9 A Sunday, Jan. 3, 1915- -BURQESS NASH COMPANY- -STOItE NEWS FOR MONDAY- -BURGESS-NASH COMPANY- -Phone Doug. 137. TIT ft OMAHA SUNDAY UKK: .TANTARY H, mi.". Mid-Winter Sale of LACES at 10c INCLUDING silk shadow and Chantilly edges, net top laces, shadow floun cing, wkle cluny laces in white and ecru. Big assort ment for selection. Regu lar 15c to 25c laces, at loc. 50c to 75c Lace, 25c Colored silk nets, fancy printed nets, 36 and 42-lnch, shadow and oriental floun cings, real Irish crochet laces, clunys, Venice edges and bands. 50c to 75c val ues, yard 25c 10c Laces at 5c Point Paris, cluny, torchon, shadow edges, French and German vals. Regular ioc values, yard 5c Barcraa-Kaak Ca Main Flaar. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY'S FIRST Begins Tomorrow, Monday Morning, at 8:30 O'clock ND this announcement will bring tx thrill of pleasure to thousands of Omaha's most discriminating shoppers. It's a general SALE OF Wmi JS that will set the low price standard for the entire community a great outpouring of the new 11)15 merchandise. A striking ex ample of Burgess-Nash underselling ability just another demonstration of the splendid achievements of the past year. Every section given over to white goods of any sort is brilliant with rare economies. Will you profit by it! Then make a memorandum of your needs of this kind and be on hand early Monday to take advantage of the opportunities. We know the savings will warrant it. BUKOERS-NASTI COMPANY. N w Sip th Greatest Sal f TAIL E LINENS Mid-Winter Sale of $1.50 Curtains, 59c LOOM luce curtain. Notting ham weave. In white and ecru, slip 40 inch's by 2Jj yards, twelve dlfforent dentins, regular price to $1X0: the tiair S9o Sample Curtain, 60c Salesman's ktui1pw of finest marquisette, voile ami Ur.es with insertion and lace edges, In matched pntrs, lengths 1 to m yards, very desirable for bunga low or sash curtains, samples of curtains that sell regularly from $3.7 to $5.0'): the pair 60c Drapery Remnants, 5c Short lengths of cretonnes, nets, scrims and marquisettes, b to 1H yards, rery desirable for door, panel and small windows, regular price 25c to 75c yard: each 5e $2.00 Curtains, 95c Nottingham weave, colors white and ecru, size 42 inches by 24 or 3 yards. $2.00 values; pair. 95c Bancr.a-Xa.b . Thlr4 Floor. nun iiwB WE'VE planned for it we expect it, and there is no reason why it should be otherwise, because we made several very largo and fortunate purchases in our preparations for this sale before the advance in prices and the assortments, the range of selection and the values are the greatest we have ever offered. We seriously doubt if you'll fiud them equaled elsewhere in town. Every item exactly as represented. Come Monday and secure your season's supply while the most advantageous prices of the year prevail. A comprehensive idea of the splendid saving possi bilities can be gained by a careful study of these items below: 75c Table Damask, 62c Bleached all linen damask of medium weight, 60 inches wide, good 75c value. Table Damask for 96c Extra heavy all-linen table damask, 72 Inches, silver bleach, exceptionally good wearing quality. $1.35 Table Damask, $1.18 - Extra fine heavy quality satin damask, from Belfast, Ireland, new patterns, 72 Inches wide; napkins to match $3.54 dozen. $1.50 Table Damask, $1.28 72-lnch, all-linen satin dainasK, many choice new patterns; dinner size napkins to match at $3.84 dozen. Table Damasks at Prices Much Lower Than the Belfast Linen Market Warrants Today Bleached and silver bleached table linens in a remarkable variety. All Linen Damask, 44c tMnch cream white, all-linen table damask, haary and will stand hard, every day use. 95c Table Damask, 78c Irish table linen, full bleached, choice of several good designs, 68 inches wide; napkins to match; 6 for $1.17. $1.25 Table Damask, 96c Full bleached Irish satin damask, 70 Inches wide, beautiful finish, choice designs; napkins to match; $2.89 dozen. $2.00 Table Damask, $1.62 Two-yard, extra fine double satin damask, new patterns; dinner else napkins to match, $4.88 dozen. CLOTHS Off AN assortment of table cloths, napkins and table tops, which, owing to a very slight Imperfection so slight In fact you can hardly notice ft the price is fully 1-3 off the real value. Cloths from 66x66 to 2xt yards, usual price, $3.25 to $15.00. Sale price $1.39 to $10.50. Napkins In all the best alzes, usual price $1.35 to $7.50 a dozen. Sale price, dozen, 98c to $4.50. 