Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    Til! V,EE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. .TAXUATiY 3. 1M5.
Fashion Hint
Monday, January 4, 1915.
KE of the very popular dancing clubs of Omaha baa become very.
very exclusive in Its membership, but the Inner circles of this club
nre somewhat divided aa to what degree of excltmlveness should
be practiced.
. One of the matrons and promoters of this affair was moot anxious to
t Vi e m,mWl nf nnm rt fti ftftarnAnn KHtir r1uhe tnln thflni f r tirlne)
i pep of the younger 'net with them. (
' The suggestion met the approval of many, but when the Idea began
materialise and found Its way to each of the members ! ! J Some
suddenly on. their ear and stamped their dainty feet with strenuous
potions to the young matrons being allowed entrance into the club.
I Just why such dire protest can only be guessed by those of the far
ing eye at least the bridge flub members feel sure they have the rea-
! One of the matrons of thla club, who Is not to be daunted, remarked
ew days ago, at one of those "Just-drop-ln-for-coffee" affairs: Why, the
helors of this club are not even permitted to bring their friends; they
y only escort members to the parties."
indfr Frank was best man, and Messrs.
Barney Kulakofsky, Harry Kelnschrellier
and Abe Frend the ushers.
Following the ceremony a grand march
took place dlrerted by Mr. Morris Rosen
bloom after which all of the guests -were
seated to a wedding supper. Dancing
followed tho S'ipner.
Mr. and sirs. Reuben left Isst turning
on a three weeks' honeymoon. On their
I return they will he at the home ef the
bride s parents, !S5 ttouth F.leventh street.
For Mist Hunt.
Mr. Olisiles KlieunUmm entertained
St. a Inire brldtfe luncheon st her home
todny In honor of her Imtise guest, Mine
f.nillMA Ultra, nt MmnM T,nn S'lt-j,
niticnuriun was ai siorpe Bunosy
afternoon In honor of her guest. .
Honor Visitors.
r. and Mrs. Norman Tyron gave a
icr Sunday in honor of their out-of-n
frlenda. Covers were placed for:
t. and lrs. Charles Owen Rundall
small 'n. Junior, of F.vanston. 111.
r. and Mrs. J. C. Hund:ill ot Kvans-
r. and Mrs. VNlllanr K. rtunnkil of
r. I-estrr Stephen of Chlrago.
-. and Mr. J. H. Ralph.
V. a let Mrs. Norma Tyson
asnrei Past.
T. and Mrs. John Nachtlanll enter
ed Thursday evrnlno at their home.
I evening was spent In various games,
',1c and dancing. Those present ware;
'sees Minnie
heHiMt Ollahnn, 'lheresa rsn'jlulgall,
fdamea MeeianiM
ASnnatxkt, John Ha .vaUkl.
Ilavep, . Antulnc Ravratxkl, '
t.ii Srhults, .1 nines Pnwstxkl,
'"llehsn, Jienry fawatskl.
re. H. P. Boeen entertained at a
lison followed by a maUnecs box
ty Thursday afternoon for her small
i Master Raymond, and four of his
frlnnd. (
iberrFrank Wedding.
tolher very pretty wedding was held
i evening at Metropolitan hall, Twen
hlrd and Harney streets, when Miss
nie Frank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
'rank, 23i South Eleventh street, wss
ed In marrlaao to Mr. William
hall was beautifully decorated In
i and -wlilto, the electrto light were
red with flowers and festoones
ribbons ivcrt hung from tho lights
he four corners of tlie hall. ;
tore the ceremony Miss Anna Mel-
sana- "O Promise Me," aecoirt
ied by Mi Hannah Kulakofaky.
a bride wore a gown of white char.
se embroidered with pearls and
ed wltU ChsuntiUy 'ce. A long court
a was caught with 'pearls. Her tulle
i held In 'laca with lilies of the ' ol
! and she carried a shower bouquet
ille of the valley.'
r. and Mrs. J. Kulakofaky gave the
e away. , '
f. Joseph Abramaon of Fort Dodge,
was the matron of honor. The brides
Js were Misses Fret a Reuben, Ilelea
iben and Ida Kulakofsky. Utile
pes Rernleca Kulakofsky and Dor
f Reuben Were flower girls. Maater
carried' the wedding ring In a
o American Beauty rose. Mr. Alex-
! Future Affair.
