Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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GoTernor DeliTeri Memg-e to Joint
Contention , of . Senate and
Home Members.
(From a Stuff Correpnrltnt
Lincoln. Jsn. t -(special )-c,ovrnnr
Morcnead lellvered hit addre to the
Joint convention of the two houm thin
svfteraonn. In bis address he ald:
"To the Members of the Trtlrty-foiirlh
Pesslon of the Nebraska Legislature
OfnUernen: ' . , r,
"In accordance with the constitution of
fur state. I. appear before you thl after
noon to lajr before. you auch Information
a I have gained during my trm of sr
vice aa governor a'nrl to suggest, for your
consideration, supN'JncssurM a sfpi'ar
to me deeeirlnir of special' consideration.
There were many nood law enacted by
the taat legislature, and I -am (lad to j
mo many member of that legislature re
turned for fhe treent-lon."-
rtaatlea Pay"f ra-llvrs"Hete)rw.
"At present 'the. cojt of . returning- fu
gitives from Justice I paid', out,, of tthe
lata general fund, and I am led to be
lieve that this often leads to arrest and
return of parties at great -j expense to
tha siste, when actual prosecutions do
not follow. I hava learned of Instirtices
"where complaints were filed against men
and after they were brought back at an
expense, of 1:00 or two to tha state, no
prosecutions were made. County officers,
being fsmlllar with all the facts and
circumstances, are better able to de
termine ' whether a requisition ought to
be Issued at public 'expense for the re
turn of a fugitive than the governor ran
possibly be.' 'The' governor Is' bound bj
tha record that IS presented to him. and
when the papers are regular, he has no
alternative bnt to grant tha requisition. I
strongly recommend that the law b so
amended, fnst each county will pay tha
cost of transporting It own prisoners to
tha penitentiary, and the coat of return
ing Its own fugitive from Justice,
i Depe Traffic.
Wa now have a statute making It a i
gowny to Introduce morphine, co
rain, ete., Inbs the penitentiary, and th
strict .eaXoroeuent-of thia statute by tha
Present warden ha brought about a
splendid Improvement In th moral of
. that Institution. I am, convinced, how
Aver, that' tha law regulating the sale of
these habit-farming drugs ought to be
more stringent, and that there ought to
"be a rigid inspection of all places dealing
In these hebtt-formtng drugs. To thl
end, I- recommend the passage of an act
which will authorise th food, drug,
rtalry.anfl oil commission to make Inspec
tion, of dnig stores, and requiring all
druggists to keep a correct record of th
)4 of the drugs.
I.lT gtoek. '
"I ,have, from, the first advocated the
onerldatlon of, departments whereve,r
possible, and where J hav bee.n able to
ut thl policy Irf operation. It has shown
saving In expense and an Improvement
In rTltency. AVthe. statute stands to
day. the state veterinary department Is
controlled by WlH a different 'board, al
though thers ls'a' sort of Interlocking
avorklng arrangement ' Responsibility
.'aught Ut be f placed with on board or
another,, and 1 recommend that the atat
iitea be so amended, that these two board
'be consolidated... feel, too, that tha lav
'regulattcBst-reejanUng ttwr Inspection of
,stsl)ln should be so amended that an
!inpaetion be mad only every three veers,
and that Inspection made during th last
fclennium, be validated for the, term of
.three, years ftom th Inspection. ' The
, .swine Industry pf this state I an .Im
portant ope. and every encouragement ,
should U glycn for Its further develop,
ment.' I hoi ypu Wli; make provision
,for the manufacture- of anti-cholera
jrvi jtnd provide,, f lr.its, sal to farm
r at actual cost.
Bar terlolos leal Laboratory.
"Having observed tha work In th
arteriologlcal laboratory tuV nearly two
years, and having had tit do with th
law governing. thl work.' I am" convinced
lhat tha present law "la very bunglesome.
,A It stands today, ''there U no one In,
awntrol. Th supervisor Tim a double et
.of officer . 0er "hlhi!- without being
Iirect!y rtspinslbla ,o 'anybody. '"This
,law aught to'le. so sincnrted a tj'take
this bfireau entirely out of th jurisdic
tion M the baard if;tSMretrle of the
ataU board of health and place It under
the direction of. tha board of 'health
"proper, i ' , : ' -
gtate Fiaaseea. '"" '
"Our aUta finance are In excellent
rendition. I, believe the time 1 at hand
when w rosy wellreduce our appropria
tions. i ..
lata alverelty. '
"Our stat university, whjch U both our.
