Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1915, Image 1
r Omaha Da Airsrtlsing Is tha Lira cf Traia 91 reran r Tfce See e ye-er fiam. yens nmxuwfi esasera, Fee yeeadbi wntmiti VOL. XLIV NO. 175. OMAHA, FRIDAY M0KN1NG, JANUARY 8, 1915 TEN TAGES. O Train nd at T.otl "ws Btanda, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. The Bee THE WEATHER. , , , 4"V ' Fair ' a i. ( GOVERNOR DELIVERS HIS MESSAGE AFTER OFFICERSSW0RHIH Democrats Executiye of Nebraska Makes Becommendatiort m to Conduct of State'i Business During Biennium. HEW CHIEF JUSTICE GIVES OATH Joint Session Held to Witneis In uguration and listen to Ad rice from State Leader. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.,' Jan. 7. Special Tele gram.) New officer of the tat were Inaugurated today at 1 o'clock before a joint of ox ton of the two housed and Gov ernor Morehead delivered his Inaugural address.' The officers were sworn by the chief Justice, Conrad Hollenbeck. who was sworn In last night and sat for the first lime In tho court session this morning. The state officers, wltli Governor More head, were also sWorw In as follows: ' Mew State Officers. Governor John H.. Morehead, Lieu tenant Governor James Pearson, Secre tary of Mate Charles W. Pflol. Auditor William It. Smith. Treasures George E. IJall. Superintendent A. O. Thotnaa, At torney Genera! Willi B( Reed, Land Comnilralonerr Fred Beckman. Railway Commissioner Thomas L. Hall. ' The house was well filled and the gal lflies crowded when Lieutenant Governor McKelvi stepped to the chair and called the Joint sci-'Blon together, the last act of the outgoli.y lieutenant governor. It .took Govtu .v.irrhead about an hour to read ilia i... stage, which was listened to attentively. Many of hie recom mendations seemed to meet with hearty approval by the legislators. . Adjourns Till Monday. Members who had not far to go began leaving this . evening for their homes. Both house have agreed on adjournment until 3 o'clock Monday. Curing- the Intermission the members of the committee on committees and the committee on employes are expected to endeavor to reach an agreement for sub mission when the two houses meet on Monday. ' Members of the committees, however, say that vital differences will have to be adjusted. German Official i Denies Arrest of Cardinal Mercier LONDON. Jgn. ,7. The German mili tary government of Belgium has Issued an official denial of the report that Car- dlnal . Mercier, the Belgian member of the sacred college.' beea arrested Dy the German authorities. ...... v . Money for Paving, ! ; ; thirtieth to Come : (From a Staff "correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Representative Lobeck, after a conference . with Chairman Hay of the military committee of the house, said to day that the chairman would agree to an amendment proposed by Mr. Lobeck appropriating 16,000 to be need for-the paving of Thirtieth street, leading to rort Omaha. 'This amount to taken from a flat appropriation of 1600,000 for the use of the War department in looking after Just such cases as the paving of Thirtieth street, and will not Increase the total carried by the bill one' cent. It alms only to fix an amount for a given project. ... ChicagoBakers May Raise Bread Price CHICAGO. Jsn. T.-Bakers are eon siderlng raising the price of bread to cents' loaf, an increase of 1 tent, it be- - canv known today, as the result of the advance In wheat and flour. Wholesale Ttour is quoted at K.50 to ".) a barrel, an advance of 60 cents during the last three weeks; Several leading bakers said that either the prices would be advanced or the size of the loaf would be decreased. ' The Weather Korecast till 7 p. m.' Fridsy: For Omaha, Council' Bluffs ai)d Vicinity Kair; no Important change In tempera ture. 1 rjapera tar sit. ' Otnaba Yesterday Hours Dev. 6 a. m. a- m. T a. m. a. m. S3 .... S3 .... 21 - a. m... xl ' 10 a. m S4 ' 11 a. m 5 13 m 27 1 p. m 2H t px m ZT 3 p. m 34 4 p. m 23 6 p. m 21 p. m 23 7 p. m 2t . . . - S p. m .Si taBrattv Laical Qrrsrd. 1U U)M I91t 1913 Highest yesterday : M t 1 lowest yesterday 21 iU 00 IS Man temperature ..... 24 42 . 4 S I'iclpiU.lton ,' 00 .00 ,ti T Tsnineratur and precipitation depar t .ics lfuin the normal. .Nermal temimrsture i:xrt for the day Total excess since March 1. Normal precipitation rjefliieney for the day Tut..! rainfall since March 1 Jcll-Iicy sine March l" 21 2 08 . . Inch . . Inch .53 W Inohes 3 37 Inches Ieftrtency for cor. period U1S. iii Inches Ieflciency for eor. period lu. IU Inches Leswta freiaa Statlaae at T P. If. Station and State Temp. Higtv- Rain . ,of WsMther. 