Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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0V THAT the holiday are well over and tbe fosslp hav had a real
JV I good rilnr at the rent cure, they are bobbing again this eek
. 1 - - ...
ine . urmmas lestivmes. mese parties have always bad a Httl fair of the Board of Kduoation ahowa
way 6t their own of bringing the yourger art together, and thla time It la ,oUl esjwnditurea for im in than for
la the dpbutante set. im- th" fact that noma salaries
,, , ' , A , , . . of toachera advanced under tha stito-
At all of.the functions for this year's I J a certain young debutante-1 mMI(, ty3ttm , V0fue whlcH afford, fc
has been constantly wen with the son of one of Oniaha'a oldest families, j rontinuou progress.
This mtos received a moat envied honor recently and the voting man in: Th to,al penditurea for iH were
question has until now auccesnfully dodged the rumor darts, enjoying Er? t"tretrtSn rti
nice, quiet existence. Ills older brother, however, ha not been so for-' salaries of r,7,6H. ; ta wu, M240!s9.
lunate, as he has twice been scheduled to take the grand matrimonial leap! The increase is partly due to additional
and is supposed even now by bis favored friends to be planning a wedding I ,"rhep" mrt 1'red requirement,
trip but owine to the f h. tn.lH h fir.t !,., .l ib" t0 lh Permanent ay item by
. , . '
uc. imuuuii auiuiiKsi u a society it
you know.
Entertain Rudolph. Ganz.
' Mr. Iluiiolph tluns of lionlreau
fSwitserland, who li to make his first ap
pearanca In coni-ert ' before Omaha
udlencea this evening, wa entertained
at luncheon today at tha home of Mr.
and Mrs. August Boralum. Mr. Gans Is
a vary old friend of Mr. and Mr, llorj
hims. and his hosla have enjoyed tha
hospitality of Ms home tn wltserland at
nrntiy different times.
Thla luncheon will bo very Informal,
without any ceremony whatever. Just a
visit between artiste of a luna standing
friendship. : .
Holiday Visitors Returning
Mlsa Catherine Bamlots, who spent th
holiday ' with hr mother. Mrs. T. K.
Handera, tcft Tuesday for WaatiltiBtntt,
l. O., wliero she will renum her studies
at Martha Washington aemlnary.
Mra. H. J. Merrltt of KvaiuvllI. Ind..
who haa spent the last two weeka as
the guest of Mr. and Mra. John Merrltt,
haa returned to her home.
Mr. Herbert French, who ha keen a
ruest at tha -home, of her' parent. Mr.
and Mr. Iaaaa Conation, will leave thla
evening for her home In I-oulsvlIle, Ky.
Will the Visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Iter, Klrsrhbraun and
malt daiurhter of ChlrsKo are expected
Thursday to be th arueeta of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hlller,
Mrs. Edwin Morrison of Kansas City
return to her homo Hsturduy, after
spending the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mra. A. T. Ttikey.
Mr. Fred Ochsentwln of Ft Ixiula baa
arrived to ba th guest of her mother,
Mr. H. B, Beaver for aeverat week.
Recent Affairs. v .
A surprise party wss riven Wednesday
evening In honor of Mis Klsle , Oestrant
of Milwaukee, who la a guest at the
home of Miss Helen Reynolds. Those
present ware;
Vlssca Misses '
Klele Uestrant Kins Weipner,
I. nolle Heln, Mmie llaimn,
Kutli KIhkwII, Helen lieynulds.
I'lHre t'offf.
J.ihn Kennebeck, Oerhardt Martin,
J mi Km-lln. A. ,1. Connor.
'Wilson Hryaiis, 'Thomas Kenney.
TV.e girl of the John leere Plow com
rany rave a hncn ahower Wednesday
rvenlntt fn honor cf Mlns l.cnnle Jones,
who will be married thla monlh. Th
ueit wr; - .
7 Winr. io Jonea, ,
1'la Klli'ttaard.
Hianrhe lennord,
l''Hrl Alrnrn,
Mollio Mitcliell,
A'tl ie IloUien.
Jtvdlia Cuoicr,
M.illle Hurke,
1 .-itinh Mnrtln,
' lure I'rtersi-n,
Julia, MrOrsih,
My lunniliy,
Aluy Krii'hmark,
4v'hsi fstji'.
