Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Bringing Up Father
Cor-yrlgrf. ri, Internalloual
Kewa 6ele
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus.
rrr vicart:
that wants To ijweS: berme- bt ;ollv- mme-hy H strtets -rn oh: f CMX. r
a i i .x
Philadelphia Third Baseman Goes
to New York in Exchange for
Three Playen. .
NEW TOnK. Jan. Y-The New York.
Nationals today secured the serviced of
Hans Ixibert, third baseman of the Phila
delphia Nationals, ss the result of a trade
cornMiminatdd, In Philadelphia.
In exchange for Lobert the Philadelphia
rlu'i will receive a cash consideration and
tlie following plsyers: Al Demaree,
pitcher; mllton tock, third, baseman, and
Jack Adams, a young pitcher bought last
fall from New Orleans. . This announce
ment was made, tonlgtit-by Manager Me
Craw of the Giants upon his return from
Philadelphia, where lie went to confer
regarding the deal.
Wo CluWm Give '
Dinner and Award
Medals January 14
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Tho "annual din
ner of Hie Aero Club -of America will be
held in this city oh January 14. Among
the invited guests are. Orvllle Wright,
Alexander Graham Bell, Rear Admiral
Robert K. I'eary, Major Leonard Wood,
the heads of the . aeronautical depart
ments of the army and navy and many
sportsmen. The award of medals, includ
ing the Collier trophy for the greatest
achievements In aviation in America,
will be a feature of the club's dinner.
Medals of merit will He awarded to the
military aviHtora who flew over Vera
Crua-urlng the military occopskton.
Cases from Douglas County Passed
On by State High Tri-
bunal. V
Jack Prince Signs
Oldfield to Race
Here Next Summer
Jack Prince, one of the officials of the
Omaha Auto Ppeedway, has- wired fro-.n
Iais Angeles that he has signed Barney
Old field to bring to the Omaha track next
tummcr two of. his racing cars to com
pete at- the meet here. The signing of
Barney Oldflald Is the first active move
the Omaha Speedway has made' to bring
the big drivers here, and the bare Jac;
that they have signed such a star mani
festly shows that tho race meet here
next summer will be among the big ra:
ing cards of the year. .. ,.
CLEVELAND, Jan. 4.-The charge of
assault with Intent to kill against Vin
cent Poran, .18, an Ottawa (Canada) uni
vcrty hockey player, held under ISrt)
bond as a result of injuries sustained by
Elmer Irving. Cleveland Athletic club
player, when a game between the two
trains broke .up in a riot Saturday night,
was dismissed in police court today. Irv
ing refused to prosecute Doran and asked
that the ease be dismissed. Irving was
muc't on the head with a hockey stick.
We will recover. .
: V--.
Phil C hiefs He-elected.
Pi 1 1 LA DKLl'lfl A. Jan. 4.-Vllllam F.
1 laker, president, and all other officers of
lli Philadelphia National league barn
.hrfli club were elected at the annual meet
ing o? the club here today. The aelec
i Inn of Patrick J. Moras as manager for
Hie season of Mi was ratified.
(From a Staff Correspondent) .
I LINCOLN. Jen. (Specl4-) Supreme
court opinions mis morning cover several
damage suits from Douglas county, the
Rhellenberger. murder case from Namaha
county. In which the district court Is re
versed, and the opinion of the court de
nying tho" application of John I, Tamino-
slan. an Omaha merchant, to have hi.
name, Moliamif.ed NBdlr, under which he
was chiatened, restored. .
In the case of Kdga j Wenquist, a mo
torma'n.ln the service of s the Omaha A
Council Bluffs Street Railway company,
the judgnynt secured In the Douglas
counly district courj wu affirmed.
I aher Deflate t'pheld.
The court also af!irms the judgment of
the Douglas-county dlplrict court secured
by James Vsher for personal injuries re
ceived while in tho employ of the Ameri
can Smelting and- Refining company.
The court reverses the Judgment secured
by. Paul Nickel against Robert Butke in
tho Douglas county district court for
damages received while in hia employ.
The court affirma the judgment secured
by Mary A. Rosencrana against the Mod
em Woodmen ef America, tha court hold
krg that , absence for aeven yeans was
sufficient to 'warrant tha presumption
of death of her husband. Charles II. ix.
Rosencrans, and that the policy was
t'owfeaalea Properly Recelred.
