THE RKfi: OMAHA, TilUI.'SDAV. .JAXtAKY 7. SENATE ORGANIZED ALONGJLD LINES Indication, that Co-Operation of Mi nority Will Be Needed if Credit ablo Legitlatioa it Enacted. DEMOCRATIC LFADERS WORRIED FIRST WELSHMAN "TO GET VICTORIA CROSS Lance Corporal Fuller, holding the ballet that put him out of action. lie saved the life of his commanding officer, Captain Hcggrd. From a Stuff ('orrr"n1:it- LINCOLN". Nb., Jan. ,-.e.p"ial T'lc rrm. Altliouth the Nlnka tura ha ten in rtnn m than half day, hcr. la cvrv Indkatkn that If Initiation rrwiith;r to ihlr r"ainn la fleetd nmrh'of that rrrdlt a i;l I due to the rrpiilHcan tiltrtfirlty. Th Succattil rrr.rt of tl da-rntrratio majority In the arnatc yartrrday to have adopted rule a;vitt tf body cf only thlrty-thr mrmtot ' fifty employe, about two l each Miat.r, ot about three ta each Mfictr of the maturity litoUata a. taiKknry or. th rrt ot a maiorlty of tha demrcrattc member to mora to old lines to prodiipo than lo take up tho now thing ahlrh tmd to bet tor method of lirl!atinn and an 'ori orrricat program. Haea Rmiaaif 0r In tho other and of tho rapltol thoro appear a lo bo a aet prnaram iiy tho democratic majority to how to tho Una c tho economical plan even to tlia potnt that effVlency may h tacrlflccd tn order to carry out tho economy plan. Thla body of 100 nwmbcii hellevea It ran at alone by rutting tho number of am. ploy a to thirty-one, and anme even advocate further retrenchment. Jtiat what tho committee, on employe may do wheat It meata today ia hard to toll. Tho committee rommlttooo art i petted to rot togothor olthor today or tomorrow end boffin on tho work of flxlnt up that branch of tho Arsenica MOn. Thoro la a rraat demand for place and tho finance. wya im moana committee In both hraarfcee aeema to bo tho committee chelr- matil whlrli la moat In demand. Sfajorltr l,edera WarrtoO. , It la ortdont that tho democrat ara much worried ovor tho attitude of tho majority tit tho aonata. Tho independent attitude of naif a doaen members ot tho majority ia alvlng tha loadora much, con corn. It waa after mldnlcht laat nht aororo tho hotol lobbies were ouiot. Democrat dlaeuaatn tho alttiatlon worn considerably tin In tho air. Tha old lino fellows who bad counted on party fealty to carry thorn throuth are beginning to sao tholr majority of five may not bo verr much of a majority after alt, If tho luturo can be judged by what tranaplred yoatorday, while over In tho houee tho dfmor ratio loaders are conftlderably per turbed because they too that tho demo, crata a III aot bo able to claim all tha Slory for any advanced loalalatlon which may b enacted If the aonata democrat tint to their present attitude throughout the aoosloa. Tho houso mat t 10 o'clock today and tho senate at J:W o'clock thla afternoon anJ it la ant probable that very much will be gone before Friday. Iloaao Kills Time. Killing tlmo at K per minute waa tho program of the house, this morning, when, after tho uaual motion had boon made to dlipen with tha reading of tho mlnuteo, Hoffmtester of Chase In sisted on tho reading of tho entire Jour nal of the day before, taking up fifteen minute of: tlm. Tho resolution of rtelsohkk of Rlrh ardsoa. whlrh ho failc-1 to get through tho democratic caucus, providing that no member reprinting. ,. a district where there was a state Institution ' could bo a member of tho appropriations committee, went ovor for another day. An invitation 'of Jeiry Howard of oug',as to the tnamheia lo attend the anniversary at .Omaha of tho batfe of New Orleans on January I wa placed on (It. , lleaso Dialrlfcates Pie, The bouse committee on employee hat made tha following i additional appoint ments: . . L. Uet.alfe. Jr., Omah. messenger snu niincoMrsiiher. Arthur Howard, Lincoln, stenoerspher. K. I Vogt. Ixiup i:ity, time and book J. P. McAtdle, Omaha, 'Joint msengor. As too bouse abolished the office of postmaster, tho mall Is la charge of a ilrrk from tha Lincoln office. Jerry 's Candidate Fails to Land Job (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. e.