Urgent and our mtfut.. expensiv JttsUtu
tioo. has long boen a subject' of much
discussion ahr contentfun. I congratulate
the fiitmia of tliie Institution upva tha
aeutemant of all strife connocted with It
"Th printing of th report of th va
rious 'department appeal to me as a
bungleaom and Extravagant method of
getting uch facts' before the peopi as
would t of Interest to them.
"There la a disposition on th part of
certain deportment , to embellish ihelr
reports with high-grade engravings- of
the official past and present, and other
subjects, all cf which. thougU very pleas
ing to the ey. are aa unnecessary ex
run to the state.
T!! charter; vl printing now ap-
f rt.iluiate 36.0(- a blennlun. and I aug
et that Instead -of publishing, a Urge
number of s-part reports for each do-
iartroent, that a single volume might be
produced la the form of 4 blue book or
biennial publication that would contain
eli the Important fact In condensed form
in a Mor comprelienalv shape without
Cuplliatlon and ustUaa verbiage.
"Tha uttabl employment of th In
mstes of the penitentiary Is one of tlis
most serious problems which you alll
Iiava t faca. I am opposed to state con
lct labor In couipetiiion with good mad
1 y tr labor. la my opinion the tau
ought t aaiploy thes men la making
article that the state iuit,use, gad wl'h
this la view I recornmend irat a printing
plant be established , In this taUiutloa
to do the printing fur th state, and for
the various slats Institutions, but not be
larmlittd to U ny of It producta
As lnterprUJ by our suprema court
the law touching th tatiooof banks
enabirs them to avoid Pa ng their shar
of the taxea. This Is unfair,, and. I
strong".)' recofniwnd tua the law be so
meijuid that each bank pay lis pre
rata it the texts to tiialntaln eur gov
ernment, j
nans . (,uui,. to. be mJ to our
Lnti:i aod Invettirxn! law alo. We
I. av fouad it diffti-ult under some clr-
i j'mUovO U jrvti,t t;,e organiaalloa
United States Refuses to Discuss
German Charges on Dum-Dums
WASHINGTON, Jin. T.-PeiTcsry ,
Bryn tody Informed fount Bernstorff,
li e German anibnseador, that the I'nlted
States, In mslnlalnlng strict neutrality,
must refrain from oftirtally Inrestlgatlng
or commenting upon his charge that
dumdum bullets were twine furnished
from this country to the allies.
Secretary nryan told the ambassador,
however, that If he could furnish proof
that forbidden war material were being
shipped by American firm Preddcnt ,
Wilaon would use his Influence to stop
the traffic without Involving legal or In
ternational questions.
In a letter to Count Bemstorff, Secre
tary' Bryan referred to denial of Amer
ican manufacturer to hi recent charge
of dumdum bullets and riot gun being
furnished to the allies. Tart of the letter
follows; t.
"I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your note of the Ith ultimo,
calling attention to 'fresh' violation of
tha Geneva convention' a well a of sec
tion g. article ; of .The T-"gtm conven
tion' of July 29, 1899, by the British govern
ment' In the use of dumdum bullet.
"I can asur your excellency that I
am not unmindful of the spirit In which
you bring to th attention of this gov
ernment ths Improper practice which ar
alleged to hav occurred In 'th conduct
of the present war. But whll this gov
ernment may take these statement and
charge under consideration It 1 In 1t
of companies -without paid up capital
stock, and In one or two Instance where
we hav refused to grant a charter to
companies promising to loan money at
per cent and to pay the Investor 10 per
cent, we hav beeea obliged to go Into
court to defend our action, and there I
till coma doubt a to th authority of
this board.
"In th matter of granting bank char
ter th board also ought to be given
discretionary power. Promoter ar apt
to organize bank wher th business of
the community will not warrant an In
crease of banking Institutions. There may
bfl objection to placing so much power
,n th hand of th banking board, and
If aeeemed necessary suitable provision
for an appeal to th court might be
mad. .
tat Mileage.