In. the murder case of Fuller Snellen
berger, who was found guilty of the
murder of Julian Bahuand in Nemaha
county, . and sentenced to .imprisonment
for life, the court holds that the con
fession vo'untarllly made by Bhellen
berger before arrest and before any ac
cusation had been made, waa properly
secured by the 'court In evidence. The
opinion which waa written by Justice
Lctton also holds that "The defendant
may be g lllty, but the orderly and Im
partial administration of justice demand
a chance to produce all the material
cvldencft upon which he (Bhellenbcrger)
Tlie court holds that John I. Tamino
slan in hi application for legal authority
to take back his old name of "Moham
med Na3lr," has not shown sufficient and
reasonable cause for the court granting
the chang;.
The opinion la by Justice Rose, Justice
Sedgwick dissenting and Barnes and
Hamcr concurring in the opinion of Sedg
wick. The case brought by the Farmers' Co
operative Creamery company, covering
the rlghXff the county obard of Douglas
county to change Its assessment, which
tin board can act, the court bolda that:
involves the length of time In which
"Since ithe state board Is not authorised
to meet until the third Monday in July
of .each year, a petition to enjoin the
collection of a tax upon the sole grounds
that an J increase In. a personal assess
ment waa made by the county board of
equalization uihhi July 1 does not state
a cause for action."
Meetlaa; Postponed.
CHICAGO, Jan. . The meeting of the
National Base Hall . commission, which
uh to iave been held here today, was
! oatponed because of the abnence of
I'reHli.'ent Johnson of the American
Vague, who Is still in New York. ,
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Jan. 4.-Tfiree
iiimaske-i robbers (CKluy entered the
Ontral Pank and Trit company here,
lucked the iahler, I. R.Walden; teller,
T X: Hale, and a woman stenographer
In the vaults and escatjed with iutt.
lailtlss Kates..
YANKTON, 8. D., Jan. .- Special )-Th-
Vienna bakery, a new, modern equip
1 ed plant, was destroyt J by fire fcunday
morning with a large stock. The build
ins. owned by G. V. Roberta, waa also
i unHupit d in tlie flames, with the excep
tion fit a portion of tlt framework. No
iau for the blase has been discovered.
The loos will b about SS.OOO, partly cov-
red by Insurance.
Lorene Rector, 13-year-old daughter
of C. W. Rector, steward of tha slate
hospital, s badly Injured here in a
coasting accident. The little girl had
both lower limbs ripped open wher her
lej struck aa iron culvert. A boy. 'in
lun, had diverted the sled.
) easkes for Three- Inn,
A grateful sufferer writes: "Your
m.rtt. int. Dr. King's -New Discovery.
. ii i I my cough of three year's stndins.
ive. All druggiKts. Advertisement.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jun. 4.-iSpeclal,
The building improvements made in tho
city of West Point during the year 1914
have been greater in extent than In any
previous single year of Its history. Tim
cost of tho public and private Improve
ments made during this period aggregate
a sum of $150,000. Among those most
notlceablo are following: New artificial
Ice plant, $11,000; addition (o St. Joseph's
Home for the Aged, $ti,0n0; residence of
F.-D. Hunker, $14,000; residence of P. M.
Mnodle. SH.OnO: fmif-tAn iww IwnlllnD-
costing from $3,000 to $,O0O each, besides
flit se structures a number of houses
smaller ami of lcs pretensions have been
built and a number of residences remod
eled. In addition to all this a new
lateral sewer has been installed and over
two miles of ccm-nt sidewalk and cross
ings laid In the. city. The general busi
ness conditions in the city of West
Point are excellent.
S1DNKV. Neb., Jan. 4. (Special.)
Prominent among the attractive features
on the program for the Irrigation con
vention at Sidney, January 7, 8 and t will
be a thorough and comprehensive study
of Irrigating by means of primping plants
In the valleys of Nebraska, by men who
have studied this method of irrigation.
Addressee will also be made by men
prominent in Irrigation circles, United
Htates 1 reclamation service and state
atrlcutlural schools. Sugar feet raising
and alfalfa wlh receive considerable at
tention! also.
Hdnckr wi! also hold on January one
of Its VBetter Farming" meetings, when
addresses will be made by prominent soTl
culture experts, while prominent resident
farmura will explain the mcthoda they
find most successful. -
.Vales frwaa Lrsst. """"
LYONS. Neb., Jan. 4. Special. )-Pre,
parations are being made at this place
to hold a stock show January 15, A
large amount of prises have been of
fered by the business men of Lyons and
John Kroger and Miss Maris Christian -son
Went to' Omaha last week and were
married by tha Rev. C. W. Savage.