49c Bath Mats, 38c - Turkish bath mats, pink and . white, blue and white combinations. 59c Bath Mats, 44c ; ' r Beautiful, design in pink, blue, tan and gray: -Bare-! Oa Mala Fleer. 1 ' t i' ""'"Wisy' f'y ) Breakfast and Dinner Napkins Very Specially Underpriced for This Big Sale Monday Scores of new patterns in a great variety of sizes and qualities $1.50 Breakfast' Napkins, $1.18 IS-lnch breakfast napkins, all-linen, good selection of new patterns. All Linen Napkins, $1.84 20-inch, all-linen nspkins, good slse and de sirable patterns, very special value. . All Linen Napkins, $2.18 Extra good Quality all-linen napkins, choice designs. $5.00 Dinner Napkins, $3.50 ' $4x24 dinner napkins, in a wide selection of new patterns, exceptional values. $3.00 Napkins at $1.48 Odd napkins, discontinued patterns, some slightly soiled from display, values up to $3.00, sale price, per dozen, $1.48. $3.50 Madeira Napkins, $2.62 Machine scalloped with hand embroidered corners, several pretty designs. $7.50 Embroidered Napkins, $3.96 Bohemian band embroidered napkins, scal loped and corner effects, choice designs. . $6.50 Real Madeira Napkins, $4.38 Hand embroidered, scallop and beautiful cor ner effects, choice new lot of patterns. Turkish Towels ALL sizes and qualities, spe cially priced. 12Vac Towels, 8c Generous size, all white with hemmed ends, by the dozen, 94c. 18c Towels, 12V2c An absorbent and good wearing grade, size 18x36 and 22x41, by the dozen, $1.44. 25c Towels, 16c Full bleached, hemmed ends, spongy Quality, by the dozen, $1.86. 35c Towels, 25c Extra large size, plain white, soft and absorbent, by the dozen, $2.94. 49c to 59c Towels, 38c Fancy borders, also initial towels, splendid values at regular' price, sale price; 38c, or, dozen, $4.50, ' Darsera-TVash Co- Muln Floar. Pattern Cloths and Napkins Underpriced RICH satin damask table cloths, all linen, qualities that will hold their fresh appearance after laundering. Floral center designs and deep attractive borders. 72.72 Cloths, were $2.35; now $1.78 72x72 Cloths, were $3.75; now, .r. . .$2.98 Napkins to match, were $3.00; now. . . .$2.38 72x90 Cloths, were $4.75; now. .... .$3.73 72x72 Cloths, were $3.50; now $2.63 72x108 Cloths, were $5.75; now. . . . .$4.48 Napkins to match, were $4.25 ; now .... $3.38 Napkins to match, were $5.50; now. . . .$4.25 Prussian Damask AH Linen Table Cloths 72x72 Cloths, were $6.00; now $4-.50. 72x126 Cloths, were $11.50; now: . . .$7.75 72x90 Cloths, were $7.75; now $5.50 72x144 Cloths, were $13.00; now.... $9.00 72x108 Cloths, were $9.75; now. .. . .$6.75 Napkins to match, were $7.50; now. . . .$5.00 'Round Scalloped All Linen Table Cloths 70-Inch Table Cloths, were $4.00; now. .$2.97 I 70-lnch Table Cloths, were $5.00 now, .$3.48 Towel Specials TOWELS are as staple as wheat, but here are big savings Monday. 10c Towels, 7e Huck towels, bedroom size, white or colored borders, the do.en,7Be Towels at 8 V.- 18x36-lnch soft' fine yarn, full bleached, red stripe, the dozen, 94o. 18c Towels, 12Vc Union linen buck towels, firmly woven, bedroom size, red or blue stripe border, dozen, $1.44. 35c Huck Towels, 25c All-linen bemstltsted, soft finish with damask borders; dozen, $2.94. 25c Huck Towels, 16c Plain or bemsUtcbed, some are union linen; extra large, others all linen, dozen, $l,W. ;"... , B-rs;eaa-NasH C--Mala FlMr. . Crash Toweling CRASHES at prices that are below cost price today. Barnsley Crash, 9c You know the quality, red bor ders, bleached ready for use. . ' -2Vc Crashes, 9c Even thread, all-linen with col ored borders, very special value. 