Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    THK P.K.V.: OMAHA. Tlll UsDAV. .1 ANTAKY
Specially Chartered Vessel .Will
Carry Offerings of Coro-huskex
State Acron the Seas.
(Trm A' Stuff Corrspoiucnt.)
LINCOLN, Jn. . (SjHHaI.) A hcIh1
Nebraska shift to crrrt the donations, of
thi state to the starving victims. In Del
irium of Europe'i grcAt war has. been
chartered by tin- state commission, ac
cording to Secretary Knrl.- IV Mallery.'
Senator Mallery y that arrangements
for" the siip have ben completed. The
details, however, u to ihe.nama of tha
ship and tho time of sailing' have not Vet
been received from fho IJndon NV. Bute
committee In New . York, through which
the veeael was secured.
The Nebraska commission, or commit
tee, was formed, about a wee ago when
rinvumnr wrhinit called toarcther rer-
resontativea of the various counties and
municipalities of the state. The commie- j
elon haa no doubt about Its ability to fill
the ship. ' ,
The appeal of the commission at given ,
out today follows:
Babies ate starving In Belgium. Men,
women and children are otarvina, .with
out food, and many must soon die. The
need for clothing is almost as great aft
frr food. "We are concerned only with
the fact: the reasons for this-condition
at this hour of Imminent need do not
concern ue. If help la to come It must
come from America; Nebraska should do
Its part '
Much relief work of a local nature was
already under way when there was called
a meeting at the office of tho governor of
Nebraska of representatives frsm all the;
towns to make -this work' statewide.. A
very large number of towns were repre
sented. As a result of this meeting there
haa been formed the Nebraska committee
for Belgian relief. This general commit
tee consists of members appointed, or to
be appointed. In every community in the
state. An executive committee was pro
vided f o" directing the work of further
organization, and actirfg as a central
administrative committee. It is earnestly
requested that all communities not al
ready represented in the general committee
select representatives at 'once and atart
to work. It is also urged that all local
representatives at once get in touch with
the executive committee.
Arrangements already have been, made
for the transportation, ' without expense,
of all goods donated for this work, aiw
a special ship already has been provided
to be known as the "Nebraska ship."
Kansas has already filled and sent such
a ship. Will every Nebraskan' who reads
this help to fill ours? All donors are as
sured that 100 per cent of every contribu
tion made will reach the starving Bel
gians, as there will be absolutely no (in
duction for freight, oommiasiona, duties,
salaries, fees, or any other expenses. -
We have assurance from the belligerent
governmenta that this 'ship will be Im
mune from seisure, confiscation or delay.
Flour and condensed milk are the food
stuffs principally required. . Clothing also
la necessary. If your 'community can
load a car, write this committee for ahtp
plug Instructions. It less than carlots are
collected, let ua advise as to assembling.
All sums of money sent to this committee
will be spent in buying supplies with
which to augment the cargo of the Ne
braska shin. ..
The need for haste Is great. .For hu
manlty'a sake let us hasten the sailing of
the Nebraska ship. .-
All money contributions should be sent
to W. C. Wilson, treasurer. Lincoln. Neb
For Information and instructions write
Karl Mallery, secretary, state howse. Lin
coin. . .... ' . -.. . . , -
I - -. ..... .. .
George tJacJrJott
'-!' '
Congressman Stephens Puts One
Oyer on the, Committee on
. Indian Affairs. -
(From a. Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. ".-(Spectal Tele
gram.) To. best a committee, of your own
party Is "going some." .
Representative ' Dan Stephens did that
today in . the committee of the whole
house when' he moved to Increase the ap
propriation for. tho Genoa .Indian school
from StSO.OOO to S65.S0O In order, to take care
of 400 pupils ;lnstead of. the ST& the com
mittee on Indian affairs of the house had
recommended; In the bill now. pending.
Mr. Stephens i made . so convincing a
speech that the committee by a vote of
SO to It decided the amendment offered by
the representative from the Third district made art of .the, bill, and then
somebody' raised, the .question of no
quorum", and.' .the-house -adjourned with
the Indian. bill but. halt completed.,
In this connection- It' Is - interesting to
note-that the .republican- members 'from
Nebraska supported Mr. -Stephens in 'his
efforts to take care of ,the'Gnoa, school,
his democratic .associate being Interested
In other matters. ' , . l, . i
; Sterilization of Mentally Defective
. in State Institutions is Recom
j mended by Commissioners. .
ItFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. S.-(Specll.)-Pterllits-tlon
of ,he mentally defective at the In
stitute for the Feeble-Minded youth at
Beatrice and at the asylums at Lincoln,
'Norfolk and Hastings Is the ferommemla-
tlon made by tho Board of Control In
; the biennial report which that body has
filed with the governor. . , I
The board's report Is a careful analysis'
of ' the whole complex problem of how j
the state may beat handle Ita large de
pendent, defective and criminal classes,
which, the report shows, have Increased
over IS pet cent tn the last two years.
ttylama Filled.
The asylum are filled, according to
the report, and something must be doneJ
ti etem the teady Incoming flow. The
board quotes tr fact aa one scientifically
proved that feeble-mlndednes I largely
a matter of heredity. .
It .then goes on to recommend a statute
making provision for the asexualization
ef-these feeble-minded persons as one of
the conditions upon which they would be
""K L.a.ii.ilUiU isjuiiajiT iw inni In H -Simn ' V ni
Plum Tree Shaken
and. Lucky Ones Win
(From , a Staff Correspondent.) -,
LINCOLN, Jan. I. The senate1 commit
tee on employes shook the plum tree this
morning a little and the following re
ceived recognition: i . j
Walter R. Johnson of Omaha, who
served as one of the pages last session,
has been appointed to the same position
at this session and for the present will
act alone.
J. C. Gay of Orleans haa ben selected
to a position as committee clerk, but will
be given assignment later. '
G. F. Beschorner of Lincoln will be
David Roberts of Fairfield will be gate
keeper. A. J. Sliger of Hasting will be given a
position in the bill room. . "
Miss Paul Kavanaugh of Columbus
and Miss Lillian ' Golden of O'Neill wlU
be ' stenographer in the office of ' Secre
tary Wairath. v .'.':'.
Tn conference with the land commis
sioner and engineer of . tha state ' house,
three extra janitors will be assigned to
assist the regular force. They will at
tend to the bouse and senate room and
the galleries. The pay will not borne
from the legislative appropriation, sut
from tha fond set aside by the state
for services under the board of control.
' Under tha srrangement made with Post
master Brown, a clerk ha been assigned
to the house poatofflce, but over. In the
senate a postmaster , haa beea selected.
There will be three deliveries of mail each
day by a regular poatofflce carrier. -
Madison County ;
: Court House News
MADISON.. Neb,. 'Jan. 1 (Special.)
After , the .- transaction s of .. considerable
business the. board, of cpunty. commission.
era adjourned last evening) until January
12. atwhich time .thei new iboard will be
organised. The mandamus proceedings
Instituted by ;J.tW.' Fitch and ths order
of the. district . court . that certi
ficate of . election be. issued to Fitch as
the . duly elected successor, i of j Commis
sioner Purdjr and. ths appeal from such
decision by-Purdy to. the, supreme court,
somewhat' complicate .the, situation.
.Mrs. Etta Lenora - Halsey of Battle
Creek has commenced action in the dis
trict court for .divorce-from; her husband,
Emmet, Halsey.. .They, .were married at
Nellgh In 1M0. Plaintiff charges cruelty
and non-support and asks In addition to
decree of "divorce tha 'custody' of' their
Infant 'child.' - .
.Virgil, ' W. -Young hss commenced - di
vorce proceedings against .Ennts Toung.
Mr. Young ask for ' custody of hi tw;o
children. ,''. .
Arthur Charle' Hill' has" brought 'action
for divorce againat his wife, Bertha HilL
They were married' A uajUet. 1912, In Sierra
Madra, Cai., and '.soon, after . removed to
Norfolk, where they, have alnce resided.
The plaintiff allegea. detfertlon. " - .
Judge McDuffee of the . county court
awarded Mary i Mustrave of Norfolk S
per, month for lx i month 'for the sup
port of herself snd two ,chlllren under
the so-called 1 Mothers' . Pension .act. '
Small Oil Companies Appeal for Rate
Change that Will Eaable Them
to Compete with Standard.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
allowed to return to society. Otherwise LINCOLN, Jan. . (Special.) The oil
they should be held in the Institutions I rate hrarlng before the 8tate Railway
and strictly segregated. The operation J commission has developed a pica on the
would be performed only with the con
sent of the guardian or frienda of the
Ward. .'....'
