THE BEE: OMATTA. JANUARY 1915. VANT ADS Want ads received at my time, but to tris-tre proper classification most b pre eeeted before u o clock noon for avenlns; e'litkin nil 1.M p. tn. for mnrrlni and f"n4ay editlona. want ad received after such poors fill be -under tba heading, "To Let t Classify." I - . . CASH RATF.S ronseoutiv times, i cent wort ch. Insertion. Threat times within on weak, 1H tent word earn Insertion. Ona time, I rants a word. ' CHAROB RATES. Rv consecutive. Unci, I centa a Una arh Insertion. Threa times within cm week, M centa a line earn Insertion. Cm time, ta cants line. Count six averse words to a line. Minimum char a, 20 rents. An ijmtlwnwut Inserted to i run un til discontinued muat be stopped by write tea order. a All claim for errors mnst t mads within fifteen day after the laat Inser tion of tba advertisement feu ran place your want ad In Tba Bee f telephone. TELKFHONB TYLER J ' Unclaimed Answers ' to the "Swappers Column" ' Hundred of other nniwere nave been celled for and delivered during tha laat week. It (a reasonable to suppose that ail of the people below have made the swaps, tnrreror ao noi can i" balance or their answer, tie Want iure fat result SO. sc. SC. .?. 80 V.l 1434 27 :: lr.'t i )ir hi - 4 l.M J V 8fKI l.ltt 1W3 11 IO . l.4 14 J1J . 1K1 14 SI mi ) !4o4 17 Jl"t !" 14 113 J407 14 II 1MJ 1 1 r 14 i4ii 14-0 m ii nii mi (4 1 4 114 14MX ta Uol 141 iM so . fl m ' m f 8 SC. l.-ll JM JM7 3e ' JMO 1V4 ISS li.T) . m n Mil KTHS AND n'NERU WOTICKS. JiriRAN-KUro. l).mUr 29, Xxa Ari el'. Cal. Kunrral from realdfnee cf nrr aon. J. A. Murm, h Vhatr atreet, Tueaday, a. m., to si i ni i cnur n, . m, )ntrmrnt Holy Pepulcher cemetery. tl T.Ll. MAN' Edward, ad W. Hunday, , Ifiiunry i, li la aurvlvrd by one aun, James, and thre datiKhtra. Mr. 1', Mutuhy, lla Marcrrt hpi-llman anil Mra. Si. J. Alll'lcan; alao fur brothria, Nl hola. jamwi, lrnnla and John r'jwll inaii nd three alatora, Kller Mtry Honn venture and laiile Hpollman uf Oimtha and Mn. t.'alhcrloe Norrla at " NifwIrh, Cnnn. ... . I'unrial T'.iojKiay morning from family reaidnc:, 11 Mandron alreot, at a im (o fiord Hrt rhuroli, 9 a. tn. Jiitfrment hu Mary'a comelcry.N rl'HU.MAN- Hdward, al yeam; -.laniiHry S, 1K15. l unirnl at :M Tueaday mornlna" at Intrt r'Pi','n', K'l MnnJeraon ft., to ii.'rrd Hr-art rhui-.-h at o'olixk. lnter in nl at M. Mary'a crmttory. rUV ANSON John Henry, at Mll-a City, Mont.. Jimuary 2, 11. arrd 44 yrare. i'liixral 1 u-mjay afternoon at 1 o'clock frnm the home of hla brolber, John A. Hmati.on 4Ci laard atreet. Interment. 1'rinpevt Hill remelry. Krlanda Invited. J CAHDI OF TIIASRJ. W'K tender our heartfelt thanka for the hln'ineNa ami aympolhy- aliowa ua ny k-HHr-llon lodpo No. ZSi. A. O. U. W., all employee of the Morrla racking Co., nn.1 our amny frh-nda, alao for the beau U.'ul floral offorlnna, In memory of harlex CrawfoiU. our biloved, hue land. fatlir, aon and biother. JilltX. ci'Altl.KS C. CRAWFORD AND rUll.l'UKN. CrtA.WrHHtli " M11B. V.. 1. NK'HOt.Afl. Mil, W. i". VAN t)WH. llti. K. WOQ1J.SOTUN. J BIRTHS AMD DEATH. 'john. M. and Charlotte Vrirey, " ti llrunt.. hoy; Katon and loni. t'raln, hoa plta), Kill; C. K- and HiUier t'hambeia. tTi North Twenty. fluKt, boy; Tom and Ketl Cuplta, l:i!J lore fark aventwi, hoy; Frank and .Fram-ea Corny. 1311 touth 1 oiirUenth, lioy; Kdward and Amelia llhert. H Kouth Hevent-enth. ptrl; Joe atM Ltna CJlynn, 81S ?outh Twenty rll!th. nirl:- U. A. and M. Fredrlrkaen. !'h North TwKiity-alxth. alri; Mathlaaand .MaiT Holxnpnel. -'-It Bouth Klghleenth, toy; Jamea and Allln Hut ton. hoapltal, hoy; J. 'A. and looo Jamea. hoapltal, hc.y: John and Mabel Kropf, Sii.l Laveo I'oit. boy; OeorRB and X:rn LarMn, hoa- ' p!til, hoy: AtiJiew and I.lzxte 1'att, 11)17 N ii th Twenty-fourth, Blrl". Alexander and Katie I'lcluer. lllil North Thirty-alxth, .v; Morton H. and Lucetta Hmlth, (19 N'or-tU Tenty-econd, boy; E. V. "and Uitha Townaend, US North Twenty futhi boy. I Ixatha K. t. Kilkk, 44, ipaaadona, Cal.t Miry i 1 n vll.ek. ta, KV3 houllt f our. t nth: Kdgert 11. llirtwell, it month a. il7 North Twenty-fourth; Kdwln O, Vin, r.l. hoHpltal: i:ila M. King, 4.4, tml North Thlrtlnlli.' Jamea J. Callahan, 44, hoxt.ttal; il a inula Wllllasn. 2017 laard. A1AHH1AGIC LU'JrlKSCa. 'Theite Ureiiitea hava been (ranted: 'Name and llralaeai'. Age. t'lreno Uroiialon, Houth Omaha ?1 IUhIo Hill, 8uiiih Omaha 18 Vi l'lUm A. Ml-OhII, (iflea. la........... .11 ) Ule (.). ktnard, 1'ueOlo. Colo... ZI Jl.ur Hutrhiimuit, Outhrle Center, la. Tt Htmy Hantliorne, tituart, lav ' tMwln f. Terrell. Omaha ( M Lottie. Jenaen. Omaha 'M TOUAVS COMPL1.TE MUVlli I'lltM.UA.MH KClti-Trl tn 1Im llew C A HAKHIONK T11EA., HoS Douglaa. 'i i c-'toicn Kdmkix, Kalctn Drama, i i M n fr'Mii ihe H'a, S-r. LiiSjIii drama. 'I he Kival et Llnt-a. Welln Vv. Coiuedy. i i.Fi iSO. 2. liTT'Farimm telireeL A l'crlloua Paaxajte. Lubln drama. .n Aftuir for tha PolKe. J-r. Vi a, com. l, Miliy At tho Mini I fa Office. Eaa. I'AKNAil, 1IU Farnam BlreetT 1-e ii the !entliie. Thanhouiwr drama. f:,tu.-e la Mlue. 2-r. .Mxjenllo iraoa. i'liiU'i It Owe, Royal Comedy . i.i i- lUk-'Alu.i. i-trt AND liAHNiy, Home of Paramount Pictures. aie N. inlii. J" program-dully. .. valine Comedlaa. r.u:!.OH, If lxJLULA. N i 1 1 t r an Inch of Hla Life. 2-r. Eolalr. 1 .1 I'.iil TLoniatice. Crybtal cuntedy. i i i Vi r .-..h; r iiTTr"ixJ Li LA b' In juflu1; IUi. 2-rer uiaon. i Kin tiernia. 1.-KO comedy. i ! f JI'Tiolt'a Secret. tU Imr. S . j jtoraaiT . .VMIAMl HA. ISH N. StTlI ST. lie Art'cr, Keyatone onielr. '1 c im Win ilia Hoc. Than, drama. I : '.oBHiiilitv, l-r. jtellajica drama. A1-a!uo. iilil ANLlTuilf? '1 NU,hta lu a Bar Room, -r. Special. I ir li'X. .Military Ave. and liuidrtl. ': ir 1 pa and ln, Keyaluue CVunedy. i i iiuint i nan. I'leine. I , i y a Nulit. a-re-l Krunco I ra ma j 'i a m ii. uTXJTk eT i -i ut .oicllUig Jim. 2-r. (iJm fL x' - i. n t.e iu-a o( Pura1le, lnvj dia. I 'o h'-.e tK . rifle irrm, Nt. Coin. J . VNr UIilLA.. ithasid"riai,kilnT 'iliefl of l.'