Tffi: UKK: OMAHA, THUKSDAY. .1AXUAHY 7, 1!J.. By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, January 6, 1915. HE Minneapolis Symphony orchestra ! scheduled to appear In TOmibi Friday evening, February 1. For the first time In the history of musical circlet here an Omaha pianist will be heard with it. MIps Frances Nash, daughter of Mrs. E. W. K'ash, will make her first nubile appearance in concert at this event. Miss Nash was to hare made her debut in concert in Dresden this fall. The orchestra and hall were en .gaged for this event, but all .such plana were destroyed by the war, and the returned home only a few weeks ago. It Is possible that Miss Nanh will include In her program here two of ihe larger Copln concertos, the ame as used In her professional program abroad. . Mies Nash was engaged to play with the Thomas orchestra a year ago, but plans for continuing her musical studies abroad Interferred. Sinner Before the Dance. Mr. and MrV F. H. Gaines will enter tain at dinner this evening preceding the ftubecrlptlon club's dancing party, The tab! win have for a decoration a mound of pink rosea and the guests will be: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson. Mr. and Mri. Frank Juriann. Mr. and Mrn Oerrlt Fort. Mr. en1 Mrs. W. A. Fraer. Mr. Lrfirlus Wakeley. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mc"han will give a dinner before the dance. Klllsr ney roses will decorate their table and Mr. and Mrs. McShsne will entertain: Mr. end Mrs. On nod Kaatman. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davie. .Vr. and Mrs. Clement chase. Mr, and Mr. t. H. Haum. Mr. and Hn. W. K. McKeen. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters will give a dinner of ten cows this evening at their home. The guests will attend the dunce later. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker will have as their guests this evening: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Falrflel.l. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Medic. Dr. and Mrs. J F.. Hummers. ' Mrs. Arthur R-minton. Mr. Harry McOirmlrk. Mr. and Mrs. Oould Diets will have as their guests at dinner before the dance: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tukey. Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe. Miss Ida Hharpe. Measra. Meears W. Faroam Pmllh. Handell Brown. Kccent Affairs . the O-At-Ka club was entertained Monday evening at the home ef Miss Kathryn Lawless. Thoae present were: Mlasre Mary llavea. - I ,inia aaell, Kthel Fheeta. Mulda Flltei-n. U-trud.. HIM, Mies Lydla Hadle Imnlap. Mildred llanaon. Mar)' Welger, 'arrle llanaon. Kathryn l,awlea. Hamer entertained lakt evening tor Miss Ethel KUnker. who IrSves tor rVdulia, Mo., Monday. The centerpiece for the table waa the picture oj the guest ef bonor lnaide. Mlea Klln ker's gift was a pearl La Valltere. Those present were: Medames J. II. Kllsbarry. A. A. Heath,: 1 Mlarea I.urlle Cooke, Arllna Abbott. ' lOte eihook. Mario f hook. Marie Peterson. Lulu Mi'artney, Meedamea Joe Cox, V. n. I lamer. M leaea F.v Handera. Kuth Morrla. Myrtle Harding, Helen Morris, Kmma Reiner, . I.ydla Ramer. Ethel K linker. jean jviai'ern, Mr, and Mrs. Oeorse Btilrley enter tained on of the hrldce eluV Monday evening. Thoae present were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. BlaJne Young. ' Mr. and Mr, Chartee Ware, Dr. and Mr a. J. V. Anson, x Mr. and Mrs. R.- Carrlngton. Block-Meyer Wedding". The wedding of Mlaa Ruth Cora Msyef and Mr. ' Isaac M. Block will be cele brated this evening at o'clock at the. Rome bote. It will be a rery small wedding, with no attendants, only tha families of the lril and grtvom being preaont. The parlors of the Rome, where the leiemony will be erformet, will be dec orated with palms and asparagus fern. White pedeetala, trimmed with southern amllas and holding large bunches of llnk rosea, will form an aisle to, an Im provised altar of palma at one end of ;tne parlor. The botel orchestra will play the "Lohengrin" wedding . mar;h, and 'ItahM Cohn will read the marrtsaa lines. .The bride will wear a gown of white estln. made tery ahort and en the Ureolan lines. From the left shoulder ropes of j.eaiia will be drapmd. to the : waJut line. 