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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1915)
THE BEK: OMAHA. SATURDAY, .JANUARY 9. BUDGET FOR CITY INCREASES $45,000 Costs That Much More to Ban Muni cipal GoTernment This Year Than it Did in 1914. rOUCE FU!TD UP TO MAXIMUM The municipal budget, as adopted by the rlty commission, represents an In rrae of t,Ore 6veT,that ot J 914. iThat la. H will coat about that much more to ' run ttje rlty In 191S than it did laat year. Tha principal Increases ara made In the '. folic department, which la raised from v WIWO to the Irgsl maximum. lUW.OOrt; fire, , rark and street cleaning departments. ,A special fund of I:?9,no for recreation purposes la sot al(1e In addition, aa also la a fund of 1.tA) to care for possible ' rontin'gehcle In the lepal department In lie of filling outrilit the position of rorporatlon counanl at thgt aa an annual ralsrr. gome fund were reduced. , Thl budget brlnae the total coat of Kpernilnc the city for the current year . Up to a tK, ut ll.175.UO0. aa afalnat Jl.130.dC0 "last ypaf. Matry Increases mere nuked for t'jr department heada and . rejected. The ,' commission, while combining; the srss and Her.trio lllithtlnc funda, making them -"O.O. which I the maximum, will, ask the city' lpg department- to go la tha lc;ialvture with a demand for a raise of lha maximum to $5ijfi0, aa It Ilnda tha ', present amount Inadequate for growing needs. I Hti 1a the budget ax ngreed on: S(a roe Hud council ..."....! Mayor's offtf-e Tnsp. weiphta and J.lrensM ir.epoctur Police court ... ,.. rommiiiu:n r .. , "lty chemist , rity tiiHrkct , . CNty cli'tk . Election expense K I.cgal tlcpurdtient Ariilnd Legal depart west ; ,; J'Klgmcnt depart mini . . i r lty IihII - mtmnn m t?lt. of accounts And finance! , I'lty comptroller (' riirchailiiir department ........... . Official bind premium U'lty appraisers , Melw for prtroner rlorordlng dweil tues and slibM-rliitiun ArivcrtlsiriK , . Munlclpu, stet. and annual report ; Jlelf coat grading Jtopalra to biilldinxx ..,., City tivssurer'e office .'. . , Mlscells neon expense '' tipt. of police, inn. 4k pub. aaloly , Police department '. ... Ilealth department f'elentloi; hospital , rlty emergency hospital (.arbaae removal . ', , f "it y dump .., . t'lty n. and al.h. lnsp... rollecUng- dead anlmaii riilillo Miliary , rupt. of fire protection t Ire ncpartment Recreation Gets ' $20,000 from the' City Commission Tlie city commiaxlon haa act aaide ono for recreation purposes, purauant to a plan divulged a few Maya ago. Tlila money s supposed to come out of ao unexpended balance returned from tha tornado fund, to which It waa loaned. The full amount of thla balance la aaid to be SIR. ono. The fund la to be doled out on recom mendation of the mayor to who de partment the plan la committed and ly confirmation of the entire commission. Thla money la to be available to all parti of tha city, the plan being distinctly of tha "popular" variety. Indeed, at thla point it la aald to run Into political clian nela. It bappena that the plan did not evoke loud hurrahe from Commissioner Hummel, who thinka ha haa reaaon to be lieve that It tends to Infringe aomewhat upon hie province. If. Indeed. It la not ao Intended. But the plan haa been adopted and ail l ands are at the wheel to make the thing a go. It la admitted tlhat ought to pro vide quite a bit of recreation, though there be thoM who look ankance at thai project. JUDGE MUNGER SIGNS FOR GILMORE'S REMOVAL fnlted States District Judge William II. Munger has made an order for the removal of Oeorge W. Oilmore