.e Croan Jemcia. i-r. i'lama; A Maid , of Vier, Kr-m. l.ia. tne l'.t. Drama. ' i i . .ij .vi t.. Z.,t t t Mi.a S)l'. tii . ct cm Jurra4ay. Ktxi.i, Coiu. C .i.ii-! ia. nllouar l'raiua. ! i - r 1 in I ila ii-i ' , l'.t ii aji'1 Ltiiii Ma. ( i t at the It. K. i.t, Kal. Drama; J I' 7 'ine and itia Man, l-r. K.a. , iJ leal J;ct utiri, Lub. C'ou.. TODAY'S rOMTLF.TE MOVIE mOtiKAMS KvcluatTely la The Ilee, Mertb. TOTHROP. J4TH AND LOTH ROT. Word of Hla People. 2-r. K-H drame. ToiH-h if a Utilo Hand, Trinrpaa drama. Coraea They Hmarkel, Keyeton , com. 1-OVAU in rAlJlWliLU Slanter Key, No. 7, t-reel Fpecial. The Paron a Hear tacate. V. Ko comedjr. The Wayward 8on. W tor. I'AUACE THUATF.K, 23K1 Davenport tl. Itla Nlaht Out, Joker Comedy. The Wondroua Melwly, 2-reel Krr. HI HWHflAN TII.CA.. Mill and Amca. Hy the tiovemor's Order, Vltaitraph lra. Saved by Their fhee-lld, Hlo. Hur. Melo. Th Man from tho l-laat. rfllg Drama. kesth. ARWjR. 32D and aruor f"W rong Prescription, 2-r. Reliance drama. Balance of I oarr. Princess drama. Ethel Hm a Steady. ,Komto comedy. APOLLO, 2S24 LEAVENWORTH Th Girl at the Throttle. Kalcm drama. Sunshine and Shadow. 2-r. Vita. dr. It Cured Hubby. Ltihln comedy. COLUMBIA THEATER, 1710 HO. lflTH The Ma yor e Secretary. Z-T. KaJm dr. 1 learnt Sella; No. 6. ' The Rival Klngti Lines. Folic W, com. COMFORT. 2ITH AND VINTON. A Crook's Sweetheert. 2-r. K. B. The Ravine- Orece. Majestlo. Among the Mourners. Keystone. KAVOKITK. 171 VINTON Out of Petticoat Lane. 2-r. eieilg melodr. Cauao for Thankaglvlng. Vltagraph com. The laat of the Hargrovea. Kdlaon dr. fifcM, lii iMjlTTK WTil Tha Hie Plater'g Xniaa. 2-reel He. Hla New Job. Sterling comedy. The Foy Mayor. N'egtor. L1RIC, M17 VINTON. Called ttark. 4-reel Gold fUal. rASTlME, 24TH at LHAVENWOIlTlI IJghta and Fhadowe. Sammle'a Vacation. . t-re4 Rex. Cryatal comedy. VENEZ1A, UU SO. 1JTH ST. Four reel of Mutual picture. MONROB THEATEK, rr rusim. The Iinvll and Mra. Walker, Kalem com. The I'nknown Country. The Level. Million Dollar Myatery No. 7. Beaioa. BENBON, SS3J MAIN ST. Master Key No. , Ppai-lal BertaJ. The Hat tie of the Natlona, Joker comedy. The Wayward Bon, Vlotnr drama. CaaacU at I err. E LIT H NO. 1. M6 HROADWAT Heart-'Sllg No. 17. Throuah Iaperat Hasarda, IilXn drama. The Olrl from Thunder Mountain. Kaaanay drama. KOPEK. W7 HKOADWAY. Call of the Wavea, 2-reol. U Heal. Who Stole the Bridegroom. Neat. Com. The Kuatler Outwitted. Kron. boaih Oaaahav KF8SH3. Twonty-ffttirth and N. Till Heath Do Ua Hart, 2-r. Hollg drama. The ITofeaaor'a fwimanee, Vita, comedy. The Volunteer Burajar, Eea. drama. MAOIcj Twenty-fourth and O. Animated Weekly. ' The Hubmarlne Hpy, 1-r. Imp. F'Bt Olrl'a Komanoe, Cryatal comedy, VaadevlUr. ORPlinni, Twenty-fourth and The eeventh eptaode of Kudora. . N. ANXOfXCfcMENTS HAZEL Leaf I'lle Conea. Beat remedy fur Itching., bleeding or protruding pliea; tOa poatpald; aamplea free, bherman 4k MK'onnoll Drug Co., Omaha. Wedding aonouncementa. lut. Ttg. Co, LUCKY wedding ringa aV firodegaard'a. WUBT aell all trunks, aultcaeea, baod baga, half price. Bee HARHT. fl N. lth COAL-5 bankets, $1. U. 3546 1XN'T cry over epllled Ink. "Iron Huat' Boap remove ataina of all deertiptlon. 35o tube by mall. Nebraska Weatem belling Co., 6TI3H Bee PATEK aV PAVUK. Hucoeaaora to Joaoph Palek, plumbing, ataam, hot water, vapor and vacuum heat I hk. new location, VU S. 1MH Bt. Tel, D. M-4. JbNKOLL. now. Y. M. C. A.- night achool. AUTOMOBILES TO SELL OH T HAD id I have an electilo Btanhope automobile In flue eiiape, value Kt; alao a coupe body for gaaollne automobile, value taix whUh will aell or trale. Write A. Hohlen. U4 boutu 24th street. Car not at thia adtlreea. lnduatrial (Ik. run Ou JUli & Harney 81a. tiuu for auy magneto wa can't re pair. Coll rcpar a. O. Haymlorfer, lit N. II toll Kit NT one-ton White truck with driver, by week or month. Ii. Pelton, ty Farnam. Call IXiualaa Kol Iklubh.L h-i Ietxoller tourlutf car wltb etf-etertar, run leaa than tto mllua; genilne bargain at lvu. The T. O. Noriu wall Co., (14 June tit.. lKug. 1707. anougli Otruiha Had. Uep. Co.. 3u. Far. AUTO ulnkTing hnuMi, 2JU Ivntm, buys and Bella t)g.i cara. Phone Douglna SUP. FlN K. eaiiet t radiator repair. 31S & tuttu Meteveyetva. IIAULET-DAVIDSOST MOTORCTILES. Haraalr.s In uaed machinea. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle Man." 7B Ieavenworth. Ull INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; barvalua In uaed machines. vMAiiA BICYCLE CC.. JUlh and Chluago. V. 3721 Linuborg Brt., 71 Leav. (Flying Merkle). BCSINEBS CHANCES FOK SALE . ONLY DRUG STORE Onlv fountain, aoutheaateen fio hull ilrv town, doctor end veterinary : price, H.4"0, i..-w ounn. jtai mi, nioux t Ity. KK WUK-Nyal anig atr In good ifouth l'axota town: good Kx. bualueee; reaaon for selling, not reentered. Ad dreaa Y SJ1, Boo. K Y NOW OUR B B CSINETSS KTTKR. By tnalalllng the Monarch Simplified Accounting Svatem. Write for booklet. CNITED KALES CO., HI city .National Bank. ruit iSAl.K Thri-e-cnalr barber ahop. Charlea Core. l'lit tSprlntta, Neh. FHK 8ALE For caah, suburban picture how; aood propoattlon; no agenta. for Inforiuallun audteaa Chaa. A. . Franks, Krua: Theater. Uh'l' lUl'H H"alNiC4 i lor quirk action and rlto square treatment. QUICK SALt-i COMPANY. 