'A. long co'-irt .train will hang I'rntrt the shoulders, where It la held with' 'l art ornaments. Ph will carry a hower of bride's roe -a and lilies of the : valley. Her only ornament will be a .diamond bar pin, art In jlatlnum, the iit of the groom. ...... - The ceremony "will he followed by e at-ddlng dinner. Trm.4able will Ue den. crated with a mound of ele trtcttBhled jink rosea and large bunches of French flowers placed at each of the four eor laii. Covers will te praccd ri.r thirty, fi'. u guests. After -a trip- east Mr.' and Mrs. Block wtlljbe at horoe, after FVb Vuary lit. In Atlantlo, la., -at, the Kins a, artrocnta. , ' ,' f . Faa-Hellenio Election.' ' ' ' . The Tan illrllcnlu association have elected oftiii'ra dr .the' enaiUng yar with the follow ins; reault: Mrs. P. M. Van Oradcll. Ielta' lelt I hit, president; Mrs. Charlea WriKht. Alpha Phi. vice r -resident;. .Mrs. . F?4 . Cuscadc-iv, .Delta tiamma, sa-retary and. .tfeasMrer, .This afeociaUuB boMi lno nwUnii In. the early spring and the annual luncheon ta ivca at CtirinUiuLS time wueo the elec- ton of olficers taka place. Tuture Afairg. ' , The Pan rlutj will s a dan ins part .J-'riJay eveulng-'at the lU-iue hotel. , 1 4 i i . I -it . -A.te a rW w e- : t 1 el 6. -wai. i f at If yoa suffer from Rheumtira er Tin!tsg rtib the aching parts with O'l.cji Oil, then ivkp'eie of flan r,r wiih ttkc Oil. Uy it on the place t-t hurtj and cover with dry flanm-l. i , . irr.tntent. hf .brouyht i a-;.l ( I -?ret-vil rest t' peoj!c "tt hr . :t J.'-Ui-.J. Trilbjiile !. To Honor Home Guest. Mrs. O. 3. Ingwersen and Jffs Helen Ingwerven entertained at en attractive luncheon today et their home In honor of Mies Catherine McMillan of Fon du Lac, who came oa to be one of the at tendants at the Wolfe-Macrae wedding of last evet.lng. Miss McMillan Is spending a few days with Miss Ingwersen before returning to her borne. . The guests at luncheon today were seated at small tables, each having ae decoration. a small basket of pink roses, rtace cards marked the places of: , ' Mixee - ' Misses - Catlierlne McMillan, Francea Hochatetler, Martha Dale. Lucille Hacon. (Ilarfya T'etera. Daphne Peters, Isiulae Dinning. Marlnrle Howland, Pyhll NHaon. Helen Kpenrter. Marion Kuhn, Ann Otffrn-rt, Meeds mea H. O. Edwards, ' flertruda Metx, Harriet Met a, ' Halcyon Cotton, 1-oulee Whit, Helen Murphy, Allc Duval, Alice Jaqnlth, Helnn Inswerren. Meadainea O. J, Jnsweraen. With the Bridge Players. Mlaa Mildred Butler was hostess today at the meeting of the Wednesday Bridge club. Mrs. Dentse Barkalow waa a guest ef the club and thoae present were:- Medamea Moadamea Harold Prltchett, John P. Webster. Hen Wood, ' Mlsae. Mlaaea Katherine Thummel, Mildred Butler, N Mary Hurkley, inisabeth Davis, jmpnne Peters, Elisabeth Bruce. liulse Dinning, With the TraTeleri. Mr. end Mrs. Jay D. Foster and Mrs. Foster's mother. Mrs. K. V. Bmlth, have gone to California for the winter. , Be fore returning home they plan to visit the Kan Dle.go and San Francisco expo sitions. Mr. Auaten Galley will leave this eve ning for the east to spend two weeks. Pleasures Pt. A surprise party was riven Monday evening In honor of Mrs. Claus Oasch, the oocaslon being her birthday. These present were: . Mdamee M. Mlnnlrk. . A. Hallhaua, M. McCanrftoaa. Meadamee E, Hwanann, M. Flllhert, M. Wagner, M. Vollatedt . . A. Oasch. Mlaaes Mildred Rwanson, . Nora Walker. M sacra. Fllint (loach, Claus Uost-h. J. Polvln. B. Lundin, Mlaaea -Harriet Oasch. Jane (lasch, meaara. At Haoklund. Horace ach. Earnest Welsh, Pan Dancinj Clnb Election. The annual meeting of the Pan Dan ring- club was heJd at the Henshaw Tuesdsy evening. The following officers for the coming year were elected: Mr. F. A. Welah, president; Mr. C. B. Whit- nay, secretary. The directors s re John J. names, . o. Peterson and P E. lloran. PenonaJ Mention. ' .'Mrs. O. Alexander Touna and dauahter Miss Ann, are visiting friends In Colum bus, Neb. Mlaa Helen" Ingwersen leaves tomorrow evening ror Chicago to resume her atudlna at Mrs. Lei-log's school.. Hhe will oa accompanied, by her guest. Mlaa Catherine McMillan, who is returning fo ner nome in r on du Lac, Flour Prices Up Under the