei, flmon Levi. In David Bclaeco'a revival of "The Auctioneer." CITY DADS OF ST. PAUL TO . BE IN OMAHA THURSDAY The mayor and members oj the city council of St. Paul, Minn., ate to be In rmh & few houra Thursday afternoon on their way to Kanaaa City, where they are going to look over the new Union station, with a view to making some rec ommendations for the ope they expect soon to have in' St Paul. . 4) )) I OPEN NOSTRILS! END" A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get IUtief When Head X aiui Nose ara btuffed. Up Count fifty! Yeur cold In bead or ca tarrh dlsappeaia. Your clogged nostrils will open, the air paaaagaa of your head will clear 'and you fan breaths freely. No more - snuffling, hawking, mucous 4lchargs, dryness or headache; no trua gllng for bretUh at night. . tit a small bottle of ly's Cream Bairn from your drugartat and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cretuu In your nostrils. It penatralaa through every air panaage'of the bead, .soothing and healing tha awollen or Inflamed mucoua membrarvc. giving you - Instant relief. Head rolda Jid catarrh yield like magic. Ion't atay atuffed-up and mlaerabla Re lief la aura OMAHA WILL BUILD FIVE HEWCHDRCHES Plans Arc About Complete for Four of These in West Farnam Dis trict and Fifth is Planned. SCIENTISTS ARE GROWING FAST With five new church sites, bought or rontemplsted in the West Fa mam dls jlrlct, church building In that part of j Omaha is expected it be very active ' during the next year. The congregations concerned ara the Methodist First Presbyterian, St. Barnahaa Epis copal, Becond , Christian Scientist and Unitarian. Property for the McCahe church. Rev. W. H. Underwood, pastor, was bought some time ago at Forty-first and Farnam Ktreeta. Kxcavatlons have been completed and construction work will commence as seen as-spring sets In, Rev. Mr. ITnder wood states. The Presbyterian congregation has four lota at Thirty-fourth and Farnam. a KO.Ono building fund subscribed, and old property valued at 7,000. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, the pastor, and H. i. Stir ling, chairman of the finance committee, say that a meeting of the committee will be held to complete tho financial plans, approve the building plana and call for blda on the construction work. The com pleted property will cost HM.OuO. Others Plaa New Ralfleea. Bt. Baranbaa parishioners plan tn build an edifice on their newly acquired prop erty at the southeast corner of Fortieth and Davenport strata within the year. Rev. I A. Holsappte say, making the third new church In the West Farnam rflrtrlct that Is assured for the Immediate future. , Besides those three, a large overflow from the congregation of . the First Church of Christ, Scientists, Is about to cloa negotiations for property near Fortieth and Farnam streti. A fine build ing will be erected, to provide place of worship for the surplus membership of the First church, which has tfrown so large that the new church edlfce at Twenty-fourth and St. ' Mary's avenue wilt no longer 'accommodate it John C. Barnard tf the committee . Is authority for this statement of the Scientists' Plans. . Unitarians will have the fifth new church In the west end. They ain tem porarily housed' In a ' large residence building at 43. North Fortieth street, where they will meet Thursday evening to perfect plana for buying a site and raising money for a building. Mrs. Q. W. Holdrege of the committee asserts that it Is tha Intention of the Unltarlana to build a new church In that part of Omaha aa soon aa possible. Mrs. Strause Leaves Detention Hospital Dr. R. W. Connell,' city health com missioner, has dismissed Mrs. H. ' Q, Strause from the position of matron of Uio city detention