- RsJslsia; Ae af Majority.
Further, the board recommends In re
gard to the girls' Industrial school that
the age at which a girl reaches her ma
jority be railed from IS to 21 years, for
the board holda thla period In a girl life
to be more critical than any other.
The . report terma it "somewhat of a
mockery" to , send criminals forth from
the penitentiary with a skill tn an occu
pation, that Is -pursued nowhere In the u-
tate outside of the penitentiary. In this
connection It advises a reformatory and
explains Its failure to provide one in
pursuance with the appropriation of SlaO.
000 granted . by the last . legislature ss
due to the' fact that the amount of the
appropriation was' too small.
The alternative of a twine factory a
provided' by the last' legislature did not
appear'. feasible to the board which did
not consider twine making a desirable
employment for the prisoner.
North Platte Issue
Recognized in New
Power Site Measure
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. . (Special.) Secretary
llellor of the State Fair board ha pre
pared tentative plana for .the proposed
new swine barn at. the state fair grouuds.
They provide for a large steel-framed.
open-walled; building, with 756 pens, each
6xS feet.' There were 1.&31 hog at the
last fair. Secretary Mellor rstlmatea that
the new barn will provide for that num
ber with a amall leeway for a probable
increase. . - (
For this building the board a ill ank
the legislature to appropriate ev0.0"0. or
as much thereof as will be needed. ' The
construction of .the proposed building
would be tn the hands of the State Board
ot Educational Inds and Building,
which also' ha care of the capitol build
ing. The board consists of the governor,
secretary of state, attorney general land
commissioner .and auditor.
Family Row la High Ceart. '-
LINCOLN. Jaii. 6. 8pclal.)Elizabelh
Muckendorfer of Dodge haa appealed to
the supreme court in sn effort to escape
the order of a Dodge county court, direct
ing her to divide the proceeds reallxcd
from the sale of homestead land IUi
tier, husband. Wencel. The latter sued
for a half, contending that the land in
reality belonged to both himself and his
wife, althouah to escape the persistent
nagging of hla better I alf he had put
the legal title in ber name. , ,
NORTH PLATTE. Neb , Jan.. . (Ppe-
cial.V The $2,00 In Ijonds voted last Au
gust ss half the 'expense -of-a' brtdga to
be built across the Platte., river-east -of
this , city, have been aold to Haochett ft
Co. of Chicago. The- other -half ef 'tha
cost of the bridge will' be., paid (by. the
state. This' bridge will be located along
the Lincoln llujh way and 'construction
will begin In the spring. Twelve thousand
dollar of these bond Were .voted by the
city of North Platte. These bear 6 per
cent interest. The remaining 113.000 was
voted by. Platte preclnot, , east of the
river, and these bear- Interest ;at per
cent. .''
The' Y com n lodge .of : this .city ha
Just purchased a quarter of a block From
Joseph Hershey, at' the - corner ' af Fifth
and Locust ' streets,- in this city, for a
consideration -of J12. 000.' This site Is Just
opposite the United Ptate federal build
ing, and upon which the Yepman lodge
e x pact to erect " a'Yeoman caatle at'a cost
of about fiO.OOO.
Edgar i Schiller, who for several yeara
haa been the , proprietor 'of the Rexall
and Nval drug stores in this city, haa Just
sold hi luterest . in ' these . atorea to Dr.
N. MeCabe, Chai'lealghe, Fraud Dunn
and Jainea. Elliott. Mr. 8chtler Will leave
about February 1 dr the Pacific coast,
where' he probably will locate. -
WASHINGTON. Jan. .-Itaislon of
the administration waterpower site leas
ing bill,; already-passed the house, wss
completed today by - tb senate landa
committee. It will be favorably reported
to the senate this week and the commit
tee will take tomorrow tha-companion bill
for . opening, under lease, public lands
containing coal and other ' non-precious
'A now amended the water power bill
retains .the- leasing feature, r bat super
vision of stock and bond Issue of cor
porations operating under - such lease,
which power generated wltl be used in
more than one atate. Is conferred upon
the Interstate Commerce commission In
stead of th secretary of the Interior.
