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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1915)
tJ'i!l L-! Bringing Up JUHNSUN TO MEET WILLARDMARCN 6 Black Champion and Willard to Go Forty-Five Rounds for Title in Juarez Bin;. FINAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE W a w wm w . NEW'YOrtK; Jan. t.-Jack Johnson end Jess Wlllard will meet In a forty-five toiit for tha heavyweight championship of the world at Jusres. Mexico, Saturday. Msrch a. - Final srrangemcnts to this ef. fect were made here today after other bids were received from Havana, Cuba, and Tijuana, Mexico. CHISHOLM BEACH IS DEFEATED BY TRAVIS PINKIH;nsT. N. C. Jan. S.-The na ture of today's matrh play In the twelfth annual midwinter golf tournament her waa the defeat of Chisholm Beach. Fox hills club. Lone Island, by Walter J. Travla. Oarden City club.; New York, A twelve-foot putt for a halve In five on the eighteenth hole save . Travla - the match by 1 up. Feml-ffnals tn tha first division will be played tomorrow, Travla meeting W. A. Harber, Jr., Trlnoeton, N. J., and Tarker V. Whlttcmore. Country club. Brooklln, tins., playing- Pr. C. It. Gardner, Aga- - II,,., i..k n Winner In tomorrow' play wtU meet In the final round Saturday tor the presp icnt'a cup. CLASS BASKET BALL TEAMS AT 0. H. S. FORMED loacn Jims neia a meeting or me ciaaa haiAet ball men Friday afternoon to or ganise that branch of athletic for the year. There were over fifty cadet pres ent, and they chose a teacher to be at the head of their team by lot They also t hose class captain. range a schedule In the near future so that the team can get to playing. The teachers who were selected are aa fol low: Mr.. Reed for the seniors, Mr. Spinning for the Junior, Mr. Cam for the sophomore and Mr. Harrington for the freahmen. The captain are Ted Wil lard for the senior. Alvtn Oelaler for the Juniors, Charles Morearty for the aoiho more aud Daniel Long well for .tha freih- ITII'll. - . - , - MELADY TAKES OMAHANS TO CLAB3Y-GIBB0NS GO Gene Melady, Bouth Omaha commission man. will have several Omaha and Bouth Omaha sport enthusiast a hi guest at the Jimmy Clabby-Mlke Gibbon mid dleweight battle at Milwaukee January IL Quite a number of Omaha sportsmen are planning to attend the championship go. and the Mt-lady party wilt be one of seversl. . r KANSAS TRIMS AMES IN BASKET BALL GAME. AMES. la., Jan. I. (Special Telegram.) Kansas defeated Amu, to a, on the game on both schedules. The Jayhawk era played a faat. accurate game. Ames played loosely, neglecting to cover Its ' goal on offense and was unable- to, break up th floor work of the rangy Kansans. first half, score:' Kansaa, IT; Ames, S. They will play again tomorrow. Trad f P layers. HPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 1 Stanley vvr;.kl, pitcher on th FMkane cub of (lie Northwestern Waue Ut year, was traded tixJiy to the Portland Cocst lrasu train for five players, anion them Pitcher Eastley and Third Baseman Uulgnl. Kilty 1.m teViT Cairo at leant expects the Kitty league ti be In the field again next year. The i tub there announces that Jack Herbert,' who wpn pennant last sesson. h been rc-eiicistd to lesd tha team in If IS. '50c will take a 1 . 25- ilivordWantAd Jo S4,CC0 readert of The Dee Call Today Tyler H E CMCLAOTO "JS'r-" s. , " 3 -W. S 1 HEY-MISTER- H r- 11 'i Father AfcL-YEAR COACH AT U. OF 0. Plant Made to Put Training of Athletes Under One Head at Omaha Institution. MORE ORGANIZATION IS SCHEME A movement to have an all-year coach wa launched by the student of the Unl veralty of Omaha at a special meeting of the Gateway club Wednesday after noon. A petition to thla effect, sinned by the entire student body, has been pre sented to Dr. D. E Jenkins, president of the school. Ever since athletic were Inaugurated at the school a separate coach hss been used for each branch of aport. The re sult has been far from satisfactory. The poor showing made by the eleven during the 1814 sea-son showed more than, ever that the separate coach system waa a failure. The various coaches selected seemed to know but little save that of the work Jn their own department, the result bftng that many athletes of promise were only encouraged to take part in certain