hospital, which she held for many years. Her successor haa aa yet not been appointed. FOURTEEN MEN ON CLUB ELECTION BOARD There are soma .SM members of the Commercial club who are not eligible to serve on the election board of the club at the election to be held at headquarters Wednesday. These 210 are the candidates whose names have been proposed h members of the board of dlrectora. Since they are to tie voted on, they have been ruled out as election Judges or clerv. An election board of about fourteen men Is to-be chosen to handle the voting Sixty directors ara to be elected from the long lint of candidates prepared uy the nominating committee. ' Tiz" For Tired And Sore Feet 'TIZ" for puf fed-up, burning, aching, calloused feet and corns. My feat Why go limping around with aching, puf fed-up feet feet so tired, chafed, sore and swollen you can hardly get your shoes on or off T Why don't you get a to-cent box of "TIZ" from tha drug store now and gladden your tortured feetT 'TIZ" makes your feet glow with com fort; takes down swellings and draws tha soreness and. misery right out of feet that chafe, amart and burn. "TIZ" in stantly stops pain In corns,, callouses and bunions. "TIZ" Is glorious for tired, ach ing, sore feet No loo re shoe tightness no mora foot torture. Advertisement "Aa Hotel Waera Cuast are) Mad ta Faal at lioana" Not too large, yet Urge enough to afford the , maximum of value tt minimum expense. ExceptiorudI AcceuiMa S9 tammMmJtrmlt Krttsaraat OUrfCg iagls ') with Raaalu Vaaar 1 1.00 le 14.0a ear day f Iagls leaata witk Tak er Sbowr i.0Mta.0BOTeUy -Deckle Bawata with Haaslna Vaaw e M.bO ear say Oeabk) leesu u T.k er Sher UiMt.M sray COWARD C POGG. Mm-wi Oi StUT a. MOWN, 44 GRAIN PRIffiUTILL LOWER Foreign Crop Situation Summarized in Report Coming Into Omaha Grain Exchange. REPORTS HERE ARE ALL BULLISH While all crop reports coming to the Omaha Grain exchange were bullish the market was off, wheat being one-half a cent to ihk lower. Corn was unchanged to a half cent down. Oats, however, near the close) of the session took an upturn and gained one-fourth to one-half a cent Omaha prices were H.2S91.ZsH for w heat, 6KSA7Vi cents for corn and 4.MK1 cents for oats. Receipts were: Wheat, Jl;. corn, 141; osts, 13 cars. The foreign crop situation. waa summar ised in the following telegraphlo report that came to the exchange Just before the closing; hour: I'nlted Kingdom: The weather la ex tremely unfavorable, being wet, and this haa stopped seeding. Much anxiety is felt for the crop. . Three-fourth of the seeding is finished. Trance: The . weather is unfavorable for the new crop and aeeding has been stopped by general wetness. There Is an eager demand for native wheat and Sooner Your Office will THE SAFE SOME FJKMS wait until a destructive fire destroys - the. priceless business records . accumulated- by years of labor ' -but ' others avail themselves of the "ounce of protection" nf forded by THE SAFE-CABINET saving their uninsur able possessions When fire , fomes their way. wV furnish THE SAFE-CABINET In sizes and styles suitably for the filing devlceg of -every; gtandard , make,' both In woo and steel. Let us show you how you can safe-guard ' your rresent office equipment. Omaha Printing Co. . ; - The Office Supply House ..Phone Douglas 346 - 13th and Farnam Streets filing Dtvicts ' Office Furuitvn Mcwesfi Mgli Shoes For women who Hke the very latest ideas in Gaiter Tops and Colored Tops - We are ahowtog many nltra styllsh models in Ugh boota for women, that are exclu sive with ua. T011II find here every new effcet in heel and toe and the very latest la topg. ' , Our linea of Ladles' Shoes Include a complete range of sizes, and are priced as to $0.0 PIS k l Ji H Wa f Ml OtM tba Um bM aataaaiiae blow tht u wll gVOM w bavsaaH mum thm fjnaaiww tut noa ano au JMvim VDoar. w iaiM sOdtar, xpevMtat tisai Fla A-aiiaV Jk tarn sake) 7 tf cw taeta. ra.bli;i!.a-iii! You Llust Act At Onco . Ta Ml sae refaaa ft aeM a Soa, wmtfeae aaiirf pocket flaak ef tD".iT,0',ir aa, h' liuUjr a Tnar t.ed. (ri, rn nil HitJ, k,tpU. f U tiwu of mur t-u t-Himr la y r.d with ywi Zr"7 "-7 . " V- nr n& Wtlhuul bfuwni MlhOMWiinnilarao. I.J.I 1V1 WL ua WW WIU .III 1 tit N , I ..'