41 Bee Hide- Phone Ked rst LET Ina Si rile our fire, tornado, automo bile and buialai y Inaurance. Phone Hie, Tyl.r WM I haven't lime to come and ana you. W. O. Templeton. MM He Huig. C. J. Caoan can your farming land. OS E of Uia beet retail bakeries lit the city; no competition. Call Web. 7d4, or adtlieae K ft. live. tKNri. anow carda. Clark A boa. D. UT1 iiTiX'K of rlothttm and f uruUhlnrfa lor ale or trad tor Income property. What lut you Appiy to ii, Ue, South timaha. TIiKaTL'Kj Buy, lesae or aell your the ater, tunchlna and sippli"a throufh TK'tar I xdjange Co 1404 Farnaut Doiifclae 1'7. IO GET In or eut of buaineaa Call ua OAN.-.KSTAD Bee Mils. T 477. toui wnl put you lu the 11.111 irul.u bui. uess with terittoiial rtkhta: frofirs not leas than fese weekly. 1'biladclphia. I t.. P. O. Ho S AM I.D Kuaiaeas man who ran Invrat fi.OKO to II inat and take chai Ke of I.u4 nrma that will iy U,uu ta I bar war. AUUrea E 41k. Iee. Yt'l'K biKinea or real C4ll ouickly a.d JIM WHAY. Houg cny. C. M EATON, ttu iineoa RrYiker. IhaPSv7! o W. 1. it. List uur tuMiucs lor r suits D. t lil SMNESS C HAXf Fs Ronnilaf llesees far "ale. ROOM I. NO houae for aale, J rooms, all modern, full of roomer. cloe In: furni ture for aale; owner leaving city. Call H1J i'a, st. Building can he leaaed. i'hone Red iS. . KDITATIOJJAL MID-WINTKK TERM lf KOYIj;fl COI.LK'IK MONDAY. JAN CAP. V 4. Day Bchool; nlxht achoo!; comtilele hue Ineaa courae; complete shoithand or aten otvpe courae; complete t lej;rphv courae; civil service branches and Envliah. Htu denta aiiiniltel Hi any time. AVritc, Phone or call for VMi catalogue, UOYLKH COLLKOE. II. B. Hnylea, llealtioirt, Boyle HMb., Omnha, Neb. Tel. pouclaa rx. ' The Van Sant School Stenography Day achool, :W to 4.W. Night school, (15 to :Uw lth and Farnam 8a. Doug'as SS47, WINTER TERM moshkr-i.ampman college, Monday. January 4. . T'niurpaaeed rlaraea In himlncaa. ahort hand and Enerllah branches. Oraduatea guaranteed good poalilona. Places pro vided for younx periple to work for board. For free catalogue add-aas Mosher-Lampman College lth and Farnam Street. Omeha, Neh. FOR aale the following scholarships tu a first claaa Omaha Hualneas Coilee.e:. One unlimited combination bualness and shorthand course. One unlimited: buatneas course. One unlimited stenogrsphlo course. One three months' business or steno graphic courae. W ill be sold at a discount at tha offloa of the Omaha He. EXPHRT lady atenographar will take puplla. SHORTHAND. touch typewrit ing, siielllng, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for buatneas ca reer. Private Inatruotlon If desired. 4CI Douglaa Ht. Tel. Walnut 2327. PRIVATE day school for backward pu plla, at elaaa rateat experienced lady teacher. Best references. S11S Davenport H-i0. . . FOB BALB Faraltare. New aV Id-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. Fum. Co., 600 N. Mth. Ft'RNITUHE of aiiiail flat for sale at bargain. 23W Dewey Ave. - STOVK8 FOR KALE J lift. 00 Holar hard coal, 1 2i.oo Hound Oak; both so for 110. w. H. Paynter, 1713 CaPltol Ave. Tel, Red 7B4. BTOVE3 and furn. at cost. 1708 N. 24thT Maatcal laatraaaeata. . BLTOCTRIC Pianos Players. 11 N. th. Tyserrrltere. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter, H0R Farnam. D. coal. RENT An Oliver typewriter. 4 months for H The Ollvsr Typewriter' Co, Ia 291s. RENT Remingtons. Monaroha and 8mlttt Premiers ot their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas jzm. Menial croaited li you purchase, and only very newest and hiKheat grade ma chines sant out. Rates, three moathtfor (4 for uaaerstroke machines "or 13 per month for lateat model vlalble wrltera. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. sW S. I7ta. . Mlseellaaewsisa ' tL (id Buys beat coal for the money: try iJ.W lt Web. 24A Harmon Wee to. 1x7 ORA FLEX newspatr camera, with It plate holdera, carrying case for camera and carry lag case tor plate hold ers. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain tor tha lot at 1110. Address A itO. He CORN co ha tor kindling. Glwncoe Mills. BABKET8 COAL tl. 801 N. 16th St. t-haad men. Oroaa Wreck ito.. II fe Paul, FOR SALE New and second-hand caront and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and aeoeeaorleai bar futures of all kinds; easy paymenta. The Brunawtvk-Balke-Collendnr Co.. 47-0 . 10th 8t OFF1C8 BPACE, with serice back of It Is what yen need FOK 1915 BUSINEbS. ' . THK BEE BUILDING. "The Building That Ja-Always New." . HELP WANTED FEMALE a Clerical aad Office. 8TENOOHAPHER to act a secretary; (TO 10- per mo. Solicitor; salary and commlealon. Watts Kef. Co.. H4IM2 Hran. Then. Rldg. rif E.N'OijRAPHER; must he noat. rapid RP.l accm-nt. uM Kiate Jiank Ulan. Aaente nid SatceweiBaeBi. WANTED Aifcnta and sollcllora tn every locality . for The Twentieth Century Farmer; either sex: all or aim re tune; no cvtiurlence necessary to earn big money. wilts at once for agency, Addreas J. vv. Hel, care The Twentieth Ceutury Farm er, Omaha, Nel. Telephone Tyler lOuO. . , -, , Factory anal Tradra. LEA RN ha) rdreaa lug. Oppe nhelin Parlors. HaDY harder wanted; salary guaranteed tm a week. iv pierce t. .lloosekeepers and Uosaeetlca, THE bervunt Olrl Problem nolvad. The l.t T. J1I ruu a dervaoi Olrl Wanted Ad FHAJE until you get the desired results. This applies tu reautents of Omaha, toutii Onialia and Council Bluffs. Hrlnn ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1(100. WANTED At once, competent girl for general housework: muat be neat end a good ocxk; references. 4U32 lsard. Wal. WANTKIi A girt for general housework. Apply at once, im . aoiu et WANTEDtJIrl tor general huuaework, l:fj S. Slat 8t. II. UU. AN experienced maid tor geneial houite work In amall family; laundry kept. Hi . Man. A OOC'D cirl for yenerel houwework. Mrs. W. C. Lyle. 634 Park Ave. COMPETENT n-uilil for general house work; tamlly of three; no waahlng; tier man . or Duniah girl preferred. . Mrs Walte M. Siuier,T-4 N. th Ave. f'OMPETENT "alii for general huuae- woik; no waahlng; good wsges. iui6 BuH 8t. f WANTED An experienced girl fur gen eral houaeaork; no warning. Apply VH leer Park Boulevard. Tyler H. YOl 'NO girl for general housework with amall family. Harney WANTED A maid to aanist with genera houaeaork. 