' Edward Peterkohn was married to Miss
May Levllle of Little Falls by a Catholic
priest in Omaha last week. .
HARRIl?nL"RG. Neb. Jan. 4.-A check
has been received- from an Omaha bond
ing company, surety for J. W. Hill, treas
urer of Banner county, for $73.71. the
amount found due by the state examiner.
Tho check will be turned over to the
commissioners, at tho next meeting on
their acceptance of the same and signing
the proper voucher.
Mrrllnsi Hunting; Schoolmaster.
TECUMSEir, Neb.. Jan.. 4. (Special.)
The Sterling school board has nr-t aa
yet secured an instructor to take charge
of the schools there. I'rof. p. P. Stew
art, who has had charge for several
years, has becen appointed to a clerk
ship by State Superintendent-elect A. O.
Thomas, and has accepted. It Is ex
pected that someone will be secured to
relieve Prof. Stewart In the near future.
Visit General Land Office at Wash
ington to Discuss Holdings in
State of New Mexico.
(From a Staff Corre.-M'ondent.
WASHINGTON. Jnn. 4 -(Special Tele
gram.) Representative Lnbeck arrived In
Washington thla morning and with lilm
came William J. Coad and Richard Coad
of Omaha, who are large landholders In
Wyoming and New Mexico. Today the
Messrs. Cead hnd a conference at ' the
general land office and with the repre
sentative of tho geoloKlcal survey with
reference to their hol.liimn In New Mexico,
which they propose puttiug under Inten
tion. Iiearlna "' Lohei-k Rill. I
Mr. Loheck toiy attended the henrinc
now under way before'" the foreign rela
tions committee of tko houne on the bills
prolkibitlng the shipment of ammunition
and war supplies to belligerent nations.
Mr. Loheck has a bill somewhat similar
In character to the Vnlmer and Harlholdt
bills, upon which hearings ore being lu-ld,
but. through some Inadvertence, it waa
referred to tho Judiciary committee In
stead of to the committee on foreign, rela- 1
Hons. Mn Lobeck will bo heard by the j
committee on the general subject of the '
bills, at the hearing tomorrow. . J
appointment Itcadloyk.
Senator Hitchcock said todif,- that ho
had nothing new to offer with reference
to the deadlock on appointments in Ne
braska. He had hoped to know something
definite about hia recommendation - bo
fore this, but as Secretary Hrynn had
been abaent in North Carolina, where-the
secretary has bought a tract of land for
a summer as well as winter home, be
could hardly expect him to take up the
' subject of appointments until the rec-
retary'a return. .
Little Devil Does
Any Work on Farm
That Horse Will Do
' OLATHE. Kan.. Jan. 3. Three men were
killed and another dangerously Injured
when a St. I-ouIh San Francisco rail
road freight train v. a wrecked by an
open switch in the yards here tonight.
The engineer, William Cheney of Kan
sas City, and Harry Muriell, a brakeman
of Fontana. Kan., were found crushed
to death clasped In each oilier arms.
George, Burns of Rhodes, la., who was
riding til a stock car also was killed.
Charles V. Vllcr of Kansas City, tho
fireman, sustained dangerous injuries by
Jumping. ,
The reputation of being ihe only tractor
that will cultivate corn Is enjoyed by the
"Little Devil." the famous Utile three-
; three-wheeled gasoline tractor manufac
tured by the Hart-Pair company and now
on exhibit at the Mid-West Implement
show at the Auditorium In Omaha. Tho
llnrt-Parr company believes In specialisa
tion, and they have specialised In the
manufacture of tractors.
Tim original Hart-Pnrr engine was built
by t W. Hart twelve years ago. The
"Little 1.HmI" Ik a highly specialise)! evo
lution from that original machine. Ever
hIiht Mr. Ilsii can remember he believed
he yi.uld huU.I a better tractor than any-i-ito' r,v n In college h eworkeil his
n ay through m hool by building and sell
ing engines. lf csrrled with him to the
little town of Charles City. Ia., the belief
that sonic day Iowa farmers would suli
htitute tho oil tractor for tho horso. He
dreamed rosy dreams, but never for ntt
Instant lost sight of the Tact that It ws
work, not dreams alone, that accom
plished things. '
Somehow he managed to build hl flrt
li-ador, but Immediately was compelled
to sell It In order to pi-oeiirc material for
tho next. Twelve years sgo a company
wits oigbnixed, and In that year eighteen
tractors were iniide. That seventeen of
those arc now In active operation speaka
of It.-clf for the quality of the product.