7 p. tu. est. fail. neyanne, ciear n - jj as Ivenport, cloudy 29 JO i Waver, clear 22 JS )-a VIolnea, cloudy .... 21 M ' Omaha, cloudy , 22 gs llnput City. Hear u : Moux City, snow Tii m Valentine, clear .... is 28 HKKi'iitea bxlow aero. . T liMlictiles trace of re ipilatlon. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. What Governor Morehead Recommends in a Nutshell Counties instead of atate to pay for conveying prisoners and return of iugmvrs. . v , vov, Rigid ins I V'J:,- V, a - dealing In habit-forming drugs. III. Consolidation of all state live stock departments. IV. A bacteriological laboratory forth State Board of Health. V. No appropriations "except where absolute necessity exists." VI. Consolidated blue book In place of separata department reports. ' Vlf. v A state printing plant conducted by convict labor. . VIII. More power to banking board, In cluding discretion to deny bank charters. " V - - ' IX. Four-year terms for state officers and no re-election. . X. . Preliminary nomination by party committees for candidates seeking primary nominations. XI.. . A- supreme court commission. XII. Election of .supreme court judges by districts. XIII. Intermediate dourts of appeal. -XIV. State road building by convict labor. - ' XV. Game and fish laws to conform IMPLEMENT HEN MAY COME AGAIN Will Hold Convention in Omaha Next Year Providing Auditorium is Available for. Exhibiting. OFFICERS ELECTED FOR TEAR The Midwest Implement Dealers' s- aoclation will come back to Omaha for the UK meeting, providing the Audi torium ia till available for the purpose, January II to a, 1318, which Is the date eet far- le nest meeting. ' This was de cided at't the meeting of the executive beard of the association In the afternoon of the last day's session. . They want a suitable place to 'meet and also to hold their big Implement show and feel that the Auditorium is the only readily avail able place for such a show In Omaha. James Wallace of Council Bluffs was re-elected secretary of the association at the meeting of the executive oard In the afternoon. . The Implements on exhibit at the show will be removed some time Friday. Officers Are Elected. Bd Lehmkuhl of Wahoo was re-elected president, J.. B. Morrissey of Shenan doah, la., was made vice president and C. A. Wagner of Omaha was re-elected treasurer. i Oscar . Rystrem of Stromsburg and E. E. Morse of Turin, Ia.,were elected members of the board of directors. To the directors It la left to choose a secre tary for the ensuing year. In order that the legislatures of Ne braska and Iowa might be made familiar with the Mid. West association and what it stands for, K was decided copies of the resolutions should te sent to all mem bers of the legislatures of .the two states, J although nothing definite waa asked for In the way .of. state legislation. t'rare Brew Federal L.btt. The association endorsed the work of cost education now being carried on; en dorsed the I,uiebaugh bill, which seeks to Impose a tax on interstate mail-order business, and . decided to urge the 'sen ators and representatives of Iowa and Nebraska In congress to support the measure. . Tbey taafflrmed their former stand In favor of the ultimata standardi sation of Implements, as they believe It would . reduce the cost to the producer and therefore reduce he cost of the product, which ' would be of benefit to the' manufacturer, dealer and consumer. Tbey recommended to ail Implement men that they become - members of the asso clatiot) and their local clubs. They recommended that all dealers as far as - possible - make their purchases from such manufacturers only as recog nise the local dealer as the logical and most economic dealer. They recommended also to the dealers the advisability of taking either cash or cote settlement at tne time of delivery. T. F. Sturgess, editor of the Twentieth Century Farmer, was called upon for discussion of some of the topics, and urged a cash basis for business as far as possible aa the soundest economic prin ciple. He also explained the ' Buy It Now" campaign which is being taken up by some thirty farm papers In the coun try and most of the leading dailies, seek ing to put money Into circulation and re vive business by urging persons to buy at once what they are sure they miict buy within a few months. The implement men applauded the Idea. TOBACCO AND SUGAR CROP OF CUBA DAMAGED HAVANA. Jan. T. The heavy, unsea sonable rants of the last week, which culminated In a torrential downpour last Yilght, completed the destruction of the tobacco crop In almost ail sections of the Island. The sugar cane also was Injured Seriously. In many location, It is yield ing esily about half the nprmal propor tion of saccharine. Many sugar mills have suspended grinding. I it . r J 'v v X J 5 it f i with federal legislation. XVI. AH school officers nominated and elected on a nonpartisan ballot XVII. A public warehouse law. XVII. Enactment of appropriation bills durlag first forty days of session. XIX. Federal aid to state for water rower survey and development. XX.