i THE IIEK: OMAHA. MONDAY, .TAXUAUV 11, 11)15. Bringing Up Father Drawn for The Bee bv George McManus ' REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALB Arkansas.. Put Yourself in Clover Buy all the rich, fertile land you can afford to own In our tunny level uplands In Central Arkansas; Ions growing Ma son; ample rainfall; excellent drainage: abundance of pure water; good health conditions; alfalfa yields 6 cuttings year, average ton to the cutting and brings tlS to 30 ton; potatoes, both Irish and sweet: also corn and cotton make enormous yields; the conditions are ideal for dairy- Ing free range all year around; chickens are big money makers as well as truck gardening; three big markets close by. These lands are 30 miles south of Little Kock, a city of 80.000; few miles north of l.l ! . a -A. . i en -- - . - . t mi? muLi, oi fo.uv. irs ?: mites east of Hot Sprlngr, the noted health resort, with 100.0UO vlalu annually. The- railroad runs through our land; we can sell you now close to town and shipping station; there is a government agricultural demon strator stationed In our county; he will advise you free of charge how and when to plant, cultivate and market, your crops: this land is selling In 40-acre tracts and up, on the terms of 11.80 an acre down, possession any time, balance 20 years, terms less than rent; big land selling excursion dally; low rate; free trips to buyers who answer this Advertisement. Write or oall for free photographs and full Information. Open Sundays and evenings. E. T. TETEU & CO., 409 Times Bids., tit. Louis. Mo. I'klVATE money to loan on Inside properly at 7 per cent. O'Kecfe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nat. tank Bldg. L'oukIs 2715. , CITY and (arm loans. 5, 6', per cent. J. H. Dumont & Co.,l03 Farnam. Omaha WANTBD City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTKD City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha Natl. Douglaa BIS. 1"0 to 10,u00 made promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bts. . GARVIN BROS tet'S: fitY. CITY LOANS, C. G. Carlberg Co.. u 310-31 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY property. Lurge loans a specialty, W. 11. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. 11. V. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg. SEE us first if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. FARMS WANTED WANTED To hear from owner of good farm or unimproved land for sale. C. 'C. Buckingham. Houston, Tex. WANTED TO RENT Canaalau. FOR PALB BY OWNERi-Improvcd half section very choice wheat land in one of the best districts In Saskatchewan. Full equipment of stock and implements, all In first class condition, go with farm at $35 per acre. Or would sell equipment separately and rent farm to purchaser, with option of buying. For particulars address B-43S. Bee. Kebratekau 640 A.. 64 ml. from Kricson, Neb.; fine improvements; gool alfalfa country: $10 per acre; easy terras. J. E. Olbncy. Elk horn. Neb. ' FOR 6ALE-320-A. relinquishment, 8 ml. from Staplston, well improved, for $6&. Telephone connections to town. Address Y 330. Bee. x Oklahoma. 1,000 ACRES.. large and email tracts; ab solute title; Pittsburg Co., farming, pas ture, oil, coal land; to to fc per acre. Write J. E. Cavanaih. McAlaalsr. Okl. FOR SALE 23) acrea good farm land, all la heavy grass; small house and In ) well-Improved community; close to school and town, in Logan county, Oklahoma; clear, but must be sold. Offered for $15 per acrtu half cash, balance easy terms. Write A. N. LF.FFINGWBLL, Perry. Okl. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy turrns. Ask for book let 14 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant, btate acres wanted. Write about our gracing lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ak for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Boo Line Ky., Minneapolis, Minn. aUseellaaeoaa. FARM for sale; must sell my Fellsmera farm, to acres, muck prairie land. Uphoff. 409 Times Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ABSTRACTS OF TITTJB. Rk.ED Abstract Co.. oioest abstract of, flee in Nebraska. 