"Although neither myself nor any mem
ber of m? office fore bav used stat
mileage,, a good deal of mileage Is used
by Inspector In th department under
me. . And In these department I hav
required an Itemised report of mileage
used to be filed with each voucher. I
believe thl system ought to be Installed
I strongly bellev In th policy of a
four-year term for state officers, and
In making them ineligible a for re-election.
In thl way w can hava our busi
ness, affair looked after batter than
whin men are elected for a short trm,
and soon feel ths necessity of preparing
for a neer-.eampalgn in order to secure
re-aleetlon ' '
" A Oar Trlsaary Law.
In theory, bur primary .law meet
the approval of our people, but Ilk
all 'other human Instruments,' It has
Its Imperfections. Our slater State hav
law something Ilk our own,' yet each
on differing somewhat In Its provision.
In :other states, notably Eouth Dakota.
party committee ar required to Certify
out name before they ar printed on th
ballot. I bellev amendment to. OUT law
whluh wilt provide! for some such method
should be made. This will have a ten
dency to 'draw Into public service men
of the highest typ; ' it will make It
more nearly possible for the people to
seteot; it will slwsy bring the candi
date before th voter with a 'eertifl-1
cate of his standing, by the people who
know him and ar acquainted with hi
qualification. A our law stands today,
th averag voter Is not acquainted with
a large peroentaga of the men who ar
candidates for slat office, and when h
comes to th booth to vote, he ha noth
ing on which to base his cholc. No
bank or business hoi tee would select Its
employes in this haphasard way.
. Oar Jadlclary, ,
Our constitution guarantees to every
man his 1y la. court, but tnls , gusr
anlee 1s of, little valuelf that asy- Is
loo ' long- delsyed. .Our '.aupreni court
docket 1 now so congested., that work
I approximately two and sna-half yoars
behind. After careful consideration of
the situation, I am' convinced that th
only way to "bring about Immediate re
lief I the creation of a , supreme . com
mission, to assist th judge wlh their
work. ' , . ' , .
fclect Unarraan Jadaea by Districts.
'And tn connection ' with this 'sugges
tion for a court commission to ' bring
the V -f down to date. I deatrs to
etmnaly urge tha submission of a con
stitutional amendment which will make
possible the election' of supreme judge!
by districts.
"In diaftlng thl proposed arr.enlment
provision may also be mado for th
creation of an Intermedlato court to be
composed of district judges, requiring
them to alt from time to Urns and dis
pose of certain classes of cases, thereby
relluvtng th supreme court of th duty
of passing upon the less Important ques
tion of lltlsation. I am convinced that
the judge can be formed Into a court
of thl kind without much additional e
penee, and to tha great advantage of our
Judicial system.
G4 Roads.
'The subjort of good roads has occu
pied the attention of our people for sty
mi years, but with all the agitation, we
do not appear to hav attained tangible
results. In this work convict labor may
b profitably employed. I .recommended
a law which will make It possible to take
the Inmates of this Institution, and under
suitable supervision, find them employ
ment upon tha publlo roada ' Thl wilt
be to their benefit and to th lasting good
of tha state.
aae ssi Fish.
."Sine ouv game and fish law was en
acted congress has legislated on the
saw subject, nl wa.flnd that many
of the provisions . of th federal atat- mora rcstiKtiv than our own.
I'ertwd of th year when gam I per
mitted to be taken la Nebraaka, are
"closed season" under, th federal stat
ute. J, therefore, recommend each
change In our law aa will rnae It work
la harmony with th federal law.
caaala Oat at rallttea.
"Two years ago. by tha enactmsnt of
th Bon-pertUan Judiuiaty law, we took
the courts of the stale out of pollttaa.
The aihools, however, cannot do their
Lest work when nmnri'd in party poll?
IWs. Like th courts, they -ought, to be
free and above party politics, and I
therefore, recommend the enactment of
a law fur the aomluatioa and election
effort to maintain a strict neutrality In
tha present conflict obliged to refrain
from Investigating their truthfulness or
making any comment In regard to them.
"The time will come,' however, when
the truth may be Impartially determined
and when the Judtfment of the world will
be passed upon the charges made by the
various belligerent of violations of the
rule of civilised warfare.