Tho Columbian Circle will !vs an en
tertainment at their hall, Twouty-seeond
end Luruet streets. Wednesday after
noon. The hostesses will U Meedamcs
Kennebec-k nnd Fletcher.
On the Calendar,
Bt. Tsui's Kplscopal mission will give
an enterUlnment for the benefit of the
Junior Auxiliary of the church st Jacobs
hsll this evening. Misa Lenoro Williams
ill dirert the entertainment. . .
With the Bridge Player.
Mrs. V. J. Burgess wss hostess today
at the meeting of the Team Auction
Rrldge club at hsr apartments In the
Colonial. Those present were:
Mesdames Mesdames-r
W. 11. Taylor, V, J. Hnrsess,
James 1,. Hex Von, J. 8. Vellael,
Charles Msrsh, Hurley Moorhead,
Kufua iltrils. Daniel Biiuni. jr.
For Mill Gillette.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ilets entertained
at dinner Hunday In honor ot Miss Hsr
rlet Gillette ot hherldan. Wyo , the house
guest of Miss F.leanor Msrkay.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Messrs. Francis and Lloyd Gaines will
return to Tale this evening.
Pergonal Mention.
Mlse Jleion Louise Crosby, who has
been the guest of Mlsl Marlon Kuna and
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Qalnea, leaves Tttes
day morning fer her home In Topeka.
Kan. Miss Crosby has been sne of the
popular holldsy visitors.
I ' - is
m t 0A :
I ..'; T J l a
i '. J J. A '
" M f,
4 f
I s
I 1
L. A tih
v 'vj:
Wgnta Allowance for Ker Child, but !
Big Gains Shown
in the Stamp Sales
at Local Postoff ice
Pfmlma Atrr Wharton Is tvrrdlnKtv
Jadje Sayi She is Entitled to I rood of the increase In business durum
Some for Herself. th" 1" "quarter of compared to
the fins I three months of T513. Figures
T, , -1 tlil'h have jurt been complied show that a tUK UltttliS 's t'.tsl gsln of I40.444.1R has been made.
while the monthly figures are- as foi-
' Mrs. Klo;lc I. Martie, nho testified i lows: October shows a gain of llOj.'
that Carles I. Msitln. h-r luifband. re- ' 598 "" l'r cent: XoNemher, 112,
ntiiv ko rt , w-.i i 2f.eT, or 12.7 ptr cent.
. ... , , . , , . ! The toUil sriors stamp inunrr "receipts
tn the streft whom he conidreV pret-i . , .... ... .....
( tor urrrmwr, mi, sir fiei..i.. as
wss grsnted a divorce hy 1 iitrlct ! re,n,rreH to H2 rs ih rr.,.
rponrtliiK nanih In 1i13. The Increase
Judge Pears.
' ' tin verv O I tl cntne lit.lllp nm u 1,1 I 117 nr. ,r 11 I ..
should t-nvc seen the girl he nw on the
street ami seen her pretty 1ck," tcsti
fled .Mrs. Martin.
"I should like to have
he declared, sctordlnH
j a wife like that,"
j to Mrs. Martin.
Miss Poari Htrvrnson, friend of Mrs.
. Martin, testified she heurd Msrtln say:
j"If my wife liM.ked like the girl 1 saw
I on the ter nhe would be eojno wife."
I .Msrtln is a str.-ct ear conductor. Mrs.
Martin expressed willingness to accept
j$W a month support for their child wlth
ioiit eJtmoiiv, but Judsre Sears declared
the evidence showed Martin to bo jjos
sossed of proprety nnd'thnt his wife was
entitled to an ullowance fur herself.
Mary Lenton. Indli'teU h.v the grsnd
Jury in connection with a, shite ulave
case, anti who lumped bonds to the
amount t.f f.'iM, has been returned to
W)maha from Toledo where she was sp-
Companiei Should Finiih Thii Week
if Cold Weather Continuei a
Few Dayi Lonffr
Prospects for a buinner Ice crow were
never brighter then risbt row. Up to
this time the warmish weather has in no
wise impaired the Qoslity. nor has It hsd
a tendency to reduce tn quality that Is
to be cut.
The Omaha Ice and Cold Storage com
pany, the largest of the retail dealers In
both nstural and artificial Ice. with any
kind of reasonable 'weal UeT, will fill all
of Its hnueese this week. The Ice Is of the
best quality gathered In yrsrs, ttft blocks
now running h round fourteen Inches In
thlcknes. and as liear ss crystal. Other
companies that put up lesser quantities,
me about through cutting and parking
and not later than the middle of the week
will have their houses filled.