Higher - Prices, of Wheat Following the raise In wheat, the price of flour has advanced over II a barrel tn the last week. Flour Is auw selling wholesale at .price ranging around !. and the retail price. haa Jumped to 11.T! and $3-a eack. A week, aao- It sold at a sack retail. Local produce men es cribe the cause to the wild manipula tion of wheat speculator who are forc ing quotations up on the exchanges. PUBLIC WELFARE CAMPWGN TO START HERE SUNDAY - N - The' public 'welfare campaign will be opened Sunday afternoon with a meeting at, the First Methodist church at 1:34. Mr. Theodore Hansen,: superintendent ef National Public Welfare league, will opea the campaign .wlihian eddiaas en Ths Otherw Fellow." Babbl Frederick Conn. president of the local public welfare i aoclatlon,. will preatde. An Invitation Is extended to' the public to be present at this meeting. a Mr. Hansen and KM d-Secretary Jones win arrive Thursday morning to take personal charge of the campaign. MOVIES. MUST MAINTAIN NEUTRALITY IN PICTURES - 1 f In accordance-with - the recent order given the-department by Pullca Ooinmle Kug. l to atop the ahowlng of wr pit turea In lo al theatere. Folic woman Katherine lrummy has beesj detailed to wati-h -tha- piayhouaea- and report euch mm that alia beltere to be a Violation of Preaident WI!eos-neutrality procla mation, l'ollcnmrn aa well have received miliar inatrui-thms, altheuah Mrm. I'rjiuiny la the only officer given speal uriu tn nit worn. ... i MILLER HEADS FURNITURE . MANUFACTURING COMPANY . - V .sxe The; Omaha 'Futnlttww Manufacturing company of RaJaton wt Its annoal met ing Increased Its capital stock from lit. e te t-n.(n te accommodate the Increas ing bualneaa and elected D. D. Miller of Omaha, formerly of the Miller. Stewart A. Beaton com.iaoy, as president to suc tted M. I". Powelt. Bed the "Ft ' rials" au ir jqu want barfain of the minute. LIOORHEAD CITES LAW TOjJACK Hill Commisiioner Sure He it;ht in Election Account Bendered to Board of Education. SEES KO CHANCE FOB DISPUTE Harley O. Morehead. election commis sioner, seee no chance for a dispute over the bill " he has rendered the Board of Education for its share of the November election espenses. "The amount, .f 1.28, la not excessive," says Mr. Morehead. "My right to make a charge against the board surely la not questionable, but clearly defined by eeo tlon 3M of the election laws under elec tion -commissioner." This section, after prescribing the duty of the election commissioner to -supply and equip all election booths and polling places ' and conduct the elections, con cludes: . Provided, however, the expense ef hold ing, and conducting; separately, any city, municipality or school district election shall b charaed to and paid bv the oitv, munk-lpallty or school district holding the election, s In the vent that all or any two of said laat named elections-re held Jointly, then the election commissioner la hereby empowered, to definitely fix and certify to each'of auch bodies joining In eunh Joint election the portion of auch total expense which each ahail bear, and upon euch certification the city, municipality or district shall contribute and pay to the county treaaurr tha ),. ..mi. Formerly Held fteparete. Previous to this election separate prlmarlea and the final contest were held for the choosing ef Board of Education members. This election combined the two and netted a smaller cost to the board, proportionately, In Mr, Morehead's Judg ment. . VI have a record here," say a he. "show. Ing a total of 82,087 for Board of Educa tion election expense In the past." Tliel Is true," save W. T. Botirke. secretary of the board: "that covered the coet ef both primary and election, but It waa above the average. Our books show that the two contests since then, Includ ing the primaries and elections, cost the board, respectively, fl,T07.4 and tl.MO.W." Lnder the present law there are elshtv. six voting placea In the city, as aaalnst sixty-four formerly. Allowing 3S to each. Mr. Morehead shows an extra Item of I77d here, which conies In for considera tion. T submitted 'a bill to the Metropolitan Water district, the same as I did-to the Board ef Education for Its share of the