2W P -ndels Theater. KKKH Title Guarantee and Abstract Ca, a modern abatraot office. -3 M. lUh at Fliene Douglas 4o7. HEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 'JO TRADE For a good, clear grocery sloik or dry goods and grocery stock, the following: hmall modern house and lit in thriving town of 1.150 pop.; fine new house, renting for $15 mo.; worth (2,300; lot encum. at S per cent. Large modern house with one lot, In Lincoln; almost new built for home; renting for mo. Worth $4,560, with H-'.Out) encumbrance in B. 4k I ... sssin. a mo.). Get busy quick. Address Y 3S Bee. FUR PALE Have good 2-story brick building in good Iowa town; 40 miles from oinana. rnoo, 4,"u;. clear. in take all or part In nw rara or good used cars. What hsve youT Addreaa P, 4W. Bee. Fqr Exchange 40 acrea good smooth lsnd. near Good land. Sherman county. Kansas. Price lU'.Ot'O. clear. Will exchange for merch enrttae, Omaha income or anything of vaWie close to Omaha. Address K-4&5, ta re Bee. FOR EXCHANGE XX) arres in Kimball county. Nebraska. Want good garage building and stock tn or near Omaha. What have you? Ad dress A-4M. care Bee. CALIFORNIA land for good property, Omaha or vicinity. Address P 444. Bee. OMAHA or neighboring property wanted In exchange for residential property In New York City restricted suburb. Write K. K. Hiocum, 141 Broadway. New York. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly improved farm of ibi acrea Land ail lays fine and is excellent aolL V ill exchange for good Omaha resideuce. C. R. COMBS. $14 Brandels Theater. Omaha. Neb. Douglas Kit. LADY piano teacher wants home in pri vate family: wanta to give Piano lessons In part payment. Address C 447, Bee. RE.U, ESTATE NORTH SIDE NEED money quick. Will sell my Il.MW vqimy in an mouern i-rmun nume ii $165 cash. Give you warranty deed. 4110 r. fn Ave, READ ESTATE USCELLANEOU9 liOOK HERE Double brick flat, rents J0 per month:, must sell; $4,500, only ll.WaJ cash. Address B 44. Bee. $1,500 Annual Income Have an Omaha business property that psys $125 per month rent. Want to sell; price $15,000. Will give terms at 6 per cent, with payment of $2,000 down. Prop erty in good repair and rented for five years yet at above rental. Address L m. Bee. DATES FOR THREE BIG GOLF EYENTS National Amateur Championship Flay Begini in Latter Part of August OJtEN'S MATCH IS LATER NEW YORK. Jan. W.-Datee for the. three big golfing event of tb 1915 sea son announced today following the meet ing of the United states Golf association here arc as follow: National Amateur championship lie gin ning Saturday, August 2. and continuing lor one week at Country club of Detroit. Wonien'a National championship week beginning Monday, September , at Onwentsla club, Lake Forest, 111. National Open championship June 15-18 at Baltusrol Country club, (Short Hills, N. J. ( WKlE-HWfrf ) ' ZN 1 ( V"7L,-TL1 U T" If ) I NOW DO I 1 c??r f HUH' J tLL rr 11111 nnin uVr?iT a horv Itthem sock&i 0T A DECEIT AIMT FOR 00- 1 YEs- L JLOERt pii jiT h " . f hire. f . fr f PAIR TO ME J THETAHE pj-J FATHER- EH' WELL I II 11 PJ i ft NAME.: rT FOR THE JhinkoF I'LL eEE J TW ft -H 's. V L L SOLDIER: TrKDbE POOR BOUT pj ' V c322si (f (gjU O At J V L I ' J ; : 1 lw ntL IOWANS DISLIKE CONTRACT I PACKERS TRIM TEKAMAH MEN ST. PAUL COLLEGE DEFEATS GRAND ISLAND HIGH SCHOOL ST. PAUL. Neb., Jan. 10.-(8pecgt.)-The local college basket ball team de feated the team from the Grand Island High school here Friday evening by a score of BJ to 11 While rather one-aided, the game was hard fought from start to finish. For the locals. Nelson scored seventeen points; Jacobsen, alxteen; Grubcr, fourteen, and Mcasbach, six. Lowry led for the visitors with eleven points to his credit. The lineup: ST. Gruher .Tacohacn Nelson .. Miller ... Messbach Keferee: PAUL. LP. RF. C .Ttt GRAND up...:.... RF C , L. J ISLAND. .... Smith ... Lowry Hcott Clinton Scorer: utcs. R.Q.IR.Q Wetland Jester. Timekeeper: Zochoil. Miller. . Time of halves: 20 mln- LEGALi NOTICES p ROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING PAPER FOR TiiE PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until 10 o'clock a. m., January 25, 1U15, at the room of the Joint Committee on Printing, in the Capitol, Washington, D. C, for furnishing the paper for the pub lic printing and binding from the 1st day of March, 1916. to the 2tu day of Febru ary, 1916. The proposals will be opened before and the awards of contracts made by the Joint Committee on Printing to tho lowest and best bidders for the In terests of the Government whone bids aro In conformity with the requirements ot the proposals. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid or any part and reject the other. part. If, in Its opinion, such action would be in the Interest of the government. Blank proposals containing the Instruc tions, schedule, and specifications, ac companied by standard samples, may he obtained bv addressing Cornelius Ford, Public Printer. Washington. D. C. Contracts will be entered lntovfor sup plying the quantities required, whether more or less thsn the estimates. The approximate estimated quantities set forth in detail In the schedule com prise: 310.000 pounds news-print paper; 17,035, OSO.OUO pounds machine-finish printing pa per; 40,000 pounds antique machlne-ilnish printing paper; M0.0U0 pounds wove machine-finish printing paper; 1,905,om pounds slsed snd supercalendered 1 rlnt Ing paper: S30.0UO pounda coated book pa per; 220,000 pounds tablet writing paper; I.iiOO pounda white French folio paper; 870.000 pounds writing paper, machine dried; $.343,000 pounds writing paper, air or loft dried; 6,000 pounds fine white writing paper, loft dried; 4W.GJ0 pounds safety writing paper; tso, 000 pounds map paper; TuO.owO pounds bond paper; 1,000 pounds onionskin paper; J.bOO pounds parchment deed; 145,000 pounds second-dans ledger paper; 535.000 pounds first-class ledger paper; 7S0 pounds railroad manila iaer, ruled; J.'KX) pounds tissue paper: :.uuu pounds cream and white stereo tissue paper; 2..000 pounds cover paper; 7X,0ftf pounds manila paper: 100,000 pounds Kraft wrapping pa per; 20.500 pounda manila tympan paper; lno.OOO pounds manila board: 25,000 pounds cardboard: T60.UW pounds bristol board: tr..4s0 pounds Index bristol hoard; 1,W pounds white paratfine paper; 1.54 pounds noncurllng gummed paper; 1,500 pounds blotting paper; 14.000 pounds stereotype molding paper; CO.OuO pounds moiiotyjw keyboard and casting-machine paper; X.000 pounds offset paper; 20.0JO pounds plate wiping paier for emboaal.:g preasea; .0u0 pounds lining and atrlpplng paper; 180 reams marble, comb, and lin ing paper; M reams carbon paper, coated one and two aides; 2,0u0 pounds red pressboard: l.OftO sheets parchment, 15x21 inches; 1.000 pounds news ooard; 108.000 pounds st ram board; 100,000 pounds chip board; 100.000 pounds box board, lined: KiO.OuO pounds binder's board; it OuO pounda trunk board. In caaea where more than 1.000 reams are called for proposals will be received for l.Ouo reams or more. By direction of the Joint Committee on Printing: CORNELIUS FORD. , Public rrlnter. WASHINGTON, D. C. December It, 1914. D-HJU E: S. Dodds' Rink of Curlers Win Close Battle from Gait's An exciting curling game between the rinks skipped by K.-F. Dodds and Bob Gait occurred at Miller Park Saturday morning, and Dodds quartet barely won from the Gait crew, to I. At the tenth end, the game was a tie, so another was played. Gait had three near the center, but Dodds put two out and laid his stone In the middle, winning the combat. In the afternoon Lucas and his mates beat Watson and his rink, t to S, but Lucas was In turn defeated by Alec Mel vln, making Melvin the winner of the competition. Another culling battle will be staged at Miller Park this afternoon. REAL ESTATE WANTED Listings Wanted We have buyers for S to 7-roomd houees. Also well located vacant lota, sutiabl for home sites. Must have sewer, water and gas. W. FAUX AM SMITH & CO., HJB Karri sm Ht. Tel. Dong. KM WE want a few and 6-roum houMrs at once. Have plenty of buyers now. UmI our properties. PAVNK INVESTMENT COMPANY. Id Floor W are lilk. Doug. lTfcl. . Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale' column: read it. Creighton Lawyers ' Trounce Deaf Boys Displaying superior ability 'and faster teamwork, the Creighton law basket ball team yesterday afternoon overwhelmed the Nebraska Deaf Institute five at the Young Men's Christian association, by the score of M to 21. In the first half the barristers amassed a total of thirty eight points to four by their opponents, but in the next period the Mutes came back vigorously and held the Laws to an 18 to 17 score. Captain Linn waa the Individual star of the game, sooting twelve goals from the field, and was closely followed by Reel, who flipped a total of nino ring ers for tne blue and white. Kamanskl's work at guard was noteworthy. The lineup: CREIGHTON. DEAF INSTITUTE Reel -. R.F.I R K... Tamislea (C.) Klepser L.K.L.F Stark 1inn tC.) C.C Cooper Kanianeki R.G.IR.G Kabel Fedtner ; 1..G.IKG NelHon Substitutes: Creighton. Flood for Kest ner, Aerhart for Kainunaki, Aerhart for Klepser. Llddy for Flood. Hyan for l.lddy; I leaf Institute, Jackson for Tann ines, Tamliiiea for StarH, ritark for Zabel. Field Goals: Linn (12), Keel till, Klep eer 2, Fostner (2). Aerhart (:t), Stark (4), Cooper 4. Goals from foul: Stark, Cooper (4). Referee: Render. Umpire: Beck. Training Schedule For Giants in Spring NEW YORK, Jan. lO.