"Tour excellenry also ' states that the
British government has ordered from the
Winchester Repeating Arms romps ny
30,Ono "riot guns,
model 1S97, and W.WO.OOO ,
buckshot cartridge' for use In such 1
guns. This department saw a published
statement of the Winchester company,
tha correctness of which the company baa
confirmed to the department by tele
graph. In this statement the -company
categorically denies that it ha received
an order for auch guns."
In this' statement the 'company cate
gorically denleftbat It has received an
order for such gun and cartridges from,
or made any sale of auch material to
tha British government, or to any other
government engaged In the present war.
"In view of the publicity which lias
been given to your excellency's complaint
addressed to tha department In these
matters. It la taken for granted that
there can be no objection on -your part
to equal publicity, given to this note. .
"Accept, excellency, th renewed assur
ances of my highest consideration."
of our school superintendents, county
nd state, similar to that under which
ws now elect our judiciary.
Paktta WsrtkssM I .aw.
, "On of th pledge mad In the demo
cratic platform Is th enactment of a
publlo warehouse law. Th question Is
too compUs to permit me to treat In detail
an enactment of this kind, but some of
Our sister state already hav statutes
of th kind and 1 am sure that by study
ing these, together with an Investigation
of th success they hav achieved where
tried, will enable you to enact a statute
which will be fair to all.
"I would suggest that before th ware
house man be permitted to accept the
grain for storage, that hs be required
ta apply to th Stat Railway commis
sion 'for a license to do business, and
compelled to give a bond In sufficient
amount to Indemnify the seller against
hi fatlure, or prevent hi sal of th
grain without th written authorisation
of the eller.
Appraprtatloa ta B Passael Early,
"Heretofore appropriation bills, al
though Introduced early in th session,
have been delayed In. pasaace. and hold
back for final action until th conclu
sion of th session. . This has prevented1
member from making tha careful in
vestigation of th various Items which
the publie welfare, demands. It ha of
ten, too, denied th governor th oppor
tunity to make careful Investigation for
tha necessity of th various Items going
to make up ths appropriation. I believe
the rules ought, to be modeled so tbst
appropriation bills ba given preoedonoe
and that they be made a special order
of business from tlma to time, and that
vary bill carrying an appropriation
ought to be passed and In th hands of
th governor before th fortieth day of
the session.
Coasrvatloa of Water rawer.
,'Ther la still' another matter which
I wish to urge for yottr ronsideratlon.
and that la th proper conservation and
development of our water power. ' To
learn th possibilities of our water re
sources, it will b nacossury to make
exhaustive and comprehensive surveys
and measurements. This ought to be
done and tha- Investigation' should be
thorough. Already th federal govern
ment has sent experts Into southwestern
Nebraaka who have dona some work for
th purpose of ascertaining, th feasi
bility of taking the Platte water In flood
time and running them over fertile
prairie land of that seotion of the atat.
wher th water may b absorbed Into
tha subsoil, to b given up during ths
crop growing period. , - -
, "A schema of this kind,' I bellev -to
bs entirely practicable, and whll of bene
fit to -th farmer of Nebraska, ' It will
hlsa protect th planter hi th south from
ph freshatg along th Mississippi river.
Projects ot this kind need federal aid,
and I am convinced that ia our efforts
ta devalop tha water pow4r of th state.
' should eall lor' federal aid fa making
tha preliminary surveys and investiga
tions. , . . 1
"I hsv great eonfldenc In your desire
to keep down the expenses of this ses
sion. There ha been just complaint
made against tha old practlc of allowing
servlta. This hag been done on th
theory 'that .they are entitled to eitra
time wnen they com back" for a Httl
work In the, evening. Th per diem fifed
Is generally aflsquat and in rdsr that
this may be absolutely eliminated. I urge
the sdoptlon of a rule which will allow
pay for only ana day, for. avery calendar
day of th session. You will have no
trouble In ' securing- help en this basis,
and It will effectively atop thl abuse."
(Continued from Page On.) .
tttey tmaiit sufivr the same fate as his'
htn, ...
Tner wr . new ooiy .two Oar man
cruisers and two armed merchantmen to
carry on commerce raiding, the marquis
of Crew said, and they oould not long
escape th allies' ships. . Th manning of
new ships. Including monitors, he added.
had been completely provided for. .
