Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1915, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee Everybody Reads the amy' happening vy tay. If folk don't read yr store news every day, ifa your fault. s THE WEATHER. Cloudy VOL. XLIVNO. 175). OMAHA, WKhXKSDAY' tfOKNING, JAXl'AHV 1.1, liM.V TOUKTKKX PAGES. Oa Tralaa and at otal Hews Itaada, So SINGLE COPY TWO .CENTS. COMMITTEE PLACES ' ARE PARCELED OUT IN THE TWO HOUSES Distribution of Chairmuuhipt and Minor Position ii Made by Legislator at Lin . coin. HOWELL UPON MUNICIPALITIES Douglas County Members Get Share of . Positions to Be Dis- tributed.' REPUBLICANS GET SOME PLACES (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN', Jan. 1!. Special. ) The oemocratlc majority In the aenate waa fairly ienerous with their republican brethren In the distribution of chairman ships, but not as generous as was the republican majority at the last session with the democratic minority, fifteen of the forty chairmanships given being given to tne minority or aoouc onemira. in.. , BM-sion only four chairmanship go to the republican minority out of the twen ty-five, or about one-sixth. Some Krpabllcnna Land. The republicans who have landed, this j session are Spencer of Gage, who geta the chairmanship on banks and currency; IMsllery of Box Butto, who receives the head of the labor committee; Saunders of Douglas, who lands the committee on miscellaneous subjects and Kelcbel of Nemaha, who gets the committee ' on public institutions. On most of the committees however, the republicans are given a good repre sentation, 'in most cases the democrats having only a small majority' of one. On the. Important finance committee, the democrat hav the bulge on the repub-"Ilu-.ns, six to three, the three 'republicans who will have to work wltb a two to one handicap against ' them being Kiechcl, Bushec and Mallery. However, these' three are among- the most lrvly mem ' bers of the senate and . It may be that they will be able to hold their own. ' The following committee assignments were . given Douglas . county . members: Howell, banks and currency, finance ways and means and Insurance" and mis cellaneous corporations; .Bedford, con stitutional amendments, labor, railroads; yulnby, Judiciary, finance, ways , and means,' municipal affairs,' reveaue arid taxation; Saunders, constitutional amend ments, fish and game, Judiciary, mlacel- . la neons corporations; Dodge,- education,- enrolled and engrossed bUJs, manufacto ries, school lands. List ef Chairmanship. Chairmanships of oommlttees ware dis tributed as follows: Accounts and Expenditures Krumbacti of Polk. Agriculture By gland ' of Boone. , ( Backs, and Purrenca' H Dancer of Gage. ConstltuUona) Amendments and Fed- aral. KlatK)n-KruTubaci of Polk. ' Drainage, Irrigation and Water Power Wink of Buffalo. - ' Education Wilson of Podge, . . . Enrolled and Engrossed Bills Quinby of Douglas. Finance, Ways , and .Meaas-rKohl Wayne. Claims and" Pofldenciee Waa ar of t Nuckolls. Fish and Game Grace of Harlan. Highways Gates of Sarpy. Insurance Henry of Madison. J ud lciary Beal of . Custer. Labor Mallery' of Box Butte. . . Live Stock JSedford of Douglas. Manufactures Piller of Seward. Medical Societies Wilson of Frontier, Miscellaneous Corporation Mattes of Otoe. Miscellaneous Subjects Saunders of Douglas. Municipal Alaire Howell of Douglas. Privileges and Elections Wilson of Dodge. Public Institutions Klechel of Nemaha. Railroads Urooklny of Clay. Revenue and . Taxation Buhrroan of Halt,- , School Lands Robertson of Boyd. Mat of As.lgnme.4s. The committee assignments In the sen ate are as follows, after ' changes had ' been made from the lint first given out, I'lller at Reward changing wltb Quinby of Douglas from the Judiciary committee to the educational committee and Splrk being assigned to the Judiciary commit tee in place of Saunders: Accounts and Expenditures Krumbach, l'olk. chairman; Robertson. Holt; Mattes, - (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. in. Wednesday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and .Vicinity I'artly cloudy, warmer. Tr ap--rl re at Osuks Yesterday. Houra. D,-g. .... 28 .... 29 SO .... 2 .... 31 .... 33 .... 30 SI it a. ni , i a. m 7 a. m 8 a. m a. m 10 a. m 11 a. in 12 m p- 2 p. in , 3 p.