-.Spcelan-Th.a first sIU lit the Pouglaa county delegation la the house a at made at tho democratic itiucue. when Jerry Howard rust hit Waterloo a lie tried lo get a etand-ia with the poaera oa high by an uasuccea. ftil attempt to name the house chaplain. Jerry placed la nomination "Hatch Hatch "Artnon." but Hunter launched the nnme of Rev. rrank Will of College View. , ltb a few aotd oC explanation that Mia waa the deioabnl deiuorraUo candi date for the . !et' autre, and Jerry loat out by a ems U niajoruu., JUt -EC ri .... - f - '"f : . I ':, .. . .. i .W', ' - ' . - ,- (. air -4 - 4 . - , i t ; -lJ-. :. ' ; . j ' Vj .. 'f . ' '. - '"V, ''"'"'-'i ' .' i . ' - '.' 14 uv' 5" !.' - :(i:rr.-sl 1 -- ,,;.. . T ar' . ,V .'' '. " -v. . ".. ;- "'. .kr J tM ' 'V:vi: ,, ,r -''' ,-i-.";;; - i : . v.i. ,- . .. - ivi. 1 'vj . IT . . -'I'm .,'-. J- v ,f 1 T"."vt VILLA PROHIBITS CATTLEEXPORTS Chief tain Feara Meat Famine in northern and Central Mexico ii Impending. - ARMY 13 SAID TO BE W RETREAT AMENDMENTS STAY L0S1VAS DECLARED (Continued from Tage One.) tho decision of the supremo court of a rlmilar proposition road. prlnae t'oaatltatlaa. Robertaun of Holt read tho constltu tlon and declared that the legislature could not override tho constitution, which declared that their must bo a majority of all votes raot at tha election. Qulnby, In an extended speech, declared that the supremo court had no right to take on tho duties of a legislative body and de clare agslnst any proposition on which the people had given a majority In favor. Taylor Oppoeos. Taylor of.Custsr waa against any pro cedure which, would empower the speaker t declare carried, any proposition which flu rnnvsssing board of tho atato had declared hot carried, and. ha did , not favor any proposition -which would coll for a recount of the ballots and the sad dling uf expense upon tho letlslaturo. t hane ot r haaae of Mind. Qulnby corrected Taylor, declaring that 1 the resolution dll nut call for a recount. and no recount aaa necessary. .. . Mot lictt Of l.unrtor "thanked Clod thnt uprmo courts cuu'd chanao their minds" end ho believed this propualtlon should be taken before the court, and ha be lieved they would declare the amendments carried. Hunter, of Pouglus was against the of Pouglas, Petersen of Lancaster and Shunway of Thurston were against the resolution when Barrett of Douglas, whllo favoring the amendments, raised tho point of order on which It waa de clared out of order. Qulnby then moved that the attorney general bo Instructed to take the matter before tho supreme court for, a decision. A motion to lay on the table carried, the vote being 64 for to M against. Both branches voting to table the reaolutlon. i l. I'ASO. TCV. Jan. . -Ufncral Villa has Issued an order, effective today, pro hlb'tlnx Jlie exportation of all cattlo from tctrltory ccntrollcd hy the convention forces. This-action was taken. It was ssld, for fear of a meat famine, In north ern and central Mexjco. It Is believed that the .fJ Villa 'roops on their way "to ('onora to assist In tho Karo campaign have crossed from Chi t.ualuut Ctty by way eof Madera. Chi huahua, and thence overland, instead f vl.t Juarca and C'aaas (Irsndes. General Villa Is expected hero today to rtnfcr with General Hmtt. Provisional President Outlerres of tho convention has repeated his order to Governor May lorena to desist from further attacks on border towns until completion of the Kcott-VUla confereneo hero. Villa has remained silent on the matter. Villa's Army la Retreating:. VERA CRl'Z, Jan. I.