Ueah. aa Kew Year's ttay.'
The battleship Kormldsble was sunk In
the English channel, January 1, with a
loss of more than One pen. The Urtttah
admiralty In Its earlier reports said It
was unable to state whether the disaster
had been caused by a mine or a torpedo.
Jaauary 4. the Oermaa official preea bu
reau announced the receipt by, the ad
miralty of a wlrelea ceport from a Ger
man submarine, whoa commander stated
that he had sunk the Formtdabla off
Plymouth, and that the submarine had
escaped undamaged.
hire. Vaa liens Held.
MASON- CITT. U.. Jan. T.-Mpecl TV
egram.) Ivides- waa everywhere ' ap
parea ta- the hearing- today of - sfra
Charlotte .Vaa Horn that If she killed
her husband ah was not aJon In th
crim.' Other mst ar exacted. There
was sufficient evidence, hoaever, to War
rant Judge Ptanberry la binding her to
the grand jury.
N natter what yea waai it will av
you tune and tuoaty U you as Kee
Want Ada.
Upper Home Vote to Have Journal
Printed Complete in Order to
Avoid Big Bill at Close.
i. ii
(From a Staff Correspondent)
UNCOL.N, Jan.. l -Ppeclal Telegram.)
The republican minority In the state
senate again scored with the help of Inde
pendent democrats on an effort of the
majority to turn over the printing of the
journal to the secretary. Th report of
the special legtslstlve committee knocked
out the usual fat' fee the secretary has
reaped In sessions past' In preparing the
journal after the session has passed.
Senator Klechel of Nemaha Introduced
the resolution, and. Beat of Custer and
Qulnby of Douglas joined th republicans
for the printing of th journal each day,
with sufficient, extra copies to bind In
the proceedings at, tha close of the ses
sion. Gates of ..Sarpy tried to. get the
credit for ths democrats by sending up a
"substitute" motion, which In effect was
th same as the Klechel motion, and this
'carried unanimously, hn the eredlt for
forcing the matter belongs to 'the repub
lican minority, assisted By Qulnb and
Boa!, democrats.
In th House Relschlck of Richard
son lost out sgsln on his resolution to
prevent members In districts where there
ar state institutions from becoming
menbers of the appropriations com
mittee. Lack of Harmony
Among Douglas
County Members
(rrora a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Jan. 7. (Special.) A
usual, then la lack of harmony In th
Douglas county delegation.. Trouble be
gan In the democratic caucus of the house
when Howard nominated a man for chap
lain and Hunter . nominated another. They
spilt again yesterday on th proposition
of declaring the amendments carried and
In thia case It was Hunter and Barrett
In ths senate the successful efforts of
Qulnby to kill off "Doc" Tanner, who
wss being boosted by Howell, started
things humming
None of the other members aa yet have
been la the spotlight, with the exception
of Dodge, republican. Dodge has taken
a part once, that of peacemaker or guar
dian angel. In the Tanner controversy
Dodge disliked to Interfere, so he said.
but he admonished the majority that
they should be mighty careful.'
Young Members v
Of House Show
Well at the Start
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN,. Jan. 7.-(Special.) No more
will the members of the lower house of
th Nebraska legislature know that roll
call Is on by hearing the clerk announce
"Anderson of Boyd." as in the past
Anderson hss -been superseded by B. J.
Anley of Belgrade, Nance county at the
top of the sou call and It la aew "Amley"
Imply when tha clerk begin the oall. "
Alnley ia a young member who will
without doubt be heard from thia session
as one of the hard workers of the house.
He ia a republican.
Another, young member who carries all
the msrks of a winner Is Thomas W.
Lanlgan of Greeley. Mr.- Lanigan la a
lawyer, possessing a flna.voice and while
one of the youngest. It Jiot the youngest
member of the sower bouse, showed up
yesterday In the debate oa the adoption
of the constitutional amendments aa one
of the most forceful speakers of the
(From a Btaff Correspondent.) ,
LINCOLN. Jan. T. (Special.)-At the
suggestion of Speaker Jackson, former
Representative J. J. McAllister of Da
kota county was given twenty mlnutea
In ths house today to explain the report special commission to Investigate
water power, of which he I chairman.