6i8 H. Jutit. WANTED A capable girl for general houtisworki family of t. In Dundee. Phone Walnut lwl. WANTED At once, coin p. girl for geu eral huuaework: mut be neat and a good cook; ref. U-t0 laard. Wal. SJjS. eLI'ERIiY woman to desired for font panlonnhlp after working ho urn In ex change for board and room. Call Tyler lii. W ANTED A second gill. 3Jt4 Woulworth Ave. WANTED Housekeeper for widower, amall family; particulars In tlrn Uittcr. Adarees M. B. Daltoa. Miller, Neb. WANTEI A .Klrl fur general houee work. Mr. IVsan, tt)i Wuolworth Ave. WANTED A young slrl to help with housework. No cooking. Wal. 117. WANTED Cumpetenl airl for gwirral housework; one hj can go home nlxhta preferred. .Ui Walnut i-t. Ilaniey rW ANT Ki Good girl for general house. work: references. Call eoulU to or Pouth ". JS I aaae I iaiaeowa. LA DIES" aY lutsaes' coats, suits, dresses aY ahlrt aauiplea at w hul-fcl prle'ea. Unit effa New York hample Horn, Sal N. MANY governiiMnt )vba open to women; list fr. Franklin lostituta. Dept. tvt W. Koi heater. N. Y. YlNO wuiuan eonung 10 OmaKa aa Slraovers are Invited 10 visit the Young Wouii'u s . brlUa AM ltio building at M. Maiy's Ave. and rii.. where (hey will be ditected to eiLable bixu-ding placea or oinerwiae a"!-"!, l ook tor u.i trsvaler s suid at I'mon atation. P.CKd the ' For cl'' u.l if )n Laiimis of the minute. HELP V.4XTEa MALE t lertea anif uf fire. SAfESMAV. driisa, H Falexman, ex cellent propoaltion. com. rialeaman and hook keeper, 175 to fl"0. W sttaRef. Co., tO-4J Brim. Thea. HMg. MAN with general mdae. experience to conduct special anlca; anlaiy d'Vcnds. I3l- Woodmen of the World Hltlg. SWCAHrf PE'iS IN HtjUARE HOLES. We find a poaltlon that fita vou. CO-OPERAT1VB REFERENCE CO., loi.vp; City Nat I. 1 lliliH-GKADK commrrciai poaltlnna W lT ULT. BOND ASS N., ' 7.".2 Omaha Nat Rank Bldg. STKNO. and l0'ikkceir. good hourc and future. Apply S'J lire Hlclis. ! Agrata, Hnlramen ana Sollcllora. NO clafslflcatlon; lllieral contract ; new policies. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH and Acrliicnt Aaaoclallon, 4?1 'ity Na tlonwl Bank H 1 1 1 g.. Om a ha. Neh. TRAVELING MEN: Here, la an opportun ity to cover all your traveling expetiaea without solicitation or acllInK; a promi nent wholesale tailor to the the trnde hnune wants hiarh class traveling men to place their sample lines with good ac counts In the towni they mnke; no l"g j(as;e. no extra time reuulrcd, no nihtl tlouat expense; each dealer appointed re ceives a complete enmple line free; com nlsalons paid on each dealer's sales every month. Write us for full particulars at once. Spring and summer sample lines now ready. Address Y 323, Bee. WK hsve a number of openlnsa for sales men In various lines. Apply 212 Bee Rldg EVERY .household on farm, lit amall town or suburbs, where oil lamp are tiaed, needa and will buy the wonderful Aladdin Mantle lamp, burns common coal oil 'kerosene); elves a light five times la briujrht as electric .One farmer cleared over l-VKl In six weeks; hundreds with rigs earning Itmi to $.VO per month. No cash required. We furnish capital to reliable men. Write quirk for wholesale prices, aterrltory and simple lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 703 Aladdin Pi"; . hcago, 111. THE Hobsrt Mfg. Co., manufacturers of loc.trlc coffee mills and meat choppers, want one live wire salesman sblo to furnish bond and referennr. We hifve the line nnd get the business. Applica tions trented confldcntally. Write 11. E. Clay, wi N. ttth. Omaha. EX PEKIECMCED collcvtor. Apply 3U! Bee Hldg. EXPERIENCED specially salesmen: pay weekly; expennes dnily, call evenings. Fat-ttell(ng Household Specialty Co.4 Room 12, Crounsn Blk., 119 No. mil. WANTED Balesmen for tH office sup plies, (2) boiler supplies, (2) advertising novel Ilea. (41 clocks, aluminum wsrey etc fo) sorghum, soa, Pee Hldg. WANTED Agents and solicitors in every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmer; either aex; all or spare time; no experience necessary to tarn bifr money. Write at once for agency. Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neh. WANTE1 A aulosman for wholeaale milk wagon: fcond required; record must' be good; will pay wages according to anility, aaress r 4r, nee. WANTED Several neat appearing rata for soliciting. Money dally. Call at v.i. pramiHii j naitr mag. bays. WANTED A bright, artlve young" school boy, age 1. to dovote about 2 hours' time each week for a large eastern In stitution; can earji from ti to 15 each week: for frsoutli Onwht, Neb. Address Box K 408, Bee. ' f Factory aad Trades. LEARN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; wages and toois given. Electrta massage. Etrlctly 'modern. Big demand for barbers. .Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEUK, 1124 Douglas Bt.. Om. 1032 N 81.. Lincoln. Drug store ansps; jo ha. Kneist. Mee Rldg. WANTED A few men to learn to be barbera. Few 'weeks qualifies. Tools given. Wagea while learning. Positions watting at top wages. Open to every, one. This may change your entire future. Call at once or write. Moler Barber College, 110 Bouth 14th street. NEUASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL NTOHT AND DAY CLASS. . Special holiday offer. Write for par- Honiara W h, I h. law. . equipped ahops la th middle west. 14,an0( ' I'" " W. Ui.Wf igQK bt. Phone Douglas 3041 . , . . Send For Catalogue 0. -; Learn to be a movie operator. moving picture operator bcuool. 