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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1915)
1 THE OMAHA, SATUKPAT. JANUARY 9, 1015. 9 Nebraska FOOD TO BELGIUM, MONEY ELSEWHERE State Relief Committee Explains At titude on Distribution of Aid to War-Stricken Nations. SHIPMENTS DIRECT TO COAST (From a. Rtaff Correnpondnt) LINCOLN, Jan. S. SpeclaJ. Informa tion as to how goods for tha nea of the relief commission may ba taken cara of liaa ben looked Into by the relief com misrton with the understanding that the following program will ba carried out a fnr an possible: When a town or eounty fllla a car of its own. the same la shipped direct to New York to be loaded on the relief vea- pcl. When the contribution la lesa than ii rarioao it In (tent to the -closest col lecting point, either Omaha, or Lincoln, s Waonrti la First. . One of the first two carloads was the vlft of the town of 'NVauneta, the cltisena of which place set their hearts upon a lull carload and experienced no great dif ficulty In securing It, even though their numbers were not large. The- state committee has received some protests to the effect that other coun tries besides Belgium should be aided, mentioning eaat Poland, for Instance, where tho war la said to have been1 al most as destructive as In Belgium. Brla-lnm Most Accessible. To these the committee has answered that It sends to Belgium because that country Is the most accessible; that if the donor will send money, the same will gladly forwarded to the Red Cross representatives of any particular nation that is specified. Rev. L',P, Ludden, Noted Nebraskan, Dies at Williston LINCOLN, Jan. 7. ew reached here late tonight of the audden death today at Williston, N.' D., of Rev. Luther P. Ludden, national field secretary of the Lutheran church denomination of the United States. Mr. Ludden had been a resident of Lincoln twenty-seven years, most of the time as pastor of a local church. News of the Rev. Luther. P.' Imdden'a death comes as a profound shock to his large circle of. friends here at the state capital and In the legislature, where he had for rcany years been a conspicuous figure. He held clerical positions in sev eral sessions and was one of the skillful students of legislative affairs. He has been known and respected hy the law makers of Nebraska for many years. His great voice, deep, sonorous, yet melodious, was often heard frjm the reading clerk's, desk or the chaplain's stand and made Rev. ' Mr. Ludden Quite famous. Hev. Mr. Ludden was a Lutheran clergyman and a strung republican main taining an active interest In politic! af fairs, lie was a member of tho tttata Normal board and acted as recording clerk at the last republican state con vention. JOHNSON COUNTY . OFFICERS INSTALLED TliKAMAH,' Neb.. Jan. 8. (Special.) The newly elected officers were Inducted Into office at the Johnson county court houMe Thursday. M. E. Cowan, repub lican, as county attorney; J. P. Kelley, democrat, as county clerk, and L. C Hunter, democrat, as superintendent of bchools, succeed themselves. None of them announced their office help, but It' Is thought there will ba no. changes. R. J. Nibbe, republican, succeeded W. O. Retinoid, republican, as treasurer. M. Klunen, i-epublican succeeds Eugene L. Huberts, republican, as sheriff. Q D. Kotht-ll, republican, succeeds J. F. Fink, lepuhllcan, as commissioner of the First district, und E. B.-Piatt, republican, suc ceeds George N. Sandusky, democrat, as commissioner In the Third district. The Eourd of County Commissioners was re organized, with Grant Bueratetta as chairman. $ ST. PAUL TO VOTE ON BOND ISSUE FOR LIGHT PLANT ST. PAUL. Neb.. Jan. 8.-Speclal.)-The . St. 