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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1915)
THE HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, .lANUAJtY ,. 1!H5. MAY WHEAT RISES TO NEW WAR RECORD Price Sid Up to $1.41 3-4 on Newt of Higher Prices at Liverpool and the. Seaboard. CAB OF DURUM SELLS AT 2.07 CHICAGO. Jn. .-What Mf het stralfht toward th nifh. In cona nurnre. as hteh aa 11.41 a buhrt waa paid for May. tha chlrf speculative op tion Tine In mwh fit tc a bimhM be yond what could have Teen relled when value yeterdy Were at the acme of a H- whirl. The clone today waa unfttled, with May at II. a aaln of !V com pared to laot Dlsrtit. Bmaahtn of record prices beiran promptly todny at the first sons on 'rhense. Openlnn quotation were To to INc above. lat nla-M. May wheat, the tracing option, Jumped to- . H.S9V aa axalnet I1.8N. the tip top "Tor yrtrday. Reporta of an ultimatum to Turkey by Italy had an explosive effect with friyera. On a aerond wave of buying. May wheat went a 11.40 a bimhel. the hlchest flK iirea. with few exception. In fifty yeara. the parallel thui going - hack broadly to tha American civil war. Today'a high prices were iripported by dlpatchea tell ing of excitement In tha grain trade at Liverpool and admitting that demand ther waa keen. In tha final hnu, another cent a buehel waa added to the' previous valuea, an that May wheat waa quoted at IL41 a buahel. Meanwhile It waa announced that blda from Great Britain at American aeaboard haa rlaen 4 cent, aa compared with yea ' terdav. It was alao atated -that rargo of durum wheat had been aold at It.OT, delivered hi (Italy., i Only twenty-four hnura ago It waa thought a marvel to get U.SRty for duram, delivered abroad. 1 Pefora tha day waa over eommlMlon hotiaea Juri4 H neoeawnry t a demand a big lnrreaea of margin from ruatomers who aougbt to trade In wheat The vio lent chkngea In the market resulted In margin of 10 oanta a buahel being gen erally required. Recently I cents a buahel haa bean tha rule. ' The doubling of mar Clna put speculator , under a . handicap, and aooa reduced (ha velum ft pit trans Lower State Officers of Colorado 1 Blamed for Coal Miners9 Strike DENVER, Colo., Jan. .-Tlie Colorado coal mlnera' strike could have been averted If Governor E. M. Ammons had taceived "the proper and hearty co operation of ether executive officers of the state government." ewvs the report of the special comrnltfe appointed at the extra seenlon of the legislature last May to Investigate the strike. For thla reason, the report continues, ''It Is not out of place to recommend to the present legis lature the consideration of a constitutional amendment for the election of a governor and lieutenant governor and providing that the balance of tha executive officers of the state be appointed by the gov crnor." The committee's ' report was submitted to the general assembly todny. The state cannot legally operate roaj mines In the etnte In competition with privately owned mines except by the adoption of a constitutional amendment or under strict martial law, say the report Tha consolidation of all departments and bureaus of state government which desl with employers) and evnployes under one head la recommended by the commit tee, aa Is also a reorganization of tha Na tlonal Gusrd Into fewer and mora com pact units. The committee says a constitutional amendment Is neoesaary before a com pulsory arbitration law can be enacted, but auggeets legislation creating volun tary arbitration or mediation boards