-John B. Foster, secretary of the New York. National league club, today tasued the training schedule for the Giants during the coming spring. The llrst team will play all the dates named. The schedule follows: March , 7, 13. 14. Dallas, Tex.; March 20, 21, San Antonio, Tex.; March 27 , 28, Dallas. Tex.; April 8, 4, Beaumont, Tex.; April (. . T. New Orleans. La.; April I, Knoxville. Tenn. ; April , Bristol, Tenn.; April 10, Richmond. Va.; April 12. Wash ington: April II. Yale ttwo games) Polo grounds. , Tlldm Uelatets Wis. TILDEN. Neb., Jan. lo.-8peclal.)The Tilden High school basket ball team had an easy time defeating the Battle Creek team here Friday. The Tilden boys ran all over the team from Battle ( rwk. 50 to .and the Tilden giria defeated the girls from Battle Creek 4$ to T. Beat for onallatlon. The best medicine for constipation Is Dr. King's New Life Pills, mild and ef fective and keep you M1. 25c. All drug gists. Advertisement. Hawkeye Board Declares It Is Un willing to Sign Pact with Ne braska for Game. lasaaMajsl SAYS . SCHEDULE JEOPARDIZED IOWA CITT. Ia., Jan. l.-Spclal.) The Iowa-Nebraika gridiron battle for the fall of 1914 is sIU an undecided prop osition. The university athletlo board of control at Its regular meeting this last week declared Itself unwilling to sign the one-year contract presented by the Cornhuskera and will await further proposals from the Nebraska authorities. The board in taking this action con sldered that to sign a one-year contract would. Jeopardise the Hawkeye schedulo for 1SI8 and In addition would be mani festly unfair to Chicago, since Iowa has already refused to accept a one-year con tract from the Maroons. The only reason that Iowa would have to sign the one-year document of Ne braska would be In event that a special case exists. The Cornhuskers argue that their situation Is a special case. This the Iowa authorities aocept. The board was Of the opinion that it would not he juatifled in signing the contract sub mitted Inasmuch a it must look out for the schedule of two years hence, and the' one-year clause would spoil It. The action of tho board hero does not signify that athletlo relations between tho two schools will be severed. On the con trary. It ta highly probable that the mat ter will be satisfactorily settled within a short time. The attitude of the Iowa board will be transmitted to the Ne braska management and It Is expected that an agreement will be reached. Keaesavr Wist Game. KENESAW. Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special. Kenesaw High school defeated Holdrcge High school basket ball teams here Fri day. The first half of the girls' game. which waa played according to Hpald ng'a rules, ended to i in favor or Hoidrege, but the aeoond half, played according to the Nebraska rules, brought the llnal score to SO to 11 In favor of Kenesaw. South Omaha Basket Ball Five Proves Too Speedy for North ern Players. SCORE FORTY-FIVE TO EIGHTEEN South Omaha High school added another basket ball victory to the Hat laat evening by defeating the Tekamah High school five, 46 to 1ft, In the high school gym nasium at South Omaha. The Tekamah youtha came up to the Packer city aver aging 164 pounda In weight and with the avowed Intention of carrying off a nice piece of bacon. s In the second half Captain McDrtde of the rackers opened up and his team be gan to pile up points. The wind of the Tekamah men began to glvo out and be fore the half had ended South Omaha waa far In the lead. Foley and Nixon speedily took their places In the limelight Clark, the monster center of the Tekamah team, played an excellent game and waa usually responsible for the Tekamah scoring. Leach also played an excellent game tor the locals. The final score waa 46 to IS. Lineup: SOVTTH OMAHA. TEKAMAH. McBrlde (O...R.F. L.O Nesblt Foley It-F. R G Olbson Nixon C. C .j... Osrk Leach R.O. L.F Bliss Renl L.G. K.F Wesver Substitute: Templeton for Gibson. Field goals: McBrlde (. Foley (S). Nixon. 