- m 4 p. m & p. m Ii p. 111 ?V.m ,- K p. m , Comparative Loral Hrrcrd. ,. , ; ' JM. IDR 1911. IliKhest yesterday 41 31 g g 1 .01 cut ' yesterday 2h . J 1 ;'7 M temirature 3ti IS 1 -',8 Precipitation ot .00 .00 ..JO Temperature and precipitation depar- i run, 1 11c normal : .Nuimai temperature 'JO 1R Kxcess for the da v..- Totul excess since March 1. -formal precipitation 4$ inrn Deficiency or the dsv - oj noli Total rainfall since Murch I..Z6 il Inches liehclcncy since March 1 S ol inches lflciriiry for cor. miiod. 1!:. R 77 Inches Deficiency fvf cor. period, 1U12. S m Inches Btaarta from Statloas mt f P. M. station and State Temp. High- Raln of Weather. ? p. m. out. tall 'l:evnne. clwar 30 f,j rto i-avenpurt. clear fc xj 00 Ixiivcc, clear 44 .s It Moines, clear .14 41 00 Ikjine Cuy, cloudy 64 . i North Platte, cloudy . 4 . omuha. I art cloudy 40 44 .00 Itapid t'lty, part uluody.. 4; W .00 Mierldiin. cloiMiy W T MuJ t'lty, ileai'.u., ': 4i . Vnleutlnt:, cloudy 40 48 .09 T t Inilr ales tra.n of prcclpltatioa ijiillLStea bWnw sero. L. A, Wti-H. Forecaster, 1 Caldwell and Barlow Change Places as Bank President and Vice T vsident Victor U. Caldwell and Milton T. Bar low, vice president and president of the t'nltert States National bank, hav. change places and Mr. (wldwell now be comes president and .'Mr. Harlow vice president. The only other change made at the annual election was the substitu tion of George H. Kelly on the director ate In place, of Kuclld Martin, who. has resigned and moved to the coast. In speaking of the change Mr. Cald well said: "Mr. Karlow and myself have worked together here In the hank for twenty five years and the change now made was initiated and absolutely Insisted tipon J by him. It Involves no change whatever in the management ,! the bank, no re tirement at all on Mr. Harlow's part and no lessening In any way of hla activity in the business. He simply has Insisted upon my trading positions with htm and t have consented. 1 feel as though In this change 1 was entitled to sympathy and Mr. Barlow to the congratulations. Our dutks and activities will be shared ex actly the stone as In the past, only he thrusts me forth on the firing line while he remains as before, chief of ataff. and active associate with myself and the other officers of the bsnk." The pre!,dcnt of tmJ bank , a ,or , M r.i.iii ,, .,, . son W. Hamilton, founded the Institution as a private hank and later made It a "na tional bank. ' Victor B. Caldwell has es tablished his rank among the local finan ciers, having been the active factor in bringing about the big bank consolida tion by which the I'nlted States National absorbed the Commercial National and WOMEN'S CLUB NOT CENSOROF FASHION Mrs. Shotwell Favors Individual Ex pression of Wearer in Clothes that Women Wear. MOST ALL ONCE STAGE STRUCK Women's clubs, which spend a great deal of time condemning women's fash ions of the present day. Were smartly rapped by Mr. Frank A. Shotwell. ' 'Woman's attire does not pertain to women's clubs, but is an Individual ex pression of the wearer. Furthermore, it i a well-known, fact that woman's in telligence Is far greater In countries where women spend mora time and money In carrying out their ideas in apparel nn in countries wnere women wear the same costume as that worn by their grandmothers," declared Mrs. Shotwell. The foregoing; statements ware made at a meeting of the oratory department of the Omaha Woman's olub, when each member of the department made a five minutes' extemporaneous talk on a sub ject assigned to tbam on the moment. Hoped tm Br. Stars. ' Mrs. W. G. Lambert. n s talk on "The Toting Girl on the Stage," stated that the oratory department existed because in their . younger days, each' of the women had been stage-struck and fondly Imagined that one day she would be a great star. "Doing Society as a Means of Recrea tion," "Influenoo of Modern Dancing" and "Should Theaters Entertain or In struct," were among the subjects dis cussed. "I can't talk on 'The Influence of Sneer Words andy Murder Beetles, oa the Stage,' Mr. Hleed," was the plaintive protest of Mrs. E. . Oehrle, "I don't see why tho two "were put In the same sentence." "It Isni't the fault of your education. It's my