1904 farnam st.. 2d floor. alleoellaaeeae. PT-TONHWeb. 881 for basket coal WANTED 1,000 men to -ml ham and eggs, 16o. Coffe John, 14th and CapitoL OMAHA Railway Mail Clerk Examina tions cominc $75 per month. Pull un neceaitary. For sample questions apply Immediately. V-J03 Bee. RAILROAD fliemen, brakemeti, $120; ex perience unnecessary: rend ana. matue. Addreas Y SM, Bee. o GOVERNMENT positions are good. Pre pare for "lixama" under former govern ment, examiner. Booklet 8-15 free. Patter son civil service tioliool, Rochester, N, T.' o YOU ARE NEEDED and big pay If an auto expert. We give expert work. All leading magnetos and self starters. Lots of positions opening now. You go right Into the auto business from here. Write about positions listed with us. Free catalog. American Auto . College, 211$ Farnam' Ht., Omaha. . Wanted-at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds ot men; let us train you. Writs for free booklet. ' Natl Auto Training Ass 'a, ' 2M1 N. 20th Ht. Omaha. Neb. 1IELP WANTED 1IALK AND FEMALE. MEN snd women wanted, government jobs; M-i to HM a month. Write for list ot positions now obtainable;' Frank lin Institute. Iiept. tt 1A, Horheeter, N. Y WANTED Girl for general housework; three la family; one who can take. cara of small baby preferred. U 8. 27th tit. Phone Harney 4148. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man, wauls place to work for board while atleudlng Boyles' eolloee. Telephone Douglaa lbou. WANTED Poaltlon aa manager of room ing house or apartments, by woman ot ahiuiy and refinement. References fur nished. Address O 4ui, Bee. HAlHl'Ut-'Ci.-lNG; all branches; cam bin is to ordvr. Apt. S, Wright BIK. R. !.u. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad and oil ice experience; piefer poaluon aa traveling saleainan or office work; fan use typewriter: not a atsno. K til, bee. W'ANlt IV A position as practical nurse. Wal. L-H WANTED By and experienced young uiaiit m yvfainiMi in ..iimiibv vr vinar- wbrro aa asaljtant bookkeeoer, cashier or office clerk: can do any kind of gen eral i lilce.. work; a commercial colloga graduate; good pen mail nnd yulck lu tiiur-a; lllina; to start work at a low salarr; can furnish the bust ot refer ences. Adilreaa A 4wl, Bee. (.;! carpenter will Work reasonably. Red WJ. HONEST young man wanls work in wholesale houee, tan glv references and recommend. Address L. Gove, tare Y. M. C. A , Omaha. REFINED. miUilie aged lady dwaires h anion as housekeeper, no laundry work, hlxheat city reference. Phone Red 2193, tie tweon 9 and 8 o clock, ui address L 40J. He-. y fril UATIi'l-N 'wanted by youiiaT man apeaklng German, familiar wim th gro oerv business. Ait'lrraa lii-l) W Irt St. WANTKDbituetlon by exueoences ahoe or gioctry vleik. Lock Box 2, bhelby, Neb. EXPERIENCED grocery cleik: ru cut mcai; reieren'eai i urnmnm. n.n. vni 'V 1 1 . . . . 4 ..-,...i-.i v.TT vucd lu lailro-id sad w holt.-eJn vdloc work, seneiai knu Wmi of ralea and cluiina. Aiao sales cxierivuca and have f.iiea oraaniaaiu.ns. Want Iter. Ihotit Taylvr at Hainc 6SS ..r aovlnU'"", WAXTED SITUATIONS POSITION wanted as hotel cl-i k. dar or I nil! hi, hv a man of middle as:e: experi ence; icii ot reirence. a ajj. r.e. REFINED, educatid lady dolrea poaltion aa honaekecitrr in nice home. O 414. Bee. MAN and wile want positions In private residence; wife can cook or do second work; man na butler and do house man's work. etc. We can aerve your paitlea land stou your extra help expenae. Give ! na a trlnl. Beat sr-ferencrs. TeL Hayea, t vv en. ...ii. i-h-41 i'att icK Av j.VEAT colored alrl wants to do chamber . wotk. D. So..;. Call for lcna- LIVE 8TO: MHl SALE Horses ant! rktrlea. . TEAM of mares and new farm wagon, hjtrn.t, i-nmnlnU '.,ll t. ... 1. 1 '11. ifiuiu 1 '. Thirty-fifth and county ' line. South ! Omnhs. FOR 8ALK Two teama of young, chunky 1 marcs, welKht 1.V0 lbs each, sound and Kont!. for rhlidieii. well broke. Call ' realdetice, Rftg K. ;nt( ft. j HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons Johnson-Danforth Co. lSa-gT N. lth Bt. MAM well-enatched teams; vouns; mares: some In foai. fall at Brewing Co. a saloon, 1214 fco. 13th t. IJOST and fouxd LOST Haturdny evening in Uie Brandeia theater; lady's black fox muff; liberal reward If returned to 109 S. 4:d (St., or phone Harney 45'.. OMAHA ToTllNriL HH7FFH STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. . P.irmna havlnv Inmt mnr-. -.t1. ..1 A !do well to call up the office of the Omaha at council Bluffs (Street Railway company tv ascertain whether they left it In the Street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and trie company (a anxious to restore) them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 43. LOST Oold beads with locket; much prlxed by owner; liberal reward. Call Web. 274. LOUT Dark red granite brooch, circle setting; In downtown district; reward. Phone, Douglas fiftiS. LOST littlo gold O. II. H MS class pin on narrow rose-colored ribbon, lsst night. Call Dodge Ht. or phone Harney KJ32. FOUNT-aiold bracelet, cm 24th, between SSahlor and Boyd. Owner can have same hy proving property snd paving for ad. I'hone Webster 1052. B906 N. 23d. MEDICAL Piles Fistula Cured Dr. EI R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal alseases with testimonials. DR. K, R, TA TtRY. 240 Bee. AT your home superfluous hair removed; guaranteed to remain off; no cures no fee; French method. Address Harr and Hcnlp Specialist. D. 44S.T, 3310 Webater St. T?imtnro Cured In a few dava without 20t Be BIdg.. Omaha. Established 1894. MONET" TO LOAN NEED MONEY T See us. Quick service. Half usual rat. RELIABLE! CREDIT CO.. V Pa?ton Block. Douglaa 1411. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save ... 