- No extra pay for legislative em ployes on per dium wages. (Condensed text of Governor More head's message on Page Two.) BRITAIN ADMITS FOE SUNK FORMIDABLE Marquis Announces Battleship De stroyed by Two Torpedoes . from Submarine, ADMIRALTY ACTION CRITICISED LONDON, Jan. 7. The Marquis of Crewe, announced In the House of Lords today, that it was the definite opinion of the British admiralty that the battleship Formidable had been stink by two tor pedoes discharged 'ty la sUbmarTh;" ' , The carl of Selbourne, former first lord of the admiralty, in an address In the House Of Lords,shad described the dispatch of Sir Christopher Craddock's squad ronto the Pacific as a blunder, as the squadron, he said, was wholly inadequate for the task assigned to it to destroy the German warships there. Ho then asked for more Information concerning the loss of the battleships Formidable and Bul wark and data about other naval opera tions. . , Can't Add Aatrtblas;. The Marquis of Crewe said he could not add anything to what Winston Bpencer Churchill, first lord of the admiralty, had said In the House of Commons. Before adjournment, however, the marquis said that In the opinion of the admlrafty the Formidable had been struck by two tor- pedoea-lred by a submarine. He added that the captain of . the Formidable had sent signals to the other ships not tb stand by, which was taken to mean that submarines were in the vicinity and that (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) Live Stock Men to , Meet Next at 'Frisco DENVER, Jan. .7 The eighteenth an riual convention of the American Na tional Live Stock association will meet at Ban Francisco .March 24 and continue three days, according to the official call Issued today by Secretary t W. Tom llnson. Officials of the Pan m a- Par If lc ex position have designated March 26 . as American National Llvo Stock associa tion day. Pillage, Rapine, Arson, Murder, French Charges Against Foes PARIS. Jan. .7. The eommlasion. sp-j pointed on September 23 to Inquire Into accusations that German officers had acted "savagely and Inhumanly" against French civilians and soldiers says in Its report, made public today by the French cabinet: "We must conclude . that there never ha beea a war. between civilised nation of so aavage and ferocious a character aa that waged upon our soli by our lrq platfabln adversary. Pillage, ravishing, burning, murder are ordinary practice of' our enemies, and facts collected In many cases prove that the German claim that the killing of civilians was due to firing of the population are unfounded. "We ' found proof of - the existence in the German army not only of a sys tematic plan for burning villages, but the possession of elaborate material for this purpose. Including torches,' gren ades, fuses, oil sprayers, sticks of in flammable matter and sacks of tablet composed of very inflammable eom pressed powder." The commission afflms that it was distinguished carefully between fires caused by bombardments and those said to hare been net by hand when no fight ing was In progress. It 1 stated that the object was to intimidate the popula tion, thus Spresdlng terror anJ panlo ahead of the Invaders. HOUSE KILLS CLAUSE EXEMPTING BELGIANS FROM LETTER TEST y Alien Measure Sent to Conference Minus Provision Waiving ABC Rule in Refugee' Case. NEGRO EXCLUSION DEFEATED Lfttter Amendment it Overwhelm ingrly Rejected by 252 to 75 Vote. HEATED AND L0NQ DERATE WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-The Immigra tion bill prescribes a test of literacy for aliens coming Into this country was sent to a conference committee of the house and senate today by the houee after a vigorous debate over the smendmente written Into the measure by the senate. Before sending the hill to conference, the house registered Its disagreement to the senate amendtrntw excluding "mem bers of the African or black race," and exempting from the literacy test and the. contract Immigration provision of tls law, Belirtan agriculture! Immigrant com ing to this country because of conditions caused by the European war. Cease !