1-each (5). Neablt, Olbson. Clark (S). Bliss 2). Free throws: McBrlde !). Foley (!, Clark m. Fouls committed: South Omsha, 1J; Tekamah. 10. Points awarded: South Omaha, 1; Tekamah, I. Referee; Hurkenroad. Omaha. Timekeepers: Mo Klunle, Tekamah; Lee, South Omaha. Scorer: Lee. Score : South Omaha, 4b; Tekamah, 18. GOTHENBURG HIGH SECONDS DEFEAT WOOD RIVER HIGH GOTH ENBURG. Neb.. Jan. 10.-(,Speclal.) The Gothenburg High school second team defeated the first team, from Wood River, 15 to 10. yesterday. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Standing of the Bowling Teams Nemle Zim'rmss (.-mill tuns .... Wtrtrlww Klnnamaa Toman . . . Ilni Cockrae ... Tamil ' .... Star amn Av. .14 .ill ll .1X1 . .1M .1'0 .I7S .ITS .1T ITS 17 ..16 OMAHA BOWL1NO l.IAOfK. W. Uivt. Bvrseu-Kaak C. .S44 Btora IS 11 .all jattara ti ti . Ulbaona 11 ' Kruf' Luiua 3 tb .444 , OH PI Ma Laiar. 14 tl .311 , Individual avaragea: i Main. A. Name. K. Kclla...l4 J. Jamah. ..is. Sleoarlhy ..1H Hlanri .... . .IWtlamrstrm ..lMBalarr .... ..12C. Wackaa Csara4 1l Huninaia A. powars. .HI Thomaa .. (uin'lnj. ...Ill) H. Sclpl. .lMUOfl .1aKI(a .U7(tod-o .... .!; Ha4ord ... .Hie. Juhsa'B..I7l .JMcOjr ..,..171 ..IltilCaBrll 170 ('. Power.. .IKHhaw .. Fantaa .....lat Md'abe Ullbreatk ..lMtaon , Dohartj ...,14 fct.VLdCKUAND LKAGI E W. L.l'i t. Marbla Tees TM Staana it CoikW IT 7 .' Naraloa II Kleitllaa 1 .to Full Walshtti 0 0 .Utt IndivMual STarasra: Name. Av. Dock 16 Watenpa ...Is Waltnbara .! Stroihar . ,.ni OoItIb 10. l-uiirtborg ,.IM Brli liJ l'.rk.r ....13a Jiundariasd IbO Smytk I'.'i Oilau .....14D AndtraoB , erk 147 Ul-mroa Wllia .......147 MatklBt ...Hi DurranD , 14i llwln ......: Monaky ....13 Janka Iu HnlMilik ,. Jsraea liij Bannatt , ... 1ST Allwlna .... ! l.ION I'ALlflt: l.KAlil'B. W. L. i '. bupt Trana Audt. Ilnht Mlac. Aula Knfinera (1ar lUford Kquianwnl Paepgani Nabraka UlvUlna indtviaual svarasrati .in m 0 I mi 1 UK i.Ol'4) 1 2 .31 .X X l Av. N . . .11 litirgan .1ST Walla...... ..! Hr.ual ..liiMartla . ..174 Hftira4af . ,. ..ITS IMrkatl ... ..Hi Mrtjuaa .. ..IAS Oliligan .i Av. IM .141 ,IV4 li lJ .141 .13 .1M Na Ira KoUoehik Purwhnuaa Ikoaiat . . . Ilalarlrk PVtraa Smith ... Xloa .... Klaoy IV ni. ui.,;.U rhf(y 17 f'ohan ...... LIS O'CiniUr ...l.,7 Voral4 ...101 llauitmaa .I..T 8ai. kl ... 1ST SiA.SDARU OIL. LKAOl'K. W. I. Prt. Poiau-to Auto OIU...SI tu .aui . rYovn (iaaohoo 4 X .ul I Mlra Axla tirraas. . .'. 21 27 .471 t-arfartloa Oil U W .411 Kama. Av. Naraa. Oof( lalMoor ... fain 1T Kanalaoa Haunt tCi Kllna .... C'roaa la.'. Varlly ... Jooaa ln4Allanan ,. I'lamondoa Ul H'-liank .. Hollaatalle in IK.rotby . iloarmaa . .it" llairrnili !loba.rt 147 Johannaou Hyrna ' l4TOaiknlt Johnaoa . . . .13 Gllmnra . KNIGHTS tK UULl'MBl'H Kolghia ...a 1 ouarll , t Omaha .. I No. aal O. r I C.tlumbus 1 laiMviaual avarasaa: Kama. Av. Nnna. Av. nnrf!a .... .19 Cavin 144 Thomaa ..,.! brr 143 ( augalaa ..17 rtoaaha, k . 141 ...14M Mullan 141 ...laa Kilicarxl Its M-( artby ,.i.w ia i only na 14 f'urran Zl ut J'.tiB.i..a. A l-Vi Av. m ti .! .iw AM .H4 1.Q . I;d .1J IU l 4e I MO I .kit Byrne, L,... 1M Oraham Mllati 141 Bvrna. J... 174 Mayara Ij Koarb 1T.1 Cobry 144 Colllnt 111! Crows lit STKYCO UtAOfK. W. I.M Slarllnga l t . 7"0 MnnarcbS 1 U .034 I'nlunlala 11 10 ,l l oliimblini t 21 hull Idual avarasxa: Nimi. Av. Nama. Av. Wrlty 17 Malnlar ....1:15 lala 164 Ijurarty ... iti Malhrwa ...1I L"g 1 a I llaarnalik . -IM Jarobl IU Wandall . ...lil fimnn Ill Jonaa 147 Klnillry . ...1.'7 1'aaraon ,...14 Remlia It Appalqulat .14:4 Ntrholaon ..114 J'hnmnan ...1411 Kuony 1U Hmlth I7 Fulton II Hulllvan Wuliaus ....101 Brldlng ,...m Duhn k7 OMAHA UA L-EAOt K W. KPct Tar Kahlaa '....27 1". 1 lil.pati'hara 2S 17 .Mli Inlannoa it 1 .HI t'oinion Irona 19 ,4.s; l. O. E. H 17 n .4 II. K Plalaa 12 (7 .; Individual avarsswa: Naraa. Av. Name. Bland 174 Moran ... ' ITS rrkliurt v)er lTU'Kuow .... Weymuller 14 Pugh .... M' llonala ..14 K.hmldt . Ilanaan Y Murdork Kantlay 1- Butlay ... MrAndrewa If. J Cm tainpbril ...lit rbllllpa ... B.rg 11 J.,hnoo. U. Wood 1,,J Kla.har ... Hollar loft Iguana ... Wood ' 1M Thomaa ... ' Jnhnann, H.14S liuherly thkmea ,...14 Moran Hyan It., fulluon lliaaa . . . 