Speaker Jackson., II. C. Palmer of Clay
Center. C. H. Qustafsoa or Mead and
Prut. O. E. Condre of the University of
Nebraska ar th other member ot th
Th house voted to adopt the report
aud order EW copies printed for the mem
bers of tho legislature and general dis
tribution. Later, on an objection by
Hotfmelater, It waa agreed to reconsider
and "accept" the report Instead of adopt
ing it, because Prof. Condra did not
fully concur In -the conclusions reached.
Doable Weddtag.
FAIRBVnT. Nob., Jan. 7.-Spocia!.)-
The home of Mr. and Mrs. FTed Mllius.
ten miles" northeast of Falrbury near
Helvey, was the scene of a pretty doubie
wedding today. It was aiso the occasion
of the silver anniversary of Mr. and Mts.
Fred Mlllua Rev. Kollmaa of the Ger
man Lutharaa church near Deyfcln offi
ciated and the ceremony eras wltneasod
by a large number ot friends and rela
tives. The first wedding comprised
Chris Mill us sjd Miss Emma Schllk.
The soetmd couple comprised Henry W.
Fox. of this county and Miss Helen M.
Mlliua. The groom is the son ot Mr.
and Mrs. John Fox of Dallas, Tex.
Jeffereaw PeaHry
FAIRBl-RV. Neb,. Jan. 7.-(SpecUl.)
Tle ninth annual Jefferaoa county poul
try show opened tn the hall north of the
Majestic theater, and a large number of
fowls are oa exhibition. This poultry
show Is glvea under th Jefferson County
rouury association and the ralrbury
Commercial dub co-operated. The show
will last three days and will do Sat
urday. X number of cash premium will
be awarded. The officers of the Jeffer
son County Poultry association Include
w. L. Curtis, president ; C. M. Hurlburt.
secretary; C. Bonsall. superintendent;
Kussrl F. Palmer. Judge; while the board
of manasera Include, Q. B. Clary, John
Stilwell. V. M. Hare. C. Bonsall and B.
K. Richardson.
Instead of dangerous, salivating Calo
mel to liven your liver when bilious,
headachy or constipated get a la-cent box
Of CareareU. They start the Hver and
bowels and straigttUn yeuup better than
nasty Calomel, without griping or making
)0U U"k. JtlverUmmeut.
Text of Cardinal's
1 Germans Are Said to Have Objected
LONDON. Jan. ".The much-discussed
paracrarhe of the pastoral letter of
Cardinal Murder which th Netherlands
newspaper TIJd said had been responsible
for bis arrest at the hands of th German
military authorities In Belgium. n arrest
which the Herman authorities have cate
gorically denied, have been published In
pamphlet form in London. They are aa
"I consider It an obligation of my
pastoral 'charge to define your duties of
conscience toward the power which has
Invaded our soli and which at this time
occupies the greater part of It. That
Ijower has no suthorlty In law. In the
sanctuary of your soul you owe It neither
esteem nor attachment nor obedience.
The sole legal power In Belgium Is that
which Is derived from our king, our gov
ernm?nt and th representative of the
nation. This alone for us represent
authority; this elone has a right to th
affections of our hesrts and' to our sub
mission. ' .
"Of themselves the sets of rhose in
occupation are without force; .-but th
legal authority ratlfle Ucltly thoso aots
which ar justified in the general In
terest and from ratification alone they
derive all their Judicial worth. .
"The occupied provinces of Belgium ar
Friday is a Bargain Day in
1 ' ' 1
the Ready-to-Wear Section
Unusual values of fine merchandise will repay many fold those who attend.
Our entire stock of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Furs, is genuinely reduced. You
cannot afford to miss this value-giviiur event. . These are. a few quotations: ,
$45.00 SUITS. 522.50 $23.50 COATS.. 14.50 $30.00 DRESSES. .$15.00
,$19.50 SUITS. $ 9.75 $19.50 COATS.. $ 0.85 $20.00 DRESSES. .10.00
These are merely a few example vof many genuine reductions. Every garment is
on Bale, and every garment is from our regular stock. .