expenses." says the election commissioner, ana tnere waa no dispute on the princi ple, merely that the county owed the Water board and the latter very properly desired to balance accounts." Frank H. Woodland. Arthur W. Wake- ley, members, and Carl E. Herring, at torney for the Board of Education, the committee to which this matter waa referred, have not as yet gone Into con sultation with Mr. Morehead. which, of course, they will do before reaching a derlelon. s D. W. Miller, Who Beat Doc Tanner in Race, Omaha Printer t. W, MlUer, the subject of State Pens, tor Laurie J. Qulnhy's succeeaful fight on the floor of the legislature, to beat "Doc" Tanner .of South Omaha for the Job ef clerk of the senate engrossing and enrolling committee, le Daniel W. Jrtlllor. His Omaha address Is UU North Thir ty-fourth street, and -until recently he waa employed aa a printer by the West ern Newspaper union here. He went te Lincoln with Qulnhy for the opening of the legislature, and Immediately started handing out his personal cards and lin ing up support for the office he sought He te registered aar a democrat In the election commissioner's office, , Chicago Mart Goes " Lower, While Omaha , Prices on Advance The Chicago wheat market waa steady to lower.- while, on the other, hend. Omaha was up 1 to'l' oerue. Wheat sold all the way from ! 34 tn 11.3SH per bushel, with durum going to II M te I1.4A. During the session of the exchange corn gained better than a cent, closing at the high foe the day. Ralee ranged from M te TH cent per bushel. Omaha receipts were: Wheat, forty- seven cars; corn. 131 cars; oat,' thirteen cars, feeing far ahead of either St.' Louis or Kanaaa City. k BARRY.FINED FOR NOT GIVING ADVERTISED MEASURE J. Barry, groce-, was given . It and costs, suspended sentence. In police court for advertising twenty pound of sugar for Si and only giving eighteen pounds to customers, taking off two pounds for the deliver'. Mrs. rt Baldwin. M Bouth Nineteenth atreot, and Mrs. II. N. fihaner of the ' same address appeared against him. Barry stated that he In formed customer of the deduction when they gwve him aa order for the sugar. ROYAL ARCANUM WILL INSTALL NEW OFFICERS t'nlon Faciflo council No, 10. Royal Arcanum, will -Install officer for this year thia .evening In the, lodge's room,- second floor of the Board of Trade building, Sixteenth and . Famam streets. A tunny stcry contest will fol low the work and musical eelertion will complete the program. DR. FLING AT UNIVERSITY ' CLUB FRIDAY EVENING Dr. F. M. KUng, professor ef European history at the Vnlverrtty of Nebraak, will deliver a lecture Friday evening at the University club, taking a his subject. "The Fhlloeophy of 11131017." Member aadi their families have bee Invited to attend the assembly. rive Oea.e rrwvea St. A Generous Offer. Cut out thia ad., endoae with I cants to Foley Co Chi cago, 111, writing your name and addrea plainly, aad reoaive a free trial package containing Foley's Money and Tar Cora pound, for coughs, colds aad croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for kldoty and blad der cotm-Uurua. backache, palu In Joints, roauraauatn; aad Foley Cathartic Tab lets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleans ing cathartic try all threa lor t cents, the coet of mailing, tkild by all dealers. Advertisement. DISCUSS POBUCWAREHOOSE Frank 0. Odell Tellt Economic -League Plan it Poll of Oppor tunity for Speculator!. MAT WORK TO PUBLIC GOOD The public , warehouse as general proposition waa again threshed out last night when the Kconomlo league got to gether at the court house to hear Fratrk O. Odell dlncuss the subject. . There were two sides to the subject, end the members found both sides,' Odell said he did not wish to be regarded aa against a ware house aa a general proposition, but, he said, T am not In favor of any old ware house bill. There are things to be guarded against." . He said among the' evils to be looked for were the mixing of grain, .which re sult In an advantage to the dealer. and wwrke against the best Interest of the farmer; the possibility of the warehouse men thetneelvea dealing In the . grain or becoming themselvee speculators In the grain