14a And. ron v ood 141 Hahrr 1'AIHMUNT fKkAMERV W. Kl I.ldiild Gold 1 . I'HMa U . livilai' lltiltar Xd Z'i . i'urinn Urollera : I, . Ulatlnna 16 15 . r atrmont I anna 14 34 . individual avarasra: Kama. A v. Kama. MiHVy .....177 llavranrk fHiS I4T ;arr Bland If.i JHnav. K. Ohnavanaon ! (.abrlrl ... llanwrll ...lj llaaa C Kalaon I4 I a.atl .... Hmllk 14a Klmnll . Zlka I4g lleaa, H... Janan 147 Haalmaa . (ilUHipga ...146 llaah JUUll 145 Oulalaa . Bonrlngar ..144 A p.-1 'hrork 144 Houaar ... Kavaxa 14) hoigar ... ravdar 14 J Olliiay. n ..us UATK riTV LKAOt'g W. I. Prt. 'ala' Butfat J 14 .717 Kagaa'a Kklatat'a ...ft S Kairmont Traamary . 81 17 .4ti Humohr'a Old Tavara M It .142 Rlatk'a Kala II 24 .W Cloralialma It l . i flraxal Sno Co 17 !l .fi Am. Kirrtm Co 44 1'7 LXIMMtlUTAL, I.EAQtB. W. U Prt Brodrgaard Crowaa. 25 bwllu'a Old Mliara 21 4ara and etrlpaa... U On. Ulcyrla Indiana J Kandy KIda M kitnulia k'aglea S Individual averegae; Av. 14 lk It 14 10 u .441 .Dki .b.,4 ,kl .(.IJ .14 ....14 ....174 174 174 ....171 171 ...171 A'-. .142 ..112 ..141 .1411 ,.14 .1411 ..rja ..l i ..i:i7 .i.i ..VA ..U ..II' ..12? .117 TOd .47 .Mi lit .mi ' Av 142 14i .lt ll .1 1 .11. .1 31 .112 .133 .11 .11 .IK! .10 Av Hull IU Eaton I at nadd M agarbuif .!? Watt las lcla 1(7 -'uin 1 Kayi iil .174 fnaadler ..1m lllnrlcka ..lai ltauford, ...146 Hiraan ...144 tllllt ItH Htma 141 Hlaa ikl Htdomoa ...141 Slanlay ,...10 Mi-uonaall .lot Thiol U7 M unbolt ...164 Wvttair ...,laJ Heropa) ,...4.4 u n . i , UOciiri'KH lytAtJLK.'" W 1 . Wft . 14 .4a tl ta .toe ... 27 It ,tu 24 ID .Jit 24 21 .HI II J .4JS . 17 21 .177 14 .PX) .iaroab Hihulti I'ooley Ham . . Viiaa .. Klrirtin Malthra Muyna ... M louald .1 tl Klliavrald .17A Itaimcia ...l.o lantt pill Itvaahn lmt Uoorii ii Rl Taio .. Clara Hall lurra Hrat-on i'raaa l orry A MiKeoila Pllro M onaa t J u b I'ow.ll Hupply f Individual avaraaaa: Av Flea'arlme I7 Piaroanat .1(4 llartlay . . 1 75 r. jaran...iT4 Av. Iain urn t'uintnlug . mi Kraia Ii t'octiraa ...Ih7 Zlm'annan 1K4 J. Jataab.lMt t alu 1 Kaliar J, Martin m Yuumq ... ia. Zarp lit! tiolf Itm A. Ilovara. 1SJ Haurar ....12 fanlon 12 lii'a ii KliinHinan .1i f. WMka..ll H . lpa.. ll IXiharty ...U0 ft una lo ll.nifrat'm 13 Touito 9 M. arthy ,I7 Huntlngtoa l.g Hland 117 Conrad 177 IIS Kldaoa loor llowall Nnrgard M. l alia HaoiM'B) Povall Malam JohlUMIB Mokry 8aui . U. Brora..ll tihnaaorg ..lai .174 ...174 ...171 ...171 ... 1 TO ...l.u ...la ...141 .,.104 ,.16i ...1A.. I'olto lung man Khaar ... Kabm .. Wnr .. J- Warka.. oudv 152 Noona 144 iiambera ..144 O'Cvouor ..lite .1.1 ..1.4 ..lis 1..I . KfU. TELX, HOSE l.KAOVE ' W I. p I iimarai orriiia 14 4 i Wira Chi. fa 14 4 Auditor l.t 1 Acoi'MiMtng Ji j Vtaatarn Kiar4rle .... a ft liialil.l Plant T 11 Knaliafra .' 7 II Inaallarg T It Traillc 4 14 Commercial 4 14 Individual avtragaa: Knap Morloa 1-arr . Bourgovla O'linaa .. jaulagbaj Malay .... Fudimm . Kanoady . Ia4 Harkma . . . .1L I i Haralnialar 1 i 1j: Mahaa ... M1 . li Johnston, J 1.7 'ndi.ldual Name. FKi Huaaabarg haura llofmann . I Had lord .. n. oj ... tmbar .... Wiley .... rll.aw MoCau .. ritlna Terrall ... I-ana Vit-fcall . Kama .... laal MMial ... Ilollmaa, I I'alioar, F 4oraolt ... 1aihaa ... ifaupttnaa Htoia A.. I Andatroaa Mo.ra .... iltjar .... avaragra: Av. Nam. .1" Hoffman. . .14 Dudley .. U. Iaa .1 I. ndtvy . .144 Moora ... . IHI arMhouaa I. TlutUbar .181 Korsaard .I'D Kaum .... .ltorilhana .... .17. Wllldan. M I7 Bland .171 Barlvall ... Kueian .IT7 K..r .17 ftorf, I,... .17 rirummond . !'S l almar. ) .174 Hrnllt K4 I14.1 .n V. ui.Hl.a. o .in Malloy .ITS Soaa .1T1 l.lvlngatoa . 170 Vntiry .l. Tbouiaa ... Av. .170 .17 .170 .17 1W .K .14 iH .na . 144 14 .1(47 l7 las 14.. 1M II 141 r. ua U4 it:. 14 J 1 I 13: Av OoodaH ,,..141 Hhielda ....174 lmgly ...171 K'.raa 1T0 I'rinitau t..la Kant 147 Hrhvrhuh . lail Kfllar Iffj 'lltf.n 114 Zadlna IM (Jurklay Kaaor 1.S4 Lundla ....154 Millar 112 "'oar Ul t onard . . lio Huntalngar f.'4 firlm 14B Conblln 14a 1aky ,,.147 Hu4f 1.7 Noland ... 144 It. Jonnaufl14 i ciiaarr ... li. I.ao1d .144 1'aiaiaon . . T -ami. art . 141 f.raia Ill (Irani .... 141 WliaalfK-k ..141 raltmt'rk 141 Highaiallb .140 But I ; 1.44 ralgny ..U g .7)1 .711 .411 . lat .til Von hollaa l4 laimbira .144 Ziiumar ...A O. Joliaaon.lU llolllday t'ap'n .. Kvari. .. Whit 10. k Htoua ... Hargvp ( varmlro Htraoa . Khudaa . Hou. bar Zpavaaak Mllckall Miljoaaall 11 laruabv Pr-annell ...lira Brut lai Hnlma zi Wllroa ,..1.4 Idarahall . t'f4 J I'tirnn !! dniv ... ruff .... Kaatar .. Ktiuoi Itavnolda PUtar .114 Kllna lit Nurdqulat .lit Kniith Ill N latest ....int , ::B! .ut ..mi 1A1 13'! .143 . 