( Debate. Both of these amendments caused pro tracted discussion, which kept the house busy throughout the day's session. The, negro exclusion amendment was Kit to 76, and the Pelglan exemption with out a division. Representative Cullop of ! Indiana sought pnsuccessfully to broaden the exception' In order to admit not only farmers but Industrial workers from Bel gium, and Representative Gallagher of Illinois proposed to extend the exemption to farmers from Poland., The bouse concurred In one amendment, that to exclude alt persona of "constitu tional psychopathic inferiority, an per sons with chronic alcoholism." Sentiment 4aalat Test. Much of the debate was against the literacy test provision, dasplto the fact that this already had been agreed upon by both houses. Representative Oalllvan of Massachusetts made an effmt to se cure another vote on the proposition, but was ruled out of order. Wilson Leaves for . Hoosier Capital to Make Speech Tonight WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. President Wil son left at 7 o'clock tonight for Indian apolla, where he will apeak tomorrow at a Jackson day celebration under the aus pices of the Indiana Democratic club. He will be Introduced, by Governor Ral ston of Indiana, and his speoch will be entirely, of $r pollttoei reaaraetea, . - ' On reaching Indianapolis at l:4t o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the president will go Immediately to the home of Senator Kern for a brief rest At 3 o'clock he will make his address) In Tomllnson hall and later will attend a reception In the In diana Democ ratio club and take an au tomobile ride. He will start ' back to Washington at f:45 o'clock tomorrow evening. Accompanying the president In hts pri vate oar are Secretary Tumulty, Dr. Grayson ' and several members of the White House staff. ' , Greeks Observe ' Orthodox Yuletide "Chrlstyuna," the Christmas of the Greek orthodox church, was observed in Omaha yesterday at the HU John'a Greek Catholic church, Sixteenth and Martha streets. Special services were held, at which the pastor, Rev. Gust Harvalln. presided. There was a Christmas tree for the youngsters and a program Was given after the regular church ceremony. The Grefek nollday always comes thirteen days after the Christian festival. U. S. CAN SHIP NAVAL STORES TO DUTCH AND ITALY A WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. Secretary Bryan received word from the British ambassador today -that, arrangements were being completed for the shipment without molestation of naval stores from the United States to the Netherlands and Italy. Attacks of women and slri were so frequent that the number of cases es tablished was only a small part of those which might Save been investigated," the commission say. "The vlotlma of! these odious acta generally refused to testify because It would compromise their future." The cabinet has been withholding the report of the commission because It Is said it did not desire further to excite public feeling. It 'was only upon the demand of Georges elemenceau, the for mer prenpler, and other that the cabi net decided to make public the report. The conclusions of the commission form about twenty newspaper columns. They review In detail Instances which, the commission says, were established under oath from witnesses examined under the usual form of Judicial procedure. The commission supplies with . great detail the testimony on which It con clusion are based. These deposition wilt be published later as a government doc ument. me, members of the commission are Georges Payelle, president of the court 6f accounts, chairman; Kdmond Paillot. councillor of the court of cassation; Ar mand Mollard, ons of the minister at tached to the Foreign office, and G. Marrlnger, councillor of state. WHERE WAR'S BLOWS FALL HARDEST Women of Bukowinai, compelled by the operations of the armies on the eastern border of the war to find new homes. , TEUTONS TELL OF GAINS IN THE WEST Berlin War Office Says Further Ad tancei Have Been Made in the - Fomt of Arponne. . FRENCH- DESTROY OWN TOWNS BKRL1N, Jan. 7-(By Wireless to Lon don) The German official communica tion ' on ; the progTCM of tits war given out In Berlin tills afternoon reports that' further advances have been marie by the Germans In. the western part of the for est of Argonne, ' and that desperate fighting' la going on to the north 'of Ar ras. ' Frenoh attacks in the eastern por tion of the Argonne . forest and to the west, of Sennheim (Cernay). In Alpaca, the statement says, were repulsed. . In their operations against the Russians the Germans claim to. be making prog ress In spite, of the unfavorable weather conditions. The statement says: , Activity la Ike, West. . . "In the western arena of the war the English and French continue to-destroy Belgian and French villages behind our front; this they do. by bombardment. 