16c Crashes, 12y8e Bleached, all-linen, Irish crashes, iceptionally good quality flax, plain or colored. Crash at 14c Extra fine yarn bleached, all-llnsn crash for glass, silver or roller tow els. Twill Toweling, 5c Snow . white twill towelinc, aoft linen finish, colored borders. Bararvaa-Naah C Mala Ftaar. Our First Mid-Winter Sale of New EMBROIDERIES Is Certain to Set a New Low Price Standard for the Entire Community GREAT stocks remarkable assortments extreme values. Crisp new 1915 embroideries in a world of pretty patterns and designs at prices that will prove most tempting. The following will serve as examples of the unusual importance of this sale, giving concrete evidence that you positively save considerably oh your embroidery supply for the coming season: 10c Embroidery Edges and Insertions, 5c 15c to 25c Embroideries at 10c Pretty new cambric and nainsooa embroidery edges, insertions and Fancy novelties, edges and flounclngs In crepe, voile and nainsook,, headings, excellent assortment of patterns, 10c values, yard Be also headings, edges and flounclngs in nainsook and Swiss 10c 25c to 35c Beautiful Display of New Dainty New Embroideries, 25c, 39c, 59c Corset Cover Embroidery, 15c Imported 1915 Embroideries ITm.. Beautiful new design. In corset cover embrold- Ma,,P paltern of fln fltotBd mt lace Houncln, gJS eriea and flounclngs In nainsook and swlss. 18 effects on organdy chiffon and marquisette b u a'b Monday. 76c to $2.00 Inches wide, regular 25c to 35c values.... 15c 8lotoh,27 jhp, French ' color m widths, embrolderieS ;.26e, 39o to Sc Barceea-Ifaah C.w Mla Floar. ' ' Ranteaa-ltaafc Ce Mai riaar. Monday in the BasementOur First Mid-Winter Sale of SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, SHEETINGS, MUSLINS, Etc. - 1 1 " r WE timed our trip to the market accurately, as we found the big mills eager to quote prices that enable us to offer you merchandise of this sort at prices much lower than ever before. Every housekeeper should secure her supply of cotton goods here Monday for the entire year. Utica Pequot Lockwood Dallas Pepperell And Aurora wide eheetlng, sheets and pillow canes are the best of all the known standard grades.. All are made of clean high-grade cotton and the splendid savings possible here should Interest all. $2.50 White Blanket, $1.19 All the wool finished full double bed size, white cotton blankets that sol. up to 2.00 pair. Many worth $2.50 the pair, at .....$1.19 Barg ains Nainsook, 10 Yards, $1.19 40-luc- wide, finest knlckerbocker nainsook, )U0 value, bolt of 10 yards; January sale 1 1 Q prtce; bolt $-- Long Cloth, 10 Yards, 89c No. 2.00 Superior English chamois finish yard wide long cloth on $1.25 value; bolt of 10 yards OUC Long; doth, 10 Yards 75c No. 8250 Superior English chamois finish yard wide long cloth 7 c $1.10 value: bolt of 10 yards I OC Long Cloth, 10 Yards, 50c No. 555 Royal English long cloth, chamois finish. 85c Cfl values wvC Bleached Muslins, 5c Full standard bleached muslins. yard wide, soft finish, freei from filling, at yard Hope --Fruit of the Loom Lonsdale True Blue Yankee Automobile, red, white and blue, Langdon, Dwlght, Anchor, etc.. are the kinds of muslins properly finished without a particle of dress ing. The kind tbat Is wanted for home use. Now is the best time to buy while these low prfces prevail. 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 7ic, 8c, Sic and 9c Yard on Special Tables During Our First White Sale . rt. . i . wm . v f m t ruiuw i-Ding, c Mill remnants of bleached pillow tubing as long as one case 71 lasts, at yard f 2 C 12Vc White Dimities, 5c Baby checked and plaid white double fold dimities, remnants of the usual 12V&0 grade, 2, 6 and 8 yard lengths, at yard . . 5c Remnants 25c to 35c White Goods, 7c K great assorted lot of all kinds of fine white goods. We doubt very much It such a splendid assortment will be had again this year. Mill lengths suitable for waists, dresses, children's wear, etc., fine white fancy pique, voiles, rice cloths, In dia linen, checked dimities. plain organdies, Leno lawns. fancy . checked crepes, etc.. values that are 25c and 35c, at yard 25c White Soisette, 12Vac Most desirable for all-around use, all the 25c mercerized fabrics, per fect goods from the bolt, 0 f at yard ICC 7ic 114c 18c White Galatea, llac White galatea, the best grade to be had In medium and heavy weights, 18c value from the bolt, at yard Bleached Muslins, 3Vc Thousands of yards, bleached mus lins, 36 