The railroads' are all getting their houses
filled. Their, supplies are secured about
ore nion'.h earlier than usual. In the past
most of the cutting and storing havlna
Iteen dno In February. The Council j
Bluffs Tee nnd Coul company, of which
C. II. Chlaam of Omaha Is general mon
ltr and Drlnclnat 'stockholder, has filled
In the feet lots being finished off iorB ot h houses n the esst side of the
market. In the North Ilatte country of river and n begun .cutting and packing
v'ur" lu" "w.w Bticep ire oeingi.iw tons of l fnr the Illinois Central
fed. this being shout DO.OO) more than and' Greet Western reed. Ibis Ice will
usual. In Colorado I should say that at I lm packed in Council Hluffs and in the
lean l.MO.flno are now in the feeding lots. ! houses alona; the western divisions and
and they are taking on flesh rapidly, j will bo delivered anC attired by the last of
So far the winter has been perfect fori the week.
Tho rioutli Onmlia packing houses are
practically thvcusli with their lee harvest
. and by the middle to the lost of the week
) will hove all capat Ity filled.
Big Run of Sheep is
Expected Next Month
Atvordlng to Traveling Freight Agent
Butler of the Northwestern tho run ot
fat sheep to the South Omaha market,
beginning about February 1, from Ne
braska and Colorado Is going to be the
heaviest In years. He la Just, In from
the west, having been in the feedln
districts for a couple of weeks, and says:
"sheep are coming thrbu&A the winter
ih perfect condition, and I am' surprised
at the great number of animals that are
.Miss Pearl Chancy and Mr. Wllltair
P. Redman were married at Arthur, Neb.,
at noon, January 1, IBIS. Both the bride
and groom are well and favorably
known throughout the state arid have
many friends who wish them ''bou voy-
Isgo" on their matrimonial venture.
I Mis. Cheney was formerly a teacher
In the city schools of Grand Island, when
she Is well known, hiving been raised
there. Fhe has many warm friends who
wi?h her the greatest success and happi
ness In life.
The groom is the son of "Uncle Joe"
Redman of Omaha, where he was born
tirtd xalfed.
Many beautiful and useful presents
were received from Omaha. Council
ftiuffs. Grand leland. Polt Lake City,
Portland. 0:e., and Seattle, Wash.
Mr. end Mrs. Redman will be at heme
to their friends after January 1 at thelt
home In Teacefnl Vatlcy, Arthur county,
' Ten leathers ar.d principals failed! to
rtport Monday morning for the opening
of the public schools efter the two weeks'
Christmss vacation. Pome had not re
turned from eut-ot-town holiday trtfia,
and a few were sick, but none .seriously.
Among those delsyed in returning from
vscations trip wss Miss Anne Hutehln.
principal of Franklin school. She spent
the holltlnys In Hw-a and telegraphed
that she would he unable to report until
Tuesday morning.
By l.A rt COTF.t 9K.
Very rich In coloring and material la
this evening wrap, cut on circular lines,
brocaded eld blue and white velvet. The
straight eollarr and cuffs, together' with
the wirto banding about the bottom, are
ot moleskin.
Hunter's License
is Granted Over
. Frazer's Protest
Alleged violation of the Gibson law by
brewery Interests said to control saloon
projerty, waa brought before the city
Commissioners, sitting In adjourned ses
sion to consider the protest of William
I (.'. Fran r to the reissuance of a saloon
license to jeu f. jiuuier at jbiv Military
avenue. Over remonstrance and excep
tions by Kraier, ail six commissioners
present voted to overrule the protest and
grant the' license. Commissioner Thomss
McGovern wss absent.
A saloon license renewal was granted
to Qeorse Relf for M Pierce street. lie
had previously been refused a new license
for Twenty-fourth an Cuming streets. .
prehended by the fcuYral authorities. feeding purposes."
n rsawiffl
i Mil MM 1 U W g
Pi Items fj S ) 7 I
tori Failing Through Here See a
Change in Sentiment in Favor
of the Metropolis. '
;at there is tt better feeling between
Uha. and the test of the state Bow
ii there baa been for a good many
a ia tlui assurance given by Lou
sier. editor of the Fairmont Chronl
j who was In Omaha a ftw hours
.day afternoon on his way to Lincoln
inlngle Willi the legislators for a few
rt at the opening of the session.