sim ilar to those In Canada and Wisconsin. An adequate workmen's compensation law Is urged. Opposition to any form of federal lease holding of public domain and Ita re sources and a discussion of Industrial dis putes were the outstanding featirrea of the biennial message of Governor K. M. Ammons. . ' PRINT FIGHT IN DAKOTA Member! in Coyote Bte Squabbje Over Number of Bill to Be Printed for Distribution. ment there will be no changes at present. Mr. Morrisaey comes In and Frank Bdger ton goea out. Mr. Ayres, tho old deputy, will be retained for a time and will take the place of Mr. Edgerton aa assistant attorney general. TURKISH CAPITAL IS MUCHALARMED Apprehension is Felt for Both At tacks from Outside and In ternal Disorders. AECHIYES OF STATE ARE PACKED I COMMISSION FORM ATTACKED FIGHT IN TRENCHES . 'RAGES VIOLENTLY (Continued from Page One.) on us, but In the afternoon w checked thla fire from the Germans. "In tha sector of Rhelms, to the west of tha forest des Zouaves, wo blew up a. block house and occupied a trench 800 yards In advance ot our lines. "The artillery engagements between Bethney and Prunay 'waa conducted yes terday with great fierceness. ThaGer, mans left many 'dead on tha held;,; our losses ''were noj ', heavy, . , Sot wee a Jenchery-tiur-Sulppe and Soualne we tlrao and again reduced .the, artillery of the enemy, demolished h(. trenchea and de stroyed hi breastwork1. .' Preach, Trench Blewa l. "In tha Argon to the wast ot Haute Chavauchee, the enemy,-by means ot a tntne, Kw np sorrw rxA our first Una trenchea, which --were .-completely demol ished. A violent attack undertaken at once by the enemy on' our position wav repulsed with the ' bayonet. We took some " prisoners and'Nw maintained our front,.' except for ", dstane vof atghtjr yard. . Hera the .. demolition .of the trenches otillged us establish jour line twenty 'arls further, ack. : . , . 'On the heights of the Metre tand be tween tha Meuse, and the Mosell there is nothing to repcj'rt.' Her ;the Wind, blew a tempest all day Jong January, 7. . "Our offensive contrn-eq yesterday. In the region of Thann and near 'AJUlrch end brought important results. '.W rs eccupM th t reach. on . the eastern, flank, of 'Hill iX,' . a potltlon where tha enemy two days ago, succeeded l. re establishing Use)., We then gained some ground to tha. east ofttthesa trenches. Further to the south, occupied liurn-haupt-Le-Haut, and at tha aam tine) wc mad progress In. tha direct! of Pont d Aspach and tho KnaJbarg,!. v.. ' Th artillery o th nmy, which had ndeavored, wttMoaf urti,.t reach our talUitea. gave over shooting at pur ar tlllery la favor of tha exclusive bom bardment of tb hospital at Thann. which na vve wraouaiea. , t , ' BOY WHO KILLED HIS ' I STEPMOTHER CAPTURED LITTLE ROCK. Ark,. Jaa. s.-Jso ,B. (ggtn. J years old. wsuted on a charge of murdering, bis atepmother. Mrs. Olive P. Co!aa In her bxima In St. Louis Tuea - ty, was arrested her today. Cog tins It aid to.bava road a.wrltUn confession. Mr, Cogalns- wag attajigled to death with a haaOVerchkef, " , f . PIERRE. 