1 - "North of Arras severe fighting la still going on for the possession of trenches we took by storm yesterday. .. . , "In the western part of the forest of Argonne we made further progress. The attacks which we're delivered -January.! In the eastern part ' of the Argonne,' not far from Court e Chaussee, advanoed as far aa our trenches,; but. the .enemy, was driven back fronvour positions all along the tine, with heavy, losses. Our casual ties were comparatively slight.. r 1 ' "To the west of Bennhelm (Cerny) the French again attempted last night, to obtain possession of the - height called Mill 456.' Their, attack broke down tin der our, fire and the height remained Iq our possession. . ' "In the eastern arena of the war there have been no changes. , The continuation of our operation . has been afteuted by the most unfavorable weather, conditions. Nevertheless our attacks are progressing slowly." . . , i Railroad Has Killed. . ' NORFOLK, Neb., Jsn. 7. (Special Tel egram.) Charles Lyons, sgsd 21,' night car checker of the .Northwestern irall road, died today from the effects of being run ever at midnight last' night. The cause of the accident la a mystery. The National . Capital Thsjrsdayi Jasssry ' T, ' 1 l 8. The Seaate. , , Slet at U a. m. , . iK- lh .n,im hut .ri hum . take testimony on tne military-Import ance or tne isisnas. 1 he Treasury department order sus- Ipendlng publication of manifests of ves sels for thirty days was debated. Hearings on the mineral land leasing bill were begun before the lands com mittee. ' began debate on government ship pur chase bill. Took up District of Columbia appropri ation bill. . . - Considered nominations In executive ses sion. Adjourned at 3:34 p. m. to noon Friday. . The lloaae. Met at noon. The senate's amendments to the immi gration bill were discussed. Rejected African exclusion and Belgian exemption amendments to the immigra tion bill and sent measure to oonferonoa. Adjourned at 4.66 p. m. to U a. m. Friday. Tll'K Motorist's decurlty Alliance of fers lllerl contracts to producer. Kvery car owner a roapct. No com petition. Agent aanted for Omah:i aud svry Nebraska town. Tor farther information about tbl opportunity. tke Want ' Ad section of today's Bee. ' V, '--V ft- if) toe- r , - - 1 I. t't- e I w... 1 1 V : . . J i ' .. r .; ).- j. , 1 o - i The Day's War News Tbe French war olfice asserts that the eastern end .of the Ger man line la being; pushed backward in varlus pVtoces. In the day's of ficial statement mention Is made of an Important advance in the ' Woevra district, resulting In the .capture of a portion of the Ger; , man. first line. In tipper Alsace also fhe forward . . movement ot the Trench Is said to hsva continued. ; The German war office,.. ; however, asserts that French attacks in Alsace were re pulsed. ( ' ' . Beyond the German statement that the advance In Poland Is being continued slowly; there were' few details of the eastern campaign. . , The German military government of Belgium . denied officially the report of the arrest at Brussels ot 'Cardinal Mercier. , , . England's reply to Washington's remonstrance against British In terferencewlth American shipping will be altogether conciliatory, according to. London dispatches, which says that apparently all dan ger, of friction between, the two '. nations has disappeared. - , ' An official Turkish announce." . ment ' makes no mention of the : disastrous defeat Russia states was Inflicted on the Turkish ' forces : which invaded the Caucasus. ' The ; repprt .speaks .of minor victories over the , Russians by . Turkish ' forces .which penetrated northern Persia, and of an indecisive naval ' battle between Turkish ' and Rus sian warships in the Black sea.' Germans .lust Hot Fraternize wil!i Too ' BERLIN, Jan. , 7.-tVia Lndon.)-Th Oerman. army, authorities have issued a general order prohibiting In future troop in the field from fraternising with forces ef the enemy, as they did at several points in the western theater of the war at Chrlstmss. - To such an extent was this fraternising carried out that at one piece where the Germmis and British played foot ball Christinas day ' they agreed to suspend hostilities for two day more. Dawes Will Erect '. More Shelter Hotels .'CHICAGO. 'Jan. 7.