branches of aport. Keen coach had a new system of training, which worked havoo with the pre :ou work. Dr. D. B. Jenkins, president of the school, ctated Thursday afternoon that he looked with favor upon the one-coach system and that he would probably take secure a suitable coach, for the 1915 season. At the Gateway meeting' the student body decided to continue having student manager for th different athletic de partments. Hamucl fclotky. a- Junior, was elected foot ball manager for th 1915 sea- con. OMAHA NATIONALS TAKE HONORS FROM SECRETARIES Th Omaha National Bank quintet de feated the Young Men' Christian asso ciation secretaries yesterday afternoon a the latter floor. M to" 19. Better luck In locating the basket wa responsible for th banker' victory. During th first period of th game the counting teller had little competition tn making twenty point a against five for tha physical directors. The laat period witnessed a reversal of the secretaries' old form and they not only held their victorious rtvala, but managed to add fourteen point to their total, while th banker chalked up eight. Suchart and Bender cat tied on the worK that counted moat in the money counter'-victory,-between them' making eight een point. Leake dl dthe calcium light work for the secretaries, shooting four field goal. Lineup: OMAHA NAT N A 1.9 Y. M. C. A. 8EC8. Buehart R.F R-F. Maxwell RuBHlng UK. TorreU C. Bender R.O leak Gates ".... R.G. . Bchawrm Remington iiawklna LO. UG.. Field goals: fiucharL S; Bussing. S: 1-ee Bender, S: Leak. 4; Schwann, t. Foul goals thrown: Bender, 4; Gates. Schwann. 4. Substitute: Lee. for TorreU. Keforee: Plats. t'mplre: Root. - Timekeeper: Lutea. flcorekeeper: Bechtold. Time of halves, 10 minute. . STEVENS WINS FIRST PRIZE IN CAPITOL POOL TOURNEY a . T . T . T 7 . T . 7 . T . T W. ft ft 4 S I 1 Pet. .fit .TI4 ' .714 .-71 .4'J .X .X '.US Stevens Owens . H wanton Hhepard Mooney l'lxon .. Hhaffer Stevens carried sway the honors last night at the Capitol pool tournament, by defeating Owens, 100 to it. The largest crowd of the tournament witnessed the game, which waa close up to th tenth frame, when Stevens passed hi man and was never In danger from then on. Tills afternoon at S - o'clock Pwanson and Owens will 'play oft their tie for second and third prises. Bhepard wins the fourth prise, while liars h win the fifth, which Is a fancy Brunawick-Balke cue. Mooney made the highest run (19) throughout the tourney, while Owena won the moat decisive defeat, defeating Mooney, 10U to 21. Thla spring Mr. Reynolds, 'the pro prietor, rxpecta to' hold a much better tournament, which will be for the cham pionship of the state. "DAD" HUNTINGTON GIVES STAG FOR OMAHA BOWLERS "Dad" Huntington, veteran Oma1e bowler, entertained a number of local pin sharks at a stag laat night. Th bowler gathered at Dad's home, and according to their yarns had the 4lma of their Ihes. jtlreck Repeals. fteettv Al'-ock. ew-lndlanapolls Td, hss concluded that It is time tn get tn out of the wet. He quit the Ke1a s year ago and-wss taken on by the Chicago While hox. That club made a deal for Mm to go to Oakl.nd In exchange for Qumlan. but having had a taste of major league life. Atcock hulked aud sulked the re - malnder of the season at his home in Iowa. Now he ha come to hlinaelt and signed an Oakland contract sml will re- port In the ainng. Alcock looked pretty good in tn spring, but f.1e.l heu the M-aoon am under wey. Judging from hl rei ord h will have sit he in do to nold don a Job in l Us Coast league TIIK r.KE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 0. 1015. III, Ictrnat)ciia. FED LEAGUE PLANS "HOUSEJLEAMG" Tired of Having: Base Ball Run by Ban Johnson and Garry Herrmann. r DEFENSE RETAINS ATTORNEYS INDIA.VAI'OLIS. lnd Jan. S Affi davits in support of contentions made In the' anti-trust suit recently filed In the United States court at Chicago by the Federal league against so-called "Organ ized" Base Ball are to be made here at the Federal league conference which be gan today. According to K. E. Gates, counsel for the new league, the Indianapolis meeting was called to obtain added evidence In substantiation of the general bill of com plaint prepared by the Federal against the older organisation