1.1 j ,111 ..ISt Ul .in . . i-'t ..121 121 MILLS' BOYS LICK FREMONT , STiK UP KANSAS Dili TALK High School lUdi from Upstate No Mitch for Local Baiket Toiiert. RUN UP SCORE OF 48 TO 17 Tommle Mills' quintet of bssketeerlng athletes took Fremont High school to a trounclnf, 48 to IT. last nl(ht In the first Interscholastlo basket ball contest of the season. The Omaha lads were a little too fast for their brothers from upstate and every member of the five waa able to flip a few baskets. Carl Lutes and Russell I.armon played the stellar floor came of the evening; and Lutes found time to slip the ball through the hoop five times, fatty and ray titer also made five baskets apiece, but they didn't play the floor same that Lutes or Larmon did. Paul Flsthow, the little speed demon, played true to his old-time form and flipped four field goals and as many foul goals. Visitor Wor'Hea Gaiards. Fulllngton, the Fremont center, was the star for the visiting aggregation. He proved to. be wonderfully adept at shoot ing baskets, but could only register tour times, as Messrs. Lutes and Lar mon were generally around to see that he didn't get too close to the hoop. But by making his heaves from far up the floor he kept the Omaha guards In con stant worry. Next Saturday night Omaha will play tha University Tlace High school at the Toung Men's Christian association. Tha lineup OMAHA. Flothow TF. Patty R.F. Paynter , C. I-armon R.U. Lutes ..Ufl. FREMONT. ' L.F Buchland H.F Chambers C Fulllnirton R.O Ou-nev L.O Franklin Hilhstltutes: Bash for Chambers Tlalop iur mirniana. t lein goals: f lothow (4), Patty tR), Paynter (.'.), Larmon (2), Lutes tni. ssn r uinngton L4). Foul gosls: Flothow (4). Puchland (2f. Fulllnaton (.1). Fouls committed: Omaha, lit: tVemnnr . Referee: Miller. Pirates Victors in . Battle with" Y" Men The Pirates won ever tha Toung Men's Christian Association Secretaries lit a tight battle In the Commercial league laat night. 26 to 22. The result waa In doubt until tha final gun barked and tho play was fsst and anappy throughout. Lineup: T. M. C. A. PIRATKB. Leake ..L-F. L.F R Weld "ate R.F. R.F Klenraar Hwsn Beeley Rvan Substitutes: r. Anthes .R.O. R.O C. WelKI .L.O.IL.O Barrowman Cunoway for Uarrowman. Root for Heo lev. Field Boala: Lea.ke ill Gates (4), Bwan, Root, R. Welgl (Hi, Klep ser t."). Anthes (4). Foul goals: Rwan (4), Anthes (3). Refefee: Mark Hughes. JACK EGAN JOINS FED LEAGUE UMPIRE STAFF . . 4 CHICAGO, Jan. 10,-JaoW Egan has Joined the staff of Federal laatrue umpires, according to an announcement tonight by Bill Vrennan, chief 4f staff of the Federal league umpire. Umpire Egan, it is aatd. was not offered a 1915 contract by the American league Ran Johnson, president of the American league, announced tonight that the fol lowing would constitute his stsff of umpires for 1915: Billy Evans. Tom Con nolly, "Silk" O'Loughlln. Bill Dtneen. Oeorge Hlhiehrand. Olle Chill, veterans, and Dfmlnlck Mullany, former catcher, and Jack Nalllrr of the International league. Onoe More Come Tales of Entering Western League Franchise in Kansas City, Xan. - ED F. M'UUGHLIN APPROACHED Now that the owners of tho Topeka club are wavering on the brink, anxious to sell out their Interests and with no buyers In Topeka, once more cornea the report that Kanaas City, Kan., may be given franchise In the Western league. It la said In Kansas City that a plan Is now on foot to put a club on the Kan sas aide of the Missouri, with Eddie Mc Laughlin as manager. McLaughlin admits .he. has been ap proached In regard to taking over a franchise in this loop. . The plan pro posed waa to organise a stock company among; Hie Kansas business men and pur chase the Topeka Interests, which would come cheap. Tekteaaj Mast Consent. There In atlU one hitch In the proposi tion. McLaughlin is favorable and de- ' Clares sufficient stock could easily bo subscribed in Kansas City, but the con sent of Oeorge Tebeau of the American association club In Kansas City, Mo., would have to be obtained, as the five, mile limit ruling of- the National com mission, which states that no club In Organised ball can play within a radius of five miles of the other team. Thus Tebeau must enter