penmanship. It I the "Influence of Swear Words," explained ,111a in structor, Fantaatio love tales, staged in the wilds of Africa and nefarious political in trigues . Involving secret service officials and elections In Belgian cities, were in cluded In the thrilling drama plots woven by the women. in a , "whlle-you-walt" manner. , Mrs. 8. W. Russell of Deadwood, presi dent of the South Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. Davidson of Springfield, Neb., were the guests of the department. Mrs. Grant . Williams was leader. ... Jitney Bus Putting Street Cars of the West Out of Business SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12.-Jltney buses common automobiles which com pete against the street cars for t-cent fares fiave become a menace that is en gaging the serious attention of street rail way officials In Paoiflc coast citiaa. Charles N. Black, general manager of the United . Railroads of Ban Francisco, announced today that no extensions of lines or service would be undertaken by his company until the problem waa solved. This announcement followed a reported cancellation by a Dos Angeles street rall- 11 ! way company of an order for 2r0 new cara. The Jitneys, usually serviceable second hand cars, -followed the routes of the street railroads, carrying a. passenger, as far for S cents as he can go by street car. The rush to enter the business has re sulted In cleaning out the stocks of second-hand cars at aeyeral automobile agencies. " Owners of the so-called buses are perfecting a state-wide organization and taking steps to fight proposed drastic license measures. Estimates made by drivers Indicate that the average Jitney car will pay for itself In a year, meanwhile affording its owner a salary of V2 a month. Magnates. Blamed for Elevated Collision NEW YORK. Jan. It The board of dl rwotors of the Interborough Rapid Transit company, which Includes Cornelius Vanderbllt, August Belmont, Theodora P. flhonta. Thomas Da Witt Cuyler and Frank 11c 'ley, were found guilty of criminal negligence today to the coroner's Jury which haa been hotiling an inquest mi the death of two persona ki'led in a recent toUUlon of elevted trains. .J " I X l. J ' ' I ' fjK."' -. -.l A; 'J f VICTOR B. CAI.DWKU the I'ninn National and spread out as an uptown bank. He and Mr. Barlow to gether have also been given credit' for the handsome new bank building Just be ing completed on the site of the old Commercial National at Sixteenth and Farnam streets and which, when occu pied within a few weeks, will provide one of the finest banking houses in the west EIGHTY MEN ENTER1 PLEAS OF GUILTY r Accused of Election Frauds at Terre Haute, They Own Up in Open Court CLEAN-UP SEEMS COMPLETE INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 12.-E1ghty of the 114 Terre Haute men Indicted by tho federal grand Jury in the election fraud cases pleaded guilty today before Judge Anderson In the federal court. Demurrers to the Indictment were filed for Mayor Roberts of Terre Haute. Judge Ell Redman and. Sheriff Dennis Shea.. Sentence was noL passed. The eighty men admitted theyad participated In the alleged conspiracy to corrupt the elec tion of November 8, 1914, hi Terre Haute. . Besides Mayor Roberts, Judge Redman and Sheriff Shea and aeveral others filed demurrers. The demurrers will be argued January 20. Chief of Police Admits Oatlt.' J. Edward Holler,. who only a few days waa chief of police, was among those 1 who pletvded guUty. With the exception of Holler and Nugent all of the city and corotT-Tfma1wW Were0 Indicted filed demurrers. All of the 114 men were told they could return to their homes and wait the sum-, mons dt tho United States district at torney. .'.