.',m"mmI atoo-sjJe frw awUHjtUu, la fnr a IWtwl time frmtmm rut ariwoprtUMw (w the wyrvw it (ou w tbadbrn w wulv Srw eur olfwr. TaJia .tvuitfx f whii K kuti ana Bmd la m -t mt .... dm. lS.yl riLS DHTIU.IWO CO. M l Idum. Kaaeae City, M. Cy in delightful contrast ,U- rc .r. .nAU, t h Enjoy your favorite ffH "port atniu summerlike IT. AUCUfTIMI OtMOND 11 yeaoa a Loa eaa alceaas MIAMI SIASSAU. BAHAMAS lha Cutual Aa HAVANA. CUBA Tla. gay vat and KaO.ll.Oo. FLORIDA BAST COAST. Fiaslm Srwata XJ rifta Are. St. Aatattiaa IS W AaaaN St lark rwjnaa supplies recently purchased by the gov ernment for distribution among m'llens are running light , rriees Ilia la fiermaay. Oat-many: Generally mild and wet with very little snow covering. Mtllnra are complaining regarding the scarcity of wheat offers. Prices remain very high. Russia: Soma dam aire reports of front as anow oover Ls unusually light. The general crop outlook la favorable for this period of the winter. Roumankm: Seeding la about normal on a fair acreage. Austria: There are no reports regard ing seeding, but accepted as being on a very small scale. Hungary: Weather against beat crop development under even normal condi tion being mild and wet . All grain la extremely scarce. Italy: Weather ls unfavorable, with heavy prolonged rains; aome damage from . floods.' Spain: Flood damage is generally re ported. A petition haa been sent to tha government asking for abolition of - im port duty on wheat Supplies are light. North Africa: The general outlook for crops Is good, but excessive rain ls noted. India: Officially and unofficially' wheat is reported as good. Prices -still remain high and holders firm. - - ' Read tha "For Sale" ada It you -want bargain, of the minute. . or Later be equipped with - CABINET rr jll'rSl!.ilcJ . - ( r -' w't i'lt-iii iiiiitimirtiir"tihwi;il'- THE SAFE-CABINET (1914 Model) is the only cabinet approv ed by the Underwriters' Labora tories and bears their label of in--spection. ' - Stationery - Busint$$-Sy$temt n 4 to deal tltio SfcMkW m mow o thi but. L S.o.wt iuat I mm tAat tiswii a-titar tna rif iajMssj ft-titar Is po mx la nraa:nUa saw sa am Tins naaV, sjkmC wikaimjcn tnd mwi kiicioa U V iS ysaar haOC to kimthaBMatarla'anlai HIBara la Sasl sat am tka akSMaw m 1 iotiM, "TT-TTTff thST-hhmjhiinn irw m nun. pwriioMa, IlrlnS U4 ubiikn ia tiia nv I. imr wow fw1Ua i. i i warn u n TOUT aMMIr ( Or rod 12.: t your ill OUAT l 4 lull cju&ru, LXJ KSd 1 MM M W . w i suttla tut yoa U Uat tf if.. .k out o' doors j surroundings, i i - ON - TBI HAUfAI d h 09 aw OnwoeS fALM ttACI Braakecs aaJ Kormi T ilmsaas. . LONG KIT lowal yialii Oaatg :4i All Fall and Winter Tail-f ored Suits at Half and Ltjss. All sale price of the entire hat. to get a beautiful hat, to $25.00 value, fori $5.00 All must go to make room for spring stocks. "Always Busy in the Clothing Departm' nt" remarked a customer a few days ago and the truth of this statement ia evidence of the fact that men appre ciate real yaue in clothing. Our January Clearance Offers Buy ers Now Suits and Overcoats that sold regularly at $25.00, $ f 15 $28.00 and $30.00, at. ...... I S.uits and Overcoats that sold regu $18.00 and $1)75 $20.oo,- at. . .: . . . ... Suits 'and. Overcoats that sold regu larliyat $12.50 and ;$15.0Q, , $ p75 r at.;-;.....;. ...;-r:.......vV You get in quality the very best we can buy to sell afr the regular prices. ' . . , . You get in style as classy gar ments as you'll find in anjr store, j You're sure of absolute satisfac tion, liyf We, the makers guarantee it. That's the kind of clothes we sell. , . All necessary alterations made free. 19 POUNDS BEST GRANULATED SUGAR $100 Htoyden'a save the neoDle from 25 no uaiy aii iruma ana comDinationa iv oara neat Km AIL Lenox or . 