The committee also attached section
giving X'oloraJo and Nebraska specific
right to bring legal action againat the
Interior department to determine the
state's rights . to appropriate water of
the Rio Grande and North Platte river
and provided In addition that the lands
leaaed under the bill may be used jointly
for Irrigation, mining, muntclrul or do
mestic purpose by authority of the slate
wherarcach power site is located.
part of the Independent companies for
lower rates as a method of meeting Btand-
ard Oil compel Ition.
A reduction of the freight rates on oil
tn the stuto ot Kansas haa greatly aided
the Independents there, according to the
testimony of K. N. McKwan of the Na
tional Rc'lnlng Company ot Nebraska.
Aa a result of the reduction, Mr. Me
Kwen yays, the Independents are doing
50 per cent of the Kansas business.
I whereas,1 before the Standard had by far
the greater part of it.
),. '. I.." Shipments.
The witness especially 'attacks the "L.
. C. L." raUv, those on less than t-arload
I lots. He saya that the Standard has the
reason of Its superior tank-line distribu
tion system, shipping In th eoll 1n carload
lots at lower rate. The Independents de-
; pend, by force of necessity, on "L. C. l"
j shipment.
','But," questioned Commissioner Taylor,
"Would you throw the burden of thla
unequal competition on the carriers?"
On Competitive Baals.
."Not entirely," replied the witness,
"We arVi only asking that you do not
Increase, tho burden upon us, that you
put us upon a basis where we can
reasonably compete.
All the railroads of the state and moet
of the Independent oil companiea are rep
resented at the hearing, although the
formal . complaint l filed by but two
the National National Petroleum asso
ciation and the Marshall OH company.
A value Pointer, that points to
the one sale where your are
sure to ---OUR - GREAT
w rn a ww w r
A sale that is unique' in' these days of sensational merchandising, because of
its very honesty of price reductions and high character of garments involved.
Lindbergh Charges
Reserve System is
; a Legalized Trust
WASHINGTON, Jan. .-J,n a' resolu
tion declaring the federal reserve system
la a "legalised money trust" and that
"money trust munagers and their agents
were selected to control1 the twelve fed
eral reserve bank," Bepreeentatlve
Lindbergh of Minnesota, today asked for
a special congressional committee to In
vestigate "the Influences that ha've been
exercised by the money trust In the or
ganlaatlon of the federal reserve banks
and the extent of the control 'of the
money trust over tho aame.V
Representative Lindbergh also Intro
duced a resolution calling for investiga
tion of whether the federal reserve bank
of the seventh district at Chicago was
organised properly under the reserve act
Clearance Sale Prifce. . .'. P
Clearance Sale Price P7
Clearance Sale Price . ; . .P 1 1
Clearance Sale Price,
Clearance Sale Price.
Clearance Sale Price P
pOU Clearance Sale Price V-l
P33 Clearance Sale Price. . . ,p"
$tU Clearance Sale Price. . . ,Ps-0
4 r a QUALITY 0 'COATS dof
pDU Clearance Sale Price. . ...ipOU
m. al Ni as1 , rw- l
HHn6 .tb at HOWARD
Compare the Values Shown in Our Windows
With the Best That's Shown Elsewhere
W caff-GI1leple. '
MADISON. Neb.. Jan. .-( Special.)
Mr. Nlela A. Wycoff of Harrison. 'ATk..
and Miss C. Belle Gillespie, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. O. W. Olllesple, were mar
lied at o'clock thla - morning at ' tha
home of the bride's parents. Kev. 'Dr.
Termer officiated.' The bride has. been
a teacher In the Madlaon schools for a
number of years. 'After ; a wedding
breakfast served to . relative and a few
friends Mr. and Mrs. Wyooff ' left for
Chlcsgo and other eastern pblnta. ' They
will be at home at Harrison,' Ark.,' after
February L ' - ,''''
Former Nebraskan-
' Refuses Order for
Shrapnel for Allies
- GRAND ISLAND, 'Neb.. Jan. 6. (Spe
cial.) Many of the local friends of 'Clar
ence D. Howard of St. Louts, president
of, the Commonwealth ' Steel company,
take no little pride la the action of the
latter, as related by the 6t. Louis papers,
copies of J which have beea received, In
declining te accept an. order from one of
the - European nations at war with each
other for $2,000,000 worth of shrapnel. Mr.