The conference U exjiected to continue for several days. Jae Tinker Talk. Joe Tinker, manager of the Chicago club, wa the only man who attended who would talk of the meeting tonight. He aald that the Federala are planning to ive base ball a "good house clean ing" and" continued: - "We want to. eradicate the 'buslnaW men in the game and put in no one who Is not a sportsman. W are tired of hav ing base ball run by two men. Ban John son and Garry Herrmann." Defease Hetalas Attorney. . CHICAGO. Jan. . All of defendant in th suit brought by the Federal league against the National commission and th National and American Bae Ball league are to b represented by attorney re tained by the National commlsalon, ac cording to word .received here today by Charle Thome, pranldent of the Chi cago National, from August Herrmann of the National commission. - In base ball circle It was expected that the National - commission would meet her next week to make definite plans for combatting the Federal league suit. Yaakee Transfer Completed. NEW YORK. Jan. 8. Th final detail of ha transfer of the New York Ameri can league base ball club franchise were completed here this afternoon. Colonel Jacob Ruppert and T. t Huston, the new owners, assumed control with tha passing of stock by Frank J. Karrell, the former executive. ', President B. B. Johnson of the Ameri can league, devoted almost a month to the consummation of the deal, which give th club new owner for the first time aince Its estal Itshment here In 1903. Whltted tioes ta Bee Stalllaaa. DURHAM, N. C, Jan. i-George Whlt tad, Boston National outfielder, left today for Haddock, Ga.. to confer with Man ager kUalllnga and President Qaffney. He said they would discuss a proposed trade with Philadelphia, whereby he would -go to that team in exchange for Bherwood Magee. CREIGHT0N LAW QUINTET ENTERS COMMERCIAL LEAGUE ' At a meeting pt the Commercial league. held at the Young Men' Christian asso ciation laat night, th Crelghton "I-aw College basket ball team wa voted into the league to take the place of the Ne braska Telephone company five. There wa aome doubt whether th bar rister would obtain the telephone fran chise, a the Law' star players wer regular member of team tn th Trl Ciry. and Church leagues, and therefore Ineligible to play on Commercial league teams. On a motion by Coach Mill of th Omaha" High school, however, the rule barring member of other league wa modified to Include only the Trl t'lty league, : allowing Church player henceforth to participate In Commercial league gamea. I'nder the amendment the Law are still deprived of the use of Captain Linn and Klepser. their most formidable per formers, but are permitted to play Heel an! Arehart, and'lt la likely that these terms will be accepted. The Law will take th Nebraska Tele phone company' standing In regard to regular played gamea, whll forfeited contests will b played a soon as th new schedule is completed. CITY OF OMAHA APPEALS FIREMMAN'S PENSION CASE From a Staff Correspondent ) LiNCOUV. Jan. S.-(Special.-The com missioners of th city of Omaha have appealed to the supreme court from the writ of mandamus granted by ttia dlatrlct court of Deuglss county, dlrecthig them to pay a pension of S3.7S a month to Bust Henderson, a fireman's widow. Josvph II. Henderson, m ftreenaa In th i . tV.m v aa u. mm "n, oy 1 . . , J ' result of Injuries received In the line of 'duty. The defense of the rlty was that J ,,, ,eB j.,,,, ha4 eUpsed from . ..,,... , . . ' ,Ub r 'Ul h d ' filing of t!e application. Henderson at n,e lime- of his death waa receiving a ); - lh -h , i r"- vtded is !i per ceut, or 1-175. Must Have Receipts If State is to Pay ; Items of Expense (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. .-SIeelal.) necelpts for expense no matter how minor or In significant the expense may be will be required by State Auditor Smith of his county treasurer examiner Just the same a wa th case with State Auditor How ard. 1 The examiners called .upon the new auditor In Hi body Ftiday morning, protest ing against the difficulty and the incon venience that they were put. toN In sc ouring receipts for what in many in stance are Inconsequential expenditures, such as a sandwich and a cup of coffee for lunch. Auditor Smith told the examiner that the law required the receipts and that he would have to require them also. OFFICERS ARE CHANGED ) IN JEFFERSON COUNTY FAIRBURYi Neb., Jan. .