Jmaha 1 getting more favorable pub
y in the state press at this time than
city of its slxe In the country Is
' lug from Its et-te press, to my knowl
' ." said FYasler. ."The people are
e and more coining to realise th it
Mia and the rest ot the state have
th In common. The friendship Is much
f ter thsn It was a few years ago. I
jtbute It largely to the filendly m"l- j
jt tha editors of the stute have ha) '
j Omaha business men in the last
-e or four years through the edltuts'
j annually pulled off In Omaha. It is
pod thing, and It ia Just a matter of
'tha and the rest ot the state getting
tainted with eat-h. other. There Is no
;n tor prejudice when a close ao
' inlam-tuhip l established. The bu
ll of publicity of Omaha has done a
It t deal toward bringing thla about,
'tilly In the matter of arranging
jthis editors' day annually tn Omaha."
1 Hurtman ot the Kullerton News
'in! and, lien Cronln of the O'Neill
i niter were also In Omaha for a tew
s on their way to Lincoln to witness
t orgsnlxation ot the twe houses of
"Wattlea. Japanese Garden, West et
Hollywood," Is tho reully big feature
played up la the JPanama-Paolfle expoal.
lion Issue et the Los Angeles Times' an
nual nild-wlnter number, replete with
handsome, Illustrations of scenic and
beauty spots In and around the great
southern California, metropolis.
This gsrden' Is a part of the California
homeot Gurdon W. Wattles of Omaha.
It la 'rated by all Los Angeles boomers
as one of the really majestic places In
that paradise of perfumed existence. Tills
Japanese garden la as typical as any to
be founK It la said. In tho FlOwery King
dom itsef. Mr. Wattlea had It laid out
and arranged by landscape artiste famll
Isr with every detail of Japanese life.
But it la only one part of bis msinlfl
eent home, liestllnr clnaa tin tn tho luia
of Hollywood, which lie languidly eleng Pes Want Ada Produce Results.
the near-coast, where life cornea as tiesri 1 1
being a s.eetc.ted dream a. U la! LUMBERMEN AND HARDWARE
possioie to make It.
A Joint meeting ot the osteopath and
titlropfactlc profeestona was held at theM
Ftxtoit hotel Sunday evening in the en
dtavor to secure ths co-operation of the
two piofesslons In the amendment of the
present osteopathic law to Include upon
the same basis of educational preparation
the rhlropractio, and all other mechanical
methods of healing, the same arrange
ment aa la now operative between the
different schools of medicine. ? ...
The present ostefpalhtc law demands' a
school attendance of twenty-seven
months, or three years ot nip months
each, witit a' course -of study identical
with thst required in medical schools.
It is upon the present standard ot legal
durational reiulrcment the osteopaths
are asking the legislature to plaee all
schools of mechanlcnl healing.
The chiropractors at thla meeting de
clined to al'l In the securing of this
riitiendment to the present osteopathic
law.'prefering to work Independently for
the paesuge of their own bill, which pro-
M'Je for a twelve months' school at
tendance and a very much shorter course
of study than Is demanded by the osteo
pathic law, with the licensing hy exemp
tion, and w ithou; examination of all chiro
practor now practicing In the state.
Mrs. Millard Langfeld will lead the
program on "Barrle," which will be given
by the literature detriment ct the
Omaha Woman's club, Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, in the club rooms. Mrs.
H. 8. McDonald will discuss "The Twelve
Pound Look.' and Sire. lu,kllu fchot
wtil will review -The legend ot Lean
oia." Mrs. Hhotwell' will also read Bar.
rlos Istest war play "lef Tag." which
waa produced In Itondon. Iecemter 31,
for the first time.
leglnlature, beginning Tuesday.
j J. Oramin. formerly . a nesldent ef
aU for tlirty-flve years, died Sat
iny i-i Hammond, Ind.. from typhoid
.jinoitla. The body will ba brought
,imi:iha today for burial.
It. Oranmi, who was foremen of th
'iwrlghts for the Cudahy Packing coru-
y. left Omaha to go to Chicago when
! Cudahy people made their change
l'etv years age,
ie Is survived by his wife, five chil
li, one brother, A. P. Grmram of Port
I. Oie., and cne sister, Mrs. II. Soe-
' r-.i of Ontaha.