-. At the opening of the hearing the de fendants, all of Whom had been released on bonds or personal recognisance, were 1 ushered Into the court room and seated one at a time. The Jury box had been removed and a few other alterations were necessary to find room for all the lit Mayor Roberts was among the last to enter. Seated beside hla counsel he eyed the defendants attentively as they utterd pleas or guilty. Beeord !f umber of Indictments. Charged In a foderal indictmont with conspiracy- to -corrupt the election of No vember 3, 1914, In Terre Haute, 114 men. were arraigned beforo Judge A. B. An derson of the United States district court hero today. Inasmuch as this Is said to be the largest number of men arraigned at one time in a United States court, and since the eases of convictions are obtained, sets a precedent glvlpg the federal government Jurisdiction over elec tions, tho hearing today has attracted wide Interest. Until the Indictment in the Terre Haute case was returned De cember 34 the record for Indictments by a federal grand Jury was said to have (Continued on ,page Two, Column Five.) Not Even Eggnog for ' Weak Heart Allowed By Law of Arizona PHOENIX, Aril., Jan. 12 Wiley' Jones, attorney general of Arixona, rendered an opinion today that the new Aiisona pro hibition law could ,lot De suspended in favor of eggnog to relieve a weak heart or of lemon extract containing a little alcohol, which a woman needed to flavor bakery caken. Concentrated coffee also came under the ban. The attorney general rendered the opln Ion In reply to a large number of inquiries concerning the scope of the law. noining tnji any one can uaa as a beverago' which may Intoxicate him can be used or Introduced Into the state," was hla sweeping ruling. The first arrest under the provision of the law prohibiting the Importation of lliiuor occurred today at Douglas, where Franoeao Martlnex, a wealthy Mexican cattleman, waa taken Into custody for having a quart of whisky In his posses sion when he crossed, the International boundary. He was held under I') ball Farmers Blamed for High Cost of Flour CHICAGO. Jan. K.-Caleb If, Canby. president of the Chicago Board of Trade, accused by the millers and bankers of contributing to the high cost of flour, today passed the blame up to the farm ers. He visited the United States dis trlct attorney conducting the' Inquiry Into the high eost of living and declared that the farmers, by holding their wheat, were sanding Its price skyward. Farm rs still very bullish," read a tele gram he submitted to Albert Hopkins. assistant district attorney. "No wheat la! I ijelng aoid at present The break Is not j worrying them." VOTES FOR WOMEN DEFEATED IN HOUSE BY 204 T0174 YOTES Lower Chamber Refuses to Submit Equal Suffrage Amendment to States After Long Debate. SPEAXERS WAKE THE ECHOES Verbal Artillery Sweeps from Every Quarter on Both Sides of Ques tion Up for Decision. A SPECIAL RULE IS ADOPTED til I.1.KT1. WASHINGTON. Jan. 11 The house of representatives tonight by a vote of 2 to 174 refused to submit to the states a; amendment to the federal constitution te enfranchise women. WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-A driving rainstorm did nut prevent a record-break. Ing crowd from gatl erlrg In the house today to listen to discussion on the Mon dell resolution providing a woman suf frage amendment. An hour before the session opened prtctlrally all the V re served seata for women were filled wltti suffragists and anti-suffraglsts. The gallery to the left of Speaker Clark's desk was occupied by the suffragists. On the right the antl-auffraglsts, each wear ing a red rose, knitted and sewed ss they waited. ' Separating the hostile camps was the men's gallery. Threat to Clear (iallerles. In the suffrage gallery Mrs. Anna Ehaw, Mrs. Cnrrle Chapman Catt, Mrs. O. H. P. Bolmoht, Mrs. Pethlck Lawrence of Iondon and the congressional com mittee of the national association waa In charge. Acre as the way were Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, president of the National Aa toclatlon Opposed to Women Suffrage! Mrs. A. J. George, Mrs. Daniel A. Mark ham and the legislative committee of that association. The galleries applauded generally when Dr. Shaw and several other prominent suffragists were Invited by the speaker to leave the public gallery and take places In hla private gallery. Henry Opens Senate. Promptly at 11 o'clock the apeaker's gavel fell, and Chairman Henry of tho rulea committee presented the special rule upon which It waa agreed to allow one and one-half hour's debate exclusive o' the six hours provided tor the resolution Itself. , x "I shall support the rule, because I be lieve a vote should be given on any pro posal which haa become a natlonat Is sue," said Mr. Henry, "but I believe this la purely a