8. P., Jan. S. -(Special Tele gram.) Tho bitter contest over printing hills of the last session showed Ita teeth again today In an Innocent looking reso lution increasing the number of house bills printed for distribution from TiO to lO.WO and another providing for extra house . Journals. . An amendment waa adopted for a joint committee to adjuat the number of bills, presented between the house and senate. Th resolution fixing pay day and the mid-session reresa showed January SI the date member want '' to - take thlr leave. Tho whole matter finally went to a special committee. The house adopted a resolution by Qulckstad getting - th fortieth day ' aa th last - for receiving general bill and th forty-fifth day aa tho last for committee bills, which I th earliest closing date ever fixed. ' Among 'th senate bill's today was one by itagen of Beadle" 'which gives clUe which harv adopted a commission form of government th right to bock up and again adopt the council forf If so desired by a majority of tho voter of their city. 'Wldlong presented a ''Mil In th house fixing th liability of 'township and counties for damages -caused by defective bridges, dividing the responsibility on tha lln between structures' constructed by the different subdivisions.' -'. Several committee were announced, th thalrrnen of which are: Health, Miller; C It lea under commission, Prlntup; educa tion, .Whittemor; agriculture, Lincoln; mine and mining, May; charitable Insti tutions, Morris. NEW OFFICE FORCES . ; ; TAKE CHARGE OF- THE : STATER BUSINESS (Continued from. Pag One.) - , ' el to fil, th viae w)ch liM been assigned to County Superintendent Collin of Harpy cflSnty.' Th pul,f thgtjcounty abso, lut.ely .refuse-tollmen to Mr. Cotllna leav ing them, and In consequence, 'it Is up to Mr Thoma to find another man. h. D. Mortf. guperlnuadant tt;.sehool aO Red Cloud, Is another appointee whom the people of 'his town do not want to lose.' They hav offered to rale th sal ary of Mr. Morlt to more than he would receive aa an appoint of. Dr. Thomas, the amount offered being $1,800 tor nln months' work, but Mr. Morlt I analou to get Into a .larger field, and while h may be compelled to atay until th close f th school year, -will Join th super Intendenf force at that tlm. .' Mis Alice Stanley of Kearney and Mlsa Lulu Wolford.of Pawne City.. Superin tendent O. P.. fitews it ot Sterling and J, B, French ot Lincoln are th new face In tk oflc of th superintendent. Morrlurr I New. Plae. Attorney General WlilU, K. " Read ha promoted A.' 11. Morrlsy. from tha gov. eArar' fflc to deputy In tb attorney general orric. uutld of that appoint. Mw Car X rrlgg Cgh "Coughs that hang on" demand trV nsecL, filop and tMuk!' Reason and com mon sens tell you (that it la folly to grin and beer It." Those racking la grippe coughs tbat .wrench th body and cau soreness and . pains In the lung yield more quickly to Foley' Hooey and Tar thau to any other treatment, forty year' record of successes proves this. For toughs, colds, croup and other dis tressing ailment of throat, chest, lungs, laryax and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that win corripar with this re liable remedy, Sold by all dealers. Ad vertisement. ' kW aw- a a.hdn.Bk aw-. .. . TROOPS LEAVE COLORADO FOR FORT MEADE, S. D. WASHINGTON. Jan. l-Troop I and L, FJeventh cavalry, hove been with drawn from the Colorado coa,l field. An other detachment left Canon City today for Fort Meade, 8. I)., and troop K and H, Twelfth cavalry, left Canon City last night for Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Saturday Drug Bargains at Beaton's t0o Kolol Dyspepsia tablet M t8o lie Wilt's Liver Pills. .19 iSc Oranglne lo IBe Castoria ,.,...lBc IJ.7J Horllck' Malted Milk $3.9 $1.00 Horllck's Malted Milk 7o SOe Csnthrox 9o tOa Poan' Kidney Pills ,.81o t5e Peroxide Hydrogen . . . . .7 Sic Rlver'a Talcum Powder I0o 1 1.50 Fellows' Byrup aa tl.OO Plnaud a Vegetal 4 Vl.dO 8. 8. 8 .,; 930 26c Mentholatum 14o 25e Usterlne , 14o 75e Jsd Baits....'