Howard was and Is a "Nebraskan. He
wss born, in this city, was educate! in
th pufcllo. schools and undertook his first
work in mechanics In the Union Pacific
shops under the tutelage of hla father,
then district foreman.. .'
. . . . ' . .
'. KEARXEy.. Neb., Jap. , l-8peclal.)-Tlie
city administration, is. following the
example 'of ..the .larger cities this winter,
and In ordec to give .employment 10 those
out of work .has ordered' that the en
tire line of-sewer, which 'has been await
ing funds 'before' installation be put in
at once. This .wJU met-a labor expen
diture of appro x finate fy 3 00). ,hloh will
aid much in' keeping 'dostifute families
HASTING?., Neb., Jan. , (Special Tel
egram.) The first step in a renewal of
the litigation over , the question , of
whAher police magistrate should be
elected in the spring or In the fall In
cities of from S.000 to 23,000 population
was taken today when Karl Beghtol,
claiming election last November, began
mandamus proceedings, sgalnst ths city
council to for" the approval of his bf
ficlul bond. Benson, the mrumbent, claim
the office for two years from last spring,
when he received a majority vote, though
he was unsuccessful candidate against
Meghtol last November. The question
ha been disputed In legal proceeding
here and In other cities for the last five
M(bl t'saajh Relieved..
Dr. Bell s I'iite-Tar-lioney easea your
cough, aootiies the lung . and invites
sloe p. Only &c All druggist. -Advertisement.
. "
This t a' Bad Vealfc. '
The Indoor life of: winter, with lark of
outdoor exercise, put a Ijeavy load on
tlie kldnea Nearly everybody suffers
from rheumatism "rcka1he." pain In aide
and back', kidney 'and bladder ailments
A backache may pot mean anything seri
ous, but 4t certainly doss not mean any
thing good. .It better to be oa the saf
lde -and , take .Foley i Kidney Pill ts
strengthen ' and' Invigorate the kidneys
sad help thorn' do ihelr work. They help
rid th blood of acid and poison. Hold
by all dealer". Advertisement
Kearwey llav Poaltrr Shew,
KEAH.NET, Neb., Jan. . (tpecla.)
Plana are now completed for the holding
of the annual exhibition of the Nabraska
Mid state Poultry and Pet KtocK aasoda-
tlun. In Kearney, and It I believed th;t
the exhibit will be the largest ever held
hare. Birds are entered from all narta
of th state and It ia belieea Hist all
a ill have adequate space In the sho
room selected.
Triple Tragedy in
Akron Boarding House
AKRON, O., Jan. . Charles T. ,Hys-
lop, sged 28, a railroad employe, today
ahot and kilted hla wife, shot Joseph
Bchrader, a boarder at the Sam house,
and then turned the revolver on himself,
dying Instantly. Schrader Is not expected
to live.
Boarders at the house were unable to
assign any cauae for the shooting.
Hyslop I said to have flrat fired sev
eral shots at bis wife In their own room,
none taking effect. . fth then sought
refuge In Echradcr's room, but was pur
sued by her hushnnd and the fatal shoot
ing followed. Hoarder found ail three
bodies lying on the floor of the room.
Troops Soon to Be
Back at Ft. Robinson
"WASHINGTON, Jan. . (Ppedal )
Representative Klnkaid stated today that
he had been orally advised by General
Mills, acting chief of staff, that the sec
ond squadron of the Twelfth cavalry, con
sisting of troop, k, Y, O and H. now
stationed in Colorado, would beshorUy
started to their permanent garrison at
Kort Robinson, hut Just how long It
would be before the second squadron
reaches Its old camping ground General
Mills could not say. Troopa A. V. and
C of the ume regiment are on the Mex
lean border and the congressman could
not eay when they would be ordered to
their post In Nebraska.
. Washington Appwlatnteata.
"WASHINGTON, ' Jan. -(Special ,Tel
egram Carl O. Van Nesa, appointed
postmaster at Kort Mackensle, Wherlflan
county, Wyoming, vlos, V. c Bush, resigned.
Nebraska Tensions granted:
Anna Lea toons, darks. 112; Cordelia
Trumhle, Boulh Omaha, 11?. .