Entertain at Dinner.'
One of theTnoel) attractive and nn
tisnally appolntei dinners before the sub
scription dsnce of last evenlna was rlvoi
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. t.
J'etors. The guosts were inembcra of tlie
dsiK-Ing club and Included:
Mr. and Mr. x. J. Mslioney
Mr. end Mr. Harry llurklev.
Mr, nl Virs. rnk HHinilnm.
J;r. sna .Mrs, tienry ytnon.
News of the Wayfarers.
Registering at the Hotel McAlpln l
New York City front Omaha during the
last week er Mr. 11. T. Cotey, Mr.
Thomas A. ,Valh, Mr. and Mrs. N: 1L
;old. , J
Ori final Cooking Club.
The Oriirlnal Cooking club, was enter
Mined today at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Xjirker. Covem were plated for;
MMtrfames-- Me(lairfM-
H. fr-pplelun,' Mi.nlier 'oliwlier.
S'smue! l;i;rns, 'harl. T. Kountse,
Visr.) M. iUircois, Jiii)T.Hni,;j,
3-uthcr Kuunuc, Jos. -ph ii kcr,
Weddin? Announccnient
Tha wtddln of M!f
Myers. dsuKhtor of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. '
Myers, and r.ertram B. tauni took place !
.nit aftcrt.con at 3 o'clock at the hom i
f tl brtdo's parent.
a performed by Ilev.
Th ceremony
A. C. IXiuatuet.
To Honor "r. Horrison,
Mrs. J'red, A. Cusc,len ente rtaturd at
a prettily appointed luncheon Wednes
day In honor of Mrs. !".. li. Morrison of
Kama Clly, whd Is the guest of her
e.ftcr. Miss tlliel Tuke. Coseis r
4i laced for;
' Xlrttlimt- Mi'siianies
V it Worr.:.n, A 11. WsUli,
v, u. ronfiit. Alien Kniiinsuii,
J A. C. Ktnued.v. A. il. t.lluk,
;orijre V. .li lmMou, i-ruuk Hrov.ii,
ra'il H'lselatvl.
Informal Luncheon.
Mrs. V. A. I'.ioivan fc'nm a very in
(ortnal luncheon today at her home. The
l.nt-nti, ho wer the uutuIh rs of on
vt tha wiut.r briJgc iluts, m;
M .-alnii1i M. mlumt' t
.loi.n A. Mi Mian, Arthur tteminglua
-i.ou Ie. iloaw s'larke of
W. A C Johnson, ht lxnn.
'liil-.a Koi.nue. l;ila 8muiis,
i I tlK Ji.HIOtl. ,
i:rs Katnrnns Mct'ornilck.
At tLe Erandeis.
Mrs. C. fccKrt entertained at a matinee
pony at the H:nd"l Wtf...a4y after
tfiion In hoiur of Mrs. V. v, Troxell of, .Nib., l.o U lr fcueL Tlioi
rent rn:
ra. V.". W Troell. '
Mr. K '. Temiiiaii.
AilAa Allies fci'.'itt.
LonlKt Aiial.
Iiifcirrr.&l Dance.
its -jun lor J-un" w;
t o.,in Hid arly tljis
Hie ktt;o;.u'.taa tloli.
vniog (
tint Lesgue to JIttt.
'Ins Jr-ijtial rui)i.iio leavue
ri4. i,ce of ill. Francs A. Uro
i A i Vir.;.ort street, iiflUty ,ri:r-
Thursday, January 7, 1915.
' .-,- '
immiDK ana max is quite; enougn,
BEY, who became known
as "Aunt0 Delia while she
supplied the Thanksgiving'
and Christmas pies for the
White Ilouae when occu
pied by her nephew, Wil
liam Howard. Taft, has
given a valuable piece of
land to the town of Mill
bury, that the offer of
$10,000 from Andrew Car
negie for a library might
bo accepted,
noon, at S:30 o'clock. Important business
will ba transacted and a full attendance
is tloatrsd. . '
To Attend Wedding.