'Paul city council has voted ' to hold a special bond election next month for the purpose of voting on bonds to build a municipal electric light plant and 'improve the city puniplng station. The amount of the bonds voted on will be J23.000. The plans call for a high-efficiency steam engine to pump the water and furnish the electricity, a street light on every corner In the city and electrol llers In the business part of the city. Five Outs Proves It. A Generous Offer. Cut out this ad., enclose with S cents to Foley & Co., Chi cago, IUU writing your name and address plainly, and receive a free trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, for ' coughs.' colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for kidney and blad der complaints, backache, pains (n joints, rheumatism; and Foley Cathartic Tab lets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleans ing cathartic try all three for S cents, the cost of mailing.- Sold by all dealers. Advertisement. Motfm Cross York C'saaty. YORK, ' l$eb.. Jan. S. Fpeclal.)-Re-.ports come from the south part of the county that the "cornstalk" disease has made Its appearance and several farmers linvc lost from one to three horses. Mrs. Jane Ktedman died January at o'clock at' the home f her daughter. Mrs. T. J. Magulre, m East Seventh street. She was 83 years old. II. G. Hopkins, county Judge-elect, re-.-It; livid the office of county assessor and fumes Barnet ' was appointed by the o'intv board. to fil Ithe vacancy. ". i;ilug sre the terms of court for tha .ar l?l&. Fifth Judicial district: Hamil ton. January S, April 19. October 4; Polk, Jhn'uury , April 19, October t; Tork, Keltruary $, May S, November I; Butler, I'cljruary 9, May t, November 9; Seward, Varcli 1, May 17, November 29; Saunders, .MjivIi 1, May 17, November 29. Judges, Ifoige F. Ooreoran and Edward B. Good. Mre. yry Conrad died Wednesday eve ning at .Mr-Cool Junction January . Ska v aliiMiFt 7s years old. , Helps Hnk hi Marys I. a . Gm. a -2m: bottle of Sloan's Liniment, apply on bark and take six drops tour times a day. All druggists. AdvertUe-lutnt. PROMINENT FIGURE IN NE Tncw POLITICS DEAD. ; i rs i . : I. '.:..-.... 1 LUTHER P. LUDDEN. MAN AND TEAM HIT BY . TRAIN AT EMERSON EMERSON, Neb., Jan. S.-(8peclal Tel egramsPassenger train No. 2 struck a team and driver here at 5:S0 Friday even ing at the crossing Just south of the depot, knocking them over fifty feet. Wllber Harden, who was driving, sus tained Internal Injuries and Is In a critical condition. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Hundreds of well dressed, well informed men, point out our great HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE Of Men's and Young Men's Higji Type Quality SUITS and OVERCOATS AS THE ONE SALE WHERE Greater values $10 SUITS and OVERCOATS $F? $12 SUITS and OVERCOATS Our Half Yearly Qlearance Sale Price . $15 SUITS and OVERCOATS S-fl -fl Our Half Yearly Clearance Sale Price -iL-lL $18 SUITS and OVERCOATS $-fl q Our Half Yearly Clearance Sale Price Q-P $20 SUITS and OVERCOATS S-fl A Our Half Yearly Clearance Sale Price -IL JuC FURPLUSH, AND FUR LINED OVERCOATS AT A DISCOUNT OF Men in need of such a coat should grasp this opportunity to gave, especially when such dependable, worthy garment are effected by. thin discount. Men's Mackinaw Coats in sale It's Clearance time on Men's Mackinaw Coats and here's the sort of values we've prepared for you.. $5.00 MACKINAWS Now $7.50 MACKINAWS Now $10 MACKINAWS Now. $12 MACKINAWS Now Nebraska WAREHOUSE SYSTEM IS THEME FOR TALK Legislators Looking: Over Statutes in Othet States to Find Bearing on Nebraska Problem. BATES FOR CONVICT PRINTING (From a Staff Ctrrrnnlrnt LINCOLN, Jan. (Special.) Ware house legislation Is likely to come up in several forms. Some of the lawmakers from the distinctly-farming districts hsve Ideas of their own as to what should he Incorporated in the law. Members from districts where the matter has not been specifically brought to their