matter of state Jurisdiction. I shall never yote for any amendment that proposes to take from the state powers now reserved to them and to 'vest those powers Ir. the federal govemmelt." , Repreaeutatlva Campboll. republican. spoke for the rule and the Mtmdall reso lution. The president and many of his fol lowers," he said, "Insist that granting the right of suffrage to women Is one that must be dealt with by the states. He Invokes the dootrlne o" state's sov ereignty with the same enthusiasm and confidence that otliers of his party In voked that doctrine In favor of human slavery In other days. 1 "The president, as the leader of his party, when he charges the opposition with not having a new idea in thirty years, should at least find some buffer for everything new that is proposed be- sides the doctrine of slate's sovereignty surrendered at Appamattox half a cen tuty .ago." Threat to Clear Galleries. As Represtntatlve Campbell was speak ing disorder on the floor and In the gal leries called forth a rebuke from Speaker Clark. "The gentlemen on the floor must pre serve order," he said. "The spectators In the gallery- are here by the courtesy of the house. If this disturbance does not stop I shall order the galleries cleared." . Rale Adopted. . After an hour and a half of debate the houae today adopted, 209 to SI, a special rule for considering tho proposed amend ment The overwhe!mlng vote In favor of the rule was by no means Indicative of rule was by no means Indicative of the sentiment on the resolution itself. Many who voted for the rule In (prder to bring the question up for a yea and nay vote announced their Intention of voting agajnat the resolution itaelf. . Anti-suffragists asserted the suffragists would not muster the necessary two thirds vote. The suffragists dlj not pre dict mora than that the houae would register a majority In favor of their prop osition. The debate on the rule had been spirited, bringing support and opposition from all parties. The real debate, which began at 1 o'clock,' with six houra to run, brought out the heavy artillery of both aldfee and promised a vote some time after 7 o'clock this evening. To the applause and cheers of sup porters of both sides of the question, packed In opposite galleries, the house plunged Into a debate fully as spectacular (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) The National Capital Taeailay, Janaary fj, IBIS. The Menate. Met at noon. The Immigration bill conference report mas debated. ' The llonar. Met at if a. m. The entire dav'a seawlon was Ktren over to debate on the Alondell-Krislow reso lution to submit to the states a constitu tional amendment for woman suffrage.' PARTNER Dak cry, growing and doing nice business 1&00. Hardware and groceries, near Omaha, doing $50.0(10 yearly $5,000 for Want controlling Interest In baiiK. two-thirds Interest. Have two men who can Invest 135, OiH). Several others can invest f 1.000 to t&.OOO In profitable busi ness. For farther Information about these opportunities. eae ' the Wast Ad section of oday's'See. OUT OF COMMISSION Wounded Algerian in hospital at Nuillly-Sur-Seine. i it. 1 sw'-' H t ' f ! it i i i i h I s -. i " GERMANS REPORT MINORJUCCESSES War Office Says French Were De feated at Several Points in Alsace and France. BAD WEATHER IN EAST ARENA BERLIN, Jan. 12.-(Uy Wlroleas to Iondon.) The German official statement Issued In Berlin today says: "In the western theater Insignificant engagements are taking place south of the canal of I A l?see, - but. so far, v, Ithout result. . , "French troops last night made an at tack on our positions to the south of Cernay (Hennhelm), but they were re pulsed with heavy losses. Early this morning the battle was resumed In this district. "A French attack which started yes terday afternoon In the region of Perthes (between Rheims and tho Argonno) withered away before our fire, the enemy suffering very heavy losses. "In the Argonne forest a French van tage point was taken on the Roman high road. In thla engagement two officers and 140 men fell Into our hands. "In tho battles on the eastern side of tho Argonne we have taken since Jan uary 8, including those already mentioned, one major, three captains, thirteen lieu tenants and 1.S00 men. The French