Mr. Joseph Greenfield left Wednesday
evening fir Kansas City to atteud the
wedding of her niece. M'ss Jonuctte
tJIJck. and Mr. Aaron Kiatlief; which will
he celebrated st the riallluiore hotel 1.
day evenlug. lUbbl JJ. Jona will of.
filiate. ,
Concert Parties. 1 1
On of the parties for 'Rudolph Oan'
concert thla evening will be corapoaed of;
Misses- Mlees
'":" Nash. VUaltilaCrofoot.
Mary Mumihhorf,
4i. A I', Crotoot.
A.faruily party will, be mads tip of Mr.
and Mrs. Gcrrlt Fort. Mr. Gerrit Tcrt.
Jr.. and Miss Henrietta Fort.
Informal Dinner. .
Mr: and Mrs. U y. Crofoot entertained
at dtuner Wednesday evenlnjt at their
home. It wa an InformaJ affair and the
. sutMia' wei-;
. Mr. and Mr V n r..m.
t .. .... . L 1 ' "ft'i..
' i.i u in
A,r" c- vv- 'lull.
" ' ". ""
Personal Mention
Mr k. J
visiting at
J'eak of Et.rrlngton. Jll.," Is
th home of Mr. and Mrs
tl.nrv 1 a t l
i "
f Uvel lit Omaha.
Mrs. 1'rake foi-merly
Mr. and Mr. Clement Chase have
leased their home on Svjnth Thirty-third
street and bav taken art apartment In
the New ilamtlton.
Member of the State Crime vommlasion
appointed by Governor Morehead to In
vestlgat crime conditions In the stats
and mnk auKfestion for Improvement
In penal rernodle, re )n Uncoln
Wedneailay. whet they put th flnul
leu. tie on their report and give It to the
Tho iiM-mber who met In Lincoln wr:
lil.trlft Judge Sutton and Ir. J. K. Jen
kiim of Cinalia. and JuUms Lincoln Krost
Hev. I.r. leavltt and J. K MUUr of
Lincoln. .
Dlstrh-t JuJg frlutton declined to give
any hint as to the nature of the report.
A mass me ting will be held by citlsena
ot lcRiiii this evening at the local
Flrenwn'a hail. 57as Main atreet. to dla
eue the sewer -lateral lroovtttou now
facing th suburb. V. A. Kdijukal. engi.
ni sr. of Omaha, will be preeant to assist
in general technical points te be conskl
ered. lxxhl Improvement club will r
resont the Intocest of Various distri Is.
Tha N'unpartisan Progratv riub baa
called thl public nttiiig. .
lr. Urll'a I'tae-lar-lluHe).
Get a tic bonis today, keep It for your
round or cold. Good for children, aJult aged. AU drusisU-Adertiijiant.
" Y
Total Expenditure! in 1914 Under
1913 Despite Increases in Psj
of Teachers and Janitors.
Trie annua rerxiri of tha financial ml
wnirh salaries automatically Increase
with the teacher' advancement. J'or ex
ample, the pay of teacher In, the ele
mentary school run a follow.
Grade teacher without accredited ex
perience. for the first year: t0 for
the second year; true, third year; I7C0.
fourth year; tH. fifth year: W60, sixth
year; lixw. seventh yearj put. eighth
year; $1,400 thereafter. And the system
SMplles also te other Instructora; so that
'a larger budget for teachers' salariea I
not necessarily an indication of mpney
ill spent.
Liquor, license for 14 brought tn
$279,000. a attaint I $33,000 In sight for ISIS,
simply because of a decrease In the num
ber of saloon from; 7 to 263. , Kaoh
saluon pny It.ooe a year toward th edu
cation of your boy and girl.
onte Bfclfts H4h Way.
Th total tax collections amounted lat
year to tti61.M3.a4. Fuel last year coat only
$24.11, aa against $S.C1 ' for 1M; "1m
provements" $27,08S, aa against $4.1S.
Janltora' pay nets relative Increase,
while that of office and clerical hire I
slightly less than in mi. There I a fall
ing off la polio court fine, explained by
Judge Foster a dye tor numerous ap
peals: possibly, remission also nay cut
ome figure.
Th state apportionment wag $40,(73.10.
Official atateaeeat.
These are the larger item of Income.