they store; the Jrmlttlng of the speculative element to dominate the terminal. He said also, that a Public wsrehouae must. have federal Inspection If the beat results ere to be obtained. Mr. O'Dell reviewed the history ef the co-operative grain elevator movement and led up to the movement for public ware house which has brought them ' into existence In Missouri, Kansas, Minnesota and Illinois. Abase a Market In a. "The abuses In grain marketing led to the demand for puhlio warehouses," hs said. "But the publlo warehouse haa not been eufflclent to correct the evil of a giant business. The owner or 'operator of the warehouse should be performing a public function and should be Impartial, affording an equal opportunity to all to store their STiln. But by device nr. ated In defiance of the law, creating a pimiro warehouseman, he ha become a competitor t every legitimate tracer tn grain and with special advantages which renners competition practically impossi ble." Prices la Kaaaaa. - Tom Tibbie quoted General Test at length In favor of the public warehouse. He said the general had made a .tndv Of the subject fee veara anrf Ml .1 that grain waa 'boiirht fi rnt. . v.k.i leas In Nebraska thnn In "Kan... k-..- "Nebraska has C7. Vincent answer him by Bavin that-l '-'wBe. s v uniTiirut-v in inn nrira nr ari-et it. Kansae.City and Omaha Is the difference me price or rrelght "A law creating public warehouse In Nebraska-. h. said, 'Is about as Immru.t . i. for Nebraska regulating the business of oyster dredging or the operation of cotton gins. Jest Argalag a Little. Tom Tibbie persisted In breaking the argument. He shook hie gray locks a DBi-ame nested. Vincent said: "it Is -unfortunate that this f1IIafA, a.VA..1 tlr up bad blood." ThT U no bslrl htrvrl " yr.UA m.i. a - I'HVi A IU- Mee. 'We are Just getting up a little excitement ever this. A question that can't arouse a little xcitn..t worth a hiU of beans." JACQUA DOES NOT STAY FOR WIFE'S FUNERAL Police aid hae been asked bv plasterers' union, which Is anxious to find A. E. Jacqua. former Omaha nlaatarer. whom they accuse of peculiar actions In connection with the burial of his wife, who died last Monday. Mrs. Jacqua' body waa taken In charge by the Dodder com pany at Jacqua' request, after which he disappeared. The body was held aa long aa Doaalble and then buried yesterday, the union pay ing the expensea ANOTHER GRANDSON OF -;7 . GARIBALDI IS KILLED PARIS, Jan. 1 Another1 son of General RJoclottl Garibaldi and grandson of the great Italian patriot haa been killed In action, according to a serol-officlaj note Issued tonight." - He waa killed while leading a charge of Italian volunteers against the Germans tn the Argonne diatrlct. BLASJE BREAKS LEG IN FALL OFF STREET CAR seaaaaaawaaa) C.' Blaale, ISIS William street, fell oft a moving southbound street car at Thir teenth and William streets and sustained a broken right leg and Internal injuries. lis wss taken Into a drug store at 1251 Soath Thirteenth street, and attended by Dr. C. "J. Nermec, -who ordered Ms re moval to St'. . Joseph hospital. . The Seat Mealclae for own ha. The first dose ef Dr. King's New Dis covery helps your cough, soothes threat; get a bottle today, fioc. All druggists. Advertisement. set Style Neveltlea Klayvd. '.ROCHESTER, N. T.. Jan. .-Novaltle in shoe, styles were condemned at the attou of traveling afroe awleaineo. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ' Div Frederick Langdon, formerly as. BlatmJlt t-itv nhv.l.-l, k.M . j at Butte, Mont., haa returned to Butte after apendlng the holidays In Orawha Mr.