Five I rata Crevra It.
! Generoua Offer. Cm out this ad..
'loae wlnJi I cents to Kuley A Co., Chl
o. 111., writlog your name and address
inly, and receive a free trial jistcXaga
ttjiiiing Foley's Money and Tar Com
lor cuugbs. cwlde and crvup;
ey KWwf 1111s, for kidney and blad-
. t t-n lints, tutckai ba, pjis Ui Juiois,
j it. 1 1 id: and Foley iVihantc Tab-
it. a slwlfsiwM bmI touroughly rlrana- i
t . . . . ....
Joseph Miller. Itinerant, wss seuienced
to fifteen days In Jail when he pieadtd
gMllty te having stolen an overcoat from
the establishment of H. Mil.ler. fl Iav-
enport street.
Thorns llanages, M North Sixteenth
street, has reported he loss of an over
coat to th polite. The gsrmeot Is alleged
to have leen taken while the owner was
playing pool In a hall at Mt North fix
teenth street.
Police 'end deputy sheriffs are on the
lookoat for Ia Cordon, who eicsprj
from the peet house Sunday night beforw
recevertng from sansJIpex. AUeadants ut
th pesthouse reported to lleekh Com
suieakHter It. W. Connell that Gordoe
dlsappeArajtuej waa not )iaueveeed usUil
oiernlng. 'aa be ha4 rUal up big com
forter and pUeest tt under the sheets is
ale pUu se that his a4 aptantrad to Ua
oivapted. y
Two lart, conventions are scheduled
for Omaha during January, One is the
Mltl-Vet Implement Pettier' association,
which Is gathtii'ed now tor Its three
days' convention. The other Is the Ne
braska Lumber valors association,
coming January 13. it and li.
The Nebraska Hardware Dealer' as
sociation Is scheduled for a meeting; Feb
ruary te U. T. W. Arndt ot Blair la
president and Nathan Koberts of Lincoln
is secretary of the hardware men. F. A.
Oood of Cowies Is president and E. C.
Hall ot Lincoln is secretary of the lum
ber deslers.
the Pipers
ut Oar
Windows '
for News
of Our
Bl Sale
1 Values Beyond Comparer-Immense Stocks Most Varied Assortment
All Standard Makes of Muslins-Bleached and Unbleached
All Widths-All Qualities-Reduced for Thit Sale-Tuesday at
22c, 3V2c, 4c, 5ct 6c, 7C 10c, 12&c Yard
' , Dinnr.Size Napkin ". V
iuii Diecnea,-meTceriiea. ;
Worth 10c each. White Cp
Sale price J
Have Dark Hair
and Look Young
lHtt' stay gray! ubodj rsui tell
w hen yon darken gray, faded hair
with S; Te sutd Sulphur.
West Farnam
Bleached Sheets
and Slips ;
Original standard mage, with the
original West Farnam ticket. Mad
from highest grade bleached sheet
ing, the renowned "Dwlght Anchor"
make. 3-lnch hems, torn and ironed.
Size Actual Value Hale Price
T2i:0 Inches.. 70c each.. 59c Each
72x99 Inches.. 75c each. .62c R&ch
81x90 Inches.. 80c each.. B5c Each
90x99 Inches.. 98c each.. So Kach
Slips - Actual Value Sale Price
42x36 Inches.. 18c each.. 13c Each
45x36 Inches.. 20c each.. 15c Each
- Undermuslins s
For Women & Children
Six big special that show the
trend of prices and the saving
possibilities ia our January
White Bale:
A. Q, Children's Drawers.
" Lace . and embroid
ery edged. Ages to 6 years.
Af. 1 fr i Brassieres. with
AVle'neat embroidery
trimming. Pull cut. Exceptional
Talnes. ,
Af 1 Kr Children's Outing
JiJK. Sleeping G a r -ments
and Petticoats.
Af QQ Umbrella Draw-J-'
ers. Exceptional
values. Lace 'edged. Full cut.
Dainty and crisp undermuslins.
Af Qr Clvuke of daintily
vli trimmed Gowns,
Teddy Bear . Combinations,
Skirts, Drawers, etc.
A itl tt Wonderful a
AL'e.IIU sortment of
a, a. vvr dainty ItnKerles,
lace' and embroidery trimmings,
ribbons, tucklutr. etc. Mieer lin
Srie cloths, nsinsooks. etc.