Many of the Handsomest Silks Will Go Out
in Friday's Great Clearing Sale
The items given below are but a handful' gleaned here , and there. Hundreds
more to choose from, riot mentioned here:
..'.-,..-...-. t. i (
$1.00 Black and White
Check Taffeta, now 59S
check about one-inch
square, very stylish- .
$1.00 Black Satin with
pin-stripes of wisteria,'
now 59?, rich satin fin
ish, for waists and gowns.
. $1.25 Printed Chiffon
Taffeta, now 59 S print
ed in pretty Dresden fig
ures and contrasting pin
Friday's Bargains in the
January Sale of Fine
Table Cloths
$ 6.00 Cloths $'4.00
1 $ 7.50 Cloths :$ 5.00
$10.00 Cloths...... $ 6.89
$15.00 Cloths. .... .$10.00
$20.00 Cloths. .... .$15.00
January Sale of Fine
$ 3.50 Bleached, $2.75 doz.
$ 5.00 Bleached, $3.75 doz.
$ 7.50 Bleached, $5.00 doz.
$10 Bleached... S7.50 doz.
$15 Bleached, $10.89 doz.
THE YEAR 1914.
As y reekos time, saother yesr hss
psesed. In some respects It hss been )e
very best year la the fclstory of TUB
M1DWKKT UrE; in others, not quite so
good. It closes ths yesr wits, Mttle
over 6.5u0,0uO of Insurance In force; wtth
substantial progress rosds In Its sgenoy
organisation; with an Increase In 1u
assets of orer tlOO.000; an4 UU rest
hope and courage for the year 191.
The company will sxtend Its activities
Into Kansas early in March. For nearly
nine yeas. It confined lu operations to
Nebraska alone. Its assets and income
are new such that Its officers feel that
the ccynpany ran with safety, eater an
other state. Agents wishing" to represent
this company either In Nebraska, or
! Kansas, call or writ. . , -
must lea-mncmTiBfi urt uctuxci om
mst mnom umiwc, Lincoln.
6IS1S1L tetMTIt ( r.RCCgla,
I A.MRMIf s .0.ltBjllh
.Read the "For tale" sds If yon want
bargains of the minute. .
Letter to Which
not conqiy-ed provinces. Belgium le n
more a Oerman province than Oallcla Is
a Russian province, Nevertheless, the oc
cupied part of our country is confronted
by a situation to which it must submit.
The greater number of our towns have
been handed over to rho enemy; they
huist refpeet the conditions of Ihelr sur
"From the beginning of military opera
tions the civil authorities have Insist
ently recommended thst private persons
abstain from acts of hostility against the
armed ' enemy. These . recommendations
are still In force. Our army, alone Is
chargeA with the duty of our, national
defense. Let us know how to await St
Its hands the final deliverance. Let us
comfort ourselves as the gnneral Inter
est demands. Let us reepect. the regu
lations they (the Germans) Impose tfh us
so long ss they do not attack our lib
erty of . Chrlstisn conscience or the dig
nity of our patriotism."
Cardinal's Pala I'ader Guard.
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 7. (Via London-)-The
Amsterdam TIJd, whose report of
the arrest of Cardinal 'MercteV ettrlted,
tolay an official denial from the German
military government In Belguhj. pub
lishes a dispatch from Bergetv-Op-Zoom.
Netherlands, purporting to . confirm the
. $1.25 Satin de Lux now - y $1.25 Jacquard Chiff
59. ..White ground,- pinf.Taffeta now 50ti beati-:
stripes of black with tiny tiful contrasting colors.
Dresden figures.
$1.00 All-Silk Messaline,
now 59V even ' stripes,
navy and white.
$1.00 All-Silk Black and
White Stripe Satin, now
59, about three-quarter,
inch stripe.
$1.00 Serge Silk, now
59S in invisible striped
effect; very handsome.
50c Huck Towels.". . .. .39?
75c Huck Towels 50
$1.00 Huck Towels. . .65c
$1.50 Huck Towels.. $1.00
Turkish Towels
45c Extra heavy .25
65c Extra heavy. ..... .39
75o Extra heavy , .50
$1.00 Extra heavy 69
Crash Toweling
17c Toweling . . 12 xh $ yard
18c Toweling. .... 13 yard
20c Toweling. . . . ". 15 yard
22c Toweling. . . .18 yard
Mr. Uu 6ptt muO otrr1tif. Mot gc
Mutly !! n itnpowuslr yrediMttae
( IH mm. Hm tha I kk. bueotc SfJiir
etiorua ml gruclus. souuag pats.
tvADxar siu mat. win bat.