- aad Mr.. -Hugh E. Wallace of Minneapolis, who were recently married at Kuluth, have been ,Je Itlng the tor. mere parent a, Mr. end Mra-Omrn Ik Wallace-. during the' holtdayaT Ur Wal lace U a graduate nt th Omaha Htgh school and tha University of Kebraake- When Headachy Take Cascaxets For the Bowels Get a 1 decent box now. You're bilious! You hare a throbbing sensation In your head, a bad taste ta your mouth, your eye burn, your efcin Is yellow, with dark rlnge ander your eyee; your llpe are parched. ' No wonder you feel ugly, mean and tll-tempered. Your system U full of bile not pro party pa seed off. aad what you need la a r'trn Ing up inalde. Don't continue being a blUoua nuisance to yourself and those who love you, and don't resort to harsh phyek-s that Irritate and'lnjwe- Re member that meat diaordera of the attorn- aca. liver and bowela are cured by room ing with genUe. thorough Caecareta they" work while you aleep. A lo-eent bos from your drugglat will keap your liver and bonela clean; stomach aweet. and your bead clear for months. Chil dren )ive tu take Caacarets. bet-auae they taate good and never gripe'or sicken. Advertisement MYIGATORS HERE FRIDAYEYEliniG Boosters for Shipping on the Mis souri hj Boat to Assemble in Omaha from Many Parts. MACKIE WILL EE THE SPEAKER Delegations of river navigation boosters from up and down the Missouri will at tend the big nubile meeting at the Com mercial club Friday evening. A number of Interested merchants and manufactur ers from" Bloux City will come, the Coun cil : Bluffs Commercial elub will send a delegation, and Nebraska City will also be represented. A. W. Mackle, assistant tethe preaident of the Kansas City Missouri Biver Navi gation company; v W, 8. Dickey, multi millionaire merchant of Kansas City, and president of - the ' river navigation com pany, there, and W.. T.' Bland, a promi nent director, of the concern, will be the three chief epeaker at the Omaha meet ing rrlday to boost for river navigation for thia city. - Other Kanaaa City boosters of the pro ject are expected to come to Omaha for the meeting and make talks. Among them will be B. M. Clendenlng, secretary of the Kansas City Commercial clnb; C. D. ' Parker, . a hardware and supply mer chant, and -O. .V.. Wilson, a wholesale grocer. The l.Oter two are big shippers and now use the river navigation service from Kanssa City south. They have been Identified wtlh the movement to use the river for freight barges ever since It waa started. MavLle Chief Speaker. Mr. Mackle, who will be one of the chief speakers, Is said te know more about Missouri river navigation than any other living man, as lie baa studied it and haa been practically Jhe head of the modern navigation movement ever since Us Inception. A the meeting Friday will be an open one, to which everybody la Invited by the Commercial club and ether interests backing It, many citizen are planning to attend and swell the large attendance of manufacturers, jobbers, wholeealera and other merchants, to whom the river navi gation ' project will give lower freight rates and be a great help In their trans portation ' problems. Many Improvement olubs and other civic bodies have author ised delegate to attend. "Put Your Diamonds in Safe Place," is,' Warning of Police "Put your diamond' In a safe 1 place upon retiring," la the warning being la sued by the Omaha police) department, which haa within the lset week been notified of the theft of several thousand dollars worth of gems from homes. Two houaea were entered Monday eve ning and night and a number of spark lers taken, aa follow: Frank Maboney, S2U South Twelfth street, scarf pin. valued at $100. - Mr. M. Fay, 223 Farnam street, ring with one and a quarter karat. - Bull Moose Party Dead in Illinois ' . . - - v - . SrniNGFXEIJD, , Jan. . . Politicians, here for the opening of the Illinois legis lature, tonight witnessed what . they termed the death of the. progressive party in Illinois, when Medill MoCormlck, mem ber of the progressive national committee and a member of the bouse., together with II. 8. Iltcka of Rockford, the only other progrcaaive In the lower house, entered the republican house caucus and an nounced their Intention of voting with the republicans -during the eession. MoCormlck made a' speech, before .the caucus in which he said he "waa glad to get back to the party of my fathers." He waa Interrupted by - cheering and violent handclappiror. La.Grippa and Colds In La Grippe and Colds, Ajttl-kamnla(A-K) fwblet are unexcelled., aa they stop the pains, sooth the nerves, and bring the rett so greatly needed by nature to restore the system to health. Fhyalcl&ns have ttsed these tab leu for ovor twenty years. In the treatment of eolda, fevers and la grippe, and bar round no other remedy more useful In gieae conditions. AnU-kamnta