-While General Alvaro Ohregon, commanding tho Car r.".nsa forces, lo driving the troops of Villa and Zapata from the city of Fu ehla. a still larger force at Hlpolito In the r.orth, under the personal command of Generals Villa and Angeles, la being pushed bsck by General Vasques, ac cording to a statement given out today , at General Venustlano C arrsnea's head Quarters here. Hlnollto la northwest of Palttllon. on the railroad to Torreon. I (eaeral Aaaelea taptored. NACO. Aria.. Jan. . Oeneral Felipe Angeles. Villa's chief subordinate and said to bo his choice for1 provisional presi dent of Mexico, was captured yeaterday when General Alvaro Obregon drove the Vllla-Zapatlata army out of Fuobla, ac cording to messages from Vera Cms re rolved today hy General Hill, command ing the l arrama garrison of Naco, Ho nors. The capture ot A-ngeloS caused rejoicing among the Carranaa aoldlera. Angelra was In command of the army defeajed by Obregon. . Job fnr Georgia Man. WASHINGTON, Jan. .-Proaldent WH aon today nominated: Goortro Fort of Georgia to be assistant treasurer of the Tnlted states. Captains Dwwltt Voffnian and William F. Ftillam, V. t. N., to be rear admirals. The nomination of William Goodyear, Pullman, Wash., to be receiver of public moneys at WaOa Walla, was withdrawn. Invitation Given to Jackson Observance (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN, Jan. t-apeclal.)-A resolu tion wat offered In the house by Jerry Howard of Douglas and went over ono day under tho rules Inviting tha speaker and members of the 'house to attend the centennial anniversary celebration of the battlement of New Orleans, gad the en dorsement of Senator Hitchcock's peace bill, at Omaha, January I, 1915. Governor John H. Morehcad will be one of tho speakera. CLAYBURN HUNTS FOR SEAT IN WRONG END OF CAPITOL (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. .-(SoclsJ.)-Bome of the legislature were unable to get their bearinga thla morning and Representative Claybum of Platto county hunted- for haW an hour over In the senate chamber try. In n ttnA hi. ... I- .. k T, , Qulnby ..solution a. It sought to over- hynlr i., i.olt",", ilc the constitution. Norton of Polk favored the resolution, saying that their was no reason why a voter who weat to the pulls and did not vote either, way should be counted against a proposition any more than the voter who. st a Id at homo should be counted against it. Hot fmalster of Chase, ' Lanlgan of Greeley favored the proposition. Hunter he could bo of any assistance to him. Mr. Claybum ssld ho could not find his seat. "It waa right In here somewhere yea. tsrday," aald he, pointing at the aeat of Gates of Farpy, "but somebody must have taken It ,away." The senator finally In formed him that ho waa In tho wrong end of the capltnl. Bee Want Ada Troduce Results. One Day's Delay in making your will may make a great dif ference in the way your property is divided. Jt is advisable for people of age and sound mind to make a will and it is to the advan tage of the estate to ap point the. Peters Trust Company as Executor. 'Its permanent charter and responsibility give assurance of faithful fulfill Imcnt. We-act as Executor, Trustee, Administrator or Guardian. . 