In that 'twelve yeais the company has
n slKted all temptation to build anything
but tractors. At this time they have on
the market only five types-, rVxtlngulshcd
ono from the other chiefly by difference
u size, with consequent difference In
horo power. They have now a machine
that will, enable the corn raising farmer
of any state, whether he owns an elght
aere farm or an S.OOu-acre one, to utilise
the engine Instead of the horse,
Tlie Hart-Parr people have eternally
pluggiM away,. lias llemy Ford In the i a "Little I)e-- tra tor. so the company
auto business, to perfect one type. The
"Utile IWH" imiy be likened to the Ford
automobile further. It m-lla for $7W, and
anyone who can run a Ford can also run
Re Want Ads Are the Best? Business)
Read Pallv by People In Search of Ad
vertlsed Opportumitice.
Jt's a Iuk Nueces mid "tlifiv's a reason "good staple
merchandise at wonderfully low prices Omaha people have
flocked here today hut even with a greatly increased sales
force only part could possibly he sold in one day.
Come in some of the choicest bargains are still unsold.
Lace Curtains, pair, 40c, 83c, $1.39, $1.93, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95
Curtain Yard Goods, yard .12l2c, 25c, 59c, 95c
Cretonnes, yard 17c, 25c, 50c, 85c
Sunfast Over Curtains, yd, 75c-95c; Lace Edgings, yd. lc
Remnants, each 5c, 19c, 39c, 75c
it.Mlucflonw from a'tlilril to Less thnn a Half under the lingular Prices.
January Furniture Sale
beginning Monday, tlie 11th.
A sale of Kenuine Interest to rverjono. It will pay you to wail for it.
Orchard fk Wilhelm Co.
Ask for itsi'k frZZt i
,7 .- , ! ';v
GENUINE The Food Drink for all Asm O&cts are ImiU&mc
TECt'MSEH, Neb..kJan. . (Bpecial.)
Jamea Cooper of Tecomseh and Miss O'a
Cllnehunt were married at the home of
the bride's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Cllneburg, near Oary, Colo., on New
Year's day. , Mr. Cooper Is a plumber
and engineer and works in this city. The
bride formerly lived here, at which time
she was employed in the local telephone
exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will soon
come to Tecumseh and go to house-keep-,
ing. - "
M. U. ttione..
(Hpec-lai.) M. D. r?lone, aged 71 years,' an
old soldier and an old settler' of this sec
tion, died fatuiday at his borne, eight
mllef south of this place. He leaves a
large family of children besides a widow
and two brothers. Funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Earnest of the Friends
XsaTywslg-at Championship ef tat
Krnr Theater, Wad. Xlght, Jan. a.
jess wzamouo.
of Bss Moines
4marieaa Xeavywslgbt Chamvlon, vs.
. rONRSl
The t3-lb. Irish (Uant of Vanoonver,
ChaaiploB of the Vaclfle Coast, CatoL
as Catea Can, Two rails out of Tbrte.
Tbree Battling flood rreiimiaartee
Beats S6e to IU AUgatde, 91.60
Box Office Bow Op a.
'wi 5etra of Arllagloa.
ARLINGTON, Net., Jan. 4. 8eclal.
Rev.iW. J. thslhrohs of Hellevne. Neb.,
Is edirg revival meeting here for tht
next tl ret- aeel.s at the Congressional
church, ssaistcd by local pastors , 1
The targe ice harvest has started here -
i and locsl drains tre til'liig thnir hou. j.
altL ice whlt-H Is about ten iu lo. thick
"'"i"H"Wa jaavsssMaaassssvaM
- ijiir.'
ill- 4jij;r:4iM:M-
P f -' " !'. ' r
VI- J.
i v-.r
BKKT Ml It I'm.
n ii i rn i n i i i s nnnn
". .-; . ;( V7:iiil SIS 9 S
I -v rf - I,,,- - f-'fU-:l'h 3 Passenger 6-46 Roadster, $1393
I t j; v VAVTL 7 P"ng' 395 -
V i: - - i w'-:. -. Xzf r"N
Murphy-Orien Auto Co.
Farnam at Nineteenth
Omaha, Neb.
it !
' nd of a fine yiu ty.