attention are also Interesting themselves In the sub ject and arc making a study, over the week-end recess of sueh statutes as they can find In operation In Minnesota. Mis souri. Kansas and Illinois. The fact that the democratic state platform contains a warehouw pledge puts tho matter In a prominent position. Tho malority-party wants to carry out Its campaign promises and because thl ie the one potent forward-look as far as constructive legislation Is concerned, much attention will be given to It. Fire Kscapea la Omaha Hotels. - The report of Colonel Philip Ackcrnian, hotel commissioner, shows that fire escapes have been placed on the following hotels In Omaha, under his orders since. "only regular stock "honesty dominates every price reduction, ( entire stock is affected by sale black suits alone excepted, "price inflating or ticket juggling plays no part, men ot every size and shape can be fitted perfectly, alterations 'are made free of charge and service is faultless. than these were never offered Omaha men Clearance sale prices play havoc in Boys' Suit ; and Overcoat Section, Saturday There will be a lot of Omaha Boys clothed at this store tomorrow and if your boy haa the slightest need for a new Suit, Overcoat or Mackinaw, you'll make money by, bringing him here tomorrow. ( Our Entire Stock of Boys' Suits. Overcoats, M&ckinaws and Balmacaans go in sale at. following price reductions $3.00 Values Now Priced at..,.. $2.25 $3.50 Values Now Priced at $2.50 $4.00 Values Now Priced at ...... $2.75 $5.00 Values Now Priced at ...... $3.50 $6.00 Values Now Priced at $4.00 ...$3.50 .$5.00 .$7.00 .$9.00, mm Nebraska he took charge of the commissioner's , office: tnge. LUesay, Relo. Flomar, Hoquet, Mondmlii, Owl, Oxford. Hraney, j Midwest, Vlennis,. Dnllmekl. Criterion, ! Havens. Lyons and that additions have ' beend made to the fire escapes cf the Henshaw. j Bates fnr rralteatlnry rrlntlna, Representative W. U Hates of Kimball j county who has hri interested tn the : proposition of the state doing Its own j printing, haa gone to Topeka to invest!- . gate the state rrtnllng plant maintained by the state of Kansas. Mr. futes ex-1 peets to present a bill before the legts-1 lature calling for a plant at tne Nebraska ' penitentiary. j Ktate in Uo tnaarlaa. Senator Shumway has a bill pr-purrd j which he expects to Introduce covering the proposition of the state going Into ' the Insurance business. Thla will proh- I ably raise one of the big fijrhts of tho session, but the. Dakota county alates-1 man la of the opinion that the time has come for that kind of a thing and has patterned his bill after the tscoiudn law. riarka Mas, MM hy Train, i CLARK S, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special. )-Mis-judglng the speed of No. 27, the evening local, C. J. Sorenson. proprietor of tho hotel at this place, In attempting to cross tha track ahead of the train, wtm struck violently on the right side and thrown several feet from the track. Ills rlaht arm was broken between the elbow nnd shoulder, his face was badly lacerated and tha back of his neck, was cut badly, requiring several stitches to close the wound. 1 garments are involved $25 SUITS and OVERCOATS Sfl1 Our Half Yearly Clearance Sale Price $30 SUITS and OVERCOATS S Our Half Yearly Clearance Sale Price $35 SUITS and OVERCOATS S Our Half Yearly Clearance Sale Price $40 SUITS and OVERCOATS & Our Half Yearly Clearance Sale Price $50 QUALITY OVERCOATS sq Our Half Yearly Clearance Gale Price Q-P $6.50 Values Now Priced at $4.25 $7.50 Values Now Priced at $5.00 $10.00 Values Now Priced at $7.00 $12.00 Values Now Priced at . : $9.00 $15.00 Values Now Priced at $11.05 It?! 16 tn . at HOWARD ffl m& Nebraska MAY ALTER RATE SCHEDULES Railway Commission Will Take Up Changes Desired by Shippers at Hearing Next Monday. IN TRANSIT FIGHT AVOIDED i from a Kt.i'f Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. S.