1 1 mwkA allHitW... Vrli. mmmIvm. menu receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Oaasnelaskaai Mereaaats. MARTIN BROS, dt CO.. Exchange Bldg. PERSONAL $7,000 to Pennon Invalids W must hav 53 subscriptions to , j . rh Ladies' Home Journal. ...11.60 Th Saturday Evening Poat....$L60 Th Country Gentleman 1.60 In January or the $7,000 cannot , b earned for THE INVALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. . Your order or renewal contrib. " utes 60c or more toward the sup - port of a score , ot Invalids who have' received pension check for nearly two years. ' URGENT PHONB p. 7163 OR MAIL Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA, NEB. YOUNG women eormsx to Omaha aa atransera are invited In vlalt tha Tounar Women a Christian Association building at inn ot. ana ni. Mary a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places Or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union H cation. TtlE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture maga rlnes. We collect. We fistribut. phone Douglaa 41S5 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our ne nuine, U10-1113-U14 J .1 1 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPY matrices make in- beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are VjM Inches, atronxer and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75a a hundred at The Bee office. POULTRY TOPICS. Lincoln, Neb., talis how to make money with poultry. Three montha' trial subscription 10c PET STOCK BULL DOG Fine young bull dog. f months' old. Sell reasonable; leaving city. Addreas S, C. 4'Ji. Bee. LIVE WDUt , BUSINESS MEN OF OMAtLV ABC of Omaha ALL watches, diamonds and Jewelry at actual WHOLESALE COST. Vtultting Jewelry business. ".VKST EUS, WATCH AND . JEWELRY C.O Room 217. Karbach Block. N tW and second-hand electric fans snd motors. IBroa Electric Works, Hi 8. 12th. Douglas 2178. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1W7 Cuming. Doug. 2487. Renovates feathers and malueeaee of ail kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. 'ACUUM cleaners -for aale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home, fcauitary Krvice Co.. 34 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Np BRA SKA CYCLE CO . "Mickel's." 151 and Harney. Douglas 13. w EAR-EVER aluuilnaiu kitchen uten sils. Popular cwiutunattuaa. not sold lu stores, factory taiesiuco. , v.aO. .U WHERE TO OFFICE IN ifie. i-ivw wires aro-dally finuing Ilia Bee Building must deuliabie or their business wants. "The Mulldiutf That Is Always New" sells service a well us space. Accaastaata, MELVILLE l. THOMAS COMPANY. l.'-SK City tint. Bank Bldg Tyler Lit'. E. A. DW'ORAK, tauunu audited, open ing and closing books. InnlaJiing modern etiice aud coat accouutinn systems. Ad-dn-aa 4s4 Kamae BIJrf. Phone D. 70L ASiilag stacSiaea. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. 15. D. 144. Adder Mchu Co. IVYalea. W. O. W. D. tas. Areaitea, Everett B. lodda, 811 Paxtoa Blk. D. JJSL Attraeliaaa. OMAHA FUra Ex., 14th aad Doug. Motloa picture roechine and fum bargains. Magneto repair work,, a apeoialty. D-24U. A act laaeers, Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red S2si. blaw Prlatiaa. itORNHY BLUE PRINT COM $03 Omaha Net I Bank Bldg Barkers. li Chairs. lOe shave, neck shave. 1817 ; sr. LIVE YTIHE niKINERS MEX OF OMAHA Bra a KoeeSrtra. Paxton-Mltchell Co , Tth and Martha Uta I lateral and Well Dlsalasr. NEKD well or cltei cleaned nr dugt SCHAFFER does It. Phone YVelx JWL J. ET H. IC KE RTT, Well' Construction Co.; nothing too bitt or impossible; estimate f' ,10 X. lat St Omaha. Caterers. II'IIAK acts lahles. furnishes waltera, cooks, fur weildlnits, parllea. YVal. 3112. Caltforala laafla. ! W. T. Smith Co., Ull City Nat. Bk. D. rl. t on I Dealers. r.r Johnson's special, also Victor njt, S-OO 16 x4) .hone D. 1702. C hlroftraetsrs. L. O'ddia. D. C.. 2CS Bee Bids. Doug. 42JJ. talna Palatlasr. Ruth Letchfnrd,' decorating, firing. R. CAZ. Civil Enslavers. M. J. LACY. SI. BEE BLDO. DOUO. 47U Cream Separators. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th tk Parn. llaek Hepalrlaa;. EXPERT clock repairing. Web. 1312. Decorators aad Paper Haaareirs. BIM1KU doea It. Phone Walnut 1521. Ursars. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $1 orders; catalogues free. Sherman at Moa Ccnnell Drus Co., Omaha, Neb. Detertlvre. INVESTIGATIONS rarrled out tn any part of United States, Canada or Mex ico. (Of Paston Blk. D. 1373. Walnut lfiM. JAMES ALLA " ' 113 Neville Blk. Evi denca secured In all cases. Tyler 1130. tlssriag Academies. Turpln's Dsnclng Academy, 2xth eV Fan. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 171. Mackic's Academy, now open. 1H14 Har. Deatlets. Dr. Bradbury. TCo pstn. Iff Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentlatry. 403 Prandei Bailey, tho Iientlst, 7"! City Nafl Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 21SS. Pyorrhea, Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat. Bank. DpMaaiablae. Terry Dreasmak'r college. 20th Farnam. Wanted Dressmaking. 813 P. 2th. D. B4IH. SKIRTS to order, $l.m) up. 613 S. Ith. MISS STURDY. 24H Cass. Red T320. "WATSON A LUND. 1911 Douglaa R. !. Rlectrte Sappllea. LEBRON Elec Wkf, l S. 12th. D. 217. SlTerytklasr fa Womea. Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax, Blk'. R. 4911. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst., box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 00 Douglas Block. D. lssx HAIRDRESSING all branches; combings to order. Apt. si, wrtgnt BIK. Jrl. 6f3l. MUFFS made from old furs. H. 65. Farriers. BEN FEN8TKR. 1410 N. 24th St Web. 7T7T. Florist a. A. DONAGHTJE. 