. '. Bso tOc D Mara' Benaoln and Almond Lotion for - IB 10c Pebeco Tooth Paste 99o tOc Beaton Cold Cream 89 tic Beaton Cold Cream. 19 25c Cascara Tonlo and Liver Pill IB tl.00 Mothers' Friend; ?J $1.00 Fitch Hair Tonic'. . .3o lOo Fitch Hair Tonic 80 $1.00 Wampoles' Ext. Cod OU....T9 $1.00 King's New Discovery, for, ' " coughs and colda ,....970 BOo Make Man Tablrta 890 $1.15 quart bottle Beaton'a Imported Olive Oil 7o TBn pin bottl) Beaton'a Imported Olive OH 43o $1.00 Peruna , 99o FREE SATURDAY 50o Jar Woodbury's Scalp Cream with any purchase of 10c or more. tOo Da Mara' Bhampoo of Fig Ore.n Hoap , 89 16c Velvet Cream, for that chap,. 19 So Opal Shampoo 16 BOo Beta Qutnol 88 0e Mar mo la . ., 89 Beaton Drug Co. STOKE OF THE TOWN Browning, King & Co. 1 Lease for sale On rerjr fin Dentist's Office I rooms ensuli. THE BEE BUILDING "7h iuUJing that m alwmy mwu Inquire for 8uierlatcadefit, Boom 103. When you want a real Suit or Over coat come to the store that has ; passed through the "Gosling.Stage" in merchandising. t . Every Suit or Overcoat sold by ui is manufactured in our own work- shop, and carries with it our unre stricted guarantee. The values we are now offering are greater ' than any in the city, and if you will take the time to investigate wo feel quite sure you will agree with us. . , ; In our Overcoat Department you will find special inducements awaiting you. - - . 1 ' Our furnishing goods sale is in full ; swing and you still have ah opportunity to replenish your wants. Browning, King & Co. SOFIA. Bulgaria, Jan. . (VU. London) Dispatches reaching her from Con stantinople described th situation In th Turkish capital as Increasingly alarming The local authoritler appear to appre hend not oiny t tacks from the outside butr Internal disorder ss well. Th an hives of the state hav been packed up ready for removal from th cltjr and many of them already nave been sent away. Preparations have been completed also for the removal of th treasury and locomotives are kept constantly under steam In th rail rend pards ot Btamboul to meet tli! possible necessity of con veying the off:r4al of the government to a place of safety at short notice. ( Preparations have been made at Ad' risnople for the quartering of the state officials should eventualities cause th porte to decide to quit the present capital. Wyoming Leader Must Go to Prison CHETEX.VK, Wyo.. Jan. ".-(Special.) Boy Montgomery, erstwhile democratic state committeeman, mayor of onictt and a power In financial and political af fair of northeastern Wyoming, must do 9 "stretch" In th penitentiary for white slavery. The I'nited states appellate court at St. Louis has affirmed the deci sion of the United States district court of Wyoming in bis case, and thereby haa removed the last barrier protecting him from a term of two and one-half year in the federal prison at Leavenworth. New of the appellate court's denial of his ap peal was received here today. A presi dential pardon mlifht ' nv ' him, but despite hH powerful political affiliations this Is not looked for. Montgomery's arrest for bringing women from Denver to Gillette came Just at the tlm when It appeared that he would reap benctlte due him for. his hard and effective political work, and, Just when hla fortune, made entirely by his own endeavor, gave promise of mul tiplying into weaHh. It shattered his political hopes and In th legal fight which followed If the greater part of hi fortune, It la said, ha been expended.. Grand1 Arm)- Installation. FAIKBT.