from Omaha to St. !ouia'. to face trial there on sixteen counts of an indictment charg ing him with failure la pay the rpccui government tax on colored oleomargar ine. Gtlmore contented to be t&ken to St. Louis. Manufacturers to Have Sample Feast Later in the Month Another "sample" dinner, with a menu entirely of Omaha-made produots, la ti. be bold by the Omaha Manufacturers' n snci.itlon on the evening of January The director of the association declrim upon this at the regular meeting- Frlda noon at the Commercial club. A nuniin of firms have already offered their prod nets for thia dinner, and many have fu thcr agreed to give quantities of goods in prizes for contests to be arranaged prob ably along home-patronage lines. A nominating committee of three was appointed at the meeting to make the nominations for places on the board of directors for the ensuing year. Six di rectors are to be elected as sit t'rms ex pire. A seventh director Is to be elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by tiie death of Frank I. Elllck, which occurred In California a week ago. W. U Burgess. H. W. Besley and T. B. Tholl are chosen 'or the nominating committee. The elec- lon Is to be' held February 6. Bee Want Ada Produce Resulta. Over Four Million War Stamps Used in 'State Last Month Over I.OM.roo emergency war tax stamp for documents, proprietary articles and wines were Sold In Nebraska during the month of December, according to a re port by K. V. North, acting collector . Internal revenue. Their total face valu waa over $,000, .and the atampa ranges Ir. Individual value from one-eighth cent to tlOO. measure 1.7 IS :',; I J.:'"" i U i i 11.4-0 ! . i;:.i K..Oi y,.m l.&ril X im'i . 1id i,:ft s.dM 9,5ml IS.WM 11.1J3 l.OiO .Tll.lllKl 3. V)I 1,0(H) Sim l.2i'l ei 4, Vi iliiildlng lnsietor 10,ri(ie J? f "Ij T"?" S?r.;-;::-::::;";y1S 'I'M I 111 tl IT 1TSs Has nrrreHrie'ilghtinir':'.;;;'.:;;; ; 'f mm iXiLSL J t-Jl Jl eOj Hupt. t. cleaning 4: maintenance.. (rW J "" WtT Htreet clcanlnc Nireet repair grading .....7 Putting weeds i.,. ;...., t'urb.. gutter und paving.....-...', Omaha parks ..i Additional for music rupt. public Impruvementa inglneer'a office ; Bewer mulntenaive ...I fliidgea and culverta L'rowalks and aldewalka ..... Inspector street euta tieneral Inspection Water trougha, and repalra .... Total .ut'.. ..:..: a.'.... Jl.l7ii,N aa.jgii J,(-"H OO.Onft 1.0K) 4.."iii 47.01.' 1,(K) AKKl ii.-'-i ,:'-to ' 6,(1(10 ' 3(1) Florence Will Vote ; On Annexation t the Polls Monday That tha city' officials may ku.-w the Sentiment of the cltli -iu of FldK-nce on the annexation question, they have tailed a special election for Monday to azote on the proposltio.-u Of course, the vote win only be a straw vote, but tha resulta will be used oy the officials In either combatting such legislation at Lin coln or pushing It along. The aentiment a hoard on tha streets Is for annexa tion, but not through any bill r.ow In the legislature, aa it la believed that Vlorec la in- a peculiar situation, that ihould be relieved by a special bill. We Offer About 1,500 Pair of Women's Kid Gloves "orm o t rer rairo? 