total losses. Including killed and. Injured, In this battle area, tconsequently, are esti mated at 3,500 men. . '.,'.. r "An attempt of the French to make an attack at Ailly, to the- south- of St! Mlhlel (on the river. Mouse), failed. ""'There Is nothing new to report from East Prussia. "The Russian attempt to , advance In northern Poland was OnsUccessiul. - "pur attacks In the district to the west of the Vistula rive,r hafe made progress In certain places, notwithstanding the bad weather. " ''''. "On the eastern bank of the Plllca river (southern Poland) the situation continues the same." Grocers Declare War . On Coupon Schemed , CHICAGO, Jan. 12. War against trad ing stamps and premium' propositions generally was declared today by the ex ecutive board of the . National Associa tion of Retail Grocers, which- met here In Its eighteenth annual session. "We have appropriated tl.OM to assist In fighting the appeal which the United Cigars Stores corporation took on a de. clsloii against it In the state of Wash ington," said F. B. Connolly of Kan Fran cisco.' president of the association. ."The case arose when the corporation's man ager In Washington refused to pay. a II- cenne fee In conformity with a statute of tliat. state." Tho executive board alsd considered plana for tho na'lonal convention of the association, which Is to meet In Han Francisco In May. DES MOINES RAILWAY FRANCHISE FIGHT OVER (From a Ktaff Correspondent.) DES MOINE3, Jan. 12.-(Sieclal Tele gram.) The street railway franchise elec tion went down to destruction today when Judxe Vttoi back of 'the cMstrict I court isaued an injunction restraining the city from having an election. The reason for denying the right to hold tbelectlon is that the company itaelf Incorporated lu the franchise certain portions not orig inally contemplated and these Invalidate the election, so that it would be an Im position on the people to ask them to vote. It waa announced today that Preaident Schmidt of the company is going to Flor ida to spent the rest of the winter and It Is supposed this means the fight la over. i I i 5 A X L 1 j . '-ff S J4jK- - 4 i ? . v 1 - . - a . -. v "1 : '.-. $rh - n 11 1 n 1 ' a n.:jixzmi a - ' & A '" . ... 3 ' "Sir- 1 ' ,: The Day's War News Four dlHtlnct battles which have developed In France and Alsace re belnic carried on vig orously, but without marked ad) vantage for either aide. Of great cut Immediate consequence is the fighting near Perthes, which In volves poeseaalon ot important' railroads, and probably a consid erable section of the" fortified bat tle line. Id this district the French attempted further attack, but were beaten back with heavy losses, the German official state ment today asHcrta. Near SoiBjtons, In the Alsne country, the French statement saya German attempts to capture lost positions were repulsed and more trenches were seized by the allies. In view of the predicted en trance Into the war of Roumanla, and perhaps Italy, unusual Inter est attaches to dispatches, indi cating that disquiet In the Dal kana Is spreading. Italy may be called upon soon to, resort to force of . arms in' Albania. ( The Insur gents are said to be. bringing up ' guns to '.direct against Durazso, the port recently occupied by Italian forces. - Servta's aspirations have' ex panded since Its victory over the AuKtrfan army'and, according to a Rome '.dlxpatch, , . It , now insists that, in event, of victory for the . allies. It muiit receive Bosnia, Herzegovina and Dalmatla. Italy " haa1 sent troops to the ; Italian U Islands In. the Aegean Archipelago, which It Is fortlO'lng. . .Houmanla, Is to begin the mobilisation of Its army, late this month. ; v Although the Austro-German forces in Poland, apparently, have given up for the time, a general offensive movement fighting 'of a . local character continue Vienna reports that an attempt , of the Russians to cross the Lower Nida, , in southern Poland, was repulsed., Army headquarters at Petro grad states that German attacks on' the Russian positions along the Vistula were beaten back. A minor victory over the Turkish forces in the Caucacus also is an nounced. Rob Priest's House, Leave Old Raiment KDQL'MONT. . D., Jan. 11-tSpecUI Telegram.) Latt night thieves broke Into Father M.'J. Htraetton's