11523 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists, 104 Farnam St. HK.S3 AY 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam 6t. L, HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 12-. Mtmber Florlat Telegraph Del. Assn. Hair Dresslasj. Harper method. R. . Balrd Bids;. P. tffll. Ladles' Tailor. LADIES' suit tailored to measure; popu-, 1st prices; remodeling. Irwin Brecher Co.. 612 So. leth. Phone Doug. 9W. LlffhtlnsT Flxtares aad 'wirlaa;. THOMAS DURKLN Electric flxtnres and supplies, contract In k and repair work done reasonable. i 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. , Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 07 a 13th. Red 4262. Mask, Costamea and LodsTe "applies. MNFR. of Tbdg regalia and costumes. Ths largest stock ot masquerade and theatrical costumes in the country. Tbeo. Lieben Y Son. 1M4 Howard. D. 41it. Masaeases. M1HS GIBSON, massage; downstairs. 37U Dodge. ' lira 10 to a. Hunday 12 to 6 p. m. CORA BELLING Y saitlsfactory eastern treatment; baths, dally and evening. 107 S. 17th St. Notice: Private entrance, basement, cor. of Bldg MISS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. D. 4LW. Hours .8 to ; Sunday 11 to 6. 11 S3 JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phone jjpuK. nours g to ; punaay it o a Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 8751. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec bath. D. 713. Open eve.. p. m.: Sundays, W to 2. MASSAGE. 109 8. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Miss Fisher, mase., elect, treat. Red 6028. MASSAGE MS?A2lffiiDI-Na- Kathleen Mack, massage 4t bath. D. 7582. BATH and maaeage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1902 Farnam. R. t. Douslas $731. Open evening sndvMindays. Violet Ray, mass.. 43b Bee Bldg. D. 6113. Messeaarer aad Traastwr. WHITE LINE. 909 8. 11th. Douglas 2312. Horlagi storase aad Clealaa W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. im Oeallsts. Eyes examined, glasseB fitted, pay as yon can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W.fyW Bldg. Oateoaathlv Physlclaavs) Dr. Rerucha, 20S-4 McCaRue Bldg. T. 3l. Dr. Peterson, 03 Brandcls Bldg-. D. 2144. Prlntta. T" WATERS-BARNIIArV Ptr- Co., mtality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 5?4 8. 13th St I QL'GLAS Printing Co. TeL Doug. 814. COREY & M KENZIB PTQ. CO. D. 24. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1820 Capitol. D. 1102T CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. Patewt Dsrclafmeat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. Mth St Pataats. It. A. Sturges. 838 Brandels Theater Bldg. I. O Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Palatine aad Paaerlas;. HUGH M'M ANUS. 417 ,X. 40th. JI. $722. Plaara Raatr8. PLUMES at flowers made over, cleaned dt dved. Bertha Kruj.-r. 4s paxton. D. SfH. Rsach Exterminator. B. B. B Roach aspwder st your druggist safe, aad Time Lock Expert a. Q A T7T7C Pne1 repaired, comh. Or.JV lio changMl. F. E. Daven- port. MtM Dodjte. p 1U1 taa Hvpalrlaar. Electric th oe Rep. Co.. 1107 St. Mary's Av. 1RIEDMAN BROS., si.oe repair. U S. 14. store aad Office Fix tares. DESKS, safes, s. showcases, shelv- ln. etc. We buy. bell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 4l4-l-l S. l.nh D. 272. lataa aad Kboavcarala. V.. SX. CLARK BON. 113 S. 1STH ST. Steel (rlllaita. . CARTER Sl eet Metal Works. 110 B 10th term Sashes aad Daore. W elrlch Co. Quick delivery. Webster 2377. To: Sappltes. s OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. Ut.t. D. 618. Traaks aad Swlteaees. FREEING & STEIN If;. 1V Fsrnnm St. Tallora, HAS. C. LANDER YOU, 10 X. 15th St. G. OLSEN sY CO.. 612 S. 16th St. 2d floor. Veterlaarlaas. DR O. R. YOUNG. 4S Center. Wal. Jn2. Wladaw Kkada Cleaaers aad Miasm. OLD shade made like new. Midwest ftoada factory. 4010 Hamilton. Wat mat. YVIaee aad Liliwura. ALEX JETES. Wl-t S. 13th St. Wine lln-iora, clears. Plate dinner. 11 to 2. 10c. Ch.ho li-iuor Iiouwm, C4 N. lath; Culifoin'a wine, tl a pr $tA. W rite for price 'net HENRY POLLCK' K HoioH ilocscT Vilh and Capitol Ave. Ten-a-ert lunch. BlV jfr faiinly liunora at Klcln'a Liauor liuuta, 6J K. lOto. Douglas lv.J. 6WAFTEIV9 CX3LT3IS AUTOMOBILE For ther autovnoblla bargains see tha "Automobile" clsesIH catlon. A tail EWLITY lngood 4-roora residence property at Edison, Neb., to trad for ir4 model, lr-pasen(tr auto. In flrsl-clas condition, or will consider good Jack under 7 years oid. Writ for description. Adilresa S. C. 441. Pee. AUTOMOBILE An Overland coupe, good condition; would trade for diamonds. Onlv run fm mile?. Cost new, l,6t. W la) sell for $43. W onld give terms on patt of this amount. Add. . C. 4W. Pee. AUTO 1911 Overland automobile; enKe in flrrt-c'ass condition: body, fair. W ill swan or sell for l-TW cash. Address S. C V, lice. AUTO-MOHil.K What have you to trade for a "Woods" Electric? Hstterlcs need nmnn rpTinirH. Will trmle fur runabout. i v h'trola, tot or diamond. Aiusrtss o. v. ( 4 "T. Pee. i BKAGLi: . HOI NI 'M W ill sell cheap or I trad! for souk thing I can use; old I enough to cat Bluno. mul am some flno i - , i . 1...