Here Is Secretary Botirke ofridaj tate
ment of general fund expenditures for
1H: .
Advertising ,
Cartage and freight
Census enumeration....
C'onruitlin and sites.
Examining committee..,
Knel ,
Furniture end fixtures
$ T2.rt
M 41
Mf, .57
exchange fW.RIZ.fW
Interest and
Janitors ....
Light and power...
Officers and dork
Itepalrs i.,.,
Special taxes. ..,..v
Supplies ,.
. ?U:!4.
679 oT.4 fl
Here Is the general fund
tlon: , . ' -
Cash In ... treasury
January 1. Ilil4...t
Itecelpta durlnn 191f
t' W.?7.fr7
t. a.raina vniaianu
.Ins Jan. t, 1S14..I 106 II
Warrants Issued
during 1914 Kl'.txa.lJ
Transferred from
general fund 4S.K3 W
Balamm Jn, J, 1J . 7l,lw.o
tlM'MXM tt,47.HI.B7
Is. Arrested Here
for Coloring. Oleo
Charged with failure to play the spe
cial government tax required on oeo
margertne. George W. Gllmore has been
taken Into custody by local federal of
ficers. Gllmore, who waa Indiotsd Jn St.
Louis, was arrested at the home of his
daughter. 1440 North Eighteenth ilreet.
Gllmore, with, Raymond A. and George
Martena, wes engaged In wholesale dis
tribution of olcomargerlne.. la St. Louis.
He had taken out a license for blending,
but not for coloring, and the aubatance
he eold was found 1A be colored. The
Martena were alse indicted on the charge
and It la believed that Olltnore wa
morely a foil for them.
R. g, Ruble, assistant general passenger
agent of the Union Pacific, with head
quarter in Denver. ta toVn with the
assertion that. all through the mountain
sections there haa been a derided Im
provement In general business since the
first of the year. Said Mr. Ruble;
"Trade tn all line haa picked up wen
derfully since the beginning of the year
and everywhere there i a feeling of con
fidence restored. We are looking for
many nourlet during the coming seasoa
and anticipate thai during the holding of
the Pacific ooeet expositions a great
ninny people, either going or coming,'
will atop ever Ja Colorado.".
Luther f. Ivls. whs borrowed $109 el
a chattel losri firm and who asserts thai
he la being annoyed by claims that he
till jea K although be ha made many
paymenta cm the loan, haa brought suit
in district court for aa accounting and
for an Injunction preventing further per
secution. The Home I.oea compaay, auoceaaor te
the Ktate Mortgage Loan company, and
the Kelley Mercantile company, a collec
tion firm, are defendant. The money
Wa originally borrowed from tha st.t.
j Ixi ai company.
While driving north on Eleventh street
across the Harney atreet car tracks Ed
Poly. 4IT South Fourteenth street, andS
. T. Haskell, ltmS Corby, were thrown
tn the pavement when the vehicle was
struck a glancing blow by a westbound
car. Doty received li.Umal Injuries and
aa removed to Rt. Josephs hospital.
Haskell was not hurt
Hearing of th lection coateat brought
by R. J. Madden against Charles Foster,
police Judge, will rou before County
Judge Crawford today en a point
raiaod by Foster arising from the writ
ing of a date 1D14 liuiead of 1M6 oa a
legal paper. Should this point be over
ruled by lu court, counting of the bal
lot I ejitctnd to bo fccgua, at osx,
f .M
l-'4 i
John H. Tebblna. one of th four original
free delivery mail carriers In Omaha, 1
celebrating hi seventy-fifth blrthdulr to
day . by carrying - hi regular Wilt
route in' the' federal building and the
buildings juart across Sixteenth atreet
Tebblna haa been a mall carrier In Omaha
for forty-two year and la the oldest
carrier In point of service.
He ha never been orf duty on account
of sickness. Ms only vacations having
been the annual event, and one leave of
absence, resulting from an Injury be re
ceived when on duty. He aerved three
year In the union army during th civil
war and marched with Sherman to the
sea. In addition to participation In several
big battle and atege.
Mr. Tebblna Is atlll hale and hearty and
expects to continue tn the service of
L'nsl flam for aeyeral more years. II
Uvea at 127 South Twenty-eighth street
With his wife, who Is Just one year
younger than he, and four children.