Twblsts are so Inexpensive, so pleasant to take, ao sat isfactory la their results, and so useful la all conditions where there Is pain, that A-K Tablets should always be kept ta the house lor the time of need.. Many of our ablest physicians obtain perfect results In la grippe nd eeids, by cleansing the system with Ep- som salts or Aetolds", a vary good cathar tics, putting tha patient on a limited diet, and. administering one A-K tablet every two or three hour. This treatment will usually break up the worst eaae la a day or two. while in milder eaeea, ease aad eemfort fol low almost Immediately. These tablets are also unexoelled tor Neuralgia, Kbeumati Fains. The Fain a of Women, IndtgesUoa and insomnia. AU drugglat have them. Csawiae A-K TMma tea Jke AC Give Them a Rest Now la a good time to have your heavy suit, overcoat or jacket Cleaned. 8 pare them to ua for a day or two and they will coma horn looking Fresh and Crisp as new. New Office We call your attention to our new Up-town Offloa at SO 16 Far nam street, formerly Tha Ward robe). Work left there geta the name careful attention aa at our main plant. All Cleaning, Pressing. Repairing. Dyeing and Finishing; Is don la our main plant, tha branches at South Omaha and oa Farnam atreot being Just receiv ing offices. . It you want real Quality Clean ing aend It hare. T?PANT0RIUr.I "Good rtesusera and Dyers' I61S.1T gone . Vhoaa " Baa, sag. aula a-araaaa au Fhaae Paai. IT. .sag He. set .. faath Osai Pitoae Sva. icaO. tTT XJGKSWTT. Frea. V. (X WUAtftM. tarr. MRS. SPIESBERGER LOSES PIN Diamond Bresttpin Valued at $1,500 Disappears While Woman Boards Train at Union Station. MAN TRIES PAWN ONE LIKE IT Among a long list of "equeals" re ported at police headquarters the most Important by far ta the report w Ired the department by Mrs. N. A. Spiesberger. MM Farnam street, who Is en route to KVw York with her husband, that a diamond breastpin valued at B.B00, In some manner became detached from her apparel aa she was hurrying through a crowd at the station to eatch the train. Confirming the fact that the pin was either stolen or found comes a notifica tion from several Tenth street pawnshop that a Well-dressed Individual nf ahniit 5T. year attempted to pawn a piece of Jew elry Identical to that described by Mr. Fpleeberger. The police are exerting every effort to apprehend the man. Other thefts reported are aa follows: Omaha Ice and Cold Storage company. Fifteenth and Dodge, waa visited by thievea, who gained entrance by breaking a window, and car tied away an overcoat, a quantity of stamps and several dollars la change; Fred Croat, 1422 South Eleventh street. Inform the police that hi room was ransacked and a suit snd l In cash was taken. Thirty pounds of butter were stolen from a Waterloo creamery wagon, driven by C. K. Williams. Lemon thieves were also very active and after breaking a ' window of Che Swarts & Hlrsh grocery at 1306 Howard street, snared a box of lemons and sev eral sacks of potatoes. Grlirgs Davidson. S01 Harney street, returned home to find $lr In cash had been removed from hi dresser by a thief who had unlocked the front door with a Skeleton key. , John B. Stewart. 705 South Eighteenth street, declares that while his coat was hanging In a bakery at 18(8 St. Mary's avenue, S170 wa removed from one of the pockets. The Douglas lunch, 1718 Douglas street, loot 130 when the establishment was en tered by a nocturnal prowler who forced the lock on the side door. - UNIVERSITY CLUB NAMES NEW DIRECTORS FOR YEAR Seven director to serve for the next three year were 'elected by members of the . University club yesterday. J " Those named are: O. T. Eastman, Forest Rich ardson, F. II. Woodland. Dr. F. 8. Owen, A. R. Wells, Dr. E. T. Manning and A. G. EUlck. On January 14 an election of 'of fl eer will be held. . Reports from committee show the club to be doing well, ftnendajly and other wise. January Drap . Every one of the hundreds who bought here yesterday, and Monday la a satisfied witness to the: truth, of on . claim that this is a "More than ordinary aaje." It of fers Lace Curtains, Curtain - Materials, Portieres, etc, t r . t taken from our regular gtock rood. that have been .. most carefully selected for quality and, pattern, at prices reduced from One-Third to, Less Than One-Half. L . ' . There are hundreds of items each-as the following t - -1 Lace Curtains, per pair, 49c ; . '., . " ... - , . -T-curtains that gold from $1.25 to $3.60 Per pair. Lace Curtains, per pair, 89o . . H-. ? '.