1 Capital Surplus - $200,000.00 . $275,000.00 162 a" FARWAM STREET S'rrif WILL JAY REFUSES TO i BELIEVE HIS PARTY DEAD (From a iMsff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jail. .-i8tHK-lsl.) DUcua sion of press dlspawlios announcing that Jicdlll McCormlck had derei u-d Ihs b,ti!l moose party and bad gone bsck to the republic sns was dtsciid by the mem bers donna a shori recess tii.a foicaoon tn the bouse. Konis of th n-embers look rtnirtrr.)e satufs.tlon i attee. ttoo of i. Jay, itfl'or of tho P.-ogrs-le, if. cfM. tl tull UkOae paier In Lin coln, tc'.t ic l iinu h. Jay was ia the of the houe and pronounced the Uipatch a. "darn lie" and he offered t bot.liw that 'Mark" bad not gone hack on tho mooaers. Rail and Cash Reports1 1 1 - irVr,m a S:ff Corresnoodont l.iN'c'(H,.S. Jso. i iiiuial l-Vhii bi erintiU rrort uf the Mie ltilsy cotn rninsion. filvd itli Cio en.or Murrhesd. v.dneedav sfternoen. shuvs tint tbe oiiiimwiuii l.mild 3? iiifurrnai coin .in,i ourtiiK xh, eBr lMurt, b.ldi-s ad Ji.i:i.g and di)iug of a lr nuinWr cf n.iuor MiffjcuUus and Ulfferencrs. " i-r-irl gives the numlvr ef formal i oitiaina pvitdcug kfom l he Uosid ua .ovmTr K. lust. ( tmr'y-eix: tn)ornutl c.nik.liri;. Uv; s; 11 'stiuas. fjrty.fiv. T i.e rmfort, hi. h is goes lote cbarernlbg tu work of the iniitiiswiva Oonng n,e tiennlum. It tas lrit!s of r legis. l(o, ecooijing to the vpinicn of Hie cofouiCselua. The state treasurer's biennial leport t ons Hit lu.m iniu(y i-atd g4,' -7.14 in iaes and mat ln-..i.r cubot'y 1 1 ..-4,ia; lur the two eers. I .i,tt iM.r e.Miniie paid laaee going into six-o stt figures. 1 o rMrt is a tt,e of lis irs 1 i,i.r Goe had cf ie on nr,d IroiOr 1 j J. tf aJ.liti ,1 1 ne talair. now u X i- W. l-'.l. a as e.2j U. on't Abuoe a T-1an Sick UUith the Liquor Discaoo SEND HIM TO US AND WE WILL CURE HIM ' ' ' i ies! Cure him! In the last 32 years 400,000 men have been cured of the disease of drink by the Keeley Institute, TUB' HELIT I!trTITTTe. OV4(A. sTIB. i . , eaattfat Ceoattoa, Dellgatfal arroaailaga, ' . rtaes AocommogaUosa, i , How tbe Xeelsy Trsatmeat Cures. TIi Keelsv rrtuedies are reconstructive tonic, alilch rrti the nerte cells lo a h.-s.tliv couul lloa. ' V hsn tins la dune, the "slaving uieai leaig. bcCHuae. 4ifce a couti. It Is 'nitsi-etr a s T ut y ion: uf a olreaae and not dlie tieelti The treatment is atmolut'lv aud ilui no sicknee. 'It. ere ta tio retKrl.tion t cool tin .'.incut of pal len l. The general beailh I'" proies troiii the urn, Osy. BeettH of the Keeley Treatment. Ik frees txttjeuie, oUitU, froot all iravlns. st'Petlte anil iioceseuy fur alcoholic sliuiuUni. 'I lis ucan is aUo uUy improved ment.liy. poy Icelly end inuiHily. His head is i mind vtlve. KOf.ftlie id l ; giud, e re hi mm. Uis 4e sire tor Ortak is gome, he Is niexuHted iin h.t fomier II I e. and rulod allh amtiidoii lo "make a freeu. clean, start." Write fear OeaapletoXaforbaattea Bookleta snd full Inform n Ion alH.ut the Ktteiey Inailtule and lite Ki- Tie I men I emit oeie4. unlr aueuloielv Uis cuvsr. All uuuimunicaiwna sirtctiy tuufidoiitial. . TWM CEaX.IT tniTirVTB. COJL tTsX iVS OASg STsVESTg. CBLaatA, BIB. f Drunkenness is a Disease Tho man who drinks to axrevs Is to b pltle1 evntl helped not abviBhed.. Abuse wilt not cure a man of typhoid fever, or tauallpox or brain fever. Neither i will H cure htm of the liquor habit, which la a dlseatw! of the jierve celts requiring g pe dal treatment. t)r. KeoI' definition of drunkenneaa Is now unHerxolly tefoevixed at absolutely corrovt. 