Inches wide, such a low price on standard bleached musUn has never before been pos- Q 1 sible, at yard 0C Unbleached Muslins, 3Va, 5c 36 and 38-lnch unbleached muslins, remnants of good grade, fine weave, special table, at yard 12Vsc White Crepes, 5V,c White Crepee, remnants of the regular 10c and 12c Pa cific crepes, at yard . . . Barereaa-Bfaah CaKca 3ic 5c 5Vic of the 5ic Sc Fruit of the Loon Muslin at 6Vtc Fruit of the loom muslins, cam brics and nainsooks, yard wide each length with mill stamp. Dwlght, Anchor muslins, the very finest and best to be bad, perfect mill lengths, at, yard 6k BairMrnt. Our -'First Mid- Winter Clearaway of Women's Suits, Goats, Presses, Wraps, Gowns Starts Monday Morning at 8:30 O'clock IT will be a . clearaway of more than usual importance, because it includes our entire stock of women's, misses' and Children's ready-to-wear, and , every gar ment is marked at a price that signifies our determination to clear our stocks in a hurry. ' , , ' TAILORED SUITS Suits formerly $20.00, Monday for $ 9.95 Suits formerly $25.0b7Monday for j 1 2.50 Suits formerly $27.50, Monday or$ 18.75 Suitslormerly $35 to $45," Monday $25.00 Suits formerly $85 to $100," Monday $59750 Suits formerly $55 to $75, Monday $37.75 WOMEN'S COATS Coats formerly $15.00 to $16.50 for. .$ 6.95 CoaU formerly $17.50 to $19.50 for. .$ 8.95 Coats formerly $20.00 to $30.00 for. , $11.95 Coats formerly $29.50,-Monday for. ., .$14.75 Coats formerly $30.00 to $40.00 for. .$13.75 Coats formerly $45.00 to $75.00 for. .$23.00 EVENING WRAPS Wrapt formerly $20.00 to $22.50 for. .$ 8.75 Wraps formerly $25.00 to $30.00 for. .$11.95 Wrap formerly $30.00 to $45.00 for. .$13.75 Wrapt formerly $140.00, Monday for. .$69.50 Wrapt formerly $140.00, Monday for. .$79.50 Wrapt formerly $145.00, Monday for. .$89.50 EVENING, AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES Velvet dresses, were $20 to $25, for; . . .$ 8.93 Silk dresses, were $20. to $25, for. . . . .$ 8.95 Silk dresses, were $25 to $30, for. . '. , . .$13.95 Velvet dresses,' were $25 to $30, for. . .$13.95 Afternoon gowns, were $30 to $40, for. .$19.75 Afternoon gowns, were $50 to $75, for. .$34.75 Afternoon gowns that were $93, now. .$64.50 Evening gowns that were $50, now.' , . .$25.00 Evening gowns, were $35 to $45, now. .$18.75 Evening gowns, were $30 to $35, for. . .$13.75 Evening gown that were $89.50, now. .$34.75 Evening gowns that were $69.50, now. .$49.50 Evening gowns that were $95.00, now. .$69.50 Evening gowns that were $145.00, now. .$79.50 Evening gowns that were $110.00, now. .$69.50 Evening gowns that were $89.50, now. .$49.50 CLEARAWAY OF EVERY FUR COAT IN STOCK $95.00 Marmot coats reduced to. ... . .$49.50 $195.00 Hudson seal coats reduced to. .$97.50 $300.00 Hudson teal coats reduced to. $150.00 $250.00 Hudson teal coats reduced to. $125.00 $110.00 Nearseal coats reduced to.... $59.50 $110.00 Tiger Cat coats reduced to $55.00 Stamped Pillow Cases, 49c BEST quality tubing, nlxe 42iJ, In new eyelet and Preach embroidered designs, with 2 paper Initial forms and 3 skeins of floss for working ....49 Beaa i If aafc Ca-TftrS 111 tt s-Nash il'liT7rtJil !! everybody's store Stamped Night Dresses, 69c BEST quality nainsook. In new designs, made up, re quiring only the embroidery to complete them, wlta I skeins of floss for working, each G9o Srffk!lu Cat T-lr Floor. Dest Sporting News Right in Th Deo day by day. Full box scores of all big leagues. Sport car toons that htt the bullae ye Direct from the Battle Arena. The Bee's Real War Photos Best of Them All Watch the Public School Roll of Honor Day by Day in The Bee. Real Estate Read the Uteet sews about real estate on tbe next to the U-t page. lie informed inTnatl K ate -and you will be able to Invent your money more Intelli gently and more profitably. WHEN AWAY FROM HOMH The Dee is The Paper . 70a ask fori If you plaa to be absent more than .few days, have The Bee mailed te you. As well be out of the world as out of style. The advertising columns of The Dee constitute a continuous style show. Our Magazine Page, will Interest ever)! woman who likes goot hea.rt-to-hc.rt talks wtt! other -'- ayin pathetic wernea-