-8tlinulated' by tha success of the Rufus F. Dawes hotel In Its first year a a shelter for men who can pay only a nominal sum for bed and lodging It was announced today that slnv liar hotels are to be built in other Cities. The hotel u, erectid by Charles Q Iawes as a mouument to the memory of his son. It stands In West Madison street, a crowded ' district, and In It first year housed 17S.OC0 men and served SJ.iiOO meals. The regular hotel charge for a bed Is cents a night. On its bill of fare meat hash and beans can be had for I cento, enffee for 1 eents, soup and bread for t cents and pie for cents. Th annual report ahowed that the first I V. year net loss was only tta.M. SULTAfl DOES HOT CONCEDE DEFEAT IK CAUCASUS Turkish and German Official Re ports Make No Mention of Dii- ! aster "Suffered by Army in Mountain Panes. ' EAST BATTLE LINE UNCHANGED Runia Seemi to Be Concentrating Its Main Efforts to Oalicia and Bukowina. FLANK ATTACKS IN THE WEST tU'LLKTIN. BERLIN, Jan. 7. (By Wireless to fmyvllle, L. I.) The Turkish offi cial bulletin received here today re ports that Ottoman troops have oc rupled tlrumlah. wheh has been an important baBal position ot the Run slans. I'rumlah Is a town or Persian. Armenia. In Aterbaljan,, with a pop ulation of from 30,000 to 60.000. LONDON, Jan. 7; Neither Tur key nor Germany has conceded th defeat of Turkish armies In the Cau cbsus, as claimed officially In Petro grad. As further details of thla fighting are received In London, it would appear that this report 1 Turkish dlwaster has been as com plete ate that suffered by any forces since the outbreak of the war. In spite of this, however, the latest" of ficial communication from Turkey; altogether ignores the fighting In the. Caucasus and dwells upon the strug gle which has spread over the Pert elan frontier to Urumlah, an lm- portant town, where the Turka say that, aided by Persians, they have defeated the Russians. ; C.ermasm Na Wearer Warsaw. ' In Poland the Germans apparently are no nearer Warsaw, and there la little al teration In the battle front extending from the Baltic to the Carpathians. The. . Russians seem to be still concentrating their' main effbrt in . the Carpathian passes. At the same ' time they are continuing a vigorous offensive In Buko wina. The occupation of this Austrian territory, populated, as it Is, largely by RoumAnluhn. 'may soon .exert,' In the opinion of British observers, a powerful Influence throughout Europe In bringing the Balkan situation to a head. To the western arena of military mcttv Hies. the allies have Varied -their flank:' atlaoka, which recently brought them sue cess In the sand dunos of Flanders and In 1 Alsace,, by intensifying the pressure -from Rhelm to the Lorraine frontier,' where some ground has been gained. The Gormans, meanwhile, have sought' to repair the damage done) to their wings. ' This ha resulted in the recovery of some ground for them near Stetnbach, In1 Upper Alsace, but their attacks la Flan ders were repulsed. Tarklah Official Restart.' LONDON, Jan. 7.-An official Turkish statement received . In. London from Con stantinople, by, way of Amsterdam, reads as follows: , . "Our troche advanced from Bamol and Bajloni and occupied Ursa. an Important Russian point ot support " A .n InJ.At.l... k After an Indecisive battle Tuesday be-. tween Russian and Turkish fleets the . Russlana sank; an Italian merchant ship,, although it was flying the Italian flag. "Four thousand Russians have been -completely,, vanquished near Mlandcab, losing 200 men killed, while the Turks,' who were, aided ; by Persians, . lost six men. "In fighting near Urumlah, AserbaUan province,. Perils, two detachment of Rukaian troop were taken prisoner and too men were killed. As a result ot the reverse of Urumlah the Russian morale I has been broken. N, P. FEIL PAYS VISIT TO NATIONAL CAPITAL. (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' WASHINGTON. Jan. 7.-Speclal Tele-. gram.) N. P. Fell, business manager of The Bee,- la In Washington on several matters In which hi paper la interested. ile plan to leave for Omaha tomorrow. "Homey Rooms V Iloenis differ. Some are. cheery and inviting and "homey," and others are just. rooms. J V To find the former ia simply a matter of knowing where to look knowing where such quarters find most frequent of-' fering. . jt-1 A glance through the "Want Ad columns of The Bee will put you in touch with the choicest rooms for rent in Greater Omaha. Under the heading, "Fur nished Itooms," you will find listed the rooms you are look ing for at the price you want to pny. . Phone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA DEE I