- A- ..11 :rl l'Um. & nun': .. ci', -.,, m v KislOne St. or S. '' K CA.v",RA )!io minute postcard csmera and outfit, now. cost $H.!i; will swap for medium, priced horse or snythlng i ct'll use: also opcti-fuccd watch, good llme-plc'-c, for cv olver or raier hanger's outfit, idrifs, S. C. V.I, Hof. FURNITURE Of a 4.0-ronm hotel, doing good business; must Bdl on accourt of Sickness; in tho heart of tho city. Will consider h nia 7 or 8"room cottage in trade. Address P. C. HTi. care Pee. 1x7 G RA F LKX newspaper camera, with 11 plat holders, carrying cas fof Camera and carrying case for plate hold ers The outfit in good condition and a big bargain tor sin lot at $110. .Address B. O. I5H . i NOTES Home Rooik notes drawing 8 per v cent Intercut; would trade for diamonds or clear residence property. What have yo'tl Address K C. 4:0. Bee. NEW savugn tl rifle snd 4x5 camera for small Vlctrola or gtod 6x7 camera. Walmit 8012. " - ' OFFICE -XESK Will buy some good second-hand desks; must be cheap for fnnh. Address 8. C. 24. Bee. PLAYER MUrilC Have extensive assort ment of latest populsr and classical rolls for 88-note player piano. Will sriVe good value In music for Vlctrola, Kodak, visible typewriter or anything; I can use. Give full description of what you have and offer Will he given prompt consldera tlpn. Address H. C. 418. Bee. a PHONOGRAPH Will trsde It Colum bian phonograph with 60 double dip rec ords for a Gibson or a food make Guitar. Address k. c. ifi-'i. PLAYER PIANO ROLLS Late pieces, will swap or sell. What have you 7 Ad- Jim. c- ri AMI T u ' a a kt, v.. - , i.ew. PAINTING, paperina; end patching .for ynorws ano - w anon, wensrer lrf-'sr. PIANO Would trade an almost new ma i hognny Conover piano, used but two months, cost new iCiOO; now $3ti5, or would sell to responsible parties on terms that ' would please; piano good as new; would also, trade for diamonds, or what have you to offer? Address S. C. 438. Bee. RADIOPTICAN, ETC. A radloptlcan and a safety Waterman fountain pen, both good as new. Will trade or sell. Prefer a .23 repeater. Address, 8. C. 413, Bee. RACING CAB 30 b. p. International, 1311 model, stripped for racing, with tor pedo hood and two bucket scats; luggage box in rear. Chassis Just overhauled and a powerful machine; four-cylinder, water cooled, Schebler carburetor, dual Igni tion system, with Splltdortf masnetc; new differential gears; two new Nobby Tread 35x4-lnch rear tlrea. Price $300. and will consider first class twin motor cycle or late model Underwood type writer as part payment, and give you the best of the deal as have no place to keep the car at present Address S. C. 41", Bee. ' SIGNS, showcard. Clark aY Son. D. 137$. - FOR RENT A part meats aad Flats. ST. GEORGE apartments, located In se lect West Farnam residence district; ona 6-room suite for rent: heat water. Janitor service. Phone Webster 1874, t-R modern flat, 230$ & 24th; $2$. Phone Harney- 4711. GordonVanCo. Si tl N. Uth St Phone D 894 or Web. 1333. OGDEN ANNEX. Council Bluffa, 'corns with kitchenette, steam heat Phone 84. VERY DESIRABLE. ONR 4-ROOM AND BATH. MODERN , APARTMENT, IN THE CALIFORNIA, DOWNTOWN; SAVE CAR FARE AND TIME. SEE JANITOR. POUGLAB S237. HARLAN APARTMENTS, Bherman Ave. and Hall Ave. Choice 5-room, steam heated apartment everything first-class; very reasonable rent. Call Janitor. Web ster 715, or office, Douglas 1009 for ap polntment. SCOTT & HILL CO. VERY choice 6-room steam-heated apart ment on West Farnsm 8t JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 FARNAM ST. SEVEN-ROOM apartment 2117 N. 16th; heat, water and Janitor service all for $32.50 winter; ii summer. HASTINGS te HBYDEN. 1814 Harney St. THE HELEN. 2464 HARNEY ST. Very choice . close in apartments, 4 rooms, $27.S0 and $36.00; 6 rooms, $35.00 and $4600. Phones Doug. 87D0 or Doug. 8T70. Board aad Haosaa. A BEAUTIFUL suit ot rooms, with x . ceptlonal closet . room, . plenty of hot water and good heat and board; an ex ceptional congenial horns in th West Farnam district; In walking distance; to young men with references. Harney 4981. THE GRASMERE titrtotly up-to-date, single or en suite, with or without pri vate bath: excellent board. Phone H. 7080. 7ul S. 18TH ST. Nice, warm room wjth board $4.75 up. Red 6626. . ta-S.-19TH ST. Warm rooms. 1st 'Vrn. 112 Cap, front rmi. Stem, nt FURNlnHED room for rent near Crelgaa ton university. Phone Douglas 7281.. TWO good rooms, single and double; well heated, hot aad cold water: $12 and $18; excellent location. 211 S. 2ath St. - BURNISHED ROOM, heated, 4614 North 4. Ave. . W ELL heated furimTJied room in private family, suitable for one or two persons, reiil reasonable, 2710 California. D. OGDEN HOTiuL. Council Bluffs, alee u heated rooms, $2 per week. Phone tits. Large, strictly modern. 638 8. 24. D. 7198. I af uralahed Kooans. Ill S. 15TH, for met. stt-am heat. Light Houaekeeplac Roaa J tlOOMS.'KS So. 20th. D. 649L FOR RENT Two-room light housekeep ing suite; nicely furnished; excep tionally .pleasant and homelike; first floor; very, desirable sleeping rooms sec ond floor; modern residence; excellent lo cation. 310 8. 2ltll St. Hotels aaa Annarsw. CALIFORNIA Hotel, Jtn and CAlUormlai . Weekly ratea U and yu. Douglas 7um. IOPOE HOTEL- Modern Reaaoasbla. ' llouara aad Cottages. MODERN t-story Jiouao, 7 roms; never Qcenptod; new fmnsce: Sy fvoug. gsi'i. il3 vVoolwortli Ave., 8 rooina, mod., $i lint) N. lih. 8 rooms, niod. ex. tur., $liC ili Seward, 6 roonus, $15. l'a S. th, 5 rooms, $10; others. It I NOW A l-T. Hramlels Theater Bldg. ' No. 1'JtlTSt., 9-rms. all mod. $3oT" MHW Ho. 22d St.. rma. all mod.. $.. , 417 k-i.i'h-st:. 3 rms. nait mod., HUthU;TT i COMPANY, ta Bee rldg. Douglas 6S1. ALL sixes. t3 per month up. 507 Paxtoa. EI.E tANT S-room modern brick aart- nieht, iivw-'J ctco rated, $u0 per month; 84-i ri. Lth xt. Frame flat. 11 S. th St., 9 rooms, new plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor, lars.e yard, trees, shrubbery; $30 per month: a bsrgulu. J. C. ISil, EXECUTOR.- 7r, S. :ilat Ate. Phone Harney 243. loU RENT. I'll 4 rooms 11 No. 17th. H0--4 roonnt. brick. v;i No. 20th. i!-i-ioom flat 1?!! So. 0th. $K-ai-r., newly dec., Sail Iavenworth. fW iVroom St. Louis flat 1M0 N. 30th. FOR KENT We have a complete lUt of all houses, apartments and f'.ata that are for rent. Tins liM an he aeen Ire of charge at Omaha Yau A storage Co., 80S So. lth S. f -f I