DOYD DfllltlM 1)11
Toaig-ht aad Alt Week.
. (atlnae fteturday, ,
ramci as so.
Mats B&oi JSia-bta, ftbo and BOe.
Has Week B1B.OHO BABT.
Taae, Jam. IS. Aaotety Sits Lit,
A4a4 Attraouua.
Omaha Migb gtukooi fetae Cine.
tt-lved now
Phone Harney 514 3
New term begina Monday, January 11th. Adult befiansra Mon
day and T hursday V P. M. Adult advanced. Tuesdays S p. M. (Only
new dances tausht in this class.) Punlls lolnlnc class Jaauary 11. 12
and 14 will be slvan a reduction of 11.00 on tickets..
ststements that the csrdlnal was placed
under restraint.. The TUd 'asserts thst
Herman guards were stationed outside
-the cardinal" palace last Saturday; that
the cardinal demanded of th German
commander that he be allow to visit
Antwerp on Punday and another place
en Monday, but that thl permission was
Th Tijd aiso say that a majority of
tho Antwerp clergy have been arrested.
Newa Nates af Oeaeva.
GENEVA. Neb., Jan. 7. (Spoclal.)-The
newly elected county officers were seated
today, as follows: County clerk. Bert
Lynn, re-elected; treasurer, II. N. Swwin
from West Blue precinct', with A. Kotao
of Mllllgan as deputy; sheriff, Frank
Ashton, re-elected; county attorney, Dana
Gelselman, re-elected: county Judge. W.
R. Fnlton, re-elected; county superln
dent, Miiis Lillian Green.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen
had Installation last night, and a ban
quet also. The newly Installed officer
are: Master workman. Ray Tlmmons;
foreman, F. J... Hill; overseer, A. E.
Weber; financier, M. Hetsey; recorder,
William Ralston.; Inside watch, Jacob
Klret; outside watch. Alex Larson;
trustee. C. C. Spangler; past master work
man. J. M. Hill.
The infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Irvle
Fellows died of pneumonia. The funeral
was held this afternoon "at 8 'o'clock.
Be Want Ada Are) the Beet Business
Read Dally by People In 8areh of Ad
rertlsed Opportunities.
$L50 Silk Bengaline,
now 89, handsome rich
cord effect.
. $1.00 Colored Chiffon
t Taffetas and changeable,.
' now 39, good assort
ment of colors.
. $1.25 Brocaded Satins,
.now 62, evening
shades with dainty col
ored figures.
Linen Sales
Extra Specials
400 Dozen 12y,c Huck Tow
els, 5 each.
100 Dozen $10.00 Napkins,
Brown's, $5.00 & dozen.
100 Dozen $4.75 Napkins,
Brown's, $2.89 a dozen.
100 Dozen $4.50 $ Na'pk&s,
Scotch, $2.75 a dozen.
200 Dozen 5c Wash Cloths,
2 each.
1,000 yards of 10c Brown
Crash, 5 a yard.
All Fancy Lace and Ma
deira Pieces, Scarfs and Doil
ies, what are left, at just
One-Half Price.
Assisted by BCaie. eU X often
aad AU Star TtdeUsh Oeapasy
tea '
Toalfhtf The tmne Orphans,
ta See.! The (riyl ef iue CreMea West
TtUI tso. BOe, Tea AM SI.
'-.and Kon., Jen. 10, 11. Kt. ftnu.,
Calais csr.!C uZ
Frederio Jintley
sad Balnty
Bead eg' Casrus.
-other Acts: larnbertl.
Ooeblan I ivoineo. toe urau, ' sn
A Hrown. Martin Vsn Hnrsan, "Little
;i" Oascoisne. Orpheuss Travel Weekly.
frtoaa. Malinaa, Oa.tery. lAat SaM .s
aat aatur4ay aag hMVl SM Siaj Mia. Sm.
has aa4 laa.
ADDliratlon re-
Prlrats leaaong dally. Up-to-date
v.. I