residence, dur ing the priest a absence on a sick call, and secured gold vessels and other ar ticles valued at more than tK). A cbal Jlce cup of beaten gold, an heirloom, mire than four centuries old, waa taken. One of the robbers discarded hla shoea, socks and underwear and departed clad in . llio best tiiat the pi teat's wardrobe affoided , BANK ROBBERS KILL AN OKLAHOMA DEPUTY Mt'SKOGEK, Okl., Jan. li-Bandits to day robbed the bank of Terlton, Okl., klUed a doputy sheriff and eeraped with f:i0, according to a message received here today. BIG OPERATIONS DELAYED UNTIL VARMWEATHER ' Great Armies on Both Frontiers of War Confining Efforts Largely to Holding: Positions They Now Occupy. BIG .CAMPAIGN IN THE SPRING Great Bitain Sending Thousands of Men to France and Germany is Also Preparing. GERMANS ARE CLAIMING GAINS LONDON, Jan. 12. -The great arm leg bat tling in the eastern and western arenas of the war by artil lery exchanges, sapping operations and troprh attacks, continue to be aligned today much as they were on the first of January. Everywhere the disposition seems to be to await the coming of spring, "when, with' fresh armies thrown Into the field, events promise to move more quickly. Great Britain Is now sending thou-, sands of men to France every week, and, according to today's reports from Berlin, Germany, aware of this, Is making great military prepara tions for a counter movement; all the reserves are being, called to the colors. It Is declared here, and the further statement la made that the German generals are gathering up the reins to assume active direction of all the campaigns that is to say, the Austro-Hungarlan fight against Servla and Russia, and the Turkish campaign against Russia and Great Britain. This, briefly. Is the plan military ob servers In London believe will be fol lowed, subject, however, to any chango whlcii the entrance Into the war of Rou manla or Italy might necessitate. Germans Advanee I Kaat. Germany, still claims that It Is making slow progress toward Warsaw. There huve been published In London, however, reports that these operations are merely masking movements to shield a Oerman retreat to the Bilealan frontier. British military observers do not credit this Idea, believing that General von Ulndenburg has further offensive strength, but at the same time they draw attention to the fact that tho Russians must feel confident of Warsaw's safety else they would not contlnuo to hurl so many troops against Hungary through Rukowina. In the western arena the points of g res test interest are in the center near Solssons, and on the French right lit Al sace Here the fighting continues, while the rest of the line 1 virtually Inactive. Bohemians Threaten -To Aid Russia if Land Is Not Protected GENKVa! Swltaerland, Jan. 12. (Via Paris) Information has reached hera from Prague by way of Innsbruck to the effect that a petition algned by Influ ential Holiemlens has been forwarded to F.mperor Frauds Joseph demanding that mro energetic measures be taken to protect ilohemia from possible Russian Invasion. Tho petition states that this action must be taken "for the salvation of our country," and makes the threat that the signers 'will join with Austria's enemy unices the request Is granted, leading men of Prague. Including some Bohemian members of the Austrian Chamber of Deputies have signed the petition. No confirmation of this report haa lieen received hare from any other source. QUITS GOVERNOR'S CHAIR TO BECOME STUDENT ORONO. Me.,- Jan. 12. Former Gov. ernor William T. Haines, whose term of office expired a week ago, today regis tered aa a student af the University of Maine. ' He plans te take a course In agriculture. Falling eye eight and Im paired health after , long application to the law are said to liavo decided tho former - governor to take up farming. . lx)k for this heatling in thd Want Atl spot ion if vou want! to live in a room kept fresh and healthful by sunshine. Sunshine makes a big difference in a roonr. . And for tired workpeople, it is a godsend. r There's no sense in eontin- uning to live in a darkened, un lujaHliy room when you might1-, just as well have a "sunshiny! room." Ixiok them up todays Iyjok for this heading in tho Phone Tyler 100Q THE OMAHA BEE