AU-Linn Damask . Napkins
17-lneh site. Worth X.b per.
dozen. White Sale Of
rice, per doisen O D C
Cotton Twilled Toweling '
with fancy borders. Worth 5c per
yard. White 8le 01Z
Price 4.... 'a&'TCC
. Fine Table Padding
Heavy quality, double fleeced, 54
Inches wide. Worth 45c yard.
White Sale qa
price jujC
Peppereirand "Aurora"
Bleached Sheetings
Noted for fine weave and soti fin
ish. Easily laundered.
Width Actual Value Sale Price
8- 4 Width... 4c Yard... 18e Yard
9- 4 Width... 26c Yard... 20o Yard
10-4 Width.. .28c Yard... 22o Yard
Brown Sheeting, same quality, 3c
yard less. . . , 4
!. . All-Linen Lunch Cloths ; .
Hemstitched ends, pretty damask?
patterns, i v orth 89c. e fi
White Sale price D)C
Lace Center Pieces ' 1
Slxe 30x30 ineheev Plsin eenr.
fiOc values. White or;
Sale price.... oOC
Very Fine Nainsook
4-special number. 40 Inches
wine. 10-yard d 1 O r
bolts for., pleJD
Double Satin Damask
Superior finish, full bleached, 72
Inches wide. Worth $1.25 yard.
January White Sale Q(
price OfcC
White Russian Cord
27 inches wide. A quality worth
25c yard. January 4 r
White Sale price IOC
The Celebrated
Bleached Sheetings
One of the foremost sheetings
manufactured. Clearness of bleach
and excellent weave make it .a
household favorite. .'
Width Actual Value Sale Price
8- 4 Width. . ,30c Yard. . -26c Yard
9- 4 Width... 33c Yejrd.. . 28c Yard
10 4 Width. '..36c Yard... 30c Yard
67x67-Inch Table Cloth.
Fine Imported mercerized or pure
linen Austrian damaalt. Worth
11.60. White Sale flO
price 89c
Full Bleached Table Damask
"Made of fine mercerized yarn.
Worth 39c per yard. Q er
White Sale price C
Extra' Quality Table Damask
64 Inches wide. All pretty patterns.
Worth 69c yard. Oft
White Sale prtce ..0vC
White Table Cloths
Fancy borders, fringed ends.
Break Tast slse. Worth
"ic. White Sale price..
, Crochet Bed Spreads
Worth $1.00 and $1.25. Jft
White Sale price 07C
The "Brandeu" Wash Cloth
Regular 10c value.. January aale
price, special In the O
basement each
Imperial Longcloth
"Pointer Brand," absolutely the
best manufactured. Snow white
aud will not tuna yellow In wash
, lng. 12-yard bolts, 36 Inches
wide, at 1.7, $1.61, Qft,
$1.45, $1.18 and OVC
Sea Island Nainsook
ii inches wide. 12- tQ OP
yard bolts for.. v03
40 inches wide. 12- JQ Jf
yard bolts for 03
Imperial Nainsook -36
Inches wide. 13- C t ' 1 "
yard bolts for H 1. 1U
Over 1 ,000 , Pairs of
Lorig White Kid
Gloves worth to
$3.50 pair
For $1.85
This lot Includes women's very
finest quality real French. Kla
Gloves, full 6-button length, reach
tag above the shoulder. They come
in white only sites 6 to T14. Ev
ery pair is guaranteed Dei-fact Tht
offering is altogether unusual ana
considering the fact that' Imports-
tions of long kid gloves ' may be
curtailed for some time to come,
women with foresight will put in fV
a stock at this sale.
For Underwear
Pretty figured underwear rib
bons in white, pink and light
No, 1 10-yard bolts for.. 12c
No. 1H 10-yard bolts for..l50
No. 2 10-yard bolts for..l90
No. 3 10-yard bolu for.. 2do
No. 6 10-yard bolts for..39c
Pretty Lingerie
Bows Made Free of
Charge During
This Sale
Satin Back Black Velvet Ribbon'
Four of the most popular
widths for dress trimmings at
unueual low prices
No, 9 14 in. wide.l24c yrd
No. 123 In. wide. . . 15c yard
No. 16 2 in. wide...lo yard
No. 22-2 V in. wide..2So Xd
ine Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries arid Insertions si'SS 7c a Yard
i opciai i uMaiy wain Floor t . special Tuesday Mam
atium trf J thm for
, j k rJ tJrxZat4- ,
Tb flri dew of 1.. Hell s 1 to4-Tr 1
Jmx I - ' I J v & r Kill ... ..... s k.T, . k
sr uia "usii r -m nrtw VW li IU 1 -. -s 4 l.n..t t m
Suid !, aU d.!.. term. Only - 11 rt.M,Wa.A,oi- JlA UTm. tuV- r:l .