Muscle Makers for
Boys in the Parks .
, Hummers Surprise
Commissioner Hummel haa a dandy
surprise party awaiting th girl and
boy of Omaha. It la to come off with
th break a' aprlng.
Here tt Is: He will plaee in eight parka
Rlvervlew, Deer and Hanioooi on the
south, Elmwood on the west, Bemht In
the central section. Kountse, Miller and
Fontenello en the ' nortiwwhat Dick
Grotte talis "muscle developers" for tlyt
boys, although If Dick bad an eye for
alliterative beauty he might make It
muscle maker. .
That will enable the park aommiastoner
to turn over to the girlies tho slides,
which they and boys have been using
Jointly heretofore, and which have been
extremely popular.
' Thee "muscle developers" combine two
turning polea, two trapeses, two climbing
poles and six traveling rings. They will
reach a length side by side of forty-five
feet. They have .proved to be howling
successes in other cities arvi can be
bought for reasonable price. Their In
stallation, Commissioner Hummel feels,
will vastly enhance the possibilities of the
park for juvenile recreation and sport,
and they have already had remarkable
effect, he say.
Big Mortgage on
New Hotel Filed
A mortgage securing the $400,000 loan
mad by the Metropolitan Life Insurance
company of New York to the manage
ment of the Fontenelle haa been filed In
the office of Harry Pearce, register of
deeds. The loan I to .draw t per cent
Interest until 1930. after which time the
rat wlU be i until 1936. when It wUl
mature. ,, .
Ten thousand dollar is to be paid
March 1 each year for five years, no
further payment being due until 1325.
The party of Japanese Red Cross work
era enroute to the war sons of Fimu
and coming direct from Japan, according
to the advice received bv railroad of
ficials here. Is headad bv Dr. Jem RikhVI
said to be one of the most noted surgeona
or tne Mikado realm.
Th Itinerary of the JanansM haa 1km
changed a btt. They will come tn over
tne l nldn pacific, arriving at 5:80 o'clock
mi evening and twenty minutes later
Will aa uit over t h f it.,uu t
- -- .wmw, tiftTW-
Ing In a private car. The party consists
of Dr. Susuki. four assistants and eigh
teen re male nurse.
' Th ' Duy It Now" .campaign atarted
by the Agricultural Publisher' Associa
tion of the United Btater. ha been heart.
lly endorsed by W. 8.- Hammond, newly
inaugurated governor of Minnesota, ac
cording to a letter Just received by
Chairman C. C. llosewater of th nub.
Maters' gpecia: oommltUe In charge of
tne campaign.
Rub Rheumatic
Aching Joints
And Stop Pain
P-heumat-m is patn" oaly.
Not one raa la fifty requires internal
treatment. ttop druggta-!. Rub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs. Oil" right
Into your sore, stiff, aching Joints, and
reliaf eomss Inslan'ly. SL Jacobs OH"
Is a harmless rheumatism liniment
which never disappoints and can not
bur the skin.
Umber up! Quit complaining Qui a
small trial bottle of eld, boneat "St
Jacobs Oil" at any drug stoi. and ta
Just a moment you'll b fre from rhe.
maUo pain, rrnss and stiffnesa Pon't
suffer! Relief awaits von. "St J,,.
Gil" Is J it a good fur sciatica, vocrwJ-1
tJ lUfubero, bacaate sj-taUi,
German-Am erican$ Here Prepare to
Handle Meeting- of the Saenger
bnnd Here Next Summer.
At the club room of the Omaha Muslk
Vereln, fevententh and Cas street.
Wednesday night a large number of the
musically Inclined German-Americans of
Omahu met and organized th Omaha
8ar igerfest association,, having for It
principal purpose the management of the
ftaengerbund of the Northwest Umt will
hold its meeting her luring th coming
summer. Officers .were elected as fol
President Ieo Hoffmann.
First Vic President A. Ia Meyer,
Second Vic President Theodore Pln
bold. rieeretary Val J. Peter.
Treasurer B. F, Meile.