4? Choice Saturday at Right afli- tha br.1l. "tdays w -went over nnr tock of flores, and all IliMc where stock wr Incomplete will ito la thlg gale Saturday rgardlig of former price at $1.00 per pair. Tha regular prices are up to 2.00, a few palre ara worth eren more. Th$ glovei are all perfect' and clean. All auorted ttyletin plain and 'fancy embroidered globe; oveneam or pique $ewn Ther is a full assortment of Black, White and Tan la all sixes, although we may be out or sem one particular style In all sizes. Thit lot compri$e$ tome of the mo$t beautifully embroidered glove we have ehown thit teayon; tuch aa White with Black and Black and White em broidered backt. Every pair it guar antced perfect. This (a ao dectstrelr clearing that we expect to sell all of the 1,500 pairs in this tale Satur day before the day U oyer. We therefore urge you to make early eelection. Gloves worth up to $2.00 offered Saturday at $1.00 per pair. piy l il, J If l. im,j l, i jl, i Million 11,1., u l l .1,11111 MJ niuil,.i.,iy ii, , y . i , n j y i i ,, y iyil III) II U Hl'l II l IJIIH iiMiiniiw; fcafcz.-,. - ' -. ..s..s,.s ----- I Womens Dainty Neckwear Two Special Offers For Saturday Art Unusual 8al ,ef Scarfs Pretty silk effects. These naa been marked down considerably for Sat- n urday'a aelllnt, at o"C Collar- and Cuff Sets Very dainty. Broken assortments iuai ut neon seuinc rasi at 60c and on I 75c. Saturday ..37C Fabric Hats Are the Latest Note In advance millinery, both Ottoman Cords and fine Satins are now being m m . at snown in tne new Belgian Foraging Caps, the Tipper ary Turban and Chin Chin shapes. Small, close fitting styles. The newr est millinery fash ions show a tenden cy toward portraying the headwear of Eu rope's warring nations. s 2) o 0 W as a If l . . ir--. m x -f. . ; a. x X. Ik. 1 A J New Sand color. Battleship Urey, Army Blue, White, J Tete-de-Negre. Vic- I tona Red, Bright I Orange and Pur- pie, are the colors most favored by master designers. Fruits, especially r grapes and . cher- ries, will be popu- la f irr1i veifc 3l hanging past thei shoulders will be worn I very extensively as well. I (Three hundred of these Tery .latest hats, no two alike, were secured by our Millinery Buyer, who has just returned from the east. Your choice Saturday at these two prices. See windows. "American Lady" Corsets With medium high top, well boned. A $2.00 corset. Offered spe- i aa clal Saturday, for ....$ 1UU X. -'U III I I I Q A Corset Sale Saturday That Offer Extraordinary Savings ', Every Woman Ought to Know r We have takeii all l)roken assortments and ; incomplete lines of corsets worth up to $8.50 and will put them on sale Saturday for immedi ate clearance CfiOfi giving you choice P M of the lot, at. j This lot includes high and medium top corsets of batiste, coutil and figured ailk brocades. Every model Is strictly good Wyle. Not all sizes of each model, but a rood range of sizes in the lot Also a Special Lot of Corsets Sizes 19 to 30 In coutil and fancy broche. Some are walobn filled. Values from J5.00 to 1 10.00. Clearance price Sat- AA urday p3UU Two Special Lots of Fine Hosiery Exceptional Bargains for Saturday Waaa'a rare Threaa 911k Hm Evening shades and nlatn black. Full fashioned: high spliced heels and toes and double soles. Some slight ly soiled in holiday rush, fl ana ii.s quality. On Bargain Square Saturday, pair.,..,., 69c Wran'i Fiber Bilk Silk Male Hose Fall ' fashioned and seamless; double garter tops and spliced heels and toes. Worth up to 3nO pair. Specially priced , for Sat u r d a y's - selling;, at. . . . 25c 1 1470.00 Brook Mink CoatMarked down to. . 1 IS9.00 Nearseal Coat Marked down to..,. 1489.00 Nearaaal Caat. Chin flnnlrl roiic P 1 5.00 Nearseal Coat, Marten Colhrr, for..." n o.uw nearaeai teats, unmcniua Sq. Collar. kl - --wv vaii, jay iwms collar.,,. Si 2-rW8.00 Nearseal Casta. Pitch Collar, far. ' . 