Orandmother kept her hair beautifully
darkened. loy end abundant llh a
brew ef Ssse Tss and Sulphur. When
ever Iter hair fell -out er took on that
dull, faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with sron
deful effect. By asking at aay drug
mors for "Wyeth's a and Sulphur
cHipeunt," u 11 arc I a laraw bottle
of tills old-ttine recipe, ready te uss, fur
sbout SO rents.' This slmpl mlxtar ran
b depended upon to restore natural color
snd beauty to the ItsUr and la ailendld
fur daadrult, dry. Itiiiy soalp and fajllag
A well-known duvnloss drusiiat aays
every body use Wyetn'e Jlns? md tiui
lhur, benuM It ,djsraa) natMrmlly
and evenly xttrni oobexty cam tests tt sae
bem aisled -4:'a so easr tm wvsw tern
you slni'17 daaaiaj ramk ssr n srmh
and Jra v i. LorsMss's Jotsr hair. ta-tlTsci
one siruert et Uw mnlsr tfc
tra.T nar- aTisr asm aar ai
ts in
Fine Imported Cluny La- linen i Finished Crash
A tiuaiity Yortil 10c per
yard; wonderful bargain;
now at less than
ces Iioal liiit'u; 2 to 5
inches .wide: worth 23c
and 35c yard. On
sale at. a yald
half price.
Special Tuesday Basement
Pure Linen- Damask
grade that always sells at
DSc per" yard; offered for
'Tuesday only , q
at, a yard USC
, Special Tuesday Basemsrtt
Huck Towela Tim irinei
-ev 4.aVsV4
that you cannot buy at
any titner tune lor much
less than 10c eachjl J
offered now at. . . C m
Bargains in the .Basement for Tuesday The Savings Are Big
Wool Filled Blanket,
Full 11-4 and 12-4. Were wade
te sell up te 14.00 per f qq
pair. SpeclAl Tuesday atp leUO
Voasea'e IlasMlkeevMefw (tofl tlln
other with initials snd lane and
eirHroldery ttlmmed. Home sl.ght
ly soiled. Worth up to 10c each
spsrlal to n
liasement ' S, f2.C
SiMt'l atoraa Stokkero ..All stsea.
Worth &c. rtpe.lally
prued Tor Tuoaday
at. pair
200 Pairs ef Wetren'e fancy
Satin Pumps Odds ' and ends.
wortb to li.otf pair. With chif
fon jompons. CQ
Special, pair..., OvC
Wkrws Howao ilpsra for Wtars
Kitbou or fur trimmed. All -lors
snd sises. Worth f O
jo it .; ir. yoc
for w
rfclldresrs Skero Pstent leather and
ktdtkms. I;esrular or Intl extra
high tops; Land turaed aotoa. All
handsome ptirna. All ihi te
Ss. Worth te nO
Childrtn'i Yelvet Bonceti
All fresh and new; seod styles.
Ulack and fancy colors. Bonnets
for children 1 to 4 years. Wort
up to f 10S each. Spe- f e
clsJ Tuesday io Basement. .1UC
UktonrM erih I p to
ftee aUut-er. I.ii or V neck.
Jr And et rj'dsry trimmed or
V-ialn. eecll Tuilay q
ib Uaserasat , fv
V lnu t Vrtt Sllssitre With felt
and leather aulca. Made la f!er-
maay. vary aar-W-s-able.
AJ1 aiaw.
rpotal. pair . .......
25c Corset Covers
Lace and embroidery trimmed.
Some wortb 2c. Special la
Basement Tuesday Jc
y to 2-inch JLaces
Wash larea, vals, torchons and Iml
UUoe cluny. odd lots, sllfhtJy
". nono to
10c. Choice la the
basement Tuesday
, uu-.o.1.
I shuudaal vA4l m Lluri-fiL.