0 bara Beat 'Km All, Tnox or Laundry Queen White Laundry twiy aoa 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meaj la 6 lbe. choice Japan Rice, 7 He qual ity too 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice. 10c qual ity IM 7 lbs. beat Rolled White Breakfaat Oatmeal BSo The beat Domestie Macaroni. Ver micelli or Spaghetti. lk. .. 7V0 4 lba beat Hand v Picked Navy Beans . . BSe 6 cans Oil Sardines BSe 32-oz. jars Pare . Fruit Preserves for a 3c 4 10c cana Cottage Milk 83o 8 ic cans Cottage Milk BAo Gallon cana Golden Table Syrun for 38o 1 lb. cana Alaska Salmon .... loo Advo Jello, nothing Hke It: the 1e!- lo- that atanda aloue, per pkk., at .... ?ua 8 bars Al Naptha Soap BSe, 2 lb. cana fanny Sweet Sugar Coin, Wax. Green, String or Lima Deans, can 70 8 lb. cans Polk's Hominy, Sauur Kraut or Pumpkin, per ran, quality gooda TWo 10c K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg. Sa 3 lb. cans Bolld Packed Toinato'H at BHe MacLaren's Peanut Buttter, per lb. l&Ho The best bulk Queen Olives, quart, at i . .. 95o Hesschey'a Breakfast Cocoa, lb., at BOo '48 lb. sack best High Grade Dia mond "H" Flour, nothing finer, per Sack $1.85 PAYS I Vi Bat)' 'column. Yon can get the I JL A. 7f'i jO.- ' i. - ...... j IL. a .A vertise in this column. Try it and find out for yourself. The cost is lc per word a day if the ad runs a week. X Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE "Everybody Heads Bee Want Ads." Swap Anythioj in the' Furs at Half and Less Than Half Regular Price. Trimmed Winter Hats&fi'J COO oaie neanesany or, Choice, ...... Some trimmed with Para dise, others with Goura Xu midy, Mink and Fitch Purs, etc. The trimmings alone in many casea worth double the Don't miss this opportunity to E Oner aant on tha coat of livlmr. to raise prices. Golden Bantoa Coffee, lb ana Golden Santos Coffee, lb. . Tba Bast Creamer Butter. oarton er bulk, ' per lb. 33o The best No. 1 Storage Eggs, dosen at v...... BSe The best strictly fresh Eggst -dosen at se0 Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb aid The beat Dairy Table Butter, lb., at S8 I lbs. good Butterlne BSe Full Cream, Young American, Wis consin, Cream or White Cheesv, lb. ; ,. soo The Tea-stable Starke, for the eo- pie of Omaha. The beat Red River Karly Ohio Po tatoes, 16 pounds to the peck, SSe The beat Wisconsin Cabbage, per lb ., i ... Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. 100 Fancy Cape Cod Crenberrlea, quart, at i 7vc Freah Beets, Carrots, Turnips, fthallota or Radlshea, per bunrii at 4c Fancy California Cauliflower, U.. at TH 3 large Soup Bunches 10c Fancy Head lettuce, per head 7H Special Highland BTaTel Orange Bale SO-alze, regular 60 doz., tills sale doxen . . . . 3Se 96-slze. regular 60c doa this salu dosen 30c 126-alae,v regular 40c 6 ox., this ealo. doren Z . . 86c 17i-200-Kiie, regular JOc dot., this sale, dozen v '-' 216'250-alze. regular 20c (lozpn. tills sale, dozen r, . lse Special car for this sale. IT PATS W I IKlcJI tTf.r ' Turn Them I Into Cash Thera are) hundreds of people always looking out for a good bargain tn house hold furniture, musical Instruments.' tools, etc., and they are accustomed to finding such offers tn the "FOR SALE" cash quick if you ad 'Swapperf Column" ... AS mm f