-tSpe, lsl.)-The Stale Hallway commission will t.ike up freight rc-clnslflcatton at its sitting next Mon (lav. Hearing on this freight rc-clnsstflcatlon Is an annual affair and matters submitted th'rCat are usually those which changing conditions during the piexlous year have compelled the carriers to alter. This year'a chanves are mnny In num ber, affecting shipments, from barbers' supplies, paving materlnls. hid 'a nnd liquors to stone, school supplies, poultry, binding- twine. Junk, bones and melons. I'rlnrlpal f'tiansrea. "The principal changes, however, relate to slopping csrs In transit to complete loading or partially to unload. The latter subject, whllo listed for hearing with the other items, will he deferred until the Interstate Commerce commission haa heard the application of the mads for frelpht rate increase In western classi fication territory.' The desire of the rail roads In this Instance In to cancel the In-transit privileges heretofore allowed. The rules apply only to Kansaa and Ne braska traffic. Hot Flaat Avoided. The fight onv thla would have been a warm one aa wholesalers and private SALE no job lot buy 20 wf mm M Nebraska shippers . In the past have ..found . It Kto their advantage to avail themselves of the transit rights. Horns affected in this cancellation extend down' a long llxt of ceimmodltlea and affect a number of In dustries at Omaha. Lincoln and a num ber of other cities and towns , of the state. -, ', - . Pierre to Have I'oaltry haw. riERCK.' Neb.. Jsn. S.-tSpeelel.)-Tlte I fierce County Poultry association . -will , hold Me annual show at Pierce on-Janu-I ary 27-end 3N. Premium lists will be ready for distribution very soon nnd the Inducements offered .therein should bring cut an unusually large and attractive ex ! hlblt. Interest In pure-bred poultry. Is j growing rapidly In this vicinity. Several local poullrymen - have exhibited tlrelr birds at nearhy shows this year and It Is expected that rpitte1 a ntimer or exhlhlts will coin? to Pierce from "other towns. " at. Paal Repahllcaa Knld. ST. PAUL, Neb., Jan. . (Special.) Mr. P. U Carroll,, former owner and edi tor of tho Ashland Oasette, has pur chased the St. Paul . Republican from H. l. Leggett and has already taken charge of the paper. Mr.; Carroll will make no change in the policy' or. character of the Republican. Mr. Leggett Wlil prohably ro-enter the newspaper business at some other place. Oraa Store losert by ( red Iters. BTtX'KVILLE. Neb.. Jan. "--(Special.) The Logan drug store closed last night and Is In the hands of the sheriff, on ex ecutions. It ts hoped that the matter will be adjusted soon fend that the village will ' not ba long without a 'drug store. v ' ' j ! V m'A'rlMA n A.', . I v It Si ms wm m ff 'l All Sale Suits ' " v V C " x On Main Floor . j ,d. M . Vi All Overcoats Li. m SecondFloor vlVR 1 ij f I Boys' Clothes Sale U U SecondFloor ItM.WMt&l' ' ii ' V ' Mackinaw Sale ' MMVSwiV TT ' t I if!M . : liMtlV-1 J v.- - ' .. W" n JJI AUKovgh mm inu ntcrttiattt quick I AUkough mm tnu nt?Mitati4 quick ao io im IM part of a mmim, mr . tacriict , good, ttmrtoout Mr riot to ont . eudomtr it order to mm a trwt itum bor.of iitomr during tt day. . ' - I II . I aaaal Scrofula and. All. Humors Give Way There' are many things learned trori experience end observation that the oMej generation should impress upon thi younger. -Among them Is the fact thai scrofula and other humors are metaj successfully treated with Hood's Barsai parllla. Thla great medicine Is a peculi lar combination ef remarkably sffeettv4 blood-purifying and health-giving roots barks and herbs, and has been tested fof forty, years. ,Oet it today. V ' Houses, y Apt., Rooms With a Bee Want Ad Tnmnrrnfil m w v w w w rf Telephone u Tyler 1000 J rv