-RY. Neb., Jan. . (8pec1al Tel egram.) Russell poet No. T7, Grand Army of the Republic, and the 'Women' Relief corps held a Joint Installation of offlcera today, which wa attended by members of these organisations. The Women's Relief corps opened installation by giving the veterans a turkey ban quet rved In the Grand Atmy hall. hHate Department Commander O. II. Durand was installing otflcer for Russell po.t and Mrs. Nancy Saunders for th Wom en' RcMeif corps. Following are officer, ot th poet for ItriS: Commander, John Pmalldon; senior vice. J. K. blller; Junior vice. E. Martin; Chaplain. W. H. Avery: offloer of th day, Frank Petltt; quar termaster. Charlie Clarke; guard, F. K-. Vleth; adjutant, W. W. Dodd. Vomen'e Relief corps "officers Include: President, Delia Kimball; senior vi e, Mrs. Anna Fee; Junior vice, Rebecca Brock; chaplain. Mary Glen,; treasurer. Ella rBock; secretary. Sena Hastings; ruard, Mary Clarke; patriotic Instructor. Edna Brock. PILES CURED lie TO 14 DAY. Druggist refund Money If Pazo Oint ment falls to cur Itching. Blind, Bleed big or Protruding Pile. First application give relief. 60 cant. Read tha "For Sal" ad It you want bargain ot th mlaut. THOMP SON.BE LDEN CO. CLO. T. WILSON, Mtr. TT "We don't hav a "Sale" every week of tlie month and every month of the year. ftp Instead we have' a jf real clearing sale twice a year January and July. i - r fTT We sell our regular ll 6cs- job lots, worn out samples or other undesirable goods , are bought for sale purposes. And the redactions in price are genuine. Share in these bargains ... tomorrow. . , , ... , ' . 95 Suits Go Saturday, at One-Half Price These are choice, hand tailored suits from our ' regular stock. There are broadcloths, serges and gabardines in the offering. The- colors: Black, blue, brown, wisteria: $50.00 SUITS... $25.00 $40.05 SUITS ; . .$20.00 $30.00 SUITS. .$15.00 $25.00 SUITS... $12.5Q January Clearance Sale of Women's and Children's , Winter Underwear ' "Women's Heavy and Me l dium Weight: Cotton Union Suits, $1.00 and $1.25 qualities, now 85 Women's Heavy Mercer ized Ootton-and-S i I k Vests, all go at Vt price. Women's Mercerized and SilVand-Wool Union N Suits, also part-woi and cotton Union, Suits, are all reduced to very low prices. Children's. Separate Gar ments, all go ai.Vs price. Underwear Third Floor. January Clearance Sale of Broken Lines of Hosiery 50c IIose, odd and. broken alines,, both regular and 'out size, 35, 3 pairs for $1.00. French Lisle Hose, broken . lines, $1.00 and 85c qual ities, at 50 a pair. . . 25c Hose, 15 a pair. ' ' Out size, 33c quality, 25 a pair. The Store for Shirt Waists The January Clearing Sale of Waists Commences Tomorrow, Saturday 8:30 A. M, i It is a continuance of our policy of a thorough clearance twice each season. Every waist on sale is from the regular stock of our famous STORE FOR SHIRTWAISTS These are the special offerings for Saturday. ,Other offerings will be placed on sale from time to time. . " i 350 Waists of daintily em broidered voile, taffeta, plaids, Roman stripe, plain messalines in both long sleeves and short sleeves, high neck and low neck. These waists are somewhat soiled and mussed. They were orig inally offered at from $2.95 to $6.50 Saturday, your choice, $1.75.' 150 . soiled and massed white voile waists, worth to $1.50, Saturday, your choice, 29. 