'if 14139 Naarseal Coat, Bearer Col. and Revers. if 'Rev. Mr. Savidgo is j Challenged to Fight I'. "It you're air. 6a. viae a, tha prlia fighter, '1 wisto you'd step out In the street and t il knock your block atf," challenged a. burloy Inebriate at Thirteenth and Knr tiaro, when 'the pastor -of tha People's church accosted him and vouchsafed. It i waa wrong to drink until ono waa drunk. Rev. Mr. Bavldte explained baatlly that ' prise fighting was the laat business on 'oarth he, personally, csrer cared to under tnke, concluding that flstto encounters 'v.1 re outside of his Jurisdiction. . Nellie's Roommate I - Skips Out With Cash ' Omar Kellle, 113 Bouth Twentieth street, reports to the police that his room-mate. :A!!oo A lite, has skipped out with lltA of ,bia money. ' ' ;SCN OF FRENCH PREMIER IS KILLtD IN BATTLE ATU3. Jan. t Premier and Madame Vlvlanl have received official conftrma tkin of the dxath of their youngest son on- the field of battle. Young Vlvlanl fell Auguat 12 at Cus- algny. Ilia body wag found within a few yards of tha German trenches. At the time he waa ahot down the young man was charging with hla regiment, the One Hundred and Thlrty-flret Infantry. In which be was a noncommissioned of Ilcer. Madame Vlvlanl. .vialUd the president if Switserlanil a few months ago and re quested hU pi-i serially to inquire of the Uennan guvernment if It had any know), tiige of tl.a fate of her eon. So far aa .known the Germans had no information oa the matter. .) ,1 $75,00 Chinchilla Squirrel est, at half $37 50 J :7L:ZZ Zncn - oon to half. .. .839.50 i aas.w nearseal and Raccoon Bet, at half. ..4U fSO aid li3 Uf C oats Fur Coats latirday at Price 14149 Nearseal Coat. Blended Rnulrl Hollar 14189.00 Kollnaky Coat Marked down to.. 11235 Leopard, Coat. Hudaoa Seal Collar. . Fur Sets 1125.00 Dyed Raccoon Set Marked 3 own to. 1432.50 Civet Cat Set Half price, at only... 1445.00 Dyed Raccoon eWHalf price, at. . . 1449.00 Blue) Wolf 8t Marked down to.,.. 1455.00 Beaver Set Marked down half... 1465.00 Scotch Mole Set Marked down to., 1475.00 Russian Pony Set Half Drlce. at.. 133.50 S44.5Q 44.50 147.50 (49.00 49.00 HB.OO (69.50 .60 L50 1117.50 $12.50 S 16.25 I22.60 524.50 27.50 32.50 37.50 ? h sa at i r- m n la. 11 Wl lw v - - Muffs 1 483.00 Jap Mink Set Marked down to. 1485.00 Nearseal Set, Tot trimmed price. 1485.00 -Scotch Mole Set Half price, at.... 1485.00 Hudaon Seal and Opossum Bet.... 1489 JO Hudaon Seal and Jap Mink Set.... 1 $95.00 Red Fok Set Marked down to.?. . 1498.00 Sable Kolinsky Set Half price.. r 42.50 42.50 42.50 42.50 44.50 47.50 $49.00 Al furs at half price Saturday, none reserved. If you have been waiting for the big break in prices, it hascome. This is the sale that a great number of people wait for to invest in fine furs. We offer vou unrestricted choie of our entirestbek at exactly half price. The Fura Include Pine American Mink. Imnorteri Mink. Tl nanism nn Cierman Fitch, Natural and Dyed Fos. Hudson Seal, Mole, Russian Pony, .aiurai ana uyea upossum. Natural and Dyed Raccoon. Iceland Ringtail, Beaver, Lynx and Coney. All fura that give good wear. rt f fl E.lJT' IV V 1439.00 Scotch Mole Muff Half price, at.... $10.50 1442.50 Black Fox Muff Marked down to. . . lax.o 1446.00 Hudson Seal and Fitch Melon Muff . .$22.50 1445.00 Marten Muff-Marked 1 449.00 Jap Mink Melon Muff Half price....; I24.50 2 465.00 American Mink Muffs Half price. . . .j E32.50 -1465.00 German. Fitoh Muff Half price. .'. . I32.50 1 $98.00 American Mink Muff Half price.. .: $49.00 Scarfs 1419X0 Civet Cat Scarf Marked down to.1 .9.50 3432.50 Jap- Mink., Scarfs Halt price, ti)'.-.l6.75 1 $35.00 Black Fox Scarf At half price. . . i $17 50 3 $49.00 Black FoXj Scarfs Half price, at. . . $24.50 1 $49.00 Black Marten Scarf Half price:. . $24.50 1449.00 Hudson Seal nd Fitch Scarf, at half .