-(pecial.) Jefferson county made Its chance In offi cer Thursday and the new men are now occupying their offices In the court house. Perhaps the moat significant feature of the changa wa a number of democrats going Into power. Homer 8. Yeakle and John Koch, democratic county commis sioners, succeeded I ' Nlder and C. W. Rohrbaugh, republicans. This 1 the first time In the las. twenty years that the county commissioner of Jefferson county haivs been democratic. Henry Abrahma, democrat, succeeded Clement Harris, re publican, a county superintendent. Mr. Harris has been county superintendent her for the last seven years. Louis J Nutzmsn succeeded C. C. Boyle as eoonty Judge. Mr. Boyle served in this capacity from January 1, ISM, until this week, or nineteen years. Clyde Marthls, repub lican, was sworn In a county clerk, suc ceeding C. H. Shaffer." republican, who wa , compelled to retire on account of falling health. D. B. Cropsey, republican, succeeded A. M. Berry, republican, as county treasurer. He appointed E. L, Jen kins, unsuccessful oandldata for county Judge, as his deputy. It. O. Nellls. an other republican, took the offle as regis ter of deeds, succeeding James, L. Hutchi son, republican, who was appointed by the commissioners to fill a vacancy. JJURY IN SECOND TRIAL OF CHAMBERLAIN DISAGREES Twn'vav.H Neb.. Jan. (Special.) The Jury In the superior court at Spo kane, Wash., on tVuuretrini oi tne tornery case against vw . vn......-, cashier of the defunct Chamberlain bank ing house of Tekamah. failed lo agree and wa discharged. Chamberlain, who successfully, faced many Indictments here, had been tried ana rouna gumy on th charge of having forged the name of Theodore. Rusterhola, a Washington ranchman, to a check for a few hundred dollar, and depositing ' It In hi own nam. M. C. Gray, a former horse buyer of Nebraska, Is now In business at Pull man, Wash. Chamberlain was his agent in some real estate transactions. Gray made out and enl tne cneca o urar hu kv rtnihrlnin tha evidence shows. Chamberlain succeeded In getting a new trial and th rase Just disposed ot nung on for many days. The Jury wa out for tn day..Th first ballot wa lx for conviction and tx for acquittal. After a fw ballots it stood seven for convic tion. Two women served on the Jury. District X'oart at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 8. (Speolal.) Clarence Glthems waa arraigned In Judge Kilts' court Thursday afternoon on the charge of forging a check for S8.50 on John Collins, a farmer living east of Holmesville. last Saturday. There were two counts In the complaint, one charging Glthems with producing a forged check and the other with uttering It. He pleaded not guilty to the first charge, but gu'lty to the second. The court bound him over to the district court. fixing his bond at S1.000. In default of which he was remanded to the county Jail. The 110.000 damage suit of C. A. Moore against Krd Roelfe of Cortland waa dis missed in the district court Thursday. the defendant to pay th costs in the case, In the case of William Wleters against Joseph Kaaparek, uot on note. Judg ment wa entered In favor of the plaintiff for ST3S.42. The Reeve Manufacturing Company waa gives Judgment In th sum of Si. 170.50 against th ' Luebben Baler company of thl city. s . Get legislative Jeks. COLVMBtJS. Neb Jan. S. -4 Special.) Mis Paul Kavanaugh of thl city was on of tha lucky recipients of a posltioa at IJnoola during th aeaalon of th legislature. 6 he and Mis Lillian Oolden of O'Neill will be employed tn th office of Secretary Walreta a stenographer. Miss Anna Gass and VtUi Mamie Bhehaa both of Columbus ar also serving la similar position at the slat houee. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus GREIGHTON GETS MILLS F0R COACH Former High School Athletic Mentor Will Train Foot Ball Team During Coming Season. MAY REMAIN FOR WHOLE YEAR Tommle Mills, athletic coach at the Omaha High school, was selected to act as coach of the Crelghton foot ball team next fall by the athletic board of the university, which held a meeting to de cide tho question last night. Mills will be employed as foot ball coach with the proviso that If the gymnasium la com pleted next fall he will remain and act as basket ball, track and base ball coach. Mills is a Belolt, Wis., msn. He played three years on the Belolt gridiron squad and was considered a star. He proved a great success as mentor for the high school teams of recent years and is Judged an expert by middle western Au thorities. He I popular with the boys who play under him, and he ha the knack of Instilling a fighting spirit In teams which will transform a mediocre team Into a successful one merely by the fight it puts up. Graves for Assistant. The selection of an assistant coach will be left entirely to the Judgment of Mills. It Is thought that Graves, last fall left end on the Illinois eleven,, will be Mills' choice if Graves will .accept. Mill' succeed Harry ' Miller, former Notre Damn tar, who has coached the Blue and White for the last 'five seasons. Last fall Chester Dudley and Miller acted as associate coaches. Popular with Students. The selection of Mil'. Is nonulae with the student at Crelghton, who have for some time regarded the high school man with longing eye. That he w III turn out a winning team I the unanimous Judg ment of the student body. Mills will remain with the high eho-il th remainder of the year, acting bas ket ball, track and base ball coach. Who will be Mills' successor at the high school Is not known. ftoatheaat .Nebraska Wrddisgi. AVOCA. Neb.. Jan. S (fineriai r-.,i F. Rlttcr and Mis Kmma G. W.ll..nH two well known young people of near laimage, .were united In marriage Wedneeday. Ther will make their ho. near Talmaga. . Iawrence Kramer at viann ui.. Fern 8. fimalley of Boatwiek were united in marriage at Nebraska City, Wednes day, by County Judge Blschoff. They win reside st Nelson. Clarence Clark f ui Leona McMann nr Tnw, ... i. j . in., i at Auburn on January . Redman Collars IScreduc- tl edto lUC Semi-Annual Clothing, Furnishings, Hats rsesss r Hi i h K I.'O.OO Suits snd $13.50 $16.50 $20.00 $23.50 O'coats, now... 82&.O0 tuits and O'coats, now. . . $l.0o Hulls and O'coats. now... IJS.uu Suits and O'coats. now . . . reduced , Epauldlnga Sweaters 1 reduced ' Perrtn s Lined Gloves 1 reduced Austrian Velour Hats AEr', reduced H9 ' All Ohter Soft Hats 1" reduced .................. 5 Bellevue's Five Two Points Ahead In Game with Deaf Two lone tallies were all that sepa rated the Nebraska School for the Deaf and Bellevue college In their Trl-Clty league game last evening at, the Ne braska School for the Deaf gymnasium.. The contest ended In Bellevue's favor;. 33 to 27. The game was fast snd clean through out its forty minutes of duration, both teams extending themselves to the ut most for the victory. The first half ended In the mutes' favor, IS to 14. The second period was played xln whirlwind fsshion, the contest being undecided un til the final toot of the timekeeper. Allen did the brilliant work for the col legians, shooting five field goals and throwing as many foul goals. Maxwell and Turner also played In stellar fashion for the Indians. The lineup; MUTES. I ' BELLEVITE. mark r.f.R.f Tamlslea '..LT.iL.F Cooper C. C Nelson UO, L.G Eabel R.G. R.G Kield goals: Hturk d). Alten .. Tsrner . Ohman .... Relly . . , Evans Tamlslea, Cooper (5), Allen (8), Turner (S), Max well (2), Ohman, Gilmore. Foul goals thrown: Turner (5). Stark (3), Cooper (). Fouls committed: Mutes, S; Helle vuo, 8. Substitutes: Gilmore for Ohman, Maxwell for Gilmore. Referee: C'sms. Timekeeper: Welty. Scorekeeper: See ley. Tim of halve: 30 minutes. I COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS TO MEET FOR CONSULTATION (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 8. (Specie!.) State Superintendent Thoma ha made a call for the meeting of all of the newly elected county supetindentents of the state In Lincoln. January 19 and , that he may .get In close touch with them and secure a more uniform method of tchool su pervision for the state. There are forty two new men and women: elected to these plnces who will take charge of the school of their various eountlea for the next two years. ' Mr. Thomas has also prepared a , new method of bookkeeping in his office so thst at any time the public desires It mey find Just the amount of money being expended In any line ot educational work under hi charge. Land Officer Appelated. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. President Wil son today nominated: Bdward J. Hoefnagels of Twin Lakes, register at land of rice at Leadvllle, Colo.; Alonxo L. Beaver of Lamar, register of land office at Lamar, Colo.; Robert J. McGrath of Towner, receiver of public money at Lamar, Colo. Read th "For Bate" ad It you want bargains of th minute. Ftrmmrly Mfmg A . 413 S. 1 4 th rr.m.r CLEARANCE SALE Saturday To lower our stock and clean up broken lines we are makir.jr prices so low that the merchan dise must sell. Such articles of merit as Kensington Suits and Overcoats, Cooper & Lewis . Underwear, Spaulding's Sweaters, Perrin's lined Gloves, faultless 'ight Robes and Pajamas and other equally standard articles are re duced from 20 to 40r. These re duetions are made on our regular merchandise and the per cents are figured from the original price tickets still on the garments. Manhattan Shirt Sale Our big January Manhat tan Shirt Sale is now under full swing. Wo do not boast when we say there 1s no larger Manhattan stock in the country than w carry. We are- showing many patterns exclusive with us. Almost aoy gtjle or fabric you desire can be bought now at a, saving of practically 1 Look these price over. 3 THE.PA TELL. THAT WOP i dont: CRYING NEED0F ROAD LAWS Senator Lahner Declares Here is Place for Legislature to Exer cise Real Statesmanship) PRESENT SYSTEM GREAT WASJE- j (From a Staff Correepondent. LINCOLN. Jan. 8. (Speclsl.)-Senator Lahner' plan of road-making la to do away with the one-man boss system for esch precinct and to Install In his place four men with more authority. The plan, thinks fhe senator, would Insure th tax payers greater efficiency and would stop up the leaks under the old system. Mot Idle Dream. None of this road talk Is an idle dream with the senator. He is a practical ex ponent of road work. He is Superin tendent of the Meridian highway through the northern part of Thayer county and the part which he oversees Is of th "turnpike" variety, such as would glad den the hearts of easterners. "Talk about doing away with legisla tive employes," said the senator today. "Why, all the money wasted by legisla tures of the past Isn't a drop In the bucket compared with the moiy that has been dumped out of the pocket of the taxpayers in road work over tha state. Present Plaus Profligacy. "It Is utter profligacy to continue the present system. I hope that the people of the state will get behind a movement to do away with the present road laws and to enact In their stead laws thst ar on a parity with business administration of all the affair of state government." Motes Irons Holdresje. HOLDREGE, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special.) Arrangements have been completed for a" Isrge poultry show to be held in Heldrego January 13 to 15, inclusive. Entries may be made from all of southwest Nebraska, including all territory south of the Platte river lying west of Phelps county.. Tho Judge is to be C G. Cottle of Edc&r, Neb. The newly elected county officers took their places here Thursday morning. Frank Falk and William O. Brunzell, tho successful republican candidates for county clerk and county treasurer, re spectively, both come from Loomls. Th boys of the Holdrege High school elected the following delegates to attenl the meetings of the Southwst Nebraska Boys' High School Leaders' conference at Minden Saturday and Sunday, January 8 and' 10: Rhea Bod well, Mark Hooper, Robert Moore and Minor Skalberg. Mr. Hooper will deliver the'respons to the ad dress of welcome. See Retire fron Game. Johnny Nee, who managed the Dayton team of the Central league last.aeason, hss announoed his retirement from the game. He will accept a position In Buf falo with a lock manufacturing company. Manhattan Shirt Sale 11.60 $1.65 12.60 $2.60 $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 16.00 Manhattans Manhattans Manhattans Manhattans Manhattans Manhattans Manhattans Manhattans now $1.15 now 91.23 now now 9iM now 9225 now $2.&5 now 93.&A now 94-43