-, 'curtains that sold from' $1. SO to $2.76 per pair. Lace Curtains, per pair, $1.39 v'-: . . curtains that sold from $2.25 to $5.00 per ' fair. Lace Curtains, per pair, $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 representing eyen greater reductions on'firet Quotations, Remnants of Yard Goods, each, 5c, 19c, 39c and 75c January Furniture Sales Beginning Monday, the 11th x " It is well worth waiting foi big reductions will prevail. Orchard & r" PlSJal fWflHi f W Is IS. With Kach New Excello Customer We Give Away a Gilt Clock at Our- Oflce. " .... Kxeello is the famoos 8mokeleea pol- lairta and burn) like hard coal. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS COAL E-3ILL COAL QO, Zll South 10lh Street. nOTELI JCMcas'a Nwt The Home of Omaha People ' Visiting Chicago TX Placm Wiur You '11 Meet Your Friends And Year Home ft per U Waiting tot Yea at tke Kews A Room for a Dollar Homo BostonOyster House The the S Court eoas (Vary Coawesdawae sWCeeafbet I Canal Fort Guns Big Enough, but Too Few. WASHINGTON. Jan. . Governor Goethals of the Panama canal sons told the house appropriations subcommittee on fortifications today that while gun and ammunition at the ranal were ample now It was necessary to hsve provision for duplications. i "Could foreign warships outrange the runs of the canal fortifications?" asked Chairman Fltsgerald. "No." replied Jhe governor. "Our gune are of equal range, so fsr as our Information goes." Idaho's Governor Favors "Dry" State BOISE, Idaho, Jan. . Governor Moses Alexander delivered his first mesnsge to the legislature of Idaho, which convened today, reading It personally and declared . In favor of state-wide prohibition by leg islative enactment In order that Idaho! may "go dry" at the same time aa Ore. gon and Washington under constitutional amendment. THE TRUTH ABOUT CATARRH A Oarm IHsease That Cau e Stowed ' By Killing Onai Woloa Cause It. A good many claims are made for this and that remedy for Catarrh and doubt less, if you are a sufferer from thia dla eaae, you have yourself tried many of them and received no permanent benefit. The fact remains however, that there is a way to get rid of catarrh forever and certainly the method most likely to suc ceed and to cure where all else has fail ed Is one that your own druxgiat has so much fslth In that he will sell It to yoil on a positive guarantee of euccens or money bsck. Thst's exactly the way that Sherman) ' A McConnell Drug Co., snd many other leading druggists In this vicinity are sell-t Ing llyoinei, the great Catarrh geim klller. a wonderful medicated but pleasant sn.elllnc air which you breathe Into your1 nose, throat and lungs through a small inhaling, device .that drugglata furplnri , with it Hyomef is made from the pure healing oil of rJucalyptus, combined with! other powerful germicidal Ingredients and it not only clears up the heed and air paaaagee and heals the sore, swollen in flamed membrane of your noae and throat but It goes fsrther and does more." Its penetrating air la absolute and .pod tive death to every catarrh germ in yont aystem. It destroys them utterly. And when the germs go "the disease and all 1 Its disagreeable symptoms stop. If you -have Catarrh breathe Hyomei. Its' the only sensible thing to do and you gain J nothing and lose much by waiting. Don't truss, to memory. Cut . thlaput of the paper now and take it Into your drug gist the very next time you pax hta store. Inaist on getting the complete outfit which Includea the free rubber Inhaler as It is very necessary .to use this Inhaler to get beet results. fc-herman A McConnell Drug Oa, ery Sale Wilhelm Go. Douglas 878. AND BKSORT. 1 anr&egt Hotel M rjvwraa HAJtRY C WOI with a Bath and a Half of tks) Most Famous EI Restaurant in West ' X -Tn-m r , Heart of the Loop treatment i Stations,, Shops Morrison Wotel Uediaoa and Clark St. CHICAGO J. O. COlfVAY HUTCHDIS, Ve