$24.50 1449.00 Hudson Bay Sable Scarf, at half . .$24.50 1-449.00 Pointed Fox Scarf At half price. ... $24.50 1 $59.00 American Mink Scarf Half price.... $29 50 1459.00 German Flch Scarf Half price. .$29.50 Inexpensive Furs All $5X0 Seta, Scarfs and Muffs Half price. .. .$2.50 All $7.50 8eta, Scarfs and Muffs Half price 83.75 All $10.00 Sets, Scarfs and Muffs Halt price.... $5.00 All $12.E0 Sou, Scarfs and Muffs Half price $6.25 All $15.00 Seta, Scarf a and Muffs Half price. $7.50 All $17.50 Sets, 8carfa and Muffs Half price. , . .$8.75 All $19.00 Seta, Scarfs and Muffs Half price. .. .$0 50 All $22.50 Sets, Scarfs and Muffs Halt price. .,.$11 25 All $25.00 Sets', Scarf a and Muff a Half price .. $12.50 Women's and Mines' Coats, Suits and Dresses Coats "worth .Up to $20.00 , $7.7$ Grouped at New Low Price for Saturday' t Selling Coats "worth tip to $25.00 $9.75 Coats worth Up(d$30.0tf $12.75 Suits worth Up to $22.50 $6.98 Suits worth Up to $35.00 $10 Dresses to $12.50, for $5.00 CHILDREN'S and JUNIORS' COATS Children's Coats1 to 14 Years. .Worth to $5.98, $2.75 Children's and Juniors' Coats WorJh to $10 $3.75 Crisp, Dainty Undermuslins Three Special Lot in January Sale of White .' Choice ef an . immense lot of Gowns, Skirts. Corset Covers, Chemise, Drawees. Combination, etc. .Neat lace aad, em Broidery trimmlnaa. ' At 45c Choice ef daintily trim med Gowns, Teddy Bear. Combination. Bklrts, Drawers, ate. The actual values are as high aa double the selling price. At, 69c A wonderfnl ajsortment of daintiest of Lingerie. Iace and Embroidery Trimmings. - Ribbons, Tucktnes. etc. Sheer Lin gsrle Cloths. Nainsooks. At $1.0Q About 3000 Munsingwear Union Suits, Vests and Pants For Women and Children I 4Z Thia la our twice-a-year tale. All people wait for It. Bought at an Average of 33 to 40 Off Regular Prices. All go On Sale Saturday. The Surplus Stocks, Samples and Irregulars of the Foremost Underwear Makers in the Country. Women's-Union 5iiU in tine nbDCa rleecedt $1 and $1.25 I Children's and Boys' Hsavy Cotton 7R- anJ or. Qualities, for Think of buytafr Manstngwear at these low prices. cottons. Women'i Vests With Anklo Pant, to Match White and natural Children's Union Suit In part wool 'Qualities, for 75c Children'a and Boys' Hsavy Cotton Fleeced Union Suit Warm and good wearing Misses' and Children'a Vests and Panta In part wool, excellently made garments 48c Mlases. Children's and Boys'v 5QC and 60c Fleeced Cotton Union ,8uits, val-1 rk.,-i;- . . jips up to 60c . :. ( Qt 'O' Women's Vests, Panta and Corset! Covers In. fine ribbed and) fleeced cotton 39c FIVE THOUSAND "NIXIE' ' PACKAGES AT POSTOFFICE Over 1.04 parcel post package, eoa tflcing almost every kind of artiole Im aginable, have . fceea piled vp la the liUle deparbuent of the Omaha post-office- They are undellverabla because Die addreases have been lost or are tn ..rrec lvJaard lioalea, bead of the depart i,.mt. Is urging Poatmasur John C Wharton to hold a publlo aale at aa early :i and sui iion vlt lb panels to llje kiddvr. ' ' " "' ' Women's -Fine Dress Shoes m 3.48 Smart footwear in dull and patent leathers, , new heels ana toes. V ery pop-C lllav cfvlnu All ci7aa Mvntiol Saturday, pair. Women's Fine Dress Slippers In satins, black or white. With chiffon pompons or plain. New- French heels or Cuban heels, high or Pfk M f low. All sizes and widths. V A ji Special Saturday, pair. . . Liij Saturday we will tint these slippers lor, aay col at Ko Kxtra Charge. One Lot of Men Shoes Worth to $4.00 About 250 Pairs in the LotTans, and blacks. Goodvear welted sewed