Secretary Peter was given authority to
nam his assistant, and the two officers,
together with th others elected, are em
powered to name an executive commu
te of thirty persons to aid in carrying
on the work Incident to the holding of
th meeting that ia expected to bring
anywhere from JB.000 to to, 000 people to
the city during the wek of BaengerfeeL
Will Iaereaa Measkera-lsi.
fiiefja wer taken to Immediately In
crease .th membership of all the local
Oerman ainging societies In order that a
chorus of not less than LOGO voice may
ba secured to take put in the concerts
that will be given. Prof. Theodore Rud
Reese was elected musical director, and
be announced that In the near future, as
soon aa he oan get the singers together,
practice will begin. In the meantime he
will be anxloua to get singers, and those,
both men and women, who desiro to join
the chorus ra requested to communicate
with him. ' Ills telephone Is Harney 4171.
Chorus rehearsals will be at the Verctn
headquarters. Seventeenth andi Cass
streets, where, during the last " few
months, several thousand, dollar have
been expended in enlarging and refitting
and refurnishing the auditorium.
The newly organized Saengerfest asso
ciation la to become; a permanent musical
Institution of the city. It Is incorporated
nnder th lawa of the state and will de
vet Us energies to building; up music
locally, bringing musical attraction to
the city and fostering movement both
in the city and in the state,
EMrlng the meeting .numerous let
ters were read from musical organi
sations alt over the west and central
west, all pledging support to tbe 8aenger
fest to be held the coming summer and
all Indicating that the attendance will be
Charles Metz Buys
Hugh Murphy Lot
' A deal has Just been closed by which
Charles Mets wilt acquire by purchase
the residence- lot belonging to Hugh.
Murphy at th northwest corner of
Thirty-seventh street and Dewey avenue.
Th amount Involved is not yet disclosed.
but the property Is In th center of the
West Farnam' district and Immediately
opposite th handsome home built by E.
Cudahy and now occupied by Mrs.
P. A. Nash. . y
Te chocs members of the Commercial
club to run for the office of directors cf
th club at an early meeting, the nomi
nating committee met at luncheon and
prepared a list cf nomination, which wilt
be announced within a few days.
Keep Uric Acid
Out of Joints
Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to
Eat Less Heat and Take
Rheumatism la easier to avoid than to
core, states a well-known authority. We
ar advised to' dress warmly; keep the
feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat.
but drink plenty of good water.
Rheumatism is a direct result of eating
too much meat and other rich foods
that produce urio acid which Is absorbed
Into the blood. It Is the function of the
Utldnrys to filter this acid from, the blood
and cast It out In the urine; the porea of
th akin are also a means of freeing the
blood of I this Impurity. . In damp and
chilly cold weather th akin pores are
closed thua forcing tb kidney to do
double work, they become weak and
sluggish and fall to eliminate the uric
add whtch keeps accumulating and cir
culating through tha system, eventually
settling In th joints and muscles.
causing stiffness, serenes and pain
called rheumatism.. .
At tbe , first twinge of rheumatism get
any pharmacy about four ounces
of Jad Baits; put a tablespoonful In a
glass of water and drink before break
fast each morning for a week. This ta
said to eliminate urle acid by stimula
ting the kidneys to normal action, thus
ridding tha blood of these Impurities.
Jad Baits Is Inexpensive, harmless and
Is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with Ittbla and
la used with excellent results by thou
sands of folks who ar submit to rheu
matism. Her you hav a pleasant,
effervescent Uthla-.rater drink which
help overcome uric add and la bene
ficial to your kidney as well. Advertisement-
Distributors , .
I'huiiO iHU)jt a and ha a case
; scat bonu
Bicycle Turned to
a Motorcycle in
Less Than Minute
A tiny but powerful gasoline engine
built Into an extra wheel and attach
able to any bicycle In lee than a min
ute i the latest gasoline achievement to
be seen In Omaha. v
A local motorcycle aeent had a dem
onstrator riding abont town yesterday
afternoon, showing off the new wheel.
The extra wheel, when attached to a
bicycle, makes It look like a child's trl
Icycie. The attachment wlghs about
ea-enty pounds end Is said to cost
about ISO.
According to the man riding the ma
chine yesterday, the erglne Is strong
enough to pull rider and wheel up aN
moat any hill and can attain a speed of
forty miles an hour.