11 arg : "It Is a coodltlon wberelii the nerve cells have become so aucustoined to perform lis: tlielr duties and functlona under tile Influence of aloriiiol that they will bo longer pfrform tUose Outtsa and I'unctlona proferly and Pain lessly sxcept under Its inf tuviice." There Is little or no hope that, unaided., an inebriate can or will atop drinking, df big own accord or by the exercise of his own enfeebled alll power. Information Coupon BSsggsBasaBBBBBBgaaBgeays Wl KBEXBT IBSTITtTTB. Oaialaa, Be a. PlAaae send roe under plata. saalag etaraloue. full Informa tion ulMmt tbe Krrley treatment . tjr alcohol lo diseaaoa, inurpliine. opium and tobacco habit Kaiue . , , J i t i Town ue.... Name and addreaa ef person for whom treatment la de sired May be im.u.d if linuiier duea nut "wieh Ut alate ib IHOMPSOK BEBDEN S CO. Our Greatest January Clearance of Fine Apparel For Women SUITS COATS DRESSES SKIRTS Every garment in our entire showing is offered at a decid edly reduced price.- Every garment shown is from our regu lar stock. There have been no purchases of worn-out samples or poor selling jobs. Thi?, our 28th and Greatest January Clearing Sale, i a legitimate sale, in keeping -with our policy of a thorough rlearance twice each year. ' ' Suits reduced to S9.75, formerly $19.50 Coats reduced to 4.95, formerly $16.50 Dresses reduced to $9.25, formerly $18.50 Other garments proportionately reduced. ' . "We are altering the gannents sold in .this sale, but must " make a small charge merely enough to pay for the labor. Special Silk Clearance Thursday, 200 Pieces ITp it-Proof Foulard Silks $1.00 and $1.25Values 69c and 79c Yard fable after tabic evervwlie're filled with silks; nothing like them anywhere in the city. . Of course, you may find single pieces in some places, picked up for an advertise ment, but not the beautiful line of colors W6 will show Thursday, in a wonderful range of navy, brown," tan, gray, ( new Trussian blue, green, in pretty small figures of one, two and three colors. We would state, the trademark' of these silks is a guarantee for the quality. Men's Shirts. Neckwear. Underwear. Sweat er Coats, Bath Robes, Outing Flannel Gowns and Pajamas all in the Clearing Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. All regular stock no job lots have been bought for sale purposes. Other Handsome Silks Thursday $1.25 Satin Messallne, 38-inch, 7no a yard all pure silk rich Balla finish. ' . $8.50, $2.85. $1.76 Printed Crepes. 40 Inches . wide, 31.39. 31.29. . $1.25 Satin Mewallno. white . ground with small Dresden figures and pin . atripes of color. 59 a yard. ... $3.60 Moire Crepe. 40 tnchea wide, now .. .-451.08 yrd $1.25 Meseallne. 26 Inches wide, now .......... .39f 'Has a pin stripe of white. $2.50 All Bilk Roman Crepe, 36 Inches wide . .81.39 y"" $1.00 Satin Brocade, even in ft shades ........ 5Q4 a yard Reliable Linens at Very Low. Prices During the January Linen Sale HAND EMBROIDERED LINEN PILLOW CASES. : $3.10 Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases, S2.00 a pair. $5.00 Embroidered Linen Pillow Caas, S3.89 pain $6.00 Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases, S4.33 Pa,r $T.50 Embroidered Lined PillOw CasesgS.gJ) a pair.": - - 1 JANUARY SALE TABLE DAMASK. ; $1.25 Bleached Damask, 81.00 , 1 a yard. $1.60 Bleached Damask, 81.10 a yard. $1.75 Bleached Damask, 81.25 a yard. , $2.00 Bleached Damask, $1.50 a yard. . TEA TOWELING 15c Tea Toweling. 12 H e a yard 17o Tea Toweling. . 15 a yard 20o Tea Toweling. . 7tt yard 22c Tea Toweling. -.-fg a yard 25c Tea Toweling." .20 y"l GUEST TOWELS 100 Dosen 40e Quest Towels, sale Price, 25 1 cb 200 dozen 60c Guest Towels, sale Price. SO each. HUCK TOWELS 18c Huck Towels, sale Price; . s 12, 25c Huck Towels, sale price, 1Q 45o Huck Towels, sale price 25 60c Huck Towels, sale price 20a 76c Huck Towels, sale price 50e $1 Huck Towels, sale price 75 $1-50 Huck Towels, sale price 81 CRASH TOWELING - - 17c Bleached Crash.. 