Into negotiations In augurated for auch a switch in this loop. Kanaaa City, Kan., la tha largest city In the state of Kansas, and It haa never been tn any baae boll league. There are several good locations ' for ball parka there. McLaughlin haa long been asso ciated as manager of several crack semi professional tea ma In Kansaa City. Belle vue Students Honor the Foot Ball Boys with Banquet The annual banquet given tn honor of the Bellevue foot ball team by the student body, was held Friday evening In Fonta nels hall on tho campus and not, as usual, at an Omaha hotel. Tha entire student body attended the event. Tho dining room waa decorated In' purple and gold, the colors for which Bellevue students stand. A committee consisting of members of the junior class arranged the details of the affair. The committee waa Paul Cummings, Anno Johnston and Helen Heydon. President Nicholl presented and Intro duced the different speakers,, among whom were: Raymond M. Crossman, '04; Charlea C. Baakervllle, 'Ot, and Dr. Btepnen Phelpa, Jeffsrson, , the first president of Coe college at Cedar Rap its. Is. Prof. Edwin L. Puis gave a reading. Ruth Flynn gave a plane selection, ami Captain Ohman and Captain-elect Webb responded to toasts. WHITTEMORE WINS THE PRESIDENT TROPHY T'lNEHL'RPT, N. C Jan. lO.-Psrker W. Whlttemore, Brookllne Country club, Aubumdale, Mass., todsy won the presi dent trophy from W. A. Bsrber, Jr., Princeton. N. J., five up and four to play In the final round of the twrlfth annual midwinter golf tournament here.' In the first division consolation Robert Hunter. W'eeburn club, Stamford, Conn., defeated C. B. Hudson, North Fork flub, Long Island, five up and three to play. AMES LOSES WHIRLWIND GAME TO JAYHAWKERS AMES. Ia.. Jan. 10. Special Telegram.) Ames lost the second game of tbe series with Kanaas university five on state gym floor this afternoon, 27 to 21 The . last half ended 22 to 33 and five minutes were added. Kproull, lightning JavHUwker forward, blind-folded tha Cyclone with a field basket followed by a goal from a field by Borenaen, his col league Arp, sub forward, scoring thir teen points, featured for Ames. M laden Meats llas-raral. kllKDF.N. Jan. 10 (Hpeclal.l-Mlnden beut Harvard at basket bail last night 4.' to 17. home of the beat playing seen In Mindea took plane. Harvard putting up a splendid flame. Individual piayUg was strong. C'amian for Minclen snada nine baaketa apd has to hi credit tlilrty ijiit baaketa in three games. There were ten fouls on each aide. Olso for Mtnden made sis cut of ten free trials and liHrvard five out of ten. Thua far Mlrxlen has won all games flayed against Franklin and Kenesaw. LOGAN GIRLS WIN, WHILE BOYS LOSE THEIR GAME LOU AN. Ia., Jan. 10.-(6pecUI.) Logan High school basket bail team of girls defeated the girls' team of the Dunlap Hlsli school 46 to S last night. Helen Mr Cold and Gladys Coffey of tha Logan team were the star players. The Dunlap High school boys defeated the Logan boys 26 to 20. Lloyd Brown of the Logan team was the local star player. Squaw on Trail of , White Spouse Who Flew with Money An example of Indian relentlessness waa furnished yesterdcy to the South Omaha police by Mrs. Mary Leroao. Cherokee Indian from Oklahoma, seeking John Lemun, the white husband, who de-, sorted her two years ago after robbing bar of more thsn 13,000. The woman bas three children, which she carried with her. She baa a blind father whom she supports in Oklahoma- but aha never rests In the pursuit of the man who, she says, robbed and wroogsd her. For two years she haa traveled from Oklahoma to Maine In Washington aha made affidavit of the case before gov ernment authorities i.nd she goaa .armed . with permits to ply her trade aa palmist In different cities of '.he country. She askad for auch a permit In South Omaha. Bhe showed the affidavit made at Washington and then her atury came out. "White mans I ' marry for nine years," she aaiU. "I have farm. He aay white mans say 'sell farm and live ia city. I ; say 'yes.' and ho sell .farm." The farm brought 13,600, according to tho affi davit. "He give me tijO and leave me and papooses. I look for that white mans," she says, simply, She hag wan dered up and down tha country for two years. "Borne day." she says with eonfldence. "1 find thst white mane, and-." Well, she Just looks at yo from out stead black eyea of hat 1