soles. OdUs and ends of our regu- frft . r me lar lines worth to J4.00 pair. Choice Sat- V JAK urday, at , iUeKJU ere Sfceea golld leather: service able school aheea: made over a neat last Ail elsee. But- y is toa or lacs, tipectal, pair. 0 lafaata aheee rtdds and ends of our mast 'iulr Hues ef shoea. Worth to pair. All 9 Slses up to s. (.Iiolca 8afy .. ,foC Real Leather Hand Bags Specially triced Saturday One big lot of baas that wo have been selling at $1.00 and 11.25 is to be cleared out Sat urday. rholre. at I "C $4.00 to $7.00 Bags The finest bans. New shapes and styles. Real Seal, Real Walrua. Real Pin Seal. etc. Three to five vanity fittings. These o aq are wonderful values.. . ae70 $1.50 to $2.50 Bags An esceptloouil fine lot of real leather bags. Included are reg ular 3.0Q baga that are slight ly, ahop-wora. Choice ff 'Saturday, at.. ...pleUU 8-Day Mantle Clocks Mahogany flnlah. Strike, gong, half hour on cud bell. rn 5 and t values, Sat'y. .pa.Uo Cut Flower. Specials Fine Carnations - long ateni Saturday at... -in all colors, 29c Dozen Floral Designs Our Specialty fait -Flower Det Mala frler. GoodPureSweets rOMPRIt ROOM. Pure Canadian Maple Sugar 25c Per Pound Aaaerted Ma ale C'eafretloae Made 20c .15c talUa 25c in five different styles. At. Brit- pound. , aeelal Peanut ft Pound Delirsaaa ttprm Creams Vaallli reoan ana chocolate fecan nut. pound..... Aeaared Crvaaa Peaaat Nesae Vanilla. 8irawberry and 1 r Chocolate at. pound IOC Omv Oeaaay Nut aad rnilt Ceater "aieelaa riwnUi Bltlrr Sweeta aa Swtea Slle MUk t hee. on. latee found yC 1 a i4uk Women Union Suits 1 rj- . . i ., 4 t: " ..a - It i jii wuui auu iiuc toiions. 1 ?l. 50 and $1.75 rr . ti . qualities. S a 1 e UJjp price Saturday. . . . U Sale of RUBBER GOODS Saturday ! i ne surplus biock oi a rrominenr eastern nurjDer uooas Manufacturinr ? Concern bought at a Big IMscouat. ALL PERFECT. NO SECONDS. The Madrwell Paaatala STrtaae Made of one piece of rubber, NO HKAM: t hard rubber plpea, rapid flow tublns: guaranteed best red rubber, i-yt. rapacity. la no. worth $1.80. at leaiblaatlea Syrtaae a ad Het Water Itwttlr Made of beat red rubber, NO SKAM; auaranieed extra also txblnss. Improved pipes. in AVorth i.h0, special, at... M eareer Paaatala SyHace Made of best red rubber and trimmed .with black rubber; 3-it. else. Im proved pipes and rapid flot 70 tubing. Worth 3.0. at.. ' Iidtea Saaltary Apraaa Made of best rubber lined cloth. Spe- 10. clal. at : IOC l.artlra' Denies: CeeaMaattea VaarlWal asMi Rrrlil Srrrne;e Is fl QQ worth i.0. at.. f'"' Br. Kelley'a Maltarr Daaehe Sy-rtaae-rlt is made of beat 1 7Q white rubber, worth 3.0. .) VaaeUae t Oil Ataaalasr Hard rub. bar pipes; screw con nee ttona. Worth l. f l i t 49c Caatlaaaaa Spray Ataaslaes For oil or water: auaraateea. la worth I1.IJ. at ...69c Rar aad fleer Srriaae Spe elal. at Cerreetlr Kradaaleel MedU J ela Ulasaee Mpeciai . . ,4C rae Jaatrlte riotb-Maed Paaatala arrtaae Made of red rubber: i.nt iiiicQ n.iu ruuner Diues worth 1.7i, at 18c 11 89c Sa a It a ry Pnaaseled ateel srV Special, at... f-aaa z-qi. size, every one Daaehe 59c perfect. Mth S plpea. ruaran- . it?d: .!"h ! ;.a:: 69c -yo- Mabaer Glaeea In all anes: ex try pair perfect, special. . . , 14c 21c iaro isartaa; a h Shaaapaa aaraya feperlal. at J. ' J. Red Crass ")(. tiaaaa 6-lb. pkraC Bahher Bhaettaar Heaa aaata Yard leartba exira ji Per- yer I a valid StUe Cashl Bpeclatly priced. ahswr Caaaplaslaa Braahaa 1A. Special, at , IJrC TVe Gasiaalxd Madeajell Rot Water eUe Made all In one piore of ' beet Maroon rubber; s-at. no Worth Il.utJ. at oc i "wBasaiBvaaJfcBjsweW 7