12 Ha yd. 1 8o Bleached Crash . . . 1 3 yard 20c Bleached Crash .... yard 22c Bleached Crash. . . . 1 H6 yard 26c Bleached Crash. , . -20 yrd January Sale of Table Cloths Could you ask for a finer $2.50 Table Cloths. . , .$1.75 $2.75' Table Cloths. .'. .$2.00 $3jl0.rXable:.,CUths. . .".$2-25 $4.75.';Table Cl6th3 : . . . $3.50 1 $6.00 Table Cloths.... $4.00 $7.50 Table Cloths . . , . $5.00 $10.00 Table Cloths . . . $6.89 bargain f . ! ' $12.00 Table Cloths; . .$8.89 i $15.00 Table..aotha.'. $10.00 $20.00 .Table. . Qlpthr. .$15.0Q -$25.00 Table ClothsV. $17.50 $30.00 Table aoths ; . $20,00 $50.00 Table Cloths. .$37.50 $100 Table Cloths. ..$75.00 . Fine Napkins $1.75 Bleached Napkins , $1.39 a, dozen. a $2.50 Bleached Napkins ' $1.75 a dozen $3.50 Bleached Napkins $2.75 a dozen. $4.50 Bleached Napkins . $3.00 a dozen. , $5.00 Bleached Napkins . $3.75 a dozen. $6.00 Bleached Napkins $4.00 a dozen. " $7.50 Bleached Napkins $5.00 a dozen. $10.00 Bleached Napkins $7.50 a dozen. $60.00 Bleached Napkins' $45.00 a dozen. Turldsh Towels 20c Bleached Turkish . Towels... 15o each 25c Bleached Turkish Towels ."..19c each - 45c Bleached Turkish Towels. ........ .25c each 50c Bleached Turkish , Towels. .... . . .'. .29c each 65c Bleached Turkish Towels ....39c each 75c Bleached Turkish Towels 50c each $1.00 Bleached Turkish Towels 69c each Special $4.50 B8 Bleached Scotch Napldna $2.75 A DOZEN. Pianos for Rent $3.50 a Month FraV tuitlnc tnaurancc, a tool and acarf. Rent alloarad on pur chase prlue if you dcclda to bur. SchncUruHcoIler PianoCompany lall-ia'raraata Mi. Sourlaa 1SS3. Baa Want Ada Ara tKa Raat Ttnalna.a Read lally or People in Search of Ad-1 VortaMd Opportunity' AHIIEMEXTI. Typovvrltorb tr or uoni attjr make jroat want $1 and Up Per Month .... lesini lypewmsr txcnsrp lac. SOT-SOS South mn. I'booa Dottg. ri-t-W--)-- I t 1 1 " ia Dy advertising in Th JJe th storekeeper tikes his show window Into the home ot every reader TODAY ARTHUR BnAIIDElSSSygi"- Vfith MTlit Perfect Cemfisffw a4 BYRON Trie S5o. soa. fse, ai aad UM. rrtdar aaa Saturday Jan. aad . Xaa kuaaat Artiat as riayWrtaat, - Ml. timtl B. CSS3SMAI aaaiatad by acma. raU Koffermaa aad AU Sta SUaua Ooaapaay, ia atapariulr. rriday r.niaf'i Tka X.tTlaa' Orpaaaa at. Kva.1 Tae Olxl af tha (auldaa Waat rrtcaai ase, SOe, Ta aad 91. - 5lh Bit W E E K BOYD Pop?'" nit Toala-ht aad AU Weak. Matin.. Saturday, fames BAtvi. Xata, Sbe J mi, IM and . wait iTaoiaamti Toh Jam. IS, SooHxy klaut, Aaaed Attraetioa, Omaha atlrh School Olaa Oak. AmiEHEkTL Mr. Ma p.I(1'. aTrtll. Mart (ur. e".ir u4 .MBataatMir waaM aroau.-. ' at tha Mian a. Vou (UW ndlluf a. toalaht r0araaa4 Jacntevaaf-rar Tkaia. . Jaaa Arthur Kaklwia orriclvtae. tABI' Cms MAT. WIBK SATS. . RUDOLPH GANZ Eminent Swiss Pianist Y. VV. C. A. .::iTC2IC3J TONIGHT Tlck.ta.ltc, II. 0 aad II. SO. ae!Uic a: Harden Bros. Sheet Mualo tparUiia.-.t rkaae Xaalas ABYAaTCSB TAfDITIUa I aTVWUlVV, Hits ! M A Brown. Marttn Van Bora.n, . Xlttl..-rieo- Gaaool ana, Travel Weeklv. itlaaai M .... Oaltarr. lta; kaat aaau. in- wai kataraa aa4 Bwaan, Sa BlaaU, Ua, t. rW U Th, I 21 TSSPISS CASCI33 ACASEMT ZST1I IS 3 fUlUl STEIET5 New term begins Monday, January 11th. Adult beginners Mon day and Tnursdsy P. M. Adult ndrancwd. Tuesdays S P. M. (Only new dancca taught in this clans.) Popila Joining cla January 11, 1) and 14 mill be slrea a reduction of 11.00 oa tickets. Application le celved no-. Pbon Harney (14 1. Private lessons daily. Up-to-date dances.