80 Chiffon and plain mes saline waists,' all dark colors, some shop-worn; sold formerly to $5.50 Saturday, your choice, at, 98. All sizes from 16 to 44 are in cluded in. this sale. On account, of the tremendous reductions we Kcannot send approvals, or accept the return of any of these gar-, ments. Sale Starts 8:30 A. M. Every Coat, Dress and Skirt in our entire stock is . reduced. There are choice bargains for those attending this sale. Saturday Linen Sale Specials HUCK GUEST TOWELS 100 Dozen 40c Huck Guest Towels, 25 each. 75 Dozen 50c Huck Guest Towels, 39 each. , FINE TABLE CLOTHS $2.50 Bleached Table Cloths; $1.75' each. $2.75 Bleached Table Cloths, $2.00 each $3.50 Bleached Table Cloths, $2.75 each $175 Bleached' Table Cloths, $3.75 each $6.00 Bleached Table Cloths, $4.00 each $7.50 Bleached Table Cloths, $5.00 each $ia.00 Bleached Table Cloths, $6.89 each SALE CHECKED TEA TOWELING 15c Checked Tea Towel ing, 12V2$ a yard. 17c CheckecH Tea Towel ing, 15 a yard. 20c Checked Tej Towel ing, 17 a yard. NAPKIN SALE $1.75 .All-Linen Napkins, $1.39 a dozen. $2.25 All-Linen Napkins, $1.75 a dozen. ., $3.50 All-Linen Napkins $2.75 a dozen. $4.50 AU-Lincn Napkins, $3.00 a dozen. EXTRA SPECIALS. $3.50 Embroidered Linen Pillow - Cases, $2.00 a pair. $1.50 II. S. Linen Pillow Cases, $1.00 a pair. $10.00 Yj Brown Napkins, $5.00 a dozen. . ; ' , $4.75 Brown Napkins, $2.89 a dozen. . 5c Turkish Wash Cloths, 2 each 10c Brown Crash Toweling, 5 a yard. 45o Turkish Towels, 25 each. 50c Turkish Towels, 39 oaoh. $1.00 Turkish Towels, 69? each. January Sale Mareira Doilies and Center Pieces, price. f 150 Pictes All-Wool Dress Goods Saturday Half-Price Best Ever Made at the Price That's what we intend our January Spe cials to be, and that's what they are. Right up-to-the-minute in style and quality; Eng lish Diagonals, Novelties, Suitings, Hand some Imported Fabrics Saturday. One-Half Price The Great January Clearing Sale of Silks Now at Its Best Your opportunity to secure values you'll not see again for a year.' Here are a few items for your consideration: $1.00 to $1.75 qualities of all silk satin stripes, white satins with dainty Dresden fig ures, all-over patterns in printed warps, plaids of wonderful beauty; also self -toned novelties, hundreds of styjes Saturday, 59c a Yard Sell Your House Thru BeeWantAd Tomorrow Telephone Tyler ,1000 During t& Holiday Shopping Seaion you can iacreaso th time for making your purchaser and wiU fael better by getting quick errlc and pur food at on of The Pure Food Sign. Qnickserr Cafeteria Cafeteria JSth and Hrney StM City Nafl Bank lUdg. Downstair. .Xunch Room H9 8. 10th St. 14 (XI DoogUs St; 1408 Far nam. ? . . it l r 5 ' (CIO) 1 AMUSEMBlfTB. DtlAflDEIS To?l&t20 MS. BAraEI. B. OAOSBatAM Aaalatad by ktm. raola lollaraui aat ail atav Tlddiak Anapu;. amnl "TBI a la. I. or TMal WMT," 111. and Mob., Jan. lO-ll. Wat. IoIh "Will DBVEAMa CUM1 TaUa" rr4rt SaaUar aa Salaty PaaolBj Oaoiu. AMUSEMENTS. Sth W E E K BOYD ponrt mt Mata 1401 alla-hta, SS aa SOe. Start. Mat. Tomorrow m Wk Tn TIOaTT To., Smn. It, Soolrtr JT'Ttit. Mia aoxooi. ftLss B)otwa A ota. Vhoa Dontfaa 4t. ' Advanced Vaudeville . ovbtaui vosrxca ( 8:10 Plica: Gallary. XOc; Beat Saata. II. : WMAsra's rtrm cm CCrff ItfST 1 Daily Mat lS-SSSCc LAST TIMES TODAY Jg Sa'.iia?WlKXIKa WIDOWS iomor. A . Tho faTOiitea, Th Watson gistera. LASIX' sma MAT. Till BATS. TCSPIXS CAXCIX3 ACACEMT 2JTH AKO FAKRAN SHEETS New Urm begins Monday, January 11th. Adult beginner Mon day and Thursday 9 P. M. Adult advanced. Tuesdays t P. M. (Only Ww dancea taught In this class.) Pupils joining claas January 11. 12 . and II' will be -given a reduction of $1.00 on tickets. Application re ceived now. Pbona Harney 6143. Frivats lessons dally. Up-to-date daaces.