Raymond J. lllckey, appointed rural
letter carrier at O'Neill. Neb.
The comptroller of the currency has
received applications o fthe following
person"to organise the. First National
Bank or Mohrldge, B. i., rapiioj, s iw
J. W. Harris, B. S. 11 ill, J. H. Corken,
A. W. Rowlee and F. G. Hill to auoceed
the Mobridge State bank. . ' ;
"Every Fiotnre
Teus a Btory"
. ".Whmt'ith m(tr, mamma?" .
Not Due to Sex
' Alone
.Many women bavs come to know that
ssx Isa't the reason for all backaches,
dlssy headaches and urinary disorders
Men have these troubles, too, and often
they - come from kidney weakness. . To
live simply, eat sparingly, take better
care of one's self and to use : Dean's
Kidney Pills Is bound to help bad kid
neys get better. There are so many thou
sands of women who can tell you this
from experience. '; ' '
An Omaha Woman's .
Experience " : '
Mrs. J. T. Stoddard. 341 BahJer Bt.
Omaha, says: "I suffered 'acutely frotn
pains In my back. At times my feat were
so swollen, I couldn't walk.- I .could tail
from the Irregular action ot my. kidneys
that they were-disordered and finally I
went ' to tha hospital for treatment
didn't Improve, however, until I usad
Doan's Kidney Pills. By tha time I . had
finished three boxes, I w fixed op all
right and now I am In good health."
Cms Caaaty Ploaeep Deaa.
(Special.) Philip 8. Bamea. aged 77 year,
on of the pioneeer realdents of Cuts
county, died air hla home hers Monday
night of pneumonia. Mr. Barnes was
one of the best knows men in Cass
eouaty forty year ago. He served aa
Justice of th peace for a number of year
and also secretary of the local Masonic
lodge, being on of its early members.
Mrs. Jaae McMlllaa.
SHENANDOAH, la.. Jan. . (Special.)
Mr. Jane McMillan died at the city hos
pltal at 7:30 o'clock laat night after an
illneaa of a complication of diseases. She
ia survived by Mr. Dr. Han man of
Waterloo, Ia., and Mrs. Ida Parker of
Colorado Springe, Colo., who have ur
rlved for their mother'a funeral, and on
son, J. W. McMillan of Ia Angeles, t'al.
(,rrse t'hapaaaa.
(Special.) George Chapman, ged ' C5
years, an old settler of this locality, died
Sunday morning. Ho leaves a widow,
three groan sons and two daughters. H
came to this coOnty In 1KT3 and settled on
a homestead, where he haa resided ever
Be Want Ads Are the Best Business
Read Dally by People In Snarch of Ad
rertised Opportunities.
SO at all Drug Store
Fosler Mllkurt. Co.w Buffalo.N.Y
1 badly ruptured s
trunk several yara ago-
hll lifting i
IMtCtors sat1
n, v only hioe of cure aas an operation.
rinauv s'
IQwers thesj
cost of
"Swift's Premium
Fine Flavor-aean-Economical
yi The Whiskey of .
f Vutr m4t-4 I l-wr
. afAUaaaMAaaAtU UAaaa,jr
Made la tne He&rt of tLe Blue Crass Country
For 79 veart this famous Bottled in Bond whiskey
bag been distilled in the olu-
' faabioned way in smail tube.
It acknowledged to be the
only method by wbicn
hihe8t quality can Dm
Truun did nte no guod.
hold of something mat
u lckly
comr'leUilv cured me. Years havs passed
ami the rupture haa never returned, al
though I am doing hard work aa a car
pantei. There was no operation, no loxt
time, no troulile. I have nothing to sell,
but will slve full Information about how
you mar find a complete cur without
operation. If )uu write -to me. Eugane
M. Pullrn. Carpenter. 807 A Marcellus
Avenue. Maimsquan, N. J. Better tut out
Hit notice and niitiw it to any others
wli.t i' rutiturxl you may save a Uf
or at leant the mUterv of nmture and
the worry and danger of an operation.
I 7f ff
Quality Tells"
It' a hand made, sour mash
Kentucky whiskey. Men of
critical taste have always pre
ferred it the quality has been
supreme for three generations.
If I .ARni
fa sold everywhere, because
demanded everywhere.
DUtilWyt LWT.barg. Ky.
Westera OfHcet
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