"Would a September Morn tattoo on
thearm be sufficient cause for rejection
from th 'navy?" inquires Andrew J.
Nicholson :of Fremont
Lieutenant T. M. Tipton of the local
recruiting office replied, "You are In
formed that a tattoo of September Morn'
would be sufficient cause for rejection
upon application for enlistment In th
navy. If you desire to enlist, would sug
gest that you have a bathing suit added
to the design."
Stops Headache,
Pain, Neuralgia
Ton can clear your Lead and reliewa
a dull, splitting or violent throbbing
headache In a . moment with, a Dr.
James" Headache Powder. This old-time
headache relief acta almost magically,
aend someone to the drug stor now
for a dime package and a few momenta
after you take 'a powder you will won
der what became of th headache, neu
ralgia and pain. Stop suffering It's)
needlesa Be sure yeu get what you ask
for Advertisement. '
. : :!iVjii!i
Make a DoUar's Worth of Coal Do a
Dollar's Worth of Work
In odw words, get ywir Toaasy't yrorth. Bum coal that giret "
the greatest possible amount of beat without waste. Remem
ber that coal differs in quality. "So buy your coal with your t
eyes open. Make certain of quality by buying by name.
Ask for ..
1 The Coal That Satisfies V '
You can use less of this coal and get more heat .from the
amount you use than from any ordinary coat
TVls SI Is Dlsplarad by Oatdara
wUMifuiusbVaUerAaUwwMU day.
McCormlck Building .
and the Gulf Coast
.is near and offers splendid attractions
to winter tourists.
Lov Fares
Reduced rate 'round trip tickets on sale daily
from Omaha via Chicago end North Western
Ry. to all the famous southern resorts: j
Jacksonville. $50.68- Orlando $58.48
New Orleans. 41.18 Tampa...... 62.28
Mobile ...... 41.18 StPetersburg 6Z28
St Augustine 52.93 Miami 72.78
Palm Beach. 69.18 Havana..... 87.18
Cffs. dimly Irs tease as etas cSxs
Favorable Stopover PrivOegea
Choice of Scenic Route Liberal Return Limit
'Xi i
v.. 'r
4 .- '
Hands Swelled and Cracked. Tor
ture to Put in Water. Itched and
Burned. Used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment and Was Healed.
Bendon, Mich.--" My ersema began by
small water, blisters oa my hands and
on th outside of my wrUte, . My hands
swelled and cranked, and now they did
ftchl It was torture so pas them In warm
water. The breaking out oa toy hand was
very unsightly. It Itched sad burned so I
would scratch until It would bleed. ' . Then
tt would hurt worse than rar aad tb Itch
ing did sot eeaa. Lot of nights X would
scarcely sleep at all for th itching and
" I got remedies but th trouble would re- -turn
a soon as I Quit using them. Finally
I wrote for a free sample of Ontieura Boap
and Ointment which wa promptly sent.
Th samples helped then I bought a box
of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura
Ointment. In lees than a week tb Itching
ceased and the ecxema began to get well. ,
Beor I had toed two boxes of Cuticura
Ointment and tb Cuticura Soap I was
healed." (Signed) Mra. Chaa. Bowman.
Jun 80, 10H. ' ,
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 33-p. Bldn Book en request. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Bos
ton.." Bold throughout th world.
Lease for sale
, On very fine
Dentist's Office
3' rooms ensuite.
"7 building that UalwayM new"
Inquire for
Superintendent, Room 103.
Lehigh Valley Anthracite is rich in
carbon. It bums long, bums evenly,
bums thoroughly. There is little waste.
Ordmr th! mat firn wmt rll fc-
- w j wu.
If he can't supply you write .
. Chicago, EL
Seven fast modernly equipped trains
arrive at the new Passenger Ter
minal, Chicago, daily, making con
venient connections with through
trains on lines South.
lravei via tne famous
flnnhls trarV snlnm.tli.
electric safety signal line
to Chicago.
The Best cf ErerTtlbr
Rsesrrstions and particulars
a application to ticket offices)
Chicago .and
North Western Ry.
7401-1403 Parnan Btreet
Omaha, Msb.